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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le processus de construction d'un outil de contrôle de gestion inter-organisationnel : le cas de l'expérimentation d'un outil de pilotage de la performance dans le secteur médico-social / The construction process of an inter-organizational management control system : the case of the experiment of a performance management system in the social-medical sector

Lemaire, Célia 25 November 2013 (has links)
L’objectif de la thèse est d’analyser le processus de construction d’un outil de contrôle de gestion inter-organisationnel mobilisant de multiples organisations publiques et privées, en prenant le cas de l’expérimentation du « Tableau de bord de pilotage de la performance », nommé ainsi par l’institution portant le projet (ANAP). La grille de lecture de l’anthropologie symétrique permet de proposer des résultats autour de trois thématiques : la trajectoire de l’outil, le rôle des acteurs et actants dans le processus de construction et les stratégies des acteurs. L’ensemble des résultats amène à proposer des pistes d’amélioration du processus. Parmi celles-ci, il est proposé de sélectionner les controverses les plus décisives et de les traiter avec transparence afin d’éviter la démobilisation des acteurs, de favoriser les rôles non prévus mais souhaitables et d’adapter les modalités de participation aux acteurs en fonction des stratégies qu’ils déploient. / The aim of the thesis is to analyze an inter-organizational management control system construction, mobilizing multiple public and private organizations in the process. Our research is based on a field research involving PhD in experimental project of the first common tool for all social-medical sector: a management control system called "performance management Dashboard" by the institution which support the project (ANAP). Symmetrical anthropology reading grid, a part of the theory of translation, can provide results on three themes: the management control trajectory, the role of actors and actants in the construction process and actors’ strategies. All these results lead us to suggest ways of improving the process. Among these recommendations, it is offered to select the most critical controversies and deal with transparency to avoid actors’ demobilization, promote unanticipated but desirable roles and adapt the modalities of participation for actors based on strategies they deploy.

La contribution des relations collectivité territoriale - associations à la gestion locale de la précarité : nature et modes de contrôle. : l'action sociale des collectivités territoriales / Inter-organizational relationships between local authorities and associations in the management of precarity : nature of the relationships and forms of control.

Beguinet, Sophie 10 July 2014
Cette recherche doctorale s’intéresse à la gestion de la précarité par les collectivités territoriales, au travers des relations nouées avec le tissu associatif local. L’exploration théorique de ces liens conduit tout d’abord à relever la triple contribution de ces relations inter-organisationnelles à la gestion locale de la précarité (une aide aux précaires plus complète, un meilleur repérage de la précarité, un meilleur savoir et savoir-faire en matière de publics précaires). Elle conduit ensuite à relever l’importance des interactions entre la nature de la relation collectivité territoriale – associations (au travers des comportements d’engagement et de confiance qui la définissent) et les modes de contrôle inter-organisationnel mobilisés dans ces relations. L’influence de ces interactions sur la force de la contribution des relations observées à la lutte contre la précarité est alors révélée. La recherche empirique conduit à s’intéresser plus particulièrement aux relations nouées entre une mairie française et les associations qu’elle subventionne afin de pallier la précarité sur son territoire. Une démarche qualitative reposant sur l’analyse de contenu d’entretiens semi-directifs permet de dépeindre largement leurs liens. Une classification hiérarchique des relations étudiées permet d'aboutir à une typologie en trois familles des relations mairie-associations dans la gestion locale de la précarité. / This dissertation focuses on relationships between local authorities and local associations as a means of dealing with precariousness. The theoretical exploration of these partnerships leads us firstly to point out the triple contribution of those inter-organizational relationships to the local management of precariousness (in the form of more complete support for precarious people, better identification of precariousness, and better knowledge and expertise concerning the precarious public). It then brings us to highlight the importance of interactions between the nature of the relationship of local authorities with local associations (through commitment-trust behaviors) and the inter-organizational forms of control used in those relationships. Those interactions’ influence on the contribution’s strength of the observed relationships to the local management of precariousness is then revealed. The empirical research concentrates on the relationships between a French municipality and its associations to overcome precariousness on their territory. A qualitative approach based on a content analysis of semi-directive interviews helps paint an accurate picture of their links. A hierarchical classification of the studied relationships allows to end in a typology in three families of French municipality-associations relationships in the local management of precariousness.

