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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Organizational Communication: Perceptions of Staff Members’ Level of Communication Satisfaction and Job Satisfaction

Sharma, Priti R 01 May 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this research study was to explore the topic of organizational communication in higher education and examine staff members’ perceptions about their level of communication and job satisfaction in their workplaces. This study was also designed to test the relationship between communication satisfaction and job satisfaction by analyzing the significance of different dimensions of Communication Satisfaction with the view that satisfaction is multifaceted. A total of 463 non-faculty staff members from different units of a single higher education institution participated in this study. This study included non-teaching staff, including student workers and both full-time and part-time staff members. A modified version of Communication Satisfaction Questionnaire (CSQ) developed by Downs and Hazen was used to collect data. The study used a Likert-type scale with a 7-point scale and had eight dimensions (personal feedback, relationship to supervisors, horizontal and informal communication, organizational integration, organizational perspective, communication climate, media quality, and job satisfaction). The statistical analyses of the data from eight research questions revealed some significant relationships and differences. The results found that staff members perceived their level of satisfaction with communication satisfaction dimensions personal feedback, relationship to supervisors, horizontal and informal communication, organizational integration, and media quality from somewhat satisfied to satisfied, and communication satisfaction dimensions organizational perspective and communication climate as somewhat satisfied. The results found significant differences among different dimensions of CSQ, indicating that communication satisfaction is multi-faceted. The staff members perceived their level of job satisfaction to be among somewhat satisfied to satisfied range. The results indicated that gender and number of years in service do not seem to make a significant difference among staff members’ level of satisfaction, but level of education and job classification does. There were strong positive relations found among all dimensions of CSQ. A strong positive relationship and statistically significant correlation was found between overall communication satisfaction and job satisfaction scores, indicating that when staff members feel satisfied with communication in their workplace, they also tend to feel satisfied with their job in their workplace.

Korporativna odgovornost preduzeća u internom i eksternom komuniciranju / Corporate Responsibility of the Company in Internal and External Communication

Savić-Šikoparija Tatjana 25 September 2019 (has links)
<p>Niska svest zainteresovanih strana o aktivnostima korporativno odgovornog poslovanja preduzeća ukazuje na potrebu da preduzeća efikasnije komuniciraju korporativnu odgovornost sa zainteresovanim stranama. Disertacija predstavlja novinu u istraživanjima u na&scaron;oj zemlji u okviru globalnog menadženta i menadženta ljudskih resursa, jer je istražen značaj i uticaj interne i eksterne komunikacije za prihvatanje, implementaciju, sprovođenje i razvijanje koncepta korporativne odgovornosti preduzeća.<br />Dru&scaron;tveno odgovorna interna i eksterna komunikacija preduzeća su sagledane kroz komunikaciju o korporativnoj odgovornosti prema zaposlenima, prema tržistu, prema životnoj sredini i prema &scaron;iroj dru&scaron;tvenoj zajednici.<br />Rezultati istraživanja su potvrdili istraživačke hipoteze, na osnovu čega je dat predlog mera za unapređenje korporativne odgovornosti preduzeća u internom i eksternom komuniciranju, kao i predlog budućih istraživanja.</p> / <p>Low awareness of the stakeholders concerning activities of the corporately responsible management of the company highlights a need for companies to provide more efficient corporately responsible communication with the stakeholders.<br />This Dissertation represents a novelty in the research in our country within the global management and human resources management, because of the importance and influence of internal and external communication for the acceptance, implementation, realization and development of the concept of corporate responsibility of the company.<br />Socially responsible internal and external communications of the company are evaluated through the communication of corporate responsibility towards employees, market, environment and wider community.<br />Outcome of this research confirmed the research hypotheses and based on those results, it was proposed to take measures for the improvement of the corporate responsibility of the company in internal and external communication as well as to make the future researches.</p>

Värdeskapande intern kommunikation med Lean kommunikation och kommunikativt ledarskap : Modell för Lean kommunikation för att stärka och medvetet arbeta med värdeskapande intern kommunikation i Leanbaserade verksamheter,

