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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

不同風險偏好下多期投資策略之研究 / Dynamic asset allocation for long-term investors diverse risk preference

林佳華, Lin, Chia-Hua Unknown Date (has links)
對一些退休基金或是壽險基金來說,因為它們的金額都相當龐大,進而影響的層面也相當廣泛;它們影響著金融市場的發展、有價證券的價格和市場的報酬。 所以,對現今市場投資在這樣長期資產的投資策略而言,以下我們要討論的議題將是非常重要。 以前的退休基金管理計畫是建立在單期的假設當中。根據目前所持有所有資產的部位、目前市場的狀況與對未來報酬的期望,基金管理人將尋求對下期的最適投資決策。傳統的方法都是用期望值-變異數方式(Mean-Variance approach)去極大化投資的報酬,以求取最適部位。但是單期的期望值-變異數方式(Mean-Variance approach)面對了二個問題: 一、 集合各個單期最適決策用多期的眼光來看不一定是最適。 二、 單期最適決策並不能同時處理投資面與集資面的問題。例如:退休基金同時間有每月的收入與每月的投資面。 不像單期的投資方式,使用多期的投資方法比較能符合這樣的投資問題與要求,也比較具有合理性。 投資在長期資產的部位與報酬率,最容易受到利率變動的影響。換句話說,利率變化是影響投資在長期性資產的最大變因。因此,我們將討論的問題:在利率是隨機變動時,以Vasicek (1977)的利率模型為主,加入投資人風險偏好的共同基金的分配原則。這樣的理論下,我們將利用風險中立的方法求出最適的投資組合,以滿足在長期投資觀點下避險與套利的需求。其中投資人的風險偏好是以Merton (1973)提出的常數相關風險偏好(Constant Relative Risk Aversion;CRRA)的效用函數去討論;在文章最後,我們將針對投資人的風險偏好做一些討論,包括:改變CRRA的參數、自然對數的效用函數(Logarithmic utility function)。 以往的研究都採用動態程式設計(Dynamic programming approach)的方法來解決這樣多期投資的問題,但是這樣的方法運用的計算相當複雜,也不一定求的出最適部位解;而利用Cox and Huang (1989)提出的風險中立方法(Martingale approach)將完全的解決以上遇到的問題。 / In this study, we investigate the dynamic mutual fund separation theorem applied to portfolio management for constant relative risk averse investors where, in particular, the interest rate risks are incorporated. Within this economy, the real interest rates and stock prices are assumed to follow the Markovian processes whose drifts and diffusion parameters are driven by certain state variables. Our approach involves the use of the martingale methodology developed by Cox and Huang (1989) as proposed in the work of Deelstra et al. (2003). Following their framework, we consider the economy of the investors that consists of cash, bond fund and stock indices. Adding to the previous works, we investigate the obtained optimal strategies through numerical examples in order to be compared to the allocations of popular advice and clarify the hedge and arbitrage demands in financial decision from long-term perspective. Finally, certain mutual funds are constructed to validate the validity of the popular advice.

Risk management of savings accounts / Risk management of savings accounts

Džmuráňová, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the risk management of savings accounts. Savings accounts are non- maturing liabilities bearing two embedded options. The first option is the client's right to withdraw deposits on notice. The second option is a bank's right to change the deposit rate on savings accounts whenever it wishes. This in practice means that a fierce competition may arise as banks can quickly react to competitor's change in the deposit rate. The embedded characteristics make the risk management of savings accounts challenging. We identify five key risks of savings accounts: liquidity risk, market risk (interest rate risk), systemic risk, reputational risk, and model risk. The thesis focuses on the interest rate risk and the method of replicating portfolios, which is a standard technique of the estimation of non-maturing liabilities' interest rate risk employed by banks. Using replicating portfolio approach, we derive that savings accounts are risky liabilities. We provide evidence that high deposit rates offered on numerous savings accounts in the Czech Republic have not been consistent with low market rates since January 2012, at least. We show that unsustainable deposit rates combined with competition among banks will lead to capital losses in some banks when market rates increase. JEL...

