Spelling suggestions: "subject:"tudo"" "subject:"pudo""
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Diskursi o rodu, identitetu i profesiji: životne priče žena iz Srbije u akademskoj dijaspori / Dynamic asymmetry of judo and karate athletes different agesAtanasov Dragan 30 October 2015 (has links)
<p>Cilj istraživanja je da se dokumentuju različiti identiteti profesorki univerziteta koje su otišle iz Srbije u razne akademske sredine u svetu i ostvarile profesionalnu karijeru.<br />Hipoteze su shodno cilju rada:<br />H-1: Prva hipoteza je da su profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori otišle u inostranstvo kako bi uspešno izgradile profesionalnu karijeru u vreme kada u zemlji porekla za to nisu postojali dovoljni uslovi u onim naučnim disciplinama za koje su se one opredelile.<br />H-2: Druga hipoteza je da sve profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori imaju promenljive, višestruke identitete.<br />H-3: Treća hipoteza je da empirijski podaci o životu profesorki u akademskoj dijaspori pomažu da se izgradi strategija saradnje profesorki iz dijaspore sa univerzitetskim centrima ovde.<br />Osnovni i kontrolni korpus za analizu čini 21 životna priča profesorki koje su obrazovanje za karijeru stekle na univerzitetima u Srbiji, a profesionalnu karijeru ostvarile u raznim zemljama Evrope i sveta. Audio zapisi snimljenog razgovora za ukupno 11 profesorki, zabeleženi tokom šest godina (2009-2015), audio zapisom (24 sata) na osnovu polustrukturiranog upitnika, transrkibovani u formu pisanog teksta (256 stranica). Kao kontrolni korpus empirijskih podatka su objavljenih 10 životnih priča profesorki sa Univerzitetu u Novom Sadu (Savić 2015). Osnovni kriterijumi za odbir žena su: da su rođene u Republici Srbiji (gde su provele detinjstvo, deo ili svo obrazovanje), a ostvarile akademsku karijeru u nekoj od zemalja sveta.<br />Podaci pokazuju da su sve profesorke uskladile profesionalni i privatni život i da je jedan hranio drugi u njihovoj uspešnoj karijeri.<br />Za profesionalni rad i za odlazak u zemlje destinacije (prijema) profesorke su imale podršku bračnih partnera, koja je bila neohodna, s obzirom na činjenicu da su sve profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori nailazile na brojne prepreke i izazove od momenta odlaska iz zemlje porekla i tokom građenja karijere (na primer, neke su visoko školovanje ponovile, ili su promenile profesiju ili oblast kojom se bave, a deo je nastavio usavršavanje).<br />Obrazovanje je presudno i za vaspitanje potomstva - vrhunsko obrazovanje u skladu sa željama i afinitetima svoje dece.<br />Jezički identitet profesorki u akademskoj dijaspori povezan je sa profesionalnom orijentacijom više nego sa nacionalnim identitetom.<br />Profesorke su se trudile da njihova deca u dijaspori nauče maternji jezik (jezike) roditelja, iako su deca rođena, ili najveći deo svog života, provode u zemlji destinacije, pa se može govoriti o dva (ili više) maternjih jezika.<br />Najupečatljivija sličnost profesorki UNS i profesorki u akademskoj dijaspori je njihova jednaka želja i volja za obrazovanjem, usavršavanjem i napredovanjem u struci i naučnom radu, bez obzira na cenu i prepreke sa kojima su suočene.<br />Takođe, jednako važna sličnost jeste diskriminacija sa kojom se susreću u građenju svojih karijera, profesorke UNS prilikom napredovanja, a profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori prilikom zaposlenja, bavljenja svojom strukom i, takođe, eventualnog napredovanja.<br />Sve profesorke u akademskoj dijaspori žele profesionalno da sarađuju sa univerzitetima i naučnim (i drugim) institucijama u Srbiji, ali ne postoji sistemsko rešenje za takvu saradnju u sadašnjem trenutku u Srbiji.<br />Ženska iskustva ovde objedinjena svedoče o neiskorišćenim resursima, izostalim u saradnji i angažmanu profesorki iz akademske dijaspore u Srbiji danas. Ona mogu dobro poslužiti za sačinjavanje dugoročne strategije o implementaciji znanja i postignuća akademskih profesorki u domaćem okuženju.<br />Značajno je što se u okviru interdisciplinarnih rodnim studija objedinjuje problematika migracija žena, naročito povezano sa profesijama, jer je izvesno da će migracije biti dugoročna tema u budućnosti cele civilizacije. Postoje programi i predmeti koji se bave visokim obrazovanjem žena u profesijama i na kojima se izvode istraživački projekti na kojima se sakuplja empirijski materijal.<br />Mogućnost primene rezultata:<br />1. Empirijski podaci o identitetu akademski obrazovanih žena iz dijaspore, od kojih je jedan i rodni, poslužiće u teorijskoj raspravi o odnosu elemenata identiteta u odnosu na rod.<br />2. Empirijski podaci mogu dobro poslužiti u praksi za predlog strategije za saradnju, eventualni povratak, akademski usmerenih žena iz dijaspore u akademsku elitu u Republici Srbiji (i regionu bivše Jugoslavije).