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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Web accessibility and people with visual impairments : Perspectives and experiences

Rey Rodríguez, Pilar January 2022 (has links)
This thesis aims to explore the perspectives of people with visual impairments about the internet and web accessibility. How the current status of web accessibility is and how people with visual impairments use the internet are important topics in a society that is more and more digitalized. Nine people with visual impairments were asked through semi-structured interviews. The questions covered what they do on the internet, what devices and assistive technologies they use, how web accessibility affects them and how they become digitally literate. This collected data from the interviews and literature, focused on digital disability divide, digital literacy and web accessibility, guided the analysis which was conducted following a qualitative approach. This thesis shows that, while web accessibility allows for many online actions nowadays, much more is required. More focus on the users and their needs related to technical access is needed and digital literacy should be promoted. The study also concludes that technology, digital literacy and web experience are interconnected, which could provide a framework for future research.

The Impact of Awareness of Being Monitored on Internet Usage Policy Compliance: An Agency and Stewardship View

Summers, Nirmalee 14 August 2015 (has links)
Internet usage has become a norm in most organizations where organizations have started monitoring employee, Internet usage, e-mail communications, social network usage and etc. With the increased Internet usage, Internet misuse by employees has increased the potential for security vulnerabilities for these organizations. Organizations have established various security countermeasures such as sanctions, incentives, and Internet usage policies in order to prevent Internet misuse and protect the organizational information assets. However, it is important for organizations to understand whether these Internet usage polices are effective in mitigating the threats towards Internet misuse. Therefore, this dissertation investigates the impact of different countermeasures such as sanctions, incentives and awareness of being monitored on Internet usage policy compliance. Furthermore, it investigates the impact of organizational stewardship culture consisting of collectivism and low power distance, on Internet usage policy compliance behavior. A research model was developed to test the influence of penalties (sanction severity, sanction certainty, sanction celerity), incentives, collectivism and power distance on Internet usage policy compliance intention. Furthermore, it investigates the impact of awareness of being monitored which has not received much attention from information security researchers. In order to test the hypothesized relationships in the research model, data was collected utilizing an online survey through an online survey panel provider, Amazon Mechanical Turk. The findings indicate that, sanction certainty, awareness of being monitored, collectivism and power distance have a significant influence on Internet usage policy compliance intention of the sample population. Additionally, when employees are aware that they are being monitored, it increases the effectiveness of sanction severity and celerity. This dissertation makes several contributions to research and practitioners. It contributes to research by investigating the impact of two contrasting theories where agency theory assumes that employees are motivated through extrinsic factors whereas stewardship theory assumes that they are motivated through intrinsic means (organizational stewardship culture). It contributes to practitioners as well by highlighting the importance of controls such as computer monitoring, swift punishments in protecting organizational assets. As the results suggest, apart from the controls, organizational stewardship culture can play an important role in mitigating some of these threats as well.

”När jag använder TOR blir jag en helt annan person” : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om motiven bakom användningen av Tor Browser och The Dark Web / ”When I go on TOR, I am a completely different person” : A qualitative interview study about the motives behind the usage of Tor Browser and The Dark Web

Dahlberg, Nadia, Bryskhe, Jonathan January 2017 (has links)
Denna studie har som mål att ge en inblick i varför och hur Internetanvändare nyttjar Tor Browser och The Dark Web. Nätverket och webbläsaren förknippas ofta med illegal verksamhet, men även med yttrandefrihet och anonymitet. Vi vill undersöka hur användandet av dessa ser ut och skapa en förståelse kring varför individer väljer att vända sig dit. Detta görs med hjälp av kvalitativa intervjuer med sammanlagt nio personer som använder sig av nätverket och webbläsaren. Intervjuerna har genomförts på forumen Flashback Forum, Quora och Reddit genom sajternas privata chattfunktioner. Materialet har sedan analyserats med hjälp av det teoretiska perspektivet Uses and Gratification för att synliggöra vilka sociala och psykologiska behov som tillgodoses genom användandet. Studiens resultat visade att merparten av de intervjuade vände sig till Tor Browser och The Dark Web eftersom att de, i förstahand, var intresserade av illegal verksamhet och använde nätverket samt webbläsaren för att få tillgång till materialet, men även för att göra det svårare för myndigheter att spåra deras aktivitet online. Användandet grundade sig, i andrahand, i ett intresse för yttrandefrihet och anonymitet och det var även dessa ämnen som gjorde att användarna fortsatte att återvända till Tor Browser och The Dark Web.

