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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Etudes structurales et électrochimiques des matériaux NaxMn1-yFeyO2 et NaNiO2 en tant qu’électrode positive de batteries Na-ion / Structural and Electrochemical studies of NaxMn1-yFeyO2 and NaNiO2 materials as positive electrode for Na-ion batteries

Mortemard de boisse, Benoit 01 December 2014 (has links)
Ce travail présente les études électrochimiques et structurales menées sur deux systèmes : P2/O3-NaxMn1-yFeyO2 et O’3-NaxNiO2 utilisés en tant que matériaux d’électrode positive pour batteries Na-ion.Concernant le système P2/O3-NaxMn1-yFeyO2, l’étude par diffraction des rayons X menée in situ pendantla charge de batteries a montré de nombreuses transitions structurales. Que leur structure soit de type P2ou O3, les matériaux présentent une phase distordue pour les taux d’intercalation (x) les plus élevés etune phase très peu ordonnée pour les taux d’intercalation les moins élevés. Entre ces deux étatsd’intercalation, les phases de type P2 présentent moins de transitions que les phases de type O3. Celaentraine de meilleures propriétés électrochimiques pour les phases de type P2 (meilleure capacité endécharge, meilleure rétention de capacité…). Les spectroscopies d’absorption des rayons X et Mössbauerdu 57Fe ont montré que les couples redox Mn4+/Mn3+ et Fe4+/Fe3+ sont impliqués lors du cyclage, à bas ethaut potentiel, respectivement.Concernant O’3-NaNiO2, la diffraction des rayons-X menée in situ pendant la charge de batteriesO’3-NaNiO2//Na a montré de nombreuses transitions structurales O’3 ↔ P’3 résultant du glissement desfeuillets MO2. Ces transitions s’accompagnent de mises en ordre Na+ - lacunes dans le matériau. La tailledes grains a montré avoir un intérêt majeur puisqu’elle influe sur le nombre de phases présentessimultanément dans le matériau. Lorsque la batterie est déchargée, la phase limitante Na≈0.8NiO2 estobservée et empêche le retour à O’3-NaNiO2 / This work concerns the electrochemical and structural studies carried out on two systems used aspositive electrode materials for Na-ion batteries: P2/O3-NaxMn1-yFeyO2 and O’3-NaxNiO2. Concerning theP2/O3-NaxMn1-yFeyO2 systems, in situ X-ray diffraction carried out during the charge of the batteriesshowed that both materials undergo several structural transitions. Both the P2 and O3 phases show adistorted phase for the higher intercalation rates (x) and a poorly ordered phase for the lower ones.Between these two states, P2-based materials exhibit less structural transitions than the O3-based ones.This is correlated to the better electrochemical properties the P2-based materials exhibit (better dischargecapacity, better capacity retention…). X-ray absorption and 57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopies showed thatthe Mn4+/Mn3+ and Fe4+/Fe3+ redox couples are active upon cycling, respectively at low and high voltage.Concerning O’3-NaNiO2, in situ X-ray diffraction carried out during the charge of O’3-NaNiO2//Nabatteries showed several structural transition between O’3 and P’3 structures, resulting from slab glidings.These transitions are accompanied by Na+ - vacancies ordering within the “NaO6” slabs. Upon discharge,the material does not come back to its initial state and, instead, the Na≈0.8NiO2 phase represents themaximum intercalated state. The occurrence of this limiting phase prevents O’3-NaNiO2 to be consideredas an interesting material for real Na-ion applications.

