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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Industrial Pollution and Economic Compensation : A  Study of Down Stream Villages in Noyyal River, Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, South India

Santhi Kanna, Dorai Kannan January 2008 (has links)
Tirupur is an Indian textile town which constitutes many dyeing and bleaching units situated in the upstream. Tirupur serves as one of the major exporters of textiles. The industrial pollution have affected not only the surface water but also the soils and ground water. This thesis studies the impacts of industrial pollution on agriculture and livestock. It also explores the implicated problems involved in putting an economic compensation mechanism into practise. The impact study was made on the detailed primary data collected from an intensive study of comparing a pollution affected villages located downstream of the Orathapalyam dam, Tamil Nadu, South India with a control village. The cost estimates that the impact of industrial pollution on predominant crops is quite substantial in monetary terms. This paper argues that the compensation principle might work if the assessment is done to all affected victims. Both quantifying and non quantifying benefits should be incurred in the mechanism. Further, mere passing of fines and creating institutional structures are not sufficient to address the environmental problems. Policies should be implemented in their right perspective. Institutions should be strong enough, with more autonomy and powers, to deal with problems and to monitor the RO plants in dyeing units in Tirupur.

Assessing Sand as a Means to Detect Technogenic Magnetic Particles from Industrial Facilities near Indiana Dunes National Park, Indiana, USA

Fouh Mbindi, Mireille A. 03 May 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Vända trappan efter vinden : En fallstudie om bostäders lokalisering i förhållande till industrier runt sekelskiftet 1900

Eriksson, Samuel January 2024 (has links)
Denna studie söker undersöka huruvida det kan ha funnits något historiskt samband mellan bostäders lokalisering och vindriktningen i förhållande till industrier. Frågan ställs också huruvida arbetarbostäders och tjänstemannabostäders historiska lokalisering kan skönjas i dagens socioekonomisk-geografiska situation. En jämförelse görs mellan arbetarbostäders och tjänstemannabostäders lokalisering i förhållande till industrierna runt sekelskiftet 1900 i tre svenska samhällen: Fagersta, Uppsala och Västerås. Industriernas och bostädernas lokalisering undersöks med hjälp av skriftliga källor och jämförs med varandra med hjälp av en kartanalys genom GIS. Bostädernas lokalisering analyseras därefter i förhållande till vindriktningen från industrierna. Vindriktningen undersöks genom historiska data från Sveriges meteorologiska och hydrologiska institut. En analys görs sedan med data om medianinkomsten i samhällenas demografiska statistikområden år 2020 från Statistiska centralbyrån för att få fram huruvida det finns något mönster i vilka områden som historiskt och i dag har svagare socioekonomisk status. Studien upptäcker ett visst mönster mellan bostäders lokalisering i förhållande till vindriktningen ifrån industrierna samt en svag tendens till att 2020 års socioekonomiskt svagare områden stämmer överens med de historiska bostadsområdena.

Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany – an assessment and regionalization approach / Flugascheeinträge in Waldökosysteme in Nordostdeutschland – ein Erfassungs- und Regionalisierungsansatz

