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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Institutional Change and Foreign Market Entry Behaviour of the Firm : A Longitudinal Study of Three Swedish Firms in China

Kao, Pao-Tsung January 2013 (has links)
China’s status as the world’s top destination for foreign direct investment and the largest trading nation is likely to attract more international firms seeking market entrance, and increase the speed of expansion by those already present in the market. Its progress in reaching this point has been accompanied by significant changes in laws and regulations. This study sets out to understand the events of foreign market entry to emerging markets experiencing recurring changes in laws and regulations, and asks the research question: How may institutional change in the host market influence the market entry behaviour of the firm over time? Based on retrospective longitudinal case studies of DeLaval, Elekta and Höganäs from 1980 to 2010, the findings show that institutional change taking place in the host market plays a signal role that enables firms to recognise the availability and accessibility of market opportunity. Firms also make market commitment accordingly to capture the market opportunity recognised. Additionally, institutional change comes in different forms (transitional change and turbulent change), and plays out differently in various industries and at various points in time. They also have varying influences on market opportunity in terms of the source through which it is recognised (structural opportunity and relational opportunity), and the direction in which market commitment is made (commitment toward the host market, relationships, and organisational integration). Furthermore, depending on the point in time, the relations among institutional change, market opportunity, and market commitment may change. While a consistent level of institutional change encourages firms to recognise structural opportunity, the escalation of institutional change over time seems to influence firms to form stronger relationship commitment with local actors and leads to stronger recognition of relational opportunity. This study’s findings imply that recurring institutional changes in emerging markets have an overarching impact on foreign market entry of the firm, and needs to be understood from a long-term perspective. Foreign firms that have acquired experience in emerging markets over time face less of a threat from ongoing institutional changes. Actively engaging in the host market and remaining alert to information from various sources will enable firms to recognise market opportunity in emerging markets.

Stakeholder Influence in Higher Education : Old Ideas in New Bottles?

Bjørkquist, Catharina January 2009 (has links)
This dissertation deals with how national higher education policy affects stakeholder influence in practice, i.e. how two selected higher education institutions, the University of Oslo and Telemark University College, have interpreted and adapted to national policy reforms. The aim of this dissertation is threefold. First, four stakeholder regimes: the expert, welfare, bargaining and entrepreneurial regimes, are developed. Second, these stakeholder regimes are used to investigate the evolvement of norms and structures for stakeholder influence over time, i.e. approximately 40 years, at the University of Oslo and Telemark University College, respectively. Third, historical institutionalism is used at an organisational level in order to reveal the evolvement of continuity and change in stakeholder influence at these two institutions. This dissertation argues that the two higher education institutions have both undergone an evolvement of stakeholder influence in three phases where the two first phases have paved the way for the ultimately dominant characteristics of the entrepreneurial regime. At the same time, the analysis shows that the initial institutional legacies of the University of Oslo and Telemark University College differed. The University of Oslo had an established institutional legacy where the professors had the most influence, whereas the participation of other internal stakeholder groups became part of the legacy during the 1970s. Recently, ideas of strong leadership have been added to the legacy. In contrast, the institutional legacy of Telemark University College was based on cooperation with external stakeholders already from the outset of the period studied here. On a general level, this dissertation argues that policy is more likely to change practice if the changes are incremental and introduced as layering modes of change on the structural aspects of the regime models. Along with these incremental changes – where the University of Oslo and Telemark University College become more alike in several aspects – both higher education institutions display a number of continuous practices; cooperation with external stakeholders is one example which can be traced back to the early stage of this study. However, Telemark University College initially opened up more to the outside world than the University of Oslo.

Estudo sobre a possibilidade de emergência de novas lógicas institucionais no campo acadêmico brasileiro

