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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

LE COMPETENZE INTERCULTURALI DEI GIOVANI DI ORIGINE STRANIERA / Second generation ethnic youth and intercultural competences

GRANATA, ANNA 15 March 2010 (has links)
Le seconde generazioni dell’immigrazione stanno cambiando il profilo della società italiana e della scuola in particolare (il 10% degli alunni nelle scuole di Milano non sono cittadini italiani). I figli degli immigrati introducono nuovi comportamenti, attitudini, visioni e credi, spesso distanti dallo stile di vita della maggioranza. Allo stesso tempo, questi giovani si sentono a tutti gli effetti italiani, vivendo così una condizione di doppia appartenenza che fa sentire loro come italiani e stranieri allo stesso tempo, condividendo la condizione di crescita dei coetanei italiani, ma condividendo anche le origini dei propri genitori. I loro coetanei italiani possono imparare, attraverso di loro, a confrontarsi con altri stili di pensiero, altri punti di vista, altri significati e valori: un’opportunità di superare un “pensiero unico” e di favorire la diffusione di “menti interculturali”, molto importanti per vivere in una società globale. La specifica sfida educativa che si è accolta attraverso questo lavoro è stata quella di identificare le profonde potenzialità insite in questa generazione. In questa tesi si propone un modello causale di competenza interculturale dei giovani di origine straniera, il “modello della doppia competenza” basato su due fondamentali dimensioni: la comprensione e il contributo, due dispositivi attraverso cui entrare in relazione efficacemente con persone di altre culture. / New second generation of immigrants is changing the face of Italian society and school in particular (there is 10% of non Italian citizens in Milan’s schools today). They bring new behaviours, attitudes, creeds and faiths, far from the majority trends. At the same time, they feel them as Italian people. So, young people born in Italy form immigrant parents are Italian-strangers, Italian and strangers at the same time. They represent a chance to rethink the way to be Italian in our country. Italian young people can learn to confront with other styles of thinking, other points of view, other meanings: this is a chance to rethink own certitudes and to stimulate doubts and questions in the mind and to build “intercultural minds” very useful in global societies. The specific educational challenge (before than social and politic) is finding ways to exploit powers inside presence of second generation youth. In this thesis we propose a causal model of intercultural competence of second generation ethnic youth who are growing up between two languages and two cultures. The “double intercultural competences” model is based on two dimensions: comprehension and contribution, two different ways to meet people of other cultures.


COLOMBO, ELENA 07 April 2008 (has links)
Nella dissertazione si intende indagare il problema delle varietà della lingua tedesca, con particolare attenzione alla loro percezione da parte di parlanti provenienti dai tre centri principali, la Germania, l'Austria e la Svizzera. Le istituzioni di questi Paesi hanno avvertito la necessità di fissare le particolarità linguistiche attraverso grammatiche, dizionari, glossari. La trattazione ha inizio con una breve descrizione dello sviluppo del concetto di testo e dell'insorgere della sua consapevolezza negli studi linguistici. In seguito, si introducono la tipologia testuale e la componente culturale, con considerazioni sui molti approcci e scopi attraverso i quali entrambi i fenomeni sono stati affrontati nelle discipline più disparate, per giungere a collocare in modo più puntuale l'evoluzione dell'interesse per il pluricentrismo nella lingua tedesca. L'ipotesi più accreditata presso gli esperti è che la varietà di appartenenza venga segnalata sul piano lessicale, sintattico, grammaticale e pragmatico. Infine, si descrivono i risultati che un semplice sondaggio sulla comprensione di testi del settore assicurativo hanno evidenziato e li si confronteranno con quanto riportato dai dizionari di riferimento che fanno parte del codice delle varietà. / The dissertation investigates the problem of the German varieties, and in particular how a text is perceived by native speakers coming from its three main linguistic centres, namely Germany, Austria and Switzerland, where the institutions have felt the need to fix the different characteristics of their own variety in dictionaries, grammars and glossaries. The first Chapter is devoted to the development of the concept of textuality in linguistics. Chapter two considers some of the various approaches to text typology and culture in the different disciplines to introduce the question of pluricentricity in German. The hypothesis generally supported by the main scholars is that the varieties are signalled at the lexical, syntactic, pragmatic and grammar levels. The last chapter deals with the results of the interviews about the comprehension of some insurance texts and compare them to the dictionaries acknowledged in the code of the three varieties.


