Spelling suggestions: "subject:"rra."" "subject:"cara.""
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Med gud på vår sida : En jämförande fallstudie av paramilitära grupper i NordirlandskonfliktenLilja, Adam January 2023 (has links)
The connection between religion and conflict is widely known, but the literature lacks in the understanding on how religion can be used in conflicts. This study aims to investigate how religion was used by paramilitary organizations in the North Ireland conflict. With the theory on how religion can overcome collective action problems, four central themes regarding how religion can benefit social movements was used to examine these organizations. The organization was analysed using journalistic sources mainly based on interviews with terrorists from these organizations. Using these four themes the similarities and differences between these organizations could be analysed and how religion was used could be better understood. The main result was that none of the studied organizations used religion to a big extent, but that the protestant side had a bigger use of it than the catholic one. With this in concern, the study was critically analysed, and further research was purposed.
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[pt] O que explica a persistência da nação como objeto central de identificação
no Irã durante as décadas de 1960 e 1970? Como podemos entender o apelo e a
difusão do nacionalismo quando ele pode significar simultaneamente um caminho
e uma armadilha para a descolonização, como advertiu Fanon? Esta tese aborda
algumas dessas questões em relação ao nacionalismo anticolonial no Irã, suas
possibilidades políticas, fantasias e desejos decoloniais. Discuto como três figuras
articularam discursos de libertação nacional que mobilizaram diferentes apegos
com a nação no Irã pré-1979, tentando compreender o que essas relações afetivas
com o nacionalismo forneciam como imaginário político e subjetividade. Através
de um referencial psicanalítico apoiado nas teorias de Jacques Lacan e Frantz
Fanon, analiso os escritos de Jalal Al-e Ahmad, Ali Shariati e Forugh Farrokhzad
para apreender os ritmos e texturas de gozo (jouissance) esses imaginários
assumiram enquanto eram constituídos discursivamente em torno de significantes
e identificações específicos, como nacionalismo, terceiro-mundismo e o Islã. Esta
dissertação emprega uma análise emocional de discurso para avaliar os significados
que a consciência nacional iraniana evocou na forma de desejos e fantasias de
libertação e descolonização. Assim, também pretendo reconhecer e discutir os
emaranhados transnacionais e as conexões simbólicas que algumas dessas figuras
iranianas articularam no Terceiro Mundo, posicionando-as em uma infraestrutura
de conectividade anticolonial e mostrando como elas estão em dívida com a teoria
e a práxis de outros movimentos, intelectuais e lutas. / [en] What accounts for the persistence of the nation as a central object of
identification in Iran during the 1960s and 1970s? How can we understand the
appeal and pervasiveness of nationalism when it simultaneously could signify one
path to and a pitfall of decolonization, as Fanon warned? This thesis addresses some
of these questions in relation to anticolonial nationalism in Iran, its political
possibilities, decolonial fantasies, and desires. I discuss how three figures
articulated discourses of national liberation which mobilized different attachments
to the nation in pre-1979 Iran, attempting to understand what these affective
relations with nationalism provided as political imaginary and subjectivity.
Through a psychoanalytical framework rested on the theories of Jacques Lacan and
Frantz Fanon, I analyze the writings of Jalal Al-e Ahmad, Ali Shariati, and Forugh
Farrokhzad to grasp the rhythms and textures of enjoyment those imaginaries
assumed while being discursively constituted around specific signifiers and
identifications, such as nationalism, Third Worldism, and Islam. This thesis relies
on emotional discourse analysis to assess the meanings Iranian national
consciousness evoked in the form of desires and fantasies of liberation and
decolonization. Thus, I also aim to acknowledge and discuss the transnational
entanglements and symbolic connections some of these Iranian figures articulated
within the Third World, positioning them in an infrastructure of anticolonial
connectivity and showing how they are in debt to the theory and praxis of other
movements, intellectuals, and struggles.
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Manejo de la ira en un grupo de niños de segundo grado de un colegio de LimaRodríguez Molina, Lucrecia 23 June 2011 (has links)
La violencia es un problema mundial que preocupa cada día más.
