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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pelos olhos de Jane: o in between em Jane Eyre / Through Janes eyes: the in between in Jane Eyre

Caldas, Marina Oliveira 27 September 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo investigar a sedimentação sócio-histórica do romance de estreia de Charlotte Brontë, Jane Eyre (1847), a partir de seu foco narrativo. Ao atentar à fortuna crítica da obra, em especial às resenhas que seguiram a publicação do romance e às críticas materialista e feminista, distinguem-se duas tendências, dois modos de entender Jane Eyre. Por meio da análise de trechos do romance, visa-se ilustrar como essas duas vias de leitura são possíveis por conta da posição ambígua da narradora-personagem dentro da sociedade vitoriana. Expandindo o conceito de Terry Eagleton do in between, argumenta-se que, por estar sempre em uma posição entre as classes alta e baixa e por desejar inserção, Jane relata e denuncia as violências que permeiam a sociedade vitoriana e, ao mesmo tempo, incorpora o discurso dominante, mesmo quando esse vai contra ela mesma. Entende-se, assim, que o romance retrata a situação contraditória da classe média e o impacto de viver nessa posição na própria consciência do indivíduo, isto é, na sua visão de si e do mundo, como observado na voz da narradora de Jane Eyre. / The aim of this dissertation is to investigate the social and historical sedimentation of Charlotte Brontës 1847 debut novel, Jane Eyre, by exploring its point of view. Drawing from the novels literary criticism, especially from the reviews that followed its publication and from the Feminist and Marxist criticism, two different ways of understanding Jane Eyre are distinguished. The close reading of excerpts from Charlotte Brontës work aims at highlighting that these two readings are possible due to the narrators ambiguous position in the Victorian social structure. By expanding Terry Eagletons concept of the in between, it is discussed that, since Jane is from the very beginning of the novel in a position between the upper and lower classes and she longs for inclusion, she accounts on and denounces the violence that permeated the Victorian society, just as, at the same time, she incorporates the dominant discourse even when it speaks against herself. Thus, it is understood that the novel portrays the contradictory situation of the petty bourgeoisie and the impact of being in such a position on the individuals consciousness, as it is seen in Jane Eyres narrators voice.

Représentations et significations de la mode et de l’élégance dans l’univers de Jane Austen / Representations and Significations of Fashion and Elegance in Jane Austen’sWorld

Christophe-Bisson, Marianne 21 December 2018 (has links)
Malgré les nombreuses études menées sur Austen, aucun travail littéraire exhaustif n’a été réalisé à ce jour sur la représentation et la signification que cet auteur a donné aux vêtements dans ses romans. Quelques articles sur un vêtement précis ont été publiés. D’autres ouvrages recensent, quant à eux, les tenues citées en les classant par thème ou par roman, mais sans analyser les choix de l’auteur. Ce travail de thèse vient allier les tenues qui apparaissent dans les œuvres d’Austen, ou qui sont mentionnées, à l’analyse de ces dernières, dans le but de montrer que l’auteur ne choisissait pas les références à la mode incluses dans ses écrits de façon anodine, et d’en expliquer les tenants et les aboutissants. Elle se servait en effet des tenues de ses personnages et de leurs conversations à propos de la mode pour faire passer subtilement à ses lecteurs les idées qu’elle avait sur le contexte social, historique et idéologique de l’Angleterre de la fin du XVIIIème siècle et du début du XIXème siècle. Deux écoles coexistent, sans que les critiques puissent s’accorder. L’une affirme qu’Austen est conservatrice et l’autre qu’elle est féministe. On peut alors se demander si pour Austen, la mode est un sujet pour lequel elle est davantage tournée vers le féminisme ou le conservatisme. Aucune de ces deux écoles n’ayant réussi à supplanter l’autre, l’examen d’un sujet typiquement féminin pourra éventuellement apporter une avancée dans ce débat.Ces travaux de recherche s’appuient sur la correspondance d’Austen, sur l’analyse descriptive des vêtements dans ses romans, sur des ouvrages consacrés aux toilettes des XVIIIème et XIXème siècles, sur la sociologie et la psychologie de la mode, ainsi que sur la sémiotique vestimentaire. Cette thèse se réfère également aux changements radicaux subits par la mode à cette époque et qui découlent directement des évènements historiques et sociopolitiques qui se sont déroulés peu avant et pendant les années d’écriture d’Austen. Ces changements sont eux-mêmes en lien avec les idées véhiculées par la littérature. Ce travail montre la portée des vêtements dans les œuvres de cet auteur. Enfin, un travail sur les costumes ne saurait être exhaustif sans aborder la représentation cinématographique de l’univers austenien. Ainsi, l’analyse d’extraits évoquant la mode ou l’élégance chez Austen s'accompagne d'une réflexion sur la méthodologie adoptée par les producteurs pour adapter à l’écran les costumes des personnages de la romancière / In spite of the numerous studies dealing with Austen, there has been no exhaustive literary work on the representation and signification of clothes that this author gives in her novels. Some articles presenting a specific piece of clothes have been published. Some thorough works sort the costumes by theme or novel, but without really analyzing the choices of the writer. This thesis combines the attires cited in Austen’s works, or that are mentioned in the dialogues, together with their analysis in order to show that the author did not choose the references to fashion in her novels at random, and to explain her choices, and what they imply. She uses dress code for her characters, and in the conversations they hold, to subtly vehicle, to her readers, her own vision and ideas about the social, historical, and ideological context in England at the turn of the nineteenth century. One would wonder if fashion for Austen is an indication of feminism or conservatism. A further investigation in a subject that is supposed to be typically feminist would make us see better into the debate.This work is based on Austen’s letters and books which are dedicated to the descriptive analysis of the clothes worn by Austen’s characters in the novels, and on works dealing with the garments of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, on sociology, and psychology of fashion, and on semiotics of fashion. This thesis also refers to the radical changes that fashion underwent at this time, and that came directly from historical and sociopolitical events that were taking place a short time before, and during, Austen’s writing years. These changes are themselves linked to literature. This work highlights the impact of clothes in Austen’s works. Finally, a study on costumes would not be complete without tackling the cinematographic representation of Austen’s world. Thus, the analysis of extracts recalling fashion or elegance is backed up with a consideration of the methodology brought by the producers to adapt the costumes of Austen’s characters to the screen