<br />3. Bogaćenje postojeće baze podataka životnih priča žena u Republici Srbiji iz različitih nacionalnih zajednica koje su svoje živote ostvarile u 20. i 21. veku.<br />Rezultati doktorske disertacije treba da posluže u razvijanju strategije o implementaciji postignuća akademskih žena u domaćem okuženju.</p> / <p>Humans are asymmetric by nature. Asymmetry occurs for the reason that two<br />corresponding part of the body that are located on each side of the body’s central axis are not identical to each other. These differences can be seen in the means of size and appearance, as well as in various functions during motoric actions. In regards to<br />professional and recreational sports, as well as rehabilitation, training efforts are directed to make one side of the body or limb identical to other side or limb, in means of shape, size and function. Thus, with training we strive not only to balance, but also to improve each side of the body, in order to act and function as a matched system.<br />There are number of specific features established with isokinetic chair based on various testing of different athletes. These specificities are related to particular sports disciplines followed by numerous typical imbalances between antagonistic muscle groups, often with bilateral difference. The data obtained on the isokinetic chair are extremely important for every athlete and coach because they enable precise training planning. The effectiveness of training both significantly increase the targeted work, and also prevents a large number of injuries, which are the greatest danger today's sport. The main objective of this research was to determine whether there is a dynamic asymmetry for judo and karate athletes of different age. The sample of participants consisted of 120 judo and karate athletes of both gender. Participants belong to groups of cadets, juniors and seniors. Eleven variables for evaluation of morphological (anthropometric) were applied. For assessing the maximum<br />muscle force flexor and extensor of the knee joint as well as the maximum force of<br />internal and external rotation of the shoulder joint isokinetic parameters was used. To<br />analyze the differences between the age, sport and gender by groups, we used univariate analysis of variance (ANOVA).<br />The research results showed that there were no statistically significant differences in the asymmetry between all groups for judo and karate athletes. However, there was a<br />significant difference in the expression of maximum force of quadriceps and the<br />hamstrings, as well as the maximum force for external and internal rotation of the<br />shoulder joint. These differences were all in favor of judo group for all age categories and gender. Yet, there were no statistically significant differences found between the<br />morphological characteristics of the left and right side of the body among all groups.<br />Based on the obtained results it can be concluded that judo and karate can be classified as sports that do not lead to the appearance of morphological nor dynamic asymmetry of its practitioners (athletes).</p>
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Prestation vid Special Judo Fitness Test : Före och Efter: Aktiv-, passiv & judospecifik återhämtningPettersson, Jimmy January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Denna studie hade för avsikt att undersöka prestationen före- och efter återhämtning vid Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT), detta genom att använda olika typer av återhämtningsmetoder såsom aktiv- (AR), passiv- (PR) och judospecifik återhämtning (JSR). Vilken återhämtningsmetod resulterar i en liknande prestation före och efter återhämtning vid Special Judo Fitness Test? Finns det skillnader mellan de olika återhämtningsmetoderna med avseende på prestation före och efter återhämtning? Vilken återhämtningsmetod resulterar i snabbast blodlaktats eliminering? Metod: Vid ett judoläger 2014 anmälde sig 32 personer till studien. 26 personer uppfyllde kriterierna som ställdes i studien. Ett urval på 12 personer randomiserades (bortfall 5 personer). Studien varade totalt 4 dagar, där den första dagen bestod av antropometriska mätningar, samt Laktattröskeltest (LT4). Dag två, tre och fyra bestod av SJFT enligt, detta efterföljt av återhämtning i form av passiv återhämtning (stilla sittande), aktiv återhämtning (löpning, 80 % av LT4) och judospecifik återhämtning (uchi- komi, 80-100 % av LT4) samt efterföljande prestation vid Special Judo Fitness Test. Resultat: En signifikant prestationssänkning observerades vid prestation före och efter vid en specifik återhämtningsmetod, detta var signifikant för passiv återhämtning, medan för aktiv- och judospecifik återhämtning fanns det en