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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Anlagestrategien für Pensionsvermögen im Rahmen von Contractual Trust Arrangements

van den Bergh-Mehner, Stefanie 22 December 2011 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Anlage von Pensionsvermögen im Rahmen von Contractual Trust Arrangements. Es wird untersucht, welche Anlagestrategien sich unter Berücksichtigung bilanzieller, verpflichtungs- und vermögensseitiger Rahmenbedingungen zur Anlage von Pensionsvermögen eignen. Anhand eines geeigneten Anlagemodells für Pensionsvermögen und der Durchführung einer stochastischen Simulation wird analysiert, welchen Einfluss unterschiedliche Anlagestrategien auf die Entwicklung des Pensionsvermögens haben. Die Arbeit geht zunächst den Hintergrund der betrieblichen Altersversorgung und Contractual Trust Arrangements in Deutschland ein. Zur Abbildung der Verpflichtungsseite und der Mitarbeiterstruktur des Unternehmens wird unter Einbezug aktuarischer Ansätze ein Mitarbeitermodell entwickelt. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte Portfoliomodell integriert die Verpflichtungs- und Vermögensseite und zeigt, wie das Vermögen zur Deckung leistungsorientierter Zusagen zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung unter Einbezug der Unternehmensperspektive mit Hilfe dynamischer Risikonebenbedingungen geeignet angelegt werden kann.

Anlagestrategien für Pensionsvermögen im Rahmen von Contractual Trust Arrangements

van den Bergh-Mehner, Stefanie 04 January 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit behandelt die Anlage von Pensionsvermögen im Rahmen von Contractual Trust Arrangements. Es wird untersucht, welche Anlagestrategien sich unter Berücksichtigung bilanzieller, verpflichtungs- und vermögensseitiger Rahmenbedingungen zur Anlage von Pensionsvermögen eignen. Anhand eines geeigneten Anlagemodells für Pensionsvermögen und der Durchführung einer stochastischen Simulation wird analysiert, welchen Einfluss unterschiedliche Anlagestrategien auf die Entwicklung des Pensionsvermögens haben. Die Arbeit geht zunächst auf den Hintergrund der betrieblichen Altersversorgung und Contractual Trust Arrangements in Deutschland ein. Zur Abbildung der Verpflichtungsseite und der Mitarbeiterstruktur des Unternehmens wird unter Einbezug aktuarischer Ansätze ein Mitarbeitermodell entwickelt. Das in der Arbeit entwickelte Portfoliomodell integriert die Verpflichtungs- und Vermögensseite und zeigt, wie das Vermögen zur Deckung leistungsorientierter Zusagen zur betrieblichen Altersversorgung unter Einbezug der Unternehmensperspektive mit Hilfe dynamischer Risikonebenbedingungen geeignet angelegt werden kann.

The Value and Growth Investment Strategies on the Swedish Stock Market : Is it financially beneficial to invest in stocks based on the value of their P/E and P/B multiples?

Forsberg, Beatrice, Sundqvist, Johan January 2022 (has links)
Background: As the goal of most investors is to generate excess returns as compared tothe broad market, different investment strategies to perform such a feat have been studied thoroughly for decades. One strategy which has performed particularly well is the value investment strategy, where securities that appear cheap relative to some of their fundamental values are invested in. More recently, the growth investment strategy, where securities are instead bought if some of their fundamental values are expected to rise rapidly in the future, has caught more attention from investors. As the efficient market hypothesis suggests that no investment strategy should be able to consistently generate excess returns without any luck involved, it is of interest to examine whether the aforementioned strategies act in congruence with the hypothesis. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to analyze if the value and growth investment strategies generate superior returns as well as risk-adjusted excess returns when compared to the Swedish stock market. The study also aims to analyze how the performance of the strategies varies during periods of different market sentiments. Methodology: This study used a quantitative method in its data collection and was conducted using a deductive approach. Six synthetic portfolios were created to test the strategies’ performance. The stocks which constituted the synthetic portfolios were chosen based on their P/E and P/B values from the Refinitiv Eikon platform, and the portfolios were rebalanced annually over the entire analyzed time period. The Swedish All-Share index, OMXSGI, was used as a proxy for the market portfolio. Conclusion: Based on the results of the study, the growth portfolios, more so than the value portfolios, were found to generate greater statistically significant returns as compared to the broad market during the analyzed time period. Although not all portfolios generated excess returns, the study may still add to the evidence that disproves the efficient market hypothesis.

