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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenvolvimento institucional digitalmente mediado e Estado de bem estar social : o caso da Previdência Social no Brasil (1988 a 2013)

Bretas, Nazaré Lopes January 2016 (has links)
Quais os efeitos de conjunturas críticas externas ao ambiente institucional de organizações que prestam serviços públicos correlatos ao Estado de Bem Estar Social? Esses efeitos se manifestam de forma diversa em tempos de intensificação do uso de tecnologias digitais? Por quê? Partindo da premissa de que conjunturas críticas que ocorrem em ambientes que circundam instituições do Estado tendem a impulsionar a evolução de capacidades e seu desenvolvimento institucional, o estudo analisa o tema considerando construção e ajuste de habilidades e padrões em agência que integram o arranjo institucional da Previdência Social no país. Variações relacionadas ao status do regime, tais como controle social e liberdade de imprensa, são especialmente analisadas, em referente empírico que experimentava recomposição de democracia: o Brasil do final dos anos 1980, palco também da emergência da digitalização do Estado. Esse quadro analítico, ainda pouco explorado por cientistas políticos, foi a base para formulação e posterior investigação do problema de pesquisa: “Por que conjunturas críticas exógenas a arranjo institucional de política pública produzem implicações no desenvolvimento institucional digitalmente mediado de instituições previdenciárias brasileiras entre os anos de 1988 e 2013?” Para dar tratamento a tal problema, o documento foi organizado em dois capítulos, sendo o primeiro dedicado à fundamentação teórica e o seguinte à pesquisa empírica Mais especificamente, o capítulo teórico consolida fundamentos acerca de Estado de Bem Estar e Desenvolvimento Institucional, em articulação com trabalhos acerca da digitalização do Estado com destaque para os que expressam concepção inovadora de Desenvolvimento Institucional Digitalmente Mediado (FOUNTAIN 2001, 2006, 2011, 2014). Esse referencial é tomado como insumo para empreender análise do caso da Previdência Social no Brasil, no intervalo entre a promulgação da Constituição Federal de 1988; e o ano de 2013, quando a Previdência Social comemorou 90 anos no país. Como se verá, o cumprimento desses passos permitiu compor quadro sinóptico das variações do atendimento a demandas por direitos previdenciários, face à trajetória de DIDM nos 25 anos que se seguiram à Constituição vigente, conforme apresentado nas conclusões do estudo. / What are the effects of critical exogenous junctures correlated to digital technologies over institutions based on service provision and social security? Why do variables related to the incorporation of digital technologies tend to produce implications over the results of policies? Starting from the premise that critical junctures occurring under the environment of state institutions tend to impulse the evolution of capacities and of its institutional development, this Thesis reaches the understanding that the emergence and substantive redesign of the welfare state contributes to the development of new abilities, conventions, and relations of power among agencies. The framework also suffers expressive variation as a result of a political system’s characteristics, especially concerning the existence of democratic institutions such as social control and freedom of the press. These characteristics were being recomposed in Brazil by the end of the 1980’s, parallel to the emergence of a worldwide expressive phenomena: the digitalization of the state. This analytical framework, albeit still underexplored by political scientists, especially regarding the conduct of empirical research in the Southern Hemisphere countries, inspired the present study by means of the following research problem: Why have critical exogenous junctures had expressive implications on the digitally mediated institutional development of Brazilian welfare institutions between 1988 and 2013 In order to give the correct treatment to the problem, this study is divided in three chapters, the first two being devoted to the theoretical basis and the third, to empirical research. More specifically, the first chapter establishes the foundations of classic works on welfare state and Institutional Development. These issues are then articulated in the second chapter, which presents literature on state digitalization, highlighting the innovative conception of Digitally Mediated Institutional Development (DMID), as formulated by Jane Fountain (2001, 2006, 2011, 2014). Lastly, this reference is taken as a relevant input for employing historical analysis of the Social Security case in Brazil, during the period of the promulgation of the 1998 Federal Constitution and 2014, when Social Security celebrated 90 years of existence in the country. As will be shown in the conclusion, the fulfillment of these steps allowed to compose a synoptic framework regarding the variations of attendance towards demands for social security in the DMID trajectory following 25 years after the implementation of the Constitution.

