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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Insect frugivore interactions : the potential for beneficial and neutral effects on host plants

Wilson, Alexsis Jane January 2008 (has links)
Frugivorous insects, specialised herbivores that consume fruit and seeds, are considered detrimental to host plant fitness. Their direct link to genetic fitness via consumption of plant reproductive tissue, and their negative socioeconomic association with agriculture exacerbates their harmful status. However, empirical testing of insect frugivore effects on host plants, and ecological research on the contribution of insect frugivores to multitrophic frugivory systems, is lacking. In the current study, direct effects of a non-mutualistic, insect frugivore/host plant system were tested and results showed variable effects. Beneficial, detrimental, but predominantly neutral effects on germination and seed production were observed between the Queensland fruit fly (Bactrocera tryoni) and tomato and capsicum plants. Significant effects on seed production were unexpected because infestation occurs after seed set. It was also found that eggplant, although a recorded host of B. tryoni, is inconsistent in its ability to sustain B. tryoni larvae through to its final instar. These results confirmed a simplification and presumption associated with insect frugivore (specifically fruit fly)/host plant interactions. Larval movement, infestation-induced fruit decay, pulp removal and germination were then investigated. For all hosts (tomato, apple and paw paw), treatments infested by B. tryoni decayed significantly quicker and to a greater extent than uninfested treatments, with obvious but variable changes to the texture and appearance. The movement of B. tryoni larvae, pattern of infestation-induced decay and pulp removal was unique and host dependent for all hosts. Only seeds from infested tomato were shown to germinate during the experiment. This indicated that host fruit characteristics are responsible, in part, for variable direct effects on host plant fitness by insect frugivores. Variable direct effects between insect frugivores and host plants, combined with the more rapid decay of infested fruits is likely to have implications for seed dispersal and seed predation by a third trophic level. The characteristics of fruit that are changed by infestation by an insect frugivore were then tested for their effect on a vertebrate frugivore, to illustrate the importance of recognising multitrophic interactions and indirect effects in frugivory. Specifically, seed predating rodents were incorporated into the study and their response to infested and uninfested fruits were recorded, as well as their reaction to the changes in fruit caused by insect frugivores (i.e. texture, smell, larvae presence and sound). Apple and pear infested with B. tryoni larvae were found to attract rodents, while infested tomato and paw paw had a neutral effect on the native rats. This differed from the predominant finding in the literature, which was a deterrent effect on avian seed dispersers. Vertebrate response to fruit infested with insect frugivores therefore, is variable. Assessing the indirect effect of insect frugivores on host plant fitness by attracting or deterring another trophic level requires knowledge of the direct effect between the introduced trophic level and the host plant. For example, the attraction of a seed predator may be as detrimental to host plant fitness as the deterrence of a seed disperser. This illustrates the complexity associated with assessing insect frugivore effects on host plant fitness. Results also indicated that differences in pulp texture, caused by infestation, have a significant effect on rodent preference for infested or uninfested treatments. Pulp texture is likely to effect rodent foraging efficiency, whereas the presence of B. tryoni larvae was observed to be inconsequential to rodent response to fruits. For rodents, and indeed any trophic level motivated by foraging efficiency, this finding raises the issue that for long lived fruiting plants, outside factors such as food abundance and competition for food, may cause a variable response to fruits infested by insect frugivores. From these investigations it has become apparent that insect frugivores are not consistently harmful to host plant fitness, as suggested by their negative stigma, but are likely to contribute variable effects, directly and indirectly, on multiple components of plant fitness and multitrophic frugivory systems.

L'obligation démocratique en droit international / The Democratic Obligation in International Law

