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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Indirect genetic effects and the evolution of cooperation

Trubenova, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The evolution of social behaviour has been studied using different frameworks based on game theory and quantitative genetics. While both approaches provide a conceptually clear explanation of evolution of social behaviour, both have been limited in their applicability to empirical systems, mainly due to difficulties in measuring model parameters. Here, I develop a new quantitative genetics approach to the study of the evolution of social behaviours based on indirect genetic effects (IGEs), which parameters can be readily determined by empirical studies. IGEs describe effects of an individual's genotype on phenotypes of social partners, which may indirectly affect their fitness. Unlike traditional quantitative genetics assuming a non-genetical, non-heritable environment, IGE models assume that part of the environment is social, provided by parents and other interacting partners, thus has a genetic basic and can be heritable. In this study I explore the effects of IGEs on the magnitude and range of phenotypic values in a focal individual. I show that social interactions may not only cause indirect genetic effects but can also modify direct genetic effects. I demonstrate that interactions can substantially alter group mean phenotype and variance. This may lead to scenarios in which between group phenotypic variation is much higher than within group variation despite similar underlying genetic properties of different groups. Further, I analyse how IGEs influence levels of selection and predictions about evolutionary trajectories. I show that IGEs can create selection pressure at the group level, leading to evolution of behaviours that would not evolve otherwise. Moreover, I demonstrate that IGEs may lead to differences in the direction of evolutionary response between genotypes and phenotypes. Building on these results, I show that IGE models can be translated to and are fully compatible with traditional kin and multilevel selection models. I express costs and benefits in IGE parameters and determine the conditions under which social interactions lead to the evolution of cooperative or harmful behaviours. Therefore, the model I propose combines the conceptual clarity of kin and multilevel selection models with the applicability of IGE models, which parameters can be empirically determined, facilitating the testing of model predictions. Finally, I show that the use of IGE models is strongly limited by the underlying assumption of linearity. I prove that the modelling of interaction dynamics leads to steady state solutions found by IGE models only under limited conditions. In this light, I discuss the relevance of results published previously and propose a solution of how this problem can be addressed.

Efektivnost odpočtu úroků z úvěrů na bydlení / Efficiency of deduction of interest on housing loans

Korandová, Anna January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis is dedicated the indirect tax aid in housing policy, which is represented mainly by subtracting the interest paid on housing loans from the tax base on personal income. The main objective of this thesis is to analyze the effect of deduction of interest on loans to the financing on housing on the size of tax obligations the fictitious taxpayers. The partial objective is to find out the awareness of individuals about the tax deduction of interest on loans and its use.

Top Down Control in a Relatively Pristine Seagrass Ecosystem

Burkholder, Derek A 09 November 2012 (has links)
The loss of large-bodied herbivores and/or top predators has been associated with large-scale changes in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems around the world. Understanding the consequences of these declines has been hampered by a lack of studies in relatively pristine systems. To fill this gap, I investigated the dynamics of the relatively pristine seagrass ecosystem of Shark Bay, Australia. I began by examining the seagrass species distributions, stoichiometry, and patterns of nutrient limitation across the whole of Shark Bay. Large areas were N-limited, P-limited, or limited by factors other than nutrients. Phosphorus-limitation was centered in areas of restricted water exchange with the ocean. Nutrient content of seagrasses varied seasonally, but the strength of seasonal responses were species-specific. Using a cafeteria-style experiment, I found that fast-growing seagrass species, which had higher nutrient content experienced higher rates of herbivory than slow-growing species that are dominant in the bay but have low nutrient content. Although removal rates correlated well with nutrient content at a broad scale, within fast-growing species removal rates were not closely tied to N or P content. Using a combination of stable isotope analysis and animal borne video, I found that green turtles (Chelonia mydas) – one of the most abundant large-bodied herbivores in Shark Bay – appear to assimilate little energy from seagrasses at the population level. There was, however, evidence of individual specialization in turtle diets with some individuals foraging largely on seagrasses and others feeding primarily on macroalgae and gelatinous macroplankton. Finally, I used exclusion cages, to examine whether predation-sensitive habitat shifts by megagrazers (green turtles, dugongs) transmitted a behavior-mediated trophic cascade (BMTC) between sharks and seagrasses. In general, data were consistent with predictions of a behavior-mediated trophic cascade. Megaherbivore impacts on seagrasses were large only in the microhabitat where megaherbivores congregate to reduce predation risk. My study highlights the importance of large herbivores in structuring seagrass communities and, more generally, suggests that roving top predators likely are important in structuring communities - and possibly ecosystems - through non-consumptive pathways.

