Spelling suggestions: "subject:"sss"" "subject:"spss""
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Integration of virtual platform models into a system-level design frameworkSalinas Bomfim, Pablo E. 24 November 2010 (has links)
The fields of System-On-Chip (SOC) and Embedded Systems Design have received a lot of attention in the last years. As part of an effort to increase productivity and reduce the time-to-market of new products, different approaches for Electronic System-Level Design frameworks have been proposed. These different methods promise a transparent co-design of hardware and software without having to focus on the final hardware/software split.
In our work, we focused on enhancing the component database, modeling and synthesis capabilities of the System-On-Chip Environment (SCE). We investigated two different virtual platform emulators (QEMU and OVP) for integration into SCE. Based on a comparative analysis, we opted on integrating the Open Virtual Platforms (OVP) models and tested the enhanced SCE simulation, design and synthesis capabilities with a JPEG encoder application, which uses both custom hardware and software as part of the system.
Our approach proves not only to provide fast functional verification support for designers (10+ times faster than cycle accurate models), but also to offer a good speed/accuracy relationship when compared against integration of cycle accurate or behavioral (host-compiled) models. / text
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A otimização da tributação dos serviços abrangidos pelo ISS: uma análise de sua eficiência econômica e administrativa, com aplicações para o município de São PauloOzaki, Marcos Takao 08 April 2003 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2010-04-20T20:53:24Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0
Previous issue date: 2003-04-08T00:00:00Z / Trata da aferição e análise da eficiência econômica e administrativa do ISS na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). Caracteriza o ISS, sob enfoque administrativo, econômico, legal e político, bem como a RMSP, do ponto de vista político, geográfico e econômico. Analisa as estatísticas de arrecadação tributária da mencionada região, bem como dos municípios que a compõem. Aponta as vantagens de se ter um sistema de arrecadação tributária eficiente, além de sugerir pesquisas complementares sobre o referido assunto.
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A regra-matriz de incidência do imposto sobre serviços de qualquer natureza / The Brazilian municipal services tax (ISS) incidence matrix-rule.Mauricio Cezar Araújo Fortes 19 May 2009 (has links)
A descrição do sistema tributário é potencializada com a adoção do modelo teórico da regra-matriz de incidência, que estabelece a estrutura lógica das normas que regulem a incidência tributária, decompondo-as em cinco critérios: material, temporal, espacial, quantitativo e pessoal. O presente estudo tem por objetivo a determinação dos critérios da regra-matriz de incidência do Imposto Sobre Serviços. O primeiro capítulo firma os pressupostos teóricos e principais pontos de partida do estudo, estabelecendo a relação entre Direito, linguagem, interpretação e incidência tributária. Do segundo ao quarto capítulos dedicamo-nos à determinação dos critérios material, temporal e espacial do ISS, especialmente no tocante à definição do alcance e sentido do termo serviço e dos casos em que a incidência do ISS possa gerar conflitos de competência. No quinto e sexto capítulos são analisados os critérios quantitativo e pessoal do imposto, estabelecendo suas alíquota e base de cálculo, bem como seus sujeitos ativo e passivo. / The description of the tax system is potentized by the adoption of the incidence matrix-rule model, which establishes the logical structure of norms that regulate the tax incidence, decomposing them on five criteria: material, spatial, temporal, quantitative and personal. This study aims at determining the criteria of the Brazilian Municipal Services Tax (ISS) incidence matrix-rule. The first chapter settles the theoretical assumptions and the main starting points, establishing the relation between Law, language, interpretation and tax incidence. From the second to the forth chapters we dedicate to determine the material, temporal and spatial criteria of ISS, concentrating on the definition of the term \"service\" and on cases where the incidence of ISS may generate jurisdiction conflicts. On the fifth and the sixth chapters the quantitative and personal criteria are analyzed, in order to establishing the ISSs rate and tax basis, as well as its active and passive subjects.
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Strukturuntersuchungen an der Au3Pd(113)- und der Au3Pd(001)-EinkristalloberflächeAschoff, Marius 26 September 2000 (has links)
In dieser Arbeit wurde erstmals die Struktur, die Morphologie und die chemische Ordnung der (113)- und der
(001)-Einkristalloberfläche der Legierung Au3Pd bestimmt. Dabei wurden folgende Untersuchungsmethoden
eingesetzt: AES, ISS, I(E)-LEED (nur bei der (001)-Oberfläche), LEED, NICISS, RTM. Zusätzlich wurde geklärt, ob
und wie sich die genannten Eigenschaften der Au3Pd(001) im Temperaturbereich von 300K bis 775K verändern.