The Impact of Logistic Properties on Portfolio Profitability : An Insight into Strategical Choices and the Profit Derived from Modern Logistic Properties / Logistikfastigheternas påverkan på portföljens lönsamhet

Cardenas Sanchez, Reynaldo, Olausson, Filip January 2022 (has links)
The interest in logistics properties has risen significantly over the last decade, which have attracted more national and international investors. Previous research has mostly been centered on the property's location and how it has influenced their value. As the e-commerce trend has progressed, more requirements for property design have emerged, which makes it interesting to investigate how real estate companies resonate about this. The purpose of this master's thesis has been to investigate how the major real estate firms in the logistics sector conduct strategic acquisitions and divestments to satisfy market demand, and how this has affected their measurable profitability. The study is based on quantitative data gathered from annual reports regarding their portfolio change and various profitability measures. Moreover, the quantitative survey has been complemented with in-depth interviews with these companies to get an understanding regarding their transaction history and to gain a deeper understanding of their investment strategy regarding logistic properties. What has been observed by the study is that real estate companies strive to have flexible properties to be able to adjust for future tenants and thus minimize any vacancies. New logistical trends like “last mile delivery” seem to affect the company's strategies on localization. Pure logistics companies with less diversification have shown higher economic lease rates and profit development in their logistic portfolios than the more diversified companies. Furthermore, a general strategic development towards more diversification in more niched portfolios is visible. / Intresset för logistikfastigheter har ökat markant under det senaste decenniet, vilket har lockat fler nationella och internationella investerare. Tidigare forskning har mest handlat om varför efterfrågan ökar och hur fastighetens läge har påverkat dess värde. De strategier som fastighetsbolagen i Sverige tillämpar för att anpassa sig till denna trend och hur deras portföljlönsamhet har utvecklats är fortfarande obesvarade ämnen. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur de stora fastighetsföretagen inom logistiksektorn genomför strategiska förvärv och avyttringar för att möta marknadens efterfrågan och hur detta har påverkat deras mätbara lönsamhet. Studien baseras på kvantitativa data från årsrapporter avseende finansiell information, portföljfördelning och lokal närvaro. Dessutom har den kvantitativa undersökningen kompletterats med fördjupande intervjuer med dessa företag för att få en förståelse för deras transaktionshistorik och för att bättre förstå deras investeringsstrategier avseende logistikfastigheter. Det som har observerats av studien är att fastighetsbolagen strävar efter att ha flexibla fastigheter som ska kunna anpassas för framtida hyresgäster och därmed minimera eventuella vakanser. Nya logistiska trender som "last mile delivery" verkar ha en inverkan på företagens strategier för lokalisering. Logistikföretag med en större andel logistikfastigheter och mindre diversifiering har visat högre ekonomisk uthyrningsgrad och vinstutveckling i sina logistikportföljer än de mer diversifierade företagen. Vidare syns en generell strategisk utveckling mot mer diversifiering i mer nischade portföljer.

Optimal Portfolio Allocation in the Middle East Real Estate Market: A Comparative Study of the UAE and Qatar : Why could UAE or Qatar be an opportunity for European businesses and portfolio investors in the Middle East?

Bazerbashi, Ayman, Nguyen, Erik January 2023 (has links)
This research compares the real estate markets of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Qatar, focusing on opportunities and challenges for European businesses and portfolio investors. The study integrates theoretical frameworks, empirical findings from interviews, and analysis of official reports. The theoretical insights highlight the importance of economic factors, cultural understanding, and risk management. The empirical findings reinforce these concepts, revealing varying risk tolerance levels among investors. The analysis indicates that the UAE offers more significant investment opportunities than Qatar due to sustained economic growth and infrastructure development. The research provides practical implications for investors and sets the foundation for future studies.

