Spelling suggestions: "subject:"irregular migrants"" "subject:"rregular migrants""
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Challenging Rightlessness : On Irregular Migrants and the Contestation of Welfare State Demarcation in SwedenNielsen, Amanda January 2016 (has links)
This thesis explores the political struggles that followed after the appearance of irregular migrants in Sweden. The analysis starts from the assumption that the group’s precarious circumstances of living disrupted the understanding of Sweden as an inclusive society and shed light on the limits of the welfare state’s inclusionary ambitions. The overarching analytical point of entry is accordingly that the appearance of irregular migrants constitutes an opening for contestation of the demarcation of the welfare state. The analysis draws on two strands of theory to explore this opening. Citizenship theory, first, provides insights about the contradictory logics of the welfare state, i.e. the fact that it rests on norms of equality and inclusion at the same time as it is premised on a fundamental exclusion of non-members. Discourse theory, furthermore, is brought in to make sense of the potential for contestation. The study approaches these struggles over demarcation through an analysis of the debates and claims-making that took place in the Swedish parliament between 1999 and 2014. The focal point of the analysis is the efforts to make sense of and respond to the predicament of the group. The study shows that efforts to secure rights and inclusion for the group revolved around two demands. The first demand, regularisation, aimed to secure rights for irregular migrants through status, i.e. through the granting of residence permits, whereas the second demand, access to social rights, aimed to secure rights through turning the group into right-bearers in the welfare state. The thesis concludes that the debates and claims-making during the 2000s resulted in a small, but significant, shift in policy. In 2013, new legislation was adopted that granted irregular migrants access to schooling and health- and medical care. I argue that this was an effect of successful campaigning that managed to establish these particular rights as human rights, and as such, rights that should be provided to all residents regardless of legal status. Overall, however, I conclude that there has been an absence of more radical contestation of the citizenship order, and of accompanying notions of rights and entitlement, in the debates studied.
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The New Regulation on Labour Immigration : A Qualitative Research Exploring Perceptions of Asylym Seekers and Irregular Migrants on a Socio - Political Level in SwedenRunell, Charlotta, Ahlberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
<p>This is a qualitative research study utilising a theoretical framework of democracy theory, human rights and theories on migration and irregular migrants. The purpose of this research is to explore how the new Swedish Regulation on Labour Immigration, in relation to the harmonization of migration policy within the European Union, represents and effects the perception of asylum seekers and irregular migrants on a socio-political level in Sweden. Through four semi-structured interviews this study seeks to explore the following areas: the reasons behind the compromise concerning asylum seekers in the Regulation; the exclusion of irregular migrants in the Regulation; and the correlation between the Regulation and the harmonising of migration policy within the EU. The theoretical framework, together with the statements by informants and the grounding information concerning human rights and the migration policy within the EU, constitutes the analysis. The analysis shows that the perceptions of asylum seekers and irregular immigrants as an undesirable solution to demographical challenges represent a relativistic approach to human rights. By legitimating this perception those concerned become even more vulnerable and at a higher risk of exploitation. The correlation between the contemporary democratic welfare state, international human rights law and the Regulation, together with increasing and irreversible migration flows, visualises an incompatible and diffuse organisation, which have to transform into cosmopolitan democracy and global solidarity if to survive.</p>
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The New Regulation on Labour Immigration : A Qualitative Research Exploring Perceptions of Asylym Seekers and Irregular Migrants on a Socio - Political Level in SwedenRunell, Charlotta, Ahlberg, Anna January 2009 (has links)
This is a qualitative research study utilising a theoretical framework of democracy theory, human rights and theories on migration and irregular migrants. The purpose of this research is to explore how the new Swedish Regulation on Labour Immigration, in relation to the harmonization of migration policy within the European Union, represents and effects the perception of asylum seekers and irregular migrants on a socio-political level in Sweden. Through four semi-structured interviews this study seeks to explore the following areas: the reasons behind the compromise concerning asylum seekers in the Regulation; the exclusion of irregular migrants in the Regulation; and the correlation between the Regulation and the harmonising of migration policy within the EU. The theoretical framework, together with the statements by informants and the grounding information concerning human rights and the migration policy within the EU, constitutes the analysis. The analysis shows that the perceptions of asylum seekers and irregular immigrants as an undesirable solution to demographical challenges represent a relativistic approach to human rights. By legitimating this perception those concerned become even more vulnerable and at a higher risk of exploitation. The correlation between the contemporary democratic welfare state, international human rights law and the Regulation, together with increasing and irreversible migration flows, visualises an incompatible and diffuse organisation, which have to transform into cosmopolitan democracy and global solidarity if to survive.