Neben dieser Beschreibung von Oberflächen, gab es eine weitere Fragestellung im Bereich der Methodik. Da erstmals
in dieser Arbeitsgruppe ein Legierungskristall mit Ionenstreuung (NICISS) untersucht wurde, mußte die für
einelementige Einkristalle entwickelte Aufnahme- und die Auswertungsmethode der Daten übertragen werden. Eine
angemessene Berücksichtigung der zusätzlichen Eigenschaft (chemische Zusammensetzung) der Oberfläche war dazu
erforderlich. Um die Ergebnisse aus der transformierten Aufnahme- und Auswertungstechnik zu überprüfen, wurde eine
neue, speziell für Legierungen geeignete Datenaufnahme und -verarbeitung entwickelt. So wurde ein Teil der
NICIS-Spektren durch einen Vergleich experimenteller Spektren mit berechneten Spektren ausgewertet. Anhand der
reinen Au3Pd(001)-Oberfläche wurde ein gezielter Vergleich der Ergebnisse aus unterschiedlichen
Meßdatenaufnahme- und dementsprechenden Datenverarbeitungsmethoden bei der Ionenstreuung durchgeführt.
Ein Ausheilen der Oberfläche durch Heizen mit anschließendem Abkühlen ergab eine starke Goldsegregation. Eine
chemische Ordnung des Kristalls in den obersten Atomlagen dieser Oberfläche kann ausgeschlossen werden. Die
Au3Pd(113)-Oberfläche hat eine (1x1)-Struktur als Gleichgewichtsstruktur (NICISS, LEED, RTM) mit einer
Oberflächengitterkonstanten von 3,99Å. Der Abstand zwischen erster und zweiter Lage ist, relativ zum Volumenwert,
um (14,9±5,8)% kontrahiert.
Die Oberfläche wurde mit dem RTM atomar aufgelöst abgebildet. Es ist kein eindeutiger chemischer Kontrast mit dem
RTM feststellbar. Die Terrassen sind unrekonstruiert, schmal und länglich. Die Periodizität in [121]-Richtung (quer zu
den [110]-Ketten) ist gering (LEED).
Es resultierten Oberflächen-Debye-Temperaturen (Atomschwingungen senkrecht zur Oberfläche) für Gold von
(80±3)K und für Palladium von (99±3)K in der [110]-Richtung.
Eine Standardpräparation (Zerstäuben mit anschließendem Ausheilen bei T=775K) der Oberfläche ergab eine starke
Goldsegregation (AES, ISS). Die oberste Lage besteht nur aus Goldatomen (NICISS, I(E)-LEED, RTM). Mit
Präparationen, bei denen während des Zerstäubens geheizt (Temperatur Tz) wurde ohne nachfolgendes Ausheilen,
konnte Palladium in der obersten Lage angereichert werden. Mit dem Rastertunnelmikroskop ließen sich die beiden
Elemente unterschiedlich abbilden (chemischer Kontrast). Die Palladiumkonzentration in der obersten Atomlage nahm
mit zunehmendem Tz zu (ISS, NICISS, RTM). Bei keiner Art von Präparation wurden Hinweise auf eine chemische
Ordnung in den oberen Atomlagen der Au3Pd(001)-Oberfläche gefunden.
Die Au3Pd(001)-Oberfläche zeigt nach den eben beschriebenen Präparationen immer eine (1x1)-Struktur (I(E)-LEED,
NICISS, RTM), mit einer Oberflächengitterkonstanten von 3,99Å (NICISS). NICIS-Spektren belegen, daß sich diese
Struktur in dem Temperaturbereich (T=300-775)K nicht verändert. Bei der ausgeheilten Oberfläche ist sowohl der
Abstand zwischen erster und zweiter Lage als auch zwischen zweiter und dritter Lage um (0,9±1,0)% im Vergleich zum
Volumenwert kontrahiert. Bei den warm zerstäubten Oberflächen dagegen ist der Abstand zwischen erster und zweiter
Lage um (3,9±1,0)%, der zwischen zweiter und dritter Lage um (5,4±1,0)% kontrahiert.