tendens i signifikant skillnad i prestation. Vid jämförelse mellan olika återhämtningsmetoder kunde inga signifikanta skillnader observeras för några av de variablerna som analyserades för prestation vid SJFT före och efter återhämtning. Det kunde observeras signifikanta skillnader i blodlaktatseliminering mellan passiv och judospecifik återhämtning, samt aktiv- och judospecifik återhämtning för hela återhämtningsförloppet. Där både passiv och aktiv återhämtning medförde en sabbare blodlaktatseliminering än den judospecifika återhämtningen. Mellan passiv och aktiv återhämtning kunde inga signifikanta skillnader observeras. Slutsats: Samtliga återhämtningsmetoder resulterar i prestations försämringar vid SJFT efter återhämtning, dock kunde inga skillnader i prestation vid SJFT före och efter återhämtning mellan olika återhämtningsmetoder observeras. Vid eliminering av blodlaktat var PR och AR effektivare än JSR, dock verkar inte mängden blodlaktat påverka prestationen i SJFT då inga skillnader i prestation mellan de olika återhämtningsmetoderna kunde observeras. / <p>Idrott III</p>
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Závislost somatotypu na kondici cvičenců bojových sportů / Dependence of somatotype and fitness condition in martial artsStibůrek, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Title: Dependence of somatotype and fitness condition in martial arts. Thesis aim: Main aim of this thesis is to find out mutual dependence among tracked variables - placed in ranking list and UNIFITTEST (6-60). Methods: For theoretical part of thesis the author used method of analysis and synthesis of specialized literary sources. In practical part the main method used was regression analysis. Method according to Heath-Carter was used to assessment somatotype. Towards evaluation of kinetic performance and efficiency was used UNIFITTEST (6-60). Results: Results from research show us that during the research of mutual dependencies it hasn't proved any link between tracked variables and place in ranking list UNIFITTEST (6-60). Considering measured values judo athletes are in category endomorphic mesomorphic and karate athletes are in category well-balanced mesomorphic. Keywords: somatotype, martial arts, karate, judo, UNIFITTEST (6-60)
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Důvody ukončení závodní činnosti v judu u dětí v pubertě 14 - 18 let / Reasons why children in pubescence (age 14 - 18) terminate their sport activity at judo competitionsŠaroch, Marcel January 2017 (has links)
Title: Reasons why children in pubescence (age 14 - 18) terminate their sport activity at judo competitions Objective: Goal of my dissertation work is to find out possible reasons why children terminate their sport activity at judo competitions in pubescence. Methods: A survey sent to 42 judo trainers and 21 children helped to find out the reasons why children terminate their sport activity at competitions at the age 14 - 18. Results: We have found out that the main reasons are feeling of anxiety before the match, lack of time and demanding studies at high school and university out of the hometown. Keywords: reasons for termination of the sport activity at competitions, trainer, judo, motivation
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Testování vývojové dyspraxie u dětí a adolescentů bojových umění - judo a taekwondo / Testing of Developmental Dyspraxia in Children and Adolescents in Martial Arts - Judo and TaekwondoHrbková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the level of motor skills in children and adolescents dealing with judo and taekwondo and to determine whether the level of motor skills differs between children with a suspected risk of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) compared to children without this risk. Another aim of this study is to evaluate the level of attention and find out whether it correlates with the level of motor skills. A total of 65 probands aged 9-13 years participated in the study. The experimental groups consisted of children competing in judo (n = 35), children practicing taekwondo (n = 19) and children attending taekwondo classes in physical education and hobby groups (n = 11). The Movement Assessment Battery for Children 2 test was chosen to test motor skills. To detect a suspected risk of ADHD was used the Test Go / NoGo and the level of attention was tested by theTest of attention d2. A significant difference in favour of judists was found between the results of motor skills of children and adolescents in comparison with the racing group of taekwondists (p = 0.045) and also in the results of individual components, namely in the balance component (p = 0.051). A significant difference was found in motor skills among children with a suspected risk of ADHD compared to...
