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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Evaluation of the Technology Acceptance Model as a Means of Understanding Online Social Networking Behavior

Willis, Timothy J 28 March 2008 (has links)
Organizations invest sizable amounts of financial and human capital toward developing and implementing innovative technology solutions that will help them achieve organizational objectives. Professionals are now able to use online social networking technology to maintain and grow their network of business contacts virtually, resulting in increased efficiency and the ability to foster relationships with colleagues who otherwise would not be accessible. Organizations can use the benefits of online social networking to their strategic advantage if they understand the nature of the technology and how it is used. The Technology Acceptance Model is often used to explain the acceptance of new technology at work, and can predict which workers are likely to adopt a newly-implemented technology as it was intended to be used. It is not clear, however, if the model can predict the acceptance of social networking technology, and it does not account for experience the user might have had with similar systems. Five hundred students completed a questionnaire about their prior usage of online social networking systems as well as an assessment of their perceptions of the technology in terms of ease of use and usefulness, and the social forces influencing usage decisions. Findings suggest the Technology Acceptance Model is a reasonable model of the acceptance of online social networking systems, but the subjective norm component was not predictive of acceptance.

How Spiritual Values Correlate With Hospice Use for African Americans

Frazier, LaTrina Dion 01 January 2015 (has links)
End of life hospice services have consistently been underused by African Americans. This disproportionate use of hospice has contributed to poor quality of life and a lack of cost-effective care for patients with terminal illness. Driven by the theory of reasoned action, the purpose of this quantitative study was to test associations between African Americans' perceptions of hospice, decisions to use hospice, and religiosity. A convenience sample of 154 African American adults was surveyed online. The survey instrument combined the AARP End of Life survey, Perception of Hospice survey, and the Religiousness Measure survey. The results of a multiple linear regression showed a significant relationship between religiosity and perception of hospice where those who reported a higher level of religiosity had a more favorable perception of hospice (B = .174, p = .041), whereas there was no support of a relationship in which religiosity was a predictor of intent to use hospice (B = -.019, p = .816). Findings also showed the more positive the perception of hospice the lower the rate of intent to use hospice (B = -.181, p = .002). This research could benefit health care providers, researchers, and community members by increasing public awareness and education of hospice. Focus on the underuse of hospice by African Americans may promote positive social change through discussion within communities and hospice agencies about the barriers to service; these results may also foster implementation of interventions and initiatives that improve service to underserved populations. Such efforts could improve quality of life for individuals, their families, and communities.

Assessment of Factors Influencing Intent-to-Use Big Data Analytics in an Organization: A Survey Study

Madhlangobe, Wayne 01 January 2018 (has links)
The central question was how the relationship between trust-in-technology and intent-to-use Big Data Analytics in an organization is mediated by both Perceived Risk and Perceived Usefulness. Big Data Analytics is quickly becoming a critically important driver for business success. Many organizations are increasing their Information Technology budgets on Big Data Analytics capabilities. Technology Acceptance Model stands out as a critical theoretical lens primarily due to its assessment approach and predictive explanatory capacity to explain individual behaviors in the adoption of technology. Big Data Analytics use in this study was considered a voluntary act, therefore, well aligned with the Theory of Reasoned Action and the Technology Acceptance Model. Both theories have validated the relationships between beliefs, attitudes, intentions and usage behavior. Predicting intent-to-use Big Data Analytics is a broad phenomenon covering multiple disciplines in literature. Therefore, a robust methodology was employed to explore the richness of the topic. A deterministic philosophical approach was applied using a survey method approach as an exploratory study which is a variant of the mixed methods sequential exploratory design. The research approach consisted of two phases: instrument development and quantitative. The instrument development phase was anchored with a systemic literature review to develop an instrument and ended with a pilot study. The pilot study was instrumental in improving the tool and switching from a planned covariance-based SEM approach to PLS-SEM for data analysis. A total of 277 valid observations were collected. PLS-SEM was leveraged for data analysis because of the prediction focus of the study and the requirement to assess both reflective and formative measures in the same research model. The measurement and structural models were tested using the PLS algorithm. R2, f2, and Q2 were used as the basis for the acceptable fit measurement. Based on the valid structural model and after running the bootstrapping procedure, Perceived Risk has no mediating effect on Trust-in-Technology on Intent-to-Use. Perceived Usefulness has a full mediating effect. Level of education, training, experience and the perceived capability of analytics within an organization are good predictors of Trust-in-Technology.