Hållbara investeringar på gårdsmiljön i Stockholms stad : Allmännyttans investeringar ur ett socioekonomiskt och ekologiskt perspektiv / Stockholm city’s sustainable investments on courtyards and surroundings : Public housing investments from a social and ecological standpoint

Cardenas Sanchez, Reynaldo January 2020 (has links)
Stockholm stads kommunstyrelse har under de senaste 5 - 10 åren gradvis infört nya riktlinjer för förvaltningen av bostäder och hur dess dotterbolag ska arbeta för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling. Denna studie har av den anledningen syftat till att klargöra några av frågorna om hur de offentliga bostadsbolagen i Stockholms stad arbetar för att uppnå en hållbar utveckling och uppnå stadens uppsatta mål, samtidigt som de förbättrar gårdsmiljöer och byggnadernas omedelbara omgivning. Studien har bestått av flera intervjuer med representanter för Stockholms kommunala bostadsföretag. Information har samlats in från företagens webbplatser, tidigare rapporter och från offentliga institutioner som publicerar ekonomiska och finansiella rapporter. Studien drar slutsatsen att de offentliga bostadsföretagen som ingår i studien har genomfört stora förändringar i sina arbetsmetoder det senaste årtiondet. Med större fokus på ekologiska och sociala ståndpunkter, där ändringarna tillämpas hela vägen från planeringsstadiet till implementeringen av nya förvaltningsstrategier. Genom att involvera hyresgäster i investeringsprocessen har några av företaget lyckats maximera fördelarna med avslutade projekt och nå högre nivåer av nöjdhet hos kunderna. Vissa bolag har fått ökade investeringsanslag som i förlängningen kan innebära ökade investeringsmöjligheter på gårdsmiljön. Men utvecklingen av framtida projekt kan istället försvåras av interna åtstramningar som försvårar anställning av kompetent personal och riskerar att försämra kommunikationslänkarna i organisationen, särskilt mellan företagens planeringssektioner och förvaltningsavdelningar / The council in the city of Stockholm has for the last 5 – 10 years gradually been implementing new guidelines regarding public housing management and how its subsidiaries should work to achieve a sustainable development. This study therefore aims to clear some of the questions regarding how named companies work towards sustainable development and city goals while improving courtyards and the immediate surroundings of the buildings.T he study has consisted of several interviews with representatives of Stockholm’s main public housing companies. Furthermore, has information been gathered from the company’s websites, previous reports and public housing institutions containing economic and financial reports. The report concludes that the public housing companies that are part of the study have changed their working methods considerably. With more focus on ecological and social standpoints, these changes are been applied all the way from the planification stage to the implementation of new investment strategies. By involving tenants in the investment process some of the companies have managed to maximize the benefits from concluded projects and reach higher levels of customer satisfaction. Furthermore, some of the companies have received larger investment budgets making it possible to increase their inversion capabilities. However, the companies are also insecure about how future projects will be managed if additional internal budget restrictions are applied, especially because it might aggravate their possibilities to hire competent staff. This supposes a risk of worsening the communication abilities in the organizations between the planning departments and the management divisions of the companies.

Can You Trust Investment Strategies? : An Empirical Study of Five Easily Available Investment Strategies Suitable for All Investors

Strand, Johanna, Karlsson, Emilia January 2019 (has links)
This study examines the Swedish Stock Exchange during the time period of 1998-2016. Where the purpose is to investigate and compare five different investment strategies to see if these investment strategies can create excess return on their investments, after adjustment for risk. The investment strategies can be found on the internet, and be used after purchasing a smaller amount of money, therefore the results can be applied to all investors independent on their level of experience. The results for the different investment strategies are not clear, the different tests give mixed results which leaves four of five hypotheses unanswered. However, there is one strategy that can be rejected, it cannot beat the market, which is the Net-Nets strategy. In general, one could thus say that the investment strategies can create higher return compared to the market, but that these returns are random. Therefore, it requires a longer time period for the investor as well as higher risk, since one never knows when this large return will be given.