Lindell, Sabina, Eldsand, Marlene January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med    studien var att undersöka hur Leanbaserade/Leaninspirerade verksamheter i    svensk offentlig sektor arbetar för att åstadkomma värdeskapande intern    kommunikation. Utgångspunkten var att dagens demografiska utveckling    parallellt med effektiviseringskrav innebär utmaningar för kommuner att    säkra välfärd och kundnöjdhet samt att detta arbete behöver börja internt    gentemot medarbetarna för att ge effekt utåt till kunderna. Lean    kommunikation och kommunikativt ledarskap har seglat upp som två relativt    nya begrepp som ännu inte utforskats så mycket, men som tar sikte på just    värdeskapande kommunikation. Denna studie fokuserade på dessa begrepp på    teoretisk nivå och utforskade hur de kan användas praktiskt och strategiskt    för att stärka värdeskapande intern kommunikation. Empirin utgjordes av    semistrukturerade intervjuer med 15 chefer/ledare från sex kommuner, som    analyserades med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Slutsatsen var att det    fanns ganska stor överensstämmelse mellan respondenterna om vad som ansågs    vara framgångsfaktorer, vad som utmärker en bra kommunikativ ledare samt hur    de arbetade med intern kommunikation i det dagliga arbetet. Tydlighet och    visualisering var de mest frekventa aspekter som lyftes. Likaså var    kopplingen till Lean kommunikation och kommunikativt ledarskap påtaglig –    även om inte samtliga intervjuade kände till eller använde begreppen    arbetade de utifrån dem undermedvetet. Däremot var det få som hade    fungerande strategier för att göra cheferna/ledarna mer kommunikativa och    flera lyfte brister kopplade till uppföljning, utvärdering och feedback.    Utifrån studiens resultat togs en modell för Lean kommunikation fram, med    tillhörande checklista, som kan användas av Lean verksamheter för att stärka    och medvetet arbeta med värdeskapande intern kommunikation. / The    purpose of this study was to explore how Lean based/Lean inspired    enterprises in Swedish public sector acts to attain value-adding internal    communication. The starting point was that the contemporary demographic    development combined with demands for cost-effectiveness entail challenges    for municipalities to safeguard welfare and customer satisfaction, and that    this task needs to start internally towards the employees in order to bring    effects externally towards the customers. Lean communication and    communicative leadership has arisen as two relatively new concepts which    have not yet been extensively explored, but which aim precisely at    value-adding communication. This study focussed on these two concepts at a    theoretical level and explored how they can be utilised practically and    strategically in order to improve value-adding internal communication. The    empirical data consisted of semistructured interviews with 15    managers/leaders from six municipalities, which have been analysed with qualitative    content analysis. The conclusion was that there existed a relatively    substantial congruity between the respondents concerning what was considered    success factors, what distinguishes a good communicative leader and how they    handled internal communication in the daily work. Clarity and visualisation    were the most frequently aspects mentioned. Additionally, the linkage to    Lean communication and communicative leadership was palpable – even though    not all of the respondents were familiar with or used the concepts, they    were utilising them subconsciously. However, only a minority of them had    functioning strategies to facilitate leaders to be more communicative and    several of them acknowledged shortcomings concerning follow-up, evaluation    and feedback. Based on the study’s results, a model for Lean communication    was created – with a checklist attached – which can be deployed by Lean    enterprises in order to strengthen and consciously work with value-adding    internal communication. / <p>2019-0-27</p>

Kommunikation av intern ekonomiinformation : en fallstudie av kommunikationsbarriärer i ett större företag

