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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La fabrication d'un contexte institutionnel favorable à la confiance inter-organisationnelle au sein d'une méta-organisation : étude de deux clusters des industries culturelles et créatives en France et au Canada / The making of an institutional context favorable for inter-organizational trust within a meta-organization : a study of two clusters of cultural and creative industries in France and Canada

Pinzon Correa, Juan David 07 December 2017 (has links)
Notre objectif est de comprendre comment les acteurs qui prennent part à la gouvernance d’une méta-organisation interviennent dans l’émergence et le maintien d’un contexte institutionnel favorable à la confiance dans les relations inter-organisationnelles (RIO). Nous réalisons deux études de cas qualitatifs de clusters des industries culturelles et créatives, en France et au Canada. Pour le cas français nous pointons les difficultés relatives à la confiance et le travail postérieur de construction de nouvelles frontières, avec une conciliation entre besoins économiques et esprit de création artistique. Pour le cas canadien : un climat initial peu propice à la confiance et un travail postérieur d’institutionnalisation de l’idée que le cluster agit dans l’intérêt de toute l’industrie. Nous proposons un cadre conceptuel pour analyser les pratiques de création et maintien d’un contexte institutionnel favorable à la confiance dans les RIO, dans une perspective structurationniste (relation récursive institutions/action). Nous distinguons des dimensions du contexte et deux types de pratiques : « d’activation » (les acteurs font intentionnellement appel à des éléments institutionnels jugés pertinents vis-à-vis de la confiance par rapport à l’interaction) ; et « de structuration », (ils structurent progressivement les bases institutionnelles de la confiance pour des interactions, actuelles et futures). Nous proposons des éléments pour une « compétence liée à la confiance », comme une capacité liée au déploiement, dans une manière perçue comme authentique, de comportements liés à la confiance et jugés appropriés vis-à-vis du rôle de l’acteur dans un contexte institutionnel donné / The aim of the research is to understand how the actors involved in the governance of a meta-organization intervene in the emergence and maintenance of an institutional context favorable to trust in inter-organizational relations (IOR). Following a qualitative approach, we carried out two embedded case studies of clusters operating within the cultural and creative industries in France and Canada. Regarding the French case, we highlighted the difficulties of trust and later work by some actors aimed at adopting new boundaries that involves new sectors, which included the search for conciliation between economic needs and the spirit of artistic creation. As for the Canadian case, we highlighted the initial climate not propitious to trust and the subsequent institutionalization work of the idea that the cluster acts in the interest of the whole industry. We propose a conceptual framework to analyze the practices of creating and maintaining an institutional environment favorable to trust in IOR, within a structurational perspective (recursive relation institutions/action). We distinguish dimensions of the context, and two types of practices: of “activation” (actors intentionally call upon institutional elements considered as relevant to trust in the current interaction); and of "structuration" (actors gradually structure the institutional bases of trust for current and future interactions). In the conclusion, we propose elements for a "trust-related competence" as a capacity related to the deployment, in in a manner perceived as authentic, of behaviors related to trust and considered as appropriate regarding the role of the actor in a given institutional context

Práticas colaborativas: investigação da relação entre abordagem de gestão de custos inter-organizacional, custo de transação e gestão de riscos em alianças / Collaborative practices: an investigation of relationship among inter-organizational cost management approach, transaction costs and alliance risk management

