Spelling suggestions: "subject:"inventory"" "subject:"lnventory""
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[pt] Tema: Este estudo investiga o Problema de Roteamento de Inventário
(IRP) no contexto do Gerenciamento de Inventário pelo Fornecedor (VMI),
uma prática comum na cadeia de suprimentos onde os fornecedores assumem a
responsabilidade pela reposição. O IRP, um problema combinatório estudado
amplamente há quase 40 anos, engloba três subproblemas distintos: programação de entregas, gerenciamento de estoque e roteamento de veículos. Problema: Apesar de sua idade, o IRP continua a atrair a atenção da indústria e
da academia. O recente décimo segundo Desafio de Implementação DIMACS dedicou uma
categoria ao IRP, e entre os benchmarks comumente utilizados, 401 instâncias
ainda não possuem soluções ótimas, especialmente no desafiador subconjunto
de instâncias grandes. Hipótese e Justificativa: O framework HGS proposto
por Vidal et al. (2012) surgiu como uma ferramenta proeminente utilizada por
várias equipes de forma satisfatória na competição. No entanto, até onde sabemos, o framework HGS não foi testada para o IRP. Este estudo propõe uma
solução que combina o framework HGS com uma estratégia de busca local eficiente, o método NSIRP proposto por Diniz et al. (2020), para abordar o IRP.
Metodologia: Implementamos a solução proposta e comparamos seu desempenho com 21 abordagens existentes, utilizando os benchmarks da literatura.
Resumo dos Resultados: Nossa abordagem identificou 79 novas Melhores
Soluções Conhecidas (BKS) dentre 1100 instâncias. Se aplicada sob as mesmas
regras da competição DIMACS, nossa solução teria garantido o primeiro lugar.
Contribuições e Impactos: Este trabalho contribui para o desenvolvimento
contínuo de soluções para o IRP, oferecendo uma abordagem eficiente e competitiva que pode inspirar futuras pesquisas e aplicações práticas no campo do
gerenciamento de estoque e roteamento de veículos. / [en] Theme: This study investigates the Inventory Routing Problem (IRP)
within the context of Vendor-Managed Inventory (VMI), a prevalent supply
chain practice where suppliers assume responsibility for replenishment. The
IRP, a combinatorial problem that has been widely studied for almost 40 years,
encompasses three distinct subproblems: delivery scheduling, inventory management, and vehicle routing. Problem: Despite its age, the IRP continues
to attract industry and academia attention. The recent 12th DIMACS Implementation Challenge dedicated a track to the IRP, and among the commonly
used benchmarks, 401 instances still lack optimal solutions, particularly in the
challenging Large instance subset. Hypothesis and Justification: The HGS
framework proposed by Vidal et al. (2012) emerged as a prominent tool used
successfully by numerous teams in the competition. However, to the best of our
knowledge, the HGS framework has not been tested for the IRP. This study
proposes a method combining the HGS framework with an efficient local search
strategy, namely NSIRP proposed by Diniz et al. (2020), to tackle the IRP.
Methodology: We implemented the proposed method and compared its performance to 21 existing methods using the literature benchmarks. Summary
of Results: Our approach identified 79 new Best Known Solutions (BKS) out
of 1100 instances. If applied under the same rules as the DIMACS competition,
our method would have secured the first place. Contributions and Impacts:
This work contribute to the ongoing development of IRP methods, offering an
efficient and competitive approach that may inspire further research and practical applications in the realm of inventory management and vehicle routing.
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The Relationship between Emotional-Social Intelligence and Leadership Practices among College Student LeadersCavins, Bryan Jeremy 07 November 2005 (has links)
No description available.
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Transgender Inclusion in the WorkplaceRobinson, Michael James 18 August 2014 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Examination of the relationship of work values to the “big-five” personality traits and measures of individualism and collectivismRobinson, Carrie Helene 30 July 2007 (has links)
No description available.
