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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design suggestion for a Point of Sale system for the café industry / Designförslag för ett kassasystem för cafébranschen

Lindblad, Ottilia January 2023 (has links)
An order at a café involves mainly the customer, the café worker, and the cash register. Today, cash registers use a system called a Point of Sale (POS) system that manages the registration of an order as well as the payment. Because of this it is crucial for the tradition of “fika” in Sweden. Customer satisfaction is dependent on the efficiency of the ordering process, and it is therefore important to design the interface of the POS-system in a user-friendly way so that the ordering process can be streamlined. The purpose of this study was to develop a suggestion for the design of a POS-system that could streamline the ordering process.   The study was divided into three phases: user research, design, and evaluation. The user research phase had a qualitive approach and was performed with contextual inquiry and semi-structured interviews with the goal to identify types of orders that are perceived as inefficient. Analysis of the data with an affinity diagram identified two types of orders: Orders with allergens and Orders with indirect, and these were further analyzed with hierarchical task analysis. Based on the results from the first phase, the design phase included specifying requirements, creating wireflows and the development of an interactive Hi-Fi prototype. The proposed prototype was evaluated by user tests made up by five tasks and measuring the variables expediency and satisfaction for these user tests. Additional qualitative data was collected with post-test questions. One of the two set minimal levels of acceptance of the usability measures was exceeded. Data collected with post-test questions were divided into categories of the three developed main functions of the prototype as well as appreciated features and areas of improvement. Conclusion was that an interface of a POS-system for the café industry probably can streamline the ordering process by using a user-focused approach of research, however this research must be made by the companies developing the POS-systems.

Untangled! : Untangling Stress in the Workplace

Skavron, Sarah January 2022 (has links)
The topics of mental health and stress in the workplace have received increasedattention in recent years. Many employees report feelings of stress and overwhelm dueto high demands in the workplace. Stress is a complex phenomenon and manifests itselfin both the body (physiological signals) and mind (perceptions, thoughts, feelings andemotions). This thesis explores how a system that combines biodata and self-reflectionmight support office workers in their stress management. Through a user-centreddesign approach including methods like semi-structured interviews, surveys,participant observations and design drawings, the design concept of Untangled! wasdeveloped. It intends to make the complexity of stress more relatable for office workersby providing a playful and individualised experience to engage and reflect on theirbiodata. The users are assisted by the underlying system of Untangled! to build anincreased awareness for the body and more resilience for stress in the long-term.

Hantering av digitalt designmaterial i kollaborativ miljö / Using digital design material in a collaborative environment

Fyhr, Daniel January 2012 (has links)
A case study of professional interaction designers' usage of design materials was conducted. Five interviews were performed in order to gain insight in the systems used by designers, how these work, how they collaborate within them, and what they think of recent research about them. Design studios allow collaboration for several users at once. Digital material (mockups, pictures, etc.) are commonly used, but needs to be made analog, e.g. printed, to be usable in the design studio environment. Data from interviews was analysed and four concepts were compared, eventually leading to an evaluated detailed design for a digital design studio: A studio where several interactive displays and personal units are connected and used to handle design material. A discussion on how to realisticly implement the design is also featured. / En fallstudie utfördes för att undersöka hur yrkesverksamma interaktionsdesigners använder designmaterial. Fem intervjuer genomfördes för att ge insikt i vilka system de använder, hur de funkar, hur de samarbetar i dem, och vad de tycker om aktuell forskning i ämnet. I en designstudio kan flera användare samarbete samtidigt. Digitalt material (mockups, bilder, med mera) är vanligt, men för att kunna använda dem i en studio måste de omvandlas till analogt format (till exempel genom utskrift). Data från intervjuer analyserades och fyra koncept skapades. Dessa jämfördes och ledde slutligen till en utvärderad detaljdesign för en digital designstudio. En studio där flera interaktiva skärmar och personliga enheter är anslutna till varandra och stödjer hantering av digitalt designmaterial. I uppsatsen finns också en diskussion om en realistisk implementation av studion.

Puzzle Solving Through Smell : Designing Smell-Based Interactions for Escape Rooms

Guerrero, Agustin January 2022 (has links)
This project aims to find how, why and by which means the sense of smell can create meaningful interactions in the field of escape rooms, by taking a main role in the interactions that occur in said games, by adding an additional layer of complexity and embodiment. The project finished with the finding that it is not only possible to create meaningful interactions and expand on the possibilities of smell interaction, but also by encouraging future exploration and discussion of the sense of smell as an interactive medium and material.

