Spelling suggestions: "subject:"invasion"" "subject:"dinvasion""
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Invasão por Pinus spp. em fisionomias campestres do Cerrado, no estado de São Paulo / Pine invasion in open physiognomies of the Cerrado in São Paulo stateRoseli Lika Miashike 22 June 2015 (has links)
No Brasil, foram introduzidas diversas espécies de Pinus e a espécie P. elliottii Engelm apresenta o comportamento invasor em unidades de conservação de Cerrado, no estado de São Paulo. O objetivo deste estudo foi comparar P. elliottii com outras duas espécies do mesmo gênero, P. caribaea Moret e P. oocarpa Shiede ex Schltdl, através de: viabilidade e germinabilidade das sementes, em laboratório; sobrevivência das plântulas logo após a germinação e acompanhamento de seu crescimento em estufa; germinabilidade em fisionomias campestres; e chuva de sementes dentro de talhões. Para P. elliottii, também foi verificada a distância de dispersão das sementes. As sementes utilizadas nos testes em laboratório foram coletadas em Águas de Santa Bárbara (Estação Ecológica de Santa Bárbara - EEcSB; Floresta de Águas de Santa Bárbara - FASB) e Itirapina (Estação Experimental de Itirapina - EExI). Primeiramente, as sementes foram colocadas em água para separação das sementes cheias das vazias (flutuabilidade). Em seguida, as sementes cheias foram testadas quanto à viabilidade por meio de sal de tetrazólio e quanto à germinabilidade. As sementes germinadas foram acompanhadas até os cotilédones ficarem visíveis e uma parte destas teve o crescimento acompanhado até a 24ª semana. A germinabilidade em fisionomias campestres foi realizada apenas na EEcSB, onde as sementes das três espécies foram semeadas em diferentes graus de umidade do solo. Coletores de sementes foram instalados dentro dos talhões de Pinus spp., tanto na EEcSB-FASB como na EExI, para quantificar a chuva de sementes. A distância de dispersão das sementes de P. elliottii foi avaliada apenas na EEcSB, durante o período de maior dispersão de sementes (março a maio), e teve como classes de distâncias em relação ao talhão: 10, 30, 60, 100, 150 e 250 m. Os resultados dos testes em laboratório mostraram que P. caribaea e P. elliottii apresentam as maiores proporções de sementes cheias (>70%) e P. oocarpa e P. elliottii, as maiores taxas de viabilidade (>90%) e germinabilidade (>90%). Dentre as sementes germinadas das três espécies, mais de 90% desenvolveram-se até o aparecimento dos cotilédones. Quanto ao crescimento, P. caribaea e P. oocarpa apresentaram maior vigor em relação a P. elliottii. Em campo, as três espécies apresentaram, de maneira similar, baixíssima porcentagem de germinação (<1,5% do total semeado), preferencialmente em solos mais úmidos. A chuva de sementes de P. elliottii dentro de talhões foi muito maior (pelo menos o dobro) em comparação com as outras duas espécies. A distância de dispersão das sementes de P. elliottii foi maior nos primeiros 30 m, mas chegou até os 150 m. Portanto, P. caribaea e P. oocarpa apresentaram condições de se tornarem invasores pela viabilidade de suas sementes, vigor de crescimento e germinação em campo, mas o fator determinante para o sucesso na invasão P. elliottii é, provavelmente, a pressão de propágulos, maior do que as outras duas espécies, causada pela sua alta produção de sementes e intenso plantio. / Several pine species of the genus Pinus have been introduced in Brazil, and P. elliottii Engelm is presently considered an invasive species in the Brazilian savanna (Cerrado) in São Paulo State. The aim of this study was to compare P. elliottii with two other Pinus species, P. caribaea Moret and P. oocarpa Shiede ex Schltdl according to: seed viability and germinability, in laboratory; survival of seedlings soon after germination and their growth, in greenhouse; germination at field conditions; and seed rain inside the plantation. The distance of seed distance dispersal was also verified for P. elliottii. The seeds for the laboratory tests were collected in Águas de Santa Bárbara (Santa Barbara Ecological Station - EEcSB; Águas de Santa Bárbara Forest - FASB) and Itirapina (Itirapina Experimental Station - EExI). First, the seeds were placed in water to separate the full from the empty seeds (flutuability). Then full seeds were tested by viability (tetrazolium) and