Práticas colaborativas: investigação da relação entre abordagem de gestão de custos inter-organizacional, custo de transação e gestão de riscos em alianças / Collaborative practices: an investigation of relationship among inter-organizational cost management approach, transaction costs and alliance risk management

Rodrigo Paiva Souza 03 November 2015 (has links)
Esta tese aborda a relação entre a gestão de custos inter-organizacional (GCI), custos de transação (CT), e gestão de riscos em alianças (GRA) em empresas que operam no Brasil. O método de pesquisa foi o survey, com aplicação de um questionário. Os níveis de GCI, CT e GRA foram medidos tendo como base a percepção dos gestores de compras e suprimentos das empresas selecionadas. A amostra teve 85 respostas válidas, de 5 setores da indústria de manufatura (automotivo, bens de consumo, eletrônica, química e metalurgia). Os resultados demonstram uma associação significativa entre GCI e GRA, isto é, empresas que adotam a abordagem de gestão de custos inter-organizacional com maior intensidade possuem maior ênfase nas práticas de gestão de riscos. Além disso, verificou-se que a abordagem de GCI e GRA não afetam a percepção dos gestores sobre os CT, ou seja, a adoção de gestão de custos inter-organizacional não aumenta a percepção de custos de transação quando esta abordagem é adotada juntamente com práticas de gestão de riscos em alianças. Além disso, verificou-se que as empresas do setor de eletroeletrônicos apresentaram maiores níveis de GCI, enquanto as empresas da indústria automotiva tiveram os menores, demonstrando que empresas desse setor possuem menor propensão a compartir recursos, informações e tecnologia com seus fornecedores. Com relação à percepção de custos de transação e práticas de gestão de riscos, a análise demonstrou que não há diferenças significativas entre os setores estudados. Adicionalmente, os resultados demonstram que as empresas que utilizam ferramentas de gestão de custos, tais como custeio baseado em atividades (ABC) ou custeio alvo, possuem maiores níveis de GCI, o número de fornecedores e o tamanho desses parceiros também influencia na intensidade com que as empresas adotam a abordagem de GCI. Em relação à percepção de custos de transação, os resultados revelam que a experiência dos gestores e do tamanho da companhia influenciam na visão sobre os custos de transação. Já em relação às práticas de gestão de riscos em alianças, os resultados demonstram que as empresas que possuem acordos de ganhos compartilhados com fornecedores tendem a adotar mais intensamente as práticas GRA, além disso, o tamanho do fornecedor e setor de atuação da empresa também influenciam na intensidade com que tais práticas são adotadas. As principais contribuições deste trabalho foram o desenvolvimento de instrumentos para mensuração do nível de adoção de práticas de GCI e GRA, bem como a investigação empíricas sobre a relação entre percepção de GCI, CT e GRA. / This PhD dissertation addresses the relationship between inter-organizational cost management (IOCM), transaction costs (TC), and alliance risk management (ARM) in companies operating in Brazil. The research method consists in applying a survey questionnaire. The scores of IOCM, TC, and ARM were measured having the perception of purchase and supply managers of selected firms as a basis. The sample has 85 valid answers, from 5 sectors of the manufacturing industry (automotive, consumer goods, electronics, chemical, and metallurgy). The results demonstrate a significant association between IOCM and ARM, that is, companies adopting an inter-organizational cost management approach have more emphasis on practices of alliance risk management. Besides, it was found that IOCM and ARM approach do not affect the manager\'s perception about TC, thus, adoption of inter-organizational cost management approach does not increases perception of transaction cost since this approach is combined with practices of alliance risk management. Moreover, it was found that firms from the electronics industry have the highest level of IOCM, while automotive industry firms have the lowest, showing that automotive firms has less likelihoods to share resources, information and technology with suppliers. Regarding perception of transaction cost and alliance risk management, there is no significant difference between the industries studied. Additionally, the research demonstrates that companies using a cost management tool, such as activity-based costing (ABC) or target costing, have a higher level of IOCM, number of suppliers and the size of partners also influences the intensity as firms adopting IOCM approach. Regarding the perception of transaction costs, the results reveal that both manager\'s experience and company size influence the perception of transaction cost. Concerning the practices of alliance risk management, the results demonstrate that the firms having earnings-sharing agreements with suppliers apply more ARM practices, also, the size of suppliers and the industry of the firms influences the intensity as firms adopt practices of alliance risk management. The main contribution of this study was the development of an instrument to measure the level of IOCM and ARM, as well as an empirical investigation of the relationship between perceived level of IOCM, TC and ARM.