Souza, Rodrigo Paiva 03 November 2015 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a relação entre a gestão de custos inter-organizacional (GCI), custos de transação (CT), e gestão de riscos em alianças (GRA) em empresas que operam no Brasil. O método de pesquisa foi o survey, com aplicação de um questionário. Os níveis de GCI, CT e GRA foram medidos tendo como base a percepção dos gestores de compras e suprimentos das empresas selecionadas. A amostra teve 85 respostas válidas, de 5 setores da indústria de manufatura (automotivo, bens de consumo, eletrônica, química e metalurgia). Os resultados demonstram uma associação significativa entre GCI e GRA, isto é, empresas que adotam a abordagem de gestão de custos inter-organizacional com maior intensidade possuem maior ênfase nas práticas de gestão de riscos. Além disso, verificou-se que a abordagem de GCI e GRA não afetam a percepção dos gestores sobre os CT, ou seja, a adoção de gestão de custos inter-organizacional não aumenta a percepção de custos de transação quando esta abordagem é adotada juntamente com práticas de gestão de riscos em alianças. Além disso, verificou-se que as empresas do setor de eletroeletrônicos apresentaram maiores níveis de GCI, enquanto as empresas da indústria automotiva tiveram os menores, demonstrando que empresas desse setor possuem menor propensão a compartir recursos, informações e tecnologia com seus fornecedores. Com relação à percepção de custos de transação e práticas de gestão de riscos, a análise demonstrou que não há diferenças significativas entre os setores estudados. Adicionalmente, os resultados demonstram que as empresas que utilizam ferramentas de gestão de custos, tais como custeio baseado em atividades (ABC) ou custeio alvo, possuem maiores níveis de GCI, o número de fornecedores e o tamanho desses parceiros também influencia na intensidade com que as empresas adotam a abordagem de GCI. Em relação à percepção de custos de transação, os resultados revelam que a experiência dos gestores e do tamanho da companhia influenciam na visão sobre os custos de transação. Já em relação às práticas de gestão de riscos em alianças, os resultados demonstram que as empresas que possuem acordos de ganhos compartilhados com fornecedores tendem a adotar mais intensamente as práticas GRA, além disso, o tamanho do fornecedor e setor de atuação da empresa também influenciam na intensidade com que tais práticas são adotadas. As principais contribuições deste trabalho foram o desenvolvimento de instrumentos para mensuração do nível de adoção de práticas de GCI e GRA, bem como a investigação empíricas sobre a relação entre percepção de GCI, CT e GRA. / This PhD dissertation addresses the relationship between inter-organizational cost management (IOCM), transaction costs (TC), and alliance risk management (ARM) in companies operating in Brazil. The research method consists in applying a survey questionnaire. The scores of IOCM, TC, and ARM were measured having the perception of purchase and supply managers of selected firms as a basis. The sample has 85 valid answers, from 5 sectors of the manufacturing industry (automotive, consumer goods, electronics, chemical, and metallurgy). The results demonstrate a significant association between IOCM and ARM, that is, companies adopting an inter-organizational cost management approach have more emphasis on practices of alliance risk management. Besides, it was found that IOCM and ARM approach do not affect the manager\'s perception about TC, thus, adoption of inter-organizational cost management approach does not increases perception of transaction cost since this approach is combined with practices of alliance risk management. Moreover, it was found that firms from the electronics industry have the highest level of IOCM, while automotive industry firms have the lowest, showing that automotive firms has less likelihoods to share resources, information and technology with suppliers. Regarding perception of transaction cost and alliance risk management, there is no significant difference between the industries studied. Additionally, the research demonstrates that companies using a cost management tool, such as activity-based costing (ABC) or target costing, have a higher level of IOCM, number of suppliers and the size of partners also influences the intensity as firms adopting IOCM approach. Regarding the perception of transaction costs, the results reveal that both manager\'s experience and company size influence the perception of transaction cost. Concerning the practices of alliance risk management, the results demonstrate that the firms having earnings-sharing agreements with suppliers apply more ARM practices, also, the size of suppliers and the industry of the firms influences the intensity as firms adopt practices of alliance risk management. The main contribution of this study was the development of an instrument to measure the level of IOCM and ARM, as well as an empirical investigation of the relationship between perceived level of IOCM, TC and ARM.