Barcelos, Régis Leonardo Gusmão January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o processo de mudança institucional no campo organizacional, observando esse fenômeno pela emergência de lógica de mercado no campo acadêmico brasileiro. O estudo propõe uma reflexão sobre a mudança institucional em universidades brasileiras, inserida em novo contexto de políticas governamentais baseadas na ideia de “inovação”. Nas últimas décadas o debate internacional sobre o tema da inovação tem cada vez mais inserido a universidade como um agente que contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico. A partir dos anos 2000, verificou-se o surgimento de novas diretrizes nas políticas de ciência e tecnologia no Brasil. Destacam-se entre essas mudanças a reestruturação das fontes de financiamento à pesquisa por meio da criação dos Fundos Setoriais, que visou promover o desenvolvimento de projetos de inovação de acordo com os setores da economia, a Política Industrial, Tecnológica e de Comércio Exterior (PITCE), a Lei de Inovação e o Plano de Ação de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (PACTI). Embora essas políticas fossem direcionadas para a indústria, constatou-se que novas práticas começaram a se difundir no campo acadêmico. Foi observado o rápido crescimento do número de depósitos de patentes, o envolvimento de pesquisadores em estruturas de interface universidade-empresa e a difusão de empresas fundadas por cientistas. Esse fato indicou a difusão de práticas orientadas por lógica de mercado no campo, mesmo sem um projeto empreendedor. Diferentemente dos argumentos institucionalistas que defendem que a mudança de lógicas no campo ocorre pela atuação de empreendedores institucionais, constatou-se que a inserção de lógica de mercado no campo estava associada à mudança na disponibilidade de recursos. Os cientistas assumiram práticas orientadas por lógicas alternativas na medida em que identificaram recursos para sustentá-las. O modelo de análise proposto neste estudo destaca a importância do conceito de ecologia nos estudos sobre a mudança institucional. A análise utilizou dados secundários, como estatísticas oficiais, documentos e estudos prévios. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas como técnica de coleta e análise de conteúdo categorial como técnica de análise. / The objective of this study was to analyze the process of institutional change in the organizational field, observing this phenomenon by the emergence of market logic in the Brazilian academic field. The study proposes a reflection on institutional change in Brazilian universities, inserted in a new context of government policies based on the idea of "innovation". In the last decades the international debate on the theme of innovation has increasingly inserted the university as an agent that contributes to economic development. From the 2000s onwards, the emergence of new guidelines in science and technology policies in Brazil. Of note among these changes are the restructuring of sources of research funding through the creation of Sectorial Funds, which aimed to promote the development of innovation projects according to the sectors of economy, Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy (PITCE ), The Innovation Law and the Plan of Action for Science, Technology and Innovation (PACTI). Although these policies were directed towards the industry, it was found that new practices began to spread in the academic field. The rapid growth in the number of patent deposits, the involvement of researchers in university-enterprise interface structures and the diffusion of companies founded by scientists were observed. This fact indicated the diffusion of practices guided by market logic in the field, even without an entrepreneurial project. Unlike the institutionalist arguments that the change of logics in the field occurs by the action of institutional entrepreneurs, it was verified that the insertion of market logic in the field was associated to the change in the availability of resources. Scientists have assumed practices guided by alternative logics insofar as they have identified the resources to sustain them. The analysis model proposed in this study highlights the importance of the concept of ecology in studies on institutional change. The analysis used secondary data such as official statistics, documents and previous studies. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted as a technique for collecting and analyzing categorial content as a technique for analysis.

Mudança institucional no ambiente produtivo da maçã com a adoção da produção integrada de frutas (PIF)

Fornazier, Armando January 2010 (has links)
A produção agrícola cada vez mais é direcionada para atender às exigências dos mercados e aos aspectos legais do próprio país, na busca de maior segurança do alimento (food safety). No entanto, alterações nos padrões necessitam que toda a cadeia produtiva se altere para a sua implementação. Nesse processo, há que se mudar o conjunto de aprendizado e introduzir o novo conjunto de regras, tanto formais quanto informais. A Produção Integrada de Frutas (PIF) surgiu na Itália para diminuir problemas enfrentados na cultura da maçã pela resistência da cultura às pragas. No Brasil, foi introduzida a pedido do próprio setor produtivo da maçã para diminuir o risco de o produto nacional ser rejeitado em outros mercados, especialmente na União Europeia (UE). Assim, foi adotada como uma política pública agrícola com vista a incentivar um maior padrão de qualidade ao produto nacional. Para isso, o setor produtivo deve perceber incentivos e implementar uma série de mudanças, se adaptando ao novo padrão institucional, ou seja, às novas regras do jogo. O presente trabalho analisa a influência das instituições e organizações na adoção da Produção Integrada de Maçã (PIM), avaliando os incentivos, dificuldades, construção das regras, entre outros fatores. Para entender esse objetivo, foram feitas visitas às empresas e cooperativas produtoras que adotam ou adotaram a PIM. Colheram-se informações através de questionários estruturados e entrevistas com agentes públicos e privados que participam do processo, a fim de avaliar esses aspectos sob por várias visões. A PIM é de adoção espontânea e como estratégia buscou-se a criação de áreas experimentais para mostrar a eficiência do sistema e criação das normas em conjunto com os comitês técnicos, com a participação do setor produtivo. As empresas e cooperativas aderiram ao sistema proposto; porém as empresas, pelas exigências dos mercados em que atuam, já que podem utilizar outros sistemas de certificação, têm deixado de certificar a PIM, mas, mesmo assim, muitas vezes seguem suas recomendações. As cooperativas continuam recorrendo à certificação, pois, através dela, controlam a produção, com a padronização de produtos e processos entre os cooperados. Os processos atuais podem mudar facilmente, o que torna necessário que os diversos agentes do sistema produtivo, tanto público quanto privado, percebam as mudanças e consigam implementá-las. / The agricultural production more and more is targeted to attend the market demands where it is commercialized, as well as to follow the legal aspects of the country looking for a bigger food safety. However, alterations in the standards need that the whole productive chain alters for its implementation. In this process, it is necessary to alter the set of apprenticeship and to introduce the new set of rules, formal or informal. The Integrated Fruit Production (IFP) appeared in Italy in order to reduce faced problems in the apple culture by the pest resistance. In Brazil, it was introduced, requested by the apple productive sector, to reduce the risk of the national product to be rejected in other markets, especially in the European Union (EU) So, it was adopted like a public agricultural politics with the objective of stimulating a bigger standard of quality to the national product, getting higher the use of traceability and certification in the Brazilian agriculture, but for that the productive sector must realize the incentives and have to implement several changes, adapting to the new institutional standard, in other words, to the new game rules. This paper analyses the influence of the institutions and organizations in the adoption of the Integrated Apple Production (IAP), valuing the incentives, difficulties, construction of the rules, among others. To understand this process, it was done visits to the enterprises and producing cooperatives that adopt or adopted the IAP, collecting the informations through structured questionnaires and interviews with other public and private agents who participate of the process to value these aspects through several visions. The IAP is of spontaneous adoption and as a strategy it was looked for creation of experimental areas to show the system efficiency and creation of the standards together with the technical committees, with the participation of the productive sector. The enterprises and cooperatives adhered to the proposed system, however, the enterprises for the demands of the markets in which they participate, also were using other certification systems and they stopped certifying the IAP, even using its recommendations. In the cooperatives, they keep on certifying, because the biggest incentive is to have production control, with the standardization of products and processes among the cooperated ones. The current processes can change easily, what makes necessary that several agents of the productive system, public or private, realize the changes and manages to implement them.