Muchas veces la violencia puede ser el resultado de la ira mal manejada y es por
ello que el presente estudio pretende comprobar si, enseñando estrategias para
controlar la ira a un grupo de niños que cursan el segundo grado de primaria, es
posible reducir su nivel de ira. El referente teórico es la psicología cognitiva y por
ello se seleccionó el Inventario de Ira de Beck para medir el nivel de ira antes y
después de la aplicación del programa para el manejo de la ira. En este estudio se
conformaron dos grupos, uno experimental y uno de control. Se encontraron
diferencias significativas entre el pre-test y el post-test del grupo experimental.
Asimismo hubo diferencias significativas entre ambos grupos después de la
intervención. Es posible que estas diferencias se deban a la efectividad del
programa aplicado “Qué hacer con la Ira” (Sunburst).
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Violencia de pareja, apego adulto e ira en universitari@s de Lima MetropolitanaRomero Quevedo, Alexandra Ysabel 14 June 2022 (has links)
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo estudiar la relación entre la violencia de
pareja, el estado-rasgo de la ira y el apego adulto en jóvenes universitarios que se
encuentran en una relación de pareja por al menos 6 meses. Se contó con 100
participantes de 18 a 25 años (M =21.77 años, DE = 2.22), de los cuales 51 fueron
hombres y 49 eran mujeres. Se utilizaron las adaptaciones al contexto peruano de la
Escala Táctica de Conflictos (CTS-2), el Inventario de la Expresión Cólera-Hostilidad
(IMECH) y el Inventario Revisado de Experiencias Cercanas en Relaciones (ECR). Los
resultados mostraron, en cuanto a las relaciones entre la violencia de pareja y el apego
adulto, una relación negativa entre la negociación de conflictos con el apego evitativo;
en cuanto a la violencia de pareja y la ira, se encontró una relación positiva entre la
agresión por conductas de desvalorización y cólera-estado, y una relación positiva
entre la negociación y la cólera contenida. Por otro lado, al revisar la relación entre el
apego adulto y la ira, se observó que la cólera-estado se relacionó de forma positiva con
el apego ansioso y evitativo, mientras que la cólera-rasgo y la cólera contenida se
relacionaron de forma positiva con el apego ansioso y el apego evitativo directo. En
cuanto a las diferencias por sexo, se encontró que los hombres puntúan más en la
dimensión lesiones de la violencia de pareja que las mujeres, aunque no se mostraron diferencias en otros tipos de agresión o en la negociación de problemas. Tampoco se
encontraron diferencias entre el apego ansioso, evitativo o las expresiones de ira según
sexo. Los resultados se discuten en términos de violencia normalizada en la relación de
pareja, desconocimiento de algunas expresiones de violencia o deseo de demostrar un
ideal de pareja estable a los demás, con quien resuelve conflictos por medio de la
negociación y minimización de respuestas iracundas. / The aim of the present research was analyze the relation between dating violence, adult
attachment and state-trait anger in young university couples who have been in a
romantic relationship for at least 6 months. A hundred participants from 18 to 25 years
old (M= 21.77 years, SD=2.22), 51% men and 49% women were part of the study. The
Peruvian adaptation of Conflict Tactics Scale (CTS-2), State-Trait Anger Expression
Inventory (IMECH) and Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised (ECR) were used.
The result showed, between dating violence and adult attachment, a negative relation
between negotiation and avoidant attachment; between dating violence and state-trait
anger, a positive relation between devaluation behavior aggression and anger-state, and
a positive relation between negotiation and contained anger. On the other hand,
between adult attachment and state-trait anger, anger-state was positive related with
anxious and avoidant attachment, while anger-trait and contained anger are positive
related to anxious and direct avoidant attachment. Regarding sex differences, it was
found that men scored more in injury of dating violence than women, although there
were no differences in other kind of aggression or conflicts negotiation. No more
differences were found between anxious attachment, avoidant attachment or anger
expressions by sex. The results were discussed in terms of normalized violence in
couples, ignorance of some violence expressions or desire to demonstrate a stable
partner ideal to others with whom it resolves conflicts through negotiation and angry
responses minimization.