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Utelämnad, övergiven och bortglömd : en kvalitativ studie om papperslösa människors erfarenheter av svensk sjukvårdLindholm, Lovisa, Jensen, Stina January 2011 (has links)
Papperslösa människor är en utsatt grupp i samhället då de ofta lever i en oviss situation vad gäller arbete, boende, framtid, det sociala umgänget och tillgången till hälso- och sjukvård. Deras möte med sjukvården kan präglas av att känna sig kränkt, alternativt rädsla för att bli nekad vård eller för att någon av vårdpersonalen ska ringa polisen eller migrationsverket. Till följd av detta kan det ta lång tid innan de vågar söka vård, ibland undviker de vården medvetet (Urrutia-Rojas, Marshall, Trevino, Lurie & Munguia-Bayona, 2006). Då vi som blivande sjuksköterskor kommer att möta papperslösa på exempelvis en akutavdelning, är det viktigt att försöka få en förståelse för hur de upplever mötet med sjukvården. Syftet med denna studie var att beskriva papperslösas erfarenheter av svensk sjukvård. Studien har en kvalitativ metodansats och berättelserna har analyserats med hjälp av innehållsanalys. Resultatet visar att papperslösas erfarenheter av svensk sjukvård många gånger var negativa, dock fanns det tillfällen där erfarenheterna varit positiva. Dessa positiva erfarenheter kunde handla om att de papperslösa människorna hade fått bekräftelse av vårdpersonal vilket skapade en trygghet för dem i deras vårdrelation. Kategorierna som framkom i resultatet var: Hopplöshet, Frustration, Att inte blir tagen på allvar, Rädsla, Betydelsen av trygghet samt Ovisshet. Konklusionen visar på att den ovisshet som dessa människor ständigt lever i många gånger skapar otrygghet som i sin tur ofta leder till ohälsa och ytterligare behov av vård. / Undocumented people are a vulnerable group in our society who often live in a precarious situation as regards to their future, living, work, social intercourse and the access to health care. Undocumented peoples meeting with the Swedish health care system often differ from others. Their constant fear of being denied care, being violated in consultations with the health care, fear of the nursing staff contacting police or the Immigration Service often results in the delay of seeking medical care, or that they avoid it completely (Urrutia-Rojas, Marshall, Trevino, Lurie & Munguía-Bayona, 2006). When we, as future nurses, will meet people who are undocumented in our profession, it is important to have an understanding of how they experience the encounter with the Swedish health care system. The aim was to describe undocumented people’s experiences of the Swedish health care system. The study has a qualitative method and the stories were analyzed with content analysis. The results showed that undocumented people’s experiences of the Swedish health care system are often negative, however there were positive examples occasionally. The categories that emerged from the results were: Hopelessness, Frustration, Not to be taken seriously, Fear, The importance of security and Lack of assurance. The conclusion displays the uncertainty and constant insecurity that these people live with on a day to day basis, which in turn often leads to illness and needs of care.
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Gränser och motstånd : En studie om ensamkommande ungdomars erfarenhet avpapperslöshet / Borders and resistance : A study on unaccompanied minors experiences of being undocumentedSundvisson, Malin January 2021 (has links)
This paper analyzed how living undocumented can be understood in a Swedish, political context. The study was examined through three semi structured interviews with Afghan citizens who came to Sweden during 2015 as unaccompanied minors. The respondents have former lived undocumented in Sweden after having gone through an asylum process resulting in rejection in all instances. The material from the interviews was analyzed through a theoretical perspective on everyday resistance based on James C. Scott’s theoretical framework on the subject. The conclusion of the study showed that living undocumented can be seen as a form of resistance that can be understood as a social and relational phenomenon connected to the concepts of dignity in relation to places and understanding and the ideology of hope.