BERGONZI, SILVIA 01 April 2009 (has links)
La presente ricerca intende indagare alcune tendenze interazionali di discenti giapponesi e svedesi in relazione alla cultura dei parlanti e al processo comunicativo che ha luogo nell’insegnamento dell’italiano all’estero. Gli stili comunicativi e gli stili di apprendimento costituiscono lo sfondo della dinamica di rapporto fra docente e studente. Tali elementi si manifestano in interazioni interculturali attraverso una co-occorrenza di regolarità caratteristiche della comunità linguistica a cui i discenti appartengono. Osservando lo stile comunicativo degli studenti si nota che alcune strategie interazionali riflettono valori culturali a cui è legato il senso della politeness, così come percepito dalla loro comunità linguistica. Il trasferimento di strategie comunicative da una lingua all’altra può dare origine a dissonanze nelle interazioni tra docenti e studenti, inficiando il processo comunicativo che permette di attuare pragmaticamente l’azione didattica, compromettendone talvolta il buon esito. Le modalità interazionali degli studenti riflettono lo stile comunicativo della comunità linguistica di cui fanno parte, mentre la tradizione della didattica delle lingue straniere permette di comprendere gli stili di apprendimento dei discenti. Si comprende così la centralità che hanno la cultura dei parlanti e il processo comunicativo, ai fini dell’insegnamento e dell’apprendimento delle lingue all’estero. / The aim of the present research is to investigate some interactional features of Japanese and Swedish students as regards the culture of the speakers and the process of communication involved in the teaching of Italian as a foreign language. Communication styles and learning styles form the background of the dynamics in the relationship between the lecturer and the student. Such elements can be perceived in intercultural communications, especially by a co-occurrence of regularities that are distinctive of the language community the students belong to. By observing the communication styles of the students one can see that some interactional strategies reflect cultural values that are strictly connected to the sense of politeness, as perceived by a language community. Transferring communicative strategies from one language to another can produce dissonances in the interactions between the lecturer and the students; this in turn can affect the process of communication in its pragmatic application of the teaching, at times making it less successful. The communication styles of the students reflect those of the language community they belong to, whereas the foreign language teaching tradition allows one to comprehend their styles of learning. Thus one can rediscover the central role of culture and communication in the process of teaching a foreign language abroad.


PASTA, STEFANO 23 March 2016 (has links)
La ricerca affronta il tema delle manifestazioni di “pensiero prevenuto” nell’ambiente digitale, spesso collegate a performance razziste “banalizzate” e socialmente condivise. Per individuare risposte educative specifiche e buone prassi di intervento, è necessario analizzare le diverse forme assunte dal pregiudizio in Rete alla luce degli aspetti affettivo-emotivi e non solo razionali. L’ambiente di ricerca è il Web 2.0, inteso come “realtà aumentata”, ovvero uno spazio non contrapposto al reale ma segnato dalle proprie specificità. Si è individuato un corpus di “razzismi online” da sottoporre a un’analisi di tipo qualitativo-testuale attraverso il software T-Lab e, in parallelo, a un’analisi di tipo qualitativo-motivazionale. I risultati ottenuti sono stati quindi interpretati alla luce di una duplice bibliografia: da un lato quella della pedagogia interculturale e degli studi classici sui razzismi, dall’altro quella sulle caratteristiche del digitale, della pragmatica della comunicazione online e della Media Education. Durante la ricerca si sono inoltre svolte – con esiti differenti – alcune conversazioni via Ask.fm con adolescenti contattati poiché, in vario modo, avevano preso parte a performance razziste; oltre che come caso studio di etnografia virtuale, viene proposto come esperimento di educazione alla riflessività. Si noterà come dalla banalizzazione delle tesi razziste e dalla deresponsabilizzazione dello “stare in Rete” deriva un recupero implicito dell’istanza biologica, su basi non scientifiche, svuotate di senso, ma paradossalmente accettate e interiorizzate. D’altro canto, si incontrano svariati esempi di attivazione di “cittadini digitali”; anche a partire da questo “capitale antirazzista”, si sottolineerà il ruolo dell’educazione alla cittadinanza – interculturale, digitale e morale – nel formare soggetti e agenti morali nella mediapolis, affermando il valore della responsabilità verso gli altri. / The study deals with the topic of manifestations of “prejudiced thought” in the digital environment, which are often linked with “banalised” racist and socially shared performances. In order to identify specific educational responses and good practices of intervention, the various forms taken by prejudice on the Web in the light of affective-emotive, and not only rational, aspects have to be analysed. The research environment is Web 2.0, understood as “augmented reality”, i.e. a space that is not opposed to reality but marked by its own specificities. A corpus of “online racism” has been identified to be submitted to a qualitative-textual analysis through T-Lab software and, in parallel, a qualitative-motivational type of analysis. The results obtained were then interpreted in the light of a dual bibliography: on the one hand that of intercultural pedagogy and classic studies on racism, on the other that on the characteristics of the digital environment, the pragmatics of online communication and of Media Education. Some conversations were also carried out during the research – with different outcomes – via Ask.fm with adolescents contacted as, in various ways, they had taken part in racist performances; as well as a case study of virtual ethnography, this is proposed as an experiment on education on reflectivity. It will be noticed how an implicit recovery of the biological question, with non-scientific bases, emptied of meaning, but paradoxically accepted and internalised, derives from the banalisation of racist theories and the lack of a sense of responsibility of “being on the Web”. On the other hand, several examples of activating “digital citizens” are encountered; from this “antiracist capital” as well, the role of education for citizenship – intercultural, digital and moral – in forming subjects and moral agents in the mediapolis, asserting the value of responsibility towards others, will also be emphasised.