Fürst, Christine 27 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The presented doctoral thesis “Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach” intends to (a) test if the field assessment of ferrimagnetic susceptibility can be used as cost efficient method to get information on fly ash deposition impacted chemical site properties. (b) develop a regionalization approach to bridge the gap from plot-wise assessed data to spatial management information. The thesis is a follow-up of extensive research activities by the Institute for Soil Science and Site Ecology on industrial deposition in Dübener Heide and Upper Lusatian region which started in the early 1960ies and were intensified from the middle of the 1990ies on. A central topic of these research activities was the assessment of the impact of fly ash deposition on chemical soil properties. A major challenge was to transfer the assessed chemical characteristics from plot to region and to aggregate the measured values to provide an information basis, which can be used for a site potential and risk oriented forest management. This challenge was picked up by the joint research project “ENFORCHANGE” (FKZ 0330634 K, German Federal Ministry of Education and Research). The presented thesis was carried out in the frame of this project during the period 2005 - 2009. The thesis was conceived as cumulative work, which includes ten papers in total. Five articles are published in peer-reviewed journals (ISI listed, 1 paper still in revision), and five are part of books or conference proceedings. • Chapter 1 “Introduction” gives an overview on the motivation, idea and structure of the thesis. • In chapter 2 “Aims and Scope of the presented work” information on the background and frame of the study within the project ENFORCHANGE is given. • Chapter 3 “Background and State of the Art” deals with the history of fly ash deposition in the model region Dübener Heide. • Chapter 4 “Material and Methods” gives information on fly ash and presents the spatial assessment design and the hereon based approaches for up-scaling and correlation of magnetic susceptibility with selected chemical characteristics. • Chapter 5 “Results” presents results of the spatial modeling and linear regression based approach to use ferrimagnetic susceptibility for predicting the contents of selected base cations, selected acid and heavy metal cations and Black Carbon. • Chapter 6 “Discussion and Conclusions” compares the assumptions and findings in the different articles, discusses contradictory findings and open questions and provides a comprehensive evaluation of the outcomes. Final conclusions are drawn and an outlook is given. A key finding of the thesis is that the industrial complex Bitterfeld was the most important source of fly ash deposited in the model region Dübener Heide. The power plant Zschornewitz plays only a minor role contrary to the research hypothesis formulated in ENFORCHANGE. Related to the targets of the thesis, spatial variation of magnetic susceptibility was predicted with high precision by a multiple linear regression model. A slightly differing set of model parameters  according to their explanatory value for three selected depth levels  improved the prediction quality. The selection of the parameters supported understanding the major drivers for magnetic particle deposition, storage, and vertical displacement in the forest soils. Humus layer (depth level 6-10 cm), horizontal distance to Bitterfeld and soil type (Podzol, semi-terrestrial sites) were the most important variables. These variables point to a slowed-down humus dynamic, which causes the accumulation of fly ash in the humus layer. In depth level 11 – 15 cm, variables such as “aspect” gain in importance, which describe the exposure against the major wind direction and thus indicate the probability and of deposition. For the mineral horizon (depth level 21-25 cm), exposition and especially stand properties are most important. The latter gives evidence for the intensity of deposition caused by surface roughness. Therefore, the variables “coniferous” and “mixed” stands were highly relevant for the model. Variable correlations between mass susceptibility and selected base cations, acid cations and heavy metals have been found. When using a linear regression model, a prediction of Ca and Mg and of Mn was possible. The model performance was lower for Fe, Al, Cd and Black Carbon. A possible reason was the use of different plot types: the assessment of magnetic susceptibility and chemical soil properties was well harmonized at the ENFORCHANGE plots considering the sampling material and sampling location. A comparable harmonization could not be achieved at a number of monitoring plots, which were included into the analysis to broaden the data base. Comparing the results from the linear regression model based prediction with the results achieved by multiple regression based spatial modeling lead to the conclusion that the mul¬tiple regression approach is more promising: by using other model parameters such as orographic, climatic or stand parameters together with magnetic