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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Electronic workplace surveillance and employee privacy : a comparative analysis of privacy protection in Australia and the United States

Watt, James Robert January 2009 (has links)
More than a century ago in their definitive work “The Right to Privacy” Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis highlighted the challenges posed to individual privacy by advancing technology. Today’s workplace is characterised by its reliance on computer technology, particularly the use of email and the Internet to perform critical business functions. Increasingly these and other workplace activities are the focus of monitoring by employers. There is little formal regulation of electronic monitoring in Australian or United States workplaces. Without reasonable limits or controls, this has the potential to adversely affect employees’ privacy rights. Australia has a history of legislating to protect privacy rights, whereas the United States has relied on a combination of constitutional guarantees, federal and state statutes, and the common law. This thesis examines a number of existing and proposed statutory and other workplace privacy laws in Australia and the United States. The analysis demonstrates that existing measures fail to adequately regulate monitoring or provide employees with suitable remedies where unjustifiable intrusions occur. The thesis ultimately supports the view that enacting uniform legislation at the national level provides a more effective and comprehensive solution for both employers and employees. Chapter One provides a general introduction and briefly discusses issues relevant to electronic monitoring in the workplace. Chapter Two contains an overview of privacy law as it relates to electronic monitoring in Australian and United States workplaces. In Chapter Three there is an examination of the complaint process and remedies available to a hypothetical employee (Mary) who is concerned about protecting her privacy rights at work. Chapter Four provides an analysis of the major themes emerging from the research, and also discusses the draft national uniform legislation. Chapter Five details the proposed legislation in the form of the Workplace Surveillance and Monitoring Act, and Chapter Six contains the conclusion.

Representations of Japan and Japanese people in Australian literature

Kato, Megumi, Humanities & Social Sciences, Australian Defence Force Academy, UNSW January 2005 (has links)
This thesis is a broadly chronological study of representations of Japan and the Japanese in Australian novels, stories and memoirs from the late nineteenth century to the twenty-first century. Adopting Edward Said???s Orientalist notion of the `Other???, it attempts to elaborate patterns in which Australian authors describe and evaluate the Japanese. As well as examining these patterns of representation, this thesis outlines the course of their development and change over the years, how they relate to the context in which they occur, and how they contribute to the formation of wider Australian views on Japan and the Japanese. The thesis considers the role of certain Australian authors in formulating images and ideas of the Japanese ???Other???. These authors, ranging from fiction writers to journalists, scholars and war memoirists, act as observers, interpreters, translators, and sometimes ???traitors??? in their cross-cultural interactions. The thesis includes work from within and outside ???mainstream??? writings, thus expanding the contexts of Australian literary history. The major ???periods??? of Australian literature discussed in this thesis include: the 1880s to World War II; the Pacific War; the post-war period; and the multicultural period (1980s to 2000). While a comprehensive examination of available literature reveals the powerful and continuing influence of the Pacific War, images of ???the stranger???, ???the enemy??? and later ???the ally??? or ???partner??? are shown to vary according to authors, situations and wider international relations. This thesis also examines gender issues, which are often brought into sharp relief in cross-cultural representations. While typical East-West power-relationships are reflected in gender relations, more complex approaches are also taken by some authors. This thesis argues that, while certain patterns recur, such as versions of the ???Cho-Cho-San??? or ???Madame Butterfly??? story, Japan-related works have given some Australian authors, especially women, opportunities to reveal more ???liberated??? viewpoints than seemed possible in their own cultural context. As the first extensive study of Japan in Australian literary consciousness, this thesis brings to the surface many neglected texts. It shows a pattern of changing interests and interactions between two nations whose economic interactions have usually been explored more deeply than their literary and cultural relations.

