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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jazykový posun u minoritních jazyků v Peru: případ komunity Bora-Huitoto / Language shift in the minority languages in Peru: case of community Bora-Huitoto

Satrapová, Sandra January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with the current situation of minority languages in Peru, focusing on language shift as a sociolinguistic phenomenon, which is seen as a transition from the use of one language to another language. The first part conceives the topic from a broader perspective and points out certain weaknesses in the subject. Some Peruvian minority languages, ie the native languages of the Amazon region, have not been adequately documented, individual languages have not been given sufficient attention by linguists, and therefore we encounter inconsistent terminology, classifications and varying estimates of the number of the languages. Many of the languages are in danger of extinction because they are replaced in everyday use by Spanish. The thesis analyzes the individual extralinguistic and other factors that have contributed to accelerating the language shift, and on the basis of empiric data obtained during field research in 2013, describes the progress of the shift in selected communities in the languages Bora and Huitoto murui. The third part introduces the sociolinguistic profile of the settlements Pucaurquillo and Ancon Colonia, which were the center of the research. The main part of the thesis analyzes the topic "behaviour towards language", focused on the intergenerational transmission of...

Les soins traditionnels chez le bébé martiniquais : "Doktè fey" et psychologue, identité maternelle et transmission entre les générations / Traditionnal care for the martinican baby : "Doktè fey" and psychologist, maternal identity and intergenerational transmission

Broche Jarrin, Josiane 15 January 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse s'inscrit dans le champ de la psychologie transculturelle du bébé, une clinique de la créolisation du pays Martinique. Cette recherche part du problème du devenir mère et de la souffrance du bébé qui se trouve au centre de deux sortes de discours, de deux systèmes de soin. D'une part, le discours populaire, discours porté par la tradition sur les conceptions de la maladie qui affectent le tout petit, la façon de guérir et /ou soigner l'enfant et les techniques appropriées. Ce discours est porté par la grand-mère, voire l'arrière-grand-mère lorsque cette dernière est encore en vie, et par les anciens. D'autre-part, le discours médico-social porté par les psychologues et les pédopsychiatres, où le sens donné à la souffrance du bébé et des mères ne tiendra pas compte des croyances et de la culture. Les jeunes mères consultent dans une errance entre la médecine occidentale, une médecine «visible», et le système de soin du guérisseur, appelé "doktè fey", une médecine «invisible». Notre hypothèse repose sur l'idée que le "doktè fey" représenterait une partie de la mère, il la rendrait compétente, lui permettrait de se réapproprier son enfant, car, par ses conseils et ses actes, il réaffirmerait l'unité mère-enfant en les inscrivant dans la transmission des générations. Nous analysons ces deux conceptions concernant la souffrance et la prise en charge du bébé au niveau des différents modèles du soin, des différentes logiques sociétales et des conflits entre les différents points de vue sur l'enfant. Pour ce faire, nous avons développé une démarche transculturelle et ethna-­clinicienne auprès des familles et de leurs bébés, des guérisseurs et des psychologues. Les outils utilisés sont le questionnaire, les entretiens semi directifs, le recueil d'observations de techniques de bain traditionnel et des études de cas. Les résultats mettent en évidence d'une part la difficulté pour les jeunes mères d'adhérer aux modalités du traitement proposé par la médecine «visible», lorsqu'elles sont confrontées à la mort potentielle de leur bébé porteur de pathologies spécifiques, c'est-à-dire culturellement codées, d'autre part le sens du recours à la médecine «invisible». Pour conclure, on ne peut comprendre le désordre psychique dans les pays comme la Martinique sans tenir compte de la culture, c'est à dire des croyances, des langues et des pratiques, qui ont cours dans l'histoire et dans la construction de l'univers créole. Cette recherche met ainsi l'accent sur les liens et les ponts possibles à trouver entre ces deux médecines. / The aim of this study is to investigate the distress in early motherhood/infancy which is at the center of two forms of discourse and two systems of care ln Martinique. On the one hand, the popular approach and, on the other hand, the medical and social approach supported by child psychiatrists and psychologists, which disregards beliefs and culture. A popular discourse borne out of a traditional conception of illness related to toddlers puts an emphasis on how to cure rather than to treat. This discourse is carried out by the grandmother as weil as the great grandmother, when still alive, and eiders of the community. Women in early motherhood have an erring commitment to consult in bath Western medicine, «visible » medicine, and the traditional health care system of the healer, known as the doktè fey, «invisible» medicine. Our hypothesis is based on the idea that doktè fey represent part of the mother and makes her competent to perform her role as a mother and as such she is able to reclaim her child. By his advice and acts, the dokté fey reaffirms the mother-child unit registering in the transmission of generations. We analyses these two conceptions which concern the distress on, as weil as the care of the baby. Addressing various models of care, diverse logical and societal conflicts of different perspectives on the child. To do this a cross-cultural and ethno-clinical approach was employed with families and their baby, healers and psychologists. Tools used are a questionnaire, semi-structured interviews, observations of traditional bath11 techniques and case studies. Results highlights firstly the difficulty that women experience in early motherhood to adhere to the terms of a proposed treatment by « visible » medicine when faced with the potential death of their baby when he is carrier of specifie pathologies, is culturaly encoded and secondly the sense of using the « invisible » medicine. To conclude we cannot understand psychological disorder in Martinique, without regard to the culture, i.e. beliefs, languages and practices that exist in a Creole environment. This research also puts emphasis on the links and bridges that it may be possible to find between the two health care systems