A influência da ONU, da OEA, dos seus corpos burocráticos e de suas interações administrativas na promoção e na defesa da democracia na América Latina

Lacerda, Jan Marcel de Almeida Freitas 18 December 2017 (has links)
A presente tese analisa a influência da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU), da Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA), de suas burocracias internacionais e de suas relações administrativas intra e extraorganizacionais na promoção e na defesa da democracia na América Latina. A partir das contribuições teóricas do construtivismo social e dos estudos de administração, é possível observar os corpos burocráticos das organizações internacionais como Administrações Públicas Internacionais (APIs) que influenciam a governança global ao distribuir níveis de governo e mudar as condutas dos Estados. A singularidade da América Latina alerta as Organizações Internacionais (OIs) e suas burocracias internacionais quanto às constantes crises democráticas na região, dos problemas econômicos e sociais e das distorções dos princípios democráticos nas sociedades latino-americanas. O objetivo desta tese, então, é investigar a influência das OIs, de suas burocracias e de suas interações administrativas na democracia latino-americana. É defendida a hipótese de que a cooperação entre a ONU e a OEA impacta nas democracias latino-americanas, por meio de suas atuações conjuntas em missões eleitorais, publicações e eventos. Para tanto, adotou o método de análise misto, com técnicas de pesquisa qualitativa e quantitativa combinadas para melhor explicar o fenômeno estudado. Qualitativamente, fez-se revisões literárias e análises documentais sobre as OIs, as burocracias internacionais e as relações interoganizacionais como atores externos nos processos de democratização da América Latina. Já na etapa quantitativa, realizou-se uma análise descritiva aprofundada do banco de dados inédito e foram empregadas as estimações por Mínimos Quadrados Generalizados (MQG) para dados organizados em painel, para 20 países latino-americanos, no período de 2000 a 2015. A estruturação do banco de dados inovador utilizou as atividades dessas organizações na área da democracia, incluindo os eventos, as publicações e as missões políticas e de assistência eleitoral entre os anos selecionados. Os resultados encontrados confirmaram a hipótese de que a cooperação entre ONU e OEA em suas atividades aumenta o nível de democracia latino-americana. / The present thesis analyzes the influence of the United Nations (UN), the Organization of American States (OAS), their international bureaucracies and their administrative intra and extra-organizational relations in the promotion and defense of democracy in Latin America. By combining the theoretical contributions of social constructivism and management studies, it is observed that the bureaucratic bodies of international organizations such as International Public Administrations (IPAs) influence global governance by distributing the level of government and changing the conduct of States. The singularity of Latin America alerts the International Organizations (IOs) and their international bureaucracies about the constant democratic crisis in the region, the economic and social problems and the distortions of democratic principles in Latin American societies. In this sense, the purpose of this thesis is to investigate the influence of IOs, their bureaucracies and their administrative interactions in Latin American democracy. The working hypothesis is that cooperation between the UN and the OAS impact on Latin American democracies through their joint actions in electoral missions, publications and events. In order to do so, the mixed analysis method was adopted, with qualitative and quantitative research techniques combined to better explain the investigated phenomena. Qualitatively, the thesis uses literary reviews and documentary analysis about the IOs, the international bureaucracies and the inter-organizational relations as external actors in the processes of democratization in Latin America. The quantitative stage of the research included an in-depth descriptive analysis of the database and the usage of estimates by Generalized Least Squares (GLS) for panel data for 20 Latin American countries, from 2000 to 2015. The structuration of the innovative database of this thesis used the organizations’ activities in democracy including events, publications and political and electoral assistance missions during the selected years. The results confirm the initial hypothesis that cooperation between the UN and the OAS in their activities increases the level of democracy in Latin American.

Emergence des dispositifs de GRH inter-organisationnelle : entre petits pas et grand écart / Emergence of inter-organizational HRM devices : baby steps and giant leaps

