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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Employer branding - en intern kommunikationskraft : En kvantitativ undersökning om medarbetares upplevelse av interna kommunikationsstrategier kopplat till employer branding

Nordin, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att få djupare förstelse och kunskap för om hur medarbetare på ett företag uppfattar arbetsgivarvarumärket och hur det kan bidra till att medarbetare känner ett engagemang för arbetsplatsen som arbetsgivare.  I studien tillämpas en kvantitativ metod med en enkät som skickades ut till en specifik avdelning på ett företag som har 300 anställda tjänstemän. Företaget arbetar aktivt med employer branding som en del av strategiarbetet för att upprätthålla arbetsgivarvarumärket. Av de 300 svarade 185 medarbetare på enkäten.  Studiens resultat visar att medarbetare på företaget uppfattar arbetsgivarvarumärket positivt ur den aspekt att de kan identifiera sig med det. Att identifiera sig bidrar till att de känner ett stort engagemang inför tanken att ha arbetsplatsen som framtida arbetsgivare. / The purpose of this thesis is to gain a deeper understanding and knowledge of how employees in a company perceive the employer brand and how it can contribute to employees feeling a commitment to the workplace as an employer.  The study applies a quantitative method with a questionnaire that was sent out to a specific department of a company that has 300 employees. The company works actively with employer branding as a part of the strategy work to maintain the employer brand. Of the 300, 185 employees responded to the survey.  The results of the study show that the employees at the company perceive the employer brand positively from the aspect that they can identify with it. Identifying themselves contributes to them feeling a great commitment to the idea of having the workplace as a future employer.

Organiseringsprocessen av livsmedelsbutikers hållbarhetsarbete : -En kvalitativ studie om ekologisk hållbarhet och internkommunikation / The organizational process of sustainability in grocery stores

Ljungberg, Moa, Michaela, Nykvist January 2022 (has links)
Inledning: Företag har idag ett större krav på sig att värna om miljön eftersom produktion och konsumtion står för en stor del växtgasutsläpp. Ledning och chefer behöver därför organisera sitt hållbarhetsarbete över hela verksamheten. Detta gör att internkommunikationen blir avgörande för att engagera medarbetarna och skapa hållbarhetstänk på alla nivåer i företaget. Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa en förståelse för hur det ekologiska hållbarhetsarbetet organiseras i svenska livsmedelsbutiker. Utifrån hållbarhetsarbetet undersöks även hur hållbarhetsmålen tillämpas och kommuniceras internt till anställda i verksamheten.  Metod: Denna studie har tillämpat en kvalitativ metod där fyra butikschefer från olika livsmedelsbutiker har intervjuats utifrån ett strategiskt urval. Kompletterande information har även hämtats genom dokumentanalyser från livsmedelskedjornas hemsidor. Metoden valdes för att skapa en djupare förståelse för ämnet. Slutsats: Organiseringsprocessen hos butikerna visar på deras engagemang för det ekologiska hållbarhetsarbetet. Användandet av experter samt styrning med regler, värderingar, delegering samt utbildningar bidrar till engagemang i deras utförande. Det hållbara arbetet och målen kommuniceras främst genom program, möten och utbildningar för att skapa medvetande hos personalen och motivera deras utförande. / Introduction: Companies today have a greater requirement to protect the environment because production and consumption account for a large part of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. Management and managers therefore need to organize their sustainability work throughout the business. This makes internal communication crucial for engaging employees and creating sustainability thinking at all levels in the company. Purpose: The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of how the ecological the sustainability work is organized in swedish grocery stores. Based on the sustainability work, it is also examined how the sustainability goals are applied and communicated internally to employees in the company. Method: This study has applied a qualitative method where four store managers from different grocery stores have been interviewed based on a strategic selection. Supplementary information has also been obtained through documents analyzed from the food chains websites. The method was chosen to create a deeper understanding about the subject.  Conclusions: The organizational process of the stores shows their commitment to its ecological sustainable work. The use of experts and governance with rules, values, delegation and education contribute to commitment in their execution. The sustainable work and goals are communicated mainly through programs, meetings and education to create awareness among the staff and motivate their execution.

”There is open and honest two-way communication at our company” : En kvantitativ undersökning om vad som kan påverkat Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions resultat på deras medarbetarundersökning.