"Det virtuella samhället" : En studie om ungdomars ökade Internetanvändning

de Belder, Caroline January 2005 (has links)
<p>Abstract</p><p>Purpose: The purpose is to try to map todays research in the subject field, structure the problems dealt with and compile the empirical results obtained. In expectation of creating new moods of thought, approaches and ideas.</p><p>Method: Secondary analyses on relevante literature</p><p>Main results: The usage of Internet will continue to increase, new habits will develop, the Internet will develop more and more to a hobby, the usage of Internet functions will increase.</p><p>Keywords: Youth, Internet usage, Social changes, Everyday life, New styles of communications, New habits and experiences.</p>

"Det virtuella samhället" : En studie om ungdomars ökade Internetanvändning

de Belder, Caroline January 2005 (has links)
Abstract Purpose: The purpose is to try to map todays research in the subject field, structure the problems dealt with and compile the empirical results obtained. In expectation of creating new moods of thought, approaches and ideas. Method: Secondary analyses on relevante literature Main results: The usage of Internet will continue to increase, new habits will develop, the Internet will develop more and more to a hobby, the usage of Internet functions will increase. Keywords: Youth, Internet usage, Social changes, Everyday life, New styles of communications, New habits and experiences.

Knowledge is the Key : Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West Indies

Haagman, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
<p>Knowledge is the Key</p><p>- Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West Indies</p><p>Information and knowledge contributes to growth and development through empowering individuals and communities, creating opportunities to improve their living conditions. Technology is advancing rapidly and the Information and Communication Technology, ICT, provides new ways to attain information. Especially the Internet is regarded to be a source of information and knowledge. However, there are still many places in the world where Internet access is not yet available to everyone. The consequences are that people in developing countries do not get the opportunity to benefit from the new technology and the possibilities it brings.</p><p>The research for this thesis was carried out in Grenada during November and December 2006. Grenada is a small independent island in the English speaking Caribbean, where only a small percentage of the population has Internet access. The purpose of the study is to examine if a selection of young individuals in Grenada can obtain enhanced knowledge through using the Internet. Furthermore, the study intends to depict what attitudes and opinions can be found among the youths, focusing on the possibilities as well as the negative effects of the Internet.</p><p>This study was conducted trough a qualitative orientated methodological perspective with strategically selected respondents between 11 and 35 years old. Qualitative interviews were being made with nine individuals who were using the Internet regularly.</p><p>The conclusion of this thesis is that organized strategies and projects are required, with the aim to create motives for the young generation of Grenada to obtain enhanced knowledge through Internet usage. The access and availability in itself is not enough, because seeking information and knowledge is not the main purpose when the youths are using the Internet. Nevertheless, the respondents stated that the Internet is considered to be a source of information and knowledge and that they know where and how to find information when using the Internet, if they wanted to. The result also reveals an overall positive attitude towards the Internet and the future among the youths, yet still well aware of the negative consequences. The respondents expressed a desire to be able to keep up with the technology and wished for increased and improved accessibility and connectivity in Grenada.</p><p>Another interesting conclusion this research generated is the confirmation of the digital divide as a matter of global stratification, rather than differences between countries. Regardless of the country of origin, people with Internet access will have advantages in life and benefit from the technology, unlike those who have no access and hence, will fall even further behind.</p>