La relación entre el marketing boca a boca y la adopción de la banca móvil en millennials de 25 a 30 años que residen en la zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana (Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco, La Molina / The relationship between word of mouth marketing and the adoption of mobile banking in millennials aged 25 to 30 years who reside in zone 7 of metropolitan lima (miraflores, san isidro, san borja, surco, la molina)

Guillen Estabridis, Luis Joaquin, Sanchez Montoya, Sebastian Alonso 03 September 2020 (has links)
El canal digital bancario que mayor crecimiento ha tenido en los últimos años es la banca móvil, con un incremento promedio de 114% al año. No obstante, aún es un canal en desarrollo con mucho potencial. La penetración de la banca móvil del 2019 fue apenas de un 12% (Asbanc, 2019). Por otro lado, los consumidores se encuentran en un entorno saturado por la publicidad, donde todas las marcas ofrecen el mejor producto. Ante tal saturación, es difícil identificar qué promesas de valor son ciertas. Es entonces que la experiencia y testimonio de otros consumidores cobra mayor relevancia. Los sitios web de valoraciones, los videos de reseñas y los influenciadores son ejemplos de cómo las marcas están migrando hacia una comunicación más verídica y confiable proveniente de fuentes independientes. Más aun tratándose de la generación Millennial, quienes realizan sus compras influenciados por recomendaciones de familiares y amigos o por medio de reseñas vistas en línea (Ipsos, 2018). Es por ello que esta investigación tiene como objetivo determinar si el marketing boca a boca tiene relación con la adopción de la banca móvil en usuarios de banca móvil de 25 a 30 años que residen en la Zona 7 de Lima Metropolitana (Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco, La Molina), para ello se midió la correlación entre el boca a boca y variables de adopción de la banca móvil como la facilidad de uso percibida, utilidad percibida, norma social, confianza, actitud e intención de uso. / The digital banking channel that has grown the most in recent years is mobile banking, with an average increase of 114% per year. However, it is still a developing channel with great potential. Mobile banking penetration in 2019 was just 12% (Asbanc, 2019). On the other hand, consumers find themselves in an environment saturated by advertising, where all brands offer the best product. In the face of such saturation, it is difficult to identify which promises of value are true. It is then that the experience and testimony of other consumers becomes more relevant. Ratings websites, review videos, and influencers are examples of how brands are migrating toward more truthful and trustworthy communication from independent sources. Even more so in the case of the Millennial generation who make their purchases influenced by recommendations from family and friends or through reviews seen online (Ipsos, 2018). That is why this research aims to determine if word of mouth marketing is related to the adoption of mobile banking in mobile banking users aged 25 to 30 years who reside in Zone 7 of Metropolitan Lima (Miraflores, San Isidro, San Borja, Surco, La Molina), for this the correlation between word of mouth and mobile banking adoption variables such as perceived ease of use, perceived utility, social norm, trust, attitude and intention to use was measured. / Tesis

Factores que influyen en el Modelo UTAUT en relación a la Intención de Uso de Plataformas de Streaming en Millenials / Elements that has an influence in the UTAUT model in relation to Intent to Use of Streaming Platforms in Millennials