susceptibility, the prediction quality of the deposed agents could be improved and small scale variations in nutrient potentials and risks driven by fly ash deposition could be better recognized and made available for forest management decisions. / Die vorgelegte Doktorarbeit “Fly ash impact in forest ecosystems in Northeastern Germany - an assessment and regionalization approach” (Flugascheeinträge in Waldökosysteme in Nordostdeutschland  ein Erfassungs- und Regionalisierungsansatz) verfolgte die Ziele (a) zu testen, ob sich die Erfassung der ferrimagnetischen Suszeptibilität eignet, um kosteneffizient quantitative und / oder qualitative Informationen zu den eingetragenen Flugaschemengen und den in der Folge veränderten bodenchemischen Potenzialen zu erheben (b) zu testen, ob der Indikator „ferrimagnetische Suszeptibilität“ genutzt werden kann, um Informationen über Flugascheeinträge von der punktbezogenen Erfassung auf einen regionalen Maßstab hoch zu skalieren. Grundlage dieser Zielstellungen sind Forschungsarbeiten zu der Frage der langfristigen Wirksamkeit und ökologischen Bedeutung von Industrieexhalationen auf Waldökosysteme, die am Institut bereits in den 1960ziger Jahren begonnen wurden und verstärkt seit Mitte der 1990ziger Jahre fortgeführt wurden. Auf ihrer Basis wurde die Herausforderung eines kostengünstigen und flächenbezogenen Erhebungsansatzes identifiziert und formuliert. Die vorgelegte Arbeit ordnete sich in diese Forschungsarbeiten ein und führte sie im Rahmen des Verbundforschungsvorhabens ENFORCHANGE ((FKZ: 0330634 K, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung) von 2005 - 2009 fort. Die Doktorarbeit ist als kumulative Arbeit angelegt, im Rahmen derer insgesamt 10 Publikationen zusammengefasst wurden. Davon sind 5 in internationalen Journalen bereits publiziert, akzeptiert oder in einem Fall in Begutachtung; 5 weitere Publikationen wurden ergänzend und auf speziellere Themen bezogen in Proceedings oder Buchbeiträgen publiziert. Die Arbeit gliedert sich in 5 Abschnitte: • Kapitel 1 (Einleitung) gibt einen kurzen Überblick zur Motivation und Struktur der Doktorarbeit. • In Kapitel 2 (Ziele und Rahmen der Arbeit) wird der Arbeitsansatz im Rahmen des Verbundforschungsvorhabens ENFORCHANGE vorstellt. • Kapitel 3 umfasst eine Auswertung von Veröffentlichungen zur Geschichte und den ökologischen Auswirkungen der Flugascheeinträge am Beispiel der Modellregion Dübener Heide. • In Kapitel 4 wird der methodische Ansatz der Arbeit vorgestellt, der von einem Vortest zur Eignung der Erfassung der magnetischen Suszeptibilität über die Ableitung eines flächigen Erhebungsansatzes bis hin zur Frage der Modellbildung und Korrelation mit chemischen Kenngrößen reicht. • Kapitel 5 beinhaltet die Ergebnisse der räumlichen Modellbildung und der Korrelation der magnetischen Suszeptibilität mit ausgewählten Basen-, Säure- und Schwermetallkationen sowie mit Schwarzem Kohlenstoff. • Kapitel 6 diskutiert, vergleicht und bewertet die Ergebnisse der den Veröffentlichungen zugrunde liegenden Studien und zieht ein abschließendes Resumé. Ein Schlüsselergebnis der vorgelegten Arbeit belegt, dass entgegen der ursprünglichen Arbeitshypothese des Projektverbundes ENFORCHANGE nicht das mehr als 100 Jahre alte Kraftwerk Zschornewitz die wesentliche Quelle für die Flugascheeinträge in der Modellregion Dübener Heide war, sondern der räumlich entfernter gelegene, aber deutlich größere Industriekomplex Bitterfeld. Bezogen auf die Zielsetzung der vorgelegten Arbeit, konnte mithilfe multipler Regressionsverfahren und auf Basis von Feldaufnahmen der ferrimagnetischen Suszeptibilität in einem regelmäßigen Stichprobenraster ein hoch auflösendes räumliches Modell gebildet werden. Unter Berücksichtigung weiterer Modellparameter, die schrittweise hinsichtlich ihres Erklärungswertes ausgewählt wurden, konnten mikrotopographische und vegetationsbedingte Informationen genutzt werden, um die räumliche Variabilität des magnetischen Signals differenziert darzustellen. Damit ergibt sich eine Planungsgrundlage, die die bisher genutzte, auf Waldschadensansprachen basierende Stratifizierung in Zonen unterschiedlicher Eintragsintensität mit Bezug zur Planungseinheit deutlich detaillierter untersetzt. Der Versuch, auf Flugascheeintragsmengen, respektive -vorräte zu schließen ließ sich hingegen auf Basis der verfügbaren Daten nicht umsetzen. Die Korrelationsbeziehungen der von Volumen- in den Massenbezug umgerechneten Suszeptibilität mit Basen-, Säure und Schwermetallkationen sowie Schwarzem Kohlenstoff fielen heterogen aus. Eine gute Vorhersage auf Basis eines linearen Regressionsmodells konnte für Ca, Mg und Mn getroffen werden, wohingegen die Modellqualität für Fe, Al sowie Cd und Schwarzen Kohlenstoff deutlich schlechter zu beurteilen war. Dies ergab sich zum einen aus der verfügbaren Datenbasis, die keine durchgängige Harmonisierung für die Erhebungen der Suszeptibilität und der chemischen Kennwerte erlaubte. Zum anderen geht diese Erkenntnis mit Ergebnissen aus der Regionalisierung einher, die einen Einbezug weiterer Modellparameter und die Nutzung multipler anstelle linearer Regressionsmodelle nahe legt.

