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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Šiuolaikinių technologijų taikymai mokykliniame intranete / The Application of Modern Technology in School Intranet

Bagdonas, Giedrius 06 June 2005 (has links)
The purpose of the research is to establish what modern services of internet can be successfully used to create intranet and extranet in school. After analyzing the theory, the know – haw of creating intranet ant extranet in foreign countries and Lithuania, it is established that the following services can be used in optimum case: the services of information safeguarding; the services of files and catalogues are used for placing educational material and holding educational process, especially for work in group or individual work; the services of rendering information for the review and search of information; the services of sending reports – e-mail, forums; the services of net data bases. Orientated for educational process; the services of information exchange and distant approach, that is FTP and other services based on other minutes and possibilities of operating systems and services based on distant control. Modern distant educational medium realizes and holds the majority of services mentioned above, connected to information exchange and its saving. Thus the appliance of then helps to solve the task of holding mentioned services in complex. Using a questionnaire form the research was done in Telšiai asking teachers about their viewpoint and skills applying modern technologies According to the research results there can be distinguished the following order of instill of the services of intranet and extranet: the services of information safeguarding, the services of... [to full text]

Gimnazijos bibliotekos darbo aplinka „Libretas“ atviro kodo priemonėmis / High school library environment “Libretas” done using open source means

Šulinskas, Valdas 18 January 2006 (has links)
High School library – it is open education and information center, educational and study place with modern information and technical base. The task of modern High School library – help visitors apply information environment however learning source. High School library environment “Libretas” put for library everyday tasks effective keeping and everyday routine works and jobs make easy. The system environment give chance connect over browser from any remote work places. Library environment „Libretas“ giving possibility from computer workstation see library activity situation in real time – busy computer workstation, conducted video lessons, see library staff employment, afford information for library staff, afford additionally service for readers. Inform High School IT technician about existing problems, necessary advice and guidance, exchange information with colleague, publish librarian events timetable, comment and notation about it, have reversible link with readers.

Bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos intranetinės mokymo(si) sistemos kūrimas ir tyrimas / Implementation and investigation of intranet-band teaching system in general education school

Rudžionienė, Ineta 05 June 2006 (has links)
School is the most important organization in the process of creating educational community, because there is a place where citizens of this community are raised. Schools computerization gets most attention. Analyzing existing intranet based learning systems and creating system, witch is designed for general education schools to improve their students ant teachers work, are object of postgraduate studies work. This system allow schools to corporate, share information, studying plans and information. Created system can be used in all general education schools. This system can be reused in schools which has special purpose. System is designed for virtual learning and communications between students and teachers, for sharing and using educational information, for analyzing marking and learning results, creating summaries. Teachers can: • create studying plans; • deliver theoretical educational information; • create tests; • mark students work at lessons and tests. Students can: • use educational information, which teacher offer them; • communicate with other students and teachers; • take tests; • check for their marks. System can be useful for parents of students. Trey can check their child marks from their home.

IT įtaka darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje / IT influence on employee communication in the organization

Šimatonytė, Miglė 25 November 2010 (has links)
Šiame magistriniame darbe analizuojama IT įtaka darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje. Ši tema labai svarbi, kadangi IT naudojimas kompanijos tikslams pasiekti ne tik pagreitina užduočių sprendimą, bet ir veikia darbo atmosferos pakitimus, žmonių savijautą. Darbe analizuojama komunikacija tarp darbuotojų bei informacinių technologijų naudojimas. Išanalizavus įvairius IT komunikacijos modelius, sukurtas IT įtakos komunikacijai vidiniame darbo jėgos procese modelis. Problemos esmė – kaip taikyti informacines technologijas, norint pagerinti darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikaciją organizacijos vidiniuose procesuose. Darbo objektas – informacinių technologijų įtaka darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje. Darbo tikslas yra ištirti IT įtaką darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje, išskiriant, kokiomis informacinėmis technologijomis naudojantis ši komunikacija pagerinama. Darbo uždaviniai yra šie: remiantis mokslinės literatūros analize ir skirtingomis autorių interpretacijomis, išanalizuoti ir apibendrinti teorinius organizacijos, naudojančios IT, bei komunikacijos aspektus; įvertinus IT įtakos darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai organizacijoje teorinių bei empirinių tyrimų rezultatus, suformuoti IT įtakos komunikacijai vidiniame darbo jėgos procese modelį; atlikti IT įtakos komunikacijai vidiniame darbo jėgos procese modelio empirinį tyrimą ir nustatyti elektroninio pašto bei intraneto įtaką darbuotojų tarpusavio komunikacijai; ištirti naujų IT... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The problem of influence of the information technologies application to the employee’s communication in organization is disputed in this master’s work. The problem is very topical if we want to increase the organization performance by adjusting the fitting mediums. The purpose of this work is to examine, how to optimize the IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization. There is analyzed communication between employees and the usage of information technologies. Also a model of IT influence in the organization workflow process is created. The object of this paper is the IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization. The goal of this paper is to investigate IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization. The main tasks of this master work are: to review the theoretical aspects of communication, organization and IT; to analyse the empirical researches of IT influence on employee’s communication in the organization; to create a model of IT influence on the internal organization workflow communicational process; to make an empirical research using a new model; to find out what new IT can be used in the organization. The main results of the research. The survey was made in purpose to find out IT influence on organizational workflow process. The results show, that the best IT in this process in organizational communication level is intranet and in inter-personal level is e-mail. Also there was found a problem in the organization, that... [to full text]