De l'impact de la démocratie et des dictatures sur le processus de développement économique : une analyse historique et institutionnelle

Majidi, Moulay errachid 15 February 2011 (has links)
A l’intersection de trois branches de la science économique, l’économie du développement, la nouvelle économie institutionnelle et l’histoire des faits économiques, cette thèse revient sur la problématique abondemment traitée mais toujours entourée de controverses et de confusions, de l’impact de la nature d’un régime politique sur le processus de développement économique. Dans ce cadre, nous souhaitons la traiter d’une manière dynamique et globale. Pour cette raison, nous allons passer en revue diverses séquences historiques afin d’étudier les trajectoires politiques et économiques des nations et de détecter ainsi les points de convergence et de divergence qui les lient. Notre démarche ne consiste pas à établir les corrélations qui peuvent exister entre la nature d’un régime politique et le taux de croissance économique, mais plutôt à chercher des liens de causalité entre les caractéristiques d’une démocratie ou d’une dictature et le développement économique d’un pays. En analysant cette relation dans la durée, nous allons mettre en avant les changements importants qu’elle peut subir mais aussi les influences mutuelles que peuvent avoir les évolutions politiques et économiques. Nous allons ainsi analyser le rôle que peut avoir la structure politique dans la pauvreté et la richesse des nations. En suivant d’abord le processus de développement économique en Europe occidentale et en observant comment ce processus va réagir face à l’avènement des monarchies absolues et à l’émergence de régimes politiques plus libres. Ensuite, il sera question du rôle des dictatures prédatrices dans la persistance des problèmes de sous-développement dans les pays du Tiers-Monde. La comparaison de l’impact de la démocratie et des régimes autoritaires développeurs sur le processus de développement économique nous amènera dans un premier temps à analyser théoriquement les effets positifs et négatifs des deux régimes, d’abord dans le court et le moyen terme, ensuite dans le long terme. Par la suite, il sera question de l’analyse des trajectoires politico-économiques du Chili, de la Corée du Sud et de la Chine afin de confronter l’analyse théorique à l’épreuve des cas empiriques. / At the intersection of three branches of economic science, namely, development economics, the new institutional economics and economic history, this dissertation re-examines a problem which is still surrounded by confusion and controversy in spite of the abundant literature which has been devoted to it: the impact of the nature of a political regime on the process of economic development. In this perspective, we shall deal with it in a dynamic and global manner. We will thus overview several historical sequences in order to study the political and economic paths of nations with the hope of isolating points of convergence and divergence that link them. Our endeavour does not consist in establishing correlations that may exist between the nature of a political regime and the rate of economic growth, but rather in identifying the causal links between the characteristics of a democracy or a dictatorship and the economic development of a country. Through the analysis of this relationship over a long span of time, we shall highlight the significant changes that it can undergo, but also the mutual influences that political and economic evolution can entertain. We shall thus analyse the role that the political structure can have on the poverty and the wealth of nations. First, we shall analyse the process of economic development in Western Europe by pointing out how this process reacted to the advent of absolutist monarchies and to the emergence of freer political regimes. We shall then analyse the role of predatory dictatorships in the persistence of underdevelopment in countries of the Third World. The comparison of the impact of democracy and authoritarian-developmentalist regimes on the process of economic development will lead us in a first step to the theoretical analysis of the positive and negative impacts of these two regimes in the short and the medium term, and then in the long term. It will then be left to us to analyse the political-economic historical paths of Chile, South Korea and China so as to subject our theoretical analysis to the test of empirical cas