Modernizando a mulher independente: de Pride and Prejudice a The Lizzie Bennet Diaries / Modernizing the independent woman: from Pride and Prejudice to The Lizzie Bennet Diaries.

Isabela Sabbatini 11 September 2017 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho é estudar o vlog The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012-2013), dos adaptadores Bernie Su e Hank Green, como adaptação feminista do romance Pride and Prejudice (1813), da escritora inglesa Jane Austen. Parte-se inicialmente de uma definição de vlog, verificando as peculiaridades formais e técnicas deste formato, para em seguida observar como se deu a adaptação do romance inglês que lhe serviu de inspiração. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, conforme o proposto por Toury (1995), do processo de adaptação, buscando verificar quais os procedimentos e tipos mais frequentes, considerando os conceitos de adaptação propostos por Sanders (2006) e Hutcheon (2006), e associando-os a teorias de Estudos da Tradução, principalmente Lefevere (1992), bem como as considerações teóricas de Elliot (2003) sobre adaptação. A análise femisnista de Austen e sua obra baseia-se principalmente nos estudos de Johnson (1990) e Kaplan (1992). / The aim of this work is to study the vlog The Lizzie Bennet Diaries (2012-2013), by adapters Bernie Su and Hank Green, as a feminist adaptation of Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice (1813). It starts with the definition of vlog, checking the formal and technical peculiarities of this format, so as to see how the adaptation of the English novel which inspired it took place. It is a descriptive study, as proposed by Toury (1995), of the adaptation process, seeking to verify the most frequent procedures and types, considering the adaptation concepts as proposed by Sanders (2006) and Hutcheon (2006), and associating them with Translation Studies theories, mainly Lefevere (1992), as well as the theoretical considerations by Elliot (2003) on adaptation. Feminist analysis of Austen and her work is mainly based on the studies of Johnson (1990) and Kaplan (1992).

Romance and Rationality : A Study of Love, Money and Marriage in Jane Austen’s Sense and Sensibility / Romantik och rationalitet i Jane Austens Sense and Sensibility