Die Oberflächen nach den drei Präparationen konnten mit dem Rastertunnelmikroskop atomar und chemisch aufgelöst
abgebildet werden. Wie zu erwarten war, sind die Terrassen wesentlich größer als bei der (113)-Oberfläche und
unrekonstruiert. Die Periodizität in der [110]- und der [100]-Richtung ist groß (LEED).
Für die ausgeheilte Oberfläche ergibt sich eine Oberflächen-Debye-Temperatur (Atomschwingung senkrecht zur
Oberfläche) für Gold von (136±6)K in [100]-Richtung. Für die warm zerstäubten Oberflächen erhöht sich die
Debye-Temperatur lediglich im Rahmen der Fehlergrenzen.
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Design of an Incubator Platform for Biological ISS ExperimentsHartmann, Anne Sophie January 2021 (has links)
The first European commercial research facility aboard the ISS, Space Applications Services' ICF, provides a platform for standardized plug-and-play experiments called ICE Cubes. The ICE Cubes Service provides engineering and operational support for ICE Cubes missions. In order to facilitate rapid and affordable access to space, a programmatic choice was made to mainly use COTS components in Cube design. As part of a company-internal project to develop a generic ICE Cubes platform for biological experiments, a scientific requirements document was drawn up in cooperation with interested scientists. A decision was made to aim for an experiment size of 2U (200x100x100mm). The main scientific requirements are to accommodate six reaction chambers (referred to as "wells") of standardized size; to control the temperature at well level to remain in the nominal interval of (37 +- 1)C; to accommodate a combined volume of 230ml of fluids; to provide capability to image each of the wells; and to allow for freezing of the biological payload to -80C for return to ground. The development of a prototype design for this platform, dubbed BioCube, is the topic of this thesis. Technical requirements were derived, and a functional breakdown was defined. From this, the system was partitioned into five subsystems: Thermal, Imaging/Avionics, Structure, Software, and the biological Payload. The development of the biological system is considered beyond the scope of this thesis, and the development of the software beyond that required for prototyping is left for a later stage in the design process, as significant heritage exists from previous experiments. Using a rapid prototyping approach, a prototype design for this experiment has been developed. The proposed solution utilizes a (205x104x101)mm outer structure, manufactured from aluminium and closed with two lids on the small faces. Inside, the system is split into a 3D printed avionics compartment and a payload compartment, surrounded by an air gap serving as thermal insulation. The payload compartment structure consists of aluminium, closed on one face with a transparent material through which the samples can be imaged, and provides a sealed interface connector for exchange of power and data. Both the outer structure and the payload compartment are sealed at the interfaces using O-ring seals, providing a combined two levels of biosafety containment to the payload. Manual latches on one of the lids of the outer structure allow it to be opened and the payload compartment to be extracted.The system avionics are based on a Raspberry Pi Zero with USB & Ethernet Hub and Motor Control expansion boards. A 5W silicon heating pad attached to the inside of the payload compartment provides heating, and is controlled using a PWM signal from the motor control board.Two cameras arranged in parallel are used to image wells arranged in two rows, reducing the required motion. One axis motion is implemented using a leadscrew mechanism actuated by a DC motor, driven by the motor control board. Prototyping has been performed on nearly every part of the proposed design. The leadscrew assembly has been successfully tested, and tests on a thermal model have successfully demonstrated binary thermal control achieving the nominal temperature range. Some points regarding the design remain to be defined, and more thorough verification and validation of the design remains to be performed. / La première installation de recherche commerciale européenne à bord de l'ISS, l'ICF de Space Applications Services, fournit une plateforme pour des expériences standardisées prêtes à l'emploi appelées ICE Cubes. Le ICE Cubes Service fournit un soutien technique et opérationnel pour les missions ICE Cubes. Afin de faciliter un accès rapide et abordable à l'espace, un choix programmatique a été fait d'utiliser principalement les composants COTS dans la conception des expériences. Dans le cadre d'un projet interne à l'entreprise visant à développer une plateforme ICE Cubes générique pour les expériences biologiques, un document sur les exigences scientifiques a été rédigé en coopération avec les scientifiques intéressés et il a été décidé de viser une taille d'expérience de 2 U (200x100x100 mm). Les principales exigences scientifiques sont les suivantes : accueillir 6 chambres de réaction ("puits") de la taille des puits d'une plaque à 6 puits ; contrôler la température au niveau des puits pour qu'elle reste dans l'intervalle nominal de (37 +- 1)C ; accueillir un volume combiné de 