Evoluzione e trasformazione della cooperazione UE-NATO, una prospettiva multilivello / EVOLUTION AND CHANGE IN EU-NATO COOPERATION: A MULTI-LEVEL PERSPECTIVE

PINARDI, CHIARA 16 April 2018 (has links)
La ricerca fornisce un’indagine diacronica dell’evoluzione della cooperazione UE-NATO. Lo studio permette di andare oltre le dicotomie “formale/informale” e “stato/burocrazia” che hanno contraddistinto gli studi sulla relazione tra le due organizzazioni. Arricchendo il quadro analitico multilivello con proposizioni teoriche tratte dall'istituzionalismo storico, la ricerca considera la cooperazione formale e informale come istituzioni che si influenzano reciprocamente e dimostra come la complessa interazione tra fattori materiali, istituzionali e l’azione di attori statali e non statali influenzi la cooperazione tra le due organizzazioni. Evidenze empiriche rivelano un andamento ricorrente nel cambiamento della cooperazione formale UE-NATO, in quanto minacce alla sicurezza e integrità territoriale Europea innescano una giuntura critica che facilita una convergenza di preferenze tra gli stati che segnalano interesse per una nuova politica di cooperazione e individui nelle organizzazioni che agiscono come negoziatori. Nonostante tale processo accomuni l’accordo Berlin Plus con la Dichiarazione congiunta UE-NATO, il recente ritorno alla cooperazione formale avanza ambizioni con maggiori sfumature costruttiviste e segnala un ruolo crescente della burocrazia come policy-maker. Lo staff delle due organizzazioni ha sviluppato pratiche di cooperazione informale, che non solo hanno parzialmente compensato gli anni di stallo tra UE e NATO, ma hanno anche influenzato la finalità e il contenuto della recente ripresa della cooperazione formale tra le due organizzazioni. / The research provides a diachronic investigation of the evolution of EU-NATO cooperation. In so doing, the study allows for going past the “formal/informal” and “state/bureaucratic” dichotomies that have characterized EU-NATO studies. Combining the “multilevel framework” of analysis with theoretical insights from historical institutionalism, the research considers formal and informal cooperation as intersecting and mutually influencing institutions and reveals how the complex interplay among material, institutional factors and state and no-state actors’ agency affect inter-organizational cooperation. Our empirical findings reveal a recurring pattern of change in EU-NATO formal cooperation, as threats to European security and territorial integrity trigger a critical juncture facilitating the convergence of actors’ preferences with states showing interest in a new policy of cooperation and individuals acting as policy-brokers. Notwithstanding this commonality between the adoption of the Berlin Plus agreement and the EU-NATO Joint Declaration, the recent upsurge of formal cooperation shows more constructivist nuanced ambitions and a growing role of bureaucrats as policy-makers. Staff have displayed inter-organizational agency by developing informal practices of cooperation that did not only partially counterbalance lack of cooperation in the years of the EU-NATO stalemate, but have also shaped the ratio and content of the recent comeback to formal cooperation.

Supplier integration into product development : an inter-organizational and product integration perspective / Intégration des fournisseurs dans le développement de produits : une perspective sur l’intégration inter-organisationnelle et sur l’intégration de produits

Donmez, Mehmet 02 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse explore le rôle de l'intégration inter-organisationnelle et de l'intégration produits en tant que deux dimensions constitutives de l'intégration des fournisseurs dans le développement de produits, au moyen de trois essais. Le premier essai est une revue systématique de la littérature sur l'intégration des fournisseurs. Il identifie l'intégration des produits comme une dimension qui est rarement incorporée dans la conceptualisation de l'intégration des fournisseurs. Afin de combler les lacunes identifiées dans la revue de la littérature, nous construisons un modèle conceptuel qui intègre les concepts de la théorie du traitement de l'information et de la théorie de la modularité. Le deuxième essai opérationnalise ce modèle conceptuel au moyen d’une étude de cas ancrée dans une entreprise de l’industrie de la défense. Cet essai démontre que la gouvernance de la relation entre un acheteur et un fournisseur est liée à un concept peu étudié dans la littérature sur la conception des produits, à savoir les produits d’interfaces. Le troisième essai est un développement théorique sur les produits d’interfaces comme éléments déterminants de la conception du produit et de la structure organisationnelle. Cet essai définit théoriquement les propriétés micro-fondatrices des interfaces et fournit des exemples tirés des secteurs des télécommunications, de l’automobile et de l’aéronautique comme évidence de leur existence. Cette thèse souligne l'importance des interfaces des produits comme des éléments qui peuvent augmenter les exigences du traitement de l'information lors de l’intégration des fournisseurs dans le développement des produits. / This thesis explores the role of inter-organizational integration and product integration as two constituent dimensions of supplier integration into product development with three essays. The first essay is a systematic review of literature on supplier integration. It identifies product integration as a dimension that is scarcely incorporated in the conceptualization of supplier integration. In order to fill the gaps identified in the literature review, we build a conceptual model that incorporates concepts from Information Processing Theory and Modularity Theory. The second essay investigates this conceptual model with an embedded case study in a defense company. This essay shows that the governance of the relationship between a buyer and a supplier is related to an understudied concept in the product design literature, namely product interfaces. The third essay is a theoretical development of product interfaces as an element that determines product and organization design. This essay defines micro-foundational interface properties theoretically and provides examples from the telecommunications, automotive and aircraft industries as supportive evidence. Overall, this thesis points out the importance of product interfaces as elements that can increase information processing requirements of supplier integration into product development.