germinability. Germinated seeds were monitored until the cotyledons were visible and some of those were monitored up the 24th week to verify their growth rate. In the EEcSB, seeds of the three species were sown at different levels of soil moisture to observe the germination in the field. In order to quantify the species seed rain seed collectors were installed inside the Pinus spp. stands, in both EEcSB-FASB and EExI. The distance of P. elliottii seed spread was evaluated only at the EEcSB, during the greater period of seed dispersion (March to May), at the distances of 10, 30, 60, 100, 150 and 250 m from the planted areas. The results of laboratory tests showed that P. caribaea and P. elliottii have the highest proportions of full seeds (> 70%) and P. oocarpa and P. elliottii, the highest viability (> 90%) and germination rates (> 90%). Among the germinated seeds of the three species more than 90% developed to seedling stage. Concerning seedling growth, P. caribaea and P. oocarpa showed greater vigor than P. elliottii. In the field, the three species showed similar and very low germination rates (<1.5% of the total sown), preferably in more humid soils. The seed rain of P. elliottii inside the plantation stand was much higher (at least twice) compared to the other two species. The dispersal distance of P. elliottii seeds was higher in the first 30 m, but reached 150 m. The results show that P. caribaea and P. oocarpa are able to become invaders due to their high values of seed viability and germination, and vigor growth, however, the determining factor for the invasive success of P. elliottii is probably its higher propagule pressure, caused by several human mediated introductions, and high production of seeds.
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Diferença de patogenicidade entre Escherichia coli enteroinvasora e Shigella flexneri em modelo experimental de infecção intestinal / Pathogenicity difference between Escherichia colienteroinvasive and Shigella flexneri in an experimental model of intestinal infectionAna Carolina Ramos Moreno 22 August 2008 (has links)
Neste trabalho, esclarecemos tópicos da patogenicidade de EIEC que sustentam a sua menor virulência quando comparada à S. flexneri, e mostramos a importância das células dendríticas (CD) nesse processo. Estudou-se o comportamento de EIEC e S. flexneri quando em contato com células Caco-2, avaliando-se uma cinética de expressão dos genes envolvidos na invasão e disseminação bacteriana. Em geral, todos os genes foram menos expressos em EIEC, fato corroborado pelo fenótipo de disseminação bacteriana, onde EIEC foi menos eficiente do que Shigella. Também foi avaliada a modulação da resposta inflamatória de células dendríticas intestinais murinas pela produção de citocinas, expressão de moléculas co-estimulatórias e apresentação de antígenos, após desafio das células com as bactérias. Os resultados sugerem que EIEC induz a uma resposta protetora ao hospedeiro, enquanto que Shigella estaria \"driblando\" o sistema imune, além de provavelmente super-estimular o sistema imune adaptativo, fato que poderia levar a um agravamento da doença. As ações integradas das células Caco-2, células dendríticas e estímulos bacterianos foram estudadas em co-cultura celular. Observou-se que EIEC e suas proteínas secretadas induzem a migração das CDs ao compartimento apical da co-cultura; nada foi observado quando o desafio se deu com Shigella. Também foram avaliadas as concentrações de citocinas inflamatórias no microambiente infeccioso formado. A citocina TNF-α, bem como CCL20 e MCP-1 foram mais proeminentes após estímulo com EIEC, fato que poderia explicar parcialmente a migração das CDs ao lado apical da co-cultura após estímulo com EIEC e suas proteínas secretadas. Nossas evidências experimentais indicam que a doença desencadeada por EIEC é mais restrita a um determinado local da infecção, ou seja, não é capaz de se disseminar a ponto de estender a lesão tecidual de forma mais drástica, como Shigella. Esse fenômeno pode estar associado à menor expressão de seus dos fatores de virulência e à resposta imune inata induzida no sítio de infecção, o que levaria, fatalmente, à resolução da doença. / In this study, we clarify topics of pathogenicity from EIEC that support its lower level of virulence when it is