Nástroje sloužící k zajištění kurzového a úrokového rizika / Tools used to ensure the exchange rate and interest rate risk

Klípová, Iva January 2009 (has links)
The goal of thesis is to clarify the nature of the exchange rate and interest rate risk and the possibility to describe the management of these risks. It represents the individual tools used to ensure the exchange rate and interest rate risk and the specific examples explaining the principle of their functioning. The thesis is divided into three parts - the exchange rate hedging, interest rate hedging and risk management, or a summary of each procedure, a brief guide for managers of companies involved in the risk of fluctuations in exchange rates or interest rates touching. Case studies of specific examples shows the possibilities of treatment of exchange rate risk - the exporter trading currency pair EUR / CZK.


彭愛蘋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以免疫理論(Immunization Theory)與投資組合理論(Portfolio Theory)來架構退休基金的資產負債管理模型,希望在免除利率風險的情況下,極大化退休基金的投資報酬率。本文以退撫基金86年到88年實際投資的實證資料及其對未來給付支出的預測模擬值,在不同考慮年限與提撥率下,建議其最適投資組合,並計算出資產負債管理的成本。最後,再以84年到88年市場平均資料的實證結果,支持並驗證我們以退撫基金內部資料所做的實證結果。研究發現: 1、資產負債管理的成本相當少,因此退撫基金應該儘早進行資產負債管理。若以資產負債管理前後效率前緣下投資報酬率的差異為資產負債管理的成本,以退撫基金內部資料的研究顯示,資產負債管理的平均成本為0.133﹪;以市場平均資料的研究顯示,資產負債管理的平均成本為0.234﹪。 2、在進行資產負債管理的分析後,退撫基金的薪資提撥率應提高至14.84﹪,才能確保未來的30年內,退撫基金不會因為利率變動而導致基金破產甚至無力清償。 3、要使退撫基金免於利率風險的年限愈長,其投資重心必須從短期票券和債券移到債券與股票或受益憑證上。 / This paper investigates the Asset-Liability Management for pension fund. We utilize Immunization Theory and Portfolio Theory selection model to immunize the surplus of pension funds against interest-rate fluctuations and to maximize expected return of pension fund simultaneously. In addition, we use the public trading data of the investment market in Taiwan from 1995 to1999 and the data from the Taiwan Public Employees Retirement System(TPERS)from1997 to 1999 to demonstrate the implementation of our model. We calculate the optimal asset allocation and the ALM cost under different time horizons and contribution rates. The empirical results from this study show that: 1、 The ALM cost is very small. Therefore, we suggest TPERS should start to implement ALM as soon as possible. Given the investment performance of TPERS, We find the ALM cost is 0.133﹪. Given the performance of the investment market, the ALM cost is 0.234﹪. 2、 The TPERS must increase its contribution rate to 14.84﹪ in order to make sure that the TPERS will not be insolvent as a result of interest-rate fluctuations in 30 years. 3、 To prolong the period over which the TPERS can immunize its surplus against interest-rate fluctuations, a large proportion of the investment asset should be allocate from commercial paper and bond to bond and stock.


李明黛 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來台灣的市場利率持續下滑,可能造成保險公司無法實現對被保險人之高預定利率的保單給付承諾,利率風險已經成為壽險公司是否能繼續經營之重要關鍵。壽險公司如未能衡量利率變動風險而貿然推出保單,將對財務造成極大的負擔,不但會影響公司清償能力,亦會對社會造成衝擊,因此壽險公司應先衡量現在及未來將面臨多大的利率風險,做適當資產負債管理,以避免將來失卻清償能力。   本研究利用財務上平均存續期間(duration)觀念與Barney(1997)所提出之K值來衡量利率風險,以民國87-89年財務報表資料,實證研究利率風險會對那些經營指標產生影響,以喚起業界對於利率風險之重視。研究結果發現:   1.利率風險對於壽險公司之投資報酬率、股東權益報酬率有顯著的影響,並且呈負相關。   2.利率風險對於壽險公司之流動比率無顯著相關;與負債比率有顯著之正相關。   3.利率風險對於新契約保費成長率、保單繼續率無顯著影響,顯示國內並無明顯之逆中介情況。   4.壽險公司可藉由投資較長期之公債、公司債及減少保單貸款、不動產投資與固定資產項目之利率敏感度,以增加壽險公司之獲利性。 / The interest rates have been decreasing recently. Under this circumstance, it might be difficult for insurance companies to gain sufficient investment returns to fulfill the commitment of insurance policies. The interest-rate risk has become one of the critical factors for the solvency of life insurance companies. Therefore, life insurance companies should evaluate the impact of interest-rate risk and perform asset-liability management to prevent insolvency.   This study applies the concept of duration and K value (Barney 1997) to measure interest-rate risk and its impact on the operations of life insurance companies in Taiwan. The empirical analysis is conducted based on the financial data of life insurance companies in Taiwan during the period of 1998-2000. The empirical findings are listed as follows:   1.Interest-rate risk has a significantly negative impact on both investment return and ROE..   2.Interest-rate risk does not have significant impact on current ratio of the life insurance companies, but it is positively related to debt ratio.   3.Interest-rate risk does not have significant impact on either new contract growth rate or policy renewal rate, which indicates that the process of disintermediation does not happen in life insurance industry in Taiwan.   4.By investing in the long-term government bonds and corporate bonds and reducing the interest-rate sensitivity of policy loans、investment on real estates and fixed assets , life insurance companies may be able to increase their profits.