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La ansiedad competitiva y el uso de estrategias de afrontamiento en una competencia de judo en LimaCastillo Castañeda, David Lorenzo 07 February 2017 (has links)
El objetivo del presente estudio consiste en analizar la relación entre la ansiedad competitiva y las estrategias de afrontamiento, para ello se desea describir los niveles de ansiedad y las estrategias de afrontamiento empleadas por los deportistas; examinar la relación de las dimensiones de ambos constructos y finalmente describir las diferencias entre los grupos de judoca avanzados y noveles. La muestra está conformada por 60 judocas pertenecientes a distintos clubes de Lima entre 14 y 38 años. Se administraron las versiones en español del Inventario de Ansiedad Competitiva (CSAI-2) y del Cuestionario de Aproximación al Afrontamiento en el Deporte (ACSQ-1). Los resultados mostraron que los judocas reportaron mayores niveles de autoconfianza y emplean como principal estrategia de afrontamiento aquella orientada a la emoción (Calma Emocional). Además, ante la presencia de la ansiedad se tiende a utilizar estrategias de afrontamiento evitativas (Retraimiento mental). Finalmente se encontraron diferencias significativas tanto en la ansiedad competitiva como en las estrategias de afrontamiento según la edad, número de victorias y edad deportiva. / The aim of this study is to analyze the correlation between competitive anxiety and coping strategies, for it is desired to describe the anxiety levels and coping strategies used by athletes, examine the relationship of the dimensions of both constructs, describe the differences between advanced judokas and novices at judo. Participants were 60 judokas from different judo clubs between 14 y 18 years. The Spanish versions of the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory (CSAI-2) and the Approach to Coping in Sport Questionnaire (ACSQ-1). Results showed that judokas athletes reported high level of self-confidence have used emotion-oriented coping (Emotional Calming). Therefore, judokas who showed competitive anxiety use Mental Withdrawal as coping strategies. Significant differences were found in competitive anxiety and coping strategies, by age, number of victories and age sport.
