Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bob demands."" "subject:"oob demands.""
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Arbetsrelaterad stress : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsrelaterad stress inom ett företag i förändringLindberg, Emil, Georges, Sulaiman January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study is to qualitatively examine the individual's perspective of work-related stress. The research has been delimited to one of Postnord's offices. The study is based on Antonovsky (1979) Theory Sense of Coherence (SOC) to investigate the individual's experience of stress. With the help of Sense of Coherence (SOC), the study investigated how postmen express their experience of work-related stress with the key components of comprehension, manageability and meaningfulness. In response to the goal of the study, semistructured interviews were conducted on eight participants from Postnord. The results of the study showed that high work demands were one of the reasons behind the stress they felt. The lack of support from colleagues due to the structure of the work was another reason that affected the individual's experience of stress. Finally, the results also revealed that the participants perceived that they were unable to decide on their own work, which affected the experience of a lack of opinion in the workplace.
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Enhetschefer i psykiatrin : Upplevelser av positionen mittemellanJönsson, Sanna January 2018 (has links)
En centralisering av den svenska sjukvården har medfört att enhetschefer fått högre krav på sig under senaste decenniet. Undersökningen fokuserar på hur enhetschefer inom psykiatrin upplever sin position mellan medarbetare och överordnad ledning, samt dimensioner av positionen. Studien genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer, 10 enhetschefer från psykiatrin deltog. Enhetscheferna återfanns inom samma region i Mellansverige. IPA-metoden följdes genom hela förfarandet. Resultatet presenterades genom tre huvudteman som speglade enhetschefernas upplevelser av positionen. I diskussionen lyftes det viktigaste från respektive huvudtema. Det ledde fram till slutsatser som visade att erfarenhet kunde vara avgörande för hur enhetschefer hanterade sitt uppdrag. Informationsflödet var högt och tenderade att orsaka stress hos flera av deltagarna. Relationen till verksamhetschefer var viktig för att enhetschefer skulle må bra samt framställdes som resursstärkande. Det finns många organisatoriska krav som enhetschefer har att leva upp till, resurser kan vara avgörande för hur kraven hanteras.
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MINDFULNESS MATTERS: The Effects of Mindfulness on Organizational Citizenship BehaviorMulligan, Rowan 01 January 2018 (has links)
Both mindfulness and authentic leadership base themselves on self-awareness. Authentic leadership has positively predicted organizational citizenship behavior (OCB), and mindfulness has been positively correlated to work engagement, which has shared positive relationships with OCB. Job demands (JD) have been shown to compromise work engagement. Using a sample of 134 MBA and undergraduate students, a longitudinal design evaluated the meditational role of authentic functioning (AF) between mindfulness and OCB and the moderating role of JD. Over the course of three months, three questionnaires were administered to measure mindfulness, AF, OCB, and JD. Despite the positive predictive relationship between mindfulness and AF, there was not a significant predictive relationship between AF and OCB or the predictor (i.e. mindfulness) and criterion (i.e. OCB) variables, so structural equation modeling could not reveal if AF mediates the relationship between mindfulness and OCB. These findings suggest that AF could be a characteristic mechanism of mindfulness that helps facilitate certain behaviors. Future practical implications could suggest the prosocial value of cultivating mindfulness and authentic leadership to promote overall organizational functioning.
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Chefers kontrollspann,arbetskrav och organisatoriskeffektivitet i offentlig sektorWallberg, Kim January 2019 (has links)
Chefer i den offentliga sektorn upplever ökade svårigheter med denpsykosociala arbetsmiljön, vilket bland annat förväntas leda till allt störrehälsoproblem och rekryteringssvårigheter för denna grupp. Studien hade sinteoretiska bas i job demands-resources-modellen och syftade till attundersöka sambandet mellan organisatoriska strukturella faktorer,psykosocial arbetsmiljö och organisatorisk effektivitet. Frågeställningarnaformulerades till att undersöka sambandet mellan antal medarbetare per chefoch de organisatoriska effektivitetsmåtten Organizational Capacity toPerform, Comparative Service Performance och brukarnöjdhet, samt omdetta samband medieras av arbetskraven illegitima arbetsuppgifter,logikkonflikter, överbelastning och medarbetarproblem. En enkätstudiegenomfördes med självskattade data från offentligt anställda chefer på olikanivåer från verksamheter inom skola, vård och omsorg samt teknisk service.Tre multipla medieringsanalyser utfördes. Två av tre totala modeller blevsignifikanta och innehöll signifikanta indirekta effekter. Resultatet indikeradeatt det kan finnas svaga samband mellan kontrollspann och två av treundersökta mått på organisatorisk effektivitet, vilka medieras av vissaarbetskrav. Studiens bidrag var att förlänga JD-R-modellen medkontrollspann som en organisatorisk strukturell faktor och belysa att dettamöjligtvis kan påverka organisatorisk effektivitet negativt. De svagasambanden gör att resultatet bör tolkas med försiktighet. Studiensbegränsningar samt rekommendationer för framtida forskning diskuterades.