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Správní zajištění cizince / Administrative Detention of ForeignersZelenková, Adéla January 2013 (has links)
of the thesis This thesis deals with the institute of administrative detention according to the Czech legal system. The term administrative detention is used to designate deprivations of liberty under administrative law for the reasons that are directly linked to the immigration policies of the state. In the context of migration law the detention may be basically used for two purposes. First purpose is to ensure the realization of administrative deportation of the foreigner. Second purpose is to prevent the foreigner from an unauthorized entry into the country. Both irregular migrants and asylum seekers fall under the scope of this work. Although different norms are applicable to each of these categories, both of them are subject to detention on the same ground - the lack of state authorization for their presence on national territory. The purpose of this paper is to detail the legal framework with which deprivation of liberty of migrants must comply in particular for what concerns the fundamental principle of international law that no one should be subjected to arbitrary detention. International human rights norms, principles and standards define the content of that principle. Such norms, principles and standards apply both to criminal and administrative proceedings including migrants and asylum...
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Life in Immigration Detention Centers : An exploration of health of immigrant detainees in Sweden and three other EU member statesPuthoopparambil, Soorej Jose January 2016 (has links)
Governments around the world use immigration detention to detain and deport irregular immigrants, which negatively affects their health. The aim of this thesis was to explore, describe and identify factors that could mitigate the effect of immigration detention on the health of detainees. This was a mixed method study using qualitative methods (Papers I and II), quantitative methods (Paper III) and descriptive case comparison (Paper IV) comparing the Swedish system to the system in the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg). The study design was strengthened by triangulation of methods and data sources. Detainees experienced lack of control over their own lives due to lack of information in a language they can understand, inadequate responses from detention staff and restrictions within detention centers further limiting their liberty. Duration of detention was negatively associated with satisfaction of services provided in detention and the detainees’ Quality of Life (QOL). Detainees had low QOL domain scores with the psychological domain having the lowest score (41.9/100). The most significant factor positively associated with the QOL of detainees was the support received from detention staff. A sense of fear was present among detainees and staff. Detainees’ fear was due to their inadequate interaction with authorities, perceiving it as threatening, and due to their worry of facing repercussions of being involved in incidents caused by others. The potential for physical threat from detainees created a sense of fear among the staff. The detention staff expressed the need for more support to manage their emotional dilemma and role conflict of being a civil servant, simultaneously enabling the deportation process while providing humane care to detainees as fellow human beings. Detention centers in the Benelux countries had more categories of staff providing different services to detainees. Compared to the Benelux countries, healthcare services at the Swedish detention centers were limited. Detainees were offered no medical screening on arrival and no regular access to mental healthcare professionals. Detaining authorities have the obligation to safeguard the health of detainees. Challenges faced by the detention staff and detainees must be addressed to create a supportive environment and fulfill that obligation.
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"Väcker jag hopp om nåt som inte finns?" : En studie om diakoners arbete med papperslösa / "Am I raising hope for something that isn't there?" : A Study of Deacons of the Church of Sweden working with Undocumented MigrantsIsberg, Jonas January 2012 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka kunskapen om diakoners arbete med papperslösa. I Sverige finns det 10 000-tals papperslösa som befinner sig här efter att undanhållit sig utvisningsbeslut, smugglats in som traffickingoffer eller strävar efter att arbeta ihop inkomster att skicka till hemlandet. Med en kvalitativ ansats har jag intervjuat sex stycken diakoner som arbetar i Svenska kyrkan i Stockholm, och som alla möter och erbjuder socialt stöd till papperslösa. Resultatet har jag analyserat utifrån teori om ekologiskt perspektiv på socialt arbete med flyktingar och migranter, samt teorier om värdegrunder i socialt arbete. Resultatet visar att diakonerna fokuserar på det sociala arbetet på mikronivå, men att viss samverkan på mesonivå förekommer. Dock förekommer inte särskilt mycket samverkan med andra diakoner som möter papperslösa. De diakoner som