Koldioxidbudget 2021-2045 för Tranemokommun : En granskning av potentiella vägar till en fossilfri kommun

Axengren, Julia January 2020 (has links)
Antropogena utsläpp av koldioxid och andra växthusgaser har orsakat en ökning avden globala genomsnittliga yttemperaturen över förindustriella nivåer. Samhället stårdärför inför en klimatomställning på en global, nationell och lokal nivå. Den globalakoldioxidbudgeten motsvarar den totala mängd antropogena koldioxidutsläpp som ärtillåtet för att hålla sig inom ramen av de uppsatta målen inom Parisavtalet. Studienbryter ner den globala koldioxidbudgeten på lokal nivå för att åskådliggörapotentiella vägar för Tranemo till att bli en fossilfri kommun. Studien bygger därförpå en datainsamling av territoriella och konsumtionsbaserade koldioxidutsläpp inomkommunens geografiska område samt inom kommunens förvaltningsorganisation.Studien analyserar vidare hur den framtida utvecklingen av klimatarbetet påverkarkoldioxidutsläpp med hjälp av scenariotekniker baserat på suveränitetsprincipen.Utsläpp orsakade från industrisektorn, transporter och utrikesflyg motsvarar de trestörsta utsläppskällorna i det geografiska området. Det beskrivna önskvärda scenariot,Best case scenario, budgeterar 602 KT CO2 mellan åren 2021-2045 därutsläppsminskande åtgärder från en av kommunens största industrier är avgörandeför att hålla sig inom ramen av budgeten. Studien visar att om samhället fortsätter attproducera och konsumera i samma takt som tidigare år kommer budgeterade utsläppvara förbrukad vid år 2027. Studien speglar den nationella och globala bilden av industrisektorn som endominerande utsläppskälla. I kontrast till identifierade konsumtionsbaseradeutsläppsminskande åtgärder är industrisektorn är en aktör som skapar en avgörandeeffekt i klimatarbetet för att reducera koldioxidutsläppen. Slutsatser dras attkoldioxidbudgeten som ett politiskt styrande dokument betraktas som ett effektivtstyrmedel om kommunen har större handlingskraft och rådighet över utsläppen somsker. Samverkan mellan offentlig och privat sektor betraktas därför som enframgångsfaktor. Kommunens utmaning för att möjliggöra klimatomställningen är attföra en kraftfull klimatpolitik och vidta åtgärder i ett tidigt skede. Vidare slutsatsersom dras i studien är därför vikten av ett strategiskt utvecklingsarbete för attmöjliggöra klimatomställningen. / Carbon dioxide emissions together with other greenhouse gases emitted byanthropogenic activities have caused an increased global average surface temperatureabove pre-industrial levels. The society is therefore facing a challenge to limit theenvironmental and societal risks associated to a global warming below 2 ° C, with theambition of 1.5 ° C. The global carbon budget determines the total amount ofanthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions that are allowed to likely limit a globalwarming of 2 ° C. By breaking down the global carbon budget at a local level,highlights this study hypothetical ways for the municipality of Tranemo to become afossil free municipality by using scenario techniques according to the principal of“grandfathering”. The study therefor maps out historical territorial and consumptionbasedcarbon dioxide emissions that are caused within the municipality’sgeographical area, and within the municipality’s administrative organization, in orderto further identify and propose climate actions.The study points out that emissions caused by the industrial sector, transportationsector, and international flights generate the greatest impact in the geographical areaof Tranemo. The desirable scenario, Best case scenario, accounts 602 KT CO2 betweenyear 2021-2045 where an emission reduction action from one of the municipality’slargest industries is crucial to stay within the budget. The study illustrates that thebudget will be spent by the year 2027 if the society continues to produce and consumein the same pace as previous years. The industrial sector is a dominant polluter at a national and global level. The studyconfirms that industrial sector is also a dominant emission source at a local level forthe geographical area of Tranemo. Climate actions within the industrial sector aretherefore crucial. The identified consumption-based climate actions are consequentlynegligible in contrast to emissions caused by the industrial sector. The studyconcludes that the carbon budget as a political document is regarded as an effectivetool if the municipality has a greater leverage and resourcefulness of the overallgenerated emissions. Cooperation between public and private actors is considered tobe a factor for success. The study clarifies the importance of strategic developmentwork, and influencing factors connected to it when it comes to transforming oursociety towards a sustainable development. / <p>2020-06-05</p>