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Investigating project-based engagement within the project-oriented organisation : A study on the influence of a project structure on the drivers of employee engagement and human issues within project management.Örström, Jonathan, Said, Aram January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Date: 2020-06-09 Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University Authors: Jonathan Örström Aram Said (98/09/13) (97/01/19) Title: Investigating project-based engagement within the project-oriented organisation; a study on the influence of a project structure on the drivers of engagement and human issues within project management. Tutor: David Freund Keywords: Project structure, employee engagement, manager relationship, job demands, job resources, group dynamics. Research question: How can a project structure have an impact on project team members’ engagement within a project-oriented organisation? Purpose: This thesis aims to investigate within a project-oriented organization how the project management structure can influence the project teams’ engagement. Its further purpose is to add new knowledge in the subject of project-based engagement and human issues of project management. To study this area, possibilities will open for a greater understanding of workplace engagement, in the specific context of project-oriented organisations implementing the project structure. Method: This thesis adopts a quantitative research method with a deductive theory approach, whereby theory is elaborated which devices hypotheses for the research. Furthermore, the collection of primary data for this thesis is retrieved through a self-completion questionnaire in the form of an online survey provided by Google Forms. Data will be retrieved and analysed through the statistical software IBM SPSS Conclusion: The most significant finding is the positive relationship between manager relationship and engagement, strongly agreeing with previous literature of Khan (1990) and Matthews et al. (2018). The other two variables found to have a significant relationship to engagement were job-resource availability and work/ task context. This agreed with Bakker et al. (2007), Demerouti et al. (2001), Khan (1990) and Matthews et al. (2018) amongst others. Unexpectedly and as not hypothesised for is that group dynamics has no significant relationship towards engagement. This goes against some of the main literature by Kahn (1990) and Matthews et al. (2018). However, the result has shown all variables are influenced by the project structure and engagement indicated to increase in its whole
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Strategies to Reduce Employee Stress to Enhance Productivity in Credit UnionsLove, Angela K 01 January 2019 (has links)
Some credit union leaders experience a reduction in productivity when employee stress is significant in the workplace. Credit union leaders noted employee stress increases costs and decreaseproductivity. This study might be important for business leaders seeking to reduce employee stress to enhance productivity. The purpose of this multiple case study was to explore strategies credit union leaders use to reduce employee stress to enhance productivity. The population comprised of 11 credit union leaders in western and midwestern states in the United States who have implemented successful strategies to reduce employee stress to enhance productivity. Job demands-resources theory was the conceptual framework. Data collection included face-to-face semistructured interviews, teleconferencing semistructured interviews, and company documents, while thematic analysis was used to analyze the data. The themes identified include a feedback-friendly work environment, a holistic approach to wellbeing, and a positive company culture. The implications for positive social change include credit union leaders' awareness to reduce employee stress to improve overall employee wellbeing that might lead to healthier relationships with coworkers, credit union members, family members, and friends.
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WORKING WITH SYSTEMATIC WORK ENVIRONMENT WITHIN THE CONSULTANCY INDUSTRY : - A qualitative study of consultant employees’ and managers’ perceptions of how consultant- and client companies work with work environment/healthIdahosa, Jennifer January 2021 (has links)
Approximately 1,6 percent of Swedish employees work under a consultancy firm, which is a fast-growing market. The responsibility of consultant’s work environment is in accordance with Swedish legislation on systematic work environment (SAM) divided between consultant- and client company. This study investigated how 1) consultants experience that their consultant- and client company employers, respectively, work with work environment health; 2) both consultant- and client company employers, respectively, experience their work with implementing work environment/health practices based on SAM. Data collection consisted of 12 in-depth interviews with 8 consultants, 3 consultant managers, and 1 workplace manager. Based on thematic analysis of interviews with consultants three themes were identified: Communication and relation with managers; Justice and inclusion; Managers’ involvement in workplace health. Based on thematic analysis of interviews with managers four themes were identified: Working with SAM; Work environment goals, Relation between consultant- and workplace managers, Relation with consultants. Findings showed the importance of supportive and present leadership, workplace justice and inclusion for consultants’ wellbeing. This responsibility of consultant’s daily work environment was mainly taken by workplace managers. Conclusions are that clear communication and division of responsibility between consultant- and workplace managers regarding consultants’ work environment/health is vital for well-functioning SAM.
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The Effects of Job Demands, Job Resources and Intrinsic Motivation on Emotional Exhaustion and Turnover Intentions: A Study in the Turkish Hotel IndustryBabakus, Emin, Yavas, Ugur, Karatepe, Osman M. 28 October 2008 (has links)
This study develops and tests a model which investigates the simultaneous effects of job demands, job resources, and a personal resource (intrinsic motivation) on emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions. Frontline hotel employees in Ankara, Turkey serve as the study setting. Among others, results show that job demands (role conflict and role ambiguity) trigger frontline employees' emotional exhaustion and turnover intentions. Job resources (supervisory support, training, empowerment, and rewards) and intrinsic motivation reduce emotional exhaustion. Implications of the findings are discussed and directions for future research are offered.
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Gendered Experiences of Nursing Job Demands and ResourcesBarlow, Katherine January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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Upplevelsen av den sociala arbetsmiljön hos anställda inom missbruksvårdenGlad, Frida, Brusila Olsson, Emina January 2023 (has links)
Att arbeta inom missbruksvården med klienter med beroendeproblematik kan medföra vissa påfrestningar i arbetsmiljön för den anställda. Antalet studier rörande vilka krav respektive resurser anställda inom missbruksvården upplever i den sociala arbetsmiljön är dock få. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur anställda inom missbruksvården upplever sin sociala arbetsmiljö, relaterat till krav samt resurser i arbetet. Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med 11 anställda inom missbruksvården och materialet bearbetades med hjälp av en tematisk innehållsanalys. Studiens teoretiska ramverk var krav- och resursmodellen. I studiens resultat återfanns tre arbetskrav: begräsningar i arbetet, emotionella krav samt interpersonella konflikter. Tre resurser i arbetet framkom i resultatet: inflytande på arbetsplatsen, utvecklingsmöjligheter i arbetet och socialt stöd. Resultatet visade att det förelåg en relativt god balans mellan kraven som upplevdes som påfrestningar och resurserna som motiverar och hjälper de anställda i arbetet. Studien kan bidra till en större förståelse kring arbetet inom missbruksvården samt dess utvecklingsmöjligheter.
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