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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Donthula, Sushmitha January 2016 (has links)
Context: Technology in the field of health care has taken a step forward for making easy health maintenance on a daily basis. With gradual increase in the elderly population, it is important to provide this them, the facilities gained with the use of technology. But it is observed that the elderly show reluctance to the use of new technology like the mobile applications. In the thesis, an effort is made to overcome this barrier with the study of both user experience of elderly and user interface design of a m-health application and analyzing a relation among them.Objectives. In this thesis, user interface design responsible for an increase in the user experience of elderly is focused, to create a base for mobile application developers to design m-health applications that improve the usability of the application.Methods. Quasi-Experiment is conducted to measure user experience with the selected sample from the elderly population. By conducting interviews with the selected sample, data is collected for the experiment./Results. The user experience of the elderly people is analyzed with the original glucosio application and with the prototype of glucosio application. Comparison is made between the user experience in both the cases and conclusion about the relation between the user experience and user interface design of Objectives: In this thesis, user interface design responsible for an increase in the user experience of elderly is focused, to create a base for mobile application developers to design m-health applications that improve the usability of the application.Methods. Quasi-Experiment is conducted to measure user experience with the selected sample from the elderly population. By conducting interviews with the selected sample, data is collected for the experiment./Results. The user experience of the elderly people is analyzed with the original glucosio application and with the prototype of glucosio application.  Methods: Quasi-Experiment is conducted to measure user experience with the selected sample from the elderly population. By conducting interviews with the selected sample, data is collected for the experiment.Results. The user experience of the elderly people is analyzed with the original glucosio application and with the prototype of glucosio application.  Results: The user experience of the elderly people is analyzed with the original glucosio application and with the prototype of glucosio application. Comparison is made between the user experience in both the cases and conclusion about the relation between the user experience and user interface design of the m-health application is made.Conclusions. With the analysis, we can conclude that the combined user interface design of Conclusions: With the analysis, we can conclude that the combined user interface design of m-health application, when designed as per the interest of elderly people can increase the user experience of the elderly while using the application. Besides, it increases the usability of the application resulting in the elderly population gets benefited with the advanced mobile technologies for their health promotion.

Uma abordagem para projeto de aplicações com interação multimodal da Web / An approach to design Web multimodal interfaces

Americo Talarico Neto 14 April 2011 (has links)
O principal objetivo do desenvolvimento de aplicações multimodais é possibilitar uma maneira mais natural dos seres humanos se comunicarem com as máquinas, por meio de interfaces mais eficientes, intuitivas, fáceis de usar e, de certa forma, mais inteligentes. No entanto, a literatura da área mostra que a reutilização, tanto de conhecimento como de código fonte, ainda apresenta problemas, dados a complexidade do código em sistemas multimodais, a falta de mecanismos eficientes de testes de usabilidade e a dificuldade em se gerenciar a captura, o armazenamento e a recuperação de conhecimento de projeto. Nesta tese argumenta-se que a utilização de uma abordagem sistemática, centrada no usuário, apoiada por uma ferramenta computacional e com um modelo bem definido que permita o desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais com a reutilização de Design Rationale, aumenta e melhora os níveis de usabilidade, promove a identificação e utilização de padrões de projeto e o reúso de componentes. Para demonstrar esta tese, apresenta-se neste texto a abordagem para o desenvolvimento de interfaces multimodais Web, MMWA, e o seu ambiente de autoria, o MMWA-ae, ambos compostos por atividades que auxiliam a equipe de projeto durante as fases de projeto, desenvolvimento e avaliações de usabilidade. São discutidos também os resultados obtidos com a execução de três estudos de caso, realizados no ambiente acadêmico, nos quais se buscou determinar a viabilidade da abordagem e os benefícios que podem ser alcançados com a combinação de diferentes técnicas, a saber: design rationale, padrões de projeto, modelagem de tarefas, componentes de software, princípios de usabilidade, avaliações heurísticas, testes com usuários, regras de associação, entre outras. Os resultados evidenciam que a abordagem e seu ambiente de autoria podem proporcionar diferentes benefícios para organizações que desenvolvem sistemas multimodais, incluindo o aumento da usabilidade e consequentemente da qualidade do produto, bem como a diminuição de custos e da complexidade do desenvolvimento com a reutilização de código e de conhecimento capturado em projetos anteriores / The main goal of developing multimodal applications is to enable a more natural way of communication between human beings and machines through interfaces that are more efficient, intuitive, easier to use and, in a certain way, more intelligent. However, the literature shows that the reuse of both knowledge and source code still presents problems, given the complexity of the code in multimodal systems, the lack of efficient mechanisms to test the usability and the difficulty in managing the capture, the storage and the recovery of design knowledge. In this thesis it is discussed that the use of a systematic approach, usercentered, supported by a computer tool and with a well defined model that allows the development of multimodal interfaces with the reuse of DR, increases and improves the usability levels, promotes the identification and the use of design patterns and the reuse of components. To demonstrate this thesis, it is shown in this text an approach to develop Web multimodal interfaces (MMWA) and its authoring environment (MMWA-ae), both composed of activities that help the design team during the different project phases: design, development and usability evaluation. We also discuss in this thesis the results obtained with the execution of three case studies, executed in the academic environment, which aimed to determine the feasibility of the approach and the benefits that can be achieved with the combination of different techniques, such as: design rationale, design patterns, tasks model, software components, usability principles, heuristic evaluations, user testing, association rules, among others. The results show clearly that the approach and its author environment can provide different benefits to organizations that develop multimodal systems, including the usability improvement and, consequently, the quality of the product, as well as the decrease of costs and complexity since it encompasses the development with reused code and design knowledge captured in previous projects