Iždo rizikų strateginio valdymo poveikio įvertinimas akcinės bendrovės „Mažeikių nafta“ finansinių išteklių formavimui / Treasury Risk Strategic Management Effect Assessment for Formation of AB Mažeikių Nafta Financial Resources

Ginterienė, Elena 16 August 2007 (has links)
Dauguma šiuolaikinių finansų valdymo ir investicijų mokslinių darbų akcentuoja finansinės rizikos valdymo svarbą finansinių institucijų veiklai. Augančioje finansų rinkoje aktyviais dalyviais tampa įmonės, kurių ilgalaikei sėkmei įtakos turi finansinių lėšų valdymas. Magistro darbe išanalizuoti ir susisteminti įvairių Lietuvos ir užsienio autorių teoriniai ir praktiniai iždo rizikų valdymo aspektai, sukeliantys riziką veiksniai, rizikos rūšys, iždo rizikų įvertinimo ir valdymo metodai. Parodyta, kad pagrindinis rizikos valdymo tikslas nebūtinai yra jos išvengti, o suprasti kritinius rizikos veiksnius ir profesionaliai juos valdyti. Atlikus analizę AB „Mažeikių nafta“ nustatytos šios iždo rizikos: rinkos (valiutų kurso, palūkanų normos, biržinių prekių kainos kitimo), likvidumo, kredito, operacinė. Panaudojus rizikos vertės VaR@95% metodo skaičiavimus, įvertintas iždo rizikų poveikis bendrovės finansinių išteklių formavimui. Patvirtinta autorės suformuluota mokslinio tyrimo hipotezė, kad iždo rizikų strateginis valdymas įmonėje stabilizuoja įmonės pinigų srautus, sumažina įmonės nuostolius dėl finansų rinkos neigiamų pokyčių, pagerina pelningumo prognozavimą. / Most of today’s finance management and investment scientific papers emphasize the importance of finance risk management for the financial institution activities. The companies the long-term success of which comes from the funds management become the active participants in the growing financial market. The Master’s Thesis analyses and systemizes the theoretical and practical aspects of treasury risk management, factors causing risk, types of risks, methods of treasury risk evaluation and management as described by various Lithuanian and foreign authors. It identifies that the main goal of risk management is not necessarily to prevent the risk but to understand the critical risk factors and manage them in professional way. After the analysis has been made the following treasury risks were identified for AB Mažeikių Nafta: market (currency rate exchange, interest rate, commodity price fluctuation), liquidity, credit, operations. Using risk value VaR@95% method calculations the treasury risk impact to the formation of the company financial resources was evaluated. The scientific research hypothesis of the author stating that treasury risk strategy management in the Company stabilizes the Company’s cash flows, reduces loses resulted from negative changes in the finance market, improves the profitability forecasting was proved to be correct.