Uma análise dos resultados do Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), referente ao período de 2011 a 2015

Vivian, Bárbara Baum January 2018 (has links)
A reforma gerencial propôs maior eficiência da Administração Pública Federal, mediante a sua reestruturação e a implantação de mecanismos de planejamento, gestão e de governança focados na cidadania. Nos anos 2000, foi estabelecido um sistema de regulação, supervisão e avaliação do ensino superior, articulado entre o Ministério da Educação e as Universidades, exigindo dessas organizações a elaboração de Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI). Neste trabalho, foi realizada a análise dos resultados do PDI da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) referente ao período de 2011-2015. Para tanto, apresentou-se um breve histórico da administração pública brasileira, fez-se um estudo sobre os instrumentos de planejamento estratégico e de gestão governamentais e descreveu-se a estrutura e o sistema de avaliação das instituições federais de ensino superior. Por fim, foram sugeridas melhorias para a elaboração dos futuros planos estratégicos da UFRGS. / The management reform proposed greater efficiency of the Federal Public Administration, through its restructuring and the implementation of planning, management and governance mechanisms focused on citizenship. In 2000, a system of regulation, supervision and evaluation of higher education was established, articulated between the Ministry of Education and the Universities, demanding from these organizations the elaboration of Institutional Development Plan (PDI). In this paper, the results of the PDI of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS) were analyzed for the period 2011 to 2015. For this purpose, a brief history of the Brazilian public administration was presented, a study was carried out on the instruments strategic planning and government management and described the structure and evaluation system of federal institutions of higher education. Finally, improvements were suggested for the elaboration of the future strategic plans of UFRGS.

Providing and managing student development and support in higher education in a developing country

Van Heerden, Maria Susanna 21 July 2009 (has links)
This study is a qualitative review to identify factors impacting on the management and provision of student development and support in higher education in a developing country. For the purpose of the study student development and support includes all developmental and supportive services and interventions for students within an institution of higher learning, regardless of the current structuring of the functions. The study first contextualises the scenario of a developing country in terms of the socioeconomic, political, higher education, labour and other factors that set the scene for student development and support and then continues with a systematic exposition of factors that have direct relevance and impact on the future of student development and support. A systematic investigation in the higher education sector by means of interviews with national policy makers, institutional and unit managers as well as focus groups with practitioners make it possible to identify factors that have direct relevance and impact on the future management and provision of student development and support. The result of the study is a construction of the specific factors identified on the macro/international, meso/national and micro/institutional levels as well as the intricate relationships between the various factors. This research provides a potential framework for future management and provision of strategic focus areas for student development and support functions within higher education in a developing country to ensure that it effectively positions the function within higher educ as a key component of the core business. Copyright / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Curriculum Studies / unrestricted

The Institutional Development of the American Vice Presidency

Hite, James Emory 01 January 2011 (has links)
The ongoing disregard for the American vice presidency, and for those who would and do hold the office, in conjunction with the scarcity of academic research devoted specifically to the development of the institution, warrants the following study. Indeed, this study is relatively novel to the existent body of political science research which ventures to evaluate the vice presidency. Generally, research and publications on the vice presidency have tended to focus on variables such as ticket-balancing and home-state advantage; critiques of individual vice presidents; and more recently, specific policy spheres where modern vice presidents have been involved. In contrast, this project is devoted exclusively to isolating the institutional markers that have increased the broad utility of the position of vice president of the United States and, in the process, have augmented the development of the vice-presidential institution. These institutional markers include augmentation by precedent, statute, and constitutional amendment; increases in the resources made available to the institution; the addition of institutional identifiers; and the gradual accumulation of policy portfolios and responsibilities assigned to vice presidents. Underscoring each of the preceding institutional markers has been the vital role specific presidents have played in facilitating the development of the vice-presidential institution; indeed, the form and the substance of the vice presidency today is almost entirely the product of presidential initiative. In total, this study represents an interpretive synthesis of the historical record of the American vice presidency and how that record reflects the development of the institution. In the end, salient institutional markers have led to the development of a modern, utilitarian institution, one that is now fully integrated into the executive government. Of equal import, the standing of the vice presidency today, legitimizes the individual serving in the office, and furthers the influence of the vice president in the executive government. And, in telling the story of the development of the vice presidency, it is readily apparent that a combination of anecdotal and empirical evidence support the thesis of a changed institution, closely integrated with, and dependent upon, the presidency.

