Spelling suggestions: "subject:"invasion"" "subject:"dinvasion""
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Podoplanin-expressing cancer-associated fibroblasts lead and enhance the local invasion of cancer cells in lung adenocarcinoma / 肺腺癌においてポドプラニン発現がん関連線維芽細胞はがん細胞を先導し局所浸潤を促進させるNeri, Shinya 23 March 2017 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第20230号 / 医博第4189号 / 新制||医||1019(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 野田 亮, 教授 武田 俊一, 教授 杉田 昌彦 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Haemophilus pathogenesis during otitis media: Influence of nutritional immunity on bacterial persistence and intracellular lifestylesHardison, Rachael Lake January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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The Importance of Listeriolysin O in Host Cell Invasion by <i>Listeria monocytogenes</i> and its Use in Vaccine DevelopmentPhelps, Christopher 18 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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Roles of Extracellular ATP in Induction of Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and Other Early Steps of MetastasisCao, Yanyang January 2019 (has links)
No description available.
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A Trial of Fire and Ice: Assessing the Ability of Invasive Tree Pyrus Calleryana to Resist Disturbance During Grassland Invasion in The American MidwestMaloney, Margaret E. 18 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Ledarskap i kristider : En studie om företagsledares agerande och möjlighetsskapande till följd av Rysslands invasion av UkrainaMörsell, Johan, Wallström, Erik, Brolin, Albin January 2023 (has links)
Kriser är ett ofta nämnt begrepp i media, inom organisationer och i dagligt tal bland människor. Begreppet har speciellt brukats flitigt under de senaste åren till följd av Covid-19 pandemin och Rysslands invasion av Ukraina vilket väckt forskarna i den här studiens nyfikenhet för begreppet. Hur man kan hantera en oförutsägbara extern kris som företagsledare i en organisation är inget som de flesta ledarna är bekanta eller bekväma med. Krishantering är en mycket större och viktigare del än vad många tror av det dagliga arbetet för en företagsledare för att organisationen ska överleva och gå starka ur den turbulenta verkligheten som företaget ställs inför. Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för hur en företagsledare kan agera och arbeta för att minska effekterna av oväntade kriser, samt vad ledaren kan göra för att hitta möjligheter i snabbt förändrande förhållanden. En kvalitativ metod har tillämpats i studien där fem semistrukturerade intervjuer har verkställts löpande under forskningen med fem olika individer i ledande befattningar i svenska tillverkningsföretag. Forskarna har nyttjat en induktiv ansats, där teorin baseras på utfallet av det empiriska materialet. Studien visade att kriser skapar erfarenheter för ledarna, vilket förbereder ledarna bättre på liknande framtida utmaningar. Kriser innebär även förändring vilket kan resultera i möjligheter när det sker en omställning på marknader.
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Investigation of Microbial Aspects Related to Salmonella as a Food Pathogen Bioluminescent Reporting System and Mechanisms for Host InvasionHowe, Kevin 14 August 2015 (has links)
Salmonella can reside in healthy animals without the manifestation of any adverse effects on the carrier. If raw products of animal origin are not handled properly during processing or cooked to a proper temperature during preparation, salmonellosis can occur. In this research, microbial aspects related to Salmonella as a food pathogen are investigated. A bioluminescent reporting system was developed for Salmonella to monitor the attachment and growth of the pathogen on food products. Twelve and eleven Salmonella strains from the broiler production continuum were tagged with bioluminescence by plasmid and integration of the lux operon into the chromosome, respectively. To assess the usefulness of bioluminescent Salmonella strains in food safety studies, an attachment model using chicken skin was developed. Variables including washing and temperature were tested in the attachment model to determine the effects on attachment of Salmonella strains to chicken skin, a characteristic that enhances persistence during processing. Additionally, the invasion process for two serovars of Salmonella with differing host tropism was examined with emphasis on the initial establishment of the bacterium in the host. The major facilitator for invasion, type III secretion system, was inactivated through deletion mutation to evaluate invasion of human epithelial cell line by additional means. The difference in host tropism between the two subspecies of Salmonella was also taken into account when evaluating invasion. Results showed that invasion of human epithelial cells can be initiated despite inactivation of the type III secretion system. A serovar of Salmonella that is not typically associated with human illness was also shown to initiate invasion of human epithelial cells, a result that carries public health implication as this serovar has recently been shown to be multi-drug resistant.