Gallardo Angeles, Marcelo Andre, Sandoval Ochoa, Hans Daniel 18 August 2020 (has links)
El presente trabajo de investigación está relacionado con la identificación del nivel de influencia que presentan los factores que forman parte de la Teoría Unificada de la Aceptación y Uso de Tecnología, y la Intención de Uso de las Plataformas de Streaming, tales como Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify; entre otras, en el caso de los usuarios Millennials. La importancia de este estudio radica en que la investigación busca relacionar e identificar las principales diferencias en la adaptación que las plataformas de streaming en el contexto peruano con respecto a investigaciones similares en otros contextos geográficos en donde las variables del UTAUT podrían o no verse alteradas. Para la investigación se evaluará una pequeña muestra de personas entre 18 y 30 años de manera probabilística y transversal con un cuestionario que utiliza ítems de respuestas ordinales realizado tomando como base cuestionarios de autores que realizaron investigaciones similares. Es necesario continuar con el estudio de estos factores, ya que a futuro puede llegar a ser un indicador resaltante en cuanto a los atributos que buscan estos usuarios al momento de utilizar estas plataformas, de tal forma que puedan adecuarse a lo que los usuarios esperan, a través de un hallazgo de estos factores. / This research work is related to the identification of the influence level presented by the factors that are part of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology, and the Intention of Use of Streaming Platforms, such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Spotify; among others, in the case of Millennial users. The importance of this study lies in the fact that the research seeks to relate and identify the main differences in the adaptation of streaming platforms in the Peruvian context with respect to similar research in other geographical contexts where UTAUT variables may or may not be altered. For this research a small sample of people will be assessed between 18 and 30 years of probabilistic and transversely with questionnaire responses using ordinal items made taking as base questionnaires authors who conducted similar research. It is necessary to continue with the study of these factors, since in the future it may become a striking indicator in terms of the attributes that these users look for when using these platforms, in such a way that they can adapt to what users expect, through a finding of these factors. / Trabajo de investigación

Los riesgos, el brand trust y la intención con relación al uso del sistema de monederos digitales en usuarios

Lavado Rupailla, Jesús Alberto, Navarro Odicio, Laura Mariana 09 July 2020 (has links)
El uso de las billeteras móviles está recibiendo una creciente atención a nivel mundial. El rápido crecimiento del comercio electrónico y la tecnología del internet, ha propiciado a los bancos a innovar con respecto a los servicios de banca por internet, incentivando a sus usuarios a facilitar sus transacciones a través de las e wallets. Este estudio tiene como objetivo identificar los principales factores que influyen en la intención de uso de los e wallets. Por lo tanto, se describe un marco de investigación donde se analizan las variables de brand trust y riesgos financieros e informáticos, con el fin de evaluar cómo es que impulsan la intención de uso de los e wallets. El tipo de investigación que se llevará a cabo en este paper es correlacional, el cual tendrá un enfoque cuantitativo y de carácter concluyente. Por lo cual, se recurrirá a una muestra de 400 usuarios de billeteras móviles, con el fin de investigar la relación que hay entre las variables de brand trust, riesgos financieros y riesgos informáticos con respecto a la intención de uso de esta herramienta. Dicha investigación se realizará en el Perú después de que la herramienta fuera lanzada por primera vez en el 2017 y se encuentra en una etapa de constante crecimiento dentro del mercado. / The use of mobile wallets is receiving increasing attention globally. The rapid growth of electronic commerce and internet technology has encouraged banks to innovate with respect to internet banking services, encouraging their users to facilitate their transactions through e wallets. This study aims to identify the main factors that influence the intention to use e wallets. Therefore, a research framework is described where the variables of brand trust, brand image and financial and IT risks are analyzed, in order to evaluate how they drive the intention to use e wallets. The type of research that will be carried out in this paper is correlational, which will have a quantitative and conclusive approach. Therefore, a sample of 400 mobile wallet users will be used, in order to investigate the relationship between the variables of brand trust, financial risks and computer risks with respect to the intention to use this tool . This research will be carried out in Peru after the tool was launched for the first time in 2017 and is in a stage of constant growth within the market. / Trabajo de investigación