The institutional choices of politicians : how and why legislators shape Lower Chambers

Danesi, Silvina L. 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux choix institutionnels des législateurs. Elle propose une analyse diachronique et comparative du développement des Chambre Nationale des Députés argentines et chiliennes des années 1940 aux années 2000. Inspiré de la théorie du Cartel (Cox et McCubbins, 1993), ce travail se concentre sur le rôle des partis politiques dans ce développement institutionnel. Il montre qu’en dépit de leurs différences, les partis uniques, coalitions, forces majoritaires ou minoritaires qui ont dirigé ces chambres ont adopté un large éventail de règles et de normes organisationnelles qui les avantagent. Ils se sont, en un mot, comportés comme des coalitions procédurales. L’analyse des modifications des règles de fonctionnement de ces chambres et de leurs systèmes de direction et de commissions montre que les partis et coalitions au pouvoir ont, pendant cette période, renforcé leur pouvoir, contrôlé l’agenda législatif, structuré les systèmes de commission et adopté des règles qui leur ont profité. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent en particulier que les coalitions qui ont dirigé la chambre Chilienne ont installé certains de leurs membres à plusieurs postes comme les présidences d’assemblée et de commissions. Ils montrent l’existence d’un pouvoir de véto sur l’agenda législative plus importante au Chili qu’en Argentine. L’étude du cas argentin montre que les partis au pouvoir ont, en particulier depuis les années 1960, conservé le contrôle de la chambre, non seulement en modifiant les règles et les structures du système de commissions, mais également en créant et distribuant à l’opposition des postes permanents mais sans réel pouvoir. Cette analyse confirme également les résultats obtenus par de récentes études concernant ce champ de recherche, notamment le professionnalisme du système de commission chilien et le caractère amateur des législateurs argentins. A l’inverse, elle met à jour des différences, négligées jusqu’alors, entre l’Argentine et le Chili concernant le contrôle de l’agenda législatif. Cette thèse est divisée en sept chapitres. Le premier introduit le sujet, l’hypothèse générale et les questions posées par la thèse, en expliquant également pourquoi les choix institutionnels des législateurs importent. Le chapitre II présente la théorie et la méthodologie. Il propose une définition du développement institutionnel et explicite les prédictions et critères permettant de tester l’hypothèse générale. Les chapitre III et IV, qui concernent respectivement l’Argentine et le Chili, décrivent le système politique de chaque pays et l’organisation des chambres durant la période étudiée. Les chapitre IV et VI, respectivement pour l’Argentine et le Chili, analysent les réformes des règles régissant les chambres, l’évolution de l’autorité qui les dirige et celle du système de commission. Ces chapitres se concluent par un résumé des différents schémas mis en évidence et une évaluation préliminaire de l’hypothèse générale. En conclusion, le chapitre VII résume les découvertes, donne un verdict global sur la fécondité de la théorie et suggère de nouvelles pistes de recherche. / This thesis is about the institutional choices of legislators. It provides a comparative and diachronic analysis of the institutional development of the National Chambers of Deputies of Argentina and Chile from the 1940s to the 2000s. Based on Cartel Theory (Cox and McCubbins 1993), it focuses on the role played by parties in this institutional development. It demonstrates that despite their differences, the various majorities and pluralities, single-parties and coalitions that ruled these Chambers have maintained and adopted a constellation of organizational rules and norms that advantaged their interests. In other words, they have behaved as procedural coalitions. The analysis of the reforms to the rules of these Chambers and of their directing board and committee systems indicates that ruling parties and coalitions have increased their power during the period, controlled the legislative agenda, structured the committee system, and adopted rules that benefit them on the floor. In particular, the results suggest that Chilean ruling coalitions have endowed several offices, such as the Presidency, the Chairs of committees, the committee on Finance (Hacienda) and on Rules, with negative agenda-setting power, and that some of them are more powerful than their Argentine’s counterparts. In the case of the Argentine Chamber, specifically since the 1960s, ruling parties have kept control of the Chamber not only by reforming the rules and structuring the committee system but also creating and distributing powerless but permanent positions to the opposition. The analysis also confirms previous findings made by recent studies in the subfield, specially the professionalism of the Chilean Committee system and the amateur character of Argentine legislators. By contrast, it shows differences in the agenda control between the Argentine and Chilean Chambers that were overlooked. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter I introduces the general hypothesis, the purposes and main questions of the thesis, and explains why the institutional choices of legislators matter. Chapter II presents the theory and the methodology. It provides the definition of institutional development and the criteria and predictions used to test the general hypothesis. Chapters III (Argentina) and V (Chile) offer an account of each country’s politics and a description of the Chambers’ organization during the period. Chapters IV (Argentina) and VI (Chile) analyze the reforms to the rules of the Chambers, and the evolution of the directing board and committee systems and conclude with a summary of the patterns found and a preliminary assessment of the general hypothesis. Chapter VII concludes. It sums up the findings, provides a final assessment of the theory, and suggests further avenues of research.

