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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A strategic theoretical framework to safeguard business value for information systems

Grobler, Chris Daniel January 2017 (has links)
The phenomenon of business value dissipation in mature organisations as an unintended by-product of the adoption and use of information systems has been a highly debated topic in the corporate boardroom awakening the interest of practitioners and academics alike. Much of the discourse tends to focus on the inability of organisations to unlock and realise the intended benefits to be harvested through large information systems investments. While the business case for investing in large technology programmes has been thoroughly investigated, the human agent that causes value erosion through his interaction with information systems (IS), has not received the studied attention it deserves. This study examines the use of technology in organisations by considering the dichotomy inherent in IS where its introduction for the purposes of creating new or sustaining existing business value subsequently also inadvertently dissipates value. The study proceeds to investigate the root people-induced causes resulting in the unintentional dissipation of value and presents an empirically validated model suggesting that human agents do not only create value for organisations through their use of IS, but at the same time, deliberately or inadvertently, dissipate value. The root people-induced causes resulting in the unintentional dissipation of value is delineated within a Theoretical Technology Value Framework that is constructed from a review of the extant literature, and delineates the overall unintentional value destroying causes and effects of IS on organisations. The Theoretical Technology Value Framework is forthwith applied as a basis for the development of a set of questions to support both qualitative and quantitative investigations from which an Archetypical Technology Value Model was derived. Finally, an Archetypical Technology Value Model is presented as a benchmark and basis to identify, investigate, mitigate and minimise or eliminate the unintentional value destroying effects of IS on Information Technology driven organisations. The study concludes with implications for both theory and practice and suggestions on how value erosion through the activities of the human agent may be identified, modeled and mitigated. Ultimately, recommendations are offered towards the crafting of more effective IS. / School of Computing / Ph. D. (Information Systems)

Developing and managing information collections for academics and researchers at a university of technology : a case study

Van Zijl, Carol Wendy 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study examines the efficacy of collection development and management practices, policies, guidelines and standards in universities of technology to meet the information needs of academics and researchers at such institutions. In South Africa, as in Australasia, technikons or polytechnics have been upgraded first into degree granting institutions and then, at the beginning of the 21st century, into universities of technology. The researcher was concerned that library collections in South African universities of technology have not grown to meet the research and teaching needs of academics at the level of universities offering instruction up to a doctoral level. As research funding, government grants and the general prestige of the institutions depend on the research output of the institutions, it is essential that academics and researchers find the information resources they require in their institutional libraries. Case studies of universities of technology in New Zealand and South Africa reveal that, while Auckland University of Technology has been successful in extending its collection to meet the increasing demands placed on it, the collection development policies, standards and guidelines in a South African university of technology need to be upgraded in order to meet the information needs and information behaviour of their researchers and academics. Current levels of funding for the acquisition of information resources in South Africa lag behind those found at the New Zealand university of technology. The university of technology that was the object of the South African case study needs to bring its collection in line with that of similar institutions worldwide. This entails adapting goals and objectives stating how the collection is to develop, evaluating the collection and the needs of users, changing the Collection Development Policy to reflect the direction collection development will take and ensuring that the institution and the government back this project financially. To this end, a model Collection Development Policy has been drawn up that can be adapted to the local requirements of South African universities of technology to assist with the process of developing and managing library collections that will be worthy of such an institution. / Information Science / D. Litt. et Phil. (Information Science)

Knowledge retention model for institutions of higher learning : a case of Kenya Methodist University (KeMU)

Stephen, Evangeline Kagwiria 06 1900 (has links)
Kenya Methodist University (KeMU) is facing challenges like duplication of work due to lack of a central repository for knowledge retention, loss of knowledge through expertise leaving the institution without knowledge being captured and over reliance on a few known subject matter experts as others have not been identified. Utilising the Knowledge Retention Strategy framework, this study sought to assess knowledge retention practices at KeMU, with a view to entrench the culture of sharing knowledge. The ultimate aim of this study was to develop a model for knowledge retention at institutions of higher learning which KeMU could adopt. The study relied on mixed method research (MMR) with qualitative and quantitative data mixed at collection, analysis, discussion and reporting levels. The study triangulated data collection tools which encompassed a questionnaire, interview, observation and review of documents to collect data from 106 respondents and 11 heads of departments respectively. These two groups were purposively selected as they play a key role in knowledge retention at KeMU. The study disclosed a variety of informal knowledge retention practices but formal practices like: documented work processes; training and development for specific job tasks; orientation for general and job specific; knowledge repositories; communities of practice; knowledge retention policies; knowledge recovery initiatives; and human resources processes and practices for knowledge retention were lacking. Considering the value placed on the above list of lacking essential practices for knowledge retention, KeMU is indeed in dire need for a solution to help retain operational relevant knowledge. The study formulated a KR model for institutions of higher learning that would help KeMU leverage its knowledge assets. The study recommends that KeMU should work out a knowledge retention policy on how to implement the best knowledge retention practices. A further study on measuring KM in an academic institution is recommended. / Information Science / M. Inf.