彭慧明 Unknown Date (has links)
各種形式的資訊透過網路傳布並迅速被獲取,線上資源(on-line resources)的形式多元化,線上資訊(on-line information)的數量龐大。網路讓記者收集資料的方式及管道都起了變化,而網路媒體的興起更使得記者加強使用網路、並採納網路新聞的內容作為新聞寫作的參考。由於網路的強力傳播,原本僅僅是傳言和流言的網路訊息,一躍成為傳統大型平面媒體、電視台報導的訊息,許多不台理的傳言,在口耳相傳及轉寄傳閱後,反而成了值得去追查的新聞線索和生活話題。尤其最近幾年,網路搜尋引擎、網路資料庫,變成新聞從業人員收集資訊的最佳工具,但網路的傳播能力和似真非真的訊息大量出現,對新聞從業人員來說,在巨量的資料中找出真正的資訊、進一步作為值得報導的新聞,正在考驗傳統媒體新聞從業人員的專業能力。 也因為網際網路的科技,改變了媒體的生態和新聞的呈現型式。新媒體的浪潮風起雲湧,使得整個報業生態隨之轉變,到了1999年,國內的主要媒體都成立了電子報,開拓新的媒體通路。而拜資訊發達、通訊技術進步之賜,專業的網路媒體也隨之興起,強調專業、即時的網路媒體如明日報、東森新聞報,正式在2000年上線運作。 網路媒體強調即時新聞和快速的特性,成為報社記者習慣參考及採納的另一種新聞線索來源。本研究針對國內報社記者採納網路媒體內容的態度進行調查,發現網路新聞媒體擁有高閱讀率,並使平面記者將網路新聞、網站資源視為新聞線索的來源之一。但是對來自網路不確定訊息的質疑,加上網路媒體為了搶快,有時採用不確定的訊息發佈新聞,新聞出錯、更正的狀況,也使得記者在採納網路新聞媒體訊息的態度上,持較保留的態度。 本研究是台灣第一個針對國內三大主要報業:中國時報、自由時報、聯合報記者進行的問卷調查,希望了解記者使用電腦、網路以及採納網路訊息的態度。主要問題是希望了解目前國內主要平面媒體記者使用網路輔助新聞報導的現狀,以及記者採納來自網路的眾多訊息的態度。研究者相信,記者採納來自網路的訊息,主要基於對網路訊息的注意和信任。 本研究將「網路訊息」定義為兩種:包括來自網路的電子郵件、新聞信、討論區內容等廣泛的網路資訊;另一種則是來自有組織、有固定編採流程控制管理的網路新聞媒體,包含國內的通訊社網站、平面新聞媒體集團成立的網站、純網路新聞媒體網站。研究結果發現,隨著上網習慣的養成、上網時間的增加,記者傾向將網路訊息視為重要的新聞線索來源。不過記者們所注意並可能被採納的網路訊息,主要還是以具備完整新聞來源、可查證、由知名網站或媒體、由採訪單位或同事同業提供的訊息為主,匿名或網路新聞區討論的話題較不被記者所採納。 從記者採納及信任網路新聞媒體內容的態度上,本研究發現,記者肯定網路媒體的即時性及提供較多的新聞數量,但認為國內網路新聞媒體欠缺整合性內容。記者仍傾向採納並較信任傳統媒體成立的新聞網站以及通訊社網站所透露的訊息,較不信任網路媒體。本研究的推論認為,記者在採納純網路新聞媒體的訊息時可能採較為保守的態度。

Možnosti a meze využití školní webové stránky žáky a učiteli na základní škole. / Possibilities and Limits of School Website Usage for Students and Teachers at Primary Schools