Parents, Children and Childbearing

Dahlberg, Johan January 2016 (has links)
This doctoral thesis provides a set of studies of social influences on fertility timing. Swedish register data are used to link individuals to their parents and siblings, thereby allowing the study of impacts of family of origin, social background, and parental death on fertility. The Swedish Medical Birth Register is used to investigate the effect of mode of delivery on higher order births. The thesis consists of an introductory chapter with an overview of the consequences and predictors of the timing of childbearing, and a theoretical framework to explain these relationships. This chapter also includes a section where the contribution to existing knowledge, the relation of the findings to life course theory, and suggestion for further research are discussed. This chapter is followed by four original empirical studies. The first study applies sister and brother correlations to investigate and estimate the impact of family of origin on fertility. It shows that family of origin matters for fertility timing and final family size. The study also shows that the overall importance of family of origin has not changed over the approximately twenty birth cohorts that were studied. The second study introduces three dimensions of social background - occupational class, status, and education - into fertility research. It suggests that social background, independent of individuals’ own characteristics, matters for the timing of first birth and the risk of childlessness. The study also shows that different dimensions of social background should not be used interchangeably. The third study uses the Swedish Medical Birth Register to investigate the effect of mode of delivery on the propensity and birth interval of subsequent childbearing. It demonstrates that mode of delivery has an impact on the progression to the second and third births but that a first delivery by vacuum extraction does not reduce the propensity of subsequent childbearing to the same extent as a first delivery by emergency or elective caesarean section. The fourth study explores the effects of parental death on adult children's fertility. The findings reveal that parental death during reproductive ages can affect children’s fertility. The effects are moderated by the gender of the child and when in the life course bereavement occurs. The combined output of these four studies provides evidence that human fertility behavior is embedded in social relationships with kin and friends throughout life. Family of origin, social background, an older sibling's birth, and bereavement following parental death influence the adult child's fertility. These findings add knowledge to previous research on intergenerational and social network influences in fertility.

Comment parents et grands-parents influencent l’apprentissage du "bien manger" chez l’enfant : contribution de la transmission intergénérationnelle dans le contexte de la consommation alimentaire / How parents and grandparents influence food consumption learning by children : the role of the intergenerational transmission in the context of food consumption