Tengelin, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
Jane Austen är en av 1800-talets mest lästa författare och har vunnit stor popularitet tack vare sina ingående och humoristiska porträtt av det engelska samhället. Just hennes livliga beskrivningar av livet på den engelska landsbygden runt år 1800 kryddade med en satirisk underton gör Austens romaner intressanta objekt för litteraturanalys. Trots att hennes texter är fast rotade i sin tid tycks de aldrig bli omoderna, vilket beror på att människor nu som då brottas med liknande problem och ställningstaganden. 200 år senare tvingas vi fortfarande fatta livsavgörande beslut som rör kärlek, pengar och status. En av hennes mest kända verk - Sense and Sensibility - publicerades 1811 och är en klassisk Austenroman som tar upp just problematiken kring dessa teman. Det faktum att vi idag handskas med samma dilemman gör dessutom Sense and Sensibility väl lämpad att använda för klassrumsundervisning.   Denna uppsats argumentation bygger på ett antagande att Austen förespråkar en balans mellan pengar och passion i val av make/maka. Genom att jämföra tre kvinnliga karaktärer och deras inställning till äktenskapet, såväl som konsekvenserna av deras värderingar och val visas att en balans av materiellt och emotionellt välstånd är att föredra. Slutligen föreslås hur Sense and Sensibility kan ses ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Detta avsnitt behandlar såväl litteraturundervisning i allmänhet som en praktisk plan över hur man som lärare kan använda sig av just detta verk i engelskundervisningen. / Jane Austen, one of the most widely-read authors of the 19th century, and her at the same time thorough and humorous portraits of English society have gained massive popularity in recent years. Especially her lively depiction of life in the English countryside in the early 1800s, accompanied by an explicit satirical note, makes her novels suitable and interesting objects of literature studies. Even though her stories are deeply rooted in their own time and society, they never seem to go out of fashion. This can be explained by the fact that in many ways people today are dealing with similar problems and critical choices. 200 years later, we still need to take issues such as love, money, and status into consideration when making life-determining decisions. One of Austen’s most famous novels, Sense and Sensibility, was published in 1811 and deals with the problematic sides of this topic. The fact that we are facing similar predicaments today makes it a worthwhile novel for classroom work, as well.   This essay is based on the argument that Austen promotes a balance between money and passion when it comes to choosing a spouse. A comparison between three female characters and their approach to marriage, as well as the consequences of their values and choices shows that a balance of material and emotional wealth is preferable. Finally, the essay makes didactical suggestions as to how the novel can be used in a classroom setting. This section consists of two parts: firstly, teaching of literature in general and secondly, a practical plan on how to use this particular novel when teaching English as a foreign language.

Jane Fonda's Antiwar Activism and The Myth of Hanoi Jane

King, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines Jane Fonda’s antiwar activism during the Vietnam War, focusing on the period from late 1969 through 1973. Her early activism was characterized by frequent protests against the war, speeches at antiwar rallies and college campuses, and involvement with the organization Vietnam Veterans Against the War. In 1971 Fonda organized an antiwar troupe, FTA, which performed antiwar songs and sketches to active-duty servicemen in America and Southeast Asia. Fonda’s notorious trip to North Vietnam is examined in detail, as are her comments in 1973 regarding American POWs. Negative reaction to Fonda’s activism is examined, and the myth of “Hanoi Jane” is traced from its wartime origins through its postwar evolution. The John Kerry-Jane Fonda photograph incident of 2004 is reviewed, and treated as a symptom of decades-long anti-Hanoi Jane ideas, rather than an isolated incident. Fonda’s gender, the media’s treatment of her at various stages, and her own missteps all receive consideration in determining where Jane Fonda ends and the myth of Hanoi Jane begins.

Jane Addams: Pragmatismus und Sozialreform : pädagogische Theorie und Praxis der Progressive Era /

Pinhard, Inga. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (doctoral)--Universität, Frankfurt am Main. / Includes bibliographical references.

Moments in the life of literature /

Lane, Cara, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2003. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 238-250).

Sense and sensibility and Mansfield Park : a study of Jane Austen's artistic development

Morrison, Christin January 1976 (has links)
No description available.

Jane Fonda's Antiwar Activism and The Myth of Hanoi Jane

King, Sarah January 2011 (has links)
This thesis examines Jane Fonda’s antiwar activism during the Vietnam War, focusing on the period from late 1969 through 1973. Her early activism was characterized by frequent protests against the war, speeches at antiwar rallies and college campuses, and involvement with the organization Vietnam Veterans Against the War. In 1971 Fonda organized an antiwar troupe, FTA, which performed antiwar songs and sketches to active-duty servicemen in America and Southeast Asia. Fonda’s notorious trip to North Vietnam is examined in detail, as are her comments in 1973 regarding American POWs. Negative reaction to Fonda’s activism is examined, and the myth of “Hanoi Jane” is traced from its wartime origins through its postwar evolution. The John Kerry-Jane Fonda photograph incident of 2004 is reviewed, and treated as a symptom of decades-long anti-Hanoi Jane ideas, rather than an isolated incident. Fonda’s gender, the media’s treatment of her at various stages, and her own missteps all receive consideration in determining where Jane Fonda ends and the myth of Hanoi Jane begins.

"Jane only smiles, I laugh" zur Poetik des Lachens in den Romanen Jane Austens

Urrejola Dobiasch, Anouschka January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss.

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