Uma perspectiva cognitiva sobre o design de artefatos digitais educacionais

Perry, Gabriela Trindade January 2010 (has links)
No sistema produtivo contemporâneo, o design é uma atividade central, pois responde pelo projeto de bens e serviços. Design não está, todavia, relacionado apenas com as capacidades criativas ou com leituras estéticas do projetista – como faz crer o uso popular da palavra - englobando profissionais dos mais diversos domínios. Um engenheiro eletrônico que projeta circuitos; um engenheiro mecânico que projeta motores; um arquiteto que projeta um edifício; um designer gráfico que projeta uma marca; um analista que projeta um software: todos são designers. Em comum estes profissionais têm o mesmo tipo de problema, e assim o percurso cognitivo destes profissionais é similar. Da mesma forma, espera-se que um designer que projeta um artefato educacional digital também apresente comportamentos semelhantes durante o processo de projeto. Todavia, como é regra para a atividade de design, o projeto de artefato educacionais digitais tem seus desafios. Neste caso específico, o desafio do designer está no fato de que ele não pode projetar sozinho. Até mesmo nas etapas iniciais do projeto - quando se está gerando idéias e explorando conceitos, quando não se tem clara a forma ou mesmo a estrutura do artefato – o designer não pode projetar sozinho. Isto porque, para este tipo de artefato, o conhecimento e as habilidades do designer precisam ser orientadas por educadores e especialistas no domínio. Neste cenário se colocam as questões de pesquisa desta tese, que buscam compreender qual papel o designer tem enquanto membro de uma equipe de desenvolvimento de artefatos digitais educacionais. Como se entende que o designer não pode projetar este tipo de artefato sozinho, os objetivos específicos desta tese relacionam-se à cooperação com outro especialista: o educador. Deseja-se investigar como estes profissionais constroem colaborativamente o espaço do problema; quais estratégias de projeto os designers utilizam; e se há evidências de sobreposição entre os domínios pertinentes ao problema (neste caso, “educação”, “design” e “química”). Utilizando métodos adaptados à análise de atividades de design, investigou-se a atividade de duas duplas – formadas por um designer e por um educador especialista no domínio – buscando regularidades que pudessem responder à tais questões. Os resultados sugerem que a complexidade do tema não é um fator tão marcante para a qualidade do projeto quanto a estratégia utilizada pelo designer. Quando o designer decidiu tentar “brifar” seu colega – a fim de estruturar seu conhecimento sobre o tema para embasar o projeto – o efeito da complexidade do tema se fez sentir. Já quando o designer buscou integrar rapidamente as informações recebidas de seu colega educador ao projeto - sem antes buscar estruturar seu conhecimento sobre o tema – o efeito do tema foi tênue. Nenhuma destas estratégias corresponde à descrição de processos de design reportadas na literatura. Ao utilizar a estratégia de “integrar o mais rápido possível”, o designer deixou claras algumas de suas concepções a respeito dos processos de ensino e aprendizagem; teorias implícitas provavelmente construídas durante sua exposição à educação formal. Ao usar a estratégia “estruturar para depois projetar”, o designer não demonstrou identificar implicações e potenciais estruturais da orientação teórica seguida pelo seu colega. Estes resultados podem fundamentar – em pesquisas futuras - uma discussão a respeito da necessidade da atenção à formação de designers para trabalhar no projeto de artefatos digitais educacionais. / In the contemporary production system, design is a central activity, as it is the mean to provide artifacts and services. Design is not, however, related solely to the creative skills or aesthetic preferences of the designer - as the popular use of the word may seem to - comprising professionals from various fields. An electronic engineer who designs circuits, a mechanical engineer who designs engines, an architect who designs a building, a graphic designer who designs a brand, an analyst who designs software: they are all designers. These professionals have in common the same kind of problem, and thus their cognitive routes are similar. Likewise, it is expected that a designer who designs an educational digital artifact also presents similar behavior during the design process. However, as a rule for the design activity, the design of educational digital artifact has its challenges. In the case of this particular class of problem, the designer's challenge is the fact that he cannot design alone. Even in the early stages of the project – idea generation and concept exploration, when there is no clear shape or structure of the artifact - the designer cannot design alone. This is because, for this type of artifact, the knowledge and skills of the designer need to be guided by educators and specialists in the field. In this scenario, the research questions of this thesis is raised, which seeks to understand what role the designer has as a member of a team of educational development of digital artifacts. How does he build the problem space? What strategies does he use when he has knowledge to design alone? How do the domains of design and education intersect and overlap? Using methods adapted to the analysis of design activities, the activity of two pairs of subjects were recorded – the pairs consisting of a designer and an expert educator in the field - looking for regularities that could answer the questions of the thesis. The results suggest that the complexity of the subject area (chemistry) was not a factor as remarkable for the quality of the project as the strategy used by the designer. When the designer decided to "brief" his colleague - to structure his knowledge on the subject area to support of the project - the effect of the complexity of the issue was felt. But when the designer sought to quickly integrate the information received from his fellow educator within the project - without first seeking to structure his knowledge on the subject - the effect of topic was tenuous. None of these strategies corresponds to the description of design processes reported in the literature. By using the strategy “integrate as soon as possible”, the designer made his perception about the processes of teaching and learning clear: implicit theories probably built during his exposure to formal education. By using the strategy "structure and then design”, the designer did not spot potential structural implications of the theoretical orientation followed by his colleague. These results support a discussion about the need of special education for designers who will work with educational digital artifacts.