NÁDVORNÍK, Václav January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the issue of primary school websites and the potentials of their usage by students and teachers. Recently, websites became very common means of communication and educational platform. The aim of the thesis is to determine the potentials and limits of using websites in primary education. The thesis is divided into three main chapters and it has four appendices. The introductory chapter introduces the aims and the concept of the thesis. The part dedicated to the current state of the problem describes the development of Internet usage by children in the Czech Republic and other countries. This chapter deals with statistic data from the survey carried by the Czech Statistical Office and from a National Educational Institute project Škola21, in which the leaderships of various schools answered questions about the ways of using the school website as a part of self-evaluation. In this chapter, there is also a division of the target groups of school web users, short overview that demonstrates the development of school website in the last ten years, and a description of the parts that it, in some cases, contains. Special part is dedicated to evaluation tools of school website and other resources that can help determine the criteria of a high quality website and thus its potentials and limits. The second chapter, which is the main part of the thesis, is a research of school website and Internet usage in general by students and teachers and presents the basic research questions that were being answered. The main research question that is later divided into sub-questions is "How do students and pedagogical employees use the Internet and school website?" The main tool for collecting the answers were questionnaires designed according to a pre-research. The questionnaires collected the answers about the usage of the school website from students and teachers. The answers are statistically elaborated and the results are being compared by classification of fist and second degree. Here, the ways of students' and teachers' work with the website are compared and relations that can designate the potentials of the school website are looked for. The answers were further compared according to the respondents' school location, frequency of the school website visits, Internet access and other criteria. The results of the research were further discussed in interviews with groups of students and teachers. These interviews were focused on discovering the reasons for the respondents' answers. The thesis summarizes the results of the research and puts them into context with previously published work on this topic. Using these findings, the third chapter defines and explains recommended content of a school website and thus, sets the basic limits and potentials of its usage. On the basis of the information from the overview of current studies on this topic and using the research data, the thesis suggests a school website evaluation tool, which can answer the question about how the potentials of a school website are utilized. Computational algorithms and procedures of creating the evaluation tool are described in the research part of the thesis as well as the results of its testing on two primary schools in the Czech Republic.

Knowledge is the Key : Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West Indies

Haagman, Jenny January 2007 (has links)
Knowledge is the Key - Internet access, utilization and opinions in Grenada, West Indies Information and knowledge contributes to growth and development through empowering individuals and communities, creating opportunities to improve their living conditions. Technology is advancing rapidly and the Information and Communication Technology, ICT, provides new ways to attain information. Especially the Internet is regarded to be a source of information and knowledge. However, there are still many places in the world where Internet access is not yet available to everyone. The consequences are that people in developing countries do not get the opportunity to benefit from the new technology and the possibilities it brings. The research for this thesis was carried out in Grenada during November and December 2006. Grenada is a small independent island in the English speaking Caribbean, where only a small percentage of the population has Internet access. The purpose of the study is to examine if a selection of young individuals in Grenada can obtain enhanced knowledge through using the Internet. Furthermore, the study intends to depict what attitudes and opinions can be found among the youths, focusing on the possibilities as well as the negative effects of the Internet. This study was conducted trough a qualitative orientated methodological perspective with strategically selected respondents between 11 and 35 years old. Qualitative interviews were being made with nine individuals who were using the Internet regularly. The conclusion of this thesis is that organized strategies and projects are required, with the aim to create motives for the young generation of Grenada to obtain enhanced knowledge through Internet usage. The access and availability in itself is not enough, because seeking information and knowledge is not the main purpose when the youths are using the Internet. Nevertheless, the respondents stated that the Internet is considered to be a source of information and knowledge and that they know where and how to find information when using the Internet, if they wanted to. The result also reveals an overall positive attitude towards the Internet and the future among the youths, yet still well aware of the negative consequences. The respondents expressed a desire to be able to keep up with the technology and wished for increased and improved accessibility and connectivity in Grenada. Another interesting conclusion this research generated is the confirmation of the digital divide as a matter of global stratification, rather than differences between countries. Regardless of the country of origin, people with Internet access will have advantages in life and benefit from the technology, unlike those who have no access and hence, will fall even further behind.

"HEMSIDOR SKA VARA ENKLA!" : En studie om hur läsbarhet på hemsidor bör anpassas utifrån seniora internetanvändare / "WEBSITES SHOULD BE SIMPLE!" : A study on how readability on websites should be adapted based on senior internet users

Lundberg, Felicia, Nordin, Karin January 2022 (has links)
An increasingly number of people are using the internet in Sweden, but many of the elderly still do not use the internet. At the same time, the global population is aging. To counteract the digital exclusion that exists for the elderly, the purpose of this study is to find out how a website should be made more user-friendly for senior Internet users. This by focusing on text formats, fonts, and colors that seniors prefer to have on websites to increase the readability. To find out, a literature study has been done together with a questionnaire and an interview study. From this, a result is presented that shows which adaptations that are good to make to people where functions such as sight, hearing, memory, and coordination have deteriorated. The result mainly shows that there must be high contrasts between text and background, larger text is preferred that is not italicized or only consists of capital letters and that there should not be much text on a front page.

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