compared to S. flexneri, and we have shown the importance of dendritic cells (DC) in this process. We studied the conduct of EIEC and S. flexneri when they were in contact with Caco-2 cells and we analyzed the kinetics of the genes expression that was involved in the spread and invasion of the bacteria. In general, all genes were expressed less in EIEC, as demonstrated by the phenotype of the bacterial spread, where EIEC was less efficient than Shigella. We also analyzed the modulation of the inflammatory response by the murine intestinal dendritic cells by the production of cytokine, expression of co-stimulators molecules and antigens presentation, after the interaction of the cells with the bacteria. The results showed that EIEC induces a response that protects the host while Shigella manipulate the host intestinal innate and adaptive immune system and it probably over-stimulates the adaptive immune system which could let the disease worse. The integrated actions of Caco-2 cells, dendritic cells and bacterial stimulus, were studied in a co-culture cell. We observed that EIEC and its secreted proteins induce the migration of the DCs to the apical compartment of the co-culture; nothing was observed related to Shigella. We also evaluated the concentrations of the inflammatory cytokines at the infective micro environment that was formed. The cytokine TNF-α, as CCL20 and MCP-1 were more prominent after been stimulated with EIEC, a fact that could partially explain the migration of DCs to the apical side of the co-culture after the stimulus with EIEC and its secreted proteins. Our experimental evidence shows that the disease triggered by the EIEC is more restricted at a definite infection place, which means that it is not capable of disseminating beyond a certain point to extend the tissue\'s injury and let it worsen, as Shigella do. This phenomenon can be associated with the lower level of expression of its virulence factors and to the immune response induced in the infection site, what could finally lead to the eradication of the disease.
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The microenvironment is essential for OTSCC progressionAlahuhta, I. (Ilkka) 25 October 2016 (has links)
The tumor microenvironment (TME) is critically important for tumor development. The microenvironment consists of fibroblasts, endothelial and immune cells as well as extracellular matrix (ECM), proteases and various other soluble factors produced by the cells. It is challenging to develop methods that appropriately mimic the human microenvironment, but this effort is essential in order to reliably elucidate the properties of potential anti-tumor drugs. The aim of this study was to create new 3D organotypic invasion models based on human tissue that would be used to study the effects of the anti-angiogenic molecules arresten and endostatin on tongue squamous carcinoma cells.
The classic way to study cancer invasion has been to use a collagen invasion model that is created by mixing rat type I collagen, matrix produced by mouse EHS tumor cells and human fibroblasts. Our research group has developed a novel human myoma tissue based invasion model, which is composed of several different cell types and molecules that are normally present in the human TME. We show how this model is suitable for invasion studies, not only for oral cancer, but for other invasive cell lines as well.
There are several matrix-derived fragments that have been shown to possess anti-angiogenic activity. Arresten is a 26 kDa fragment that is cleaved from type IV collagen and is known to inhibit angiogenesis, the formation of new capillaries and tumor growth in vivo. However, its effect on the tumor microenvironment in addition to endothelial cells has not been studied. We show that arresten also directly affects oral cancer cells by decreasing their migration and invasion as well as tumor size, invasion and angiogenesis in in vivo mouse xenografts.
Another inhibitor of angiogenesis, endostatin, is cleaved from type XVIII collagen. It has been shown to suppress angiogenesis and tumor growth without toxicity or side effects in mouse models. Our studies show that endostatin directly affects tongue squamous carcinoma cells by reducing their invasion and spreading in organotypic 3D assays and mouse tumor models.
