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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Untersuchung der Informativität neuer Mikrosatellitenloci beim Kamel

Evdotchenko, Dmitri. January 2001 (has links)
Hohenheim, Univ., Diss., 2001.

The prevalence of bacterial and protozoal intestinal pathogens in suckling camel calves in Northern Kenya /

Glücks, Ilona Viktoria. January 2008 (has links)
University, Diss., 2007--Giessen.

La tragique quête de sens de Haroun dans Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud

Chudzia-Conde, Elena 24 October 2018 (has links)
Après la publication de Meursault, contre-enquête en France en 2014, Kamel Daoud, écrivain algérien d’expression française, s’est vu propulsé sur la scène littéraire internationale. Son roman, qui se veut à la fois une réponse et un hommage à L’Étranger d’Albert Camus, sera traduit en plus de vingt-cinq langues. Dans le roman de Camus, Meursault abat sans états d’âme un Arabe dont on ne connaîtra jamais l’identité. Non seulement l’Arabe sera-t-il mort dans l’anonymat le plus total, mais le roman de Camus donne l’impression que Meursault sera davantage condamné pour ce qu’il est plutôt que pour ce qu’il a fait. Le point de départ de Meursault, contre-enquête naît de cette injustice flagrante contre laquelle se révoltera Haroun, frère de l’Arabe assassiné et narrateur du récit. Dans cette thèse, nous examinons les procédés littéraires – soit l’intertextualité, l’hypertextualité et la transfictionnalité – utilisés par Kamel Daoud pour mettre en scène la quête de son héros. En outre, nous analysons comment se manifestent l’absurde et la révolte chez le narrateur du roman de Daoud. Enfin, nous voyons par quels moyens Haroun reconstruit l’ethos préalable de l’Arabe et parvient, au-delà du récit premier de Camus, à donner une identité à l’Arabe de L’Étranger, entreprise transfictionnelle vers laquelle tend tout le roman, même si dans la foulée, Haroun se plaît à mettre à l’avant-scène sa propre image de soi.

The prevalence of bacterial and protozoal intestinal pathogens in suckling camel calves in Northern Kenya

Glücks, Ilona Viktoria January 2007 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Freie Univ., Diss., 2007

Comparative studies on acid base status in calves (Germany) and young camels (Sudan) as influenced by experimentally induced metabolic acidosis /

Elkhair, Nawal Mohamed. January 2008 (has links)
Zugl.: Berlin, Freie University, Diss., 2008.

Elevers bedömning av lärare - rätt väg till högre yrkesstatus?

Jansson, Josefine, Johansson, Jessica January 2010 (has links)
Jansson, J & Johansson, J (2009). Elevers bedömning av lärare - rätt väg till högre yrkesstatus? Malmö: Lärarutbildningen Malmö högskolaExamensarbetet behandlar bedömning av lärare utifrån KAMEL - projektet. Elva lärare har intervjuats kring detta, varav tre har deltagit i projektet. Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka vad lärare anser om projektet, hur de ser på relationen mellan lärarprofession och bedömning av lärare samt att synliggöra ett samhällsperspektiv på bedömning. De frågeställningar vi har haft som utgångspunkt är: Hur genomförs bedömningen av lärarna?Vad anser lärarna om att bli bedömda? Hur ser lärarna på relationen mellan lärarprofession och bedömning av lärare? Vi har använt oss av kvalitativa intervjuer för att få svar på frågeställningarna. Forskningsöversikten består av profession, kompetens, bedömning samt den nya regleringen inom skolverksamheten. Resultatet visar att lärarna känner sig osäkra på att bli bedömda för sina lärarprestationer eftersom det inte finns någon given mall om vad en bra lärare är. Lärarnas roll har förändrats och det har tillkommit nya kompetenser som exempelvis social kompetens. Slutsatsen i arbetet är att lärarna anser att bedömning leder till utveckling samt att lärarprofessionen inte påverkas av bedömningen utan det som krävs är högre lön och ändrad samhällssyn. Nyckelord: Bedömning, KAMEL- projektet, lärarprofession, status

Fallet Meursault och Främlingen -En jämförande analys av Kamel Daouds Fallet Meursault ochAlbert Camus Främlingen

Nilsson, Jonas January 2019 (has links)
Uppsatsen jämför Kamel Daouds Fallet Meursault och Albert Camus Främlingen ur de tre perspektiven berättarteknik, postkolonialt tänkande och livsåskådning. Syftet med jämförelsen är att se vilka likheter och skillnader som finns mellan verken, och då i första hand hur Fallet Meursault förhåller sig till Främlingen. Uppsatsen utgår från en komparativ metod utefter de aspekter som anges i syftet. Resultatet visar att Daouds Fallet Meursault i hög grad anspelar på CamusFrämlingen och kan ur ett postkolonialt perspektiv beskrivas som en form av writing back samtidigt som Daoud livsåskådningsmässigt kommer att ligga mycket nära Camus.

Radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography of the dromedary camel tarsus (One humped camel)

Hagag, Usama 23 April 2013 (has links) (PDF)
The dromedary camel has a very high economic importance in the Arabic countries. Nevertheless, there is a very little background literature on the use of ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) in dromedaries in comparison to other domestic and farm animal species. Therefore, the tarsal region of six cadaver limbs, obtained from three orthopedic disease free dromedary camels, was evaluated via radiography, US and CT. The limbs were frozen and sectioned transversely, sagittaly and dorsally. The anatomic structures were identified and correlated to the analogous structures on the corresponding CT slices and US images and published in two manuscripts. Radiography was performed in both standard (0º and 90º) oblique (45º and 135º) radiographic projections. The tarsus was investigated via US in four planes (dorsal, medial, lateral and plantar) and each plane was scrutinized in four levels (calcaneal tuber, tibial malleoli, base of calcaneus and proximal head of metatarsus) in both transverse and longitudinal views. Radiography provided a good representation of the bony structures and articulations with little information on the soft tissues of the tarsus and superimposition of the tarsal bones. Ultrasonography furnished adequate delineation of the peri-articular tissues of the tarsus and was limited to the bone surface. Computed tomography provided cross sectional imaging of the dromedary tarsus without bone and soft tissue overlap and allowed visualization and differentiation of tissues in almost every situation. This work was undertaken to document the normal appearance of the dromedary camel tarsus via radiography, ultrasonography, and computed tomography which may be used as a resource for interpretation of dromedary tarsal pathology using various diagnostic imaging modalities.

Radiography, ultrasonography and computed tomography of the dromedary camel tarsus (One humped camel)

Hagag, Usama 04 October 2013 (has links)
The dromedary camel has a very high economic importance in the Arabic countries. Nevertheless, there is a very little background literature on the use of ultrasound (US) and computed tomography (CT) in dromedaries in comparison to other domestic and farm animal species. Therefore, the tarsal region of six cadaver limbs, obtained from three orthopedic disease free dromedary camels, was evaluated via radiography, US and CT. The limbs were frozen and sectioned transversely, sagittaly and dorsally. The anatomic structures were identified and correlated to the analogous structures on the corresponding CT slices and US images and published in two manuscripts. Radiography was performed in both standard (0º and 90º) oblique (45º and 135º) radiographic projections. The tarsus was investigated via US in four planes (dorsal, medial, lateral and plantar) and each plane was scrutinized in four levels (calcaneal tuber, tibial malleoli, base of calcaneus and proximal head of metatarsus) in both transverse and longitudinal views. Radiography provided a good representation of the bony structures and articulations with little information on the soft tissues of the tarsus and superimposition of the tarsal bones. Ultrasonography furnished adequate delineation of the peri-articular tissues of the tarsus and was limited to the bone surface. Computed tomography provided cross sectional imaging of the dromedary tarsus without bone and soft tissue overlap and allowed visualization and differentiation of tissues in almost every situation. This work was undertaken to document the normal appearance of the dromedary camel tarsus via radiography, ultrasonography, and computed tomography which may be used as a resource for interpretation of dromedary tarsal pathology using various diagnostic imaging modalities.

Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud et L’Étranger de Camus : réappropriation et détournements dans le récit littéraire contemporain

Rezig, Sofia 05 1900 (has links)
Résumé Véritable récit de filiation, Meursault, contre-enquête de Kamel Daoud, chroniqueur et écrivain algérien d’expression française, prolonge et transgresse l’univers fictionnel de L’Étranger de Camus selon le point de vue de l’Arabe. Publié aux éditions Barzakh en Algérie, le roman reçoit le prix Goncourt du premier roman en 2015. Dans le roman de Camus, Meursault abat un Arabe sur une plage d’Alger, la victime n’a pas d’identité, elle demeure anonyme, le texte de Camus ne lui attribuant aucune agentivité. Le roman de Daoud nait de ce qui est interprété comme une injustice par Haroun, frère de l’Arabe assassiné et narrateur du récit qui va, dès lors, revendiquer un devoir de mémoire et de réhabilitation tout en s’inscrivant dans une réflexion sur l’Algérie contemporaine. Dans ce mémoire, nous examinons dans le premier chapitre les différents procédés théoriques soit l’intertextualité, la transtextualité et la transfictionnalité qui permettent de comprendre comment Kamel Daoud met en scène le chemin que Haroun parcourt, sur le modèle du palimpseste, pour dire l’Histoire/l’histoire de sa famille, ses états d’âme et pour exposer la problématique de l’identité algérienne et sa relation tumultueuse avec le passé colonial. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous voyons par quels moyens Daoud prolonge le roman de Camus par l’invention de personnage et la restructuration des lieux et des évènements. Enfin, le dernier chapitre s’intéresse à la portée idéologique et politique de l’œuvre de Daoud et ce qu’elle implique comme lecture et réécriture postcoloniale de l’œuvre camusienne. / Abstract A true story of parentage, Meursault, a counter-investigation is by Kamel Daoud, an Algerian columnist and writer of French expression. He prolongs and transgresses the fictional universe of Camus’s The Stranger from the point of view of the Arab. Published by Barzakh editions in Algeria, the novel receives the Goncourt Prize for the first novel in 2015. In Camus’s novel, Meursault shoots an Arab on a beach in Alger. The victim has no identity and remains anonymous; Camus’s text does not attribute any agency to it. Daoud’s novel is born from what is interpreted as an injustice by Haroun, brother of the murdered Arab and narrator of the story which will, from then on, avow a duty of commemoration and rehabilitation while being part of a reflection of contemporary Algeria. In this thesis, we examine in the first chapter the different theoretical processes, namely intertextuality, transtextuality and transfictionality which allow us to understand how Kamel Daoud stages the path that Haroun follows, on the model of the palimpsest, to say the History/the history of his family, his moods and to expose the problem of Algerian identity and its tumultuous relationship with the colonial past. In the second chapter, we see by what means Daoud extends Camus’s novel through the invention of a character and the restructuring of places and events. Finally, the last chapter looks at the ideological and political significance of Daoud’s work and what it implies as postcolonial reading and rewriting of the camusian work.

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