Josion-Portail, Margaret 03 December 2014 (has links)
La question de la transmission intergénérationnelle du « bien manger » se trouve aujourd’hui au cœur des préoccupations des pouvoirs publics, qui souhaitent promouvoir auprès des jeunes générations une conception de la « bonne » alimentation dépassant le cadre de l’équilibre alimentaire ; or, paradoxalement, la littérature sur le rôle des acteurs familiaux dans le développement des connaissances de l’enfant liées à cette conception élargie de la « bonne » alimentation est assez succincte. A l’appui d’études documentaire, qualitative et quantitative menées auprès de parents et de grands-parents, cette recherche analyse le rôle des grands-parents, et parents, dans l’apprentissage du « bien manger » chez l’enfant. Les contributions de ce travail se situent à plusieurs niveaux (1) définition et conceptualisation du construit du « bien manger » (2) identification du rôle spécifique des grands-parents dans la transmission du « bien manger » à l’enfant (3) comparaison entre les parents et les grands-parents des représentations sociales du « repas où les enfants ont bien mangé » et des pratiques de transmission (4) analyse des variables explicatives des pratiques de transmission intergénérationnelle du « bien manger » (représentations du « bien manger », générativité, centralité du rôle parental et grand-parental, reconnexion au passé personnel). / Recently, the question of how to develop the intergenerational transmission of “eating well“ practices, conceived more broadly than “eating healthy”, has received greater attention from public policy makers. However, quite surprisingly, the academic literature in this area is rather scarce. Adopting different methodological approaches – document content analysis, qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis - , this research sheds light on how the intergenerational transmission contributes to children’s learning of “eating well” within families, and on the particular role of grandparents, in comparison with parents, in this process. Theoretical contributions are provided at different levels (1) we define and conceptualize the “eating well” construct (2) we identify the specific role of grandparents in the intergenerational transfer of “eating well” (3) we compare the structure of social representations of “a meal where children have eaten well”, as well as transmission practices, between grandparents and parents; (4) we measure the influence of relevant variables (representations, generativity, parental and grandparental role centrality and reinvolvement with personal past) on intergenerational transmission of practices related to “eating well”.

Impact du passé criminel des parents sur les comportements délinquants d’une cohorte d’adolescents suivis depuis la maternelle

Cardin, Jean-François 12 1900 (has links)
Selon plusieurs études, il y aurait une certaine association des comportements déviants à travers le temps et à travers les générations. Peu importe l’angle d’analyse, le fait que la délinquance soit liée d’une génération à une autre semble confirmé par plusieurs recherches empiriques. Cela étant dit, cette étude met à l’épreuve le modèle suggérant un lien intergénérationnel entre les comportements délinquants des adolescents et de leurs parents. En utilisant des données longitudinales recueillies auprès de 1037 garçons provenant de quartiers défavorisés d’une grande ville canadienne, nous examinons les comportements violents et les comportements de vol de ces adolescents alors qu’ils étaient âgés entre 11 et 17 ans tout en examinant l’effet du passé criminel de la mère et du père. Par la suite, diverses variables médiatrices familiales telles que la supervision inadéquate des parents, la punition erratique des parents et l’attachement à la famille sont ajoutées aux modèles pour évaluer leur part explicative dans cette association statistique. En réalisant deux modèles multiniveaux paramétriques, soit un pour chaque type de délinquance, les résultats de l’analyse permettent de constater d’une part, qu’un lien est observé entre les comportements violents des garçons et la présence d’un dossier criminel chez la mère et d’autre part, que la criminalité du père n’est pas associée aux comportements délinquants des garçons. Également, bien que la supervision parentale explique légèrement ce lien, les facteurs familiaux inclus dans l’analyse ne parviennent pas à expliquer en totalité cette relation entre la criminalité de la mère et les comportements délinquants de leurs garçons. Enfin, bien que la puissance statistique des données limite partiellement les conclusions générales, nous discutons des implications théoriques de ces résultats. / Various studies have shown substantial stability in deviant behaviour over time and across generations. Irrespective of the type of analysis, the fact that adolescence deviance is linked to their parent criminal behaviour seems to have reached a certain consensus among researchers. The aim of this study was to test the theory of intergenerational continuity in delinquency. Using longitudinal data collected from 1,037 male youths in disadvantaged neighbourhoods in a large Canadian city, we examined self-reported violent behaviours and perpetration of theft among these adolescents when they were 11 to 17 years of age, in light of the criminal record of their mother and father. Child and parental characteristics were then added to the model to explore intergenerational influences. The results of conducting two parametric analyses, one for each type of delinquent behaviour, showed that violent behaviours occurred when the mother had a criminal record, yet the father’s criminal record had no influence on violent behaviours. Child and parental factors were unable to totally explain these results. Despite some statistical limitations related to the sparseness of the parent criminal data, the findings are discussed and theoretical advances are presented.