Caractérisation structurale d'hydroxydes doubles lamellaires contenant des anions oxométallates (Mo,W) ou acrylate intercalés

Vaysse, Christophe 14 December 2001 (has links) (PDF)
De nouveaux hydroxydes doubles lamellaires (LDHs) contenant des entités oxométallates (Mo, W) intercalées ont été préparés et caractérisés par diffraction des rayons X (DRX), analyse chimique, spectroscopie infrarouge (IR) et EXAFS. Dans les deux cas, des anions M2072- (M = Mo, W) constitués de deux tétraèdres à sommet commun, sont intercalés. L'évolution structurale des phases LDHs contenant des ions oxométallates libres dans l'espace interfeuillet, traitées thermiquement jusqu'à 800'C, a été étudiée. Il a ainsi été montré que les anions oxométallates se greffent à deux feuillets adjacents au voisinage de 200'C. Le comportement thermique de phases contenant des anions carbonate intercalés a également été appréhendé par DRX in et ex situ, spectroscopie IR, analyse chimique et thermogravimétrie couplée à la spectrométrie de masse. Il a été mis en évidence un mono-greffage des anions carbonate aux feuillets. L'intercalation et l'oligomérisation d'anions acrylate dans les LDHs ont également été réalisées. Des différences, de comportement sont observées selon la nature de l'ion substituant du nickel (Fe, Co ou Mn) dans les feuillets. Dans le cas du fer, la phase contenant les monomères intercalés a pu être isolée et caractérisée, alors que dans le cas du cobalt et du manganèse, une polymérisation spontanée, simultanément à l'intercalation dans la matrice, a été observées. Les macromolécules polymérisées in situ ont été extraites par échange anionique, dérivatisées en poly(acrylate de méthyle) et analysées par chromatographie d'exclusion stérique.

Intercalation Of Alkyl Surfactants In Layered Double Hydroxides : The Anchored Bilayer In Dispersions And The Condensed Phase