Estudo sobre a possibilidade de emergência de novas lógicas institucionais no campo acadêmico brasileiro

Barcelos, Régis Leonardo Gusmão January 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar o processo de mudança institucional no campo organizacional, observando esse fenômeno pela emergência de lógica de mercado no campo acadêmico brasileiro. O estudo propõe uma reflexão sobre a mudança institucional em universidades brasileiras, inserida em novo contexto de políticas governamentais baseadas na ideia de “inovação”. Nas últimas décadas o debate internacional sobre o tema da inovação tem cada vez mais inserido a universidade como um agente que contribui para o desenvolvimento econômico. A partir dos anos 2000, verificou-se o surgimento de novas diretrizes nas políticas de ciência e tecnologia no Brasil. Destacam-se entre essas mudanças a reestruturação das fontes de financiamento à pesquisa por meio da criação dos Fundos Setoriais, que visou promover o desenvolvimento de projetos de inovação de acordo com os setores da economia, a Política Industrial, Tecnológica e de Comércio Exterior (PITCE), a Lei de Inovação e o Plano de Ação de Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação (PACTI). Embora essas políticas fossem direcionadas para a indústria, constatou-se que novas práticas começaram a se difundir no campo acadêmico. Foi observado o rápido crescimento do número de depósitos de patentes, o envolvimento de pesquisadores em estruturas de interface universidade-empresa e a difusão de empresas fundadas por cientistas. Esse fato indicou a difusão de práticas orientadas por lógica de mercado no campo, mesmo sem um projeto empreendedor. Diferentemente dos argumentos institucionalistas que defendem que a mudança de lógicas no campo ocorre pela atuação de empreendedores institucionais, constatou-se que a inserção de lógica de mercado no campo estava associada à mudança na disponibilidade de recursos. Os cientistas assumiram práticas orientadas por lógicas alternativas na medida em que identificaram recursos para sustentá-las. O modelo de análise proposto neste estudo destaca a importância do conceito de ecologia nos estudos sobre a mudança institucional. A análise utilizou dados secundários, como estatísticas oficiais, documentos e estudos prévios. Também foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas como técnica de coleta e análise de conteúdo categorial como técnica de análise. / The objective of this study was to analyze the process of institutional change in the organizational field, observing this phenomenon by the emergence of market logic in the Brazilian academic field. The study proposes a reflection on institutional change in Brazilian universities, inserted in a new context of government policies based on the idea of "innovation". In the last decades the international debate on the theme of innovation has increasingly inserted the university as an agent that contributes to economic development. From the 2000s onwards, the emergence of new guidelines in science and technology policies in Brazil. Of note among these changes are the restructuring of sources of research funding through the creation of Sectorial Funds, which aimed to promote the development of innovation projects according to the sectors of economy, Industrial, Technological and Foreign Trade Policy (PITCE ), The Innovation Law and the Plan of Action for Science, Technology and Innovation (PACTI). Although these policies were directed towards the industry, it was found that new practices began to spread in the academic field. The rapid growth in the number of patent deposits, the involvement of researchers in university-enterprise interface structures and the diffusion of companies founded by scientists were observed. This fact indicated the diffusion of practices guided by market logic in the field, even without an entrepreneurial project. Unlike the institutionalist arguments that the change of logics in the field occurs by the action of institutional entrepreneurs, it was verified that the insertion of market logic in the field was associated to the change in the availability of resources. Scientists have assumed practices guided by alternative logics insofar as they have identified the resources to sustain them. The analysis model proposed in this study highlights the importance of the concept of ecology in studies on institutional change. The analysis used secondary data such as official statistics, documents and previous studies. Semi-structured interviews were also conducted as a technique for collecting and analyzing categorial content as a technique for analysis.