Essays on Inequality, Gender and Family Background

Hederos Eriksson, Karin January 2014 (has links)
This Ph.D. thesis in Economics consists of five self-contained chapters that investigate the role of gender and family background in generating socioeconomic inequality. Occupational segregation by sex: The role of intergenerational transmission studies the persistence of the occupational sex segregation by investigating intergenerational associations in the sex composition of occupations. Gender differences in initiation of negotiation: Does the gender of the negotiation counterpart matter? experimentally examines how the gender difference in the willingness to enter a negotiation is affected by the gender of the counterpart in the negotiation. The importance of family background and neighborhood effects as determinants of crime estimates sibling and neighborhood correlations in criminal convictions and incarceration. IQ and family background: Are associations strong or weak? examines sibling and intergenerational correlations in IQ. Gender and inequality of opportunity in Sweden explores to what extent income inequality is due to factors beyond individuals' control, such as gender and parental income. / <p>Diss. Stockholm :  Stockholm School of Economics, 2014. Introduction together with 5 papers.</p>

Giovani adulti e azione sociale: le variabili psicosociali che la determinano / Emerging adults and Social Action: the psychosocial variables determining it

MARZANA, DANIELA 16 March 2010 (has links)
Nel presente lavoro si intende descrivere la partecipazione giovanile leggendola attraverso i costrutti - a livello individuale, familiare e sociale - che la letteratura ipotizza essere alla base di tale impegno, e che ritiene possano in qualche modo prevederlo. Obiettivo generale della ricerca è quello di approfondire il tema dell’azione sociale giovanile fornendo un’ipotesi di modello predittivo della stessa pensato per le sue due forme maggiormente diffuse: il volontariato e l’impegno politico. La struttura della ricerca è articolata in tre fasi distinte e susseguenti: la prima studia gli antecedenti dell’azione sociale a partire dalle macro categorie identificate da Penner (2004) nel suo modello teorico di previsione dell’impegno volontario; da questa discende la seconda fase che ha come obiettivo quello di testare il modello teorico di Penner (2004) utilizzando le variabili che nella prima fase si sono rivelate discriminanti rispetto alla variabile outcome (azione volontaria); la terza fase, infine, intende testare un modello di previsione dell’impegno politico a partire dal modello frutto delle elaborazioni delle prime due fasi. / The present research is focused on the emerging adults’ social action, considering individual, familial and social constructs. The present work intend to describe young participation in the social context through constructs that the literature consider as the bases of social action, and that, in the same time, can make previsions about it. The general aim is to test a predictive model of emerging adults social action especially for the two main forms of it: volunteerism and politic activism. The structure of the research project is articulated in three different phases: the first one studies the antecedents of social action starting from macrocategories identified by Penner; the second one tests the theoretical model of volunteerism (Penner, 2004); the third phase tests a prevision model of politic activism starting from volunteerism model (Penner, 2004).

Transmissão intergeracional de práticas relativas a estudo em famílias com estudantes no ensino básico

