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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elektroninės logistikos informacinė sistema / Information system of logistics company

Balčiūnas, Gytis 14 January 2006 (has links)
The subject of the master work is information system for logistic company. The aim of this work is to create flexible information system prepared for logistic company managers. The main task is systematize user’s needs and requirements for the information system based on the work experience in the logistic company. To realize this purpose, in this project, created organization problems model and processes activity diagram, analyzed user’s requirements and created requirements specification, project drivers, constraints, functional and non-functional requirements and project issues. At the software design dynamic level crated state, sequence and collaboration diagrams. At static level separated system in packets and created class diagrams. According to this instruction created and tested logistic company software and wrote user manual. This logistic company’s information system helps logistic company managers to control customers orders, contracts and services prices, allow gets customers contact information, fill and print accounts and print various reports.

Nekilnojamojo turto informacinė sistema / Information system of real estate

Kučiauskas, Artūras 18 January 2006 (has links)
Nowadays, the work of any concern or organisation that uses modern methods is highly related to computerised information system, which helps the organisation in solving and implementing various tasks that arise during its work. The prototype of Lithuanian interface software that was created during the project is dedicated to small real estate agencies to collect and manage the information on real estate objects and orders that were registered in the agency. The product suits managers of real estate agencies best. Using the following software it is possible to search through the real estate objects that are registered in the system, print the information needed, view the records, register orders, objects related to the orders and all the information related to the implementation of an order. This software will give the managers of organisations the possibility of fast comparing between the real estate objects under various criteria and to select the variants that suit the customer best. The creation of the system involved several main stages. First, it was necessary to specify the requirements for the future system. The second stage involved designing and programming of the system itself using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 tools and Visual Basic programming language. At the end, the process involved testing of the system and writing the thorough user manual.

Archyvo informacinė sistema / Information system of archive

Udras, Pranciškus 23 June 2004 (has links)
There is analyzing problem of document ruling in the Šiauliai university archive and tools in the process of archive practice development in this master qualification work. Aim of work is analyzing action Lithuanian and foreign archives, their standard documents which have influence in the documents ruling to offer the archive information conception and ways how to integrate archive to information system. Research results show limitation of Šiauliai university document ruling (execution of document, preparation saving, timely transmission saving and gathering). It show that Šiauliai university is necessary reformation of archive practice using possibility of modern information technology. Master work has surviving practical value. Using material of research there will be offer to create undivided documents ruling system which will let to optimize saving of document and accessability for society.

Teritorinės muitinės mokesčių informacinė sistema / Taxation information system of territorial custom offie

Nastajus, Jonas 05 January 2005 (has links)
In this work the main function of Panevėžys Custom Office (CO) Taxes Subdivision is studied. This function involves an accounting of paid taxes, a superintendence of payments and a control of State Tax Inspectorate (STI) includings. The main purpose of this work was to make Information System (IS), which makes registration and accounting of taxes obligations of economy subjects in CO better, improves their control and analysis, facilitates search and creation of various reports in CO. The situation of tax accounting in Panevėžys CO has been analyzed. The condition of accounting software in Panevėžys CO as well as in another four CO has been analyzed. The review of already installed and being installed IS at Custom of Lithuania was surveyed preparing this work. After the review, the structural – functional projecting method for a creation of IS has been chosen. To form and describe a conceptual model of Date Base (DB) ER modeling is used. IS was created in Microsoft Access 2003 environment. This IS preserves, stores, manages and analyses all data about economy subject’s custom procedures, paid taxes and made inclusions. This IS generates required reports. A trial version of this IS was installed in December 2002 in Utena subdivision accounting department of Panevėžys Custom Office.

Veiklos taisyklių vaizdavimas duomenų bazių struktūrų schemomis / DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS RULES IN DATABASE STRUCTURING APPROACH

Drąsutavičiūtė, Giedrė 11 January 2005 (has links)
While information system is design it is very important to understand organization processes, their constrains in requirements level. The business rules structuring is one of the problem to design information system. In this article at large is analyzed business rules classification and description ways in database designing and planning methods, including presentation of their advantages and disadvantages. Basing on the analysis work, the model of the business rules structuring process is proposed and the possibilities for the further development of this models are described.

Miškų urėdijos padalinio veiklos apskaitos informacinė sistema / Information system for forestry department bookeeping

Šlegeris, Rimantas 09 January 2007 (has links)
This document is a graduation paper for KTU remote master studies of Information Systems. Information system for forestry department bookeeping described in this paper uses client-server architecture. Data are stored in MS SQL server. User interface is created using Visual FoxPro. The program can be used to perform a part of bookeeping tasks of forestry department . It works either in local network or internet access to the database .