Instituições e críticas na fumicultura do Rio Grande do Sul : mudanças e reafirmações institucionais

Vendruscolo, Rafaela January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo versa sobre a situação problemática em torno da produção de tabaco com o intuito de compreender as mudanças no cenário da fumicultura a partir das críticas e das transformações no ambiente, sob o aporte das discussões institucionalistas. Diante disso, o objetivo desse estudo é analisar as críticas e as transformações em torno da produção do tabaco e as justificações, com vistas a compreender se essas promoveram mudanças ou reafirmações institucionais. Primeiramente buscou-se identificar os dispositivos das críticas locais e globais, bem como as transformações que geram o ambiente de incerteza ao qual está inserida a fumicultura atualmente. Para isso foram realizadas entrevistas com 28 famílias agricultoras produtoras de tabaco e com representantes de entidades envolvidas com o setor, que associadas à coleta de dados nos meios digitais, foram analisadas a partir da compreensão teórica e metodológica da Sociologia da Crítica e do Institucionalismo de Veblen. Ao estabelecer a correlação entre as críticas da rede antitabaco e dos agricultores fumicultores, observou-se que há descontinuidades nas gramáticas, as quais provocam o distanciamento de atores que poderiam atuar conjuntamente em contrariedade às ações das empresas fumageiras, visto que um dos principais atores que a rede antitabaco busca proteger com esse movimento é o agricultor familiar. Nesse contexto de incertezas em que os agricultores vêem-se compelidos a refletir sobre suas ações, foi possível identificar as respostas às críticas e, assim, compreender quais são as instituições que vêm sustentando a fumicultura no Rio Grande do Sul, como segundo objetivo específico. Como um dos principais resultados desta análise, observou-se que as instituições não são acionadas separadamente, sendo interligadas em forma do que chamamos de uma rede institucional, pois quando uma das interpretações é questionada, as outras são acionadas como fundamento para dizer que são esses argumentos que justificam a produção de tabaco para essas famílias. Diante desse cenário, o terceiro objetivo buscou analisar se esses movimentos promoveram mudanças ou reafirmação das instituições que vêm sustentando a cadeia produtiva do tabaco. Analisando as respostas da rede em defesa do tabaco centralizada na ABIFUMO, foram identificadas mudanças nas ações das empresas fumageiras, principalmente de forma semântica, a partir de operações midiáticas e alianças com órgãos governamentais e organismos internacionais, de forma a requalificar o SIPT e, assim, reafirmando as instituições que sustentam a fumicultura. Nesse contexto, os agricultores familiares produtores de tabaco reagem de forma heterogênea às críticas e aos estímulos do ambiente. Corroborando com as reafirmações das empresas, um grupo de produtores vem transformando a produção de acordo com as exigências de qualificação das empresas fumageiras. Por outro lado, identificou-se outros produtores que rumam no sentido da não mudança, mantendo a produção de tabaco mesmo com o descontentamento em relação a ela. Por fim, algumas famílias modificaram suas interpretações e condutas sobre o tabaco, categorizadas em três grupos que apresentam trajetórias diferentes de conduta. Diante do que se apresenta como uma mudança na conduta das empresas fumageiras como forma de manutenção da cadeia produtiva do tabaco, no sentido de diminuir o número de produtores em busca dos mais qualificados para as novas exigências, muitos produtores de tabaco vêm sendo excluídos dessa cadeia produtiva, necessitando encontrar novas maneiras de sobreviver no meio rural. É nesse ponto que se torna frutífero para os processos de desenvolvimento rural, que a academia e as instâncias governamentais compreendam a realidade a partir de como os atores a interpretam, mudando as suas estratégias heterogêneas e desconexas que vêm promovendo o distanciamento e a descrença do agricultor com relação ao governo, mas aproximando as gramáticas e, assim, compreendendo as reais necessidades dos agricultores familiares. / This study deals about the problematic situation around tobacco production in order to understand the changes in the scenario of tobacco farming from the critiques and changes in the environment, under the contribution of institutionalist discussions. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the critiques and transformations around tobacco production and the justifications, in order to understand if these promoted institutional changes or reaffirmations. Firstly, we sought to identify the mechanisms of local and global critique, as well as the transformations that generate the uncertainty environment to which tobacco farming is currently inserted. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with 28 tobacco-producing families and representatives of entities involved with the sector, which were associated with the collection of data in digital media and were analyzed from the theoretical and methodological understanding of the Sociology of Critique and Institutionalism of Veblen. When establishing the correlation between the critiques of the anti-tobacco network and the tobacco farmers, it was observed that there are discontinuities in the grammars, which cause the distancing of actors who could act together in opposition to the actions of the tobacco companies, since one of the main actors that the anti-tobacco network seeks to protect with this movement is the family farmer. In this context of uncertainties in which farmers are compelled to reflect on their actions, it was possible to identify the answers to the critiques and, thus, to understand which are the institutions that have been supporting tobacco growing in Rio Grande do Sul, as a second specific objective. As one of the main results of this analysis, it was observed that institutions are not triggered separately, being interconnected in the form of what we call an institutional network, because when one of the interpretations is questioned, the others are triggered as a basis for saying that they are Arguments justifying the production of tobacco for these families. Given this scenario, the third objective sought to analyze whether these movements promoted changes or reaffirmation of the institutions that have been supporting the tobacco production chain. Analyzing the network's responses to tobacco control centralized at ABIFUMO, changes were identified in the actions of tobacco companies, mainly in a semantic way, from media operations and alliances with government agencies and international organizations, in order to requalify the SIPT and, thus, , Reaffirming the institutions that support tobacco farming. In this context, family farmers producing tobacco react heterogeneously to criticism and environmental stimuli. Corroborating with the reaffirmation of the companies, a group of producers has been transforming the production according to the qualification requirements of the tobacco companies. On the other hand, other producers were identified who are moving towards non-change, maintaining tobacco production even with dissatisfaction with it. Finally, some families modified their interpretations and behaviors on the tobacco, categorized in three groups that present different trajectories of conduct. Faced with what is presented as a change in the behavior of tobacco companies as a way of maintaining the tobacco production chain, in order to reduce the number of producers in search of the most qualified for the new requirements, many tobacco producers have been excluded from this chain Need to find new ways of surviving in rural areas. It is at this point that it becomes fruitful for the processes of rural development that the academy and government agencies understand the reality from how the actors interpret it, changing their heterogeneous and disconnected strategies that have been promoting distancing and disbelief of the farmer With respect to government, but approaching grammars and thus understanding the real needs of family farmers.