Cunha, Renan Soares Mendes Teixeira da 26 March 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:46:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 4311.pdf: 2178191 bytes, checksum: e7139a63190c4ac28067633e3abefb88 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-03-26 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / Children socialization development is influenced by their parents through parental style and practices. Parents can assume the function of promoting agents of study behavior of their children through parental practices. Results of training programs directed to parents as study supervisors show that they have difficulties to behave more accordingly to supervision practices which the literature accepts as more adequate. An explicative hypothesis for that is that parents learned to supervise their children according to the conditions and models their parents used with them. This possibility can be illustrative of a situation of intergenerational transmission of parental practices relating to studying situation. Articulating with concepts of the Behavior Analysis, this research objective was to investigate which are the possible relations between the conditions created for the development of parents´ study repertory and the conditions created by parents to the development of their children study repertory. Participants of this research where representatives of three generations maternal grandmother, mother and child studying at the fundamental grades of public schools, of five families. Grandmothers were aged between 53 and 69 and had scholar degree between none and third grade of supplementary high school; mothers were aged between 33 and 41 and had scholar degree between second grade of fundamental school and post-graduation at a specialization level; children were aged between 9 and 13 and had scholar degree between third grade/fourth year and sixth grade/seventh year of fundamental school. Data were accessed through semi-structured interviews, taken individually and separately with each participant, at their residences or workplaces. The interviews were recorded, when agreed, or written down, when not agreed. All of the participants signed TCLEs. The research was approved by the Ethic Committee of UFSCar. The method of data analysis consisted in categorizing the collected information, grouping them into variables which influence studying (local of study, time of study, supervisor´s responses to mistakes and hits, etc.). Using the synthesis of the reports of the dyad mother-child related to the conditions focusing the child and of the reports of the dyad grandmother-mother related to past study conditions focusing the mother when she was a student, comparative frameworks were built, indicating which variables or variable values were similar or different between the three generations and, when it was possible, which kind of similarity. Finally, frameworks were built with synthesis of identifyed aspects, indicating intergenerational continuities and discontinuities to each family. Results showed that for Family 1, about the dyad grandmother-mother there was continuity for six variable values and discontinuity for four, about the dyad motherchild there was continuity for thirteen values and discontinuity for two; for Family 2, about the dyad grandmother-mother there was continuity for one variable value and no discontinuity, about the dyad mother-child there was continuity for six values and discontinuity for two; for Family 3, about the dyad grandmother-mother there was no continuity for one value and no discontinuity, about the dyad motherchild there was continuity for eleven values and discontinuity for eight; for Family 4, about the dyad grandmother-mother there was continuity for four variable values and discontinuity for one, about the dyad mother-child there was continuity for eight values and discontinuity for three. ; for Family 5, about the dyad grandmother mother there was continuity for five values and discontinuity for another five, about the dyad mother child there was continuity for eight values and discontinuity for seven. It was vereified a strong tendency of intergenerational continuity of responses, behaviors and conditions related to the study, accordingly to the initial hypothesis. Through the data it was possible to discuss which aspects of children study parents observe, value and consequence. Results can subside future training