230ml de fluides ; fournir la capacité d'imager chacun des puits; et permettre la congélation de la charge utile biologique à -80\,$^\circ$C pour le retour au sol. Le développement d'un prototype de plate-forme, baptisé BioCube, est le sujet de cette thèse. Les exigences techniques ont été dérivées, et un découpage fonctionnel a été défini. A partir de là, le système a été divisé en cinq sous-systèmes : Thermique, Imagerie/Avionique, Structure, Logiciel, et la charge utile biologique. Le développement du système biologique est considéré comme hors de portée de cette thèse, et le développement du logiciel au-delà de ce qui est nécessaire pour le prototypage est laissé pour une étape ultérieure dans le processus de conception, car il existe un héritage important des expériences précédentes. En utilisant une approche de prototypage rapide, une conception de prototype pour cette expérience a été développée. La solution proposée utilise une structure extérieure de (205x104x101)mm, fabriquée en aluminium et fermée par deux couvercles sur les petites faces. À l'intérieur, le système est divisé en un compartiment avionique imprimé en 3D et un compartiment de charge utile, entourés d'une lame d'air servant d'isolation thermique. Le compartiment de la charge utile est en aluminium, fermé sur une face par un matériau transparent, à travers lequel les échantillons peuvent être imagés, et fournit un connecteur d'interface scellé pour l'échange d'énergie et de données. La structure extérieure et le compartiment de la charge utile sont scellés aux interfaces à l'aide de joints toriques, offrant ainsi deux niveaux combinés de confinement de biosécurité à la charge utile. Des loquets manuels sur l'un des couvercles de la structure extérieure permettent de l'ouvrir et d'extraire le compartiment de la charge utile.L'avionique du système est basée sur un Raspberry Pi Zero avec des cartes d'extension USB & Ethernet Hub et Motor Control.Un coussin chauffant en silicone de 5W fixé à l'intérieur du compartiment de la charge utile, assure le chauffage et est contrôlé par un signal PWM provenant de la carte de contrôle du moteur.Deux caméras disposées en parallèle sont utilisées pour imager les puits disposés sur deux rangées, ce qui réduit le mouvement nécessaire. Le mouvement sur un axe est réalisé à l'aide d'un mécanisme de vis sans fin actionné par un moteur à courant continu, piloté par la carte de commande du moteur. Le prototypage a été effectué sur presque toutes les parties de la conception proposée. L'assemblage de la vis sans fin a été testé avec succès, et les tests sur un modèle thermique ont démontré avec succès que le contrôle thermique binaire atteint la plage de température nominale. Certains points concernant la conception restent à définir, et une vérification et une validation plus approfondies de la conception restent à effectuer.
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Molecular modeling of graphite/vinyl ester nanocomposite properties and damage evolution within a cured thermoset vinyl ester resinNacif El Alaoui, Reda 25 November 2020 (has links)
The non-reactive Dreiding and the reactive ReaxFF atomic potentials were applied within a family of atom molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to investigate and understand interfacial adhesion in graphene/vinyl ester composites. First, a liquid vinyl ester (VE) resin was equilibrated in the presence of graphene surfaces and then cured, resulting in a gradient in the monomer distribution as a function of distance from the surfaces. Then the chemically realistic relative reactivity volume (RRV) curing algorithm was applied that mimics the known radical addition regiochemistry and monomer reactivity ratios of the VE monomers during three-dimensional chain-growth polymerization. Surface adhesion between the cured VE resin and the graphene reinforcement surfaces was obtained at a series of VE resin “crosslink densities.” Both pristine and oxidized graphite sheets were employed separately in these simulations using a Dreiding potential. The pristine sheets serve as a surrogate for pure carbon fibers while oxidizing the outer graphene sheets serve as a model for oxidized carbon fibers. Hence, the effects of local monomer distribution and temperature on the interphase region formation and surface adhesion can be investigated. Surface adhesion was studied at various curing conversions and as a function of temperature. Uniaxial loading simulations were performed at different curing conversions for both models to predict the composites’ modulus of elasticity, Poisson’s ratio, and yield strength. The same analysis was performed for the neat cured matrix. The glass transition temperature (Tg) for the homogenized composite and neat VE matrix was determined at different degrees of curing. Subsequent MD simulations were performed to predict structural damage evolution and fracture in the neat VE matrix. The ReaxFF potential was used to quantify irreversible damage due to bond breakage in the neat VE matrix for different degrees of cure, stress states, temperatures, and strain rates. The predicted damage mechanisms in the bulk VE thermosetting polymer were directly compared to those for an amorphous polyethylene (PE) thermoplastic polymer.