Atlegard, Lorraine, Grönlund, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
Det är sedan länge konstaterat att intern kommunikation har stor betydelse för företagets framgång. Syftet med att kommunicera intern ekonomiinformation är att redogöra för den ekonomiska situationen samt att ge en bild av företagets framtida utveckling. En viktig faktor med intern ekonomiinformation är att skapa målöverenstämmelse. Företag upplever ofta kommunikationsproblem och svårigheter med att nå ut med intern information. Det uppstår barriärer i kommunikationen mellan sändare och mottagare, vilket orsakar att budskapet inte når fram. Företag med hierarkisk struktur med flera ledningsskikt tenderar att uppvisa sämre kommunikation jämfört med mindre företag. Syftet med studien är att identifiera organisationsbetingade barriärer som kan uppstå i kommunikationen av intern ekonomisk information mellan vd -mellanchef -medarbetare i ett storthierarkisktföretag. Genom undersökning av kommunikationsprocessen ämnar studien att urskilja barriärerna samt ge förslag på hur dessa kan överbryggas. Studien har även för avsikt att utröna vad som fordras för att intern ekonomiinformation ska få en målöverensstämmande verkan.För att svara på syftet utfördes en fallstudie av kvalitativ karaktär. Intervjuer genomfördes med utgångspunkt i en teoretisk kommunikationsmodell som sedan låg till grund för analysen. Resultatet visar att otillräckliga ekonomikunskaper, skilda ekonomikunskaper mellan sändare och mottagare, tidsbristsamtför mycket eller för lite ekonomiinformation är barriärer som kan uppstå. Resultatet visar även att det fordras att informationen som kommuniceras är anpassad så att den är relevant och lätt att förstå för mottagaren för att den ska verka målöverensstämmande. För att överbrygga dessa barriärer rekommenderas att företag erbjuder kompetensutveckling och att sändaren av informationen skapar sig en uppfattning både om mottagarens kunskapsnivå och informationsbehov för att sedan anpassa informationen efter det. Slutligen är det viktigt att göra en prioritering av hur arbetstiden ska fördelas, så att det ges tillräckligt med tid till kommunikation av ekonomiinformation. Ett förslag till vidare forskning är att inrikta undersökningen mot individbetingade barriärer som kan uppkomma i kommunikationen av intern ekonomisk information. / For a long time it has beenestablished that internal communication is of great importance for business success. The purpose of communicating internal financial information is to describe the financial situation and to give a picture of the company's future development. An important factor with internal financial information is to create goal congruence. Companies often experience communication problems and difficulties in reaching out with internal information. It occurs barriers in communication between the sender and the receiver, causing the message not getting through. Companies with hierarchical structure with multiple management layers tend to show poorer communication compared to smaller companies. The purpose of the study is to identify organizational barriers that may arise in the communication of internal financial information between the CEO -middle manager -employees in a largehierarchicalcompany. Through examination of the communication process, the study intends to distinguish the barriers and give suggestions on how these can be bridged. The study also intends to determine what is required for internal financial information to have a goal congruence effect. To answer the purpose, a case study of qualitative character was performed. Interviews were conducted on the basis of a theoretical communication model which formed the base for the analysis. The result shows that insufficient financial knowledge, different financial knowledge between sender and receiver, lack of timeandtoo much or too little financial information are barriers that can arise. The result also shows that the information which is communicated should necessarily be adapted to become relevant and easy to understand for the receiver in order to work goal congruently. To overcome these barriers, it is recommended that companies provide competence development and that the sender of the information creates an understandingof boththe receiver’s knowledge level and information needs in order to adapt the information accordingly. Finally, it is important to prioritize how working hours should be distributed, so sufficient time is provided for communication of financial information. A proposal for further research is to focus the study on individual-related barriers that may arise in the communication of internal financial information.

Motivation för kreativitet : - En studie om hur ledare kan påverka produktiviteten i svenska medieproducerande företag

Olofsson-Urbach, Frida, Ottosson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>Since the mid 1900s the organizational perspective in media producing companies has changed. The focus has shifted from just being a laborer to the person behind the effort. The most important for an efficient and smooth organization is the motivation of the employees and the social working environment. Former research argues that managers must be coaches and that crucial factors for the survival of organizations are creativity, innovation and adaptability. With this study we investigate what motivates employees to use their creative skills. We also examine the leader’s importance concerning motivation and how this could lead to a more pleasant and productive organization. The focus is on media producing companies to obtain the media management perspective. The method we have chosen is qualitative research interviews. We have interviewed three leaders in three different media producing companies. We have used questionnaires where staff members were asked questions about their motivation, creativity, communication and experience of leadership. The analysis is based on our collected data and earlier research in this field. Our conclusions are that employees with careers in media producing organizations have many factors that affect motivation and creativity at work. Leaders have great influence and significant impact on these factors. Managers and people with leadership positions need an understanding and awareness of the employee’s whishes and their demands of the executives and the organization. To have a continuous assessment of employee satisfaction and their wishes is very effective. To educate both new and existing managers of the factors which affect the employees could be a winning concept.</p>

KOMMUNIKATIVT LEDARSKAP ett ledarskap för moderna organisationer : Kvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet

Axäll, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
<p>AbstractTitle: Communicative leadership – a leadership for modern organizationsQualitative research attempting to define the concept.(Kommunikativt ledarskap – ett ledarskap för moderna organisationerKvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet.)Author: Jenny AxällAim: The aim of this essay is to try to find the essence of and a definition of the communicative leadership. Questions asked are: How can communicative leadership be described? How can it be practiced? What does it demand of those who practice it? What organizational conditions are required? And what results and performances can this leadership lead to?Method: Qualitative explorative research method. The study contains an academic lit-erature review of the science of leadership and communication in general and the more specific communicative leadership. It also includes two personal in-terviews. After analysing the interviews, the result is compared with the litera-ture and discussed in the last chapter. The essay concludes with a definition of communicative leadership.Main results: The following definition of communicative leadership was formulated after concluding the study: In communicative leadership communication is used as the main means of control in order to create joint action and thereby excellent company results. The leadership is based on a conscious and open communication that leads to understanding and participation among employees, as well as to sound and thoroughly founded decisions and well-informed business development. The leadership is constantly practised in formal and informal conversation and dialogue situations where true exchange of opinions and sense making is de-sired. For the communicative leader the employees are the most valuable re-sources in the organization. He or she assumes that employees want to suc-ceed, and will do so, if the right conditions are in place. The communicative leader wants to lead and inspire, emanates joy and comfort, and receives as manager the trust of being a leader.Number of pages: 63Course: Media and Communications Studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityDate of submission: 2005-01-17, autumn term of 2004Tutor: Professor Lowe HedmanKeywords: Communicative leadership, communicative competence, communicative fol-lowership, communicative processes, decentralized organizations, leadership, organizational culture, internal communication, definition of leadership.</p>

KOMMUNIKATIVT LEDARSKAP ett ledarskap för moderna organisationer : Kvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet

Axäll, Jenny January 2004 (has links)
AbstractTitle: Communicative leadership – a leadership for modern organizationsQualitative research attempting to define the concept.(Kommunikativt ledarskap – ett ledarskap för moderna organisationerKvalitativ studie med ansats att definiera begreppet.)Author: Jenny AxällAim: The aim of this essay is to try to find the essence of and a definition of the communicative leadership. Questions asked are: How can communicative leadership be described? How can it be practiced? What does it demand of those who practice it? What organizational conditions are required? And what results and performances can this leadership lead to?Method: Qualitative explorative research method. The study contains an academic lit-erature review of the science of leadership and communication in general and the more specific communicative leadership. It also includes two personal in-terviews. After analysing the interviews, the result is compared with the litera-ture and discussed in the last chapter. The essay concludes with a definition of communicative leadership.Main results: The following definition of communicative leadership was formulated after concluding the study: In communicative leadership communication is used as the main means of control in order to create joint action and thereby excellent company results. The leadership is based on a conscious and open communication that leads to understanding and participation among employees, as well as to sound and thoroughly founded decisions and well-informed business development. The leadership is constantly practised in formal and informal conversation and dialogue situations where true exchange of opinions and sense making is de-sired. For the communicative leader the employees are the most valuable re-sources in the organization. He or she assumes that employees want to suc-ceed, and will do so, if the right conditions are in place. The communicative leader wants to lead and inspire, emanates joy and comfort, and receives as manager the trust of being a leader.Number of pages: 63Course: Media and Communications Studies DUniversity: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala UniversityDate of submission: 2005-01-17, autumn term of 2004Tutor: Professor Lowe HedmanKeywords: Communicative leadership, communicative competence, communicative fol-lowership, communicative processes, decentralized organizations, leadership, organizational culture, internal communication, definition of leadership.

Intern kommunikation under krissituation : en kvalitativ studie av Polismyndighetens interna kommunikation under och efter terrorattentatet i december 2010 / Internal communication during a crisis situation : a study of the Police Authority's internal communications during and after the terrorist attack in December 2010

Tanase Karlsson, Sandra January 2011 (has links)
Att ha en välfungerande intern kommunikation inom en organisation är av yttersta vikt. Att dessutom ha en välfungerande intern kommunikation under en krishändelse är fundamental. Idag hamnar samhällen och organisationer ofta i olika typer av problematiska och hotfulla situationer. Detta är nästintill oundvikligt. Det som dock är hanterbart är kommunikation kring dessa situationer. Vintern 2010 sattes Polismyndighetens kommunikation på prov i och med ett terrorattentat där en självmordsbombare sprängde sig i centrala Stockholm. Denna uppsats tar sikte på att studera och undersöka polisens interna kommunikation under denna händelse. Avsikten är att redogöra för huruvida retoriska strategier så som retorisk situation, definition och angreppssätt, tagits i beaktande under den interna kommunikationens skapande och förmedlande. Genom användandet av en kvalitativ fallstudie som metod analyserade den interna skriftliga kommunikationen. Studien visar att flera delar inom den interna kriskommunikationen kan sammankopplas med olika retoriska strategier och modeller. Dock finns det delar som kan förbättras rent retoriskt. / To have an effective internal communication within an organization is of utmost importance. To also have a well-functioning internal communication during a crisis event is fundamental. Today, communities and organizations are often placed in different types of problematic and threatening situations. This is almost inevitable. However, the communication about these situations is manageable. In the winter of 2010 the communication of the Police Authority were put to the test, because of a terrorist attack that also included a suicide bomber. This essay aims and investigates the police's internal communication process during this event. The intention is to report on whether rhetorical strategies such as rhetorical situation, definition and approach, has been taken into consideration in the internal communication. Through the use of a qualitative case study method the internal written communication were analyzed. The study indicates that several elements within the internal crisis communication can be linked with various rhetorical strategies and models. However, there are parts that can be improved.