Vial, Bertrand 02 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse vise tout d'abord à comprendre comment se construisent les dispositifs de Gestion des Ressources Humaines (GRH) inter-organisationnelle. Il cherche, ensuite, à en évaluer la portée effective. Pour ce faire, deux dispositifs innovants sont étudiés à la lumière de la Théorie de I' Acteur-Réseau (Collon, 1986 ; Akrich et al., 2006 ; Latour, 2006). Le premier, Alliance, rassemble des grandes entreprises du bassin d'emploi lyonnais. Il a pour but de développer la mobilité inter-entreprises de ses salariés. Le second est un programme de GPEC collective mis en place par la grappe d'entreprises stéphanoise Mécaloire, au profit de ses PME membres. Nos résultats tendent à confirmer la tendance, déjà observée, de territorialisation de la GRH. Le territoire est alors vu comme un intermédiaire capable d'agréger des acteurs aux motivations diverses, et de fluidifier leurs échanges. La place des relations interpersonnelles, du temps et du droit à l'erreur apparaît comme centrale dans le processus d'émergence des dispositifs de GRH inter-organisationnelle. Dix rôles clefs d'acteurs, présents dans ce processus, sont révélés. L'importance des acteurs non­humains est soulignée. Les résultats effectifs des dispositifs sont enfin comparés aux ambitions d'origine affichées. Un constat d'échec est dressé. Il apparaît que les bénéficiaires des dispositifs ne sont pas les salariés initialement ciblés. Plusieurs explications sont avancées. Nos résultats contribuent ainsi, modestement, à l'enrichissement du champ de recherche propre à la GRH inter-organisationnelle (ou GRH Territoriale). Ils permettent également de questionner la pertinence du cadre théorique de l'acteur-réseau et d'en proposer des pistes d'enrichissement. Ils permettent enfin, d'un point de vue opérationnel, d'identifier les facteurs clefs de succès et freins potentiels à la mise en place de dispositifs de GRH inter-organisationnelle. / This PhD's aim is to understand how inter-organizational HRM devices are developed and to provide an evaluation of their actual results. To this point, two innovative devices are studied in the light of the Actor-Network Theory (Collon, 1986; Akrich et al., 2006; Latour, 2006). The first one, Alliance, brings together major companies of the Lyon area, aiming to develop inter-firm mobility of employees. The second is a collective GPEC program (strategic workforce planning) set up by the Mécaloire cluster for the benefit of its members: SMEs from the Saint-Etienne area. Our results tend to confirm the trend of HRM territorialisation, where the territory appears as an intermediary in uniting actors with different motivations, and facilitating their exchanges. It also highlights that allowing interpersonal relationships, time, and trial and error are all crucial in the emergence process of inter-organizational HRM devices. Ten key roles in this process are revealed. The importance of non-human actors is emphasized. As the device's efficiency is compared with the original ambitions, it appears that beneficiaries are not those who were initially targeted. Several explanations are stated. Our results thus contribute, modestly, to the enrichment of the inter-organizational HRM (or Territorial HRM), question the relevance of the actor-network theory framework and provide enrichment tracks. From an operational point of view, key factors of success and potential obstacles to the development of inter-organizational HRM devices are updated.

ONG : Organisations néo-gouvernementales : analyse des stratégies étatiques de contrôle des ONG humanitaires en zone de conflit : (1989-2005) / NGOs : Neo-Governmental Organizations : an analysis of State strategies aimed to control humanitarian NGOs in conflict zones : (1989-2015)