Interest rate risk management : a case study of GBS Mutual Bank

Williamson, Gareth Alan January 2008 (has links)
Banks play a pivotal role in the economic growth and development of countries, primarily through the diversification of risk for both themselves and other economic agents. Interest rate risk is regarded as one of the most prominent financial risks faced by a bank. A large portion of private banks’ revenue stems from net interest income that is generated from the difference between various assets and liabilities that are held on the balance sheet. Fluctuations in the interest rate can alter a bank’s interest income and value, making interest rate risk management vital to its success. The asset and liability committee of a bank is the internal committee charged with the duty of managing the bank’s interest rate risk exposure through the use of various hedging strategies and instruments. This thesis uses a case study methodology to analyse GBS Mutual Bank interest rate risk management. Its specific business circumstances, balance sheet structure and the market conditions over a specified period are used to comment on the practicality of a variety of balance sheet positioning strategies and derivative hedging instruments. The thesis also provides recommendations for the bank’s asset and liability committee in terms of its functions and organisation. It is elucidated that the most practical balance sheet hedging strategies are a volume strategy and immunisation, while the most practical derivative hedging instruments are interest rate futures and interest rate collars. It is found that the bank has a well functioning asset and liability committee whose only encumbrance to its functionality is the inadequacy of the informational technology used to measure, control and manage its interest rate risk position. This thesis concludes by summarising the practicality of the various interest rate risk hedging alternatives available to the GBS Mutual Bank. Implementing a particular strategy or instrument depends, of course, on its asset and liability committee’s decision.

Understanding some new Basel III implementation issues for Lebanese Commercial Banks / Sur la compréhension des difficultés d'implémentation de Bâles III pour les banques libanaises commerciales

Sayah, Mabelle 12 September 2017 (has links)
L'objectif de cette thèse est de fournir à la banque Audi un outil à jour sur les façons de calculer le capital requis par Bâle pour certains risques financiers présents dans le portefeuille de la banque. La régulation internationale est en développement continu : des nouvelles approches sont proposées afin de couvrir au mieux les risques du marché et du secteur bancaire. Les crises financières récentes étaient à la base de ces réformes. De plus, la Banque Audi opère sur des marchés qui présentent des caractères spécifiques qu'il faut prendre en considération lors du calcul du capital requis. Cette thèse se concentre sur le risque de taux d'intérêt dans le livre de négociation de la banque, le risque de contrepartie et précisément l'ajustement d'évaluation de crédit tout en incorporant l'impact de la corrélation entre la qualité du crédit de la contrepartie et l'exposition prévue envers cette même contrepartie. La première partie de cette thèse traite de la nouvelle méthodologie suggérée par Bâle sur le Trading Book : Fundamental Review of the Trading Book. Le risque de taux d'intérêt est particulièrement analysé en utilisant la méthode standard, Sensitivity Based Approach (SBA), et des méthodes plus 'traditionnelles' de valeur à risque tout en utilisant différents modèles tels que Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH), l'Analyse en Composantes Principales (ACP), l'Analyse en composantes indépendantes (ACI) et la version dynamique du modèle de taux de Nelson Siegel (DNS). Une application sur des portefeuilles d'obligations zéro coupons de différentes devises permet d'identifier la diversification des résultats entre les marchés stables européens (comme la France), moins stables (exemple Etats-Unis) et les marchés émergents (tel la Turquie). La deuxième partie est consacrée au risque de Contrepartie. Récemment, un nouveau capital est requis par les normes de Bâle afin de couvrir ce genre de risque. En 2014, la méthode est publiée : Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR). On applique cette méthode sur différents types de produits dérivés afin de comparer le capital demandé par cette approche à celui obtenu par les modèles internes. Les modèles internes incorporent les estimations historiques ainsi que les projections futures du marché tout en se basant sur des modèles bien connus tels que Vasicek et GARCH. Plusieurs structures de hedging sont mises en place afin de mesurer l'impact de chacune sur