Structured and collaborative search: an integrated approach to share documents among users

Francq, Pascal 02 June 2003 (has links)
<p align="justify">Aujourd'hui, la gestion des documents est l'un des problèmes les plus importants en informatique. L'objectif de cette thèse est de proposer un système de gestion documentaire basé sur une approche appelée recherche structurée et collaborative. Les caractéristiques essentielles sont :</p><p><ul><li><p align="justify">Dès lors que les utilisateurs ont plusieurs centres d'intérêts, ils sont décrits par des profils, un profil correspondant à un centre d'intérêt particulier. C'est la partie structurée du système.</li><p></p><p><li><p align="justify">Pour construire une description des profils, les utilisateurs jugent des documents en fonction de leur intérêt</li><p></p><p><li><p align="justify">Le système regroupe les profils similaires pour former un certain nombre de communautés virtuelles</li></p> <p><li><p align="justify">Une fois les communautés virtuelles définies, des documents jugés comme intéressants par certains utilisateurs d'une communauté peuvent être partagés dans toute la communauté. C'est la partie collaborative du système.</p><p></li></ul><p><p align="justify">Le système a été validé sur plusieurs corpora de documents en utilisant une méthodologie précise et offre des résultats prometteurs.</p><p> / Doctorat en sciences appliquées / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Enhancing service delivery through records management in Mogale City Local Municipality

Makgahlela, Kgoori Aubrey 07 1900 (has links)
Records are essential to the efficient administration of municipalities and more critical to the facilitation of good governance, transparency and accountability. Despite this, the records management processes of many municipalities in South Africa have remained ineffective and inefficient. The study investigated the extent to which records management enhances service delivery in Mogale City Local Municipality. The objective was to determine how far sound records management goes in enhancing the public services, accountability, transparency and good governance. The study sought to address the following research questions: “What contribution, if any, does records management play in enhancing service delivery?”; “Are there any suitable standards and practices for creation and maintenance of records MCLM?”; “To what extent does records management impact on transparency and accountability in Mogale City Local Municipality?” and “Identifying the benefits derived from records management in the municipality.” The study was underpinned by the record life-cycle and records continuum models. The literature reviewed was based on themes derived from the research questions, the underpinning models and broader areas of the study. The study adopted an interpretivist paradigm, which is associated with the qualitative research approach. The study adopted a single case study design and data were collected through the use of interviews and observation. The qualitative data collected were presented and analysed in narrative description. The findings of the study revealed that there is a positive correlation between records management and effective service delivery. In conclusion, it is evident that the future well-being and quality of basic service delivery depend on the ability of the MCLM to utilise records management strategic planning processes. Records contain information that will assist the municipality in determining the required resources, and moreover, in setting or improving service standards. The records management policy in the municipality must be adhered to and practiced consistently to ensure compliance and sound records management. This affirms the need for reformed records management strategies to enable administration efficiency and improved service delivery in the municipality. / Rekords is noodsaaklik vir die doeltreffende administrasie van munisipaliteite en meer krities vir die fasilitering van goeie bestuur, deursigtigheid en verantwoordbaarheid. Ten spyte hiervan het die rekordbestuursprosesse van talle munisipaliteite in Suid-Afrika ondoeltreffend en ondoeltreffend gebly. Die studie het die mate waarin rekordbestuur die dienslewering in Mogale City Plaaslike Munisipaliteit verbeter, ondersoek. Die doel was om te bepaal hoe ver klankrekordbestuur gaan om die openbare dienste, verantwoordbaarheid, deursigtigheid en goeie bestuur te verbeter. Die studie het probeer om die volgende navorsingsvrae aan te spreek: "watter bydrae, indien enige, doen rekordbestuursspel in die verbetering van dienslewering?"; "Is daar enige geskikte standaarde en praktyke vir die skepping en instandhouding van rekords MCLM?"; "Tot watter mate het rekordbestuursimpak oor deursigtigheid en verantwoordbaarheid in Mogale City Plaaslike Munisipaliteit?" en "die identifisering van die voordele wat uit rekordbestuur in die Munisipaliteit afkomstig is." Die studie is gerugsteun deur die rekord lewe-siklus en rekords kontinuum modelle. Die literatuur is gebaseer op temas wat afgelei is van die navorsingsvrae, die onderliggende modelle en breër areas van die studie. Die studie het 'n interpretivist paradigma aangeneem, wat geassosieer word met die kwalitatiewe navorsingsbenadering. Die studie het 'n enkele gevallestudie aangeneem en data is ingesamel deur die gebruik van onderhoude en observasie. Die kwalitatiewe data wat ingesamel is, is aangebied en ontleed in narratiewe Beskrywing. Die bevindinge van die studie het getoon dat daar 'n positiewe korrelasie tussen rekordbestuur en effektiewe dienslewering is. Ten slotte is dit duidelik dat die toekomstige welstand en gehalte van basiese dienslewering afhang van die vermoë van die MCLM om rekordbestuur-strategiese beplanningsprosesse te benut. Rekords bevat inligting wat die Munisipaliteit sal help om die vereiste hulpbronne te bepaal, en verder in die opstel of verbetering van diensstandaarde. Die rekordbestuurbeleid in die munisipaliteit moet nagekom en konsekwent beoefen word om nakoming van voldoening en goeie rekordbestuur te verseker. Dit bevestig die behoefte aan Reformatoriese rekordbestuurstrategieë om administraseringdoeltreffendheid en verbeterde dienslewering in die Munisipaliteit moontlik te maak. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)