In summary, arresten and endostatin are anti-angiogenic as well as anti-invasive molecules and therefore potential cancer drugs. They seem to have a direct effect on carcinoma cells making the cells less invasive. The myoma model allows us to study the effects of anti-cancer molecules with a new prospective. / Tiivistelmä
Syövän mikroympäristö on erittäin tärkeä syövän kehittymisen kannalta. Se koostuu fibroblasteista, endoteeli- ja immuunisoluista, soluväliaineesta, proteaaseista ja monista muista solujen tuottamista liukoisista molekyyleistä. On haastavaa kehittää uusia menetelmiä, jotka jäljittelisivät oikeaa ihmisen syövän mikroympäristöä, mutta se on välttämätöntä uusien syöpälääkkeiden tutkimiseksi. Väitöstutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää kolmiulotteinen ihmisen myoomakudokseen perustuvan invaasiomalli, jonka avulla voisimme tutkia verisuonten kasvua estävien arresten ja endostatin molekyylien vaikutusta kielisyöpäsoluihin.
Aiemin syövän invaasiota on tutkittu käyttämällä klassista kollageeni-invaasiomallia, joka tehdään sekoittamalla rotan tyypin I kollageeniä, hiiren sarkoomasolujen tuottamaa matriksia ja ihmisen fibroblasteja. Tutkimuksissamme kehitimme uuden invaasiomallin, joka perustuu ihmisen myoomakudokseen. Tutkimuksessa sen todettiin sisältävän monia erilaisia soluja ja molekyylejä, joita on normaalistikkin syövän mikroympäristössä. Lisäksi osoitimme, että se sopii invaasiotutkimuksiin monille syöpätyypeille.
Soluvälitilamatriksista pilkotaan useita erilaisia molekyylejä joilla on osoitettu olevan angiogeneesia hillitseviä ominaisuuksia. Arresten on 26 kDa kokoinen polypeptidi, jota pilkotaan tyypin IV kollageenista. Sen tiedetään vähentävän angiogeneesia – uusien verisuonten muodostumista ja syövän kasvua in vivo. Sen vaikutuksia muihin kuin endoteelisoluihin ei ole kuitenkaan tutkittu. Tutkimuksissamme se vaikutti suoraan kielisyöpäsoluihin vähentäen niiden liikkumista ja invaasiota kolmiulotteisissa organotyyppisisssä malleissa ja hiirimallissa.
Toinen tutkimamme angiogeneesin inhibiittori on endostatin, jota pilkotaan tyypin XVIII kollageenista. Sen tiedetään vähentävän angiogeneesia hiirimalleissa ilman toksisia sivuvaikutuksia. Me osoitimme tutkimuksissamme, että se vaikuttaa suoraan kielisyöpäsoluihin vähentäen niiden invaasiota ja leviämistä 3D organotyyppisissä malleissa sekä hiirikokeissa.
Koska arresten ja endostatin ovat anti-angiogeenisiä ja anti-invasiivisia molekyylejä, ne ovat täten potentiaalisia syöpälääkkeitä. Ne näyttäisivät vaikuttavan suoraan syöpäsoluihin vähentämällä niiden invaasiota. Myoomainvaasiomalli mahdollistaa syöpää ehkäisevien molekyylien tutkimisen uudella ja todenmukaisemmalla tavalla.
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The role of tumor microenvironment on oral tongue cancer invasion and prognosisSundquist, E. (Elias) 30 January 2018 (has links)
Oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma (OTSCC) is the most common cancer of the oral cavity. The 5-year mortality of OTSCC remains at about 50%. The tumor microenvironment (TME) is now recognized as an important factor in cancer progression and metastasis, as well as a tool for prognostication. The aim of this study was to elucidate the roles of TME hypoxia and soluble factors on cancer cell migration and invasion, and the prognostic value of two extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules: tenascin-C (TNC) and fibronectin (FN).
