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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vårdande som främjar anknytning mellan föräldrar och deras kritiskt sjuka spädbarn under vårdtiden på barnintensivvården : En systematisk integrativ litteraturöversikt / Caregiving that promotes attachment between parents and the ircritically ill infants during the period of care in the pediatric intensive care unit : A systematic integrative literature review

Engberg, Amanda, Jasavic-Mustafic, Melisa January 2023 (has links)
Kritiskt sjuka spädbarn och deras föräldrar som vårdas inom barnintensivvården löper risk att få en otrygg anknytning till varandra, då det saknas etablerade omvårdnadsåtgärder för att främja anknytningen. Utebliven anknytning kan leda till oönskade långsiktiga fysiska samt kognitiva konsekvenser för föräldrar och spädbarn. Magisteruppsatsens syfte var att med hjälp av publicerade forskningsresultat beskriva ett vårdande som främjar anknytning mellan föräldrar och deras kritiskt sjuka spädbarn under vårdtiden på barnintensivvården. Vald metod är en systematisk integrativ litteraturöversikt. Bestående av 12 artiklar med kvalitativ ansats, tre artiklar med kvantitativ ansats och två med mixad metod. Totalt 17 artiklar. Litteratursökningen gjordes i databaserna Cinahl och PubMed. Efter att en systematisk urvalsprocess och kvalitetsgranskning gjorts ingick totalt 17 artiklar i datamaterialet. Magisteruppsatsen resulterade i tre huvudteman; Intensivvårdens inverkan på anknytningsprocessen, ett vårdande med inverkan på anknytningsprocessen samt en familjecentrerad vård- utgångspunkten för att främja anknytning. Resultatet presenterar vårdande metoder som kan främja anknytningsprocessen. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskan behöver vara lyhörd inför att familjer har olika behov i anknytningsprocessen och arbeta familjecentrerat, personcentrerat samt anpassa miljön för att möta dessa behov. Vårdande metoder som intensivvårdssjuksköterskan kan arbeta med är hud mot hud kontakt, kamerateknik och musikterapi. Hud mot hud kontakt visar sig i resultatet vara en avgörande faktor, men det kräver fysiskt närvarande föräldrar. Vid fysiskt frånvarande föräldrar kan kamerateknik och musikterapi fungera som en brygga i kommunikationen mellan föräldrar och spädbarn. Resultatet i magisteruppsatsen speglar vården i sin komplexa helhet, där varje liten pusselbit är viktig för att kunna nå ett optimalt resultat både kortsiktigt och långsiktigt. / There is a risk of insecure attachment developing between parents and critically ill infants where the infant is cared for in the pediatric intensive care unit as there is a lack of established nursing measures to promote attachment. Failure to bond can lead to unwanted long-term physical and cognitive consequences for parents and babies. The purpose of the master's thesis was to use published research results to describe care that promotes attachment between parents and their critically ill infants during the period of care in the pediatric intensive care unit. The chosen method is a systematic integrative literature review consisting of a total of 17 articles. 12 articles with a qualitative approach, three articles with a quantitative approach and two with a mixed method. The literature search was done in the databases Cinahl and PubMed. After a systematic selection process and quality review, a total of 17 articles were included in the data material. The Master's thesis resulted in three main themes; The impact of intensive care on the attachment process, care with an impact on the attachment process and a family-centered care starting point to promote attachment. The result presents nurturing methods that can promote the attachment process. The intensive care nurse needs to be sensitive to the fact that families have different needs in the attachment process and work family-centred, person-centred and adapt the environment to meet these needs. Caring methods that the intensive care nurse can work with are skin-to-skin contact, camera technology and music therapy. Skin-to-skin is a decisive factor in the results, but it requires physically present parents. In the case of physically absent parents, camera technology and music therapy can act as a bridge in the communication between parents and babies. The result in the master's thesis reflects the complexity of overall care, where every small piece of the puzzle is important to be able to achieve an optimal result both in the short term and in the long term.

Intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att vårda patienter som försökt begå suicid : En kvalitativ studie / Intensive care nurses’ experiences of caring for patients after attempted suicide : A qualitative study

Hamberg, Camilla, Larsson, Jennika January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Suicid är ett globalt folkhälsoproblem. I Sverige vårdades 2021 cirka 11 000 patienter som försökt begå suicid. Intensivvårdssjuksköterskor har en betydelsefull roll i vården och mötet med patienten som utfört ett suicidförsök. Människor som försökt begå suicid har ett lidande och behöver bemötas utifrån en helhet av kropp, själ och ande. Syfte: Att beskriva intensivvårdssjuksköterskors erfarenheter av att på en intensivvårdsavdelning vårda patienter som försökt begå suicid. Metod: Kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats. Tio intensivvårdssjuksköterskor med erfarenhet av att vårda patient efter suicidförsök intervjuades. Resultat: Analysen resulterade i fyra kategorier, Väcker känslor, Vårda både kropp och själ, Att skapa en trygg miljö och Att bemöta anhöriga. De fyra kategorierna är sedan uppdelade i nio subkategorier. Konklusion: Studiens resultat visar att intensivvårdssjuksköterskor erfar att omvårdnaden av patienter som försökt begå suicid är komplex. Olika uppfattningar framkommer angående om det ingår i intensivvårdssjuksköterskans roll att prata med patienten om suicidförsöket. Att intensivvårdssjuksköterskor har olika syn på detta kan eventuellt leda till att patienter inte får jämlik vård. Vidare forskning av ämnet behövs för att skapa riktlinjer och tydliggöra om det är intensivvårdssjuksköterskans uppgift att initiera samtal om suicidförsöket. / Background: Suicide is a global public health problem. In Sweden, approximately 11,000 patients who attempted suicide were treated in 2021. Intensive care nurses have an important role in the care and meeting with the patient who has attempted suicide. People who have attempted to commit suicide are suffering and the whole person needs to be treated, body, soul and spirit. Aim: To describe intensive care nurses' experiences of caring for patients who have attempted suicide in an intensive care unit. Method: A qualitative content analyses with an inductive approach. Ten intensive care nurses with experience from caring for patients after suicide attempt, where interviewed. Result: The analysis resulted in four categories, Evokes emotions, Caring for both body and soul, Creating a safe environment and Dealing with relatives. Conclusion: Intensive care nurses experience that the care of patients who have attempted suicide is complex. Different opinions emerge regarding whether it is part of the intensive care nurse's role to talk to the patient about the suicide attempt. Different views on this could potentially lead to patients not receiving equal care. Further research on the subject is needed to create guidelines and clarify whether it is the intensive care nurse's task to initiate conversations about the suicide attempt.

The Effects of Kangaroo Care on the Neurodevelopment of Preterm Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Sarg, Tiffany 01 January 2016 (has links)
Preterm birth disrupts the development of the brain and other critical organs of the infant body. Since the brain is one of the last organs to finish developing during pregnancy, the risk for substantial neurological deficits increases as the gestational age decreases. One way to combat these deficits is to reconnect the preterm infant with the mother via skin-to-skin contact, also known as kangaroo care (KC). This intimate touch helps to replicate aspects of the environment that the preterm infant experienced in utero. The purpose of this literature review was to analyze the current literature to better understand the effects that KC may have on facilitating neurodevelopment of preterm infants in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICUs). Emphasis was placed on neurophysiologic functioning, autonomic functioning, and neurobehavioral functioning. A database search of CINAHL Plus with Full Text, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, and Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition was conducted, and a total of six articles were reviewed based on their relevance and application towards this thesis. KC is a low-cost, relatively easy intervention to initiate that can have positive impacts on many aspects of preterm infant growth and maturation. There is limited research regarding the use of KC as an intervention to support neurodevelopment, especially with regards to long-term effects. Existing research supports the use of KC as an intervention to facilitate neurodevelopment in preterm infants in the NICU.

The Efficacy of Non-Pharmacological Pain Management Methods Amongst Premature Neonates in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Martinez, Hannah R 01 January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to conduct an integrated review of the literature examining the use of non-pharmacologic pain management strategies in premature neonates and to explore the relationship between health outcomes and time to discharge from the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). Non-pharmacologic pain management strategies include human touch, facilitated tucking, non-nutritive sucking, and kangaroo care. A systematic review of the literature was conducted from multiple online databases. Peer reviewed, English-language articles containing the keywords ‘pain management’, ‘neonatal intensive care unit’, and ‘non-pharmacologic’ were included for synthesis. Exclusion criteria included articles with a focus on infants not admitted to the NICU and infants with a gestational age greater than 37 weeks. Results revealed positive outcomes when alternative pain-relieving methods, rather than drug therapy, were used in the NICU. A majority of articles suggest facilitated tucking is very successful in lowering a preterm infant’s pain. However, facilitated tucking alone was significantly less effective in relieving procedural pain compared to facilitated tucking in combination with oral sucrose administration. Kangaroo care and gentle human touch also proved to reduce physiologic and behavioral signs of pain in neonates. The literature reveled an overall positive outcome when non-pharmacologic pain interventions are used in the NICU, with some behavioral interventions showing better efficacy than others at relieving neonatal pain. None of the reviewed articles explored the relationship between reduced length of stay and parameters assessing health outcomes based on pain control in neonates. The literature indicated nurses play a significant role in the use of pain-relieving methods in neonatal populations. Implications for future research that focuses on successful behavioral based pain management strategies that assists in refining neonatal pain relief would be of great benefit to improving health outcomes related to infant survival after discharge from the NICU.