Visualisering med hjälp av webbapplikation : Webbdesign med minskade ledtider som mål

Qasim, Mohammed January 2022 (has links)
Denna rapport beskriver utvecklingen av en webbapplikation skapad för Cepheid AB som är ett medicinteknikföretag i Stockholm. Genom att fördjupa sig i bakgrunden om kunden, målgruppen och målen för denna webbapplikation, syftar denna rapport till att hjälpa kunden att analysera data på ett enkelt sätt. En litteraturstudie görs genom att ta upp några teorier såsom användarbarhet, interaktion, grafisk design och Flow. En viktig del i litteraturstudien är att förstå vad dessa teorier har för kriterier eftersom dem ska etableras på webbapplikationens vidaredesign. Sammantaget syftar denna rapport till att validera alla designaspekter av webbapplikationen. / This report describes the development of a web application created for Cepheid AB which is a medical technology company. By delving into the background of the customer, the target audience and the goals of this web application, this report aims to help the customer report data in a simple way that is condensed into functional and visual elements through web design. A literature study is done by addressing different theories such as user children, interaction, graphic design and Flow theories in order to be able to first the different criteria that theories address and based on the most suitable theory be able to further design a web application. Taken together, this report aims to validate all design aspects of this site and prove that it is made for the end user while satisfying users.

Grief talkie

Prithvi, Ranjan January 2022 (has links)
Parental death has been recognized as the most over-whelming grief in the second wave of Covid-19 in India. And the research has shown that bereaved youth need to talk about their emotions to be able to positively process this sudden change of growing up too fast too early.  It is not easy to cope with the crumbling of your founding pillars. The latest understanding of grief among youth focuses on continuing the bond with the deceased in a discreet fash-ion, which counteracts with the traditional norms and ex-pectations of Indian society. The result of an ethnographic study, with the aim of gaining insights into the significance of conversation on grief as a tool for learning to cope with grief, creates an opportunity for new understanding of grief coping mechanisms within individuals as speaker, listener, and witness. The nuances of a conversational AI-enabled VR tool gives access to the exchange of unique grieving experi-ence with the technology that blurs the boundary of judg-ments, fear of oversharing, and hesitance of letting your guard down. Allowing for profound conversation around grief which contradicts the conventional discourse around death conversation about moving on or letting go of the bond with the deceased


Schussmann, Barbara January 2022 (has links)
Participatory urban planning is seen as an important aspect of developing local democracy, as some of the interviewees in my research mentioned (T. Kesarovski, personal communication, January 27, 2022). With city-users being co-owners of the city and providing valuable knowledge from a non-experts perspective for the munici-palities about how the city is experienced, it is widely accepted that residents themselves should be more involved in the processes of shaping their urban environment (B. Herlo, personal communication, February 04, 2022).In order to involve city-users in local planning processes, there has been a recent shift away from traditional, analog practices toward the use of technological means. However, the current implementation of digital tools, which is primarily limited on the desktop, is still either unsuitable or cumbersome for many people (S. Rott, personal com-munication, January 31, 2022). During my research I observed that these traditional practices got mainly replicated as digital platforms  instead of rethinking participatory methods in general. This is one of the main causes which lead to the fact that the same homogenous group of people remain involved and committed to these projects. The efforts of the municipalities to integrate especially young people in such processes, who so far represent an absolute minority, still remains an unresolved challenge.In this project I explore technological possibilities in order to create a participation culture on the go and therefore offer a more flexible opportunity to participate in planning processes. Consequently, I explore technological ways to engage a broader range of people, focusing primarily on digital natives among the cities residents. In doing so, I develop a framework based on the concept of contextual experiences to see whether mobile devices can serve as a gateway to more meaningful participatory methods and raise awareness of urban change.The mobile application leverages situated and lightweight inter-actions to enable citizens to reflect and comment on their given surroundings. By taking advantages of emerging technologies, the city-users are enabled to participate in engaging ways and experi-ence urban projects through its visualisations in context. This project is grounded in the notion of the surrounding environment and the experience in context, rather than solely on the technology itself.Rather than replacing traditional methods, the project is intended to serve as a complement to traditional participation methods by providing an engaging, flexible, and easy entry point to participatory planning opportunities.