Asklöf, Felicia, Jonsson Hulkko, Sofie January 2023 (has links)
Denna kvantitativa studie undersöker faktorer som kan ha påverkat resultatet på Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions medarbetarundersökning relaterat till påståendet "There is open and honest two-way communication at our company” och varför. Studien tillämpade en enkät som distribuerades på Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions intranät och via e-post och fanns att tillgå för cirka 1900 medarbetare. Totalt besvarade 34 medarbetare på studiens enkät.  Sara von Platens avhandling “Internkommunikation och meningsskapande vid strategisk organisationsförändring: En studie av Sveriges Television” och Mats Heides avhandling “Intranät - En ny arena för kommunikation och lärande” används för perspektiv med relevans för denna studies forskning. Vidare utgår studiens teoretiska ramverk från tvåvägskommunikation, organisationskommunikation och organisationskultur. Studien berör och diskuterar utöver dessa teorier även internkommunikation i relation till studiens resultat.  Inhämtad empiri tyder på att brist på återkoppling, dålig kommunikation och information mellan Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions olika divisioner, utebliven information och brist på att alla får ta del av information kan vara faktorer som påverkat att Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions fått ett lägre resultat på deras senaste medarbetarundersökning kopplat till påståendet "There is open and honest two-way communication at our company”. Upplevd kultur inom organisationen, brist på engagemang från medarbetare och brist på att involvera medarbetare i kommunikationen kan även ha bidragit till att medarbetarundersökningen fick ett lägre resultat kopplat till påståendet som nämnts. / This qualitative study examines factors that may have influenced the results of Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions employee survey related to the statement “There is open and honest two-way communication at our company” and why.  The study applied a survey that was distributed on Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions intranet and was sent out by their internet and e-mail. The survey was available to about 1,900 employees. A total of 34 employees responded to the study’s questionnaire. Sara von Platen’s thesis “Internal communication and meaning-making in strategic organizational change: A study of Swedish Television” and Mats Heide’s thesis “Intranet – A new arena for communication and learning” intended for perspectives with relevance for this study. The study's theoretical framework is based on two-way communication, organizational communication, and organizational culture. In addition to these theories, the study also addresses and discusses internal communication. Collected empirical evidence indicates that lack of feedback, poor communication and information sharing among Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions different divisions and lack of information and failure to provide information to all employees may have affected the results of Sandvik Manufacturing Solutions employee survey related to the statement “There is open and honest two-way communication at our company”. The study further interprets that the culture perceived within the organization, as well as lack of engagement and involvement of employees in communication may also contributed to the lower result.

A Study of How the COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts Swedish SMEs’ Internal Communication

