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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gimnazijos bibliotekos darbo aplinka „Libretas“ atviro kodo priemonėmis / High school library environment “Libretas” done using open source means

Šulinskas, Valdas 18 January 2006 (has links)
High School library – it is open education and information center, educational and study place with modern information and technical base. The task of modern High School library – help visitors apply information environment however learning source. High School library environment “Libretas” put for library everyday tasks effective keeping and everyday routine works and jobs make easy. The system environment give chance connect over browser from any remote work places. Library environment „Libretas“ giving possibility from computer workstation see library activity situation in real time – busy computer workstation, conducted video lessons, see library staff employment, afford information for library staff, afford additionally service for readers. Inform High School IT technician about existing problems, necessary advice and guidance, exchange information with colleague, publish librarian events timetable, comment and notation about it, have reversible link with readers.

Asmens kodo panaudojimo problematika tarptautinėje ir nacionalinėje teisėje / The problem of the personal number usage in the international and national law

Sadauskaitė, Vilma 11 December 2006 (has links)
In the early 80’s it was recognized that electronic data mining is a serious threat to the autonomity of persons and PIN became a symbol of total citizen control. There appeared a need to consider either the priority of technical advancements or the priority of human rights. This is why precise legal provisions about using the PIN appeared. The use of PIN became a requirement and this process began even in those countries where PIN had been already introduced before the rise of overwhelming concern about data protection. It can be noted that the regulation of the use of personal number is not fully comprehensive, despite the fact that the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms enacted by the Council of Europe in 1950, where the right to privacy is provisioned as one of the most significant rights, established an efficient human rights implementation mechanism. The countries employing the PIN of specific context acquire the information about a part of life of the individual and not violate the individual privacy. The countries, employing universal multifunctional identity identificators have established a high level control measures. However, in any case when the confirmation of a person’s identity is needed, it is advisable to authentificate his/ her existing features disclosing only a minimum content of private personal data. In other words, the disclosure of private personal data should be in proportion with the main objectives of... [to full text]

Spausdintų žemėlapių spalvų palyginamoji analizė Lietuvos etnografinių regionų pavyzdžiu / Printed map colorings by comparison of lithuania’s region of etnographic analysis

Baikauskas, Marius 27 June 2014 (has links)
Kartografiniuose kūriniuose spalva yra viena iš pačių svarbiausių priemonių, kurios pagalba perteikiama informacija. Darbe apžvelgiama spalvų teorija ir jos raida, trumpai nagrinėjamas spalvų suvokimas kaip reiškinys, apžvelgiami spalvų maišymo ir kalibravimo procesai bei sistemos. Darbe trumpai aprašomi spalvinio matymo sutrikimai bei jų svarba kuriant kartografinius kūrinius. Ruošiant apklausą, nagrinėta keturių spalvų teorija (grafų teorija), kuria remiantis nustatytas spalvų kiekis reikalingas tyrimui atlikti. Tyrimo esmė yra atskleisti regioninius bei lyčių spalvinio matymo ypatumus analizuojant gautus duomenis iš apklaustųjų. Taip pat gauti rezultatai yra palyginami su spausdintuose žemėlapiuose naudojamų spalvų skalėmis. Visas tyrimas paremtas RGB kodo analize bei interpretavimu. Gauti darbo rezultatai atskleidžia, kad skirtumai yra pastebimi ir tai leidžia tęsti platesnius tyrimus apie spalvinio matymo ypatumus, pasitelkiant ir kitų sričių specialistus(psichologus, gydytojus, etnologus ir kt.). / Cartographic works, color is one of the most important means by which information is transmitted. The paper provides an overview of color theory and its development, briefly examined the color perception as a phenomenon, an overview of color mixing and calibration processes and systems. The paper briefly describes the color-vision disturbances and their importance for creating cartographic works. In preparing poll, examined the four-color theory (graph theory), which on the basis of the number of colors required for analysis. The study is to reveal the essence of regional and gender color-vision characteristics of the analysis of data obtained from the interviewees. Also, the results are compared to printed maps used color scales. The entire study is based on the RGB code analysis and interpretation. Get the results of the work reveals that the differences are noticeable, and it allows you to continue research on the wider vision of the color characteristics, and through other specialists (psychologists, doctors, ethnologist, etc).

Atviro kodo CRM tyrimas / Open Source CRM Research

Bukelis, Donatas 09 June 2006 (has links)
The study deals with the features open source CRMs have, the ways we can change the code and make our own open source CRM system. The research is oriented to Web based CRMs. One open source CRM system is modyfied and translated into the Lithuanian language. Installation files were created for people who do not know databases and Web services software in order to help them install this CRM system and configure database as well as other system requirements. The final result of our work is open source CRM system called „OfisasTinkle2006“. This product is used by a couple of firms in their business sphere.