Improving patient referral processes through electronic health record system : a case study of rural hospitals in Limpopo province

Nevhutalu, Ntsako Fikile 11 1900 (has links)
In the last decade, the deployment of Electronic Health Records has increased tremendously in many developed countries. This increasing trend intensifies the need for developing countries like South Africa to implement electronic health record systems in state owned hospitals to facilitate e-referral processes to improve health care delivery. The aim of this research was to investigate the current process of patient record keeping, management, and the referral process of patients within the same hospital and to other hospitals and based on the findings compile an Electronic Health Record (EHR) framework to facilitate e- referral processes. This research study was based on a qualitative case study approach. A multiple data collection technique was used which included group interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and informal discussions with the hospital workers. Data were analysed by categorization and thematic approach. The findings obtained from state hospitals indicated that there is no EHR system which accommodates patient health record systems to facilitate e-referral processes. These findings led to a compilation of the Limpopo Electronic Health Record System (LEHRS) to aid e-referral processes in state hospitals. The increasing need for accurate, reliable, available and accessible EHR will be addressed by the implementation of LEHRS as information will be stored in a central database in a useable format and will be easily accessed. / Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)

Cloud computing and innovation: its viability, benefits, challenges and records management capabilities

Bassett, Cameron January 2015 (has links)
This research investigated the potential benefits, risks and challenges, innovation properties and viability of cloud computing for records management on an Australian organisation within the mining software development sector. This research involved the use of a case study results analysis as well as a literature analysis. The literature analysis identified the ten potential benefits of cloud computing, as well as the ten risks and challenges associated with cloud computing. It further identified aspects, which needed to be addressed when adopting cloud computing in order to promote innovation within an organisation. The case study analysis was compared against a literature review of ten potential benefits of cloud computing, as well as the ten risks and challenges associated with cloud computing. This was done in order to determine cloud computing’s viability for records management for Company X (The company in the case study). Cloud computing was found to be viable for Company X. However, there were certain aspects, which need to be discussed and clarified with the cloud service provider beforehand in order to mitigate possible risks and compliance issues. It is also recommended that a cloud service provider who complies with international standards, such as ISO 15489, be selected. The viability of cloud computing for organisations similar to Company X (mining software development) followed a related path. These organisations need to ensure that the service provider is compliant with laws in their local jurisdiction, such as Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Australia, 2011:14-15), as well as laws where their data (in the cloud) may be hosted. The benefits, risks and challenges of records management and cloud computing are applicable to these similar organisations. However, mitigation of these risks needs to be discussed with a cloud service provider beforehand. From an innovation perspective, cloud computing is able to promote innovation within an organisation, if certain antecedents are dealt with. Furthermore, if cloud computing is successfully adopted then it should promote innovation within organisations. / Information Science / M. Inf.