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The Irish Republican Army: An Examination of Imperialism, Terror, and Just War TheoryBarboza, Avery R 01 June 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Analysis of the Irish Republican Army (IRA) and their actions in the 1970s and 1980s offer insight into their use of just war theory in their conflict with the British government and ultra-loyalist Protestant forces in Northern Ireland. The historiography of Irish history is defined by its phases of nationalism, revisionism, and anti-revisionism that cloud the historical narrative of imperialism and insurgency in the North. Applying just war theory to this history offers a more nuanced understanding of the conflict of the Troubles and the I.R.A.’s usage of this framework in their ideology that guided their terrorism in the latter half of the twentieth century. The murders of influential members of British society and the I.R.A.’s statements on these events further posit just war theory as a guiding force of this group. In 1980-1981 the I.R.A. staged hunger strikes in the H Block of Long Kesh Prison and the writings of their leader Bobby Sands continued their use of just war theory in their efforts to be granted Special Category Status. This work concludes that the I.R.A. utilized just war theory throughout this period and that it was a guiding force of their ideology. It contributes a more nuanced analysis of just war theory and its applications to the I.R.A.’s struggles against the British. Ultimately, it demonstrates how this theory was used by this insurgent movement to claim legitimacy, defend their actions, and frame their anti-imperialist movement as a necessary means to combatting British forces.
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Governed by Guerrillas: When Armed Insurgents Become Political LeadersPatsch, Megan 24 August 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Politics and Paint: Murals, Memory, and Archives in Northern Ireland, 1968-1998London, William H. 04 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Ethnicity and Faith in American Judaism: Reconstructionism as Ideology and Institution, 1935-1959Waxman, Deborah January 2010 (has links)
This dissertation addresses the development of the movement of Reconstructionist Judaism in the period between 1935 and 1959 through an examination of ideological writings and institution-building efforts. It focuses on Reconstructionist rhetorical strategies, their efforts to establish a liberal basis of religious authority, and theories of cultural production. It argues that Reconstructionist ideologues helped to create a concept of ethnicity for Jews and non-Jews alike that was distinct both from earlier "racial" constructions or strictly religious understandings of modern Jewish identity. / History
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La notion de "religio" dans le "De ira Dei" de Lactance : la Providence et la crainte de Dieu au fondement de la religion comme réponse à la philosophie épicurienne source des hérésiesAubin, Jeffery 04 September 2024 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude de la notion de religio dans le De ira Dei de Lactance, un auteur chrétien du IVe siècle de notre ère. Lactance est très connu pour son étymologie de religio contenue dans ses Diuinae institutiones, mais son utilisation, dans le De ira Dei, n’a jamais soulevé beaucoup d’intérêt. Il s’agit pourtant d’une notion centrale dans ce traité rédigé après que le christianisme soit devenu une religion tolérée par les Romains. De fait, l’analyse rhétorique du texte montre que celui-ci comporte une propositio qui suggère qu’il ne peut y avoir de religio sans crainte de Dieu. L’idée principale défendue par Lactance est que bonté et colère doivent toutes les deux exister en Dieu et que cela constitue le point essentiel de la piété et de la religion. Or, la notion de religion est rarement liée à la crainte divine dans l’Antiquité et on la rencontre plutôt associée à la superstitio chez certains penseurs romains, notamment chez Varron et Cicéron. La pensée de Lactance s’éloigne non seulement des penseurs de la philosophie de la religion romaine, mais également des auteurs chrétiens qui n’ont pas relié ces notions de façon aussi claire. Cette thèse étudie donc, dans un premier temps, l’emploi par les chrétiens des termes religio et superstitio afin d’en dégager quelques caractéristiques. Dans un deuxième temps, cette étude analyse la première partie du De ira Dei consacrée à la religio, à la Providence et à la crainte de Dieu. On remarque dès lors que les thèmes abordés dans le traité s’apparentent à ceux contenus dans les textes du Pseudo-Clément: le jugement divin qui sert à corriger, la Providence divine, la crainte de Dieu, la discussion sur les atomes et la figure d’Épicure qui est utilisée pour représenter ceux qui s’opposent à ce que Dieu ait créé le monde et qu’il le gouverne. Cette étude révèle donc une grande influence des textes du Pseudo-Clément. On remarque des liens entre la pensée exprimée par Simon et Faustinianus dans les Pseudo-Clémentines et les propos attribués à Épicure dans le De ira Dei. Certains chercheurs ont déjà noté que la pensée d’Épicure, telle que représentée dans le traité de Lactance, ne correspond pas toujours exactement à