User Experience of Shipping in the Online Second-Hand Market : Bridging the Gap Between B2C and C2C

Nyström, Anton January 2022 (has links)
The user experience of online shopping for clothes vastly differs if the purchase is from a person (C2C) or from a company (B2C). B2C shopping features highly automated systems that make for smooth experiences for payment and shipping. C2C second-hand marketplaces traditionally act as mediators and merely provide their users with a chat to communicate with each other. Payment and delivery of the item are left for the seller and the buyer to handle themselves, a process with a lot of user experience friction. Too much friction can make a user refrain from the purchase and buy new items from a company instead of second-hand ones from a person. Improving the user experience of customer to customer shopping can make more people buy used clothes and contribute to a more sustainable fashion industry. This thesis suggests how a system for shipping can be implemented in an online marketplace to make it feel more like B2C for the buyer. Conducted user research showed what the users prioritize in a shipping alternative. An interface was designed that adds automated systems for the delivery process and removes the need for communication with the other party of the purchase. The thesis shows that it is possible to design a C2C marketplace that provides the buyer with information about the shipping, handles the payment for it, and orders the shipment from a freight company. The experience is not only improved for the buyer but also for the seller, which increases the chance of the seller wanting to list their clothes on the platform.

Establishing requirements for a gamified digital math tool in a South African township primary school : A case study based on gamification and interaction design

Bergström, Emelie, Durowicz, Aleks January 2019 (has links)
This project is based on the desire to increase the understanding and knowledge of digital resource usage within the math education in South African townships. Digital education is considered to facilitate solutions for current shortcomings, yet knowledge and experience of the local circumstances are vital for successful implementation. Interviews, observations and analyses of existing games were used to define requirements regarding design and usability, which were implemented through prototypes and evaluated formatively. This study indicates that the requirements of an educational and stimulating digital tool are the most important and suggest consideration of feedback, gamification features, such as storytelling, as well as the balance of formal and informal settings. Furthermore, user characteristics heavily implies low complexity, few distractions and a logical structure. Requirements of appropriate level, in both language and content, also proved to be crucial. However, this demands further assessment before implementation. The developed tool was perceived as suitable and was accepted as a long-term solution to make better use of the current resources. Although the limited time and the difficulty to comprehend the users’ opinions bounded the conclusions, the established requirements are suggested to provide a solid foundation for further research. / Detta projekt baseras på en strävan efter ökad förståelse och kunskap för digitala resurser inom matteundervisningen i sydafrikanska kåkstäder. Digital utbildning anses möjliggöra lösningar för nuvarande brister, men kunskap och erfarenhet om lokala förhållanden är avgörande för lyckad implementering. Intervjuer, observationer och analyser av existerande spel användes för att definiera design- och användbarhetskrav, vilka implementerades genom prototyper och utvärderas formativt. Denna studie indikerar att kraven om ett utbildande och stimulerande spel är de mest betydelsefulla och föreslår beaktning av återkoppling, inkludering av spelifiering, exempelvis i form av “storytelling”, samt en balans av formell och informell miljö. Vidare innebär användaregenskaper krav på låg komplexitet, få distraktioner och en logisk struktur. Krav på lämplig nivå, både i fråga om mattekunskap och språk, visade sig också vara vitalt. Dessa krav kräver dock vidare utvärdering inför implementering. Det utvecklade verktyget uppfattades som passande och accepterades som en långsiktig lösning för att bättre utnyttja nuvarande resurser. Trots att tidsbegränsningen och svårigheter att förstå användarnas åsikter begränsade slutsatserna, ger de etablerade kraven en solig grund för framtida forskning.

Enhancing Pupils’ Attitude Towards School Lunch by Designing a User-Friendly Interface

Sjöberg, Pernilla January 2023 (has links)
A hungry student has challenges absorbing knowledge. So, maintaining good habits regarding food is important for their health and education. The objective of this paper is to provide insights into how the content and the usability of an application have an impact on pupils' attitudes toward school lunches. By redesigning the Mitt Käk mobile application, the aim is to make school lunches a more positive experience. The Design Thinking method was used throughout the study, which consists of five phases, empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. During the emphasize phase, a survey, focus group, and two stakeholder interviews were held. The define and ideate phases consisted of bringing the data and information into insights and turning these into ideas and solutions. These were brought into the next phase, prototype, in which two prototypes were made, one low fidelity and one high fidelity. They were tested as the next phase, test, instructs. The result from the first phase, empathize, shows that the general impression of the current application is good. It was found that the pupils choose their lunches mainly based on the taste of the food. Other important aspects are the look of the food and its climate impact. The pain point that causes the pupils to feel negative feelings is that the pupils do not think that the pictures of the dishes are realistic and that they would like more information about what they are eating. It has been shown that the gamification feature of the application has increased the pupils' presence in the can-teens and that more pupils are eating the lunch that the school provides. It was noted that the pupils found that gamification also creates an engagement between their friends as well as their attitude toward the dishes. The study's final results confirm that including more gamification features creates a more engaging and positive effect on the pupils. As well as improving functions that have been shown to cause aggravation, and had a positive effect on the pupils. These actions have created a more positive and rewarding experience, that could lead to a more positive attitude toward food.

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