Obrovac Sandqvist, Stina, Åberg, Linda January 2021 (has links)
A popular area that has increased in interest within the literature of International Business has lately been devoted to the field of international small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Parallelly, the literature concerning uncertainties and crises has also grown, particularly regarding coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). In todays’ highly volatile and fast- changing business environment, managing a crisis is a task many organizations are used to. However, the subsequent consequences that certain crises entail are crucial for an organization to overcome as well as adapt to and handle for it to survive as an operating mechanism in the world market. The COVID-19 pandemic entails consequences never experienced before, therefore, the importance of researching the phenomenon becomes vital to develop ways for organizations, particularly international SMEs, to cope with the situation. For this reason, this study began by investigating Swedish SMEs, with international connections, with the purpose to discover how internal communication in SMEs occurs as well as how it is impacted by leadership and organizational climate during the COVID-19 pandemic. This study conducted six semi-structured interviews with managers and executives from six Swedish organizations within the industry and manufacturing sector.  This thesis generated several interesting findings generating an enriched understanding of how and why internal communication during the COVID- 19 pandemic is important to manage for SMEs. The findings inform that internal communication is perceived as highly important by managers and executives to mitigate uncertainties, create a feeling of trust, and create or keep engagement within the firm. Further uncoverings indicate how leadership and organizational climate impact how internal communication occurs, is perceived, and practiced. In other words, leadership and organizational climate can be assumed to influence internal communication in various levels and are important to be aware of. In conclusion, the study has showcased that during the COVID-19 pandemic, the way that internal communication occurs and how it is impacted by both leadership and organizational climate are, within SMEs, intertwined. Moreover, it seems evident that internal communication, leadership, and organizational climate are, independently and interdependently, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic which, in turn, impact how they interact. / Ett sedan tidigare populärt område som den senaste tiden fått ett ökat intresse och som har uppmärksammats i litteratur inom internationellt företagande är små och medelstora företag (SMF). Parallellt med detta har även mängden litteratur avseende osäkerheter och kriser ökat, speciellt gällande pandemin av Coronavirussjukdom 2019 (COVID-19). I dagens flyktiga företagsmiljöer är krishantering en uppgift som många verksamheter har erfarenhet av. Trots detta är det avgörande för företag att ta sig igenom, anpassa sig till och hantera de konsekvenser som särskilda kriser kan leda till, för att kunna säkerställa sin överlevnad som fungerande mekanismer i en världsmarknad. Eftersom COVID-19 pandemin medför konsekvenser som tidigare aldrig upplevts blir det extra avgörande att undersöka detta för att ta fram och utveckla verktyg för hur företag, och specifikt SMFs, kan hantera dessa. Med detta som grund påbörjades arbetet med denna forskning genom att undersöka svenska SMF av internationell karaktär med ett syfte att utreda hur intern kommunikation inom SMF uppstår, så väl som hur den påverkas av ledarskap och företagsklimat under COVID-19 pandemin. Sex semi-strukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med chefer och managers från sex olika svenska företag inom industri - och tillverkningssektorn.  Studien genererade ett flertal intressanta resultat som bidrog till en fördjupad förståelse av hur och varför intern kommunikation är viktigt att hantera för SMF under COVID-19 pandemin. Resultaten påvisar att intern kommunikation uppfattas som högst relevant av chefer och managers för att minimera osäkerhet, skapa en känsla av tillit och för att skapa eller bibehålla engagemang inom företaget. Dessutom indikerar dessa rön på hur ledarskap och det interna klimatet påverkar hur intern kommunikation uppstår, uppfattas och praktiseras. Med andra ord kan det antas att ledarskap och företagsklimatet påverkar den interna kommunikationen på flera nivåer vilka är viktiga att vara medvetna om. Sammanfattningsvis har studien visat att hur intern kommunikation under COVID-19 pandemin uppstår och hur den påverkas av ledarskap och företagsklimat inom dessa SMF är sammanflätat. Det blev också påtagligt att ledarskap, företagsklimat och intern kommunikation är påverkade av COVID-19 pandemin, både var för sig och beroende av varandra, vilket i sin tur påverkar deras inflytande över varandra.

Valoración de los flujos de la comunicación interna en colaboradores de la I.E. 10024 Nuestra Señora de Fátima, Chiclayo, 2022

Puyén Chancafe, Deysi Eveling January 2024 (has links)
La presente investigación planteó describir la valoración de los flujos de comunicación interna en los colaboradores de la I.E. 10024 Nuestra Señora de Fátima, 2022 y como objetivos específicos se planteó: diagnosticar los tipos de comunicación interna, describir cuales son las herramientas de comunicación interna que utilizan los colaboradores e identificar cual es el flujo de comunicación interna que contribuiría en el proceso comunicacional de los colaboradores de la institución educativa. Para esto, se empleó la metodología cuantitativa de tipo descriptivo correlacional, no experimental, y el instrumento aplicado fue la encuesta a través de un cuestionario de 20 preguntas dirigido a 30 colaboradores de la institución educativa. La investigación demostró que la comunicación interna se practica frecuentemente de acuerdo a los flujos de comunicación entre los directivos y los colaboradores de la institución educativa y la conclusión a la que se llegó fue que una comunicación horizontal, permite una comunicación eficaz, participativa, asertiva, y sobre todo un ambiente laboral agradable. / The present investigation proposed to describe the evaluation of the internal communication flows in the collaborators of the I.E 10024 Nuestra Señora de Fátima, achieved specific objectives was to detect the types of internal communication, describe what are the internal communication tools used by the collaborators and identify the flow of internal communication that would contribute to the communication process of the collaborators of the educational institution. For this, the qualitative, non-experimental, descriptive correlational methodology was used, and the instrument applied was the survey through a questionnaire of 20 questions addressed to 30 employees of the educational institution. The research shows that internal communication is frequently practiced according to the communication flows between the managers and the collaborators of the educational institution.