RFID technologija e-logistikoje / Application of rfid in e-logistic

Kucinas, Andrius 23 June 2014 (has links)
Darbe lyginamos dvi objektų identifikavimo sistemos: BAR kodas ir radijo dažniu pagrįsta RFID. Šiame darbe stengiamasi objektyviai įvertinti abiejų technologijų privalumus bei trūkumus, apžvelgti jų panaudojimo sritis. Pagrindinis dėmesys skiriamas logistikai, kur lig šiol plačiai naudojama BAR kodas, bet jau dabar yra galimybės sėkmingai jį pakeisti naująja RFID ir taip padidinti verslo rentabilumą. / In this article two objects identification technologies are analyzed, that’s BAR code and Radio Frequency Identification. Author of this article seeks to evaluate employment nuances of both technologies. Main attention was paid to logistic, where BAR code is still widely in use. Lot of specialist talk that there are already possibility to replace BAR with RFID and increase profitableness of business.

Windows API funkcijų panaudojimas realiojo laiko nuskaitymo sistemose / Windows API functions usage in a real-time scanning systems

Čeponis, Dainius 01 July 2010 (has links)
Darbe aptariamos virusų aptikimo metodikos, jų raida. Pristatomi nauji virusų aptikimo metodai ir genetinių algoritmų pritaikymas juose. Pirmoje praktinėje dalyje atliktas Windows API funkcijų perėmimo bibliotekų palyginimas. Antroje praktinėje dalyje parašyta realiojo laiko nuskaitymo programa. Programa veikia naudodama nemokamas ClamAV virusų parašų duomenų bazes. Atliktas programos palyginimas su kitomis nemokamomis antivirusinėmis programomis. Darbą sudaro 4 dalys: įvadas, teorinis pagrindimas, sistemos realizacija, išvados ir siūlymai, literatūros sąrašas. Darbo apimtis – 47 p. teksto be priedų, 25 iliustr., 2 lent., 40 bibliografinių šaltinių. Atskirai pridedami darbo priedai. / There described virus scanning techniques in the work, they historical appearance. New scanning techniques presented, including genetic algorithms usage. In first practical part presented Windows API hooking libraries, they tests. There created real-time system scanning program in second practical part. ClamAV free databases are used for files checking. Program tested with others free antivirus solutions. Structure: introduction, analytical part, system implementation, conclusions and suggestions, references. Thesis consist of: 47p. text without appendixes, 25 pictures, 2 tables, 40 bibliographical entries. Appendixes included.

Dviejų koordinačių programinio valdymo sistemos tyrimas / Research of Computer Controlled Two-Coordinate System

Grėbliūnas, Giedrius 19 June 2014 (has links)
Baigiamojo darbo tikslas – dvikoordinačiui įtaisui suprojektuoti skaitmeninio programinio valdymo sistemą bei ištirti jos veikimą. Šio darbo įvadinėje dalyje suformuluojamas darbo tikslas ir uždaviniai, taip pat aptariamas temos aktualumas. Literatūros analizės dalyje analizuojami straipsniai, kuriuose pateikti naujausi skaitmeninio programinio valdymo įrengimų programavimo metodai ir tendencijos. Teorinėje dalyje sudaroma sistemos funkcinė ir principinė elektrinė schemos, sukuriamas sistemos kompiuteris modelis bei programinė įranga. Tiriamojoje dalyje vykdomas sistemos imitavimas, patikrinamas suprojektuotos sistemos darbingumas bei braižomos ir tiriamos sistemos koordinačių formavimo laikinės ir tikslumo charakteristikos. Darbą sudaro 8 dalys: įvadas, literatūros analizė, tyrimo tikslas ir uždaviniai, teorinė dalis, tiriamoji dalis, išvados, literatūros sąrašas bei priedai. Darbo apimtis – 53 p. teksto be priedų, 32 paveikslėlis, 2 lentelės, 25 literatūros šaltiniai. / The goal of this master thesis is to design a computer numerical control system for a two – coordinate device and to do a research of its characteristics. The main tasks are formed, as well as the urgency of the topic is being discussed in the introduction of this thesis. The gathered material about the programming of computer numerical control devices is systemized in the literature analysis part. In the theoretical part of this thesis, a functional and principal electric schematics, models and software are created. In the research part, the system is being simulated and graphic data of coordinates change in time and other precision characteristics are being analyzed. In the conclusion of this master thesis the results are discussed and suggestions are offered. There are eight parts of this master thesis: Introduction, Literature analysis part, The Goal and main tasks of this thesis, Theoretical part, Research part, Conclusions and Suggestions, List of Literature used and Additives. Work size – 53 p. without additives, 32 illustrations, 2 tables, 25 bibliographical sources.