El valor percibido y confianza con relación a la intención de uso de los aplicativos móviles de banca

Moscoso Garro, Ruth Mery, Rojas Pomasoncco, Mayte del Rocío 02 March 2021 (has links)
En este trabajo se analizará el Valor Percibido y la Confianza como variable mediadora con relación a la intención de uso de los aplicativos móviles de banca. En el presente trabajo, se realizó la recopilación de papers relacionados con el tema, para confirmar la relación planteada con dichas variables e identificar la metodología que confirma las hipótesis planteadas. Además, se identificó la importancia de esta investigación para el mercado peruano y el segmento de estudio, el alcance del mismo y sus limitaciones tras el contexto actual. / In this paper, Perceived Value and Trust will be analyzed as a mediating variable in relation to the intention to use mobile banking applications. In which, the compilation of papers related to the subject was carried out, to confirm the relationship raised with said variables and identify the methodology that confirms the hypothesis raised. In addition, the importance of this research for the Peruvian market and the study segment, its scope and its limitations after the current context were identified. / Trabajo de investigación

La relación entre la influencia social, el precio y la facilidad de uso en función a la intención de uso en las Aplicaciones de entrega de comida.

Cotrina Arrunátegui, Angie Melyna, Ratti Romero, Sebastiano Michele 08 July 2021 (has links)
El propósito de este estudio es investigar los factores que determinan la intención de uso en las Aplicaciones de entrega de comida en Lima, durante la pandemia del Covid -19. Asimismo, esta está basada en tres hipótesis respecto a las variables antes mencionadas. Por lo cual, esta propuesta estará elaborada bajo el concepto de concluyente, cuantitativo transversal con alcance correlacional. Cabe resaltar que el muestreo será “no probabilístico'' a 400 encuestados y las variables serán medidas mediante la escala de Likert de 5 niveles. Por último, las hipótesis planteadas sostienen análisis estadísticos de ecuaciones estructurales a través de SPSS AMOS. / The purpose of this study is to investigate the factors that determine the intention of use in Food Delivery Applications in Lima, during the Covid -19 pandemic. Likewise, it is based on three hypotheses regarding the aforementioned variables. Therefore, this proposal will be elaborated under the concept of conclusive, transversal quantitative with correlational scope. It should be noted that the sampling will be "non-probabilistic" to 400 respondents and the variables will be measured using the 5-level Likert scale. Finally, the hypotheses raised support statistical analysis of structural equations through SPSS AMOS. / Trabajo de investigación

Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence , Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivacion, Price Value & Habits (UTAUT 2) en relación con la intención de uso de plataformas E- Health. / Performance Expectancy, Effort Expectancy, Social Influence, Facilitating Conditions, Hedonic Motivacion, Price Value & Habits (UTAUT 2) in relation to the intention to use E-Health platforms.

Ochoa  Muro, Diego Enrique, Villacorta Fernandez, Gianpierre Antonio 08 July 2021 (has links)
Durante los últimos meses, el COVID-19 ha generado diversos cambios en el ámbito económico, social y personal de la sociedad. Tanto en el Perú como en todos los países del mundo se enfrentan a un entorno cambiante que los forza a adaptarse a los nuevos hábitos de vida y de consumo. De este modo, los rubros más importantes y básicos de la sociedad se vieron en la obligación de incurrir a nuevas formas de atención al consumidor, sin dejar la buena experiencia de consumo y de calidad de servicio para el usuario. El presente artículo destaca un enfoque en la intención de uso de plataformas eHealth, a partir del modelo UTAUT 2. Del mismo modo, nos basamos en la revisión de la literatura de los constructos incorporados en el modelo UTAUT 2 en un contexto pandémico que permitirá comprender los factores de la adaptación e intención de uso de las herramientas tecnológicas eHealth. / In recent months, COVID-19 has generated various changes in the economic, social and personal sphere of society. Both in Peru and in all the countries of the world they face a changing environment that forces them to adapt to new habits of life and consumption. In this way, the most important and basic areas of society were forced to incur new forms of customer service, without leaving a good consumer experience and quality of service for the user. This article highlights a focus on the intention to use eHealth platforms, based on the UTAUT 2 model. In the same way, we are based on the literature review of the constructs incorporated in the UTAUT 2 model in a pandemic context that will allow us to understand the factors of adaptation and intention to use eHealth technological tools. / Trabajo de investigación

