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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

CSR as a tool for startups to gain external financing : A qualitative study in a Swedish context

Henriques, Niklas, Öberg, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
Previous studies show that firms, in general, die young, and that they are in dire needs for capital injections. However, for various reasons, startups are sometime not able to gain financing, and in certain cases one prefer a certain type of capital, which has led to the pecking-order theory, which assumes that internal capital is preferred over external, and debt is issued rather than equity. Furthermore, business angels and venture capitalists have very stringent criteria for investing in a startup, making the conditions very harsh. To remedy this problem, this study aims to see if startups can utilize Corporate Social Responsibility efforts to enhance their odds of gaining capital from business angels and venture capitalists, since it during the last decades has become increasingly popular to integrate in the businesses. Thus, we intend to see if Corporate Social Responsibility can be a new investment criterion that previous studies have not expressed. We identified a research gap in the literature, that investments can be made on other premises than economical, making us wonder whether or not this can be exploited through CSRactivities. This led us to the research questions of this qualitative study: How does CSR-activities within a startup affect the business angel or venture capitalist’s willingness to invest in the firm? To fulfill the purposes of this study, we concluded it would be best to conduct a mono-method qualitative study, wherein we intended to answer the question using data from semi-structured interviews. We gained invaluable information through eight semi-structured interviews, which were thematically analyzed into three global themes; investment criteria, networking and communication, and sustainable undertakings. From the themes we identified different characteristics which are important for both the startup and entrepreneur, as well as found evidence that ethical and environmental efforts of startups indeed increase the willingness of business angels and venture capitalists to invest, especially in economically strong organizations. However, the investors did not try to make the business model more sustainable post investment. These findings are very exciting, as they disclose Swedish investors to be following a triple bottom line approach when investing, meaning that the findings of Carol (1991, p. 42) and other researchers can be adopted when studying Swedish investment decisions. This cements social entrepreneurship as a strong contender to the classic notions of entrepreneurship.

Venture capital i spåren av kriserna : En studie i hur finans- och eurokrisen påverkat de svenska venture capital-bolagen och dess marknad

Prytz, Joakim, Blommé, Henrik January 2013 (has links)
För att skapa fler jobbtillfällen och driva på BNP-tillväxten i Sverige krävs det att små och medelstora företag får möjligheten att utvecklas och växa. För att klara det krävs det mer kapital från venture capital-marknaden, som är den viktigaste källan av finansiering för ett nystartat företag. Det har dock varit tuffa år för venture capital-bolagen sedan finanskrisen slog till. Den problemformulering som legat till grund för studien var följande: Hur har finanskrisen och den pågående eurokrisen påverkat venture capital-bolagens investeringsprocess? Studien syftade till att undersöka hur finanskrisen och den pågående skuldkrisen i Europa påverkat de svenska venture capital-bolagen och dess marknad. Vidare syftade studien till att redogöra för vilka delar inom investeringsprocessen som förändrats av de senaste åren av kriser. Hur venture capital-bolagen upplever samt arbetar med de problem som kan uppstå mellan dem och portföljbolagen gällande agentproblemen och informationsasymmetrin har även det undersökts. Vi använde oss av en kvantitativ och en kvalitativ undersökning för att genomföra vår studie. Till den kvalitativa undersökningen har vi intervjuat 10 personer som vid tidpunkten för undersökningen hade höga positioner inom vardera venture capital-bolag. Datamaterialet till den kvantitativa undersökningen baserades på SVCAs kvartals-, halvårs- och årsrapporter. Studien har i huvudsak baserats på teorier gjorda i andra länder på grund av bristfällig forskning i Sverige. De områden som avhandlats är inom riskkapital, agentteori, informationsasymmetri, investeringsprocessen samt yttre faktorers påverkan på venture capital. Studiens slutsatser var att förändringar skett inom venture capital-marknaden på grund av finans- och eurokrisen. Antalet investeringar och det investerade kapitalet hade minskat. Dessutom visade vår undersökning att den enda delen i investeringsprocessen som påverkats av kriserna är när venture capital-bolagen ska avyttra sina innehav. Vi fann även att agentproblemet och informationsasymmetrin existerar samt att alla respondenter använder sig av syndikering.