Egger, Clara 30 November 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur le contrôle que les Etats exercent sur les ONG humanitaires. Ces dernièresconservent parfois une grande marge de manoeuvre dans la mise en oeuvre de leur mandat, alorsque, dans d'autres circonstances, elles agissent en sous-contractants de la politique étrangère deleur État d'origine. Nous cherchons à identifier les facteurs qui mènent les ONG plutôt dans unedirection que dans l’autre, ainsi que la modalité de contrôle exercée par les États – coordinationou blanchiment - La thèse explique pourquoi, au sortir de la guerre froide, les Etats ont accru leurengagement dans l’action humanitaire, de façon unilatérale d’abord et multilatérale ensuite.Sur la base de l’étude du cas de la politique humanitaire internationale entre 1989 et 2005,l’analyse révèle un processus causal constitué de cinq séquences, qui explique comment les Etatsont recours à un agent quand leurs stratégies unilatérales sont infructueuses.Nos résultats attestent du caractère stratégique du financement de l’action humanitaire pour lesEtats, conditionné par les préférences géographiques et politiques de ces derniers. Financerl’action humanitaire permet de soutenir les anciennes colonies, d’appuyer la lutte contre leterrorisme et les interventions militaires des pays donateurs. Les financements étatiquesbénéficient aux ONG les plus dépendantes de leurs Etats d’origine. Les organisations nongouvernementalesdeviennent des organisations néo-gouvernementales. Celles-ci connaissent un rejetplus fort de leur présence en zone de conflit par rapport aux ONG qui refusent de recourir auxfonds publics. Face à l’échec de leurs stratégies de contrôle unilatéral, les Etats interventionnisteseuropéens délèguent la gestion de la politique humanitaire à un agent, ECHO, dont le mandat estde rendre moins visible la tutelle étatique les ONG.Cette situation engendre des problèmesd’agences multiples : l’agent dérape en raison de sa forte perméabilité à ses sous-contractants. Enréaction, les Etats renforcent les dispositifs de contrôle sur leur agent. Au final, la politiquehumanitaire se construit sur un équilibre fragile dans lequel chaque État tend naturellement à lacontrôler tout en sachant qu'un contrôle trop visible priverait cette politique de l'efficacité qui luiest propre, et qui tient, précisément à sa neutralité. / This thesis examines how States control their humanitarian NGOs. NGOs may sometimes enjoya great room of manoeuver in the implementation of their mandate, whereas, in othercircumstances, they act as sub-contractors of their home States’ foreign policies. This researchaims to identify the factors leading them to opt for one or the other course of action, as well as themodalities of States’ control (coordination or laundering). We explain why, at the end of the ColdWar, States have increased their commitments in humanitarian action, firstly bilaterally and then,multilaterally. Drawing upon the analysis of the international humanitarian policy between 1989and 2005, we reveal a 5-phases causal process which explain why States delegate competencies toan international agent when faced with the failures of their unilateral strategies. The results showthat States fund humanitarian aid in a strategic way, aligned with their geographic and politicalpreferences. Humanitarianism enables them to support their former colonies, to contribute toanti-terrorism policies, and to back military interventions. States’ funding mostly benefit to NGOthat depend on their home States. NGO thus become neo-governmental organizations. Theseagencies experience a greater rate of rejection of their action in conflict zones that NGOs thatrefuse to rely on public funding. Faced with the failure of their unilateral control strategies,European interventionist States delegate the management of the humanitarian policy to an agent,ECHO, who mandate is to make the State control of NGOs less visible. This situation raisesmultiple-agency problems: the agent slips because of its strong permeability to its sub-contractors.The principal react by reinforcing the control of its agent. At the end of the day, the humanitarianpolicy builds on a fragile equilibrium in which each State strives to control is while knowing thata too visible control decrease the efficacy of such policy, which precisely lies on its neutrality.

A relação entre o ambiente tecnológico e a motivação para formação de parcerias estratégicas na indústria de biotecnologia brasileira, segmento de saúde humana