Navigating Crises: Internal Communication Strategies and Employee Motivation in Swedish SMEs During COVID-19

Almenayes, Noura, Najm, Lanya Nadhim January 2024 (has links)
This paper examines how internal communication strategies in small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) during COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on employee intrinsic motivation. By analyzing experiences of managers and employees in Sweden, it identifies effective communication methods that enhance morale and engagement. It also explores how these strategies align with Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and provides practical recommendations for crisis management communication. Through analysis of communication channels, frequency, and styles, it offers insights for organizational communication and crises management. This qualitative study employs thematic analysis of interviews with managers and employees in Swedish SMEs during COVID-19. It evaluates internal communication strategies such as channels, frequency, and styles, and their impact on employee motivation, aligning findings with SDT. To conlcude, this thesis illuminates the interplay between internal communication strategies and employee motivation within Swedish SMEs during COVID-19 pandemic. Through qualitative analysis, the study underlines the importance of flexible communication approaches, digital channels, and transparent styles in fostering resilience and engagement. The findings suggest that aligning communication strategies with SDT princibles can enhance organizational effectiveness during crises. Practical recommendations are provided to empower leaders in cultivating supportive work environments and promoting employee well-being.

Employees of Kenya power's perceptions of their adoption and implementation of online internal communication tools for relationship building

Waititu, Paul 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe Kenya Power employees’ perceptions of their adoption and implementation of online internal communication tools as a means of creating and managing long lasting relationships among all employees in the organisation. The theoretical point of departure for this study was framed within online internal communication and relationship management while principles of e-government were also considered. A single case study design was adopted for the study which combined both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques while data was triangulated using an online self-administered questionnaire, focus group moderator’s guide and an interview schedule. The results guided by the theoretical criteria indicate that the implementation of online internal communication tools was done at Kenya Power without considering the internal stakeholders’ needs and preferences. The consequence is that employees have developed negative perceptions about internal online communication resulting in low adoption for relationship management activities. The findings of this study could be useful for other public sector organisations in that it will help them to positively change employees’ perceptions as well as enhance the implementation and adoption of internal online communication tools for the purposes of relationship building which could result in better internal communication and public sector services. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)

Utváření obrazu žen ve firemních časopisech / Making the image of women in company magazines

Dlasková, Kristýna January 2019 (has links)
Internal communication is essential for every company. However it is not always perceived as such. Internal communication is a conveyor of information and company's values. It is based on corporate culture and it also influences in. It affects atmosphere and performance of the company, engagement and overall happiness of employees. It is also related to the rate of their fluctuation. Diversity, which is the key to the diversity of approaches and perspectives, is also comparatively important to the functioning of the company. Diversity brings more effective problem solving or team functioning. In this respect, companies should strive for gender equality in their working environment and take supportive initiatives to help women overcome barriers in the labor market. The Czech Republic is one of the worst-ranked countries in the European Union in terms of gender equality in the labor market. This diploma thesis deals with the interconnection of internal communication and topics related to promoting women in work and personal life. The aim of this thesis is to use qualitative research to find out how selected domestic companies work with these topics in internal communication.

A measuring tool for integrated internal communication : a case study of the University of South Africa library