Hypoxia was studied using oral squamous cell carcinoma cells in migration and invasion assays. Invasion assays were carried out using a 3D-myoma invasion method. Similarly, the effect of soluble factors as well as ECM alterations were studied using the myoma model: the effect of soluble factors was studied by rinsing the myoma discs prior to experiments, and ECM alterations by lyophilizing and rehydrating. ECM was further studied by analyzing the prognostic value of TNC and FN from OTSCC samples.
The effect of hypoxia was shown to be OTSCC cell line dependent: the effect of hypoxia on migration and invasion was increased in aggressive cell lines. Additionally, the response to hypoxia was altered in rinsed tissue. Tissue rinsing media were analyzed and factors affecting cell motility were found. The TME was found to be pivotal for cancer invasion: invasion was impaired in non-neoplastic tissue. Furthermore, changes in the ECM by lyophilization and rehydration led to a change in the invasion mechanism. High expression of stromal TNC and FN were excellent prognosticators in early-stage OTSCC.
In conclusion, the present study highlighted the role of various TME components in cancer cell invasion as well as prognostication in OTSCC. Additionally, this study provided feasible tools for more precise diagnosis of early-stage OTSCC. / Tiivistelmä
Liikkuvan kielen levyepiteelikarsinooma (OTSCC) on suuontelon yleisin syöpä. Viiden vuoden kuolleisuus OTSCC:an on edelleen noin 50 %. Kasvaimen mikroympäristön (TME) tiedetään nykyään olevan tärkeässä roolissa syövän kehityksessä ja etäpesäkkeiden muodostuksessa, sekä tarjoavan työkaluja ennusteiden laadintaan. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää TME:n hypoksian ja liukoisten tekijöiden vaikutusta syöpäsolujen liikkumiseen ja invaasioon ympäröivään kudokseen, sekä tutkia kahden solunulkoisen matriksin (ECM) proteiinin, tenaskiini-C:n (TNC) ja fibronektiinin (FN), vaikutusta OTSCC:n ennusteeseen.
Hypoksian vaikutusta tutkittiin käyttäen suun levyepiteelikarsinoomasoluja liikkuvuus- ja invaasiokokeissa. Invaasiokokeissa hyödynnettiin kolmiulotteista ihmisen myoomaan perustuvaa invaasiomallia. Myös liukoisten tekijöiden ja ECM:n muutosten vaikutusten tutkimisessa käytettiin myoomamallia: liukoisten tekijöiden vaikutusta tutkittiin huuhtomalla myoomakiekot ennen niiden käyttämistä, ja ECM:n muutosten vaikutusta kylmäkuivaamalla ja uudelleen nesteyttämällä myoomakiekot. ECM:ia tutkittiin myös analysoimalla TNC:n ja FN:n värjäytyvyyden merkitystä OTSCC:n ennusteessa.
Hypoksian vaikutus osoittautui solulinjariippuvaiseksi: hypoksia lisäsi kielisyöpäsolujen liikkuvuutta ja invaasiota eniten aggressiivisimmilla solulinjoilla. Lisäksi solujen vaste hypoksialle oli erilainen huuhdotussa kudoksessa. Huuhteluliuos analysoitiin ja siitä löydettiin solujen liikkumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä. TME:n havaittiin olevan ratkaisevassa roolissa syöpäsolujen invaasiossa: syöpäsolut eivät kyenneet invasoitumaan lainkaan ei-neoplastiseen kudokseen. Lisäksi muutosten ECM:ssä havaittiin johtavan muutoksiin solujen käyttämässä invaasion mekanismissa. Strooman TNC:n ja FN:n värjäytyvyyden todettiin olevan erinomaisia ennustekijöitä aikaisen vaiheen OTSCC:ssa.