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Evaluation of Sleep Benefits Following a 16-week Judo Program for Children with Autism Spectrum DisorderChittaluru, Neha R 01 January 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Autism Spectrum Disorder is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by language and communication deficits, and difficulties with social interaction (Twisk, 2001). Research has shown that 80% of youth with ASD experience sleep challenges which can lead to sleep-related health issues, exacerbate problematic behaviors, and increase vulnerability to anxiety and depression (Wachob & Lorenzi, 2015; Williams et al., 2004; Richdale & Schreck, 2009). Sleep plays a central role in adaptive functioning, and insufficient sleep can hinder learning, memory, and neuroplasticity for children with ASD (Cohen et al., 2014). As these unhealthy behavior patterns can lead to more adverse long-term health consequences, it is critical to develop interventions that may improve health-related behaviors in youth with ASD. Martial arts, especially judo, is unique because it integrates both physical activity and mind-body components (Bell et al., 2016). Judo may be particularly appealing to youth with ASD due to the structured format and repetitive exercises typically observed during judo sessions (Bell et al., 2016). Recent studies have found that judo interventions in youth with ASD may increase participation in physical activity, improve self-confidence, decrease levels of anxiety, and reduce the frequency of negative behaviors in this population (Morales et al., 2021; Garcia et al., 2020; Renziehausen et al., 2022). Research has shown that participation in physical activity may be associated with sleep quality in both NT youth and youth with ASD (Masters et al., 2019). Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the effects of a 16-week judo intervention on sleep quality in youth with ASD. It was hypothesized that this program would improve components of sleep quality in youth with ASD. METHODS: A USA Judo certified coach with prior experience teaching judo to youth with ASD led the 45-minute weekly sessions. Each participant was given an Actigraph GT9X accelerometer and a link to the Qualtrics parent surveys including a child sleep diary. Participants were instructed to wear the accelerometers for seven days and nights over two data collection points: baseline and post-intervention. A validated sleep algorithm was applied to the data to calculate total sleep time, sleep efficiency, sleep latency, and wake after sleep onset. Non-parametric t-tests were used to compare sleep quality outcome variables at pre- and post-intervention. RESULTS: The sleep data of 18 participants was analyzed, consisting of an approximately 80% male sample, a mean age of 13.17 ± 3.76, and approximately 55% of the sample being white. There was a positive statistical correlation between participation in the Judo program and increased sleep efficiency (p=0.05), decreased wake after sleep onset (p=0.02), and decreased sleep latency (p=0.001). CONCLUSION: Judo, a mindfulness form of martial arts, has the potential to serve as a therapeutic intervention to improve sleep outcomes in children with ASD.
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Die ontwikkeling van ‘n judo-intervensieprogram vir hulpverlening aan die motories geremde leerder in graad eenRedpath, Esmé-Joan January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (D.Phil.) -- Central University of Technology, Free State, 2010 / Due to various reasons, today’s learners lead a passive life that results in movement deprivation and poor motor development. Motor development contributes to cognitive development, which can also contribute to school readiness. Since the beginning of the twentieth century, researchers have indicated that there is an increase of learners with motor problems, which can develop into learning problems.
The primary aim of the study was to determine the influence of a 10 week Judo intervention programme on Grade 1 learners with motor restraints. The formal standardised test, Bruininks-Oseretsky Test for Motor Proficiency (BOTMP) with its eight subscales, was used for this purpose. A total of 140 learners took part in the programme: 70 learners formed part of the control group and 70 learners formed part of the experimental group. All the learners took part in the pre- and post-tests (the BOTMP). The experimental group took part in the Judo intervention programme. The importance of Judo with regard to motor aspects has been highlighted. It promotes self-confidence and self-control, and has a significant influence on learning behaviour and learning of movement. This sport emphasises body awareness and spatial orientation, and develops sensory-motor activities, as well as cognitive and physical movements. Furthermore, Judo consists of a great number of motor movements and, as a result of this diversity, the participant develops on a motor, cognitive, social and emotional level.
To determine whether the Judo intervention programme had any impact on the learners, t-tests were applied. These tests were done on independent and nonindependent groups. The data was statistically processed and depicted in table or graph format. The results indicated a significant improvement in five of the eight subscales of the BOTMP. The motor variates that showed improvement were balance, bilateral coordination, reaction speed, visual motor control, and upper limb speed and dexterity. The means were statistically different on the 5% level. Furthermore, the average of two variates differed on a 1% level, namely balance and bilateral coordination. Running speed and agility, as well as strength, did not show significant signs of improvement.
From the results, it can be concluded that an affordable and achievable Judo intervention programme has a significant impact on the gross, gross-fine and fine motor development of Grade 1 learners with motor restraints. The study indicated that Judo as a sport indeed has an effect on the motor skills of these learners. It is recommended that such a programme should be marketed to educators and be included in the Life Orientation Programme.