programs directed to parents as favoring of their children study behaviors. / Pais influenciam o desenvolvimento da socialização seus filhos por meio do estilo e práticas parentais. Em relação às práticas parentais, pais exercem a função de agentes promotores de comportamento de estudo de seus filhos. Resultados de programas de treinamento para pais atuarem como supervisores indicaram haver dificuldades destes emitirem comportamentos mais condizentes com o que a literatura aponta como práticas adequadas de supervisão. Uma hipótese explicativa para isso é que pais aprenderam a supervisionar seus filhos de acordo com as condições e modelos que seus pais utilizaram com eles. Essa possibilidade ilustraria uma situação de transmissão intergeracional de práticas parentais relativas à situação de estudo. Em articulação com conceitos da Análise do Comportamento, essa pesquisa teve o objetivo de investigar quais as possíveis relações existentes entre as condições criadas para o desenvolvimento de repertórios de estudos de pais e as condições criadas por esses pais para o desenvolvimento de repertório de estudo para seus filhos. Participaram da pesquisa membros de três gerações avó materna, mãe e criança estudante do ensino fundamental de escola pública, de cinco famílias. As avós tinham entre 53 e 69 anos, tendo como grau de escolaridade de nenhum ao terceiro colegial supletivo; as mães tinham entre 33 e 41 anos, tendo como grau de escolaridade da 2a série do ensino fundamental à pós-graduação nível especialização; as crianças, sendo três do sexo feminino e duas do sexo masculino, tinham entre 9 e 13 anos, variando o grau de escolaridade entre a 3a série/4o ano e 6a série/7o ano. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas semi estruturadas, realizadas individualmente e separadamente com cada participante, em suas residências ou local de trabalho. As entrevistas foram gravadas, quando consentido, caso contrário, as respostas foram anotadas. Todos os participantes assinaram Termos de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido. O projeto foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da UFSCar. O método de análise de dados consistiu em categorizar as informações coletadas, agrupa-las em variáveis que influenciam o estudar (local de estudo, horário de estudo, ações do supervisor diante de erros e acertos, entre outras). A partir dos relatos sintetizados da díade mãe - criança relacionadas às condições de estudo tendo a criança como foco e dos relatos sintetizados da díade avó - mãe relacionadas às condições de estudo passadas, tendo a mãe como foco quando esta era estudante, foram produzidos quadros comparativos com indicação de quais variáveis ou valores de variáveis eram similares ou diferentes entre as três gerações e, quando possível, qual a forma de similaridade. Por fim foram produzidos quadros sínteses dos aspectos identificados, indicando possíveis continuidades e descontinuidades intergeracionais para cada família. Os resultados indicaram que para a Família 1, na díade Avó Mãe houve continuidade para seis valores de variáveis e descontinuidade para quatro, na díade Mãe Filha, houve continuidade para treze valores e descontinuidade para dois; para a Família 2, na díade Avó Mãe houve continuidade para um valor de variável e não houve indicação de descontinuidade, na díade Mãe Filha, houve continuidade para seis valores e descontinuidade para dois; para a Família 3, na díade Avó Mãe houve continuidade para um valor de variável e não houve indicação de descontinuidade, na díade Mãe Filho, houve continuidade para onze valores e descontinuidade para oito; para a Família 4, na díade Avó Mãe houve continuidade para quatro valores de variáveis e descontinuidade para um, na díade Mãe Filha, houve continuidade para oito valores e descontinuidade para três; para a Família 5, foram observadas cinco continuidades e descontinuidades na díade avó mãe, e oito continuidades e sete descontinuidades na díade mãe criança. Assim, foi verificada uma forte tendência de continuidades intergeracionais de respostas, comportamentos e condições relacionadas ao estudo, corroborando a hipótese inicial. Foi possível discutir por meio dos dados também quais aspectos do estudar de seus filhos pais observam, valorizam e consequenciam. Os resultados do trabalho podem subsidiar futuros programas de treinamento para pais, como agentes favorecedores de comportamento de estudo de seus filhos.