Inventário do ciclo de vida do papel offset produzido no Brasil. / Life cycle inventory of the offset paper produced in Brazil.

Galdiano, Guilherme de Paula 12 September 2006 (has links)
A Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida (ACV) é uma ferramenta da gestão ambiental que identifica os aspectos ambientais e avalia os impactos ambientais associados aos produtos, durante todo o seu ciclo de vida, em outras palavras, do berço ao túmulo. O ciclo de vida inicia-se quando todos os recursos requeridos (sejam eles materiais ou energéticos) para a manufatura de determinado produto são extraídos da natureza e finaliza-se após o cumprimento da função pelo produto, retornando ao meio ambiente. Devido à quantidade de dados que necessita ser coletada, um estudo de Avaliação do Ciclo de Vida somente torna-se viável caso exista a disponibilidade de um banco de dados nacional constituído por inventários do ciclo de vida dos principais insumos empregados pela sociedade - matérias primas, energia, etc. Estes inventários possuem caráter de regionalidade e representatividade, podendo tornar novos estudos mais completos, confiáveis e fáceis de serem concluídos. A ACV vem assumindo uma importância a nível global, o Brasil vem se aprimorando na capacitação e uso desta técnica. O GP2 - Grupo de Prevenção da Poluição do Departamento de Engenharia Química da Escola Politécnica da USP, tem como seu principal objetivo a contribuição para o aprimoramento de recursos humanos necessários e consolidação do uso da ACV no Brasil. Desse modo, as atividades do GP2 têm se concentrado na construção de um banco de dados que deve ser adequado, obrigatoriamente, às condições regionais. O presente estudo está inserido nessa linha de pesquisa e tem como propósito a elaboração do Inventário do Ciclo de Vida (ICV) para o papel offset produzido no Brasil. O papel offset pertence a categoria de papéis de imprimir e, atualmente, representa o tipo de papel mais produzido no país. O resultado deste estudo consiste em um inventário consolidado dos aspectos ambientais considerados significativos para a produção da madeira, a extração da celulose, a fabricação do papel offset e outros subsistemas associados, sob as condições tecnológicas típicas dominantes no Brasil. A qualidade do estudo está intrinsecamente ligada à cadeia produtiva do papel offset, que se baseou primordialmente em dados primários. Os resultados do estudo mostraram-se coerentes com um estudo parcial realizado no Chile. Uma análise mais apurada para os resultados encontrados no estudo, com base em pesquisas internacionais, não se fez necessária, considerando as diferenças tecnológicas e de matérias-primas empregadas no ciclo de vida do papel de outros países. / The Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) is a tool for the environmental management which identifies its aspects and evaluates its environmental impacts related to the products during its whole life cycle. In other words, a cycle that goes from cradle to grave. The life cycle begins when all the required resources (material or energetic) to manufacture a certain product are extracted from the nature and it ends after accomplishing its function, returning to the environment. Due to the amount of data to be collected, a study of the life cycle assessment is only viable in case there is a national data base available formed by inventories of the main input used by the society, such as raw material, energy, and so on. These inventories have a regional and representative character, allowing new studies to be fuller, more reliable and easier to be concluded. The LCA has taken on a world wise importance. Brazil has been improving its competence and usage of such technique. The GP2 - Preventing Pollution Group from the Chemical Engineering Department of Escola Politécnica at USP - has as its primal objective the contribution to an improvement of necessary Human Resources and the consolidation of the LCA usage. In this manner, GP2 activities have to be focused on a data base construction, which should be compulsorily adequate to the regional conditions. The present study is inserted in such line of research and has as its purpose the elaboration on a Life Cycle Inventory (LCI) for the offset paper made in Brazil. The offset paper belongs to the printing paper category and, lately, represents the most used type of paper in this country. The result of such study consists in a solid inventory of the environmental aspects considered meaningful for wood production, cellulose extraction, offset paper manufacture and other related subsystems under typical predominant technological conditions in Brazil. The quality of this study is significantly related to the production chain of the offset paper, which was based mainly on primary data. The results of this study showed to be coherent to the ones achieved in a Chilean study, even though they were partial results. A more refined analysis on the pursued results in the study, based on international researches, isn't necessary, considering the technological differences and raw material used in the paper life cycle in other countries.