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Suplementação de citrato de sódio incrementa o desempenho em lutadores de judôValido, Charles Nardelli 20 March 2014 (has links)
Introduction. Metabolic acidosis causes reduced performance in judo and sodium citrate has suggested as a buffering being investigated. Aim. To analyse the effect of sodium citrate oral supplementation (0.5 g.kg-1 of body mass) on the performance of judo contest. Methods. In a double-blind crossover design, 12 highly trained athletes (. purple belt) were select, but only eight completed all stages of this study. Simulation competition was realized (three matches of Five minutes and 15-minute interval) and lactate, blood gases (pH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3- and bases), perceived exertion and score by match was measure. After the third match, fighters performed Judogi Handgrip Test, and the Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT). Results. After all the matches, lactate level was higherin Citrate group (p<0,05) and perceived exertion was higher in the Control (p<0,05). After the second and third match the supplemented group showed higher blood concentration of HCO3-, pH and lower base deficit (p<0,05). In the third match, the Control group have significantly more penalty number (10 vs. 3; p<0,05). After the simulated competition, the Citrate group showed better performance for maximum dynamic (16,5 }1,7 vs. 12,8 }1,4 rep.; p<0,05) and static force (47,4 }3,9 vs. 39,5 }4,0, sec.; p<0,05), and lower fatigue index in SJFT (13,5 }0,3 vs. 14,6 }0,3; p<0,05). Only one figther shown na adverse effect from the sodium citrate consumption. Conclusion. Prior intake (60 minutes) of sodium citrate results in better physical and competition performance in judo athletes. / Introdução. Acidose metabólica provoca queda do desempenho no judô e o citrato de sódio tem sido sugerido como um tamponante a ser investigado. Objetivo. Verificar o efeito da suplementação de citrato de sódio (0,5 g.kg-1 massa corporal) sobre o desempenho de lutadores de judô. Métodos. Em um modelo duplo-cego cruzado, 12 competidores altamente treinados (graduação mínima faixa roxa) foram selecionados, destes 8 completaram todas as etapas do estudo. Realizou-se uma simulação de competição (3 lutas com duração de cinco minutos e intervalo de 15 minutos) onde mediram-se as variáveis: lactato, gases sanguíneos (pH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3- e bases), percepção subjetiva do esforço e pontuação por combate. Após a terceira luta os lutadores realizaram o Judogi Handgrip Test, em seguida o Special Judo Fitness Test (SJFT). Resultados. Após todas as lutas, os níveis de lactato foram maiores na situação Citrato (p<0,05) e a percepção subjetiva do esforço no Controle (p<0,05). Após a segunda e terceira luta os atletas suplementados apresentaram maior concentração sanguínea de HCO3-, pH e menor déficit de bases (p<0,05). Na terceira luta, a situação controle cometeu significativamente maior quantidade de faltas (10 vs. 3; p<0,05). Após a simulação de competição, a situação Citrato apresentou melhor desempenho para a força estática (47,4±3,9 vs. 39,5±4,0, p<0,05), dinâmica (16,5±1,7 vs. 12,8±1,4, p<0,05) e menor índice de fadiga no SJFT (13,5±0,3 vs. 14,6±0,3; p<0,05). Somente um lutador apresentou efeito adverso decorrente do consumo de citrato de sódio. Conclusão. A ingestão prévia (60 minutos) de citrato de sódio resulta em melhor desempenho físico e competitivo de judocas.
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Koncepce trénování kategorie přípravky v judu - mláďata 8 až 10 let / Judo training concept of children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11)Chytrá, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
Title: Judo training concept of children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11) Objectives: The main objective of this work is to describe and evaluate a judo training concept for children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11). The secondary objective is to create a suitable test battery valid for children of this age. Methods: The thesis has an empirical-theoretical character. The work incorporates analyses of professional literature from the areas of general sports and judo training, data collection, and t-test and Spearman's rank correlation coefficient statistical methods. Results: The results of the thesis show that it is very important to focus on the growth of all the individual components of the training based on the age and development specifics of the children. It is also apt to periodically evaluate the training performance through the whole training plan. Keywords: judo, conception, training, children in age group 8 to 10 years (U11), battery of tests
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