Naik, Vikrant Vijay 11 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Bilayers formed by molecules that possess long alkyl hydrophobic tails are ubiquitous in the natural world manifesting both in biological systems as well as in chemistry. The lipid bilayer is an integral feature of cell membranes of living systems with functions that are of critical importance to the life of the cell. Long chain amphiphilic surfactant molecules can be introduced within the interlamellar region of layered inorganic host lattices to form anchored alkyl chainbilayerswithinthegalleries.Theintercalatedbilayerbearsastriking resemblance to lipid bilayers. However, unlike lipid bilayers where individual molecules can undergo lateral diffusion and also flip-flop between layers the anchored bilayer is characterized by the total absence of translational mobility. The degrees of freedom of the alkyl chains of the anchored bilayer are restricted to changes in conformation. This thesis describes a detailed investigation of the anchored bilayer formed by the intercalation of the anionic surfactant dodecyl sulphate (DDS) in a layered solid, Mg-Al Layered Double Hydroxide(Mg-AlLDH) using both experimental measurements and Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations (Chapter 2). The thesis is organized as two parts. The first (Chapters 2 -4) deals with the anchored bilayer in the condensed phase -the conditions for the formation of the bilayer arrangement of the intercalated surfactant chains and the conformation and dynamics of the alkyl chains of the surfactant in the galleries of the layered solid. The surfactant intercalated Mg-AlLDH-DDS may be delaminated in nonpolar solvents to give colloidal dispersions of individual Mg-Al LDH sheets with the DDS surfactant chains remaining tethered to the inorganic sheets(Scheme 1).The second part of thesis(Chapters 5 -9)describe studies on the dispersions of the Mg-AlLDH-DDS in toluene. A summary of the results of the of the investigations of the anchored bilayer, formed by the intercalation of DDS ions in Mg-Al LDH, in the condensed and the dispersed phases is presented in the concluding chapter(Chapter10). Layered Double Hydroxides(LDH) are insulating lamellar solids of the general chemical formula[M’(1-x) Mx(OH)2], where M’ is a divalent metal ion and M a trivalent ion. Their structure may be derived from that of Brucite, Mg(OH)2, by isomorphous substitution of apart of the Mg2+ by trivalent ions like Al3+ with electrical neutrality maintained by interlamellar exchangeable ions. The studies reported in this thesis are on an Mg-Al LDH,Mg(1−x)Alx(OH)2, x ranging from 0.17 to 0.37. Dodecyl sulphate surfactant ions have been ion-exchange intercalated in Mg-AlLDH (Chapter 3). By varying the Mg-Al ratio, differing packing densities of the surfactant chains in the interlamellar space of the Mg-Al LDH-DDS are realized. At high packing densities the alkyl chains of the intercalated dodecyl sulphate ions anchored on opposing Mg-Al LDH sheets are arranged as bilayers while at lower packing densities the surfactant chains form a monolayer with the chains oriented flat in the galleries. This composition driven monolayer to bilayer transformation in the surfactant intercalated Mg-AlLDH-DDS is also reproduced by MD simulations. The simulations also indicate that there are profound differences in the factors that decide the arrangement of the surfactant chains. In the bilayer arrangement it is dispersive van der Waals interactions between the chains in opposing layers that is responsible for the cohesive energy of the solid whereas at lower packing densities, where a monolayer arrangement is favored, Coulomb interactions between the positively charged Mg-Al LDH sheets and the negatively charged head-group of the DDS anion dominate. The conformation and dynamics of the alkyl chains of the intercalated surfactant chains in both the monolayer and bilayer arrangements as well as the effect of packing density on these parameters is reported in Chapter 4. The conformation was studied using spectroscopic techniques, infra-red, Raman and 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) while the dynamics by Variable Contact Time Cross Polarization Magic Angle Spinning(VCT -CPMAS) and2DWidelineSeparation(2DWiSe)NMR techniques. The results showed the expected trends; the concentration of gauche defects and the dynamics of the chains increase with decreasing packing density. There is, however a sharp increase in the gauche concentration and conformational mobilities of the intercalated surfactant chains associated with the bilayer to monolayer transformation. The results of the MD simulations, too, reflect these trends. The second part of thesis describes the delamination of the intercalated anchored bilayer (Mg-AlLDH-DDS) in non-polar solvents. Delamination results in a colloidal dispersion Of the anchored bilayer, isolated Mg-AlLDH sheets with the DDS chains tethered to them, as neutral nanosheets of nanometer thickness and micron size. With increasing concentration of the anchored bilayers in the solvent a gel state is realized. The sol to gel transformation of the dispersions of the anchored bilayer in toluene has been investi-gated. Frequency dependent rheology measurements (Chapter6) were used to investigate the visco-elastic properties of the dispersions and Small Angle X-ray Scattering (SAXS) measurements(Chapter 7) to understand the structure and shape of the nanosheets. The rheology experiments showed that the dispersions irrespective of their concentrations showed shear thinning. The SAXS results indicate a tactoid structure of the dispersions as well as in the gel phase. At higher concentrations, the X-ray scattering curves indicated that the layers stack loosely with an interlamellar space of ~ 39 Å , a value much larger than the interlayer lattice spacing of solid Mg-AlLDH-DDS( ~ 27 Å). The nature of interactions between solvent molecules and the anchored DDS chains were probed by 1Hand 2H NMR measurements(Chapter8). A clear association between the toluene molecules and the alkyl chains of the anchored surfactant was observed. 2D NOESY experiments established that there are toluene molecules in close proximity that interact with the methyl tail of the anchored surfactant. NMR measurements were also able to distinguish two types of solvent molecules based on their widely differing mobilities. MD simulations(Chapter9)of the dispersed anchored bilayer are able to reproduce the essential features of the experimental observations including the formation of a loosely bound lamellar structure. It also provides an explanation on how the spectroscopic observation of motional heterogeneity gives rise to the viscoelastic properties of the dispersed anchored bilayer.