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The Effects of Common Forest Management Practices on Community Structure in a Southern Pine ForestChance, Donald Paul 04 May 2018 (has links)
Planted pine (Pinus spp.) comprises nearly 10% of the total land cover in the state of Mississippi. Often, understory structure is limited in this system. Thus, managers use a variety of management practices to improve understory biomass and structure. I assessed the impacts of common forest management practices (canopy reduction, prescribed fire, and selective herbicide application) and their combined effects on aspects of community structure. More specifically, I assessed impacts of disturbance intensity on non-native plant invasions, and evaluated how microscale vegetation characteristics influenced use by white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and wild turkey (Mealagris gallopavo). Combining canopy reductions with prescribed fire, which closely mimicked historical intermediate disturbance intensities in this vegetation type, led to the greatest invasion resistance due to high abundances of native plants. Both deer and turkey increased use in areas with high levels of understory cover. Coupling canopy reductions with prescribed fire created the most favorable conditions for both species.
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Mobilization of Entrapped Gases in Quasi-Saturated Groundwater Systems Contaminated with Biofuel AdditivesElliott, Claire January 2020 (has links)
Biofuel additives have been designed to reduce vehicular emissions to the atmosphere to limit the effects of greenhouse gases on global climate change. The chemical properties of common biofuel additives exhibit ideal characteristics for use in gasoline and diesel, while limiting emissions from exhaust. As biofuel additives begin to be administered regularly to gasoline and fuel sources, the compounds will appear in spill sites, posing a risk to groundwater sources. The interactions that occur between common biofuel additives and trapped gases below the water table were analyzed in this work to further understand the potential consequences on quasi-saturated groundwater zones. The behaviour of trapped gases contaminated with different biofuel additives were analyzed in laboratory experiments conducted in a two-dimensional flow cell to demonstrate the mechanisms of gas flow through a capillary barrier resulting from modified interfacial properties in the presence of a chemical surfactant. Contamination of gas-fluid interfaces by applied biofuel additives at the pore scale resulted in the breakthrough of gas through the capillary barrier. Gas migration terminated at a critical pool height proportional to the reduction in interfacial tension induced by the administered biofuel additives. To further demonstrate the relationship between interfacial tension and critical gas pool height, an interfacial tension-macroscopic invasion percolation model was developed to simulate the transport mechanisms and behaviours of gas flow when an immobile pool is contaminated with 1-Butanol. The findings in this study provide a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms and behaviours of gas mobilization in the presence of common biofuel additives. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The use of biofuel additives in gasoline and diesel fuels has become an attractive alternative to fully petroleum-based fuels to reduce the release of vehicular greenhouse gases to the atmosphere. As fuel spills and storage tank leaks continue to be a primary source of groundwater contamination, the appearance of biofuel additives in contaminated systems will appear below the subsurface as they continue to be administered to modern gasoline and diesel fuels. This work investigated the consequences of biofuel contamination of groundwater systems containing gas trapped within pore spaces through the use of laboratory experiments and numerical modelling. Contamination of these systems with different biofuel additives displayed a similar response, in which gas had mobilized from within pore spaces and released to the atmosphere. Mobilization of trapped gas in groundwater can alter the primary hydraulic properties that characterize a particular hydrogeologic system.
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Potential Forest Regeneration in Western New York State Green Ash Stands Depleted by Emerald Ash Borer InvasionCoupland, Abagail L. 07 August 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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