The Figures that Matter: People-related criteria used by Swedish venture capitals in assessing new technology-based firms

Osataphan, Nachomkorn (Maew) January 2014 (has links)
Venture Capitals (VCs) are important providers of funds and competence to new technology-based firms (NTBFs) and VC-backed NTBFs are more likely to succeed than those that are not. Past researches into VC selection criteria suggested people-related criteria as being the most important out of all the criteria but as they were focused on ranking certain criteria against each other, they did not describe what they mean and how they are used and could have overlooked other criteria used that were not ranked. This research is addressing such gap by exploring people-related criteria used by VCs through collecting qualitative data from semi-structured interviews with Swedish VC investment managers. The results present 25 people-related criteria; what they mean, when they are used, and how they are assessed. Twelve of these criteria are new and have not been featured in past studies. In the screening stage, only a few people-related criteria are used while all but one people-related criteria identified are used in the assessment stage. The criteria most commonly used in the evaluation stage are new to this study. Themes arising from results are also discussed, such as coachable entrepreneurs as positive criterion and technical-driven NTBF teams as negative criterion. This research extends the knowledge in the area of entrepreneurship studies and provides practical implications for NTBFs seeking to raise funds.

Att utvärdera framtidens guldkorn : En studie om svenska Venture Capital-bolags investeringskriterier / To Evaluate the Future Grain of Gold  : A Study of Swedish Venture Capital Firms’ Investment Criteria

Andersson, Linn, Ottosson, Anna, Svensson, Sanna January 2012 (has links)
Bakgrund       Tillväxtviljan bland de svenska småföretagen är stor, men avsaknad av kapital begränsar många entreprenörer och småföretag. Den höga risknivån minskar möjligheterna att erhålla exempelvis bankfinansiering, och för många tillväxtbolag i tidiga faser kan Venture Capital därför vara det enda finansieringsalternativet. Syfte               Syftet med studien är att skapa förståelse för de investeringskriterier som svenska Venture Capital-bolag använder vid sin utvärdering av potentiella investeringsobjekt samt jämföra dessa med vad entreprenörer anser påverkar utvecklingen av ett företag. Metod             Studien är av kvalitativ karaktär och empirin består av data från 20 genomförda intervjuer samt skriftliga frågeformulär, där respondenterna utgörs av venture-kapitalister samt entreprenörer som har erhållit Venture Capital-finansiering. Resultat         De kriterier som är centrala vid Venture Capital-bolags utvärdering av potentiella investeringsobjekt är entreprenörsteamet, marknads-förutsättningar samt produkterbjudande. Av dessa kriterier anser både venture-kapitalister och entreprenörer att det är entreprenörsteamet som i störst utsträckning påverkar ett företags utveckling. Att entreprenörsteamet tillskrivs så stor betydelse förklaras av att förutsättningarna för företagets fortsatta utveckling ständigt förändras, vilket ställer krav på att entreprenörsteamet har förmåga att hantera denna dynamiska process och anpassa företagets utveckling efter oförutsedda förändringar. / Background   There is a strong desire to grow among small Swedish enterprises, but lack of capital is a limiting factor to many entrepreneurs and small enterprises. The high level of risk reduces the possibilities of receiving financing through bank loan or similar, which makes Venture Capital the only financing alternative for some high growth-ventures in early stages. Aim                 The aim of this study is to provide understanding for the investment criteria used by Swedish Venture Capital firms during their evaluation of investment propositions, and to compare these with factors that entrepreneurs perceive as influential to the development of a company. Methodology The approach of this study is qualitative, and the presented findings are conducted from 20 interviews and written questionnaires. The respondents consist of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs who have received Venture Capital financing. Result            The criteria that are of central importance to Venture Capital firms’     when evaluating investment propositions are the entrepreneurial team, the market potential and the product offer. Among these criteria both entrepreneurs and venture capitalists perceive the entrepreneurial team as the criterion with the largest impact on the development of a company. The importance of the entrepreneurial team is explained by the fact that the conditions for the company’s further development are under continuous change, which necessitates the entrepreneurial team’s ability to handle this dynamic process and adapt the company’s development to unexpected changes.