Mudança institucional no ambiente produtivo da maçã com a adoção da produção integrada de frutas (PIF)

Fornazier, Armando January 2010 (has links)
A produção agrícola cada vez mais é direcionada para atender às exigências dos mercados e aos aspectos legais do próprio país, na busca de maior segurança do alimento (food safety). No entanto, alterações nos padrões necessitam que toda a cadeia produtiva se altere para a sua implementação. Nesse processo, há que se mudar o conjunto de aprendizado e introduzir o novo conjunto de regras, tanto formais quanto informais. A Produção Integrada de Frutas (PIF) surgiu na Itália para diminuir problemas enfrentados na cultura da maçã pela resistência da cultura às pragas. No Brasil, foi introduzida a pedido do próprio setor produtivo da maçã para diminuir o risco de o produto nacional ser rejeitado em outros mercados, especialmente na União Europeia (UE). Assim, foi adotada como uma política pública agrícola com vista a incentivar um maior padrão de qualidade ao produto nacional. Para isso, o setor produtivo deve perceber incentivos e implementar uma série de mudanças, se adaptando ao novo padrão institucional, ou seja, às novas regras do jogo. O presente trabalho analisa a influência das instituições e organizações na adoção da Produção Integrada de Maçã (PIM), avaliando os incentivos, dificuldades, construção das regras, entre outros fatores. Para entender esse objetivo, foram feitas visitas às empresas e cooperativas produtoras que adotam ou adotaram a PIM. Colheram-se informações através de questionários estruturados e entrevistas com agentes públicos e privados que participam do processo, a fim de avaliar esses aspectos sob por várias visões. A PIM é de adoção espontânea e como estratégia buscou-se a criação de áreas experimentais para mostrar a eficiência do sistema e criação das normas em conjunto com os comitês técnicos, com a participação do setor produtivo. As empresas e cooperativas aderiram ao sistema proposto; porém as empresas, pelas exigências dos mercados em que atuam, já que podem utilizar outros sistemas de certificação, têm deixado de certificar a PIM, mas, mesmo assim, muitas vezes seguem suas recomendações. As cooperativas continuam recorrendo à certificação, pois, através dela, controlam a produção, com a padronização de produtos e processos entre os cooperados. Os processos atuais podem mudar facilmente, o que torna necessário que os diversos agentes do sistema produtivo, tanto público quanto privado, percebam as mudanças e consigam implementá-las. / The agricultural production more and more is targeted to attend the market demands where it is commercialized, as well as to follow the legal aspects of the country looking for a bigger food safety. However, alterations in the standards need that the whole productive chain alters for its implementation. In this process, it is necessary to alter the set of apprenticeship and to introduce the new set of rules, formal or informal. The Integrated Fruit Production (IFP) appeared in Italy in order to reduce faced problems in the apple culture by the pest resistance. In Brazil, it was introduced, requested by the apple productive sector, to reduce the risk of the national product to be rejected in other markets, especially in the European Union (EU) So, it was adopted like a public agricultural politics with the objective of stimulating a bigger standard of quality to the national product, getting higher the use of traceability and certification in the Brazilian agriculture, but for that the productive sector must realize the incentives and have to implement several changes, adapting to the new institutional standard, in other words, to the new game rules. This paper analyses the influence of the institutions and organizations in the adoption of the Integrated Apple Production (IAP), valuing the incentives, difficulties, construction of the rules, among others. To understand this process, it was done visits to the enterprises and producing cooperatives that adopt or adopted the IAP, collecting the informations through structured questionnaires and interviews with other public and private agents who participate of the process to value these aspects through several visions. The IAP is of spontaneous adoption and as a strategy it was looked for creation of experimental areas to show the system efficiency and creation of the standards together with the technical committees, with the participation of the productive sector. The enterprises and cooperatives adhered to the proposed system, however, the enterprises for the demands of the markets in which they participate, also were using other certification systems and they stopped certifying the IAP, even using its recommendations. In the cooperatives, they keep on certifying, because the biggest incentive is to have production control, with the standardization of products and processes among the cooperated ones. The current processes can change easily, what makes necessary that several agents of the productive system, public or private, realize the changes and manages to implement them.