Information and communication technologies for knowledge management processes in the public sector in Kenya : a case study of the State Department of Infrastructure

Mbugua, Nancy 02 1900 (has links)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are considered facilitators of knowledge management processes in organizations. This study investigated ICTs for knowledge management processes at the State Department of Infrastructure in Kenya. The study’s objectives were to: establish the level of knowledge management awareness, find out knowledge management processes, identify types of ICTs used for knowledge management processes, and identify challenges experienced by State Department of Infrastructure in the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. The study findings were determined after applying a qualitative research approach and a case study research design. A purposive sampling technique was used to select 21 participants who were heads of sections at the State Department of Infrastructure in Kenya. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, analyzed and interpreted thematically according to the objectives of the study. Findings of the study revealed that most participants were aware of the meanings of the concepts of knowledge and knowledge management, types of knowledge and importance of knowledge management in the department. Knowledge management processes in the State Department of Infrastructure entail knowledge creation, codification, retention, sharing and storage. ICTs mostly used for knowledge management processes in the department include: emails, mobile phones, desktop computers, computer servers, and flash disks. The department is faced with the challenges of lack of knowledge management strategies, policies and adequate staff awareness on the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. In conclusion, the State Department of Infrastructure has a functional ICT infrastructure. However, the department is not using ICTs provided by this study’s Web 2.0 driven SECI model for knowledge management processes such as blogs, wikis, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. The study therefore proposes that the State Department of Infrastructure should increase its use of Web 2.0 technologies, collaborative content systems and e-learning technologies. The department should also digitize its records; automate its library services; set up intranet, and adopt a centralized knowledge-based system. Further, Public Service Commission of Kenya should formulate a knowledge management strategy and policy to guide on the use of ICTs for knowledge management processes. This strategy and policy can then be cascaded to public sector organizations such as the State Department of Infrastructure. / Information Science / M.A. (Information Science)

Improving patient referral processes through electronic health record system : a case study of rural hospitals in Limpopo province

Nevhutalu, Ntsako Fikile 11 1900 (has links)
In the last decade, the deployment of Electronic Health Records has increased tremendously in many developed countries. This increasing trend intensifies the need for developing countries like South Africa to implement electronic health record systems in state owned hospitals to facilitate e-referral processes to improve health care delivery. The aim of this research was to investigate the current process of patient record keeping, management, and the referral process of patients within the same hospital and to other hospitals and based on the findings compile an Electronic Health Record (EHR) framework to facilitate e- referral processes. This research study was based on a qualitative case study approach. A multiple data collection technique was used which included group interviews, questionnaires, document analysis and informal discussions with the hospital workers. Data were analysed by categorization and thematic approach. The findings obtained from state hospitals indicated that there is no EHR system which accommodates patient health record systems to facilitate e-referral processes. These findings led to a compilation of the Limpopo Electronic Health Record System (LEHRS) to aid e-referral processes in state hospitals. The increasing need for accurate, reliable, available and accessible EHR will be addressed by the implementation of LEHRS as information will be stored in a central database in a useable format and will be easily accessed. / Computing / M. Tech. (Information Technology)

Indianapolis Emergency Medical Service and the Indiana Network for Patient Care: Evaluating the Patient Match Process

Park, Seong Cheol 03 January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In 2009, Indianapolis Emergency Medical Service (I-EMS, formerly Wishard Ambulance Service) launched an electronic medical record system within their ambulances and started to exchange patient data with the Indiana Network for Patient Care (INPC). This unique system allows EMS personnel in an ambulance to get important medical information prior to the patient’s arrival to the accepting hospital from incident scene. In this retrospective cohort study, we found EMS personnel made 3,021 patient data requests (14%) of 21,215 EMS transports during a one-year period, with a “success” match rate of 46%, and a match “failure” rate of 17%. The three major factors for causing match “failure” were (1) ZIP code 55%, (2) Patient Name 22%, and (3) Birth Date 12%. This study shows that the ZIP code is not a robust identifier in the patient identification process and Non-ZIP code identifiers may be a better choice due to inaccuracies and changes of the ZIP code in a patient’s record.

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