Neospora caninum: estudo do secretoma e caracterização molecular de três proteínas com domínios Apple / Neospora caninum: study of the secretome and molecular characterization of three proteins containing Apple domains

Letícia Pollo de Oliveira 08 November 2013 (has links)
Neospora caninum (filo Apicomplexa) é um parasita obrigatório intracelular como todos os membros deste filo, alguns reconhecidos por causarem doenças com impacto relevante na saúde humana (Plasmodium e Toxoplasma) e veterinária (Babesia, Eimeria e Cryptosporidium). Causador da neosporose, N. caninum vem emergindo como um dos maiores causadores de abortos infecciosos em bovinos, levando a consideráveis perdas econômicas na bovinocultura mundial. Devido à sua recente descoberta, o conhecimento sobre diversos processos bioquímicos de N.caninum ainda é limitado, demandando novas pesquisas para a compreensão de seus mecanismos de sobrevivência e consequente identificação de alvos para intervenção terapêutica. O processo de invasão celular é bastante investigado em pesquisas envolvendo apicomplexas, uma vez que a sobrevivência desses parasitas depende do sucesso de sua entrada na célula hospedeira. Proteínas secretadas de organelas filo-específicas (micronemas, roptrias e grânulos densos) estão intimamente envolvidas com a invasão celular. Elas são responsáveis pela interação inicial com a célula hospedeira, participam da junção de movimento formada no momento da invasão, e contribuem para a estabilização do vacúolo parasitóforo. Neste trabalho as proteínas secretadas por taquizoítas de N. caninum foram investigadas de duas formas: (1) por caracterização molecular de proteínas com domínio Apple; e (2) por estudo do secretoma do parasita. Os domínios proteicos do tipo Apple são caracterizados pela capacidade de interação proteína-proteína e proteína-carboidrato, e estão presentes em algumas proteínas micronêmicas com propriedades adesivas. Neste trabalho três proteínas de N. caninum contendo domínios Apple foram caracterizadas: MIC17A, MIC17B e MIC17C. A análise das sequências proteicas e das estruturas dos domínios Apple, obtidas por modelagem molecular, mostraram alta identidade sequencial e estrutural entre MIC17A e MIC17C. Apesar de ser paráloga às outras duas, MIC17B apresenta diferenças importantes em sua sequência e estrutura. Para MIC17B e MIC17C foram realizados experimentos de detecção das proteínas nativas nos extratos total e secretado do taquizoíta que sugerem diferentes formas de processamento entre essas proteínas no parasita. Para MIC17B foi confirmada a localização em micronemas, num padrão diferente do observado para MIC17C. Os ensaios de invasão combinados aos de localização indicam que estas proteínas estejam relacionadas ao processo de invasão celular, porém, suas funções permanecem desconhecidas. O secretoma é o conjunto de proteínas secretadas pelo parasita e, para explorar a composição deste extrato (ESA) no taquizoíta de N. caninum, duas abordagens complementares foram utilizadas. Na primeira abordagem foram identificadas as proteínas presentes no ESA por espectrometria de massas. Na segunda abordagem realizou-se uma ii quantificação relativa das proteínas, marcadas por dois isótopos, nos extratos totais de taquizoítas submetidos ou não ao estímulo secretório. O resultado esperado seria com as proteínas secretadas diminuídas no parasita estimulado. Em ambas as abordagens foram utilizadas técnicas de espectrometria de massas de alta resolução (nanoLC-MS/MS), o que resultou num alto número de identificações; 615 proteínas no ESA e 2011 proteínas quantificadas. A comparação das duas abordagens permitiu o reconhecimento de proteínas com maior probabilidade de secreção. Uma rede de interação entre as proteínas diferencialmente expressas foi predita, gerando resultados que, associados às informações sobre as proteínas aumentadas, permitiram uma investigação sobre proteínas potencialmente envolvidas com a regulação do metabolismo relacionado à secreção. Os resultados obtidos por ambos os estudos aqui demonstrados somam conhecimento acerca do parasita N. caninum e demonstram ser úteis para guiar a busca e seleção de alvos a serem investigados para o desenvolvimento de terapêutica contra a neosporose. / Neospora caninum (Apicomplexa phylum) is an obligatory intracellular parasite like all members from this phylum, some causing diseases with relevant impact on human (Plasmodium and Toxoplasma) and veterinary (Babesia, Eimeria and Cryptosporidium) health. Causative agent of neosporosis, N. caninum has emerged as one of the leading causes of infectious abortion in cattle, generating huge economical losses in worldwide livestock. Due to its recent discovery, knowledge of N. caninum biochemical processes remains scarce, demanding new research for comprehending its survival mechanisms and, consequently, identifying new targets for therapeutic intervention. The invasion process has often been investigated in apicomplexans since their survival depends on the success of their entry into the host cell. Proteins secreted from phylum-specific organelles (micronemes, rhoptries and dense granules) are deeply involved with invasion. They are responsible for the initial interaction with the host cell; participate of the moving junction formed in the moment of invasion; and contribute for the stabilization of the parasitophorus vacuole. In this study, the proteins secreted by N. caninum tachyzoites were investigated in two ways: (1) the molecular characterization of Apple domaincontaining proteins; and (2) exploring the parasite secretome. The Apple protein domains are characterized by the ability to interact as protein-protein and proteincarbohydrate, and are present in some microneme proteins with adhesive properties. Here three N. caninum proteins containing Apple domains were characterized: MIC17A, MIC17B and MIC17C. Analyses of the Apple domains sequences and structures, obtained by molecular modeling, revealed high sequential and structural identities between MIC17A and MIC17C. Although being a paralog of the other two proteins, MIC17B presents significant differences in its sequence and structure. Experiments were performed for native MIC17B and MIC17C detection in the total and secreted tachyzoite extracts, suggesting different processing forms for these proteins in the parasite. For MIC17B, the microneme localization was confirmed, differently from the pattern observed for MIC17C. Invasion and localization assays indicated that these proteins are related to the cell invasion process; nevertheless, their functions remain unknown. The secretome is the set of proteins secreted by the parasite and, to explore this extract (ESA) composition in N. caninum, two complementary approaches were used. Firstly proteins present in ESA were identified by mass spectrometry. In the second approach, a relative quantification was performed on the proteomes of ethanol stimulated/non stimulated tachyzoites, expecting that the secreted proteins would be down regulated at the stimulated parasite. Both approaches were performed with high resolution mass spectrometry techniques (nanoLC-MS/MS), reaching a high number of identifications: 615 proteins iv in ESA and 2011 quantified proteins. The comparison between both approaches allowed the recognition of the most likely secreted proteins. An interaction network was predicted, involving the differentially expressed proteins. These results, associated with the information of up regulated proteins, allowed the investigation of proteins potentially involved with the secretion metabolism regulation. The findings from our two studies add up knowledge about N. caninum and demonstrate to be useful in guiding the search and selection for new targets for therapeutic development against neosporosis.