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Impact shocked rocks as protective habitats on an anoxic early EarthBryce, C.C., Horneck, G., Rabbow, E., Edwards, Howell G.M., Cockell, C.S. 2014 May 1914 (has links)
No / On Earth, microorganisms living under intense ultraviolet (UV) radiation stress can adopt endolithic lifestyles, growing within cracks and pore spaces in rocks. Intense UV irradiation encountered by microbes leads to death and significant damage to biomolecules, which also severely diminishes the likelihood of detecting signatures of life. Here we show that porous rocks shocked by asteroid or comet impacts provide protection for phototrophs and their biomolecules during 22 months of UV radiation exposure outside the International Space Station. The UV spectrum used approximated the high-UV flux on the surface of planets lacking ozone shields such as the early Earth. These data provide a demonstration that endolithic habitats can provide a refugium from the worst-case UV radiation environments on young planets and an empirical refutation of the idea that early intense UV radiation fluxes would have prevented phototrophs without the ability to form microbial mats or produce UV protective pigments from colonizing the surface of early landmasses.
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Diversidade genética e mapeamento associativo de caracteres associados à tolerância do arroz ao déficit hídrico / Genetic diversity and association mapping for drought tolerance characters in riceSavio, Filipe Luís 03 October 2014 (has links)
A caracterização e o entendimento das variações genômicas e morfológicas, bem como a estrutura genética de variedades locais armazenadas em bancos de germoplasma é importante para sua efetiva utilização em programas de melhoramento visando tolerância a estresses. Neste trabalho um conjunto de 192 variedades oriundas de diferentes regiões geoclimáticas do Japão foram testadas quanto à suas características morfológicas e produtivas, utilizando ensaios de campo e metodogias de fenotipagem de alto desempenho. A fenotipagem por meio da metodologia de camadas de herbicida (Aminotriazol+Diuron+2,4D, 100mg/plant) alocado a 30 centímetros de profundidade foi possível detectar variação entre as variedades para comprimento de raiz e velocidade de emissão de raiz sendo possível a distinção de variedades com sistema radicular profundo e sistema radicular superficial baseando-se na sua pontuação no ensaio de herbicida, destacando-se 20 genótipos como possíveis doadores de genes para comprimento, densidade e velocidade de emissão de raízes. Ensaios a campo foram conduzidos em 4 localidades expondo as variedades as mais distintas condições climáticas, buscando analisar a diversidade fenotípica para caracteres agromorfológicos. Os dados fenotípicos obtidos pelos marcadores morfológicos geraram um total de 15 grupos de acessos quando utilizados os 13 caracteres avaliados. A média do índice de sensibilidade a seca foi de 0,99 havendo materiais tolerantes com índices próximos a 0,6 e materiais sensíveis com índice próximos a 1,12. Os 384 marcadores SNP detectaram um total de 73728 alelos indicando alta porcentagem de A (40,8%) e G (34,6%) comparado com C (15,6%) e T (3,6%). Quanto aos heterozigotos, a maior porcentagem foi observada de A/G (0,54%) e a menor porcentagem de A/T (0,04%), sendo a maior parte dos heterozigotos observados nos cromossomos 3 e 8 comparado com outros cromossomos. As análises caracterizaram os acessos japoneses como 98,4% pertencentes à subespécie Japônica. Para associação entre marcadores e fenótipos, foi utilizada a abordagem de modelo linear misto (MLM), o qual incorpora informações de estrutura populacional e parentesco. Os resultados obtidos deverão ser investigados futuramente a fim de confirmar as associações em diferentes populações. O aumento do estresse hídrico teve efeito significativo no desempenho dos acessos, e a interação genótipo e estresse hídrico foi significativa para rendimento final e tamanho de panícula. Entre os acessos estudados foi observada variação genética para as características relacionadas com a tolerância a estresse hídrico e encontraram-se acessos com reduções no rendimento devido ao déficit hídrico comparáveis com o das testemunhas, embora com tamanho de panícula menor, inclusive em condições ótimas. Dos 384 marcadores utilizados, 10 foram responsáveis por associações significativas com o índice de sensibilidade a seca, com base nos diferentes métodos de correção para múltiplos testes. Estas associações foram selecionadas para verificar o efeito alélico sobre o genótipo observado, gerando informações preliminares para a aplicação futura de seleção assistida por marcadores (SAM). O tamanho dos blocos de ligação foram estimados em ~100 kb (r < 0,05) e ~75kb (r < 0,1). / Germplasm characterization and the knowledge of its diversity and population structure are important to effective utilization of genetic resources in breeding programs