The personality venture capitalist look for in founder: An artificial intelligence approach to personality analysis

Brandt, Mathias, Stefansson, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
To date, the usual analysis of an entrepreneur personality is primarily a gut feeling of the venture capitalist and is hard to codify. This paper aims to explore in a qualitative way what it is about the characteristics and the personality of the entrepreneur that influences the investment made by the venture capitalists. These findings will then be used to discuss if an artificial intelligence application can be used to analyze the personality of entrepreneurs. The primary source of information for this paper is interviews with venture capitalists. The authors searched for similarities within the available literature on entrepreneurial personalities and found that the majority of the personality traits mentioned by the venture capitalist can be found in the literature.  The research findings suggest that all venture capitalist value an entrepreneur that has passion for what she is doing and has the ability to get the job done. Additionally, most of the venture capitalist interviewed value an entrepreneur that is coachable, flexible, visionary, and is able to communicate that vision well.  Finally, based on the results, the authors proposed a framework for how an artificial intelligence system can be structured to assess personalities of entrepreneurs.

The personality venture capitalists look for in an entrepreneur : An artificial intelligence approach to personality analysis

Brandt, Mathias, Stefansson, Stefan January 2018 (has links)
To date, the usual analysis of an entrepreneur personality is primarily a gut feeling of theventure capitalist and is hard to codify. This paper aims to explore in a qualitative way what itis about the characteristics and the personality of the entrepreneur that influences theinvestment made by the venture capitalists. These findings will then be used to discuss if anartificial intelligence application can be used to analyze the personality of entrepreneurs.The primary source of information for this paper is interviews with venture capitalists. Theauthors searched for similarities within the available literature on entrepreneurial personalitiesand found that the majority of the personality traits mentioned by the venture capitalist can befound in the literature.The research findings suggest that all venture capitalist value an entrepreneur that has passionfor what she is doing and has the ability to get the job done. Additionally, most of the venturecapitalist interviewed value an entrepreneur that is coachable, flexible, visionary, and is ableto communicate that vision well.Finally, based on the results, the authors proposed a framework for how an artificialintelligence system can be structured to assess personalities of entrepreneurs.

Venture Capital - Investeringsprocessen i ett startup : En undersökning av investeringsprocessen och de viktigaste urvalskriterierna när ett venture capital bolag investerar i ett startup