How the disposition effect may explain momentum: the relationship between investment behavior biases and brazilian market movements / Como o efeito de disposição pode explicar o momento: a relação entre os vieses de comportamento de investimento e os movimentos do mercado brasileiro

Pitthan, Francisco do Nascimento 11 September 2018 (has links)
Momentum is one of the most robust anomalies in financial markets, there are two main recent explanations for this phenomenon, a behavioral-based explanation through disposition-effect (i.e., the willingness to sell \"winners\" too quickly and to hold \"losers\" for a long time) and a fund-flow based explanation. The disposition-effect explanation is centered in the convergence of the spread between the fundamental value and the observed market price (disposition-effect causes an underreaction to news that generates this spread), and the fund flows-based explanation is due to the persistence of the performance of mutual-funds (which usually keep buying winning positions and selling the losses). This master thesis compares those theories using Brazilian data (which is suitable for the strong presence of momentum). Our empirical analysis was done using Fama-MacBeth regressions with results pointing the disposition-effect explanation as the most significant, with our robustness analysis contributing positively to the main findings. / Uma das anomalias mais robustas presente nos mercados financeiros é a existência de momentum nos preços de ações, existem duas principais explicações recentes para este fenômeno: explicação comportamental através do efeito-disposição (i.e. disposição de vender ativos \"vencedores\" rapidamente e de segurar ativos \"perdedores\" por muito tempo) e explicações de fluxos de fundos de investimento. A explicação através do efeito-disposição é centrada na convergência do spread entre o valor fundamental de um ativo e o preço de mercado observado (o efeito-disposição causa uma reação branda a notícias que gera esse spread), e a explicação baseada em fluxos de fundos que se deve pela persistência da performance de fundos (que usualmente continuam comprando posições vencedoras e vendendo as perdedoras). O objetivo desta dissertação é comparar essas teorias utilizando dados brasileiros (que é adequado pela forte presença de momentum). Nossa análise empírica foi feita através de regressões de Fama-MacBeth com resultados apontando a explicação centrada no efeito-disposição como a mais significativa, com nossa análise de robustez contribuindo positivamente para nossos resultados principais.

Estudo exploratório sobre os preços das ações no mercado brasileiro

Silveira, Ricardo Silva Gordo 18 February 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-25T18:40:37Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ricardo Silva Gordo Silveira.pdf: 904935 bytes, checksum: 8e8966c1d139719b3634c3ba452ad800 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-02-18 / This work aims to analyze the behavior of stock prices traded on exchanges, identifying the values and fair market and measuring the difference of discount rates adopted by the market and WACC fee Furthermore, it will analyze the degree of correlation between values and fair market and test statistically using linear regression if there is relationship between future profitability and the market value and fair value of the company. There was a gap in the academy that links a model to evaluate the company with the behavior of the prices of the shares. There are studies that talk about different models of valuation and what would be the most appropriate for a particular segment. There are also studies that examine possible strategies for investment, considering some indicators fundamentalists. Is it possible to identify an investment strategy, from the model Present Value of Free Cash Flow for the company? To undertake this work, it was considered a model for evaluating companies Present Value of Free Cash Flow for Enterprise. The fair values of the companies were cleared from the financial statements for the period from 2003 to 2007 and then were compared with market values. There was a moderate level of positive correlation between values and fair market and was not identified a trend in the investment strategy, taking into account the index market value of about fair value / Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar o comportamento dos preços das ações negociadas na bolsa, identificando os valores justos e de mercado e mensurando a diferença das taxas de desconto adotadas pelo mercado e o WACC médio das empresas. Além disso, procurou-se analisar o nível de correlação entre os valores justos e de mercado e testar estatisticamente por meio de regressão linear se há relação entre rentabilidade futura e a relação valor de mercado e valor justo da empresa. Observou-se uma lacuna na academia que relacione um modelo de avaliação de empresa com o comportamento dos preços das ações. Há trabalhos que discorrem sobre diferentes modelos de valuation e qual seria o mais apropriado para um determinado segmento. Há também trabalhos que analisam possíveis estratégias de investimento, considerando alguns indicadores fundamentalistas. Será que é possível identificar uma estratégia de investimento, a partir do modelo Valor Presente do Fluxo de Caixa Livre para a Empresa? Para realizar este trabalho, considerou-se o modelo de avaliação de empresas Valor Presente do Fluxo de Caixa Livre para Empresa. Os valores justos das empresas foram apurados a partir das demonstrações financeiras no período de 2003 a 2007 e em seguida foram comparados com os valores de mercado. Foi observada uma correlação positiva de nível moderado entre os valores justos e de mercado e não foi identificada uma tendência de estratégia de investimento, levando em consideração o índice valor de mercado sobre valor justo