Ayari, Zied 11 December 2018 (has links)
La démocratie est généralement abordée par la doctrine en droit international comme une valeur politique ayant des influences plus ou moins importantes sur le droit international depuis la fin de la Guerre Froide. Cette étude traite la démocratie comme étant l’expression d’une obligation internationale adressée aux États pour mettre en place un système politique basé sur des élections libres et honnêtes, le respect des droits politiques et l’instauration d’un État de droit. Ce trépied forme les éléments constitutifs de l’obligation démocratique et lui donne une structure composite. L’approche choisie part de l’étude du cycle de vie de cette obligation en droit international qui comprend deux phases principales : le processus de formation de l’obligation démocratique et les effets qu’elle génère.S’agissant du processus de formation, il inclut plusieurs étapes allant de la gestation de l’obligation démocratique jusqu'à sa formalisation par les modes formels de production des normes en droit international. En effet, cette obligation n’a pas pris forme dans l’ordre juridique international soudainement tel le Big Bang, mais a suivi une évolution déterminée.En ce qui concerne les effets générés par l’obligation démocratique, ils ont une double nature : directs et indirects. Les premiers sont normativement attachés à l’obligation dans le sens qu’ils créent un devoir juridique à la charge des États pour mettre en place un gouvernement démocratique et déclenchent la mise en œuvre de la responsabilité internationale de ceux qui ne s’y conformeraient pas. Les seconds sont d’ordre systémique et assurent l’applicabilité sociale de l’obligation démocratique en influant sur les dimensions institutionnelle et relationnelle de la société internationale. / Since the end of the Cold War, the mainstream scholars approach democracy as a political value which influences international law. This study analyses democracy as the content of an international obligation addressed to States to establish a political system based on free and fair elections, respect of political rights and the establishment of the rule of law. This tripod forms the constituent elements of the democratic obligation and gives it a composite structure. The chosen approach starts from the study of the obligation life cycle in international law, which comprises two main phases: the law-making process of the democratic obligation and its effects.The law-making process includes several stages ranging from the gestation of the democratic obligation to its formalization by the formal modes of production of norms in international law. Indeed, this obligation did not take form in the international legal order suddenly and similar to the Big Bang, but rather it followed a determined evolution.As for the effects generated by the democratic obligation, they have a dual nature: direct and indirect. The direct effects are normatively attached to the obligation in the sense that they create a legal duty addressed to States to establish a democratic government and trigger the implementation of the international responsibility of those who do not comply with it. The indirect effects have a systemic nature and ensure the social applicability of the democratic obligation by influencing the institutional and relational dimensions of international society.

Public-private partnership in the case of huge infrastructure projects. The example of High-Speed Railway Moscow - Kazan / Partenariat public-privé dans la mise en œuvre de grands projets d'infrastructure sur l'exemple de la construction de LGV Moscou - Kazan

Lavrinenko, Petr 25 June 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse analyse les tendances mondiales dans le financement de grands projets d'infrastructure dans le secteur des transports, en identifiant les caractéristiques distinctives du financement dans les pays développés et en développement. Un nouveau mécanisme de financement est proposé dans le contexte de contraintes budgétaires strictes grâce à l'utilisation d'un certain nombre d'effets économiques indirects découlant de l'amélioration de l'accessibilité des différents territoires en matière de transport. Comme le sujet de l'analyse, il y avait un projet de la construction d'un chemin de fer à grande vitesse en Russie Moscou-Kazan. / This paper analyzes global trends in financing large infrastructure projects in the transport sector, identifying the distinctive features of financing in developed and developing countries. A new financing mechanism is proposed in the context of strict budgetary constraints through the use of a number of indirect economic effects arising from improved transport accessibility of individual territories. As the subject of the analysis, there was a project of the construction of a high-speed railway in Russia Moscow-Kazan.

Hantering av hinder och dess effekter vid digital transformation : En kvalitativ studie om hur hinder, vid förändring av IT-beroende arbetssystem, kan överkommas genom organisationskultur, kunskap och engagemang