Pfeiffer, Carl Gustav, Sehlberg, Linnea January 2020 (has links)
Bakgrund: Nya bolag är en viktig del i ett lands ekonomiska kretslopp. Det är där nya arbetsplatser, innovation och tillväxt skapas. Nya och unga företag kallas ofta för startup-bolag och startas av en eller flera grundare. En viktig källa för finansiering av dessa företag är s.k. venture capital. Investeringsprocessen och de urvalskriterierna, samt det stödet som en venture capitalist kan komma att erbjuda är av fundamental betydelse för hur industrin fungerar och utvecklas. Syfte: Studiens syfte är att undersöka och analysera vilka steg som kännetecknar VC-bolagens investeringsprocess och de kriterier som portföljbolagen måste uppfylla för att ha en chans att attrahera riskkapital. Vidare ämnar studien att analysera hur VC-bolagen jobbar för att utveckla sina portföljbolag genom utökat engagemang och involvering i post-investmentfasen, samt deras exit ur ett investeringsobjekt. Genomförande: Studien har baserats på tidigare forskning inom ämnesområdet som sedan analyserats via en deduktiv ansats. Information har inhämtats från kvalitativa undersökningar i form av semi-strukturerade intervjuer med kända aktörer inom venture capital-industrin. Slutsats: Studien fastställer att alla VC:s genomför en sekventiell investeringsprocess för att upptäcka intressanta objekt. Av störst betydelse i investeringsbeslutet är faktorer kopplade till humankapitalet, dock finns det även ytterligare kriterier som produkt, marknad och genomförbarhet som påverkar beslut om investering. VC:s tenderar att aktivt arbeta med sina portföljbolag och avslutar sitt engagemang med en exit. Studien finner inte att investerare arbetar med en fördefinierad exitstrategi. / Background: New enterprises are an important cog in the machinery of the economy. Newly founded companies are often referred to as startups and compile of one or more entrepreneurs. An important source of financing for these enterprises is venture capital. The investment process, the criteria’s used by investors and the support that they can come to provide are essential for the venture capital industries operation. Objective: The aim of this study is to investigate and analyze the process that VC-companies use when searching for potential investments. Furthermore, the study intends to give an overview of the criteria’s used by VC:s in their final decision making and what measures are taken to develop the portfolio company in the post-investment phase. The study also touches upon the exit-strategies implemented by the investors. Implementation: The essay uses a qualitive and deductive approach, where earlier concluded research is analyzed and compared to the interviews conducted during the study. Conclusion: The study finds that VC:s implement a process that is comprised of sequential steps to identify interesting companies. During the evaluation investors put emphasis on the quality of the entrepreneur and managerial team. However, they also consider other factors related to product, market and viability of the project. Investors try to add value to their portfolio companies in the post-investment phase. The investment is completed through an exit, or cashing-out from the portfolio company. The study does not conclude that investors follow a predefined exit strategy.

The Sixth Sense of Investing: How Expertise Shapes Gut-Driven Financial Decisions

Herath, Ruwini, Morgan, Oliver January 2024 (has links)
Background: This study investigates the role of gut feelings in early-stage venture investments, particularly in environments characterized by high uncertainty. By examining how both inexperienced and experienced investors utilize intuition, the research aims to uncover the cognitive and emotional foundations that influence investment decisions. Purpose: The research aims to understand how gut feelings impact investment decisions across different levels of investor experience. It compares the strategies of seasoned investors with those of novices, providing insights into how intuition and analytical reasoning are integrated. The objective is to offer practical guidance for investors on effectively combining gut feelings with analytical methods to navigate uncertain investment landscapes. Method: A multi-method qualitative approach was employed, combining semi-structured interviews and think-aloud protocols to capture real-time decision-making processes. Data were gathered from 11 investors, resulting in 14 hours of verbal protocols, which were subsequently analyzed using protocol analysis. A hypothetical investment scenario involving a fictional company, EcoPower Innovations, was used to elicit detailed responses from participants. Conclusion: The study finds significant differences in how gut feelings influence investment decisions based on the level of investor experience. Experienced investors skillfully blend intuition with data analysis, leveraging their expertise to manage uncertainty more effectively. In contrast, inexperienced investors tend to rely more on emotional impulses, demonstrating less integration of intuitive judgment with analytical reasoning. These findings highlight the importance of investor education in promoting the balanced use of gut feelings and analytical techniques, thereby improving decision-making in uncertain environments. Additionally, the research offers valuable insights for entrepreneurs on tailoring their approaches to potential investors based on their level of experience and expertise.

Are Swedish venture capitalists stuck in the past? : An explorative study on Swedish venture capitalists' position in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms / Är svenska venture kapitalister fast i dåtiden?