Azevedo, Aparecida Marildes de 18 March 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:25:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Aparecida Marildes de Azevedo.pdf: 789591 bytes, checksum: 0e67363187302d286ead9aad786053dc (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-03-18 / Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa / In the Twentieth First Century, the modern biotechnology is detached as a relevant set of techniques for modifying organisms through genetic engineering, being able to collaborate to the scientific knowledge advance and the production of new drugs, vaccines and medicines. The interorganizational partnership has been pointed out by several researchers as an effective mean of knowledge transfer and assessing complementary assets in the value chain. The objective in this study is to understand the perception of managers about the influence of the technological environment on the interorganizational partnerships adoption in the biotechnology industry in Brazil, in the human health segment. The methodology involved case studies with two biotechnology companies and a pharmaceutical company with a partnership in the biotechnology industry, all of them located in the city of Sao Paulo, with a minimum of four years of experience. The analysis was conducted in two levels: interorganizational partnerships (description and motivations) and technological environment (appropriability, cumulativeness, opportunity and knowledge basis). The conclusion was that the environment presents high levels of appropriability, cumulativeness, opportunity and complexity of the knowledge basis. When the dimensions of the technological environment are considered high, there is strong motivation for interorganizational partnerships, leading companies to specialize and join with other experts to complete the tasks. The finding in this study suggest there is a high cumulativeness in the biotechnological environment in Brazil, providing the improvement of competences and the ability of companies to maintain the continuity of future innovations to cope with a competitive environment. The relevance of this study is the possibility to collaborate with managers to deep their knowledge about the characteristics of competitive and complex environment in which the Brazilian biotech industry for human health is embedded and interorganizational partnership. / No século XXI, a biotecnologia moderna desponta como importante conjunto de técnicas de modificação de organismos vivos, por meio de engenharia genética, capaz de colaborar no avanço do conhecimento científico e na produção de novas drogas, medicamentos e vacinas. A parceria inter-organizacional tem sido apontado por vários pesquisadores como um meio eficaz de transferência do conhecimento e de acesso a ativos complementares na cadeia de valor. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa é compreender a percepção dos gestores sobre a influência do ambiente tecnológico na adoção de parcerias inter-organizacionais na indústria de biotecnologia brasileira, segmento saúde humana. A metodologia envolveu estudo de casos com duas empresas de biotecnologia e um laboratório farmacêutico com parceria na indústria de biotecnologia, todas da cidade de São Paulo, com no mínimo quatro anos de experiência. Foram utilizados dois níveis de análises: Parcerias inter-organizacionais (descrição e motivações) e ambiente tecnológico (apropriabilidade, cumulatividade, oportunidade e base do conhecimento). Concluiu-se que o ambiente apresenta alta apropriabilidade, alta cumulatividade, alta oportunidade e base do conhecimento complexa. Nos casos em que as dimensões do ambiente tecnológico foram consideradas altas, houve motivação para as parcerias inter-organizacionais, levando as empresas a se especializarem e a estabelecer alianças com outros especialistas para a finalização de tarefas. Destaca-se neste estudo, a existência de alta cumulatividade no ambiente biotecnológico brasileira, proporcionando aprimoramento de competências e da capacidade das empresas em manter a continuidade das inovações futuras com produtos inovadores para enfrentar um ambiente competitivo. A relevância deste estudo está na possibilidade de colaborar com os gestores na ampliação do conhecimento a respeito das características do ambiente competitivo e complexo em que está inserida a indústria de biotecnologia brasileira, segmento saúde humana e as parcerias inter-organizacionais.


Kim, Saerim 01 January 2018 (has links)
The primary objective of this dissertation is to study the management of public and nonprofit resources and financial risk. Governments will be able to use its findings to continue to provide public services in collaboration with other sectors, including the nonprofit sector. Nonprofit financial self-sufficiency and sub-award grant mechanisms between the government and nonprofit sectors are two primary areas to be examined. This dissertation consists of three essays. The first investigates how the diversification of nonprofit revenue portfolios influences extreme revenue risks; the results show that the chance of extreme revenue loss increases when revenue sources are highly correlated to each other. The second essay examines the impact of strenuous state fiscal conditions on nonprofit organizations based in different U.S. states in order to report on generalizable empirical research on sub-award grant mechanisms, state and local government grants awarded to nonprofit organizations. The third essay explores the nonprofit sector’s response to economic shocks, and whether specific state characteristics intensified or mitigated the impact of the economic crisis. The findings from this dissertation can help nonprofit-sector scholars and practitioners understand different perspectives of market risk, revenue risk and portfolio development, and financial stability related to government grants.

Sharing is Caring - When done Properly : A study on customer knowledge transfer between dealers and distributors and the impact of GDPR