Tiivistettynä voidaan todeta, että tämä tutkimus alleviivasi useiden TME:n komponenttien vaikutusta syövän invaasiolle ja ennusteelle OTSCC:ssä. Lisäksi se tarjoaa käyttökelpoiset työkalut (TNC ja FN) tarkemmalle diagnostiikalle aikaisen vaiheen OTSCC:ssä.
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Impacts of Human Papillomavirus type 16 (HPV-16) early proteins on trophoblastic cells / Impacts des protéines précoces du virus du Papillome Humain de type 16 sur les cellules trophoblastiquesBoulenouar, Selma 13 January 2010 (has links)
Les infections génitales par les virus du papillome humains (HPV) sont les infections virales sexuellement transmises, les plus communes chez les femmes en âge de procréer. Il est désormais bien établi que l’infection persistante par les HPV classés «à haut risque» est l’un des facteurs indispensables au développement de lésions précancéreuses et cancéreuses du col de l’utérus. Ces HPV semblent aussi être impliqués dans le développement d’autres cancers de la région ano-génitale et pourraient être également impliqués dans les cancers de la tête et du cou. Durant cette dernière décennie, des études croissantes tendent à établir un rôle étiologique des HPV dans les dysfonctionnements gestationnels. La détection des ADN HPV dans les placentas issus d’avortements spontanés et leur capacité exceptionnelle à se répliquer in vitro dans les cellules trophoblastiques cultivées en monocouche, ont apporté de nouvelles perspectives quant à la possibilité que le placenta pourrait constituer aussi un tropisme naturel des infections par HPV.<p>Six jours après la fécondation et suite à l’accolement du blastocyste à l’épithélium utérin, le trophoblaste s’engage dans des processus actifs de prolifération, d’invasion et de différenciation complexe pour la construction de l’interface physiologique indispensable aux échanges essentiels entre la mère et l’enfant ;le placenta. De façon intéressante, ses propriétés sont similaires à celles de la cellule tumorale maligne. Néanmoins, ses mécanismes sont étroitement régulés dans le trophoblaste, à la fois dans l’espace et le temps, assurant un développement normal à chaque étape de la grossesse.<p>Devant toutes ces données, nous avions émis l’hypothèse que l’expression des protéines précoces E5, E6 et E7 d’HPV de type 16 (de haut risque), pourraient modifier le développement des trophoblastes infectés. Les résultats obtenus durant ce travail de doctorat démontrent que la protéine virale E5, hautement hydrophobe, est cytotoxique et affecte la viabilité du trophoblaste. Cette cytotoxicité est neutralisée, et la viabilité est améliorée, lorsque les oncoprotéines majeures E6 et E7 sont exprimées en présence de la protéine E5. Lorsque toutes les protéines précoces sont exprimées sous le contrôle de leur propre promoteur (LCR), la viabilité est favorisée. Ces observations ont été confirmées dans les cellules cervicales également. Il a été précédemment rapporté que les oncoprotéines E6 et E7 affectaient l’adhésion du trophoblaste aux cellules endométriales. Dans le présent travail, il a été retrouvé que la protéine E5 diminuait elle aussi l’adhésion, non seulement aux cellules endométriales, mais aussi au support de culture cellulaire. Les capacités de migration et d’invasion de la matrice extracellulaire sont augmentées par l’expression de E5 et dans une plus large proportion par l’expression de E6 et E7. Des résultats similaires ont été obtenus lorsque toutes les protéines de la région précoces sont exprimées sous le contrôle de leur propre promoteur (LCR). La diminution de l’expression de la E-cadhérine est considérée comme un marqueur de malignité et de mauvais pronostic pour les cancers. Nous avons démontré que l’expression de E5, E6 ou de E7, inhibait l’expression de la E-cadhérine, reflétant l’impact des oncoprotéines du virus HPV-16 sur la diminution de l’adhésion et l’augmentation du pouvoir invasif des cellules trophoblastiques. L’investigation d’autres marqueurs de malignité et de tolérance immunitaire, l’étude de l’impact du virus HPV-6 (de bas risque) sur la migration et l’invasion des cellules trophoblastiques, et l’étude de la capacité des protéines précoces d’HPV-16 à influencer l’entrée des particules virales, ont fait l’objet de résultats préliminaires, ouvrant de larges perspectives.