Hanno, Izla January 2024 (has links)
Digital transformation har utvecklats till en central del inom många verksamheter i takt med ökad digitalisering i samhället. En digital transformation påverkar verksamhetsprocesserna samt deltagarna och tekniken inom IT-beroende arbetssystemet. Tidigare forskning framför hur hinder skapas inom en digital transformation. Syftet med studien är att skapa en ökad förståelse för hur IT-beroende arbetssystem påverkas av hinder, vilka effekter det resulterar i och hur framgångsfaktorer kan bidra med hanteringen av hinder. Studien använder sig av en abduktiv ansats, där teorier inom digital transformation väljs och analyseras med empiriska svar. De empiriska svaren grundar sig i djupintervjuer, vilket utgör en kvalitativ studie. Studien har identifierat att hinder ser olika ut beroende på verksamhet, däremot har hindren gemensamma grunder. Icke-kompatibla system, komplexitet och en svag förändringsbenägenhet bland personal är tre faktorer som studien bland annat identifierar. Hinder har resulterat i en förändrad arbetsprestanda, arbetsroller och framväxten av nya tankesätt. Vidare framför studien hur traditionella verksamheter har svårare att hantera hinder, i jämförelse med teknikbaserade verksamheter. Studien har bidragit med flera aspekter som förklarar hur hinder vid digital transformation hanteras inom respektive IT-beroende arbetssystem. Studien identifierar även vilken roll organisationskultur, kunskap och engagemang spelar i hanteringen av hinder. / Digital transformation has developed into a central part of many businesses in line with increased digitization in society. A digital transformation affects the business processes as well as the participants and the technology within the IT-dependent work system. Previous research shows how obstacles are created within a digital transformation. The purpose of the study is to create an increased understanding of how IT-dependent work systems are affected by obstacles, what effects this results in and how success factors can contribute to the management of obstacles. The study uses a abductive approach, where theories within digital transformation are selected and analyzed with empirical answers. The empirical responses are based on in-depth interviews, which constitute a qualitative study. The study has identified that obstacles look different depending on the business, but the obstacles have common grounds. Non-compatible systems, complexity and a weak mindset for changes among staff are three factors that the study identifies, among other things. Obstacles have resulted in a change in work performance, work roles and the emergence of new ways of thinking. Furthermore, the study shows how traditional businesses find it more difficult to deal with obstacles, compared to technology-based businesses. The study has contributed several aspects that explain how obstacles to digital transformation are handled within the respective IT-dependent work systems. The study also identifies the role that organizational culture, knowledge and commitment play in the management of obstacles.

Dall sheep (Ovis dalli dalli), grizzly bear (Ursus arctos) and wolf (Canis lupus) interactions in the Northern Richardson Mountains, Canada

Lambert Koizumi, Catherine M S Unknown Date
No description available.

Forest, Food and Fuel: Empirical Identification of Global Sustainability Trade-offs

Guye, Valentin 07 November 2023 (has links)
Land ist eine kritische Ressource für nachhaltige Entwicklung, doch ihre relative Knappheit erfordert Abwägungen, die für eine Gestaltung von nachhaltiger und gerechter Politik identifiziert werden müssen. Diese ist empirisch herausfordernd, da Landressourcen in verschiedenen abgelegenen lokalen Bedingungen genutzt werden und über voneinander abhängigen globalen Märkten gehandelt werden. Diese Dissertation trägt mit drei empirischen Studien zu dieser Identifizierungsbemühung bei. Das erste Kapitel hinterfragt das Potenzial von Preisanreizen zur Eindämmung der Entwaldung für Ölpalmplantagen in Indonesien. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass machbare marktbasierte Eingriffe in der vorgelagerten Palmöl-Lieferkette die nicht regulierte Entwaldung effektiv und gerecht reduzieren könnten, die ansonsten dem globalen Bedarf folgen würde. Das zweite Kapitel untersucht die Ausbreitungsmechanismen, durch die Schocks auf globalen Landressourcenmärkten indirekt zu Landnutzungsänderungen führen. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen einen globalen Verdrängungsmechanismus und etablieren einen kausalen Zusammenhang zwischen den Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) in den Vereinigten Staaten und der Ausweitung bedeutender landwirtschaftlicher treibender Kräfte der Entwaldung in pan-tropischen Gebieten. Das dritte Kapitel erforscht die Auswirkungen der RFS auf internationale Unterernährung. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der disruptive Effekt der Nachfrage-Schocks durch die RFS dank ihrer Vorhersehbarkeit abgemildert wird. Dennoch werden Bedenken bezüglich der Ernährungssicherheit in Ländern erhoben, in denen die Lebensmittelversorgung von Importen abhängt, insbesondere im Falle unerwarteter Schocks auf den globalen Märkten für Landressourcen. / Land is a critical resource for sustainable development, but its relative scarcity implies trade-offs that need to be identified to design sustainable and fair policy. This task is challenging empirically, because land resources are used in a variety of remote local conditions, and they are traded through interdependent global markets. This thesis contributes three empirical studies to this identification effort. The first chapter questions the potential of price incentives to mitigate deforestation for oil palm plantations in Indonesia. The results indicate that feasible market interventions upstream the palm oil supply chain could effectively and equitably mitigate unregulated deforestation otherwise left to follow global demand. The second chapter tests the propagation mechanisms through which shocks on global markets for land resources indirectly cause land use change. The results corroborate a global scale displacement mechanism specifically, and they establish a causal link between the Renewable Fuel Standards (RFS) in the United States and the expansion of major agricultural drivers of deforestation in pan-tropical areas. The third chapter explores the impact of the RFS on international undernourishment. The results indicate that the disruptive effect of the demand shocks by the RFS is mitigated by their predictability. Yet, this raises concerns about food security in countries where calorific supply depends on imports, in the case of unexpected shocks on global markets for land resources.

