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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Réparations en droits de la personne et en droit international humanitaire : problèmes et perspectives pour les victimes en République démocratique du Congo

Kandolo On'ufuku wa Kandolo, Pierre Félix 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Nový MHP rámec pro kybernetickou válku / New IHL Framework for Cyber Warfare

Knopová, Eva January 2016 (has links)
NEW IHL FRAMEWORK FOR CYBER WARFARE - ABSTRACT Regarding the increasing number of revealed cyber-attacks aimed at public facilities including the governmental ones by who seems to be other state actors, this thesis aims to reveal the major importance of cyber warfare, point out the fatal vacuum regarding the IHL framework currently in force and suggests its completion by a new IHL convention, which would regulate cyberwarfare in International Armed Conflicts. In order to provide a well-structured and pertinent arguments to support its main points, the thesis uses methods of qualitative analysis of the current IHL sources including international treaties, customary law and work of the main institutions of international justice along with work of judicial scholars and cyber experts. The work contains five main chapters. The first chapter presents the underlining principles of Laws of Wars, including its theory, history and development; and focuses on one of its three main regimes - the International Humanitarian Law. The second part is dedicated to the topic of cyber warfare, defines its scope as computer network attacks, explains their classification system, analyses their effects and provides examples of such attacks. The third chapter focuses on the issue of the current legal vacuum in relation to cyber...

Droit international public et action humanitaire : deux "acteurs" de la protection des droits de l'enfant / Public international law and humanitarian aid : two « actors » of the rights of the child

Garompolo Devidal, Mélinda 24 March 2014 (has links)
En faisant un tour d’horizon des diverses règles de Droit International Public en vigueur, ce travail tentera de faire comprendre à son lecteur l’importance de la protection des droits de l’enfant dans le monde entier. Aujourd’hui encore trop d’enfants meurent chaque jour à cause de conflits, de maladies, de malnutrition…, beaucoup trop sont exploités et n’ont pas la possibilité de suivre des cours dans une école, voyant ainsi leur avenir leur échapper tous les jours un peu plus. C’est contre tous ces problèmes, trop récurrents, que les Etats se doivent d’intervenir en exerçant leur rôle de législateur, tant sur le plan international que sur le plan national. Mais ils doivent aussi assumer celui de sujet de droit en respectant les conventions internationales qu’ils se sont engagés à respecter de leur plein gré. Ce respect les oblige à protéger les enfants afin de leur offrir la possibilité de bénéficier des programmes d’aide mis en place sur le terrain par de nombreuses organisations humanitaires clamant haut et fort que tout le monde doit agir, d’une manière ou d’une autre, pour permettre le développement d’actions de plus en plus variées et de plus en plus efficaces malgré les difficultés. / By making a survey of the several rules of current public international law, this dissertation will try to make the reader undestand the importance of the protection of children's rights all over the world. Nowadays, children die every minute because of conflicts, diseases, malnutrition..., a lot of them are exploited and have no possibilities of going to school, seeing their future escaping them every day a little more. It is against all these too recurring problems that States have to intervene by exercising their legislator's role, both on the international level and on the national level. But they also have to take their role of subject of law by respecting the international conventions which they made a commitment to respect of their own free will. This respect requires them to protect the children by offering them the possibility of enjoying humanitarian aid set up by many organizations loudly proclaiming that everybody has to act, in one way or another, to allow the development of many and various actions in spite of difficulties.

La privatisation de la sécurité en Afrique : à la recherche d'une règlementation juridique appropriée / The privatization of security in Africa : seeking appropriate legal regulations

Cisse, Babou 12 February 2014 (has links)
Employant des salariés pour exécuter les missions de sécurité et de défense que peuvent leur confier des Etats, des organisations internationales ou des entités non étatiques. Cette forme particulière de production de la sécurité n’est pas entièrement appréhendée par les conventions internationales et les législations internes des Etats. De cela résulte une absence de statut juridique international de ces acteurs qui sont de plus en plus présents dans la gestion des conflits armés et dans les opérations de maintien de l’ordre. Les obligations particulières de leurs clients ne sont pas non plus déterminées. Ce défaut d’encadrement spécifique avéré ne signifie pas qu’il y ait un vide juridique dans ce secteur d’activité. Certaines règles internationales et les droits nationaux peuvent effectivement s’appliquer aux activités des SMSP et aux contractants de ces dernières. Seulement, l’efficacité que devaient avoir de telles normes face à des situations qui n’ont pas été prises en compte lors de leurs adoptions, ne saurait être acquise. D’où un processus de régulation internationale et de règlementation nationale initié depuis quelques années par les Etats mais aussi par les organisations internationales. Les sociétés elles mêmes se sont senties concernées par la production de règles encadrant leurs activités et se sont lancées dans la mise en place de code conduite. L’imperfection guette toutes ces nouvelles règles spécifiques destinées à corriger les lacunes des conventions internationales et des lois internes. Ce qui nécessite la proposition de solutions envisageables dans le but de mieux prendre en compte les intérêts des SMSP et la protection de ceux qui s’exposent aux risques que procurent les prestations privées de sécurité militaire. / Private military and security companies are legal persons of private law with employees to perform security missions and defense that can give them some states, international organizations or non-state entities. This particular form of production safety is not fully understood by international conventions and domestic laws States. Result of this lack of legal status of these international actors is increasingly involved in the management of conflicts and peacekeeping operations order. Specific obligations of their clients are not determined. This lack of specific guidance proved does not mean that there is a legal vacuum in this sector. Certain international standards and national laws may actually apply to the activities of PMSCs and contractors thereof. Only efficiency that would have such standards in situations that have not been taken into account when adopting them cannot be acquired. Hence a process of international regulation and national regulation initiated in recent years by states but also by international organizations. The companies themselves have felt involved in the production of rules governing their activities and have engaged in the implementation of code of conduct. The imperfection watching all these new rules designed to correct specific deficiencies in international conventions and laws. This requires the proposal of possible solutions in order to better take into account the interests of PMSCs and the protection of those who are exposed to risks that provide private benefits of military security.