l’enseignement du philosophe du jardin. Lactance s’attaquerait plutôt à des groupes chrétiens, ou à tout le moins proches du christianisme, qui ne peuvent concilier l’idée d’un Dieu bon et d’un Dieu qui se met en colère. Ces groupes ont tendance à rejeter l’idée de l’action de Dieu dans le monde, la Providence divine et ont une vue très pessimiste de l’homme. L’analyse des arguments montre que les adversaires de cet ouvrage partagent des traits avec Arnobe et un autre auteur qui est réfuté par Augustin dans son Contra aduersarium legis et prophetarum. Tandis que les Pseudo-Clémentines se servent de la figure de Simon pour s’attaquer aux marcionites ou aux disciples d’Apelle, le De ira Dei se sert de la figure d’Épicure pour s’en prendre à des groupes du « Neu-Marcionitismus » comme les nommait A. von Harnack. La discussion sur la religion dans le De ira Dei vise donc à indiquer à ces groupes qu’ils ne peuvent prendre part à la religio s’ils ne conçoivent pas que le Dieu unique, qui a créé le monde et le gouverne, puisse éprouver bonté et colère. / This thesis proposes a study of the concept religio in the De ira Dei of Lactantius, a Christian writer of the fourth century AD. Lactantius is well known for its etymology of religio found in its Diuinae institutiones, but the notion of religio, as found in the De ira Dei, never raised much interest. Yet, it is a central notion in this treatise written after Christianity became a religion tolerated in the Roman Empire. Indeed, the rhetoric analysis of the text shows the following propositio: there can’t be any religion where there is no fear of God. The main idea defended by Lactantius is that kindness and anger must both exist in God and that this is the essential point of piety and religion. But the concept of religion is rarely linked to fear God in Antiquity and fear is rather associated with superstitio in Latin literature, especially in Varro and Cicero. The thought of Lactance is remote not only to Roman thinkers of philosophy of religion, but also Christian authors who have not linked these concepts as clearly. Firstly, this thesis examines the use by Christian of religio and superstitio in order to identify some characteristics. Secondly, this study analyzes the first part of the De ira Dei devoted to the notion of religio, to the fear of God and to Providence. The topics covered in the treaty are similar to those contained in the pseudo-clementine texts: divine judgment used to correct rather than to avenge, Divine Providence, the fear of God, discussion about atoms and the particular use of Epicurus as a the archetype of those who refuse to admit that God created the world and governs it. A strong link can be found between the thought expressed by Simon and Faustinianus in the Pseudo-Clementines and statements attributed to Epicurus in the De ira Dei. Some researchers have noted that the thought of Epicurus, as depicted in the Treaty of Lactantius, not always reflect exactly the thought of the philosopher of the garden. The refutation of Lactantius would be directed at a Christian group, or one close to Christianty, rather than directed at the epicurean philosophy. This particular group could not reconcile the idea of a good God and a God who is angry. These groups tend to reject the idea of God’s action in the world, therefore the Divine Providence, and have a very pessimistic view of man. The analysis of the arguments shows that the opponents of this book share traits with Arnobius and another author who is refuted by Augustine in his Contra aduersarium legis and prophetarum. While the Pseudo-Clementines are using the figure of Simon to tackle Marcionites or the disciples of Apelles, the De ira Dei uses the Epicurus to attack a group of “Neu- Marcionitismus” as A. von Harnack called them. Therefore, the aim of the discussion on religion in the De ira Dei is to inform these groups that they can’t be part of the religio if they do not conceive that there is only one God who created the world, governs it and who can feel kindness as well as anger.
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Optimum Ordering for Coded V-BLASTUriarte Toboso, Alain 16 November 2012 (has links)
The optimum ordering strategies for the coded V-BLAST system with capacity achieving temporal codes on each stream are studied in this thesis. Mathematical representations of the optimum detection ordering strategies for the coded V-BLAST under instantaneous rate
allocation (IRA), uniform power/rate allocation (URA), instantaneous power allocation(IPA) and instantaneous power/rate allocation (IPRA) are derived. For two transmit
antennas, it is shown that the optimum detection strategies are based on the per-stream before-processing channel gains. Based on approximations of the per-stream capacity
equation, closed-form expressions of the optimal ordering strategy under the IRA at low and high signal to noise ratio (SNR) are derived. Necessary optimality conditions under the IRA are given. Thresholds for the low, intermediate and high SNR regimes in the 2-Tx-antenna system under the IPRA are determined, and the SNR gain of the ordering is studied for each regime. Performances of simple suboptimal ordering strategies are analysed, some of which perform very close to the optimum one.
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