Estudo da aplicação de ferro zero no tratamento de efluente têxtil / Evaluation of zero-valent iron in textile effluent treatment

Pereira, Wellington da Silva 19 November 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho de mestrado descreve o estudo da viabilidade da aplicação de ferro de valência zero no tratamento de quatro classes de corantes muito utilizados pela indústria têxtil: corante preto remazol B (azo), vermelho remazol RB 133 (triazina), azul remazol brilhante RN (antraquinona) e turquesa remazol G 133 (ftalocianina). O processo também foi aplicado na remediação de um efluente têxtil. O Fe0 mostrou uma grande eficiência na degradação dos corantes estudados, empregando-se uma concentração de Fe0 de 5 g L-1 (oriundo de um resíduo de processo metalúrgico) no tratamento de soluções de azocorantes com concentração de 100 mg L-1, obteve-se uma taxa de descoloração superior a 90% em apenas 15 minutos de tratamento. Uma característica bastante favorável do processo proposto foi sua ampla faixa operacional de pH, observando-se uma degradação do grupo cromóforo superior a 80% para soluções com pH entre 1,5 e 9 (sendo a faixa ótima observada entre 3 e 5). O processo também se mostrou pouco susceptível a variações na concentração de corante (faixa estudada: 25 - 150 mg L-1). Por outro lado, a eficiência do tratamento com ferro de valência zero mostrou-se dependente do tamanho de partícula, da massa e da superfície do material metálico. O mecanismo de degradação também variou em função do emprego de condições anaeróbias ou aeróbias. Para 15 minutos de tratamento, a descoloração dos corantes e do efluente têxtil atingiu níveis ao redor de 95% independente da condição anaeróbia/aeróbia. Entretanto na presença de O2 , observou-se uma redução do carbono orgânico total de até 75% (contra cerca de 25% na condição anaeróbia), mostrando que quando esta espécie aceptora de elétrons esta presente, o mecanismo envolve etapas de oxidação, provavelmente associadas a reações do tipo Fenton. O processo de tratamento emp~egando Fe0 apresentou uma cinética de pseudo-primeira ordem para a degradação dos grupos cromóforos e para a mineralização da matéria orgânica dos corantes e do efluente real. Para os corantes, as constantes cinéticas apresentaram a seguinte ordem: ftalocianina < azo < antraquinona < triazina. De um modo geral, o processo remediatiyo estudado apresentou boas características, que o capacitam como uma alternativa promissora para o tratamento de corantes e efluentes têxteis. / This work describes a study to evaluate the viability of zero-valent iron in the treatment of four classes of dyes that are commonly used in the textile industry: Remazol Black B (azo), Remazol Red RB133 (triazine), Remazol Brilliant Blue RN (anthraquinone) and Remazol Turquoise G133 (phtalocyanine). The process was also apllied in the textile effluent remediation. Fe0 process showed a great efficiency in the degradation of the studied dyes, it was obtained a discoloration level higher than 90% in just 15 minutes of treatment employing 5 g L-1 of Fe0 (obtained from of a metallurgic residue) in the degradation of 100 mg L-1 azodye solutions. A quite favorable characteristic of the proposed process was the wide pH operational range; the degradation of chromophore group was upper to 80% for azodye solutions with pH between 1,5 and 9 (the optimum range observed between 3 and 5). The process showed low susceptibility to variations in dye concentration (studied range: 25 - 150 mg L-1). On the other hand, the efficiency of the treatment with zero-iron valence zero was dependent on particle size, mass and surface of the metallic material. The degradation mechanism also varied as function of anaerobic and aerobic conditions. For 15 minutes of treatment, the discoloration of studied dyes and textile effluent reached levels around 95% independent of anaerobic/aerobic condition. However, in the presence of O2, the total arganic carbon showed a reduction up to 75% (versus just around 25% observed in the anaerobic condition). These results showed that when this electron acceptor species is present, the mechanism involves oxidation stages, probably associated with type Fenton reactions. The treatment using Feo presented pseudo-first arder kinetics for the degradation of chromophore groups and for organic matter mineralization. The kinetic constants presented the following order for the studied dyes: phtalocyanine < azo < anthraquinone < triazine. In general, the studied remediative process showed some good characteristics, which makes it a promising alternative for the treatment of dyes and textile effluents.

