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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Dissertatio historica de vrbe Lvla, eiqve adjacentibvs paroeciis, qvam ... cum consensu ampliss. Senatus Philosoph. in illustri Academia Vpsaliensi, praeside dn. Johanne Hermansson, publico bonorum examini modeste sistit Nicolavs Hackzell, Westro-Botniensis. In audit. Gust. maj. ad d. 17. Maji. an. MDCCXXXI. Horis ante meridiem solitis.

Hermansson, Johan, Hackzell, Nicolaus. January 1900 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 1731.

Spanska sjukan i Kalix 1918-1920 : En studie av epidemins omfattning och karaktär vid en ort i norra Sverige

Vikström, Johan January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Betydelsen av implementering och samverkan för flyktingmottagandet i Kalix Kommun : En kvalitativ studie om etableringsreformen, gatubyråkraten och samverkan kring flyktingmottagande

Nilsson, Mika January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats handlar om implementering av Lagen om etableringsinsatser för vissa nyanlända invandrare SFS 2010:197 i Kalix Kommun. Syftet har varit att undersöka hur verksamheter ansvariga för flyktingmottagandet samverkar i Kalix, samt vad det är beroende av för att fungera. För att undersöka detta har kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer genomförts med nio respondenter i Kalix Kommun. De teoretiska utgångspunkter som används är implementering, gatubyråkrat och samverkan. Det första av de fyra resultaten från denna uppsats är att samverkan i Kalix verksamheter karaktäriseras av informella kontakter. Det visar att en formellt nedskriven ansvarsfördelning är viktig för att handskas med problem som kan uppstå med en alltför personbunden samverkan. Det andra resultatet visar att Arbetsförmedlingen upplever tidsbrist i att hinna med sitt uppdrag som både samordnare och etableringsansvarig som Lagen om etableringsinsatser inneburit (SFS 2010: 197). Det tredje resultatet visar att samverkan mellan tjänstemän och politiker beskrivs som ett gap och kan utökas för att bättre kunna utnyttja varandras kunskaper. Slutligen visar det fjärde resultatet att politikernas styrning och ledarskap har betydelsen för det praktiska utförandet av politiska beslut.

Kölismåle och komposition : Om samspelet mellan språk och musik i ett körverk på Kalixmål

Forsberg, Adina January 2022 (has links)
Denna text handlar om mitt arbete med ett körverk a cappella med text på Kalixmål. Jag har, i motsats till mina tidigare verk för röst, valt att låta folkmålets språkmelodi vara grunden till styckets alla melodier. Detta har jag arbetat fram med hjälp av två olika metoder. Den ena är auditiv, jag har alltså jobbat med mitt gehör för att transkribera toner, den andra är visuell och där arbetade jag utifrån grafiska representationer av folkmålets tonhöjd vilka jag behandlade som grafisk notation. Jag gjorde detta i förhoppningen om att skapa en starkare koppling mellan min text och min musik. / <p>Bilagor</p><p>He ́m - partitur och inspelning</p><p>Antagonist - partitur</p><p>Laboration B - inspelning</p><p></p><p>Rättelse av HP på PDFs framsida: Arbetets omfattning är 30 HP.</p>