Deduction of inter-organizational collaborative business processes within an enterprise social network / Déduction de processus métier collaboratifs inter-organisationnels au sein d'un réseau social d'entreprises

Montarnal, Aurélie 08 October 2015 (has links)
Particulièrement lors de collaborations dans le cadre de chaînes logistiques ou d'entreprises virtuelles, établir les workflows collaboratifs est une étape laborieuse car souvent réalisée soit de façon humaine, soit avec des méthodes manquant de flexibilité. Sur la base d'un réseau social d'entreprises, cette thèse vise à faciliter cette étape en proposant un service de déduction de processus collaboratifs inter-organisationnels. Cela soulève trois problèmes: (i) trouver les activités qui doivent être exécutées pour remplir les objectifs de la collaboration (Quoi?), (ii) sélectionner les partenaires pouvant réaliser ces activités (Qui?) et (iii) ordonner ces activités en un processus métier collaboratif (Quand?). Dans le cadre d'un réseau social, il est attendu que plusieurs organisations soient capables de fournir les mêmes activités. Dans un tel contexte de concurrence entre les organisations, une optimisation globale permet de trouver un processus final quasi-optimal, en prenant en compte ces trois questions de manière simultanée : trouver l'ensemble des "meilleurs" partenaires et leurs activités dans un contexte de collaboration spécifique. A cette fin, des ontologies de collaboration ont été développées et permettent de représenter et collecter des connaissances sur les collaborations. Ainsi, quand les utilisateurs remplissent leurs profils sur le réseau social, le système peut comprendre (i) les attentes des utilisateurs lorsqu'ils fournissent leurs objectifs de collaboration et (ii) les capacités qu'ils peuvent fournir. Un outil d'aide à la décision, basé sur un algorithme d'optimisation par colonies de fourmis permet ensuite d'exploiter les ontologies de collaboration afin de trouver un processus quasi-optimal répondant aux attentes et objectifs de la collaboration. Les résultats de cette thèse s'inscrivent au sein du projet FUI OpenPaaS dont le but est d'établir un nouveau réseau social d'entreprises visant à faciliter leurs collaborations intra et inter-organisationnelles. / Especially in the context of collaborative supply chains and virtual enterprises, the step of designing the collaborative workflows remains laborious because either it is still carried out humanly or the methods lack of flexibility. Based on an enterprise social network, this thesis aims at facilitating this step by proposing a service for the deduction of collaborative processes. It raises three main issues: (i) finding the activities to execute that answer the objectives of the collaboration (What?), (ii) selecting the corresponding partners (Who?) and (iii) ordering the activities into a collaborative business process (When?). Moreover, it is expected that many companies could be able to provide the same activities, on the enterprise social network. In this competitive context, a global optimization should be set up in order to find the quasi-optimal collaborative process that answer these three questions simultaneously. A three-dimensional solution is proposed here. First, a non-functional framework has been set up in order to determine the criteria that make a « good » partner in a specific collaborative context. Then, collaborative ontologies have been implemented and enable the representation and the acquisition of collaborative knowledge, so that the IT system can understand (a) the user's needs when they model their objectives of collaboration and (b) the user's capabilities when they model their profiles on the enterprise social network. And finally, a tool for decision support has been implemented thanks to an ant colony optimization algorithm that exploits the collaborative ontologies in order to provide a quasi-optimal process that fits the context of the collaboration and answers its objective. The results are in line with the FUI French project OpenPaaS which aims at offering an enterprise social network to facilitate their collaborations.