Dano muscular induzido pelo sistema de treinamento de cargas descendentes em exercício resistido / Muscle damage induced by drop set training system in resistance exercise

Giovanna Benjamin Togashi 17 December 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O dano muscular induzido pelo exercício (DMIE) em humanos ocorre quando o indivíduo realiza exercícios não-habituais, muito intensos ou de longa duração. Muitos protocolos experimentais têm se dedicado ao estudo do DMIE, porém poucos deles, principalmente aqueles com ações excêntricas, reproduzem uma situação real de treinamento físico. OBJETIVO: O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é verificar e comparar a ocorrência de dano muscular nos flexores do cotovelo induzido pelo sistema de treinamento de cargas descendentes em exercício resistido em duas diferentes intensidades por meio de marcadores indiretos de dano muscular: creatina quinase (CK), mioglobina (Mio), dor e torque muscular. MÉTODO: Foram voluntários 9 indivíduos do gênero masculino com idade média (\'+ OU -\' desvio padrão) de 26,78 \'+ OU -\' 4,32 anos, peso médio 84,02 \'+ OU -\' 13,88 quilos e altura média 181,33 \'+ OU -\' 8,46 centímetros. Os indivíduos realizaram dois protocolos de exercício resistido com ações concêntricas e excêntricas dos flexores do cotovelo nos exercícios rosca Scott e rosca direta com cargas descendentes em diferentes intensidades, uma iniciada em 90% de 1-RM (PROTOCOLO 90%) e outra iniciada em 75% de 1-RM (PROTOCOLO 75%). Os marcadores de dano muscular CK, Mio, dor e torque muscular foram avaliados previamente ao exercício, imediatamente após o exercício, 24, 48, 96 e 168 horas após o exercício. RESULTADOS: O pico de concentração de CK ocorreu 24 horas após a sessão de exercício dos PROTOCOLOS 75% e 90%, sem diferenças significativa entre os valores (p < 0,05). O pico de concentração de Mio ocorreu imediatamente após a sessão de exercício dos PROTOCOLOS 75% e 90%, sem diferenças significativa entre os valores (p < 0,05). O pico de dor ocorreu 24 horas após a sessão de exercício do PROTOCOLO 75% e permaneceu com o mesmo valor 48 horas após, com percepção referente à \"dor um pouco forte\" indicada na escala de Borg e no PROTOCOLO 90% obteve o pico imediatamente após o esforço com percepção referente à \"dor moderada\". A maior diminuição do torque muscular ocorreu imediatamente após a sessão de exercício dos PROTOCOLOS 75% e 90% sem diferenças significativa entre os valores (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: Foi possível sugerir a ocorrência do dano muscular e ambos os protocolos pelas variáveis investigadas. O torque muscular demonstrou ser o melhor marcador do dano muscular por avaliar de forma não-invasiva a funcionalidade e restabelecimento das estruturas do músculo. O PROTOCOLO 90% parece ser mais vantajoso praticamente por demonstrar as mesmas características nas variáveis CK, Mio e torque muscular com menor percepção de dor. Porém, pesquisas com adaptações ao treinamento crônico são necessárias para fortalecer estas afirmações. / INTRODUCTION: Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) in humans occurs after unaccustomed or vigorous exercise. Various experimental models was dedicated to EIMD, however few studies, essential those with eccentric action, replicated action that commonly occur during real physical training. PURPOSE: The general purpose of this research was to verify and to compare changes in indirect markers of muscle damage (Creatine Kinase (CK), myoglobin (Myo), pain and muscle torque) on the elbow flexors following training system of drop set in resistance exercise in two different intensities. METHODS: 9 young men (age: 26,78 \'+ OU -\' 4,32 years, height: 181,33 \'+ OU -\' 8,46 cm, body mass: 84,02 \'+ OU -\' 13,88 Kg) performed two exercise protocols of drop set resistance exercise with actions concentric and eccentric of the elbow flexors in Scott arm curl and direct arm curl of 90% (PROTOCOL 90%) and 75% (PROTOCOL 75%) of one maximal repeated. The indirect markers was obtained before, immediately after, and 24, 48, 96 and 168 hours after exercise. RESULTS: The CK\'s concentration peak occurs 24 hours after exercise in both protocols, without significant differences (p < 0.05). The Myo\'s concentration peak occurs 24 immediately after the exercise in both protocols, without any significant differences (p < 0.05). The pain peak 24 hours after the exercise of PROTOCOL 75% and continued in the same value 48 hours later, with pain perception of \"pain a little strong\", indicated in Borg\'s Scale. In the PROTOCOL 90% obtained a peak immediately after exercise with perception of \"moderate pain\". The greater reduction of the muscle torque occurs immediately after the exercise in both protocols, without any significant difference (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: It was possible suggest, through of indirect markers, that both protocols induced a muscle damage. The muscle torque shown to be a better marker of muscle damage because is a non-invasive way to evaluate the functionality of muscle structure. The PROTOCOL 90% seem to be more profitable in the practice because of magnitude pain perception.