AvaliaÃÃes de abordagens metodolÃgicas da equaÃÃo de rendimentos aplicadas em cenÃrios selecionados do mercado de trabalho brasileiro / Reviews of methodological approaches of the earnings equation applied in selected scenarios of the Brazilian labor market

Daniel Barboza GuimarÃes 08 August 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / Este estudo compreende duas anÃlises para investigar alguns cenÃrios especÃficos sobre os rendimentos de trabalhadores brasileiros. A primeira trata de investigar os principais determinantes dos rendimentos dos filhos, dentre os quais a ocorrÃncia de transmissÃo das rendas dos pais. EstimaÃÃes de equaÃÃes de rendimentos com distintos procedimentos metodolÃgicos permitem captar o efeito transmissÃo (heranÃa familiar) e o efeito dinÃmico (anÃlise de geraÃÃes superpostas), cujas verificaÃÃes empÃricas sÃo baseadas nos dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de DomicÃlios (PNAD) para os anos de 1989 e 2009. SÃo utilizados os mÃtodos de Heckman em dois estÃgios e o modelo de variÃveis instrumentais, haja vista a necessidade de correÃÃo do viÃs de seleÃÃo amostral e a endogeneidade presente em equaÃÃes de rendimentos. AlÃm destes, aplica-se o mÃtodo KleinâVella, por ser um procedimento corretivo para se obter o verdadeiro efeito mÃdio, e nÃo apenas um efeito para os indivÃduos que sÃo realmente afetados por variaÃÃes nos instrumentos. Em seguida, devido à impossibilidade de se obter contrafactuais perfeitos nos dados da PNAD, estimam-se regressÃes quantÃlicas no sentido de aumentar o grau de confiabilidade nas estimativas atravÃs da homogeneizaÃÃo dos trabalhadores na amostra por faixas de rendimento. Das alternativas metodolÃgicas, constatou-se que o mÃtodo de variÃveis instrumentais apresentou o pior ajuste preditivo. Quanto Ãs demais abordagens, suas estimativas nÃo permitiram concluir haver superioridade estatÃstica de uma sobre a outra para fins de inferÃncia. Portanto, pode-se concluir a partir destas que as rendas dos pais, principalmente a renda da mÃe, exercem um impacto positivo e significante de transmissÃo sobre as rendas dos seus filhos. Apesar da comprovaÃÃo do efeito de transmissÃo de renda, este se mostrou com tendÃncia declinante ao longo do tempo. A segunda anÃlise visa testar possÃveis diferenÃas de rendimentos por gÃnero em trÃs nÃveis regionais (Brasil, Nordeste e Sul-Sudeste) e quatro nÃveis ocupacionais (todas as ocupaÃÃes, dirigentes, serviÃos e tÃcnicos). Para tanto, foram avaliados trÃs enfoques metodolÃgicos para estimaÃÃes da equaÃÃo minceriana de rendimentos. Primeiramente avaliam-se os mÃtodos de MÃnimos Quadrados OrdinÃrios e de Heckman em dois estÃgios para corrigir o viÃs de seleÃÃo. Para testar a existÃncia de discriminaÃÃo por gÃnero no mercado de trabalho emprega-se o mÃtodo de Propensity Score Matching. Para inferir sobre tal discriminaÃÃo aplica-se o mÃtodo OaxacaâBlinder, o qual permite decompor as diferenÃas salariais devidas Ãs caracterÃsticas individuais (explicada) e à discriminaÃÃo (nÃo explicada). Independentemente do mÃtodo utilizado nas estimaÃÃes realizadas, comprova-se que existe diferenÃa salarial a favor dos homens, cuja superioridade varia de 36,32% (Dirigentes no Brasil) a 118,72% (TÃcnicos no Nordeste). AlÃm disso, conclui-se que tal diferenÃa à resultado da presenÃa de discriminaÃÃo por gÃnero, uma vez que, em todas as estimaÃÃes realizadas, o efeito da discriminaÃÃo, o qual varia de 100,5% (ServiÃos no Sul-Sudeste) a 153,8% (TÃcnicos no Brasil), à maior que a diferenÃa dos rendimentos, pois as mulheres tÃm, em mÃdia, atributos adquiridos (escolaridade, por exemplo) superiores aos dos homens. Portanto, caso nÃo houvesse discriminaÃÃo, hà evidÃncias na amostra utilizada de que os rendimentos das mulheres tenderiam a ser, em mÃdia, superiores aos dos homens.

The Only Child Experience : A study on how having no siblings influence childbearing behavior.

Wibe, Felicia January 2017 (has links)
In a society with a strong two-child family norm, but where children tend to reproduce the fertility behavior of their parents, it is relevant to study the childbearing patterns of only children. Do they follow the stream or do they follow their parents? There is very little previous research on this topic, but there is some evidence that show that only children are not more likely to prefer a one-child family themselves. Using GGS data from Sweden and Norway, this study aims to understand if being an only child is a determinant for having an ideal family size of one child, or having a completed family size of one child. The study is limited to those who want at least one child and to those who have at least one child (i.e. the study excludes childless). The analysis is conducted with binomial logistic and linear (OLS) regression methods. The study finds that only children more often do prefer a family size of one child and more often end up with a final family size of one child, compared to sib children. However, the association between being an only child and having a one child preference is also influenced by socio-economic status in the family of origin. If the parents’ education is high (post- secondary/tertiary), the likelihood of someone having a one-child preference decreases. The relationship between being an only child and having a final family size of one child is partly mediated by the experience of parental separation and/or own separation, where both factors increase the odds of stopping at one child. The conclusion and main contribution of this study is that there seems to be a family of origin socialization mechanism influencing the fertility of only children, making them more likely to both prefer and have a one-child family, compared to sib children. Thus, only children are more likely to deviate from the two-child norm, compared a person with siblings.

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