Nanocomposites à matrice élastomère à base de charges lamellaires synthétiques alpha-ZrP : influence de la modification des charges sur les propriétés mécaniques et barrière aux gaz

Dal Pont, Kévin 06 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Ce travail concerne l'étude des modifications de nanocharges lamellaires synthétiques (α-ZrP) et de leur influence sur les propriétés mécaniques et barrière aux gaz de nanocomposites à matrice élastomère (SBR). Cette étude s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'amélioration de l'étanchéité des pneumatiques. L'une des originalités de ce travail a résidé dans l'introduction des nanocharges hydrophiles par le biais d'une dispersion aqueuse (slurry), dans la matrice SBR hydrophobe. La première phase de ce travail a consisté à entreprendre plusieurs types de modification des nanocharges afin d'étudier les mécanismes d'intercalation et/ou d'exfoliation des ces dernières dans le slurry. Ces différentes familles de charges modifiées ont été utilisées pour réaliser des nanocomposites selon différentes voies de mise en oeuvre : principalement solvant et latex. Nous avons ensuite étudié l'influence, (i) de la nature des intercalants, (ii) des distances interfoliaires initiales des nanocharges et (iii) des procédés de mise en oeuvre des nanocomposites, sur la morphologie et les propriétés finales des matériaux. Cette étude a montré la synergie de ces trois paramètres et mis en évidence l'importance du contrôle des interactions charges modifiées/matrice sur les propriétés de transport de gaz. Parmi l'ensemble des matériaux synthétisés, nous avons pu mettre en avant une formulation, permettant d'atteindre des propriétés mécaniques et barrière intéressantes. Cette formulation, en voie latex, est basée sur l'utilisation de la charge modifiée aminosilane et de l'agent de couplage Si69

Nature des liaissons C-F dans divers matériaux carbonés fluorés par voie gazeuse et par voie plasma radiofréquence

Moguet, Fabrice 05 December 1996 (has links) (PDF)
L'étude par spectroscopie de photoélectrons X (XPS) de matériaux carbonés fluorés a montré que la nature de la liaison C-F ainsi que leur quantité relative dépendaient de nombreux facteurs tels que la nature du matériau carboné de départ (fibres de carbone, pyrocarbone, graphite exfolié ou noirs de carbone), les traitements thermiques qui augmentent leur degré de graphitation, le type de traitement de fluoration (voie gazeuse ou voie plasma) et les conditions de fluoration. L'utilisation de techniques aussi variées que la diffraction des rayons X, la microscopie électronique en transmission, la microscopie à effet tunnel et la spectroscopie de photoélectrons X nous a permis d'établir des corrélations entre la structure des matériaux carbonés et leur réactivité vis-à-vis des espèces fluorées actives (F2 ou F°). Grâce aux informations déduites de l'XPS, nous proposons également des mécanismes de fluoration relatifs à l'intercalation du fluor et aux traitements de surface. Enfin, l'analyse thermique à vitesse de transformation contrôlée (ATVC) des fibres de carbone intercalées par le fluor nous a permis de proposer un modèle de décomposition des composés d'intercalation.

Studies of carbon nanomaterials based on fullerenes and carbon nanotubes

Iwasiewicz-Wabnig, Agnieszka January 2007 (has links)
Materials based on fullerenes and carbon nanotubes are very much different from most “traditional” materials, primarily because they are built from nanosized molecules with highly symmetry-dependent properties. Being the subject of a very active research field over the last twenty years, carbon nanostructures proved to be indeed extraordinary. Their splendid mechanical properties attract a great interest among material scientists. Their wide range of electrical properties, from ballistic conductors to insulators, makes them ideal candidates for future, better electronics. The possibilities seem to be nearly unlimited, with proposed applications ranging from quantum computing to medicine. However, in order to make it all happen one day, we first need to explore and understand the physics and chemistry of carbon nanomaterials. This work focuses on production and characterization of materials and structures in which fullerenes and/or carbon nanotubes are the main ingredients, and which can be produced or modified under high-pressure – high-temperature (hp-hT) conditions. Raman and photoluminescence spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and scanning probe microscopy were employed for characterization of the samples. The research presented in this thesis is spread over a rather wide range of carbon nanomaterials. To highlight some of the main results – the first hp-hT polymerization of C60 nanorods and the C60-cubane compound is reported. The polymerization mechanism in the latter case was identified to be radically different from that in pure C60. The pressure-temperature diagram of C60-cubane is presented. A comparative study of C60 and C70 peapods under extreme p-T conditions reveals how the confinement affects the fullerenes’ ability for polymerization. Finally, in situ resistance measurements on Rb4C60 under high pressure show that the semiconducting character of this material persists at least up to 2 GPa, contradicting earlier reports on the existence of an insulator-to-metal transition and providing an insight into conduction mechanisms in this anomalous intercalated compound.