Study of demolition processes for prestressed concrete bridges: Kalix bridge

Hanna, Lundin January 2022 (has links)
Bridges in Sweden are getting older and some of them are reaching their designed life span. With an older generation of bridges, the need for a good understanding of demolition processes increase. The Kalix bridge is planned to be demolished and will be used as a case study in this thesis. A bridge demolition must be customized for the bridge and all special regulations regarding the bridge and the surrounding area. To find the most suitable demolition process for a specific bridge a great amount of knowledge of both the bridge, the area and possible demolition techniques are needed. This thesis investigates some common bridge demolition methods and how they affect the surrounding area. It is also of great importance to make a structural analysis of the bridge to ensure a safe demolition. A finite element analysis is therefore conducted of the bridge and the demolition steps. The Kalix bridge is a prestressed concrete box girder bridge with a total length of 283.6 meters divided into five spans. The bridge is situated in a Natura 2000-area, which is an important area for biodiversity. Natura 2000 is a European Union project that works to preserve the biodiversity. Specific rules and restrictions are assigned for each Natura 2000-area to protect the sensitive species in the area. The sensitive area must be considered when choosing the demolition process, since the area should not be disturbed. It is of importance to have good knowledge about the possible demolition techniques to make an informed decision. In this thesis several common demolition methods are presented. Because of the sensitive area not all demolition techniques are suitable, which is evaluated for the demolition methods. The demolition methods that are presented in the thesis are: • Machine mounted demolition attachments• Blasting• Wrecking ball• Sawing and cutting• Splitting• Jackhammers• Hydro demolition• Thermal demolition A structural analysis of every step of the demolition process is conducted. The structural analysis is done for every demolition step due to the change of capacity and loads when parts of the structure is removed. The safest way to demolish a prestressed bridge is to demolish it the opposite way of the construction process, which is considered for the analysis. The result from the analysis of the demolition of Kalix bridge show good results, with few signs of damages. There is a risk of cracks due to tension stress in the concrete for some of the demolition steps. / Sveriges broar åldras och vissa av dessa broar närmar sig slutet av sin livslängd. Med en åldrande generation av broar finns ett ökande behov av en god förståelse av rivningsprocesser. En bro som planeras rivas är Kalixbron som kommer att användas som ett objekt för den fallstudie som görs i detta projekt. Varje rivningsprojekt måste anpassas för den aktuella bron och de begränsningar och regler som kan gälla för dess omgivning. För att anpassa rivningsprojektet på ett bra sätt krävs kunskap om den aktuella bron, dess omgivning och om vilka rivningsmetoder som är möjliga. Detta projekt kommer att undersöka några vanliga rivningsmetoder och hur de påverkar rivningsobjektets omgivning. För att kunna genomföra en säker rivning krävs god kunskap om brons beteende, kapacitet och laster under rivingsskedet. En analys gällande hur Kalixbron påverkas under rivningsarbetet genomförs med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. Kalixbron är belägen i tätorten Kalix som ligger i norra Sverige. Kalixbron är en spännarmerad betonglådbro med en totallängd på 283,6 meter delat på fem brospann. Kalixbron befinner sig i ett Natura 2000 område, vilket innebär att området är viktigt för att bevara en biologisk mångfald. Natura 2000 är ett projekt lett av Europeiska unionen för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden. Specifika regler är satta för var Natura 2000 område för att skydda de känsliga arterna. På grund av den känsliga miljön måste rivningsmetoden för bron väljas med omsorg för att så lite skada på området som möjligt sker. För att göra ett informerat beslut vad gäller vilken rivningsmetod som lämpar sig för ett visst fall krävs att beslutstagaren är väl insatt i vilka rivningsmetoder som är möjliga. Detta projekt presenterar några vanliga rivningsmetoder och hur de fungerar samt fördelar och nackdelar med metoderna. På grund av den känsliga miljön kring bron läggs vikt på fördelar och nackdelar med avseende på hur metoden påverkar brons omgivning. Rivningsmetoderna som presenteras i projektet är följande: • Maskinmonterad rivningsutrustning• Sprängning• Kran och kula• Sågning och kapning• Klyvning• Bilningsmaskin• Högtryckspump• Termisk skärning Säkerheten under en rivning är av största vikt. Konstruktionens kapacitet samt laster ändras för var steg av rivningen, vilket innebär att varje steg måste undersökas så att inte konstruktionen brister. Det säkraste sättet att riva en spännarmerad konstruktion är att ta isär konstruktionen i motsatt process som konstruktion byggdes. I detta projekt används finita elementmetoden för att undersöka rivningsprocessen. Resultaten som från analysen visar bra resultat, med få tecken på skador. Analysen visar att draghållfastheten överskrids för några av stegen i rivningsprocessen, vilket kan leda till sprickor i betongen under arbetet.Nyckelord:

Molecular and isotopic characterization of terrestrial organic carbon released to (sub-)Arctic coastal waters