A missão da educação superior: um estudo do vivido por alunos do curso de direito e do declarado por uma instituição particular / A study of what is experienced by students of law and of what is declared by a private institution

García, Rita Elvira 12 May 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-28T20:57:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rita Elvira Garcia.pdf: 2318710 bytes, checksum: 4401b6fbcb517cf6f0058ab72ca6e8d5 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-05-12 / Estácio Uniradial - Instituto Radial de Ensino e Pesquisa. / The purpose of this investigation was to comprehend the significance attributed to college education (CE) in the minds of senior students of law taking into consideration what they experience throughout their academic terms in light of what is stated by the educational institution in its official academic records. This study was embedded in the singular and restricted realm of a private educational institution. It aimed at learning more about how the mission of the institution, as well as academic projects the students held, were inter-related within the Brazilian context of college education, one marked by globalized reality, high demand, accelerated growth of private educational institutions and the diversity of college education. For such, the authors resorted to the analyses of official documents of the institution, the so called Development Plan of the Institution and Institutional Pedagogic Project, as well as a questionnaire for the students composed of open, closed and free association questions. Results reveal that the social representations (perceptions) of college education the students held was anchored to contradictory views that value the relevance of college education and in contrast, hold such education as being deficient. It was also verified herein that the institutional mission does not contribute in the students perception of what college education signifies. Results also point to the relevance of CE in the promotion of reflection and attitude which allow for a qualitative advancement in the relation students maintain with the complexity of the world and the quest for a meaning of mankind before conflicting values of contemporary society / O objetivo desta investigação é compreender o significado atribuído à Educação Superior pelos alunos finalistas do curso de Direito, a partir do vivenciado em sua trajetória acadêmica e do declarado pela instituição em seus documentos oficiais. Inserido no universo singular e restrito de uma instituição particular privada, o estudo busca conhecer como se inter-relacionam no contexto da educação superior brasileira marcado pela realidade globalizada, alta demanda, crescimento acelerado das instituições privadas e diversidade do sistema educacional superior a missão institucional e os projetos dos alunos. Utilizamos, como vias de acesso para a aproximação dessa realidade, a análise dos documentos oficiais da instituição Plano de Desenvolvimento Institucional e Projeto Pedagógico Institucional e um questionário dirigido aos alunos, com questões abertas, fechadas e de associação livre. Os resultados revelam que as representações sociais dos alunos sobre a Educação Superior estão ancoradas em valores contraditórios, que, por um lado, enaltecem a relevância da formação superior e, por outro, avaliam essa formação como deficitária. Foi possível constatar também, que a missão institucional não constitui um elemento orientador no processo de atribuição de significado à educação superior por parte dos alunos. Os resultados apontam, ainda, para a importância da função da IES na promoção de espaços de reflexão e ação, que possibilitem o avanço qualitativo da relação dos alunos com a complexidade do mundo e a busca de sentido para a condição humana perante os conflitos apresentados pela sociedade contemporânea