Interorganisatorisk samverkan : En kvalitativ studie om hur myndigheter samverkar för att återvinna brottsutbyten / Interorganizational cooperation : in the recovery of crime

Landin, Frida, Zawada, Magdalena January 2017 (has links)
Myndigheter har en central roll i dagens samhälle och många av dem möter vi varje dag vilket gör deras arbete högst aktuellt. Deras ansvarsområden överlappar ibland varandra vilket kräver att de samverkar. Tack vare samverkan kan myndigheterna effektivisera sitt arbete och uppnå bättre resultat. Däremot fungerar deras samverkan inte alltid på ett effektivt sätt utan är något som måste utvecklas och skapas tillsammans. Syftet med denna studie var att få en bredare förståelse för samt bidra med kunskap kring interorganisatorisk samverkan vid återvinning av brottsutbyten med särskilt fokus på faktorer som kan främja respektive utgöra hinder för samverkan. Efter avslutad studie har vi gett ett bidrag om de faktorer som kännetecknar interorganisatoriska samband vid brottsbekämpning om brottsutbyten samt gett förslag på förbättringar. Vi valde att använda oss av en fallstudie som metod där en kvalitativ forskningsansats tillämpades. För att få olika perspektiv samt en ökad förståelse för fenomenet som studerats har vi intervjuat sex experter, därmed en från varje myndighet. Vår teoretiska referensram består av forskning som behandlar samverkans betydelse, former och förutsättningar med särskild fokus på främjande respektive hindrande faktorer för interorganisatorisk samverkan. Vi presenterar även en analysmodell som fungerade som en utgångspunkt då vi med hjälp av denna konkretiserade vårt informationsbehov. I empirikapitlet presenterar vi de olika myndigheterna och deras roll i samverkan samt resultaten av intervjuerna. Information kring brottsutbyten presenteras också vilket utgör grunden för den empiriska bakgrunden och den empiriska undersökningen. Detta utgör tillsammans med den teoretiska referensramen grunden för vår diskussion och slutsats. Vår studie visar att det finns faktorer i de utvalda myndigheternas interorganisatoriska samverkan som utgör hinder samt främjar deras arbete kring återvinning av brottsutbyten. Engagemanget ser vi som en främjande faktor i myndigheternas interorganisatoriska samverkan. Kommunikationen mellan myndigheterna utgör en främjande faktor samtidigt som det också finns hinder i kommunikationen. Andra hinder för samverkan är sekretess och brist på relevanta verktyg för uppföljning. Eftersom myndigheterna arbetar utifrån olika ansvarsområden, uppdrag och regelverk konstaterar vi avslutningsvis att samverkan behöver bättre styrning som kan stödja pågående projekt och bidra till bättre synkronisering, koordinering och integrering av arbetsprocesserna. / Authorities play a central role in today's society. We meet many of them every day, which makes their work very actual. Their responsibilities sometimes overlap, which requires them to interact. Through this collaboration, the authorities can improve their efficiency and achieve better results. However, their collaboration does not always work well but is something that has to be created and developed together. The purpose of this study was to contribute with knowledge about inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime. We wanted to get a wider understanding of government collaboration that takes place with particular focus on factors that can promote or constitute barriers to collaboration. After completing the study, we have made a contribution about the factors that characterize inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime and suggest improvements. We have conducted a qualitative case study as a method. To get different perspectives and an increased understanding of the phenomenon studied, we have interviewed six experts, one from each authority. Our theoretical framework consists of research addressed the importance of collaborations as well as forms and conditions of collaboration with particular focus on facilitators and barriers for inter-organizational collaboration. We also present an analysis model which was used as a starting point for our information needs. In the empirical part of the present study we present the authorities' role in the collaboration as well as the results of the interviews. Information about the reclaiming the profits from crime is also presented and it forms the basis for the empirical background and the empirical study. This, together with the theoretical framework, forms the basis for our discussion and conclusion. This study identifies important facilitators and barriers for the inter-organizational collaboration in the reclaiming of profits from crime. The factors such as commitment impacts the collaboration positively. Communication between the authorities constitutes a promotion factor while there are also obstacles in the communication. Other barriers in collaboration are confidentiality and lack of relevant follow-up tools. As the authorities work on different responsibilities, tasks and regulations, we conclude that the collaboration requires better governance that would support ongoing projects and contribute to better synchronization, coordination and integration of the work processes.

Spolupráce a konkurence neziskových organizací pracujících s migranty v Praze. / Collaboration and competition among nonprofit organizations working with migrants in Prague.