Control of E-cadherin Function in Cell Intercalation by ER Glucosylation Enzymes / Regulation der Funktion von E-cadherin in Zellinterkalation durch ER Glukosylierungsenzyme

Zhang, Yujun 11 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Les accumulateurs au sodium et sodium-ion, une nouvelle génération d’accumulateurs électrochimiques : synthèse et électrochimie de nouveaux matériaux d’électrodes performants / Sodium batteries and sodium-ion batteries, a new family of rechargeable batteries : synthesis and electrochemistry of new high performance electrode materials

Huynh, Le Thanh Nguyen 31 October 2016 (has links)
Les accumulateurs au lithium jouent un rôle important comme source d'alimentation pour les appareils électroniques portables en raison de leur forte capacité gravimétrique et volumétrique et leur haute tension. En outre, la technologie lithium-ion est la mieux placée pour une application à grande échelle, telle que le véhicule électrique, ce qui pose un problème de ressource et à terme, de coût. Une des réponses envisagées sur le plan économique et environnemental est le développement d’accumulateurs sodium-ion. Dans tous les cas, le problème scientifique consiste à proposer des matériaux d’insertion des ions sodium avec un caractère réversible de la réaction électrochimique, et une durée de vie compétitive par rapport aux systèmes au lithium. Le travail présenté se situe dans cet effort de recherche. Les potentialités de matériaux dérivés du pentoxyde de vanadium, de structure 2D, sont étudiées comme composés d’intercalation du sodium: le composé de référence V2O5, le bronze performant dérivé de V2O5 de formule K0,5V2O5, ε’-V2O5, ainsi que le composé au manganèse de type lamellaire : la birnessite sol-gel et sa forme dopée au cobalt. Les relations structure-électrochimie sont élucidées à travers une étude combinant propriétés électrochimiques, diffraction des Rayons X et spectroscopie Raman des matériaux à différents taux d’insertion, en fin de réaction et après cyclages galvanostatiques. De nouvelles phases sont obtenues et des capacités spécifiques comprises entre 100 et 160 mAh/g dans le domaine de potentiel 4V-1V peuvent être obtenues avec parfois une stabilité remarquable comme dans le cas de NaV2O5 et ε’-V2O5 / Since commercialization, Li-ion batteries have been playing an important role as power source for portable electronic devices because of high gravimetric, volumetric capacity and high voltage. Furthermore, the lithium-ion technology is best suited for large-scale application, such as electric vehicles, which poses a resource problem and ultimately cost. On the contrary, sodium is a most abundant element, inexpensive and similarly properties as lithium. In order to solve the problem of lithium raw resource, sodium is proposed as a solution for next generation power source storage. This work investigates the potential derivative vanadium pentoxide materials as sodium intercalation compounds: the V2O5 reference compound, the promizing potassium bronze K0,5V2O5, ε'-V2O5, as well as a lamellar manganese oxide: the sol-gel birnessite and its doped cobalt form. The structure-electrochemistry relationships are clarified through a study combining electrochemical properties, X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy of materials at different insertion rate, end of the reaction and after galvanostatic cycling. New phases are highlighted and specific capacities between 100 and 160 mAh / g in the field of 4V-1V potential can be obtained with sometimes remarkably stable as in the case of NaV2O5 and ε'-V2O5

A sínclise dos substantivos pessoais átonos no português oral culto de Fortaleza: aspectos sociolinguísticos / The intercalation of a pronoun in a word in formal oral Portuguese from Fortaleza: sociolinguistic aspect