Relación entre la reputación de una marca, la comunicación boca- oreja, la confianza en la marca y la intención de uso en los jóvenes universitarios de 18 a 25 años respecto a la contratación de productos bancarios por primera vez en Lima en el año 2019

Morales Soria, Nicole Luz Alexandra, Landeo Flores, Frank Carlos 01 June 2021 (has links)
En la presente investigación titulada “Relación entre la reputación de una marca, la comunicación boca-oreja, la confianza en la marca y la intención de uso en los jóvenes universitarios de 18 a 25 años respecto a la contratación de productos bancarios por primera vez en Lima en el año 2019” tiene como objetivo conocer si existe una relación entre las variables mencionadas antes que exista una intención de contratación y que tan influyentes son en los jóvenes. Por ello, se desarrolló una investigación de tipo descriptivo- correlacional, trabajando con una muestra de 204 jóvenes estudiantes que no son usuarios de banca en Lima Metropolitana. A quienes se le aplicó una encuesta de 21 preguntas, entre las cuales deberían ponderar bajo la escala de Likert su percepción sobre su banco seleccionado, cada una de las preguntas presentadas en el cuestionario responden a una dimensión, la cual nos permitió determinar cuál es la más valorada y tiene mayor peso para la variable. En base a los resultados hallados tanto en el análisis descriptivo como estadísticos, se puede determinar que para los jóvenes universitarios para que exista una intención de contratación de un servicio bancario ellos recuren a la reputación de un banco para conocer su posicionamiento en el mercado, a su vez están en la búsqueda constante de información que los lleva a recurrir a la comunicación boca-oreja, es decir, un medio de comunicación informal en donde se encuentra las opiniones y recomendaciones de amigos y/o familiares cercanos. Finalmente, el banco para también influir en los jóvenes debe transmitir confianza brindándoles seguridad y calidad de información. Es así como podemos afirmar que si existe una relación entre las variables confianza, reputación y comunicación boca oreja antes de la intención de contratación de un servicio bancario y que son una población atractiva para el sector financiero. / In this research entitled "Relationship between the reputation of a brand, word of mouth, trust in the brand and the intention of use in young people between 18 and 25 years of age regarding the contracting of banking products for the first time in Lima in 2019" aims to know whether there is a link between the variables mentioned above and whether there is an intention to recruit and how influential they are in young people. or this reason, descriptive-correlational research was carried out, working with a sample of 204 young students who are not bank users in Metropolitan Lima. To those who applied a survey of 21 questions, among which they should weigh their perception of their selected bank under the Likert scale, each of the questions presented in the questionnaire answer to a dimension, which allowed us to determine which is the most valued and has the greatest weight for the variable. Based on the results found in both descriptive and statistical analysis, it can be determined that for young university students for there to be an intention to hire a banking service they recall to the reputation of a bank to know its position in the market, In turn, they are constantly seeking information that leads them to resort to word-of-mouth communication, that is, an informal means of communication in which the opinions and recommendations of friends and/or close relatives are to be found. Finally, in order to influence young people as well, the bank must give them confidence by providing them with security and quality This is how we can assert that if there is a relationship between the variables trust, reputation and mouth-to-ear communication before the intention to hire a banking service and that they are an attractive population for the financial sector. / Tesis

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