Mandiwana, Awelani Reineth 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English, abstract in English, Afrikaans and Venda / This study developed and tested an integrated internal communication audit (IICA) tool to evaluate the communication strengths and weaknesses of the Unisa Library. The existing communication audit instruments were explored, namely: the Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) and the International Communication Association (ICA) audit were adapted and complemented by the Organisational Culture Survey (OCS) and the Critical Incident Technique (CIT). The current trends and the trends in South Africa were also explored. The sequential mixed method design consisting of the semi-structured qualitative interviews and the quantitative surveys were used to collect data. The ATLAS.ti and the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) software packages were used to analyse qualitative and quantitative data. The results revealed the IICA as an appropriate tool for measuring the integrated internal communication of the Unisa Library. The IICA identified the communication needs of employees; the active and preferred communication channels; and the positive and negative communication experiences of employees. / Hierdie studie het ʼn geïntegreerde interne kommunikasie-oudit (IICA)-hulpmiddel ontwikkel en getoets om kommunikasie-sterkpunte en -swakhede van die Unisa-biblioteek te evalueer. Die bestaande kommunikasie-oudit-instrumente was ondersoek, naamlik: die Kommunikasietevredenheidsvraelys (CSQ) en die Internasionale Kommunikasievereniging (ICA) se oudit is aangepas en gekomplementeer deur die Organisasiekultuur-opname (OCS) en die Kritiese-insident-tegniek (CIT). Die sekwensiële gemengdemetode-ontwerp, bestaande uit die halfgestruktureerde kwalitatiewe onderhoude en die kwantitatiewe opnames, is gebruik om data in te samel. Die ATLAS.ti-programmatuurpakket en die Statistiese Pakket vir Sosiale Wetenskappe (SPSS)-programmatuur is gebruik om kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe data te ontleed. Die resultate gewys die IICA as ʼn geskikte hulpmiddel was in die meting van die geïntegreerde interne kommunikasie van die Biblioteek. Die IICA geïdentifiseer die kommunikasie behoeftes van werknemers; die aktiewe en voorkeur kommunikasie kanale; en die positiewe en negatiewe kommunikasie ervarings van werknemers. / Ngudo iyi yo bveledza na u linga tshishumiswa tsha u Sedzulusa Vhudavhidzani ha nga ngomu ho Ṱanganelaho (Integrated Internal Communication Audit (IICA), u ṱola vhuḓi na vhuvhi ha vhudavhidzani kha Ḽaiburari ya Univesithi ya Afrika Tshipembe. Zwishumiswa zwa u sedza vhudavhidzani zwi re hone zwo sedzuluswaho zwi katela: Mbudzisambekanywa dza Vhudavhidzani dzine dza fusha ṱhoḓea (Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire) (CSQ) na tshishumiswa tsha u sedzulusa vhudavhidzani tsha Dzangano ḽa Dzitshaka ḽa Vhudavhidzani (International Communication Association) (ICA). Zwishumiswa izwo zwo ḓadziswa nga tshishumiswa tsha Ṱhoḓisiso ya Mvelele ya Tshiimiswa (Organisational Culture Survey) (OCS) na Tshikalo tsha u ela Maitele a Zwithu zwa ndeme (Critical Incident Technique) (CIT). Pulane ya thevhekano ya maitele o ṱanganelaho o vhumbwaho nga maitele a ṱhoḓisiso ane a shumiswa kha saintsi dza matshilisano (qualitative) na maitele a ṱhoḓisiso ane a shumisa zwiṱatisiṱika na mbalo (quantitative) zwo shumiswa u kuvhanganya mawanwa. Phakhedzhi ya Sofuthiwea ya ATLAS.ti na phakhedzhi ya Siṱatisiṱika ya Saintsi dza Matshilisano (Statistical Package for Social Sciences - SPSS) dzo shumiswa u saukanya mawanwa a ṱhoḓisiso dza matshilisano na a ṱhoḓisiso dza zwiṱatisiṱika na mbalo. Mvelelo dzo bvisela khagala uri IICA ndi tshishumiswa tsho teaho u ela vhudavhidzani ho ṱanganelaho ha nga ngomu Ḽaiburari ya Univesithi ya Afrika Tshipembe. Tshishumiswa itshi tsho bvisela khagala thoḓea dza vhashumi dza vhudavhidzani, zwishumiswa zwa vhudavhidzani zwine zwa khou shumiswa na zwi takalelwaho; na tshenzhemo ya vhashumi kha vhudavhidzani havhudi and vhu si havhudi. / Communication Science / M. Comm (Communication Science)

Employees of Kenya power's perceptions of their adoption and implementation of online internal communication tools for relationship building

Waititu, Paul 04 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to explore and describe Kenya Power employees’ perceptions of their adoption and implementation of online internal communication tools as a means of creating and managing long lasting relationships among all employees in the organisation. The theoretical point of departure for this study was framed within online internal communication and relationship management while principles of e-government were also considered. A single case study design was adopted for the study which combined both quantitative and qualitative data collection techniques while data was triangulated using an online self-administered questionnaire, focus group moderator’s guide and an interview schedule. The results guided by the theoretical criteria indicate that the implementation of online internal communication tools was done at Kenya Power without considering the internal stakeholders’ needs and preferences. The consequence is that employees have developed negative perceptions about internal online communication resulting in low adoption for relationship management activities. The findings of this study could be useful for other public sector organisations in that it will help them to positively change employees’ perceptions as well as enhance the implementation and adoption of internal online communication tools for the purposes of relationship building which could result in better internal communication and public sector services. / Communication Science / M.A. (Communication)

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