Proteção pulpar indireta em dentes permanentes após remoção seletiva de tecido cariado : um ensaio clínico randomizado controlado

Azambuja, Rafael Schultz de January 2017 (has links)
Este ensaio clinico randomizado controlado avaliou a eficácia do uso da proteção pulpar indireta com cimento de hidróxido de cálcio (HC) ou sistema adesivo universal (AU) num período de seis meses de acompanhamento em lesões profundas de cáries em dentes permanentes após a remoção seletiva de tecido cariado (RSTC). Métodos: Participaram do estudo 48 pacientes, (mediana de idade de 27 anos [distribuição 7-54 anos]), com 41 molares e 15 premolares com lesões profundas de cárie (envolvimento radiográfico ≥50% de profundidade de dentina), sensibilidade pulpar positiva ao teste frio (gás refrigerado, -50°C, Maquira, PR, Brasil), ausência de dor espontânea, sensibilidade negativa aos testes de percussão, ausência de perda cuspídea e ausência de imagem radiográfica sugestiva de lesão periapical (radiografia periapical - VistaScan®). Após a remoção seletiva de tecido cariado para dentina amolecida, o grupo teste do ensaio recebeu um sistema adesivo universal (Universal single bond, 3M Espe, Brasil), enquanto o grupo controle recebeu a proteção pulpar indireta com cimento de hidróxido de cálcio (Dycal, Dentisply, Rj, Brasil). Todos os dentes foram imediatamente restaurados seguindo o condicionamento ácido seletivo em esmalte, aplicação de um sistema adesivo universal (AU) e resina composta nanoparticulada (Filtek Z350, 3M Espe, SP, Brasil). O desfecho de sucesso para vitalidade pulpar avaliou após seis meses: sensibilidade pulpar positiva ao teste frio, ausência de imagem sugestiva de lesão periapical (radiografia periapical - VistaScan®), ausência de dor espontânea e sensibilidade negativa à percussão vertical. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de sobrevida de Kaplan-Meier e teste Log Rank, e as variáveis idade (mediana), gênero, escolaridade, IPV, ISG, CPO-D, CPO-S, número de faces da restauração, tipo do dente, proteção pulpar indireta, profundidade da lesão (≥50% da profundidade da dentina ou ≥75% da profundidade da dentina) e presença de antagonista, quanto as suas distribuições nos dois grupos de tratamento pelos testes qui-quadrado e de Mann-Whitney. Resultados: As taxas de sucesso foram de 93.3% para o grupo controle (HC) e de 95.8% para o grupo teste (AU) (P=0.976). Dois casos de insucesso foram registrados, sendo necrose pulpar (grupo controle) e pulpite (grupo teste). As variáveis analisadas no início do estudo mostram uma amostra igualmente distribuída entre os grupos de tratamento. Nenhuma das variáveis foi relacionada ao insucesso. Os resultados sugerem que não há diferença entre o uso ou não de HC na proteção pulpar indireta após remoção 7 seletiva de tecido cariado em seis meses de acompanhamento, apresentando uma taxa de sucesso alta independente do tratamento. / This randomized controlled clinical trial evaluated the effectiveness of using indirect pulp protection with calcium hydroxide liner (CH) or universal adhesive (UA) over a period of 6 months in deep caries lesions on permanent teeth after selective removal to soft dentin (SCRSD). Methods: The sample consisted of 41 molars and 15 premolars (with radiographic involvement of the inner half of the dentin), from 48 patients, (median age 27 [distribution 7-54 years]), with positive response to cold test (refrigerated gas, -50 °C, Maquira, PR, Brazil), absence of spontaneous pain, negative sensitivity to percussion tests, absence of cuspid loss and absence of radiographic imaging suggestive of periapical lesion (periapical radiography). After the selective removal to soft dentin, the test group received a universal adhesive system (Universal Single Bond, 3M Espe, Brazil) whereas the control group received indirect pulp protection with calcium hydroxide liner (Dycal, Dentisply, Rj, Brazil). All teeth were restored following selective acid condition for enamel, adhesive system (UA) and nanoparticulate composite resin (Filtek Z350, 3M Espe, SP, Brazil). The successful outcome for pulp vitality assessed after six months: positive pulpal sensitivity to the cold test, absence of image suggestive of periapical lesion (periapical radiography - VistaScan®), absence of spontaneous pain and negative response to vertical percussion test. The results were submitted to the Kaplan-Meier survival analysis and the Log Rank test and the variables: age of subjects, gender, schooling, plaque index, gingival bleeding index, DMF-T, DMF-S, number of surfaces involved in the filling, type of the tooth, indirect pulp material, size of lesion (≥50% of dentine or ≥75% of dentine) and antagonist, analyzed for their distribution in the two treatment groups by the tests chi-square and Mann-Whitney. Results: The success rates were 93.3% for the control group (CH) and 95.8% for the test group (UA) (P=0,976). Only two cases of failure were recorded, one pulp necrosis (control group) and pulpitis (test group). The variables analyzed at the beginning of the study show a similarly distributed sample between treatment groups. The results suggest that there is no difference between the use of CH or UA in indirect pulp protection after SCRSD followed by composite restoration at six months of follow-up, showing a high rate of success for both treatments.