Vonk, Jorien Elisabeth January 2010 (has links)
Arctic soils store half of the global soil organic carbon (OC) pool and twice as much C as is currently present in the atmosphere. A considerable part of these carbon pools are stored in permafrost. Amplified climate warming in the Arctic will thaw permafrost and remobilize some of these substantial carbon stocks into the active carbon cycle, potentially causing positive feedback to global warming. Despite the global importance of this mechanism, our understanding of the fate of these thawing organic carbon (OC) pools is still poor, particularly regarding its degradation potential. This makes good estimates on greenhouse gas emissions versus coastal reburial impossible. This doctoral thesis aims to improve our understanding on the fate of high-latitude terrestrial OC during fluvial and coastal transport. In two study regions, the Bothnian Bay and the East Siberian Sea, we apply a wide range of bulk, molecular and isotopic geochemical analyses to reveal information on sources, age, degradation and transport routes. Our results show that both study regions receive and store large amounts of terrestrial OC, largely derived from peatlands (paper I, II and IV). This terrestrial matter undergoes extensive degradation in both the water column and surface sediments (paper I, III and IV). Surface sediments in the East Siberian Sea show a offshore-decreasing input of riverine OC and a considerable and constant input of OC from coastal erosion. The strong imprint of rapidly settling coastal OC far out on the shelf may be explained by a strong benthic boundary layer transport in combination with offshore ice-transport and selective preservation of erosion OC compared to riverine OC (paper IV). Molecular radiocarbon data allowed us to distinguish between two (sub-)Arctic soil OC pools that show a remarkably different susceptibility to degradation upon arrival in the coastal system; a young and easily degradable pool originating in surface peatlands, and an old and recalcitrant pool originating in deep mineral soils and coastal mineral Pleistocene deposits (paper III and IV). Our first estimates suggest that, in the Bothnian Bay coastal system, mineral soil OC is at least 20 times less susceptible to degradation than peatland OC (paper III). Hence, a considerable part of the thaw-released mineral OC pool may simply be relocated to coastal sediments instead of being emitted to the atmosphere. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Accepted. Paper 4: Manuscript.

Elektrochemické studium analytického využití samouspořádaných monovrstev kalix[4]arenu na povrchu polykrystalické zlaté elektrody / Electrochemical studies of the analytical utilization of self-assembled monolayers of calix[4]arene on the surface of polycrystalline gold electrode

Hrdlička, Vojtěch January 2015 (has links)
This MSc. Thesis deals with electrochemical studies of the analytical utilization of self-assembled monolayers of thiolated calix[4]arene (C4A) and/or undecanthiole (C11SH) on the surface of a polycrystalline gold electrode. Hydroquinone, nitrobenzene, 2-nitrophenole and 4-nitrophenole have been used as tested model compounds. The real surface area of the electrode was determined using these two methods: From the charge of desorption peak of α-gold oxides (5.72±0.48 mm2 ) and using the Randles- Ševčík equation. (6.14±0.59 mm2 ). The preparation of the electrode consisted of polishing on alumina, immersing into piranha solution and cyclic voltammetry. The area of electrode surface was well reproducible. Stability of thiol monolayer in the area of negative potentials was tested. The C11SH layer is very stable; the desorption peak was recorded in basic solutions only (at −1.3 V vs. 3M Ag/AgCl). The position of the desorption peak of C4A is more pH dependent and it was recorded at −1.08 V at pH 13. The properties of the electrode modified by C11SH and or C4A were investigated using the model compound hydroquinone. It is assumed that the oxidation of the hydroquinone does not take place inside the C4A cavity; hence the hydroquinone molecule is too big to pass through the cavity. C11SH and C4 + C11SH act...