Paprastosios pušies spyglių morfologinių ir fiziologinių savybių kitimas lietuvos lokalios taršos poveikyje / Changes of morphological and physiological parameters of the needles of Scots pine under influence of local pollution in Lithuania

Šedbaraitė, Jūratė 04 June 2005 (has links)
SUMMARY In the research work for Master degree the variance of morphological-physiological characteristics of the needles of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing in the vicinity of local pollution sources of Lithuania were investigated. Subject of research: Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) growing near the largest industrial pollution sources in Lithuania: a cement factory, a nitrogen fertilizer factory and an oil refinery. Goals of the research: to estimate morphological and physiological features of the needles sampled from the pines growing at different distances from the largest industrial pollution sources. Methodology: the needle morphological features were determined by evaluating needle fluctuating length asymmetry and needle fluctuating mass asymmetry. The needle surface quality was evaluated by measuring contact angles of the water droplets and following the dynamics of water loss from excised needles. Research results: Significant differences were documented between the pine stands located at different distances from the cement factory. The needle asymmetry and surface data of the pine stand near the cement factory showed that the cement dust had a negative effect on the needle development and structure. The pine stand growing in the vicinity of the cement factory was characterised by increased needle asymmetry, faster water loss from the excised needles and increased surface wettability. No morphological and physiological changes as caused by air... [to full text]

Regularities of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) radial increment formation due to variation of emissions of "Akmenės cementas" and "Achema" plants / Paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) radialiojo prieaugio formavimosi dėsningumai kintant "Akmenės cemento" ir "Achemos" teršalų išmetimams

Erlickytė, Regina 28 December 2007 (has links)
Trees are considered one of the most sensitive indicators of the environmental condition from all life forms. They are most suitable for the evaluation of the environmental changes. Due to the structure of crown trees have better contact with the atmosphere, so they filter the flowing air mass better than other vegetation forms, determine the processes in the ecosphere and react sensitively to the anthropogenic factors and consequently indicate the condition of the forest ecosystems by anatomical and morphological symptoms. Tree rings, their width and structure integrally reflect the complex impact of environmental factors. Therefore the role of tree rings, as the indicator of environmental conditions, is important for the evaluation of environmental changes. Forest ecosystems growing close to the pollution sources suffer the greatest impact because the concentration of harmful materials in the local pollution zone often exceeds permissible amounts. The objective of the research was to analyse the changes of annual radial increment of pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the zones of local alkalizing, acidifying and eutrophying pollution and to determine the regularities of radial increment recovery after the decrease of pollution. First time in Lithuania a comprehensive dendrochronological research on the impact of climatic factors and industrial pollution on the radial increment of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has been carried out in the surroundings of “Akmenės... [to full text] / Medžiai yra vieni jautriausių aplinkos būklės indikatorių, iš visų gyvybės formų labiausiai tinkamų aplinkos pokyčiams vertinti. Dėl lajų struktūros ypatumų jie glaudžiau kontaktuoja su atmosfera ir daugiau negu kitos augalijos formos filtruoja pernešamo oro masę, lemia ekosferoje vykstančius procesus bei jautriai reaguoja į antropogeninius veiksnius, anatominiais ir morfologiniais požymiais indikuoja miško ekosistemų būklę. Medžių metinių rievių dinamika suteikia informaciją apie ekologines bei klimatines vietovės sąlygas, aplinkoje vykstančius reiškinius, o jų plotis ir struktūra integraliai atspindi kompleksinį aplinkos veiksnių poveikį. Labiausiai nukenčia arti taršos šaltinių augančios miško ekosistemos, kadangi vietinės taršos zonoje kenksmingų medžiagų koncentracija dažnai viršija ribines leistinas normas. Darbo tikslas – ištirti paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) medynų metinio radialiojo prieaugio pokyčius vietinės šarminančios, rūgštinančios ir eutrofizuojančios taršos poveikio zonose bei radialiojo prieaugio atsikūrimo dėsningumus sumažėjus taršos poveikiui. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje atlikti išsamūs dendrochronologiniai klimato veiksnių ir pramonės taršos poveikio paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) metiniam radialiajam prieaugiui tyrimai „Akmenės cemento“ poveikio zonoje. Darbe taip pat analizuotas cemento dulkių poveikis paprastosios pušies metiniam radialiajam prieaugiui; įvertinti antropogeniniai radialiojo prieaugio pokyčiai „Akmenės cemento“ ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

Paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) radialiojo prieaugio formavimosi dėsningumai kintant "Akmenės cemento" ir "Achemos" teršalų išmetimams / Regularities of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) radial increment formation due to variation of emissions of "Akmenės cementas" and "Achema" plants

Erlickytė, Regina 28 December 2007 (has links)
Medžiai yra vieni jautriausių aplinkos būklės indikatorių, iš visų gyvybės formų labiausiai tinkamų aplinkos pokyčiams vertinti. Dėl lajų struktūros ypatumų jie glaudžiau kontaktuoja su atmosfera ir daugiau negu kitos augalijos formos filtruoja pernešamo oro masę, lemia ekosferoje vykstančius procesus bei jautriai reaguoja į antropogeninius veiksnius, anatominiais ir morfologiniais požymiais indikuoja miško ekosistemų būklę. Medžių metinių rievių, kaip aplinkos būklės indikatoriaus, vaidmuo vertinant aplinkos pokyčius yra svarbus. Metinių rievių dinamika suteikia informaciją apie ekologines bei klimatines vietovės sąlygas, aplinkoje vykstančius reiškinius, o jų plotis ir struktūra integraliai atspindi kompleksinį aplinkos veiksnių poveikį. Lietuvoje didžiausią naigiamą įtaką miško ekosistemoms turi vietiniai taršos šaltiniai. Jų aplinkoje augančios miško ekosistemos nukenčia labiausiai, kadangi vietinės taršos zonoje kenksmingų medžiagų koncentracija dažnai viršija ribines leistinas normas. Darbo tikslas – ištirti paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) medynų metinio radialiojo prieaugio pokyčius vietinės šarminančios, rūgštinančios ir eutrofizuojančios taršos poveikio zonose bei radialiojo prieaugio atsikūrimo dėsningumus sumažėjus taršos poveikiui. Pirmą kartą Lietuvoje atlikti išsamūs dendrochronologiniai klimato veiksnių ir pramonės taršos poveikio paprastosios pušies (Pinus sylvestris L.) metiniam radialiajam prieaugiui tyrimai „Akmenės cemento“ poveikio zonoje... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Trees are considered one of the most sensitive indicators of the environmental condition from all life forms. They are most suitable for the evaluation of the environmental changes. Due to the structure of crown trees have better contact with the atmosphere, so they filter the flowing air mass better than other vegetation forms, determine the processes in the ecosphere and react sensitively to the anthropogenic factors and consequently indicate the condition of the forest ecosystems by anatomical and morphological symptoms. Tree rings, their width and structure integrally reflect the complex impact of environmental factors. Therefore the role of tree rings, as the indicator of environmental conditions, is important for the evaluation of environmental changes. Forest ecosystems growing close to the pollution sources suffer the greatest impact because the concentration of harmful materials in the local pollution zone often exceeds permissible amounts. The objective of the research was to analyse the changes of annual radial increment of pine stands (Pinus sylvestris L.) in the zones of local alkalizing, acidifying and eutrophying pollution and to determine the regularities of radial increment recovery after the decrease of pollution. First time in Lithuania a comprehensive dendrochronological research on the impact of climatic factors and industrial pollution on the radial increment of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) has been carried out in the surroundings of “Akmenės... [to full text]

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