The influence of biophysical feedbacks and species interactions on grass invasions and coastal dune morphology in the Pacific Northwest, USA

Zarnetske, Phoebe Lehmann, 1979- 09 September 2011 (has links)
Biological invasions provide a unique opportunity to study the mechanisms that regulate community composition and ecosystem function. Invasive species that are also ecosystem engineers can substantially alter physical features in an environment, and this can lead to cascading effects on the biological community. Aquatic-terrestrial interface ecosystems are excellent systems to study the interactions among invasive ecosystem engineers, physical features, and biological communities, because interactions among vegetation, sediment, and fluids within biophysical feedbacks create and modify distinct physical features. Further, these systems provide important ecosystem services including coastal protection afforded by their natural features. In this dissertation, I investigate the interactions and feedbacks among sand-binding beach grass species (a native, Elymus mollis (Trin.), and two non-natives, Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link and A. breviligulata Fernald), sediment supply, and dune shape along the U.S. Pacific Northwest coast. Dunes dominated by A. arenaria tend to be taller and narrower compared to the shorter, wider dunes dominated by A. breviligulata. These patterns suggest an ecological control on dune shape, and thus, coastal vulnerability to overtopping waves. I investigate the causes and consequences of these patterns with experiments, field observations, and modeling. Specifically, I investigate the relative roles of vegetation and sediment supply in shaping coastal dunes over inter-annual and multi-decadal time scales (Chapter 2), characterize a biophysical feedback between beach grass species growth habit and sediment supply (Chapter 3), uncover the mechanisms leading to beach grass coexistence and whether A. breviligulata can invade and dominate new sections of coastline (Chapter 4), and examine the non-target effects resulting from management actions that remove Ammophila for the recovery of the threatened Western Snowy plover (Charadrius alexandrinus nivosus) (Chapter 5). I found that vegetation and sediment supply play important roles in dune shape changes across inter-annual and multi-decadal time scales (Chapter 2). I determined that a biophysical feedback between the beach grass growth habits and sediment supply results in species-specific differences in sand capture ability, and thus, is a likely explanation for differences in dune shape (Chapter 3). I found that all three beach grass species can coexist across different sediment deposition rates, and that this coexistence is largely mediated by positive direct and indirect species interactions. I further determined that A. breviligulata is capable of invading and dominating the beach grass community in regions where it is currently absent (Chapter 4). Combined, these findings indicate that A. breviligulata is an inferior dune building species as compared to A. arenaria, and suggest that in combination with sediment supply gradients, these species differences ultimately lead to differences in dune shape. Potential further invasions of A. breviligulata into southern regions of the Pacific Northwest may diminish the coastal protection ability of dunes currently dominated by A. arenaria, but this effect could be moderated by the predicted near co-dominance of A. arenaria in these lower sediment supply conditions. Finally, I found that the techniques used to remove Ammophila for plover recovery have unintended consequences for the native and endemic dune plant communities, and disrupt the natural disturbance regime of shifting sand. A whole-ecosystem restoration focus would be an improvement over the target-species approach, as it would promote the return of the natural disturbance regime, which in turn, would help recover the native biological community. The findings from this dissertation research provide a robust knowledge base that can guide further investigations of biological and physical changes to the coastal dunes, can help improve the management of dune ecosystem services and the restoration of native communities, and can help anticipate the impacts of future beach grass invasions and climate change induced changes to the coast. / Graduation date: 2012 / Access restricted to the OSU Community at author's request from Sept. 22, 2011 - March 22, 2012

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