The effect of global climate change on the release of terrestrial organic carbon in the Arctic Region

Dogrul Selver, Ayca January 2014 (has links)
The Arctic Region is currently experiencing an amplified warming if compared to the rest of the world. The soils in this region store approximately half of the global soil organic carbon (OC), mainly locked in the permanently-frozen ground (permafrost). This carbon sink is sensitive to global warming meaning that the predicted warming will likely increase the thaw-release of this ‘old’ carbon. However, what happens to this remobilized OC once it is transported to the Arctic Ocean, including the potential conversion to greenhouse gasses causing a positive feedback to climate warming, remains unclear. In this work, we further investigate the fate of terrestrial derived OC (terrOC) in the Eurasian Arctic Region. The key findings of this work are: • Glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (GDGTs) and bacteriohopanepolyols (BHPs) are present in marine sediments of the Eurasian Arctic Region and the associated Branched and Isoprenoidal tetraether (BIT) and Rsoil indices can be used to trace terrOC in marine realm. However, a slight modification in the Rsoil index is suggested (R’soil). • Analyses indicate that the behaviour of BIT is largely controlled by a marine GDGT contribution while the R’soil index is mainly controlled by the removal of soil marker BHPs. Although both indices suggest a non-conservative behavior for the terrOC, this leads to differences in the estimations for the percentage terrOC present. A multi-proxy approach is essential since the use of a single-proxy approach can lead to over/under estimation.• Comparison of BIT and 13Csoc indices across the East Siberian Shelf indicates that the BIT index is possibly reflecting a predominantly fluvial input while 13Csoc represents a mixed fluvial and coastal erosion input.• The macromolecular terrOC composition varies along a west-east Eurasian Arctic climosequence and is mainly controlled by the river runoff of surface derived terrOC and wetland coverage (sphagnum vs. higher plants) but is not affected by the presence/absence of continuous permafrost. • The phenols/(phenols+pyridines) ratio was suggested as a proxy to trace terrOC at the macromolecular level along the Kolyma River-East Siberian Sea transect. The results indicate a non-conservative behavior of the macromolecular terrOC comparable to the bulk of the terrOC.All molecular analyses/based proxies used showed that the remobilized terrOC in the Eurasian Arctic region behaves non-conservatively potentially causing a positive feedback to global climate change.

”Vårt mål är ju att få människor att må bra” : En diskursanalys av det civila samhällets verksamhet som involverar migranter i Kalix kommun

Tillö, Petronella January 2016 (has links)
In this essay I investigate the role of civil society in relation to migrants in the municipality of Kalix, in a rural area in northern Sweden. The purpose is to discover which subject positions that leaders from the civil society describe as possible and which positions they see as possible for migrants. I also want to see which discourses the leaders from the civil associations are a part of and contribute to. The material comes from interviews completed with people involved in civil society and from meetings, organized by the municipality and with participants from civil associations, discussing the subject. The method used is discourse analysis, influenced by Laclau and Mouffes theory about discourses. Foucault´s theory of governmentality is used to examine how civil society and migrants are affected by state control. This control manifests in control mechanisms such as the Swedish government’s establishment program, legislation about migrants rights and economic grants. The analysis is supported by earlier research and theories about multiculturalism and rights. The leaders mainly moved within four discourses: ´multicultural´, ´repressive liberalism´, ´rural preservation´ and ´quality of life and humanity´. The multicultural discourse had a positive view of cultural and religious differences. This discourse made the subject positions of organizer of cultural activities possible for the leaders. Migrants were described as having the position of representatives of specific cultural groups and as group members in need of extra support. The repressive liberalism discourse viewed difference as something negative. The goal was for migrants to be assimilated into the local culture. The leaders adopted the role of tutors. Migrants were described as occupying the subject positions of employment oriented, able to assimilate, and as representatives of all immigrant people. In the discourse about ‘rural preservation’ activities were motivated by goals for a bright future for Kalix. The leaders’ subject positions were understood as coordinators, mentors and debaters. Migrants were understood as competent in particular professions and as desirable long term residents of Kalix. Governmental Control mechanics were considered to be something that limited migrants’ possibilities. The quality of life and humanity discourse has the goal that everyone shall have the possibility to live a good life. The leaders adopted the role as creators of safety and confidence and migrants were considered to be both victims of unfair regulation that limited their legitimacy, and as developers of civil associations. There were antagonisms between the discourses about rights/justice, integration and culture. Because of these conflicts the activities are striving towards different goals and consider different phenomena to be obstacles. Cooperation and the possibilities of getting along are therefore made difficult. Both these antagonisms and the governmental control mechanisms affect which activities can be performed and thereby which subjects positions that are made possible.

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