Coelho, Tatiana Maria Silva January 2003 (has links)
COELHO, Tatiana Maria Silva. A sínclise dos substantivos pessoais átonos no português oral culto de Fortaleza: aspectos sociolinguísticos. 2003. 98f. – Dissertação (Mestrado) – Universidade Federal do Ceará, Departamento de Letras Vernáculas, Programa de Pós-graduação em Linguística, Fortaleza (CE), 2003. / Submitted by Márcia Araújo (marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-08-19T13:39:06Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2003_dis_tmscoelho.pdf: 420647 bytes, checksum: 8695c74bc5781062615ec6587ce35166 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Márcia Araújo(marcia_m_bezerra@yahoo.com.br) on 2014-08-19T16:28:35Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 2003_dis_tmscoelho.pdf: 420647 bytes, checksum: 8695c74bc5781062615ec6587ce35166 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-08-19T16:28:35Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2003_dis_tmscoelho.pdf: 420647 bytes, checksum: 8695c74bc5781062615ec6587ce35166 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2003 / This dissertation investigates the relation between extra linguistic factors (sex, age and register) and the intercalation of a pronoun in a word in PORCUFORT. From this analysis of this corpus was evident that such factors do not influence the personal substantives’ behavior. This work is also about a review of many opinions from studies about features that mark a specific group of words named pronouns by traditional grammarians and many linguists. We tried to analyze a great number of opinions to make sure in which measurement the pronominal class is characterized, especially personal pronouns. A point to emphasize is the use of deixis as a pronominal mark, that is, we consider that all the words that belong to this class works as signals, of discursive and pragmatic entities. We adopted, then, a new perspective with base in Lhorach, who undoes the idea of the existence of an autonomous class of pronouns, redistributing the terms that belongs traditionally to this class into noun and adjective. The personal pronouns would be personal substantives in this approach. / A presente dissertação investiga a relação entre fatores extralingüísticos (sexo, idade e registro) e a sínclise pronominal no PORCUFORT. A partir da análise desse corpus foi constatado que tais fatores em nada influenciam o comportamento dos substantivos clíticos. É também preocupação desse trabalho fazer uma revisão das diversas opiniões de importantes estudiosos sobre os traços que marcam um grupo específico de vocábulos denominado pelos gramáticos tradicionais e por vários lingüistas de pronome. Procuramos analisar um bom número de opiniões para vermos em que medida se caracteriza a classe pronominal em especial a dos chamados pronomes pessoais. Ponto a objetar é a utilização da dêixis como marca pronominal, isto é, considerar que todos os vocábulos dessa classe se comportam como sinais, entidades discursivo-pragmáticas. Concluímos ser a dêixis insuficiente para englobar toda uma classe. Adotamos, assim, uma nova perspectiva com base em Lhorach que desfaz a idéia de existência de uma classe de pronomes autônoma, redistribuindo os vocábulos pertencentes tradicionalmente a esta em substantivo e adjetivo. Os pronomes pessoais seriam nesta abordagem, substantivos pessoais.

Sistemas baseados em magadeíta/diaminas alifáticas e magadeítas/ranitidina e suas aplicações