Estratégias de investimento em ações baseadas na análise de demonstrações contábeis: é possível prever o sucesso? / Securitie´s investment strategies based on financial statement analysis: is it possible to foresee the future?

Galdi, Fernando Caio 06 May 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho investiga a utilidade e as limitações de estratégias de investimento em ações baseadas na análise de demonstrações contábeis. Inicialmente a avaliação é realizada para o conjunto total de empresas listadas na Bovespa. Na seqüência, restringe-se a investigação para os subconjuntos de empresas com alto índice PL/P (proxy de risco) ou/e com baixo BCGI (proxy de governança). De acordo com evidências apresentadas na literatura de contabilidade e finanças conjectura-se que estes grupos possuem características para que as estratégias de investimento baseadas na análise de demonstrações contábeis sejam mais úteis para a discriminação de boas e más oportunidades de investimento. As evidências encontradas apontam para uma maior utilidade da análise de balanços para a seleção de uma carteira de investimento em ações no grupo de empresas com alto PL/P e/ou baixo BCGI. Adicionalmente, incorporam-se nas análises econométricas os fatores de risco que poderiam ter relação com os resultados encontrados. Demonstra-se que a implementação da estratégia é mais realista (em termos de volume financeiro negociado das ações) para o grupo de empresas com baixo BCGI. Entretanto, há uma redução dos retornos obtidos com essa estratégia - selecionar empresas fortes financeiramente dentro do grupo de empresas com baixo BCGI - em relação à estratégia de seleção de empresas com alto PL/P e com bons indicadores financeiros. Esse resultado é consistente com a relação teórica negativa esperada entre liquidez e retorno e contribuí com a literatura para a explicação da obtenção de retornos anormais com estratégias de investimento baseadas na utilização de análise de demonstrações contábeis. / This thesis investigates the usefulness and limitations of investment strategies based on financial statement analysis. Initially I assess the usefulness of the strategy for the full sample of Brazilian public-held firms. An additional analysis considers the partition of high book-to-market (HBM) or/and poor corporate governance (CG) firms. Capital markets research in accounting and finance show evidences that permit one to posit that firms within these groups (HBM and/or poor CG) present specific features that should enhance the usefulness of financial statement analysis as an investment tool. I find evidences that the analyzed strategies significantly differentiate between winners and losers for both groups (HBM and poor CG) but not for the full sample of firms. These results confirm and expand Piotroski\'s (2000) evidences. Further I consider the possible omitted risk-factors that could explain the results obtained. I show that the practical implementation of the strategy is more realistic (regarding stock\'s trading volume) if applied for firms with poor corporate governance arrangements when compared to the HBM ones. However, the strategy returns are lower when applied to the subset of poor corporate governance firms. This evidence is consistent with the negative expected relation between liquidity and returns (Bekaert et al, 2006) and contributes to previous research (Piotroski, 2000; Mohanran, 2005) on abnormal returns obtained with financial statements analysis.

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