Le problème goth au IIIe siècle ap. J.-C. : perceptions et réalités, solutions et échecs militaires

Courpied, Édouard 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Mode de colonisation et dynamique de propagation d'un termite américain à Paris / Disease mode and dynamic of propagation of an american termite in Paris

Baudouin, Guillaume 12 December 2017 (has links)
L’objectif principal de cette thèse est d’identifier les facteurs urbains et les caractéristiques biologiques de Reticulitermes flavipes qui ont permis à cette espèce invasive de coloniser et de persister en milieu urbain. Plus précisément, les études développées ont visé à mieux comprendre l’origine des colonies introduites à Paris, de déterminer comment celles-ci étaient arrivées en ville et, comment, malgré les moyens de lutte mis en oeuvre au cours de ces dernières décennies elles ont persisté dans le paysage parisien. Une première étude nous a permis de voir que les colonies présentes à Paris sont capables de persister et de réinfester des zones qui ont été précédemment traitées. Ces réinfestations sont possibles grâce aux modes de reproduction (néoténie) et de dispersion (par bouturage) de cette espèce qui lui permettent de survivre localement et de recoloniser des zones où les colonies avaient été partiellement éradiquées et ce, même après 15 ans. Dans une seconde étude, nous avons pu montrer deux facteurs majeurs pouvant expliquer la distribution et la propagation de R. flavipes à Paris : la structure complexe des colonies observées et la combinaison spécifique des variables de l’environnement parisien. Enfin, dans la troisième étude, nous avons décrit la dynamique d’expansion de cette espèce à des échelles nationales et régionales. Cette étude révèle des patterns de distribution variés, reflétant les caractéristiques propres des populations invasives de cette espèce en France. Dans ce travail, nous avons discuté de l’implication des caractéristiques biologiques et paysagères sur le succès invasif de cette espèce. Au vue des données obtenues au cours de cette thèse, nous avons également précisé les scénarios concernant l’histoire de l’invasion de ce termite en France, puis nous avons présenté quelques outils et préconisations qui pourraient permettre, selon nous, d’améliorer la lutte contre cet insecte nuisible en ville. / The main objective of this thesis is to identify the urban factors and biological characteristics of Reticulitermes flavipes which have allowed this invasive species to colonize and persist in urban habitat. More specifically, the developed studies aimed at better understanding the origin of introduced colonies in Paris as well as determining how they persisted in the Parisian landscape, despite implementing pest control during the last decades. A first study allowed us to observe that Parisian colonies were able to persist and reinfest areas which were previously treated. These reinfestations are possible thanks to the mode of reproduction (neoteny) and the way of dispersal (by budding) of this species, which allows it to locally survive and recolonize areas where colonies had been partially eradicated, even fifteen years later. In a second study, we were able to highlight two main factors which could explain the distribution and propagation of R. flavipes in Paris: the observed complex colony structure and the specific combination of the Parisian environmental variables. Finally, in a third study, we were able to identify its dynamic of expansion at national and regional scales which showed varied distribution patterns, reflecting the peculiar characteristics of these invasive species populations in France. In this piece of work, we analyzed the implications of the biological and landscape characteristics on the successful invasion of this species. In the view of the data obtained in this thesis, we also suggested some scenarios on the invasion history of this termite species in France and we provided tools and recommendations which, according to us, could allow the improvement of pest management of this insect in cities.