Fahnehjelm, Charlotte, Larsson, Joakim January 2018 (has links)
Currently, there are indications that Europe is facing an innovation deficit. The main explanation to the lack of innovation is considered to be that new technology-based firms are facing difficulties in receiving funding and consequently do not establish on the market. As new technology-based firms have an important role in technology development and overall growth, a consequence thereof could be a long- lasting negative effect on technological change and economic growth. The venture capital industry is frequently put forward as the actor that can provide financing for these types of firms. This study aimed to investigate the contemporary role that Swedish traditional venture capitalists and government supported venture capitalists have in the funding landscape of new technology-based firms. To fulfill this purpose, the study analyzed both the investors' preferences and the challenges with investing into new technology-based firms. The findings were acquired through performing eight semi- structured interviews with highly knowledgeable practitioners. In addition, literature was scrutinized. The study concluded that the preferences of the venture capital firms are heavily misaligned with investments into new technology and that digital companies present a better aligned investment alternative. More specifically, venture capitalists perceived the teams of new technology-based firms to be lacking, which is misaligned with the venture capitalists' strong emphasis on the team. New technology-based firms were also perceived to be associated with great risks, which is misaligned with the risk aversion of venture capitalists. The high risk was found to be related to the high degree of novelty, the perceived difficulties in finding syndication partners, the venture capitalists' lack of specific knowledge and experience, the long time to market and the large funding need in early stages. Further, the long time to market is ill-suited with the fund structure of traditional venture capital firms. On the other hand, digital companies were found to be well aligned with the venture capitalists' risk profile and preference for investing large amounts of capital at once. When it comes to government-supported venture capitalists, the study concluded that Industrifonden's preferences are similar to those of traditional venture capitalists and that Almi Invest, due to its structure, faces specific barriers for investing. Based on these findings, the conclusion was drawn that the likelihood is low that venture capitalists will invest in new technology-based firms. In order to be able to draw conclusions regarding the impacts on innovation and technological change, further research on the capabilities and preferences of informal venture capital is necessary. Further research could also attend to the demand of financing to increase the understanding of the innovation deficit. / Idag finns indikationer på innovationsbrist i Europa. En huvudsaklig orsak till innovationsbristen anses vara att bolag med ny teknologi har svårt att få finansiering och därmed etablera sig på marknaden. Eftersom ny teknologi spelar en viktig roll i teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillväxt, är en möjlig konsekvens av innovationsbristen långtgående negativa effekter på teknologisk utveckling och ekonomisk tillväxt. Venture capital industrin framhålls ofta som en aktör som kan finansiera denna typ av bolag. Denna studie syftade till att undersöka vilken roll svenska traditionella venture capital fonder och statliga venture capital fonder har i finansieringslandskapet av ny teknologi. För att uppnå detta syfte analyserade studien både investerarnas preferenser och utmaningarna med att investera i ny teknologi. Resultaten nåddes genom att genomföra semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta erfarna praktiserande i industrin. Intervjuobjekten hade antingen erfarenhet från traditionellt eller statligt venture capital. Utöver detta granskades litteratur på området. Studien fann att venture capital industrins preferenser på flera vis inte matchar investeringar i ny teknologi medan digitala bolag väl passar in i preferenserna. Mer specifikt ansåg venture capitalisterna att teamen för ny teknologiska bolag saknar viktiga kvalitéer, något som missmatchar venture capitalisternas starka fokus på teamet. Nyteknologiska bolag ansågs också vara associerade med hög risk, vilket står i stark kontrast till venture capitalisternas riskaversion. Den höga risken ansågs vara relaterad till investeringens nya natur, den upplevda svårigheten att hitta syndikteringspartners, venture capitalisters avsaknad av specifik erfarenhet, den långa tiden till marknaden och de stora kapitalbehoven i tidiga skeden. Vidare fann studien att den långa tiden till marknaden var misspassat till fondstrukturen hos traditionella venture capitalister. Och andra sidan visade studien att digitala bolag passar väl med venture capitalisters riskprofil och preferens för att investera stora belopp på en gång. När det kommer till statliga venture capital fonder fann studien att Industrifondens preferenser är mycket lika de traditionella venture capitalisternas preferenser och att Almi Invest står inför särskilda barriärer för att investera i ny teknologi. Baserat på dessa resultat konkluderade studien att sannolikheten är låg att venture capitalister investerar i ny teknologi. Forskning på kapaciteterna och preferenserna för informellt kapital är dock nödvändigt för att kunna dra slutsatser kring effekterna på innovation och teknisk utveckling. Framtida forskning bör också fokusera på efterfrågan på kapital för att förstå innovationsbristen.

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