Gestão universitária em instituições particulares: os documentos intitucionais como indicadores de modelo de gestão

Souza, José Carlos Victorino de 23 November 2007 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T14:32:04Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Jose Carlos Victorino de Souza.pdf: 670766 bytes, checksum: afa86952aaca604b584a81d3f9cb6f1b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2007-11-23 / In this research we intend to investigate the university management model in the private superior educational institution -SEI, the role of the IDP- Institutional Development Project and the IPP-Institutional Pedagogical Project, (NSSEE) National System of the Superior Education Evaluation's dimensions and indicators as management model's indicators. The research question is: dDo the IDP, IPP and NSSEE's dimensions and indicators refer to a new university management model in a SEI? The chosen methodological path was the bibliographic research with the application of semi-structured interviews to eight private SEI's Deans. The quality of Superior Education should be the result of a management work constructed and shared by its actors that interfere in educational scenario: skilled professionals, professors with technical and pedagogical competences that are loyal to the Institution. One remarkable indicator in the research reveals that positive results not always are achieved due to a lack of follow-up and evaluation activities. For this reason, we believe that a management model able to achieve objectives of professional education with quality and actuality turned out to be relevant in this moment / Nesta pesquisa pretendemos investigar os modelos de gestão universitária nas IES privadas, o papel do Projeto de Desenvolvimento Institucional (PDI) e Projeto Pedagógico Institucional (PPI), das Dimensões e dos Indicadores do Sistema Nacional de Avaliação da Educação Superior (SINAES), como indicadores de um modelo de gestão. A problemática da pesquisa é o questionamento relativo a se o PDI, o PPI, as dimensões e os Indicadores do SINAES indicam um novo modelo de gestão universitária de uma IES. O caminho metodológico escolhido foi pela realização de pesquisas bibliográficas com aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas junto a oito reitores de IES privadas. A qualidade da educação superior deve ser o resultado de um trabalho de gestão construída e partilhada por seus atores que interferem no cenário educacional: profissionais capacitados, docentes dotados de competência técnica e pedagógica, comprometidos com a Instituição. Um indicador relevante na pesquisa revela que resultados positivos nem sempre são alcançados, por ausência de acompanhamento e de avaliação de suas atividades. Por isso, acreditamos que a reflexão sobre um modelo de gestão capaz de alcançar objetivos de educação profissional com qualidade e atualidade se faz relevante neste momento

Institucionalização da Política de Educação Permanente para o Sistema Único de Saúde: Brasil, 1997-2006 / Institutional framework of training system for permanent education in health: Brasil, 1997-2006