Apskrities valstybinės mokesčių inspekcijos intraneto portalas / County State Tax Inspectorate Intranet Portal

Martinėnas, Mindaugas 07 January 2005 (has links)
The research area of this master work is problems of information processing in County State Tax Inspectorate and their resolution approaches. The aim of this work is to find the best approach, to create appropriate software to resolve theses problems and to fulfill user’s needs. The main problems of information processing were determined during County State Tax Inspectorate business analysis: • usable legacy information systems imperfect integration and functionality; • some information not computerized processing. After analyzing many approaches three tiers client-server software architecture, internet technologies and relational databases integration was chosen for new information system implementation. Internet browser is used for user interface on client side. All business logic was placed in middle tier. Server side scripts are used for interaction with system new database and legacy database which is working in Oracle DBMS environment. Microsoft ASP technology is used for server-side scripting. Legacy database reverse engineering was accomplished for this database documentation. County State Tax Inspectorate intranet portal users can do data operative registration and processing, quick report formation. The modern CASE tool Rational Rose 2002 Enterprise Edition was used from business analysis to new information system project creation that will help for system maintenance and future development.

Intraneto kaip informacinės ir komunikacinės technologijos naudojimą įtakojantys veiksniai Kauno miesto viešbučiuose / Factors that influence intranet as an information and communication technology usage in Kaunas city hotels

Kavaliauskaitė, Agnė 05 July 2011 (has links)
Probleminis klausimas – kokie veiksniai labiausiai įtakoja darbuotojų sprendimą naudotis organizacijos intranetu Kauno miesto viešbučiuose? Darbo objektas: veiksniai įtakojantys darbuotojų sprendimą naudotis organizacijos intranetu. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti intraneto kaip informacinės ir komunikacinės technologijos naudojimą įtakojančius veiksnius Kauno miesto viešbučiuose. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti IKT sampratą teoriniu aspektu. 2. Pristatyti IKT naudojamas viešbučių versle. 3. Pristatyti intraneto, kaip IKT naudojimą viešbučių versle. 4. Ištirti veiksnius labiausiai įtakojančius darbuotojus priimti ir naudoti organizacijos intranetą Kauno miesto viešbučiuose. Rezultatai ir išvados: Atlikus tyrimą paaiškėjo kad: • darbuotojų apsisprendimą naudoti intranetą labiausiai įtakoja gaunama kokybiška informacija bei suvokiamas intraneto naudingumas ir patiriamas vadovo spaudimas. • didžiausios kliūtys trukdančios naudoti intranetą – neturima techninė parama ir tai, jog darbuotojai nėra novatoriški. Darbo apimtis 37 lapai. Darbą sudaro 3 dalys. Pateiktos 5 lentelės, 17 paveikslų, 3 priedai. Literatūroje 37 pozicijos. / -.

Intraneto taikymas gimnazijos veiklos efektyvumui didinti / Application of intranet for enhancing high school effectiveness

Aldakauskas, Aidas 27 June 2014 (has links)
Viena labiausiai paplitusių internetinių informacinių sistemų rūšių yra intranetas. Tai organizacijos tinklas, grindžiamas interneto protokolų rinkiniu TCP/IP. Pagrindinė intraneto paskirtis – komunikacija ir bendradarbiavimas tarp organizacijos narių, ir paprastai kiekvienas jų, priklausomai nuo savo atliekamų funkcijų, turi skirtingas naudojimosi intranetu teises. Magistrinio darbo tikslas - sukurti informacinę sistemą „Ei-tinklas“ gimnazijoje – intranetą – kaip vieną iš priemonių, skirtų šiuolaikinei vadybai bei mokymui(-si), realizuoti. / One of the most prevalent types of Internet Information Systems is Intranet. It is an organization network based on the collection TPC/IP of internet records. The main purpose of the Intranet is communication and cooperation among members of an organization, and usually each of them, depending on their accomplishing functions, has different rights of the Intranet’s usage. The aim of Master Degree Work is to create an information system “Ei-network” in the gymnasium – Intranet – as one of the means designed for implementing modern management and teaching (learning).

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