Violence Against Teachers in Sweden: The hidden side of School Violence

Terzoudi, Theodora January 2020 (has links)
During the latest years, the phenomenon of violence against teachers has been a growing concern for contemporary schools all over the world (Bounds & Jenkins, 2018). Existing studies propose increasing prevalence estimates (McMahon et al., 2017) and various harmful consequences for victims and schools (Wilson et al., 2011; Huang et al., 2017). Yet, this phenomenon is still severely understudied. Therefore, this study attempts to address some of the existing literature gaps by providing in-depth qualitative information on educators’ thoughts and experiences on the subject. More specifically, this study aims to investigate the different forms and consequences of violence against teachers as well as the teachers’ perceptions about the factors that motivate students to engage in violent behaviours against them. Information relevant to the purpose of this study was comprehended through semi-structured interviews and analysed by using the method of conventional context analysis. Findings from the interviews suggested that violence against teachers is commonly experienced in both indirect (e.g. rumour spreading, property crime) and direct forms (e.g. verbal and physical violence), whereas consequences were found to impact teachers’ psychological wellbeing, their personal lives, the students and consequently several aspects of the school climate itself (e.g. teaching and learning experience). Additional findings suggested that students’ violent behaviour can be motivated by several factors who are either of personal nature to a student (e.g. receiving an unexpected grade) or a result of the preestablished student culture (e.g. normalisation of violence among peers and generalisation of behaviour). Directions for future research, policy implications and targeted interventions are considered in the context of these findings.

Optimizacija postupka revitalizacije otpadnog kvasca iz industrije piva za primenu u pekarskoj industriji / OPTIMIZATION OF REVITALIZATION PROCEDURE OF WASTE YEAST FROM BREWERY FOR APPLICATION IN BAKING INDUSTRY