A GUI Standard's Impact on Usability / Hur en GUI standard påverkar användbarhet

Sjöberg, Hanna, Ukus, Demet January 2001 (has links)
Designing usable Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) is a complex process and requires at least two things: knowledge of known GUI design principles and guidelines, and knowledge of structured methods for achieving usability. The purpose of writing this thesis was to investigate whether a GUI standard increases a program's usability or not. In many cases, people who take part in GUI decisions do not consider following a standard and the decisions are often based on what is best for them. Consequently, in most of the cases, programs turn out to be inconsistent and less usable. But following a GUI standard does not necessarily guarantee usability. To carry out the investigation, the GUI of a program was deliberately manipulated. Apart from the original one, two more versions were created; one strictly according to the Microsoft Standard, and one that among other things violated the standard. To be able to compare the three GUI versions, usability testing with four test users was conducted. The result of the entire investigation showed that a GUI standard increased the usability considerably. But the result also showed that the test users found the GUI, that in some aspects violated the standard, more pleasant to use, that is to say, users' satisfaction was higher. This indicates that standards ensure consistency, which provides a sense of stability and makes the GUI familiar and predictable. But GUIs should also be tailored for and validated against the users' requirements, and this is done with structured methods for achieving usability. As a GUI designer, your knowledge of the standards is the absolute minimum requirement for developing GUIs. By knowing and understanding the standards, you will also have the knowledge of how to violate the standards in order to achieve a higher degree of usability.

Eye Tracking Interface Design for Controlling Mobile Robot / Eye Tracking Interface Design for Controlling Mobile Robot

Jan, Muhammad Asghar, Bukhari, Syed Majid Ali Shah January 2009 (has links)
This thesis provides a baseline study for eye tracking user interface design for controlling a mobile robot. The baseline study is an experiment involving the use of a radio controller (RC) to drive the robot, while gaze data is collected from each subject monitoring the position of robot on the remote screen that displays the view for the turret-mounted video camera on the robot. Initial data from the experiment provides a foundation for interface design of actual control of the mobile robot by gaze interaction. Such an interface may provide Tele-presence for the disable. Patients with motor disability cannot use their hands and legs but only use their eye motions. Such applications of an eye tracking system can provide patients with much flexibility and freedom for search and identification of objects. / Muhammad Asghar Jan (+46-700183140) syedmaji@hotmail.com (+46-736805771)