The information analysis and the research on entropy for measurement data / Matavimo duomenų informacinė analizė ir entropijos tyrimas

Rybokas, Mindaugas 28 September 2006 (has links)
Information entropy parameter has been applied for an expression of the result of data assessment and it is supplemented by an index of sample of data that was evaluated out of set of information. A modelling system and software have been developed that can be used and are used for practical processing of measurement data for circular raster scales. / Duomenų įverčiui išreikšti pritaikytas informacinės entropijos parametras pateiktoje rezultato išraiškoje yra papildytas rodikliu apie duomenų imtį, kuri buvo įvertinta iš visos šį objektą charakterizuojančių duomenų aibės. Sukurta modeliavimo sistema ir programinė įranga gali būti naudojama didelio skaičiaus nežinomųjų lygtims spręsti, o praktikoje naudojama rastrinių skalių matavimo duomenims apdoroti.

Rusijos ir Gruzijos informacinio karo atspindys Lietuvos ir Italijos žiniasklaidoje / Russia - georgia information warfare reflection in lithuanian and italian mass media

Navickaitė, Vilija 25 November 2010 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – informacinio karo apraiškos Lietuvos ir Italijos žiniasklaidoje. Kadangi pats konfliktas vyko labai trumpai, vos penkias dienas, bet įtampa augo jau seniai, siekiant nuosekliai ištirti konflikto eigą bei ėjimą link jo, svarbu apsibrėžti objekto tyrimo laikotarpį – nuo 2008 m. liepos mėn. 3 d. iki 2008 m. rugpjūčio mėn. 19 d. Žiniasklaidos tyrimo laikotarpis pasirinktas nuo 2008 m. liepos mėn. 3 d, dėl kelių priežasčių: (1) tiriant informacinio karo apraiškas žiniasklaidos priemonėse siekiama analizuoti, kaip augusi įtampa tarp dviejų valstybių buvo atspindėta užsienio žiniasklaidos priemonėse – Lietuvos ir Italijos populiariausių dienraščių internetinėse svetainėse, (2) 2008 m. liepos mėn. 3 d. – padidėjo ir nuolat tendencingai augo įtampa tarp Gruzijos ir jos separatistinio regiono Pietų Osetijos, ten įvykus keliems sprogimams ir žuvus tiek Pietų Osetijos, tiek Gruzijos pareigūnams – anot Rusijos vienos iš nedaugelio nepriklausomų žurnalistų Julijos Latyninos, būtent ši data gali būti laikytina karo pradžia, privedusia prie vadinamojo penkių dienų Rusijos ir Gruzijos karinio konflikto. Visą tyrimo laikotarpio pasirinkimą sąlygoja dar keletas priežasčių: (1) daroma prielaida, kad būtent šiuo laikotarpiu turėjo būti didžiausia koncentracija pranešimų augančios įtampos bei konflikto tema, (2) didžiausia tikimybė, kad galėjo būti vykdomos informacinio karo atakos, siekiant paveikti pasaulinės bendruomenės nuomonę, (3) nesant aiškių įrodymų, kas pradėjo... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Master thesis Russia - Georgia information warfare reflection in Lithuanian and Italian mass media by Vilija Navickaite the student of Vilnius university Communication faculty the Institute of Journalism, aims to analyze the case study of Russia Georgia information warfare reflection in selected Lithuania and Italian mass media. Five day war between Russia and Georgia held in the summer of 2008 during the Olympic games in Beijing immediately concentrated the world’s mass media attention and raised the public sphere discussions on the reasons and consequences of two states confrontation. This statement was fundamental for the research main question uplift: which position Lithuanian and Italian mass media took in the Russia Georgia conflict and what reasons did it determine. The paper claims to verify the hypothesis that Italian mass media was favourable to Russia’s position considering official Italian Russian close relationship and the personal friendship of recent Italian prime minister and media magnate Silvio Berlusconi with Russia’s ex president and recent prime minister Vladimir Putin. By the other hand Lithuanian mass media should have been fovourable to Georgia’s position considering common historical experience and the official Lithuania’s government support to this country advocating in European Union and NATO membership procedure. In order to verify the selected hypothesis the research was based on information warfare and communication security theoretical concepts... [to full text]

Įmonių administravimo ir dokumentų valdymo sistemos internete / Document management and enterprise administration system on the Internet

Jankūnas, Laimonas 28 May 2004 (has links)
This article examines the Internet software design technology using Lotus Notes. Current method is based on architecture decomposition in to separate program logics, data, user interface and graphics layers. The practical value of these methods is revealed – increased performance and product support simplicity.

Psichofiziologinės reabilitacijos pacientų informacinės sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas / Information system of psychophysiology rehabilitation patient developing and analysis

Dirgėlas, Virginijus 29 May 2005 (has links)
During development of information system, we have problems to choose appropriate architecture, technologies and methods. The conception of information system, designing methods, problems, related with information system development is given in this work. There are mentioned the main security requirement for hospital information system. We analyze created system “Information system of psychophysiology rehabilitation patients”. There are mentioned the main cases why client/server architecture, new technology adaptation were selected. The comparison of methods for data interface realization: PL/SQL language written in stored procedures and query generation is given. The selected method rating - how it speed system developing and how it influence system performance are evaluated. There are given experiments, which decrease system performance by selected methods.

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