<p><p><p>Genital Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infections are the most common sexually transmitted infections amongst women on the age of reproduction. It is well established that persistent infection with high-risk HPVs is the necessary factor in the causation of precancerous and cancerous cervical lesions. High-risk HPVs have also been reported to be involved in the causation of head and neck cancers and other anogenital cancers. On this last decade, growing data are attempting to study the potential etiological association of HPV with gestational dysfunctions. The detection of HPV DNA in placentas resulting from spontaneous abortions and the unique ability of multiple HPV types to replicate in vitro in trophoblastic cells cultured in a monolayer system, rise new questions over the HPV tropism. <p>Six days following fertilization and once the apposition of the blastocyst on the uterine wall takes place, the trophoblast, in a very active and complex process, starts to proliferate, invade and to differentiate in order to build a physiological interface; the placenta, from where multiple mother/foetus exchanges occur. Interestingly, the way that the trophoblast behaves is very similar to malignant tumoural cells. However, the trophoblast obeys to strict spatial-temporal regulatory confines, insuring a proper development all along the pregnancy.<p>In regard to these data, we hypothesised that the expression of the high-risk HPV type 16 oncoproteins E5, E6 and E7, might modify the development of the infected trophoblast. During my Ph.D study, I demonstrated that the highly hydrophobic protein E5 is localized in many interne membranes compartments of the transfected trophoblast. E5 affects the viability of transiently and stably transfected trophoblastic cells. E6 and E7, favouring cell growth, neutralised the E5 cytotoxic effect. All HPV-16 early proteins, when expressed under the control of their endogenous promoter (LCR), favoured trophoblastic growth. These observations were also observed in cervical cell lines. In addition, E5 decreased the adhesiveness of trophoblastic cells to the tissue culture plastic and to endometrial cells similarly as previously described for E6 and E7. Cells expressing E6, E7 and in less extend E5 favoured chemotaxic migration and matrigel invasion compared to the cells expressing the LacZ control. These effects were also observed when early proteins were expressed under the control of their own viral promoter (LCR). Interestingly, the E-cadherin was down regulated in trophoblastic cells expressing E5, E6 and E7. In conclusion, HPV-16 early proteins enhanced trophoblastic growth and intensify the malignant phenotype by impairing cell adhesion leading to increased cellular motile and invasive properties. HPV-16 E5 participated, with E6 and E7, in these changes by impairing E-cadherin expression, a hallmark of malignant progression. Additional preliminary results consisting on the investigation of other markers of malignancy and immune tolerance, on studying the impact of the low-risk HPV type 6 early proteins on the migratory and invasive properties of trophoblastic cells and on the study of the ability of HPV-16 to influence the entry of virus particules, allowed to open wide perspectives.<p><p><p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished
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Determinants of native and exotic plant species diversity and composition in remnant oak savannas on southeastern Vancouver IslandLilley, Patrick Ledford 05 1900 (has links)
Many regional and local factors can influence the distribution of native and exotic species in ecological communities. I examined the regional- and local-scale determinants of native and exotic vascular plant species richness and composition in a highly fragmented oak savanna ecosystem on southeastern Vancouver Island. In sharp contrast to most reported results, I found a negative relationship between native and exotic richness at the regional scale, and no relationship at the local scale. Two extrinsic factors, surrounding road density and climate, best explained the regional-scale relationship by each affecting natives and exotics in opposite ways. Road density and climate were also the dominant predictors of native and exotic composition at the regional scale. Patterns in the patch occupancy of individual species confirmed the importance of these factors but I found that low surrounding road densities and cool, wet conditions predicted the presence of many natives and the absence of many exotics. Environmental factors explained variation in richness and composition at the local scale, but these factors were different for natives and exotics. My results suggest that natives and exotics respond to roads and climate in fundamentally different ways. Roads increase both exotic propagule pressure and disturbance, which may facilitate exotic invasion. In contrast, disturbance from roads may increase the likelihood of local extinction for particular natives. Differing climatic preferences within the native and exotic species pools may also partially explain the observed patterns. There was no evidence that native diversity directly affects exotic diversity (or vice versa). Surprisingly, I found that connectivity was not an important predictor of richness or composition despite the high degree of habitat fragmentation in this ecosystem. / Science, Faculty of / Botany, Department of / Graduate