Faria, Regina Marta Barbosa 22 August 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho compara duas políticas recentes de capacitação de pessoal para a saúde, buscando identificar a relação entre o padrão institucional e as características organizacionais do sistema de formação. Investiga, ainda, o impacto dos padrões organizacionais no projeto de ensino e na capacidade de articulação do sistema formador. As duas políticas analisadas são as instâncias de articulação interinstitucional denominadas, respectivamente, Pólos de Capacitação, Formação e Educação Permanente de Pessoal para a Saúde da Família (Pólos-SF) e Pólos de Educação Permanente para o SUS (Pólos-EP). O referencial conceitual que fundamenta a análise é oferecido pelas ciências sociais: Educação e Sociologia. A Educação orienta a análise do desenvolvimento cognitivo, e a Sociologia apóia a compreensão do arranjo das instituições que configuram o Estado e o marco institucional de suas políticas. O referencial metodológico é oferecido pela análise e avaliação de políticas públicas / We compare two recent health training policies, looking for connections between the institutional framework and the organizational characteristics of the training system. We also analyze the effects of different organizational patterns on the teaching projects and on the networking abilities of the training institutions. The policies are Capacitação, Formação e Educação Permanente de Pessoal para a Saúde da Família (Pólos-SF) and Educação Permanente para o SUS (Pólos-EP). The conceptual framework comes from the Educational Sciences and Sociology. Education provides guidance for cognitive development and Sociology provides insights into public institutional arrangements. Considerable methodological support comes from the analysis and evaluation of public policies

As humanidades em tempos de neoliberalismo em duas Universidades Latino Americanas

Storck, João Batista 01 September 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Silvana Teresinha Dornelles Studzinski (sstudzinski) on 2016-10-18T14:35:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 João Batista Storck_.pdf: 2900525 bytes, checksum: 867a8ee9e68e5b85d77a4ae0b3e56d8e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-10-18T14:35:32Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 João Batista Storck_.pdf: 2900525 bytes, checksum: 867a8ee9e68e5b85d77a4ae0b3e56d8e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-09-01 / Nenhuma / Esta pesquisa busca desenvolver um conhecimento acerca de como a Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), localizada no Brasil, e a Pontifícia Universidade Javeriana, localizada na Colômbia, duas instituições de Educação Superior pertencentes à Companhia de Jesus, Congregação religiosa cuja área educacional, nas suas origens, se estruturou inspirando-se nos princípios e valores do humanismo cristão renascentista, – sendo essa uma das suas características educativas ao longo da sua história, – elaboraram os seus documentos institucionais (Estatuto 2014, PDI-PPI 2006-2011, no caso da Unisinos, e o Estatuto 2013, PU 2007-2016, PE 1992-2015, no caso da Javeriana) no contexto atual, documentos permeados pelos valores do neoliberalismo econômico, numa sociedade movida pelos valores econômicos das tecnociências e do tecnomercado. O uso de dois contextos do referencial teórico-metodológico denominado Abordagem do Ciclo de Políticas proposto por Stephen J. Ball – Contexto de Influência e Contexto de Elaboração do Texto – permite visualizar, interpretar e compreender, tanto em sentido macro quanto em sentido micro, os movimentos, as articulações e as trajetórias que influem e orientam a elaboração das políticas e propostas educacionais. O estudo utiliza-se, também, do Método da Análise Documental proposto por André Cellard e composto por duas etapas: a Análise Preliminar e a Análise. Da Análise Preliminar utilizam-se quatro das cinco dimensões propostas pelo autor (o contexto, os autores do documento, a natureza do texto e os conceitos-chave). O uso dessas dimensões, juntamente com a posterior Análise, utilizada em conjunto com o Método Comparado em Educação de George Z.F Bereday, do qual se empregou a quarta etapa, denominada comparação, possibilitou fazer a Análise comparativa dos documentos. Essa triangulação