Children in war: Answers from International Law to the crimes of recruitment of child soldiers and sexual violence / Los niños y las niñas en la guerra: Respuestas desde el Derecho Internacional frente a los crímenes de reclutamiento de niñas y niños soldados y violencia sexual

Reyes Menéndez, Valeria 12 April 2018 (has links)
Around the world, the armed conflicts of recent years have been characterized by including the participation of child soldiers. Children, due to the vulnerability of their short age, suffer in a special manner of the war effects, and often their human rights are violated irreversibly. International Law has a duty to provide effective answers to tackle this situation, ensuring that children can be protected against those risks and that their rights can be guaranteed. / A nivel mundial, los conflictos armados de los últimos años se han caracterizado por incluir la participación de niñas y niños soldados. Estos, por la vulnerabilidad propia de su corta de edad, sufren de manera diferenciada de los efectos de la guerra y ven afectados sus derechos humanos, algunas veces de manera irreversible. El Derecho Internacional tiene el deber de brindar erspuestas a esta situación, velando en otdo momento porque niños y niñas puedan ser protegidos frente a tales riesgos y que sus derechos puedan ser garantizados.

Le régime juridique de l'action internationale des Émirats Arabes Unis en faveur des réfugiés / The juridical system of the international actions contributed by the United Arab Emirates in favor of the refugees

Alzarouni, Fahad 28 January 2019 (has links)
Les aides humanitaires aux réfugiés occupent de plus en plus une place importante dans l’action extérieure du gouvernement des Émirats Arabes Unis au cours de ces dernières années, compte tenu du nombre croissant de crises humanitaires dans l’ensemble des régions du monde et en particulier au Moyen-Orient. Or, il faut préciser ici que l’action extérieure du gouvernement des Émirats en matière d’aide humanitaire se conforme à l’action de l’ensemble des États du Golfe du fait de la coordination des politiques étrangères effectuées par le Conseil de coopération des États du Golfe (CCG). Celui-ci entretient des rapports très étroits avec les agences humanitaires des Nations Unies (notamment le Haut-Commissariat des Nations unies pour les réfugiés (ci-après « HCR ») et le Mouvement international de la Croix-Rouge et du Croissant-Rouge en tentant de développer un dialogue politique plus poussé / Humanitarian aid to refugees has become an increasingly important part of the United Arab Emirates government’s external action in recent years, given the increasing number of humanitarian crises in all regions of the world, and in particular in the Middle-East. However, it should be noted here that the UAE’s external action in the field of humanitarian aid is in link with the action of all the Gulf States because of the coordination of foreign policies carried out by the Cooperation Council of the United Gulf States (GCC). The latter has very close relations with the United Nations humanitarian agencies (in particular the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (hereinafter “UNHCR”) and the international Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, attempting to develop a deeper political dialogue

L'application du droit international humanitaire et des droits fondamentaux dans les conflits armés auxquels prennent part des entités non étatiques / The application of international humanitarian law and fundamental rights in armed conflict involving non-State entities

Hassoumi Kountche, Boubacar 15 February 2019 (has links)
Lorsqu’il a fallu moderniser les instruments du droit international humanitaire le conflit armé non international n’était qu’un épiphénomène et son avènement a toujours été considéré comme un élément perturbateur d’une scène internationale profondément étatisé. Néanmoins l’importance croissante de ce type de conflit a permis de mettre en exergue le rôle sans cesse croissant d’un nouveau type d’acteurs à savoir les groupes armés non étatiques. Désormais, ils sont les acteurs majeurs de conflits largement majoritaires. Pour cette raison, nous pensons qu’il est temps de changer d’approche et de revoir les solutions proposées dans les instruments internationaux applicables. Pour toutes ces raisons et pour adapter le droit aux réalités des conflits actuels, une approche dépouillée de toute charge idéologique et péjorative doit primer par rapport à celle actuelle. De même, il est fondamentalement nécessaire de faire assumer à ces groupes les conséquences de leurs agissements en engageant leur responsabilité internationale. / When the instruments of international humanitarian law had to be modernized, the non-international armed conflict was an epiphenomenon and its advent has always been considered a disruptive element of a deeply internationalized international scene. Nevertheless, the growing importance of this type of conflict has highlighted the ever-increasing role of a new type of actors, namely non-State armed groups. From now on, they are the major actors of conflicts largely majority. For this reason, we believe that it is time to change the approach and review the solutions proposed in the applicable international instruments. For all these reasons and to adapt the law to the realities of current conflicts, an approach stripped of any ideological and pejorative burden must take precedence over the current one. Similarly, it is fundamentally necessary to make these groups bear the consequences of their actions by committing their international responsibility.