The Development of a Bedside Display for the ICU

Sun, Yawei 29 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.

The Importance of Child Life Within the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

Karl, Bethany C. 17 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Look, But Don’t Touch: Impact of COVID-19 on the NICU Caregiver

Otwell-Dove, Rebecca C 01 August 2022 (has links)
Admission of an infant into the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) is an experience that has been associated with a variety of both positive and negative health outcomes for parent and child. While both the setting name and the admitted population alludes to a sole focus on the affected infant, what often remains underrecognized is the impact on the ones who care for the newborn long before and longer after their NICU stay. Given the recency and unprecedented impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, very little research has examined the impact of COVID-19-specific stress on the experience of parents of infants requiring a NICU stay in the midst of the ongoing pandemic. As such, the current study aimed to gather electronic survey data from caregivers (both biological and non-biological) of infants across the United States admitted to a NICU on or after March 1, 2020. Major factors addressed in the survey included anticipation of the NICU, COVID-19-specific stress, NICU-specific stress, global health outcomes (physical, mental, and social health), parental bonding, and parental self-efficacy. It was hypothesized that (1) COVID-specific stress and would be associated with suboptimal NICU experiences; (2) COVID-specific stress would be associated with worse parental health (physical, mental, and social) and parent-child relational health (bonding, self-efficacy) outcomes; (3) NICU stress and parental health would serve as mechanisms through which COVID-specific stress impacts parental-relational outcomes; (4) These associations would vary depending on whether or not a caregiver was anticipating that their infant would need to go to the NICU. Hypotheses were partially supported such that COVID stress was associated with increased NICU stress and poorer caregiver physical and social health. Unique patterns were found depending on facets of caregiver health. Clinical implications and future directions are discussed.

Water-associated nosocomial infections.

Wright, Claire Louise, Snelling, Anna M., Newton, L., Kerr, Kevin G. January 2008 (has links)
Yes / It is estimated that 5-10% of hospitalised patients in developed countries contract hospital acquired infections (HAI). Increasing levels of antimicrobial resistance manifested by many HAI-causing pathogens such as Acinetobacter spp in the intensive care unit (ICU) setting present a significant challenge to those managing these infections. Consequently, much attention has been focused on the prevention of HAIs. Particular emphasis has been placed on interventions intended to interrupt patient-to-patient transmission of pathogens, such as enhanced hand hygiene and identification of patients colonised with methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) using rapid DNA-based screening techniques. However, comparatively little attention has been given to the hospital environment, including water supplies, as a source of nosocomial pathogens of importance for patients on the critical care unit. This article reviews the role of hospital water sources in the epidemiology of HAI and new technologies which can be employed in the prevention and control of such infections.

Perceptions and preferences of patients, family/friends and nurses on visiting time in ICU

Ramnath, Ronica 30 November 2007 (has links)
Advances in science and technology have made nursing practice in acute care settings complex, rapid and demanding. Hospital visiting hours and rules are established for the comfort and safety of patients and their loved ones. In addition, there is the need to focus on the needs of 'the customer'. The researcher adopted a descriptive, exploratory approach to determine the perceptions and preferences of patients, family members/friends and nurses of visiting time in ICUs. The aim was to recommend mechanisms and measures with regard to the desired visiting schedule that would enhance patient-centred integrated care in ICUs. The study found that patients and family members/friends preferred extended visiting time and perceived this as beneficial to them, while the majority of the nurses preferred scheduled visiting time. / Health Studies / M. A. (Health Studies)

Kritiskt sjuka barns delaktighet : En studie om sjuksköterskans omvårdnad på BIVA / Critically ill children´s participation : A study in nursing care at PICU

Elisabeth, Wimo January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

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