Transferts internationaux et changements institutionnels dans les anciens pays soviétiques : l'évolution des normes techniques de construction des hôpitaux en Ukraine et en Moldavie (1991-2011) / Policy transfers and institutional change in post-soviet states : the case of hospital standards in Ukraine and Moldova (1991-2011)

Plugaru, Rodica 12 July 2013 (has links)
A la suite de leur indépendance, l'Ukraine et la Moldavie ont lancé une série de réformes en vue de transformer les politiques, institutions et normes héritées de la période soviétique. Dans le contexte de l'ouverture de ces deux anciens pays communistes au libéralisme politique et économique, notre thèse se focalise sur l'évolution, entre 1991 et 2011, d'un instrument d'action publique : les normes techniques de construction des hôpitaux. Deux hypothèses principales sont formulées. La première, liée au phénomène de la mondialisation, soutient que les acteurs internationaux ont joué un rôle actif dans le processus de modernisation, et qu'ils ont opéré un transfert de normes étrangères. La deuxième hypothèse, issue de l'approche historique de l'institutionnalisme, avance que la mise en œuvre de l'expérience internationale a rencontré des résistances similaires dans ces deux pays, en raison de leur héritage commun de la période soviétique. Ces deux hypothèses ont été testées sur la base d'une étude approfondie de trois projets hospitaliers, réalisées avec le concours d'entreprises et d'organisations internationales. S'appuyant sur plus de 90 entretiens et sur une observation participante de trois ans au sein de l'agence d'architecture française Groupe-6, notre étude montre que les acteurs internationaux ont réussi à produire un changement dans les normes techniques utilisées pour construire des hôpitaux, selon des mécanismes d'apprentissage, de mimétisme ou de coercition. / In the wake of the USSR collapse, Moldova and Ukraine launched political and economic reforms of inherited institutional arrangements. Questioning the opening on these two former soviet states to economic and political liberalism, our thesis studies the evolution of hospital building regulations between 1991 and 2011. Two main hypotheses are presented. First, we argue that the international actors had an active role in the process of modernization, by transferring their foreign experience of hospital design. Second, we point that the international transfer opposed national similar resistance, due to the inherited institutional arrangements. These hypotheses are tested on empirical evidence of three hospital projects, involving international organizations and private firms. Our data is based on more than 90 interviews and a three-year participant observation within the French design practice Groupe-6. We show that international actors produced a change in the hospital design standards used by national actors. Mechanisms of transfer are threefold: learning, emulation and coercion.

Instituições e críticas na fumicultura do Rio Grande do Sul : mudanças e reafirmações institucionais