Censorship of the press in South Africa during the Angolan War: a case study of news manipulation and suppression

Addison, Graeme January 1982 (has links)
During the Angolan War of 1975-6, whilst South African troops were actively engaged on the side of the Unita/FNLA alliance, news media in South Africa were prohibited from disclosing information about the country's role in the war. Under Section 118 of the Defence Amendment Act of 1967, no information about SA troop movements or plans could be published without the permission of the Minister of Defence or his nominees. This case study shows how the Government used the Defence Act to censor certain news while releasing other news which suited its political outlook and objectives. The study documents the history of the Defence Act and of the military-press liaison machinery which grew out of it. The introduction defines propaganda as a technique of ideological control designed to supplement the control of society by means of repression. The study sets in context the Government's propaganda strategy before, during and after the Angolan War, arguing that the structures of white domination, including the newspaper industry, are being drawn into the Government's scheme of total co-ordination to fight a total war.

The role of national defence in British political debate, 1794-1812

Faulkner, Jacqueline Suzanne Marie Jeanne January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the role of national defence in British parliamentary politics between 1794 and 1812. It suggests that previous analyses of the late eighteenth-century political milieu insufficiently explore the impact of war on the structure of the state. Work by J.E. Cookson, Linda Colley, J.C.D. Clark, and Paul Langford depicts a decentralised state that had little direct involvement in developing a popular “British” patriotism. Here I argue that the threat of a potential French invasion during the wars against Revolutionary and Napoleonic France provoked a drive for centralisation. Nearly all the defence measures enacted during the period gave the government a much greater degree of control over British manpower and resources. The readiness of successive governments to involve large sections of the nation in the war effort through military service, financial contributions, and appeals to the British “spirit”, resulted in a much more inclusive sense of citizenship in which questions of national participation and political franchise were unlinked. National identity was also affected, and the focus on military defence of the British Isles influenced political attitudes towards the regular army. By 1810, however, the nation was disillusioned by the lengthy struggle with France. The result of lingering political weakness was that attention shifted from national defence onto domestic corruption and venality. The aftermath of the Irish Act of Union, too, demonstrated the limits of attempts to centralise the policy of the whole United Kingdom. Significantly, however, the debates over the relationship between the centre and the localities in the 1830s and 1840s, and the response to a new French invasion threat in the 1850s and 1860s, revived themes addressed during the 1790s and 1800s. The political reaction to the invasion threats between 1794 and 1812 ultimately had more in common with a Victorian state bureaucracy than an eighteenth-century ancien régime.