samverkar minst uttrycker en ensamhet rörande sitt arbete. Diakonerna ställs inför etiska överväganden rörande resursfördelning och då prioriteras papperslösa overstayers framför de som befinner sig i Sverige för att arbeta. Resultatet visar även att diakonerna upplever en maktlöshet rörande sitt arbete och gör etiska överväganden huruvida det är värt att bistå människor som lever papperslösa, trots att det i vissa fall verkar bättre att återvända. Denna maktlöshet kan kopplas till de juridiska kunskaper diakonerna besitter eller saknar, då den diakon som har störst juridisk kunskap även är den som uttrycker mest hopp. Med ökad samverkan mellan diakoner som arbetar med gruppen, och med ökande juridiska kunskaper gällande lagstiftningen verkar både känslan av ensamhet och maktlöshet att minska. Nyckelord: Papperslösa, diakon, Svenska kyrkan, trosbaserat socialt arbete, flyktingar, migration Keywords: Undocumented Migrants, Irregular Migrants, Deacon, Church of Sweden, Faith-based Social Work, Refugees, Migration
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"AVRÄTTAS ej BENÅDAS" : en kvalitativ studie av migrationsmyndigheternas bedömning av synnerligen ömmande omständigheter i ärendena för sex funktionshindrade migranterShamilova, Saida January 2012 (has links)
This study is aimed to increase the knowledge about the Swedish immigration authorities’ assessment of the asylum applications based on particularly distressing circumstances, submitted by disabled undocumented migrants. Making an attempt to explain the reasons of asylum-seekers’ health deterioration during the asylum process, this study determines the factors in migration authorities proceedings affecting such deterioration. Documents in five personal files concerning six disabled asylum-seekers, whose applications were declined, were studied by applying two observational methods: content analysis of the documents in the personal files and non-participant observations made during receptions of undocumented migrants at the Swedish Asylum Committee. The results of the study have shown that migration authorities' way of applying the principle of child’s best interests have a declarative character, while the disability perspective is completely ignored. The migrations authorities make free interpretations of the information on the countries of asylum-seekers' origin, while adaptation to Swedish conditions does not work at all as cause for residence permit. Advocates, who neglect their prior duties, have also a negative influence on the asylum process. Analyzed from the perspective of appropriate sociological concepts, the results of this study have shown that the above mentioned observations cause disabled undocumented migrants health deterioration.
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Human Trafficking Victims versus Irregular Migrants. Challenges and Guidelines for the Attention and Protection of Foreigners Victims of Human Trafficking in Peru / Víctimas de trata de personas versus migrantes en situación irregular. Retos y lineamientos para la atención y protección de las víctimas de trata de personas extranjeras en el PerúBlanco, Cristina, Marinelli, Chiara 10 April 2018 (has links)
The text aims to identify aspects that should be considered in preparing the State’s institutions to effectively combat human trafficking of a transnational nature. It addresses four main issues. First, it notices the specific problems of foreign human trafficking victims, which could be confused or overlapped with other categories, such as migrant smuggling and illegal migrant status. Subsequently, it develops three fundamental arguments that give primacy to their status as victims of human trafficking and their specialized attention from a human rights perspective. Thirdly, it provides guidelines on the elements that should constitute this approach from the specific rights of foreign victims of human trafficking. Finally, the Peruvian legal and institutional framework is analyzed, as well as its possibilities and challenges for adequate attention to foreign victims of trafficking. / El texto apunta a determinar los aspectos que deben ser considerados para perfeccionar el funcionamiento del aparato estatal con el fin de luchar efectivamente contra la trata de personas de carácter transnacional y para orientarlo por los principios propios de un enfoque de derechos humanos con respecto a la víctima de trata de personas. Aborda cuatro puntos centrales. Primero, advierte la problemática particular de las víctimas de trata extranjeras, al ser proclive su confusión o superposición con otras categorías, como la de tráfico de migrantes y migrante en condición irregular. Posteriormente, se desarrollan tres argumentos fundamentales que otorgan primacía a su condición de víctima de trata y a su atención especializada desde un enfoque de derechos humanos. Como tercer punto, se brindan directrices sobre los elementos que deben componer este enfoque, a partir de los derechos específicos de víctimas de trata extranjeras. Por último, se analiza el marco normativo e institucional peruano, y sus posibilidades y retos para lograr una atención adecuada a las víctimas de trata extranjera.
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