Atviro kodo GIS technologijų tyrimas / Analysis of open source GIS software

Božnis, Andrius 08 June 2006 (has links)
GIS is one of the most perspective information technology sciences sphere. GIS conjuncts the digital image analysis and data base systems. This makes GIS wide applicable and very high skills demanding system. There is a lot of commercial GIS software which is well advertised and which functionality is pretty well known, while open source software is forgotten. In this diploma work is made analysis of available open source GIS software on the Internet, in the scope of different projects interrelations, programming languages. Also analysed open GIS standards. More detail analysis made on software selected by criteria, found by previous analysis. Demonstrating plug-in creation process on open source GIS platform.

Buitinio šaldytuvo produktų atpažinimo ir identifikavimo sistema / Product recognition and identification system for refrigerator

Dotas, Arvydas 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiame darbe,nagrinėjamos "gudrių namų" technologijos tendencijos bei informacinių technologijų integravimo į buitinį šaldytuvą galimybės. Remiantis atliktos produktų aprašomosios informacijos bei galimų produktų atpažinimo ir identifikavimo metodų analizes duomenimis sudarytas produktų atpažinimo ir identifikavimo sistemos modelis. Sistemos modelio racionalumas išbandytas eksperimentiškai. / In this work, there are analyzed tendencies of the "Smart house" technology and possibilities to integrate new technologies into a kichen's appliences. Acording to results of the analizes of product information and possible methods of the product recognition and identification there was compossed product recognition and identification system model.

The Problem of the Genre of Dan Brown's Novel "The Da Vinci Code" / Deno Brauno romano "Da Vinčio kodas" žanro problema

Skorupa, Pavel 16 August 2007 (has links)
The MA paper focuses on the problem of the genre of Dan Brown’s novel The Da Vinci Code. In the paper various concepts of the literary genre, especially the novel, in modern literary theory are presented and reviewed. All theories of the novel distinguish the following main genre constituents: plot, setting, character, thematic range, the narrator and point of view, intertextuality, and others. The analysis reveals that there are four subplots, apart from the main plot line; at some crucial moments, or in most dramatic scenes, the plotlines crisscross or merge. Robert Langdon and Sophie Neveu are the protagonists of the novel; the Teacher-Teabing and Silas are the villains; and the minor characters are: Bezu Fache, Bishop Aringarosa, and others. The protagonists and the villains are psychological characters. The novel deals with a number of problems: love and family – the main problem is Christ’s marriage of Mary Magdalene and their posterity; the problem has been supposedly hidden in Leonardo da Vinci’s works, especially the fresco “The Last Supper”; the theme of art, the conflict between science and religion, etc. The research discovers that there is a fusion of several generic forms in The Da Vinci Code. It also shows that the novel can be placed in traditional and most recent literary culture. / Šis Deno Brauno romanas gali būti priskirtas daugiau nei vienam šiuolaikinės populiarios literatūros žanrui. Žanro teorijų apžvalga parodė, kad pati literatūrinio žanro sąvoka yra neryškiai apibrėžta, tačiau visos teorijos identifikuoja kelis žanrą formuojančius elementus – siužeto struktūra, veiksmo vieta ir laikas, charakteriai, plėtojamos temos (problemos), intertekstualumas ir kiti. Deno Brauno Da Vinčio kodas turi keleto klasikinės ir šiuolaikinės populiarios literatūros žanrų bruožų ir pilnai arba iš dalies atitinka tų žanrų reikalavimus. Siužeto analizė parodė, kad romanas parašytas pagal tradicinio detektyvo, arba trilerio schemą: romanas prasideda nuo žmogžudystės po kurios seka nužudytojo kuratoriaus mįslių išnarpliojimas ir tikrų nusikaltelių nubaudimas. Charakterių analizė atskleidė klasikinio detektyvo charakterių sistemą: kelios aukos, žudikas-įrankis, nusikaltimų organizatorius, detektyvai, policija. Nuolat pakartojama mintis apie Jėzaus Kristaus ir Marijos Magdalietės santuoką, bei romantiški romano herojų Roberto ir Sofi jausmai vienas kitam suteikia Da Vinčio kodui meilės romano žanro bruožų. Valdžios troškimo tema atskleista per vyskupo Aringarosos ir paslaptingojo Mokytojo charakterius, suteikia romanui trilerio bruožų ir paslaptingumo. Meno tema ir mįslės susijusios su Leonardo da Vinčio kūriniais, o taip pat aiškinami simboliai ir minimos slaptos draugijos suteikia romanui detektyvo, simbologinės ir sąmokslo literatūros bruožų. Knygoje gausu... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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