specially drought breeding program. In this work 192 landraces from all over Japan were evaluate for their morphological and productive characteristics, using field trials and high throughput screening methods. The screening using herbicide barrier approach at 30 cm depth was able to detect genetic diversity between the landraces for root length and clearly distinguish between deep root landraces and shallow root landraces. With this approach was possible to select 20 landraces with deep root system as possible donor of drought tolerance genes. Aiming characterize the landraces to agromorphological characteristics field trials were carried in 4 different locations exposing the landraces for a diversity environment effect. Using 13 traits phenotypically data generate a total of 15 groups during cluster analysis. The average result for drought sensitive index was 0.99, however this results presents a huge variability having landraces with scores about 0.6 to landraces with score up to 1.12. Drought effect was huge and statistically significant affecting directly yield and panicle size. The landraces presented genetic variability for drought tolerance and some landraces presenting yield and panicle size reductions due to drought comparable with drought-tolerant controls were detected. A total of 73728 alleles were detected by the SNP markers, indicated a high percentage of A (40,8%) and G (34,6%) alleles compared to C(15,6%) and T (3.6%). Heterozygocity of A/G was highest (0,54%) and lowest in A/T (0.04%). Of 3 chromosomes of rice, chromosome 8 produced highest percentage of heterozygocity compared to other chromosomes. Accessions were classified as 98.4% belonging to japônica subspecies. Association between markers and phenotypes was performed using a mixed linear approach (MLM), which incorporates information regarding population structure and kinship. Among the 384 markers used, 10 were responsible for significant associations with drought sensibility index, based on different criteria to correct for multiple tests.These associations were selected to determine the allelic effects over the traits, in order to generate preliminary data for marker assisted selections (MAS). Estimated size of haplotype blocks were ~100 kb (r <0.05) and ~75 kb (r <0.1). Future studies should confirm marker trait associations here found using different populations.
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A tributação do ISS na sociedade da informação / The taxation of Brazilian Municipal Services Taz (ISS) in the information society.Garcia, Regina Vitoria Soares 27 May 2013 (has links)
O presente trabalho tem por finalidade estudar e identificar as perturbações sobrevindas nos critérios material e espacial da regra-matriz de incidência do Imposto sobre Serviços, decorrentes da alteração estrutural resultante da incorporação das novas tecnologias da informação e da comunicação (TICs) nas transações do comércio eletrônico. Os recursos telemáticos não apenas despojaram as transações comerciais do contato físico entre os sujeitos envolvidos, mas relativizaram as condições de tempo e espaço, inerentes a todos os fatos jurídicos. Assim, buscamos examinar simultaneamente, de maneira análoga, a problemática da tributação do comércio eletrônico nos Estados, por meio do Direito Internacional Tributário, e a realidade vivida pelos Municípios no direito interno relativamente à tributação dos serviços afetados pelas mesmas inovações tecnológicas. Para tanto, o estudo foi pautado na definição de elementos de conexão, revelados em conceitos como estabelecimento permanente e estabelecimento prestador, para a delimitação da competência impositiva relativa aos fatos jurídicos inerentes às transações eletrônicas. O estudo se inicia na definição dos problemas jurídico-tributários inerentes ao comércio eletrônico, fixando seu conceito e analisando suas espécies e características específicas, adentrando no estudo do regime jurídico dos bens digitais, objeto das transações do comércio eletrônico direto. Ainda em estudo preliminar, abordamos aspectos relativos à Federação brasileira, definindo a realidade dos Municípios e analisando seu papel na Federação brasileira, divisando a composição de suas rendas próprias e a participação efetiva e potencial da receita tributária. Esta análise será concomitante àquela da outorga de competência impositiva no Brasil, e no direito comparado, finalizando por revisitar os temas da partição da competência dos tributos incidentes sobre o consumo e da dicotomia tipo-conceito. Por fim, após a análise destas questões preliminares, e munidos de um adequado suporte teórico, adentramos no estudo específico do Imposto sobre Serviços e da nova realidade na prestação de serviço advinda da reestruturação das empresas, da redistribuição das etapas de trabalho e da relativização da presença física nas relações comerciais, analisando as alterações nos conceitos de serviço e estabelecimento prestador na definição das competências