metodológica forneceu suporte para mostrar que os referidos documentos são subsidiados na sua elaboração, inspirando-se e recebendo influências provenientes de um conjunto de documentos emitidos, tanto pelas instituições às quais as respectivas universidades estão vinculadas – a Igreja Católica e a Companhia de Jesus – quanto pelos documentos emitidos pelos governos dos respectivos países onde elas estão localizadas, assim como das decisões e opções decorrentes da identidade, missão e visão de cada IES. No entanto, essa inspiração/influência não ocorre por meio de um processo de simples acomodação ou assimilação, sendo recontextualizadas, reelaboradas e ressignificadas em nível institucional, onde se entrecruzam diferentes fatores e interesses relacionados com a própria identidade, missão e visão de cada IES. O estudo mostra que os respectivos documentos institucionais se enquadram dentro da ideia de processo e que as respectivas IES vêm implementando um grande esforço para conjugar, na elaboração dos seus projetos e planos educacionais, o humanismo social cristão, do qual são herdeiras, com a tecnocientificidade, num grande desafio de fidelidade criativa aos seus princípios institucionais, buscando construir um humanismo tecnocientífico. / The present research aims to produce a knowledge about the way the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), located in Brazil, and the Pontifical Xavierian University, located in Colombia, have developed their institutional documents (Statute 2014, PDI-PPI 2006-2011 for Unisinos, and the Statute 2013, PU 2007-2016, PE 1992-2015 for Xaverian) in the current context. Both documents are permeated by the values of the economic neo-liberalism in a society driven by economic values of the techno-sciences and the techno-market. These universities belong to the Society of Jesus, a religious congregation whose educational field in its roots was structured on the principles and values of the Renaissance Christian humanism. Such is one of their characteristics over the Society’s history. The use of two contexts regarding our theoretical framework, called Policy Cycle Approach, proposed by Stephen J. Ball – Context of Influence and Context of Elaboration –, allows us to visualize, interpret and understand, both in a macro and a micro sense, the movements, joints and trajectories that influence and guide the development of educational policies and proposals. This study employs the Document Analysis Method by André Cellard. This method is divided into two stages: Preliminary Analysis and Analysis. We utilize only four of the five dimensions of the Preliminary Analysis proposed by the author (context, document’s authors, the nature of the text, and key concepts). Using these dimensions, along with the subsequent Analysis employed in conjunction with the Comparative Method in Education, by George Z.F Bereday, from which we used its fourth stage, made it possible to apply the Comparative Analysis of the documents. This methodological triangulation has provided support for showing that the documents studied here are subsidized in their preparation, inspiring and receiving influences from a set of documents issued by both the institutions to which the universities are linked – the Roman Catholic Church and the Society of Jesus – and the documents issued by the governments of the countries where they are located, as well as influences from the decisions and options made as consequences of the identity, mission, and vision of each Higher Education Institutions. However, this inspiration/influence does not occur through a process of simple accommodation or assimilation, but they are re-contextualized, reworked and re-signified at the institutional level, where different factors and related interests intertwine with the identity, mission, and vision of such institutions. The study shows that the institutional documents of the analyzed universities fall within the idea of process and that these two Higher Education Institutions have been implementing a major effort to conjugate, while developing their educational projects and plans, the social Christian humanism, from which they are inheritors, with techno-scientificity on an major challenge of creative fidelity to their institutional principles, seeking to build a techno-scientific humanism.