Dětští vojáci: Rekrutování a zneužívání dětí v ozbrojených konfliktech / Child Soldiers: Recruitment and Abuse of Children in Armed Conflicts

Karásková, Karolina January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this Master's thesis is to analyse how children are recruited and abused as soldiers in armed conflicts, and how international humanitarian law protects their rights. The thesis is divided in two main parts, theoretical and empirical. In theoretical part are introduced the most important documents of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, including international governmental and non-governmental organizations which promote these rights. In empirical part, the author focuses on case studies, namely the case of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) and the case of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). The author was not interested in finding similarities in these two cases, but conversely, to point out on the uniqueness of each case. To precise, the thesis is analysing reasons for the recruitment and abuse of children by the LRA and ISIS, and the legal responsibility of both groups. The author of this thesis chose as a methodology an instrumental case study which is useful for providing a general understanding of a phenomenon by using a particular case. In addition, this methodology is convenient for interpretation of legal documents, and two selected cases serve as instruments for interpreting the recruitment and abuse of children in armed conflicts. The...

Law-Making by the Security Council in Areas of Counter-Terrorism and Non-Proliferation of Weapons of Mass-Destruction

Mirzaei Yengejeh, Saeid January 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to determine whether the Security Council has opened a new avenue for law-making at the international level by adopting resolutions under Chapter VII of the UN Charter which create new norms of international law or modify international norms already in force (the normative resolutions). The normative resolutions analyzed in this study pertain to the areas of counterterrorism and the non-proliferation of weapons of mass-destruction. The new approach of the Security Council has been examined in light of the Third World Approaches in International law (TWAIL), as well as from the viewpoint of mainstream lawyers. Furthermore, 15 years of State practice relating to the implementation of these normative resolutions has been studied with a view to determining whether subsequent State practice confirms the exercise of a law-making function by the Security Council. Despite some incremental success in promoting international standards in the fight against terrorism, this thesis illustrates that the Security Council has not succeeded in introducing a new viable form of law-making. The Security Council’s authority to exercise such a function is now under serious doubt and its legitimacy questioned, as its normative resolutions were improperly initiated and adopted under the influence of a Permanent Member of the Security Council. Furthermore, the Security Council’s intervention in areas that are already highly regulated runs the risk of contributing to the fragmentation of international law—a phenomenon that undermines the coherence of international law. Currently, the Council’s normative resolutions are facing serious challenges at the implementation stage and several proceedings before national and regional courts have either directly challenged the normative resolutions, or questioned their enforceability. The Security Council is under continued pressure to further revise its practice or potentially face additional challenges before national, regional, and even international courts which may annul or quash relevant implementing measures. Thus, in light of relevant State practice, it is almost inconceivable that the Security Council would repeat its use of normative resolutions as a means of law-making in the future. Nevertheless, the increasing powers of the United Nations Security Council also stimulates an increasing demand to hold the United Nations accountable for the possible wrongful acts of its principal organ, particularly when its decisions harm individuals. It is argued that in the absence of a compulsory judicial mechanism at the international level, non-compliance with the Council’s decisions is the only viable way to challenge the Security Council wrongful acts. Yet, non-complying State or group of States should clearly identify their actions as countermeasures vis-a-vis ultra vires acts of Security Council and seek support from other like-minded States to avoid being declared recalcitrant, which may be followed by Security Council sanctions.

Detenční zařízení pro imigranty ve Spojených státech amerických v kontextu dodržování základních lidských práv / Detention Facilities for Immigrants in the United States of America in the Context of Compliance with Basic Human Rights

Kubíčková, Veronika January 2021 (has links)
Immigration is a topic that plays an important role in American society, it manages to capture both the general public as well as the political world. Especially in the United States of America, it is a very complex issue that affects a large number of sectors which is why a specific area has been selected for this thesis in order to narrow the researched field and provide detailed information. The thesis seeks to analyze the situation in immigration detention facilities throughout the U.S. with regard to basic human rights violations. For this reason, the thesis focuses on international humanitarian law and the Constitution of the United States, which should protect both legal and illegal immigrants, however, their non-compliance is one of the main points interconnecting all chapters of this paper. Due to the availability of resources and greater relevance this paper focuses on the situation of the last 15 years (namely from 2008 onwards) and attaches great importance to the final 3-4 years and the administration of Donald Trump. The thesis finds repeated and long-term violations of domestic and international law concerning human rights as well as the rights of asylum seekers and shows wrongful criminalization and dehumanization of immigrants (documented and undocumented). Furthermore, the thesis...

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