SOFFIANTINI, CARLOTTA 12 March 2013 (has links)
La tesi di ricerca traccia un quadro dell’insegnamento dell’italiano agli studenti undergraduate statunitensi. Attraverso l’analisi della tradizione di studio e insegnamento delle lingue straniere negli Stati Uniti, si conosce il retroterra formativo di provenienza di questi studenti e, mediante la riflessione sui contenuti dei documenti ufficiali della didattica delle lingue, si individuano gli obiettivi della glottodidattica statunitense per l’educazione linguistica e culturale dei propri cittadini. Si affronta poi il tema dello study abroad mediante l’analisi di: dati sulle scelte degli studenti, programmi universitari statunitensi presenti in Italia, studi americani circa l’importanza delle percezioni degli studenti durante il processo di apprendimento. L’indagine condotta presso le classi di un Istituto americano di Milano, permette di delineare un profilo dello studente statunitense e di capire le sue aspettative sul corso e sul docente di lingua. Alla luce di tutte le osservazioni precedenti, si procede con la discussione della natura del sillabo in ambito statunitense e italiano, e si conclude con la progettazione di un sillabo adatto alle esigenze degli studenti statunitensi: la scelta di un sillabo interculturale rappresenta l’incontro delle tradizioni glottodidattiche, statunitense ed europea, e permette allo studente di sviluppare quelle competenze richieste dal mondo globalizzato del ventunesimo secolo. / The research explores didactic aspects of teaching the Italian language to American undergraduate students. In considering the tradition of foreign language education and the contents of the official existing frameworks for the teaching of languages in the United States, the research underlines the diverse educational backgrounds of American foreign language students who come to Italy in a study abroad program. The study abroad experience is discussed through data on students’ motivation to choose a study abroad program, and students’ perceptions about their language learning process while they’re in a foreign context. The survey conducted among Italian language students of an American Institute in Milan demonstrates the different academic and linguistic reality students encounter when they come to study in Italy, and their expectations on the course and on the teacher. The dissertation moves on the analysis of the format of the foreign language syllabus and discuss the differences between the American syllabus and the Italian syllabi: designing a culture-based syllabus is the key to improve students’ intercultural competence, in line with the purposes of the United States and European foreign language education program.

Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojourners

Vallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
<p>In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity.</p><p>This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation.</p><p>Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents.</p><p>The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence.</p><p>Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory.</p> / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.

Processes of nurturing and maintenance of multicultural identity in the 21st century : A qualitative study of the experience of long-term transcultural sojourners