Vendruscolo, Rafaela January 2017 (has links)
Este estudo versa sobre a situação problemática em torno da produção de tabaco com o intuito de compreender as mudanças no cenário da fumicultura a partir das críticas e das transformações no ambiente, sob o aporte das discussões institucionalistas. Diante disso, o objetivo desse estudo é analisar as críticas e as transformações em torno da produção do tabaco e as justificações, com vistas a compreender se essas promoveram mudanças ou reafirmações institucionais. Primeiramente buscou-se identificar os dispositivos das críticas locais e globais, bem como as transformações que geram o ambiente de incerteza ao qual está inserida a fumicultura atualmente. Para isso foram realizadas entrevistas com 28 famílias agricultoras produtoras de tabaco e com representantes de entidades envolvidas com o setor, que associadas à coleta de dados nos meios digitais, foram analisadas a partir da compreensão teórica e metodológica da Sociologia da Crítica e do Institucionalismo de Veblen. Ao estabelecer a correlação entre as críticas da rede antitabaco e dos agricultores fumicultores, observou-se que há descontinuidades nas gramáticas, as quais provocam o distanciamento de atores que poderiam atuar conjuntamente em contrariedade às ações das empresas fumageiras, visto que um dos principais atores que a rede antitabaco busca proteger com esse movimento é o agricultor familiar. Nesse contexto de incertezas em que os agricultores vêem-se compelidos a refletir sobre suas ações, foi possível identificar as respostas às críticas e, assim, compreender quais são as instituições que vêm sustentando a fumicultura no Rio Grande do Sul, como segundo objetivo específico. Como um dos principais resultados desta análise, observou-se que as instituições não são acionadas separadamente, sendo interligadas em forma do que chamamos de uma rede institucional, pois quando uma das interpretações é questionada, as outras são acionadas como fundamento para dizer que são esses argumentos que justificam a produção de tabaco para essas famílias. Diante desse cenário, o terceiro objetivo buscou analisar se esses movimentos promoveram mudanças ou reafirmação das instituições que vêm sustentando a cadeia produtiva do tabaco. Analisando as respostas da rede em defesa do tabaco centralizada na ABIFUMO, foram identificadas mudanças nas ações das empresas fumageiras, principalmente de forma semântica, a partir de operações midiáticas e alianças com órgãos governamentais e organismos internacionais, de forma a requalificar o SIPT e, assim, reafirmando as instituições que sustentam a fumicultura. Nesse contexto, os agricultores familiares produtores de tabaco reagem de forma heterogênea às críticas e aos estímulos do ambiente. Corroborando com as reafirmações das empresas, um grupo de produtores vem transformando a produção de acordo com as exigências de qualificação das empresas fumageiras. Por outro lado, identificou-se outros produtores que rumam no sentido da não mudança, mantendo a produção de tabaco mesmo com o descontentamento em relação a ela. Por fim, algumas famílias modificaram suas interpretações e condutas sobre o tabaco, categorizadas em três grupos que apresentam trajetórias diferentes de conduta. Diante do que se apresenta como uma mudança na conduta das empresas fumageiras como forma de manutenção da cadeia produtiva do tabaco, no sentido de diminuir o número de produtores em busca dos mais qualificados para as novas exigências, muitos produtores de tabaco vêm sendo excluídos dessa cadeia produtiva, necessitando encontrar novas maneiras de sobreviver no meio rural. É nesse ponto que se torna frutífero para os processos de desenvolvimento rural, que a academia e as instâncias governamentais compreendam a realidade a partir de como os atores a interpretam, mudando as suas estratégias heterogêneas e desconexas que vêm promovendo o distanciamento e a descrença do agricultor com relação ao governo, mas aproximando as gramáticas e, assim, compreendendo as reais necessidades dos agricultores familiares. / This study deals about the problematic situation around tobacco production in order to understand the changes in the scenario of tobacco farming from the critiques and changes in the environment, under the contribution of institutionalist discussions. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the critiques and transformations around tobacco production and the justifications, in order to understand if these promoted institutional changes or reaffirmations. Firstly, we sought to identify the mechanisms of local and global critique, as well as the transformations that generate the uncertainty environment to which tobacco farming is currently inserted. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with 28 tobacco-producing families and representatives of entities involved with the sector, which were associated with the collection of data in digital media and were analyzed from the theoretical and methodological understanding of the Sociology of Critique and Institutionalism of Veblen. When establishing the correlation between the critiques of the anti-tobacco network and the tobacco farmers, it was observed that there are discontinuities in the grammars, which cause the distancing of actors who could act together in opposition to the actions of the tobacco companies, since one of the main actors that the anti-tobacco network seeks to protect with this movement is the family farmer. In this context of uncertainties in which farmers are compelled to reflect on their actions, it was possible to identify the answers to the critiques and, thus, to understand which are the institutions that have been supporting tobacco growing in Rio Grande do Sul, as a second specific objective. As one of the main results of this analysis, it was observed that institutions are not triggered separately, being interconnected in the form of what we call an institutional network, because when one of the interpretations is questioned, the others are triggered as a basis for saying that they are Arguments justifying the production of tobacco for these families. Given this scenario, the third objective sought to analyze whether these movements promoted changes or reaffirmation of the institutions that have been supporting the tobacco production chain. Analyzing the network's responses to tobacco control centralized at ABIFUMO, changes were identified in the actions of tobacco companies, mainly in a semantic way, from media operations and alliances with government agencies and international organizations, in order to requalify the SIPT and, thus, , Reaffirming the institutions that support tobacco farming. In this context, family farmers producing tobacco react heterogeneously to criticism and environmental stimuli. Corroborating with the reaffirmation of the companies, a group of producers has been transforming the production according to the qualification requirements of the tobacco companies. On the other hand, other producers were identified who are moving towards non-change, maintaining tobacco production even with dissatisfaction with it. Finally, some families modified their interpretations and behaviors on the tobacco, categorized in three groups that present different trajectories of conduct. Faced with what is presented as a change in the behavior of tobacco companies as a way of maintaining the tobacco production chain, in order to reduce the number of producers in search of the most qualified for the new requirements, many tobacco producers have been excluded from this chain Need to find new ways of surviving in rural areas. It is at this point that it becomes fruitful for the processes of rural development that the academy and government agencies understand the reality from how the actors interpret it, changing their heterogeneous and disconnected strategies that have been promoting distancing and disbelief of the farmer With respect to government, but approaching grammars and thus understanding the real needs of family farmers.

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