The institutional choices of politicians : how and why legislators shape Lower Chambers

Danesi, Silvina L. 05 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse s’intéresse aux choix institutionnels des législateurs. Elle propose une analyse diachronique et comparative du développement des Chambre Nationale des Députés argentines et chiliennes des années 1940 aux années 2000. Inspiré de la théorie du Cartel (Cox et McCubbins, 1993), ce travail se concentre sur le rôle des partis politiques dans ce développement institutionnel. Il montre qu’en dépit de leurs différences, les partis uniques, coalitions, forces majoritaires ou minoritaires qui ont dirigé ces chambres ont adopté un large éventail de règles et de normes organisationnelles qui les avantagent. Ils se sont, en un mot, comportés comme des coalitions procédurales. L’analyse des modifications des règles de fonctionnement de ces chambres et de leurs systèmes de direction et de commissions montre que les partis et coalitions au pouvoir ont, pendant cette période, renforcé leur pouvoir, contrôlé l’agenda législatif, structuré les systèmes de commission et adopté des règles qui leur ont profité. Les résultats obtenus suggèrent en particulier que les coalitions qui ont dirigé la chambre Chilienne ont installé certains de leurs membres à plusieurs postes comme les présidences d’assemblée et de commissions. Ils montrent l’existence d’un pouvoir de véto sur l’agenda législative plus importante au Chili qu’en Argentine. L’étude du cas argentin montre que les partis au pouvoir ont, en particulier depuis les années 1960, conservé le contrôle de la chambre, non seulement en modifiant les règles et les structures du système de commissions, mais également en créant et distribuant à l’opposition des postes permanents mais sans réel pouvoir. Cette analyse confirme également les résultats obtenus par de récentes études concernant ce champ de recherche, notamment le professionnalisme du système de commission chilien et le caractère amateur des législateurs argentins. A l’inverse, elle met à jour des différences, négligées jusqu’alors, entre l’Argentine et le Chili concernant le contrôle de l’agenda législatif. Cette thèse est divisée en sept chapitres. Le premier introduit le sujet, l’hypothèse générale et les questions posées par la thèse, en expliquant également pourquoi les choix institutionnels des législateurs importent. Le chapitre II présente la théorie et la méthodologie. Il propose une définition du développement institutionnel et explicite les prédictions et critères permettant de tester l’hypothèse générale. Les chapitre III et IV, qui concernent respectivement l’Argentine et le Chili, décrivent le système politique de chaque pays et l’organisation des chambres durant la période étudiée. Les chapitre IV et VI, respectivement pour l’Argentine et le Chili, analysent les réformes des règles régissant les chambres, l’évolution de l’autorité qui les dirige et celle du système de commission. Ces chapitres se concluent par un résumé des différents schémas mis en évidence et une évaluation préliminaire de l’hypothèse générale. En conclusion, le chapitre VII résume les découvertes, donne un verdict global sur la fécondité de la théorie et suggère de nouvelles pistes de recherche. / This thesis is about the institutional choices of legislators. It provides a comparative and diachronic analysis of the institutional development of the National Chambers of Deputies of Argentina and Chile from the 1940s to the 2000s. Based on Cartel Theory (Cox and McCubbins 1993), it focuses on the role played by parties in this institutional development. It demonstrates that despite their differences, the various majorities and pluralities, single-parties and coalitions that ruled these Chambers have maintained and adopted a constellation of organizational rules and norms that advantaged their interests. In other words, they have behaved as procedural coalitions. The analysis of the reforms to the rules of these Chambers and of their directing board and committee systems indicates that ruling parties and coalitions have increased their power during the period, controlled the legislative agenda, structured the committee system, and adopted rules that benefit them on the floor. In particular, the results suggest that Chilean ruling coalitions have endowed several offices, such as the Presidency, the Chairs of committees, the committee on Finance (Hacienda) and on Rules, with negative agenda-setting power, and that some of them are more powerful than their Argentine’s counterparts. In the case of the Argentine Chamber, specifically since the 1960s, ruling parties have kept control of the Chamber not only by reforming the rules and structuring the committee system but also creating and distributing powerless but permanent positions to the opposition. The analysis also confirms previous findings made by recent studies in the subfield, specially the professionalism of the Chilean Committee system and the amateur character of Argentine legislators. By contrast, it shows differences in the agenda control between the Argentine and Chilean Chambers that were overlooked. The thesis is divided into seven chapters. Chapter I introduces the general hypothesis, the purposes and main questions of the thesis, and explains why the institutional choices of legislators matter. Chapter II presents the theory and the methodology. It provides the definition of institutional development and the criteria and predictions used to test the general hypothesis. Chapters III (Argentina) and V (Chile) offer an account of each country’s politics and a description of the Chambers’ organization during the period. Chapters IV (Argentina) and VI (Chile) analyze the reforms to the rules of the Chambers, and the evolution of the directing board and committee systems and conclude with a summary of the patterns found and a preliminary assessment of the general hypothesis. Chapter VII concludes. It sums up the findings, provides a final assessment of the theory, and suggests further avenues of research.

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