França, Denise de Brito 09 February 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Maike Costa (maiksebas@gmail.com) on 2017-06-06T14:13:28Z No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5719464 bytes, checksum: d95ea796f3e4195aab70df7f60654647 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-06T14:13:28Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 arquivototal.pdf: 5719464 bytes, checksum: d95ea796f3e4195aab70df7f60654647 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-02-09 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - CAPES / Magadiite (Na2Si14O29.xH2O, x = 5-10) is an alkaline layered silicate with unknown structure and reacts through intercalation with simple organic species and polymer resulting inorganic-organic hybrids, which can be applied as adsorbents for pollutants, catalytic support, cationic exchanger and others. In this work, sodium magadiite was obtained by hydrothermal synthesis and used as support to ion exchange to origin the acid, potassium, calcium and magnesium forms. The acid magadiite interacted with aliphatic diaminas, NH2(CH2)nNH2 where n = 8, 9, 10 e 12, in ethanolic medium, by using conventional and microwave heatings. The exchanged solids were evaluated for the ability to remove ranitidine in aqueous medium where contact time and initial drug concentration parameters were investigated. In vitro release tests were performed for sodium magadiite/ranitidine hybrid. The solids were characterized by X-Ray diffratometry (XRD), infrared spectroscopy (FIRT), CHN elemental analysis, thermogravimetry (TG/DTG) and UV-Vis molecular absorption spectroscopy in solid state before and after interaction with the diamines and drug. Hybrid materials formed between H-magadiite and diamines showed basal spacings between 0.200 to 0.286 nm resulting from the intercalation of both diamines and solvent molecules in the layered material, where the intercalated amount depended of size of organic chain, nature of solvent, temperature and type of heating. The Na-, H-, K-, Ca- and Mg exchanged magadiites removed ranitidine from aqueous solution, and the maximum capacities were 92.34 and 81.47 mg g-1 for sodium and potassium, respectively. The released tests of ranitidine was pH-dependent and presented the maximum released quantities of 76.4% in 48 h at SGF and 43.3% and 46.4% in 56 h in both SIF and SBF. Na- and K-magadiites showed potential adsorbents and drug vehicle for ranitidine while the H-magadiite/diamines intercalated hybrids had new organophilic properties, which result in new properties to interact with new organic species in solution. / A magadeíta (Na2Si14O29.xH2O, x = 5-10) é um silicato lamelar alcalino de estrutura ainda desconhecida que interage por intercalação com espécies orgânicas simples ou polímeros, originando híbridos inorgânico-orgânicos destinados a mais diversas aplicações como adsorventes, suporte para catalisadores, trocador catiônico, entre outras. Neste trabalho, a magadeíta sódica foi obtida por síntese hidrotérmica convencional e por troca iônica originou as suas formas ácida, potássica, cálcica e magnésica. A magadeíta ácida interagiu com diaminas alifáticas, NH2(CH2)nNH2 com n = 8, 9, 10 e 12, em meio etanólico, utilizando aquecimento convencional e por micro-ondas. Os sólidos trocados foram avaliados quanto à capacidade de remoção de ranitidina em meio aquoso, onde os parâmetros de tempo de contato e concentração inicial do fármaco foram investigados. Os ensaios de liberação in vitro foram realizados para o sistema magadeíta sódica/ranitidina. Os sólidos foram caracterizados por difratometria de raios X (DRX), espectroscopia na região do infravermelho (IV), análise elementar de CHN, termogravimetria (TG/DTG) e espectroscopia de absorção molecular UV-Vis no estado sólido antes e após a interação com as diaminas e com o fármaco. Os materiais híbridos formados entre a H-magadeíta e as diaminas mostraram variações no espaçamento basal de 0,200 a 0,286 nm, resultantes da intercalação tanto das diaminas como das moléculas do solvente na matriz lamelar, onde a quantidade intercalada foi dependente do tamanho da cadeia orgânica, temperatura e fonte de aquecimento. A magadeíta em suas formas trocadas com Na-, H-, K-, Ca- e Mg adsorveram ranitidina em meio aquoso cujas capacidades máximas de sorção foram de 92,34 e 81,47 mg g-1 para as formas sódica e potássica, respectivamente. A interação da ranitidina com os sólidos por intercalação também foi confirmada por DRX, IV, CHN e UV-Vis do estado sólido. Os ensaios emissão da ranitidina mostraram que a quantidade liberada foi dependente do pH dos fluidos, apresentando máximos de liberação de 76,4% em 48 h no fluido SGF e de 43,3% e 46,4% em 56 h nos fluidos SIF e SBF, respectivamente. As Na- e K-magadeítas mostraram bons adsorventes e veículo para ranitidina, enquanto os híbridos de intercalação magadeíta ácida/diaminas tiveram novas propriedades organofílicas, o que permite aplicações futuras para interação com diferentes espécies orgânicas em solução.

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