Corporate Social Responsibility som ett profileringsverktyg : En fallstudie av Holtab ABs CSR projekt "El i Jyamrung"

Lidström, Johanna, Castaing, Julie January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund: Företag världen över har börjat fokusera mer på ansvarstagande och att arbeta för ett mer hållbart samhälle samtidigt som de inser att det kan skapa lönsamhet. Ansvaret som implementeras i företagsverksamheten kallas för Corporate Social Responsibility och har blivit ett sätt att skapa innovation, värde och konkurrensmedel. Det är inte längre frågan om företag ska arbeta med CSR utan hur.  Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att skapa förståelse för hur medarbetares samt kunders image av företaget Holtab AB har påverkats av det genomförda CSR projektet. Vi vill även undersöka hur företagets profilering av CSR projekt kan förbättras.  Metod: Uppsatsen är en fallstudie av företaget Holtab AB. Vi har utgått från den kvalitativa metoden då vår empiri består av 15 intervjuer från 23 respondenters uttalanden samt information från CSR utbildning vilket har skapat förutsättningar för en tolkande analys. Slutsatser: Vi har kommit fram till att majoriteten av medarbetarnas image av Holtab inte har påverkats av det genomförda projektarbetet ”El i Jyamrung” samtidigt som några av kundernas image har påverkats av projektet. En bidragande orsak till varför samtliga medarbetares och kunders image inte har påverkats av företaget är på grund av en bristande intern- och extern kommunikation av projektet. / Companies worldwide have begun to focus more on Corporate Social Responsibility, which has become a way of creating innovation, value and a competitive advantage. It is no longer a question if your company should work with CSR, it is a question of how. The aim of this study is to create an understanding of how employees and customers image of the company Holtab AB has been affected through their CSR project “El i Jyamrung”. We also want to discuss how the profiling of CSR project can be improved. The study is based on a qualitative case study of the company Holtab AB where the creation of the empirical data is collected from 15 interviews based on 23 individuals’ statements and from a three-day course of Corporate Social responsibility. Our empirical data collection has created conditions for an interpretive analysis. We have come to an understanding that the majority of the employees’ image of the company has not been affected by the CSR project, “El I Jyamrung”, but where some of the customers’ image has been affected by it. A contributing factor for this is due to the lack of internal and external communication of the project itself.

Motivation för kreativitet : - En studie om hur ledare kan påverka produktiviteten i svenska medieproducerande företag

Olofsson-Urbach, Frida, Ottosson, Johan January 2009 (has links)
Since the mid 1900s the organizational perspective in media producing companies has changed. The focus has shifted from just being a laborer to the person behind the effort. The most important for an efficient and smooth organization is the motivation of the employees and the social working environment. Former research argues that managers must be coaches and that crucial factors for the survival of organizations are creativity, innovation and adaptability. With this study we investigate what motivates employees to use their creative skills. We also examine the leader’s importance concerning motivation and how this could lead to a more pleasant and productive organization. The focus is on media producing companies to obtain the media management perspective. The method we have chosen is qualitative research interviews. We have interviewed three leaders in three different media producing companies. We have used questionnaires where staff members were asked questions about their motivation, creativity, communication and experience of leadership. The analysis is based on our collected data and earlier research in this field. Our conclusions are that employees with careers in media producing organizations have many factors that affect motivation and creativity at work. Leaders have great influence and significant impact on these factors. Managers and people with leadership positions need an understanding and awareness of the employee’s whishes and their demands of the executives and the organization. To have a continuous assessment of employee satisfaction and their wishes is very effective. To educate both new and existing managers of the factors which affect the employees could be a winning concept.

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