les deux montants de capitaux requis (sous la méthode standard ou l'IMM). L'effet sur des produits en EUR et USD reflété que le modèle interne demande 80% du capital standard quand aucune stratégie de hedging n'est mise en place. Par contre, le hedging semble être beaucoup plus favorisé par le modèle standard que le modèle interne. La troisième partie est toujours sur le risque de Contrepartie, mais se focalise sur l'ajustement d'´évaluation de crédit (CVA). Ce sujet ne faisait pas partie des capitaux requis sauf récemment. A cause de son grand impact durant les récentes crises financières. Dès lors, si une opération avec des produits dérivés ne passe pas par une central clearing houses, un capital pour le CVA est requis. Dans ce travail, on détaille les méthodes acceptées par Bâle afin de calculer ces capitaux et on les compare entre elles. La comparaison se fait en se basant sur des portefeuilles de swap de taux d'intérêts avec, comme contreparties, différents pays d'Investment Grade. Cet article incorpore en plus l'impact de la corrélation entre la détérioration de la qualité de la contrepartie et l'augmentation de l'exposition prévue avec cette contrepartie connue sous le nom de WrongWay Risk : des modèles de correction d'erreurs (ECM) sont mis en place afin de déterminer ce lien. Les résultats permettent de montrer l'importance d'utiliser les CDS des contreparties et non de se limiter à leur note (Investment Grade ou pas)... / This thesis aims at providing Bank Audi with an updated tool to understand and investigate in given risk types encountered in their portfolios and the way Basel suggests computing their capital charges. International regulator is constantly changing and modifying previously used approaches to enhance the reflection of the market and banking sector risks. The recent financial crisis played a major role in these reforms, in addition the situation of Bank Audi and the markets it is operating in, represent certain specifications that should be accounted for. The work handles interest rate risk in the trading book, Counterparty Credit Risk faced with derivatives along a closer look on the Credit Valuation Adjustment topic and the incorporation of Wrong Way Risk. The first part discusses the new Fundamental Review of the Trading Book: focusing on the general interest rate risk factor, the paper compared Basel’s Sensitivity Based Approach (SBA) capital charge to more traditional approaches of VaR using several models such as Generalized Auto Regressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity (GARCH), Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Independent Components Analysis (ICA) and Dynamic Nelson Siegel. Application on portfolios with zero coupon bonds of different sovereigns revealed the divergence in results between stable markets (such as France and Germany), less stable (such as the USA) and emergent markets (such as Turkey). The second part is dedicated to the Counterparty Credit Risk. A new capital charge methodology was proposed by Basel and set as a standard rule in 2014: the Standardized Approach for Counterparty Credit Risk (SA-CCR). Applying this approach on different derivatives portfolios, we compared it to internal models. The internal methodologies incorporated historical estimations and future projections based on Vasicek and GARCH models. Different hedging cases were investigated on EUR and USD portfolios. The impact of each hedging technique and the difference between IMM and the standardized methods were highlighted in this work: without hedging, the internal approach amends 80% of the standardized capital whereas, in general, the hedging is encouraged more under the standardized approach relatively to its capital reduction under the internal model. The third part remains a part of the Counterparty Credit Risk however, the main focus in this work is the Credit Valuation Adjustment. This topic was neglected in terms of capital charge earlier but due to its important impact is now incorporated as a capital charge amended when no central clearing is put in place when dealing with derivatives. We focus on the regulatory approaches of capital computation, comparing both accepted approaches based on portfolios of interest rate swaps held with investment grade sovereigns. An incorporation of the Wrong Way Risk is another addition in this work: using Error Correction Models we were able to reflect the impact of the correlation between the exposure and the credit quality of the investment grade sovereign we are dealing with. Based on such results, a suggestion of a re-calibrated standardized approach is in place to encourage the use of the CDS as an indicator of the credit quality of the counterparty and not its grade (investment or not) as followed by the new Basel regulations