Vallazza, Oscar January 2010 (has links)
In today’s world, exposure to other cultures has become a symbol of increasing globalization processes. Many people leave their home area to embark on a voyage of discovery and learning that affects their original cultural identity. This study explores the life experience of independent transcultural sojourners, i.e. people who freely decide to relocate to different cultural contexts after their formative years. The inquiry covers three major themes of their intercultural experience: Multicultural identity, processes of intercultural adaptation, and change and transformation ensuing from multiple intercultural relocations. The aim of this study is to show the effects of multiple intercultural experiences on the identity of transcultural sojourners, and how they dealt with relevant emerging processes of intercultural adaptation. Following a format suggested by Seidman (1996), five respondents were asked to recount and reflect on their transcultural experience in three separate, asynchronous interviews that covered three dimensions of their intercultural experience: past, present, and reflections. The ensuing text comprised about 16,000 words and was analyzed using both a narrative and a thematic approach using a mixed typology of categories and sub-themes made up of indigenous typology stemming from relevant scholarly literature and researcher-constructed typology suggested by the researcher and the respondents. The analysis indicates that personal factors like mindfulness, motivation, resourcefulness, and intercultural awareness strongly influence processes of Intercultural communication competence and Multicultural identity development. Contextual factors are also relevant, as they include issues of avowed and ascribed identity. The analysis also shows no specific, generalizable link between the presence of intercultural stimuli in the original cultural milieus and the decision to relocate across cultural boundaries. Furthermore, it points to a strong relation between Piagetian constructivist learning theories and the development of ICC competence. The study also indicates that independent transcultural sojourners are in a position to negotiate the level of their integration and marginality, which in turn affects the spectrum of their Intercultural communication competence. Finally, this study indicates the limited applicability of traditional functionalist approaches to understanding and conceptualizing processes of intercultural adaptation and multicultural identity building. It also suggests the need for a shift towards a dialogical perspective informed by systems-thinking and Chaos theory. / The author would like to acknowledge the inspiration and passion for intercultural issues provided over the years by the Intercultural Insights on-line community.Seattle, summer 2010.

LE NUOVE CITTADINE ED IL CONSUMO DI NOTIZIE: UN'INDAGINE SU PARTECIPAZIONE, APPARTENENZE E TRASMISSIONE CULTURALE DELLE GIOVANI DI ORIGINE ARABA A MILANO / New citizens and news consumption: a research about participation, belonging and cultural transmission of young women of Arab origin in Milan

AIANI, MARINA 20 February 2015 (has links)
Sebbene la presenza dei figli degli migranti stia assumendo sempre maggior rilievo anche in Italia la ricerca ha posto poca attenzione alle loro scelte di consumo mediale e all’appropriazione dei media come risorse sociali ed ambientali. La tesi si focalizza sul caso delle giovani donne di origine araba per indagare il ruolo giocato dal consumo di notizie nella cornice più complessa dei processi di negoziazione di identità. Un focus è riservato alle tre dimensioni di appartenenze, partecipazione e trasmissione culturale tra generazioni – in relazione alle madri e ai coetanei. Un’indagine, a livello più “macro”, indaga le possibili implicazioni per il dialogo interculturale. Attraverso la raccolta di quarantotto storie di vita un primo livello di analisi diacronico indaga presenza e intensità del consumo di news nelle fasi della vita per comprendere se possa rappresentare un rito di passaggio all’età adulta, mentre una seconda pista cerca di comprendere come esso si leghi alla questione del sentirsi “cittadini”, in termini di riconoscimento, appartenenza e per scoprire se il consumo di news possa diventare una risorsa per essere soggetti attivi nella sfera pubblica. Tutte le giovani donne di origine araba vivono a Milano, hanno tra i diciotto e i trentadue anni e differiscono per le variabili di 1) nascita o arrivo in Italia dopo i 6 anni; 2) attivismo e 3) religiosità (musulmane, copte ortodosse, atee). / Although the presence of migrants’ sons and daughters is gaining more and more importance also in Italy, the research have not given special attention to their choices concerning media consumption and to the appropriation of the media as social and environmental resources. This thesis is focused on the case of young women of Arab origin in order to investigate the intersections between news consumption and the negotiation of the social identity. A first focus is on three dimensions: participation, belonging and cultural transmission – in comparison with mothers and peers. A second “macro” level of the research investigates the implications as regard to intercultural dialogue. Through the collection of forty-eight life histories, a first level of diachronic analysis investigates the presence and the intensity of news consumption in different stages in order to understand if it could be a rite of passage to the adulthood, while a second track tries to understand how this is connected to the feeling of being “citizens”, in terms of identification, belonging and to investigate if news consumption may be a resource to be active citizens in the public sphere. All young women of Arab origin live in Milan, they are between eighteen and thirty-two years old, and differ in variables 1) they were born or arrived in Italy since they were 6 years old, 2) activism and 3) religion (Muslims, Coptic Orthodox or atheists).