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The Effect of hsa-miR-105 on Prostate Cancer GrowthHoneywell, David R January 2012 (has links)
Micro (mi)RNAs have recently been found to play an important role in cancer biology. In order to further understand how miRNAs affect prostate tumour progression, we evaluated miRNA expression in two invasive prostate tumour lines, PC3 and DU145. We then focused our evaluation on a novel miRNA, miR-105, whose levels were significantly decreased in both tumour cell lines as compared to normal prostate epithelial cells. As miR-105 levels were reduced in prostate tumour cell lines, we restored its expression following transfection of cells with mimic constructs to over-express miR-105 in both cell lines, in order to determine its effect on various tumourigenic properties. Over-expression caused decreased tumour cell proliferation, anchorage-independent growth and invasion in vitro and inhibited tumour growth in vivo. We further identified CDK6 as a putative target of miR-105, which likely contributed to its inhibition of tumour cell growth. Our results suggest that miR-105 inhibits tumour cell proliferation and may be an interesting target to regulate tumour growth or potentially used as a biomarker to differentiate between less and more aggressive tumours in patients.
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Indus Epigraphic Perspectives: Exploring Past Decipherment Attempts & Possible New ApproachesLeBlanc, Paul D. January 2013 (has links)
First appearing on potsherds around 3300 BC, the Indus script was primarily in use during the Mature Harappan period (ca. 2600-1900 BC) in the Indus Valley region, centred in the north-western region of the Indian Subcontinent. It is one of the last remaining undeciphered scripts of the ancient world. A great number of Indus inscriptions, however, have been uncovered at many archaeological sites in the Persian Gulf, discoveries that corroborate the inclusion of the Indus civilization as an active participant in the Mesopotamian-dominated Gulf trade of the 3rd millennium. In addition to exploring the current state of research surrounding the Indus decipherment attempts, the thesis will examine new perspectives on ancient history, arguing in favour of various possibilities of Mesopotamian, Elamite, and/or pre-dynastic Egyptian (North East African) cultural presences or influences in the ancient Indus River basin.
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Pressen på Pressen : En kvalitativ och komparativ undersökning av två svenska dagstidningars rapportering av Molotov-Ribbentrop-pakten och utbrottet av andra världskriget / The Pressure on the Press : A Qualitative and Comparative Study of two Swedish Newspapers and their Coverage of the Molotov-Ribbentrop-Pact and the start of World War 2Johansson, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to examine how and what two Swedish newspapers wrote about the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact and the initial invasion of Poland during the Second World War. Additionally this works also seeks to find any major differences between the two newspaper coverage of the events studied. To achieve this goal a qualitative and comparative method was applied to the source material, which consist of the newspapers Nya WermlandsTidningen (NWT) and Dagens Nyheter (DN) during the period from August 23 to the eight of September. The theory which was applied is a variant of critical discourse analysis. The results of the essay can be summarized as follows: Both NWT and DN provided and adequate coverage of the events, although they often reported on the same events and with the same sources they used different headlines and sometimes reached different conclusions. In regards to the comparative study this reveals that largely they reported on minor differences and that most of the major stories are similar.
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The Effect of Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus Planipennis)-Caused Ash Mortality and White-Tailed Deer Abundance on Understory Invasive Shrubs and Forest RegenerationHoven, Brian Michael 30 July 2021 (has links)
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