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En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan personlighetsdrag och arbetstillfredsställelse / A quantitative study on the relationship between personality traits and job satisfactionBlom, Vilma, Torplind, Sofia January 2024 (has links)
Studiens syfte var att undersöka sambandet mellan personlighetsdragen från femfaktormodellen och graden av självskattad arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien undersökte också om ålder har ett samband med arbetstillfredsställelse. En enkät utformades för att kvantitativt undersöka eventuella samband. Validerade skattningsskalor användes, Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) för personlighetsdrag och Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire’s frågor om arbetstillfredsställelse. Studien omfattas av ett stickprov om 165 deltagare (Mdn=27 år; M=34,08; SD=13,29) varav 133 kvinnor (81%) och 32 män (19%). I analysmomentet i studien genomfördes en Spearman’s korrelationsanalys och en linjär multipel regressionsanalys. Resultatet visade signifikanta samband mellan självskattad arbetstillfredsställelse och emotionell stabilitet, extraversion, vänlighet och ålder. Dessa variabler kan förklara 13,2% av variationen i självskattad arbetstillfredsställelse. / The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship between personality traits from Five Factor-model and the degree of self-assessed job satisfaction. The study also examined whether a relationship between age and job satisfaction exists. A survey was designed to quantitatively identify possible associations. With the use of validated questionnaires, Ten Item Personality Inventory (TIPI) for personality traits and Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire for job satisfaction. The study covers a random sample of 165 participants (Mdn=27 years; M=34.08; SD=13,29) of which 133 women (81%) and 32 men (19%). The results presented significant relationship between self-assessed job satisfaction and emotional stability, extraversion, agreeableness and age. These variables account for 13,2% of the variation in self-assessed job satisfaction.
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Inventering med hjälp av vägning : En kvalitativ studie av två snabbmatsrestaurangerKronekvist Hjelm, Isak January 2024 (has links)
Snabbmatsrestauranger har svårt att hålla en bra lagerstyrning på grund av föråldrade inventeringsmetoder. Där manuell inventering sker varje dag för att kontrollera vad som finns i lager. Detta är en tidskrävande process som kräver arbetskraft att utföra. Det uppstår ofta fel i lagersaldo på grund av manuell kontroll, då det handlar om många varor på en liten yta och med en hög lageromsättningshastighet. I andra lagermiljöer används vägning som inventeringsmetod för att underlätta lagerstyrningen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om vägningen är en lämplig metod för att kontrollera lagersaldo i små manuella lager med hög omsättningshastighet hos snabbmatsrestauranger. En empirisk studie genomfördes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Två snabbmatsrestauranger var inblandade, där fyra personer intervjuades, alla respondenterna jobbade inom forskningsområdets specifika lagermiljö och har hand om lagerstyrningen för dessa lager. Två forskningsfrågor besvarades utifrån intervjuerna, vilket bidrog till att uppfylla syftet med studien. En innehållsanalys utfördes på den empiriska datan som samlades in från intervjuerna, för att underlätta bearbetningen av datan och få ut information som kan besvara forskningsfrågorna och syftet med studien. Tidigare forskning visar att vägning är en användbar metod för att kontrollera lagersaldo. Den empiriska studien gav en bättre uppfattning om tekniken skulle kunna användas i små manuella lager med hög omsättningshastighet hos snabbmatsrestauranger. Där svarade respondenterna att denna lagermiljö inte är anpassad för att kunna införa ett fungerande vägningssystem som kan ge ett korrekt lagersaldo. Då det finns många hinder som kan uppstå med att implementera ett fungerande vägningssystem. Ett hinder är att det förvaras många olika artiklar i lagret på en liten yta, vilket leder till problem vid vägningen av varorna. Att det skulle vara svårt att kunna urskilja alla olika artiklar och få ett korrekt vägningsresultat. Ur intervjuerna kom det även fram att förvaring av artiklarna i lagren inte förvaras likadant, vissa produkter staplas på backvagnar, en del förvaras på hyllor medan vissa artiklar är staplade på varandra från marknivå. Vilket försvårar användningen av ett vägningssystem. Under höga försäljningsperioder kan det bli problematiskt med ett vägningssystem, då det kan krävas att artiklar lagras i andra utrymmen än i lagren. Vilket gör ett sådant system irrelevant om den inte kan väga alla artiklar och ge ett korrekt lagersaldo. / Today, fast food restaurants find it difficult to maintain good inventory management due to outdated inventory methods. Where manual inventory takes place every day to check what is in stock. This is a time-consuming process that requires manpower to perform. There are often errors in the stock balance due to manual control, as it involves many goods in a small area and with a high stock turnover rate. In other warehouse environments, weighing is used as an inventory method to facilitate inventory control. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether weighing is a suitable method for controlling inventory balance in small manual warehouses with high turnover rates in the fast foodindustry. An empirical study was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews. Two fast food restaurants were involved, where four people were interviewed and all the respondents worked within the specific warehouse environment of the research area and are in charge of inventory control for these warehouses. Two research questions were answered based on the interviews, which contributed to fulfilling the purpose of the study. A content analysis was performed on the empirical data collected from the interviews. To facilitate the processing of the data and obtain information that can answer the research questions and the purpose of the study. Previous research shows that weighing is a useful method of controlling inventory balance. The empirical study gave a better idea of whether the technology could be used in small manual warehouses with a high turnover rate. There, the respondents answered that this warehouse environment is not necessarily adapted to be able to introduce a functioning weighing system that can provide an accurate inventory balance. As there are many obstacles that can arise in implementing a functioning weighing system. An obstacle is that many different articles are stored in the warehouse on a small surface, which leads to problems when weighing the goods. That it would be difficult to distinguish all the different articles and get a correct weighing result. The interviews also revealed that the storage of the articles in the warehouses is not the same, some products are stacked on back carts, some are stored on shelves while some articles are stacked on top of each other from ground level. Which complicates the use of a weighing system. During high sales periods, it can become problematic with a weighing system in the warehouse as it may sometimes be required that items be stored in areas other than the warehouses. Which makes such a system irrelevant if it cannot weigh all items and provide an accurate inventory balance.
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Rediseño de la gestión de inventarios en la empresa Estación de Servicio Túcume E.I.R.L. para disminuir las ventas no percibidasRoca Romero, Julio Ernesto January 2024 (has links)
El trabajo de investigación se enfocó en rediseñar la gestión de inventarios en una Estación de Servicios. El análisis reveló que la empresa pierde un monto de 74 336,88 soles, los cuales son originados rincipalmente por la falta de capacitación al personal de la empresa, dispensadores en mal estado, falta de instrumentos de medición precisos para medir inventarios y la falta de un sistema de gestión de inventarios. Para abordar estos desafíos, se propuso la implementación de un modelo de gestión de inventarios basado en el cálculo de inventarios de seguridad, puntos de reorden, junto con mejoras en los procesos logísticos, capacitación del personal y la adquisición de un sistema de medición por telemetría. La evaluación económica respaldó la viabilidad de estas mejoras, al mostrar un Valor Actual Neto (VAN) a 5 años de 64 278,89 soles, una Tasa Interna de Retorno (TIR) del 111,3%, un Beneficio Costo de 1,65 soles y un período de recuperación de 255 días. En resumen, esta investigación identificó desafíos, ofreció soluciones efectivas y generó resultados positivos en la gestión de inventarios que tuvieron un impacto directo en la disminución de las ventas no percibidas. / The research work focused on redesigning inventory management in a Service Station. The analysis revealed that the company loses an amount of 74 336,88 soles, which are mainly caused by the lack of training for the company's personnel, dispensers in poor condition, lack of precise measuring instruments to measure inventories and the lack of an inventory management system. To address these challenges, the implementation of an inventory management model based on the calculation of safety inventories, reorder points, along with improvements in logistics processes, staff training and the acquisition of a telemetry measurement system was proposed. The economic evaluation supported the viability of these improvements, showing a 5-year Net Present Value (NPV) of 64 278,89 soles, an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 111,3%, a Cost Benefit of 1,65 soles and a recovery period of 255 days. In summary, this research identified challenges, offered effective solutions, and generated positive inventory management results that had a direct impact on decreasing lost sales.
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Une modélisation de la colère appliquée aux relations conjugalesLaughrea, Kathleen January 1996 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.
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Children's perceptions of self as related to family structure and family-conceptParish, Joycelyn Gay January 2011 (has links)
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