Dodić Siniša 16 May 2002 (has links)
<p><strong>Apstrakt je obrađen tehnologijama za optičko prepoznavanje teksta (OCR).</strong></p><p>U cilju revitalizacije otpadnog kvasca iz industrije piva za primenu u pekarskoj industriji, kao polazna osnova za ispitivanje primenjivani su dvostepeni i jednostepeni postupak proizvodnje predfaza indirektnog postupka proizvodnje hleba, razvijeni na Tehnolo&scaron;kom fakultetu u Novom Sadu. Sprovedena su istraživanja optimizacije postupka revitalizacije otpadnog pivskog kvasca. Optimizacija je obuhvatila sastav podloge, procesne parametre proizvodnje i tehniku fermentacije. Definisan je optimalni postupak revitalizacije otpadnog pivskog kvasca i primenjen je za različite generacije i sojeve otpadnog pivskog kvasca, pri čemu je utvrđeno da otpadni pivski kvasac nulte i prve generacije nije potrebno aktivirati, dok je za kvasac starije generacije neophodno da prođu postupak aktivacije za primenu u pekarskoj industriji. Jednostepeni postupak proizvodnje predfaza u postupku aktivacije pivskog kvasca pokazao se u pogledu efekata aktivacije prihvatljiviji od dvostepenog<br />postupka. Ispitana je i trajnost otpadnog pivskog kvasca za primenu u pekarskoj industriji pri čemu je utvrdeno da otpadni pivski kvasac nije preporučljivo čuvati duže od devet dana pre njegove aktivacije. Definisan postupak je pozitivno ocenjen u pogledu tokova fermentacionih procesa za vreme proizvodnje, uticaja na svojstva hlebnog testa i uticaja na kvalitet hleba kao gotovog proizvoda. Razrađeno je idejno re&scaron;enje postrojenja za revitalizaciju otpadnog pivskog kvasca.</p> / <p><strong>Abstract was processed by technology for Optical character recognition (OCR).</strong></p><p>The aim was revitalization of beer industry waste yeast, and its application in bakery industry. A basis for investigation was one- step and two-step process for prephases production in indirect procedure for bread manufacturing, which is developed on Faculty of Technology at Novi Sad. It was investigated optimization of revitalization procedure of brewing yeast waste. Optimization contained substrate composition, proces parameters for manufacturing and fermentation technique. It is optimated revitalization of brewing yeast waste and applied for different generations and subspecies. For brewing yeast waste from initial and first generation activation is not necessary, but for olden yeast generation and its application in bakery industry, activation is necessary. In prephases production, one step activation procedure of brewing yeast had better effectiveness thay two step procedure. Durability of brewig yeast waste was also investigated. It is concluted that brewing yeast waste is not recommended for storage longer than 9 days before its activation. Defined procedure in a vijew of mahufacturing fermentative processes, influence on bread dough properties and bread quality are marked pozitively. It is also defined a pattern of projects for ravitalization of brewing yeast waste.</p>

Imagined Contact Intervention with an American Muslim Target

Williams, Jamie 01 October 2019 (has links)
Recent studies have shown that imagining contact with a member of a differing social group can reduce prejudice toward said group. This type of prejudice intervention, known as an imagined contact intervention, can be beneficial when direct contact with the outgroup is not feasible. This study adds to existing research on imagined contact interventions by replicating a simple version of the intervention by Husnu and Crisp (2010) and assessing attitudes toward an American Muslim out-group. This study extends the research of Husnu and Crisp (2010) by using American participants as opposed to British participants and also uses an online distribution for the intervention as opposed to a laboratory setting. The research question was: Will the imagined contact intervention significantly reduce prejudice toward the American Muslim out-group when compared to a control condition? Participants who reported socializing with the Muslim out-group less than three times in the past six months completed a form of the intervention online, responded to an out-group attitude index regarding the Muslim out-group, and completed demographics questions. In this study, there was no significant effect of the imagined contact intervention on out-group attitudes. Possible reasons for the intervention’s ineffectiveness, including the use of online distribution for the survey, are discussed along with directions for future research.

Translating Away Culture: A look at how indirect translation affected the cultural aspects of the book Ur Varselklotet by Simon Stålenhag when it was translated into Japanese using English as a pivot language

Osbäck, Adam January 2021 (has links)
In this case study, the Swedish artbook Ur Varselklotet along with its English direct translation Tales from The Loop and the indirectly translated Japanese version za・rūpu will be examined and compared. This study will be analysing the different translations to see how certain Swedish words from the source text were affected by first being translated into English and then being translated again from the English translation into Japanese. The goal is to better understand what changes may occur during an indirect translation that would impact how the world of the book is presented to the reader. This study concludes that while the characterisation of these words and sentences in the Japanese text shows that they were influenced by how their translation in the mediating text, it is also clear that one cases study is not enough evidence to make any general statements on how the pivot language affects the final target text when used in an indirect translation process.

Přesnost stanovení viskozity kapalin / Accuracy of the determination of liquid viscosity

Zikmund, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis is focused on the rheological properties of liquids, especially on the viscosity and the standard uncertainty. It explains methods of the viscosity measurement and the calibration selected viscometers, the principle of the determination of standard uncertainty by indirect measurement of the viscosity and the density. The main object of this thesis was to create a specialized centre for viscosity measurement and to create a document which could be used by teaching of diagnostics.

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