impositivas dos Municípios. Ao final, será verificada a possibilidade da aplicação das soluções utilizadas no direito internacional e propostas pela doutrina para a concreção do conceito de estabelecimento permanente, aplicadas àquele de estabelecimento prestador no direito interno, em especial à configuração de servidores de dados e sites web como estabelecimento. Em conclusão, após a proposição de definição para os critérios material e espacial das transações no comércio eletrônico, dedicamos um breve estudo da aplicação prática dos mecanismos propostos a alguns serviços que sofreram alterações pela incorporação dos meios virtuais. / This study aims to analyze and identify disturbances that appear on the material and spatial criteria of incidence matrix-rule model of the Service Tax, arising from structural change resulting from the incorporation of new information and communication technologies (ICTs) in electronic trade transactions. The telematic resources not only deprived the business transactions of physical contact between the individuals involved, but relativized conditions of time and space inherent in all legal facts. Therefore, we sought to examine simultaneously, in a similar way, the issue of taxation of electronic commerce in the Brazilian States, through the International Tax Law, and the reality experienced by Municipalities in the law regarding the taxation of services affected by the same technological innovations. Thus, the study was guided by the definition of connecting factors, revealed in concepts such as permanent establishment and establishment rendering to delimit the jurisdiction imposing on legal facts inherent to electronic transactions. The study begins with the definition of legal and tax issues relating to electronic commerce, establishing its concept and analyzing its specific types and characteristics, studying the legal regime of digital assets, object of direct e-commerce transactions. Still in the preliminary study, we address aspects of the Brazilian Federation, defining the reality of Municipalities and analyzing their role in the Brazilian Federation, devising the composition of their own incomes and effective participation and potential tax revenue. This analysis is concomitant to that of grant of jurisdiction imposing in Brazil, and in comparative law, ending by revisiting the themes of partition within the competence of taxes on consumption and the dichotomy type-concept. Finally, after a preliminary analysis of these issues and based on an adequate theoretical support, we studied the specific Services Tax and the new reality in the provision of services arising from the restructuring of the companies, the redistribution of work steps, and the relativization of physical presence in trade relations, analyzing the changes in the concepts of service and establishment rendering in the definition of the powers of Municipalities. At the end, we will be investigating the possibility of applying the solutions used in the international law and doctrine proposals for the concretion of the concept of permanent establishmet, applied to that of establishment rendering under domestic law, in particular the configuration of data servers and websites like setting. In conclusion, after the proposal of setting criteria for material and spatial transactions in e-commerce, we dedicate a brief study of the practical application of the proposed mechanisms to some services that were modified by the incorporation of virtual media.
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The Kentucky Re-entry Universal Payload System (KRUPS): Sub-orbital FlightsSparks, James Devin 01 January 2018 (has links)
The Kentucky Re-entry Universal Payload System (KRUPS) is an adaptable testbed for atmosphere entry science experiments, with an initial application to thermal protection systems (TPS). Because of the uniqueness of atmospheric entry conditions that ground testing is unable to replicate, scientists principally rely on numerical models for predicting entry conditions. The KRUPS spacecraft, developed at the University of Kentucky, provides an inexpensive means of obtaining validation data to verify and improve these models.
To increase the technology readiness level (TRL) of the spacecraft, two sub-orbital missions were developed. The first mission, KUDOS, launched August 13th, 2017 on a Terrier-Improved Malamute rocket to an altitude of ~150 km. The second mission, KOREVET, launched on March 25th, 2018 on the same type of rocket to an altitude of ~170 km. The chief purpose of both missions was to validate the spacecraft design, ejection mechanism, on-board power, data transmission, and data collection. After both missions, the overall TRL improved from 4 to 5 by validating most subsystems in a relevant environment. Both of these missions were invaluable preparation for the project's ultimate goal of releasing multiple experimental testbeds from the ISS.
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