Deslocamento e invasão: estratégias para a construção de situações de intervenção urbana

Bennaton, Pedro Diniz 30 November 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:52:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Discompelta.pdf: 24643 bytes, checksum: 81e93ce5da3905f5c5edd8d632add05e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-11-30 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The present research has as main focus to analyze and to describe strategical procedures of invasion, occupation and displacement, used in urban interventions carried through by politic and, or, artistic, groups such as: Black Block, Reclaim The Streets, H.I.J.O.S., Grupo Empreza and ERRO Grupo. Considering the theories of Richard Schechner and the described situationists experiences in the urban space, this analysis contributes for the understanding of operational procedures and creative processes of urban action. The strategies of urban action, originated in artistic or politic groups, can be efficient in any environment which the proposal is the intervention. The study in question starts from the notion of the subject, the citizen and the contemporary urban space and searchs genealogies of urban intervention s procedures in, the beginning of the XX century, avant-garde artistic movements, as well as presents contemporaries urban interventions practices reflecting on the notion and the use of the strategical procedures of invasion, occupation and displacement. To demonstrate how much the concept of art and theater currently can be moving, or how much the street theater can be fed from other manifestations that happen in this same space and still keep iself inside the theatrical language, is one of the consequences of the researches and the observation of the practical use of these urban manifestation s strategical procedures. Nowadays, magnifying the knowledge about the strategical procedures of action can result in a fortuitous articulation of resistance principles notion for the transformation of the urban space / A presente pesquisa tem como focos principais analisar e descrever procedimentos estratégicos de invasão, ocupação e deslocamento, utilizados em intervenções urbanas realizadas por grupos políticos e, ou, artísticos, tais como: Black Block, Reclaim The Streets, H.I.J.O.S., Grupo Empreza e ERRO Grupo. Considerando as teorias de Richard Schechner e dos relatos de experiências situacionistas no espaço urbano, esta análise contribui para a compreensão de procedimentos operacionais e de processos criativos de ação urbana. As estratégias de ação urbana, originárias de grupos artísticos ou políticos, podem ser eficazes em qualquer âmbito onde a proposta seja a intervenção. O estudo em questão parte da noção do sujeito e do espaço urbano contemporâneo para buscar as genealogias de procedimentos de intervenção urbana nos movimentos artísticos de vanguarda do início do século XX, assim como apresenta práticas de intervenções urbanas contemporâneas refletindo sobre a noção e a utilização prática dos procedimentos estratégicos de invasão, ocupação e deslocamento. Demonstrar o quanto o conceito de arte e teatro atualmente pode ser movediço, ou o quanto o teatro de rua pode se alimentar de outras manifestações que acontecem neste mesmo espaço e ainda se manter dentro da linguagem teatral, é uma das conseqüências da pesquisa e da observação da utilização prática destes procedimentos estratégicos de manifestação urbana. Na contemporaneidade, a ampliação do conhecimento sobre os procedimentos estratégicos de ação urbana pode resultar em uma eventual articulação de uma noção de princípios de resistência para a transformação do espaço urbano

Contaminação biológica por espécies arbóreas invasoras em remanescentes florestais no Planalto Sul Catarinense / Biological contamination in invasive tree species in remaining in Foresta Highlands South Catarinense