La métaphore comme "passeur culturel" dans l'oeuvre de Vénus Khoury-Ghata / The Metaphor used as a “Cultural Crossing” through the Complete Works of Vénus Khoury-Ghata / La metafora come “passeur culturale” nell’opera di Vénus Khoury-Ghata

Tumia, Francesca 26 November 2015 (has links)
À travers ses créations littéraires, Vénus Khoury-Ghata, écrivaine libanaise francophone vivant à Paris, propose une alternative à une représentation cloisonnante du Liban et de l’identité libanaise. Son regard, développé en français depuis le « dehors », met à profit sa marginalisation à l’égard d’une littérature nationale soucieuse d’« authenticité culturelle » pour inventer d’autres images de son pays d’origine. L’effet littéraire et stylistique produit par une écriture poétique et romanesque, qui se situe à l’intersection des cultures et des langues, est particulièrement saisissant dans son emploi de la métaphore. Cette figure de style est envisagée d’abord à travers les problématiques de la représentation du national, puis dans sa fonction de « passeur culturel » dans le texte, dans un premier temps dans une perspective interculturelle, et dans un second temps dans une perspective transculturelle.Dès lors que l’on considère la culture comme un processus plutôt que comme un patrimoine, la métaphore khouryghatienne se présente comme un dispositif stylistique dans le texte qui ouvre des possibles dans les discours identitaires. En ce sens elle joue chez Vénus Khoury-Ghata le même rôle que la Relation dans la totalité-monde glissantienne. Par le travail de la métaphore, l’œuvre khouryghatienne ouvre la conscience nationale à la conscience mondiale en réalisant la rencontre entre de multiples cultures et œuvre à la compréhension et à la reconstruction identitaire du peuple libanais. / Through her literary works, Francophone Lebanese writer Vénus Khoury-Ghata who resides in Paris, suggests an alternative idea to that of the isolated representation of Lebanon and of the Lebanese identity. Expressed in French from the outside of her motherland’s limits, her point of view makes good use of her marginalization towards the national literature which worries about its “cultural authenticity” while aiming to invent other images of her own country.The literary effect produced through the writing of her poetry and novels, which is situated and placed in the meeting point of cultures and languages, is thought particularly striking through her use of the metaphor. This figure of speech is contemplated primarily through the issues about the representation of the Nation, and it is then dealt with its function of “cultural crossing” through text, firstly in an intercultural perspective and secondly in a transcultural one. Seeing that they consider culture as a process rather than that of heritage, the khouryghatien metaphor in the text stands as a way of disclosing the realms of “possibles” in the Identity studies. In this sense, it plays the same role in Vénus Khoury-Ghata’s work as the Relation in Glissant’s total world. Through the metaphor task, khouryghatien poetry and novels widen national consciousness to the world by encouraging the meeting among multiple cultures and it also works for understanding and reconstructing the identity of the Lebanese people. / Attraverso le sue creazioni letterarie Vénus Khoury-Ghata, scrittrice libanese francofona residente a Parigi, propone un'alternativa ad una rappresentazione separativa del Libano e dell'identità libanese. Il suo punto di vista, elaborato in francese "dall'esterno", mette a profitto la propria marginalizzazione rispetto ad una letteratura nazionale attenta a preservare un’"autenticità culturale" per creare immagini diverse del suo paese d'origine. L'effetto letterario e stilistico prodotto da una scrittura - e in versi e in prosa - situata nell'intersezione di culture e lingue, riesce particolarmente incisivo nell'uso della metafora. Questa figura stilistica viene esaminata anzitutto attraverso le problematiche della rappresentazione del significato nazionale, quindi nella sua funzione di "passeur culturale" nel testo, dapprima nell'ambito di una prospettiva interculturale e poi entro una prospettiva transculturale. Qualora si intenda la cultura come un processo "in fieri" anziché un patrimonio esclusivo da salvaguardare, la metafora khouryghatiana appare come un dispositivo stilistico atto ad aprire dei "possibili" nei discorsi identitari. In questo senso essa gioca nell’opera di Khoury-Ghata lo stesso ruolo della Relazione nella totalità-mondo di Édouard Glissant. Tramite la creazione della metafora, l'opera khouryghatiana apre, dunque, la consapevolezza nazionale a quella mondiale favorendo l'incontro tra più culture e concorre alla comprensione e alla ricostruzione identitaria del popolo libanese.

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