Kallberg, Vendela, Engström, Annie January 2019 (has links)
Background: The globalization has made organizations knowledge based and knowledge as a key resource in order to keep up with the changing market. Therefore, knowledge management became increasingly important which also was customer-centric throughout the whole supply chain in order to create customer value. With knowledge management being important, transfer barriers arose and as the increased collection of customer data was also evident as a result of organizations becoming tmore customer-centric and the rapid changes in technology. As a result of this, privacy issues about the data of the customer arose which lead to the implementation of GDPR. Research Questions: What are the challenges and possibilities of the processes of customer knowledge transfer between organizations in a distributor-dealer relationship? In what way has the implementation of GDPR affected the transfer of customer knowledge between a distributor and a dealer? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine how customer knowledge is maintained and transferred between organizations within a distributor-dealer relationship. In addition, the paper aim to investigate what forces affects the processes of transferring customer knowledge within these types of relationships. Furthermore, the study investigates what effects transfer barriers and the implementation of GDPR has on customer knowledge transfer within a distributor-dealer relationship. Method: The paper investigated two cases. One case entailed one distributor and one dealer which had a relationship through a common supply chain. The qualitative data was obtained through 13 semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: This study proves that customer knowledge transfer has both challenges and possibilities in a supply chain with a distributor and dealer relationship. Furthermore, there are several factors that affect this transfer such as communication, customer relationship management and transfer barriers. In addition, GDPR has barely any impact on the customer knowledge transfer. However, it does have an impact on the processes of organizations and can be seen as an opportunity for organizations even if organizations sometimes choose to see the negative aspects.

Inter-Organizational Social Network Information Systems: Diagnosing and Design

Mullarkey, Matthew T 30 June 2014 (has links)
While IS research into on-line Inter-Personal (IP) Social Networks (SN) is highly visible, there has been surprisingly little focus on the use of on-line social networks for Inter-Organizational (IO) communications, interactions, and goal achievement. We explore the issues and challenges facing organizations in their design and use of inter-organizational social network information systems (IO SNIS). Artifact design principles are drawn from a new and insightful model that contrasts the advantages of existing innovative inter-personal (IP) SNIS artifacts with Social Network Theory on differences between IP and IO Social Networks. This research extends the existing streams of IS social networking research into the inter-organizational domain and encourages additional IS research into the analysis, design, and build of artifacts that animate the social behavior of organizations. We develop a key design concept for IO SNIS and establish the design principles underlying the general artifact design and the specific design features that apply the design constructs to an exemplar IO social domain. This dissertation uses Action Design Research (ADR) approach within the Design Science Research (DSR) paradigm to formulate the research opportunity and anticipate a practice-inspired and theory-ingrained artifact. The researcher works with a practitioner team in the domain of mid-market private equity (MMPE) to explore the model and evaluate existing on-line inter-organizational artifacts to establish specific design features for an IO SNIS artifact. We find that the design principles can generalize from the IO SNIS Design Concept Model to other IO Social domains and that the design features can be used to build an instantiation of IO SNIS in the Private Equity domain.

An exploratory study of integration mechanisms in Open Innovation Projects within inter-organizational networks: private companies and universities

Ramirez Portilla, Andres, Novokmet, Paula January 2010 (has links)
<p>It is visible in the innovation literature the tendency to evolve the innovation process into a moreopen and flexible model where innovators of all types can interact freely. This fairly recentparadigm known as Open Innovation is a phenomenon with still a considerable amount of opengaps and challenges. Therefore the question of how integration is achieved between differenttypes of outside innovators remains unanswered. Many organizations, some in more extent thanothers, are already applying Open Innovation within networks; however there is still not a clearunderstanding or a formal theory that describes the mechanisms that can help integrate theinnovation activities with other actors. To address this challenge, we conducted an exploratorystudy in 7 different organizations representing two types of innovators (private firms andacademic institutions) and a nexus agency that acts as an integrator between them. The first partof the results consist of an extensive list of 27 integration mechanisms applicable in openinnovation projects later categorized in 5 new main categories for their practical study anddiscussion. More abstractly, as relationships between these integration mechanisms and interorganizationalnetworks have not been analyzed yet, we want to propose a framework that canprovide an initial notion of their role and interaction in Open Innovation Projects. Thisframework is valuable to consider the applicability of the proposed integration mechanismscategories in different OI settings and supports the understanding of how the harmonization ofOI efforts occurs with different types of innovators. Having a framework of this typeconsiderably extends the understanding of integration in the Open Innovation field and providesas well a guide for organizations to identify how to integrate open innovation efforts.</p>

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