Visibility Aspects Importance of User Interface Reception in Cloud Computing Applications with Increased Automation

Haxhixhemajli, Denis January 2012 (has links)
Visibility aspects of User Interfaces are important; they deal with the crucial phase of human-computer interaction. They allow users to perform and at the same time hide the complexity of the system. Acceptance of new systems depends on how visibility aspects of the User Interfaces are presented. Human eyes make the first contact with the appearance of any system by so it generates the very beginning of the human – application interaction. In this study it is enforced that visibility aspects are essential in application development. Furthermore, it is stressed that with practice of automation, habitual and functional visibility fades and users lose control. Users accept visibility loss only at certain points where it does not impact their skillset and understanding of an application. Although, they prefer control over visibility aspects and automation to strengthen the reception of the User Interface. The environments used in this study are Google Docs, Dropbox and cloudHQ with a case study of collaboration involving five users.

Genreanalys som en del av designprocessen : En analys av genren Webbaserade Geografiska Informationssystem

Blomkvist, Johan January 2007 (has links)
Boverket har huvudansvar för att skapa en portal för samhällsplanering som ska kunna förse kommuner, landsting, företag och privatpersoner med olika typer av kartinformation. Denna portal kallas Planeringsportalen och som ett led i dess utveckling hölls ett designmöte i april 2007. Inför mötet gjordes en analys av diverse förebilder för att beskriva de goda designlösningar som finns i genren WebGIS, enligt förlaga från Lundberg, Holmlid och Arvolas (2007) arbete. Uppsatsen beskriver hur dessa designlösningar kan användas i designen av Planeringsportalen tillsammans med en redogörelse för hur förebilder kan bidra till en bättre designprocess. Genren representeras i arbetet av webbplatserna Eniro, Norge digitalt, RATP samt Mapquest som alla studerats enligt ett formaliserat förfarande. Analysen identifierade ett stort antal goda designlösningar varav en del ansågs passa in i Planeringsportalens designsituation.

A Usability Engineering approach to developing an e-commerce web application

Kvist, Markus January 2006 (has links)
Usability is an important aspect of product development that deals with the quality of interaction between the user and the product. Capturing requirements is aimed at understanding what the users expect the system to do. This report attempts to apply principles from both the Usability Engineering and the Requirements Engineering methodologies in the development of a subsystem for managing an e-commerce solution. The main focus is on the user interface design, which is developed by iterating the three phases of design, usability testing and evaluation, until the desired level of usability is achieved. Prototyping was central to the rapid development, but the use of software prototyping tools instead of paper-mockups would reasonably have improved the usefulness of the evaluations. The desired usability level was set to reach a specified fix point, instead of attempting to achieve some absolute usability metrics as is typically practiced. The former approach was apparently simpler to use without the broader experience otherwise needed to write reasonable requirements. The transition from the throw-away prototype to the implemented evolutionary prototype in ASP.NET posed some interesting problems that are further discussed.

Ett planeringsverktyg för TV-postproduktion / A resource planning tool for TV post-production

Rydén, Andrea January 2015 (has links)
This report describes the process of outlining a design proposal for a resource planning tool for TV post-production. A feasibility study in form of a participant observation has been carried out on-site, which has resulted in a requirement specification. Based on the requirement specification, mockups have been created to illustrate the functions and features that a final planning tool should have. In addition to developing a design proposal, an evaluation of the existing resource planning tool Ganttic has been conducted. Ganttic has been reviewed based on how well it meets the list of requirements. The result shows that Ganttic fails to meet a crucial requirement, thus cannot be used by the client. The recommendation is instead that the client implements the functions described in the design proposal in their current booking system.


ALI, SHUJAT January 2011 (has links)
Now a day the revolution in computer technology has changed the trend of human life. Congenital methods are a being replaced by new technique. The purpose of this study was to make an interface design prototype of Elskift company website. Another aim was to find out  the  prototype  should  concentrate  on  usability  and  user  interface design  heuristic.  Main  goals  were  that  the  prototype  was  easy  to learn,  efficient  of  use  and  subjective  satisfaction.  Both Quantitative and Qualitative approaches were used in this study.  Interviews were performed with the management and developer of Elskift. Survey was conducted to collect data from the participant.  Iterative  design  was used  in  this  design  process  its  include  evaluation,  design  and prototype. Usability testing was performed in the final design option. The Elskift design prototype is not an abundant and the complete web-based prototype but it contain maximum attribute

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