Pračke, Šimon January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is focused on the relations of competition and cooperation between non-governmental non-profit organizations working with migrants in Prague. Based on interviews with representatives of these organizations and the study of documents, this thesis shows that classical theoretical approaches that deal with interorganizational relationships generally, i.e. those of profitable organizations in the market environment, ignore the specificity of non-profit organizations. Unlike profitable organizations, non-profit organizations primarily do not aim at profit but rather at the mission they were founded for. Classical theories do not reflect this dimension at all. The non-profit organizations working with migrants in Prague not only cooperate but this cooperation is motivated especially by their mission, although they are situated in a highly competitive position because they are situated in the same area, work with the same clients, offer similar services to these clients and are financed from the same sources. Keywords Collaboration, cooperation, competition, co-opetition, inter-organizational relationships, non-governmental non-profit organization, mission, identity

Public Education/Public Health Perspectives on Collaboration-Influence on High School Completion

Campbell, Claudette Virginia 01 January 2019 (has links)
The research problem focused on the use of collaboration by managers, supervisors, consultants, and professional staff in a department of public education and health to address disparities in on-time high school completion rates. The purpose of the study was to examine the perspectives of individuals in these public sectors on the use of collaboration as a means to improve on-time high school completion rates for African American and Hispanic students. The theoretical foundation and conceptual framework for the study were John Rawls's theory of justice and Amartya Sen's capability approach. The key research question involved how individuals in the public education and health sectors viewed the use of collaboration to address a complex problem of low rate of on-time high school completion for African American and Hispanic students. The research design was a multiple case study. Seven individuals participated from a department of public education and 4 from a department of public health in the same state. Data were collected and analyzed from participant interviews. Themes were identified from categories and specific codes or words that described the content of the participants' responses. A major conclusion was collaboration between a public education department and public health department can be used as a means to improve on-time high school completion rates for African American and Hispanic students. The implications for social change may be to increase the awareness for a public education department and public health department to routinely work in collaboration to improve on-time high school completion rates of minority and other vulnerable students.

Innovation through Inter-organizational Cooperation : How to Manage Organizational Challenges in Cooperation with Partner Companies in Open innovation? A Case Study of Samsung Electronics / Innovation genom samverkan mellan företag : Hur organisatoriska utmaningar hanteras i samarbeten med partnerföretag i öppen innovation? En fallstudie på Samsung Electronics

Chan Kim, Sang January 2019 (has links)
The inter-firm cooperation between partner companies is a central element of most business models in an open innovation perspective. A closed innovation approach cannot be effective anymore, and most of the companies have been trying to embrace open innovation concepts by developing various types of interorganizational ties with a diverse range of partner companies. Building a solid cooperative model with partner companies is becoming vital success factor in an increasingly competitive global market. Companies are required to build teams with other partner companies in order to develop or internalize new technologies, and commercialize new products, and to remain technologically competitive. In this context, this research focuses to develop a structured framework of organizational challenges and challenge management model in collaborative innovation projects in inter-organizational relationship. In order to achieve these goals, the key organizational challenges in cooperate with partner companies and root causes of them are defined and analysed. Furthermore, challenged management programs are analysed based on the framework developed in this research. The result of this study support for readers to gain a comprehensive understanding on organizational challenges in open innovation. Furthermore, it also provides managerial implications in terms of challenge management in a collaborative innovation project. / Samverkan mellan partnerföretag är ett centralt element i de flesta affärsmodeller sett från ett öppet innovationsperspektiv. En sluten innovationsprocess är inte längre effektiv och de flesta företag, framförallt företag i högteknologisk industri, har anammat en öppen innovationsprocess genom att utveckla olika typer av samarbeten med ett brett urval av partnerföretag. Att bygga en solid samarbetsmodell med partnerföretag är en vital framgångsfaktor i en alltmer konkurrensutsatt global marknad. Företag bör bygga team med andra partnerföretag för att utveckla eller internalisera nya teknologier samt kommersialisera nya produkter för att förbli tekniskt konkurrenskraftiga. Denna studie ämnar utveckla en strukturerad modell för hantering av organisatoriska utmaningar i innovationsprojekt mellan företag. Genom en fallstudie på Samsung Electronics, definieras och analyseras de viktigaste utmaningarna i samarbetsprojekt samt dess bakomliggande orsaker. Vidare analyseras etablerade teorier för hantering av utmaningar inom öppen innovation baserat på modellen som utvecklats i studien.

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