Guidini, André Luiz 04 October 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-12T20:12:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 PGEF13MA003.pdf: 12110 bytes, checksum: 7b1ae939feda74e5283da74e397a79bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-10-04 / This study aimed to evaluate the biological invasion by tree species in two Araucaria Forest fragments (F1 and F2) in Lages, SC. A total of 25 plots were allocated in each fragment, distributed in five, 20x100 m, transects perpendicular to fragment edge and, at least, 100 m apart from each other, where the adult (individual with dbh diameter at breast height higher or equal to 5 cm) and the regenerative component (individuals belonging to tree species, with dbh lower than 5cm and height higher than 10 cm) were evaluated. All sampled individuals were identified and measured (circumference and height). For each fragment and component, the phytosociological descriptors and the biological invasion index (BII) were determined. The relationships between BII and the distance from the edge were evaluated by simple linear regressions. The grouping among non-native and native species was analyzed through spearman correlation and clusters. A total of 3,701 individuals distributed in 105 species and 42 families were sampled, being five invasive species: Citrus limon (L.) Burm, Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton., Ligustrum sinense Lour., Pinus elliottii Engel. and Pinus taeda L. Myrtaceae was the richest family (22), with a total of 890 sampled individuals. In F1 occurred a relative low value of BII, with Pinus taeda as the most expressive species, being grouping with native pioneers species. The BII in F2 was elevated, mainly in the regenerative component, due to the expressive participation of Ligustrum lucidum (the most important species in this component). No relationships between BII and the distance from the edges were observed. The results demonstrated that the fragments showed different biological invasion patterns that were determined by the nature of surrounding matrix and the ecological traits of invasive species / O presente estudo teve como objetivo principal avaliar a invasão biológica por espécies arbóreas em dois fragmentos (F1 e F2) de Floresta Ombrófila Mista em Lages, SC. Foram alocadas 25 parcelas em cada fragmento, distribuídas em cinco transeções de 20x100 m, perpendiculares as bordas e com distância mínima de 100 m entre si, onde foram avaliados os componentes arbóreos adulto (indivíduos com DAP - diâmetro a altura do peito - maior ou igual a 5 cm) e regenerante (indivíduos pertencentes à espécies arbóreas com DAP menor que 5 cm e altura maior que 10 cm). Estes foram identificados e mensurados (circunferência e altura). Foi calculado, para cada estrato e para cada fragmento, os descritores fitossociológicos e o Índice de Invasão Biológica (IIB). A relação entre o IIB e a distância da borda foi verificada por meio de regressões lineares simples. O agrupamento de espécies exóticas e nativas foi determinada por meio de correlações de Spearman e a construção de dendrogramas. No total, foram amostrados 3.701 indivíduos distribuídos em 105 espécies e 42 famílias, sendo cinco espécies invasoras: Citrus limon (L.) Burm, Ligustrum lucidum W.T. Aiton., Ligustrum sinense Lour., Pinus elliottii Engel. e Pinus taeda L. A família Myrtaceae apresentou o maior número de espécies (22), com um total de 890 indivíduos amostrados. No F1 houve um valor de IIB relativamente baixo, sendo Pinus taeda a espécie com maior participação na invasão. O IIB no F2 foi alto, especialmente no estrato regenerativo, pela alta participação de Ligustrum lucidum (maior Índice de Regeneração Natural nesse estrato). Não foi observada relação entre a distância da borda e a intensidade da invasão biológica. Os resultados demonstraram que os fragmentos apresentaram diferentes padrões de invasão biológica, determinados pela natureza da matriz de entorno e pelas características ecológicas das espécies invasoras

Evidências experimentais para a associação entre o nível de relação filogenética e a intensidade de competição entre espécies de gramíneas exóticas e nativa / Experimental cues for associating phylogenetic distances and the intensity of competition between Grass species

AZEVEDO, Rodrigo Carvalho de 05 June 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-07-29T16:21:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Carvalho.pdf: 354139 bytes, checksum: 4f557de5909b41993211b240c60d40cd (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-06-05 / Biological invasions has been a major threat to whole biomes around the world, affecting communities and ecossistems with consequences to the trophic web. At the same time it is a huge biogeographical experiment that allows the formulation of hypotheses about the rules for communitie assembly. This study tested the hypothesis that the level of phylogenetic relationship is positively correlated with the magnitude of competitive interactions, being stronger for closer species. We used two exotic African species (Panicum maximum and Andropogon gayanus) and a native of South America (Paspalum atratum-focal species) in a partial additive design for the mix of native-exotic, with an increase in density of the exotic. The results showed greater competitive effect on the focal species when in the presence of P. maximum (closer to the focal), suggesting that predictions can be made on potential invasive species based on the Darwin s Naturalization Hypothesys. / Invasões biológicas são atualmente umas das mais graves ameaças aos ecossistemas. Suas consequências estendem-se por toda a cadeia trófica, atingindo também comunidades e ecossistemas, com altos custos estimados para ações mitigadoras. Ao mesmo tempo revela-se um imenso experimento biogeográfico que possibilita a formulação de hipóteses sobre regras de assembléia de comunidades. Este trabalho testou a hipótese de que o nível de relação filogenética esta positivamente associado com a magnitude da interação competitiva, sendo maior para espécies mais aparentadas. Foram utilizadas duas espécies exóticas africanas (Panicum maximum e Andropogon gayanus) e uma nativa da América do Sul (Paspalum atratum-espécie focal) em um delineamento aditivo parcial para a combinação exótica-nativa, com aumento na densidade da espécie exótica. Os resultados mostraram maior efeito competitivo sobre a espécie focal quando na presença de P. maximum (mais próxima à focal), o que sugere que podem ser feitas predições sobre potenciais espécies invasoras com base na Hipótese de Naturalização de Darwin.

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