A framework for modeling the liquidity and interest rate risk of demand deposits / Ett ramverk för att modellera likviditets- och ränterisk för inlåning

Henningsson, Peter, Skoglund, Christina January 2016 (has links)
The objective of this report is to carry out a pre-study and develop a framework for how the liquidity and interest rate risk of a bank's demand deposits can be modeled. This is done by first calibrating a Vasicek short rate model and then deriving models for the bank's deposit volume and deposit rate using multiple regression. The volume model and the deposit rate model are used to determine the liquidity and interest rate risk, which is done separately. The liquidity risk is determined by a liquidity quantile which estimates the minimum deposit volume that is expected to remain in the bank over a given time period. The interest rate risk is quantified by an arbitrage-free valuation of the demand deposit which can be used to determine the sensitivity of the net present value of the demand deposit caused by a parallel shift in the market rates. Furthermore, an immunization and a replicating portfolio are constructed and the performances of these are tested when introducing the same parallel shifts in the market rates as in the valuation of the demand deposit. The conclusion of this thesis is that the framework for the liquidity risk management that is developed gave satisfactory results and could be used by the bank if the deposit volume is estimated on representative data and a more accurate model for the short rate is used. The interest rate risk framework did however not yield as reliable results and would be more challenging to implement as a more advanced model for the deposit rate is required. / Målet med denna rapport är att utveckla ett ramverk för att bestämma likviditets-och ränterisken som är relaterad till en banks inlåningsvolym. Detta görs genom att först ta fram en modell för korträntan via kalibrering av en Vasicek modell. Därefter utvecklas, genom multipelregression, modeller för att beskriva bankens inlåningsvolym och inlåningsränta. Dessa modeller används för att kvantifiera likviditets- och ränterisken för inlånings-volymen, vilka beräknas och presenteras separat. Likviditetsrisken bestäms genom att en likviditetskvantil tas fram, vilken estimerar den minimala inlånings-volymen som förväntas kvarstå hos banken över en given tidsperiod. Ränterisken kvantifieras med en arbitragefri värdering av inlåningen och resultatet används för att bestämma känsligheten för hur nuvärdet av inlåningsvolymen påverkas av ett parallellskifte. Utöver detta bestäms en immuniseringsportfölj samt en rep-likerande portfölj och resultatet av dessa utvärderas mot hur nuvärdet förändras givet att samma parallellskifte i ränteläget som tidigare introduceras. Slutsatsen av projektet är att det framtagna ramverket för att bestämma likviditetsrisken för inlåningen gav bra resultat och skulle kunna implementeras i dagsläget av banken, förutsatt att volymmodellen estimeras på representativ data samt att en bättre modell för korträntan används. Ramverket för att bestämma ränterisken gav dock inte lika tillförlitliga resultat och är mer utmanande att implementera då en mer avancerad modell för inlåningsräntan krävs.

Demand Deposits : Valuation and Interest Rate Risk Management / Avistakonton : Värdering och Ränteriskhantering

Lu, Yang, Visvanathar, Kevin January 2015 (has links)
In the aftermath of the financial crisis of 2008, regulatory authorities have implemented stricter policies to ensure more prudent risk management practices among banks. Despite the growing importance of demand deposits for banks, no policies for how to adequately account for the inherent interest rate risk have been introduced. Demand deposits are associated with two sources of uncertainties which make it difficult to assess its risks using standardized models: they lack a predetermined maturity and the deposit rate may be changed at the bank’s discretion. In light of this gap, this study aims to empirically investigate the modeling of the valuation and interest rate risk of demand deposits with two different frameworks: the Economic Value Model Framework (EVM) and the Replicating Portfolio Model Framework (RPM). To analyze the two frameworks, models for the demand deposit rate and demand deposit volume are developed using a comprehensive and novel dataset provided by one the biggest commercial banks in Sweden. The findings indicate that including macroeconomic variables in the modeling of the deposit rate and deposit volume do not improve the modeling accuracy. This is in contrast to what has been suggested by previous studies. The findings also indicate that there are modeling differences between demand deposit categories. Finally, the EVM is found to produce interest rate risks with less variability compared to the RPM. / Till foljd av nanskrisen 2008 har regulatoriska myndigheter infort mer strikta regelverk for att framja en sund nansiell riskhantering hos banker. Trots avistakontons okade betydelse for banker har inga regulatoriska riktlinjer introducerats for hur den associerade ranterisken ska hanteras ur ett riskperspektiv. Avistakonton ar forknippade med tva faktorer som forsvarar utvarderingen av dess ranterisk med traditionella ranteriskmetoder: de saknar en forutbestamd loptid och avistarantan kan andras nar sa banken onskar. Med hansyn till detta gap fokuserar denna studie pa att empiriskt analysera tva modelleringsramverk for att vardera och mata ranterisken hos avistakonton: Economic Value Model Framework (EVM) and Replicating Portfolio Model Framework (RPM). Analysen genomfors genom att initialt ta fram modeller for hur avistarantan och volymen pa avistakonton utvecklas over tid med hjalp av ett modernt och unikt dataset fran en av Sveriges storsta kommersiella banker. Studiens resultat indikerar att modellerna for avistarantan och avistavolymen inte forbattras nar makroekonomiska variabler ar inkluderade. Detta ar i kontrast till vad tidigare studier har oreslagit. Vidare visar studiens resultat att det modellerna skiljer sig nar avistakontona ar egmenterade pa en mer granular niva. Slutligen pavisar resultatet att EVM producerar ranteriskestimat som ar mindre kansliga for antanganden an RPM.

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