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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Learning to think, thinking to learn : dispositions, identity and communities of practice : a comparative study of six N.Z. farmers as practitioners.

Allan, Janet K January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this research is to explore the question of how farmers learn, in constructing knowledge both in and for practice. It seeks to identify how they gain new ideas, make changes, develop to a level of expertise and who and what contribute to this process. The rapidity of change in a high tech environment, combined with globalisation, the new economy and the knowledge age, means that farmers are living their lives in 'fast forward' mode. There is so much new technology, research and development available that the ability to identify information relevant to a particular farming practice and to process it to knowledge is an increasing challenge. Six central South Island (N.Z.) farmers were selected purposively as case studies. The range of case profiles provides for comparison and contrast of the relative importance of formal qualifications, differences between sheep/beef farmers and dairy farmers, levels of expertise, age and experiences. The self-rating of the farmers enables a comparison of lower and higher performers, identifying characteristics which enable insight into why some farmers consistently lead new practice and why others are reluctant followers. The research is qualitative in design and approached from a constructlVIst and interpretive paradigm. Socially and experientially based, it seeks to understand the experiences of the subjects through in-depth interviews and observations. This study identifies farmers as social learners although working independently, in relative geographical isolation and often, social isolation. It concludes that these farmers learn through participation in the practice of farming. This practice includes a constellation of cOmInunities of practice, which may be resource-rich or resource-poor, depending on the range and depth of the farmer's involvement. Through full and committed participation in these practice communities and associate constellations, the practitioner's identity evolves, encouraging new practices, ideas and innovation. This study emphasises that expertise is not a permanent state but requires evolving identity, knowledge and dispositional ability; for maintenance and growth within a culture of practice. Emergent grounded theory suggests that dispositional knowledge underpins construction and use of all knowledge; that construction and use of high-order propositional and procedural knowledge requires higher-order dispositional knowledge and that mastery is developed through evolving identity, dispositions, leadership and learning, socioculturally constructed through resource-rich constellations of communities of practice.

Att kunna lyssna med kroppen : En studie av gestaltande förmåga inom gymnasieskolans estetiska program, inriktning teater / To listen with your body : A study examining the capability to act within theatre education at upper secondary school level

Ahlstrand, Pernilla January 2014 (has links)
Theatre has been a school subject in the Swedish upper secondary school's national arts program since 1992 and has its own syllabus and grading criteria. The National Curriculum in theatre emphasises the development of performative capability, which is the focus of this dissertation. This study aims to contribute to the improvement of teachers’ subject-specific language, and concerns certain aspects of student ways of knowing. Theatre encompasses tacit knowledge (Lagerström 2003) and as an art form belongs to a tradition of practical knowledge. Knowledge in theatre has traditionally been acquired within a master-apprentice tradition (Johansson 2012, Järleby 2003). When theatre as an art form becomes a school subject the conditions of the art form change through a didactic transposition (Chevallard 2005). The previous two curriculum reforms in Sweden have developed competency-based syllabuses. To meet the school's requirements for planning teaching activities with colleagues as well as assessing and giving feedback to students, theatre knowledge needs to be articulated. Research is therefore needed to develop a professional language among teachers within the subject of theatre. I have chosen to work with Learning study, which is a collaborative and iterative research approach which enables the articulation of teachers and students knowing. Data is analysed using foremost phenomenographic analyses. The results generated in this study could be useful for teachers in the process of planning lessons, giving feedback to students, for assessments and grades, for discussing the content of lessons with other teachers, and ultimately for us to begin to recognize different levels of knowing.

The forgotten feminine

Sleeman, Lauren January 2007 (has links)
The topic of my research is the lived experiences of eight psychotherapists and counsellors who consciously work with unusual phenomena as it arises in the therapeutic encounter. Unusual phenomena in this thesis refers to felt experiences which are considered to be beyond the everyday in the Cartesian paradigm and are often referred to as spiritual and/or mystical phenomena. Exploring these phenomena brings to light the potentialities in the vastness of consciousness which is considered to be an integral aspect of human existence in the thesis. I chose Heidegger’s hermeneutic phenomenological methodology for the research because it gives credence to the many and varied possibilities and potentialities both in particular lived experiences and in human existence as a whole. Van Manen’s lived existential provides the framework in which the participants’ experiences are explored. What emerged from the research is that unusual phenomena are not unusual for the participants. Although such phenomena are less visible and therefore less familiar in the everyday world, they are recognizable through their consistent presentation. This includes the participants having a powerful sense of ‘knowing’ which is all-encompassing and is beyond familiar landmarks such as the linear models of time and space. The participants bring their ‘knowing’ into the everyday world through embodiment and through their acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of existence. The expression of interconnectedness is experienced by the participants as lovingness, from which the ability for immediate healing in their therapeutic work becomes apparent. The participants’ accounts show a capacity for accessing the subtleties of human existence which emerge in the phenomenological process as the forgotten feminine of consciousness. The feminine of consciousness is a term used to describe a fundamental state of ‘being’ in contrast to the everyday masculine principle of ‘doing’. The research has implications for psychotherapy and counselling as it illuminates the need for a holistic approach which acknowledges the multidimensionality of human existence.

Os saberes do Pregoeiro : um estudo à luz da noção de Knowing-in-Practice

Pancotto, Adriana January 2017 (has links)
Os pregoeiros são os servidores responsáveis pela condução dos processos licitatórios de aquisições e contratações dos órgãos públicos no Brasil. A função de pregoeiro, apesar de sua complexidade e importância à eficiente utilização dos recursos públicos, vem sendo negligenciada pelo Estado. Até o momento não há uma carreira específica ou remuneração condizente ao risco dessa atividade. Os métodos e análises realizadas por este estudo, à luz dos Estudos Baseados em Prática (EBP) e do knowing-in-practice, permitiram melhor visibilidade aos elementos tácitos que compõem os saberes os pregoeiros desenvolvidos no seu cotidiano de trabalho. Partindo da identificação e descrição de suas práticas de trabalho, a função pregoeiro caracteriza-se pelo acúmulo e sobreposição de atividades, dificultando assim desenho de um perfil para a mesma. Outra característica inerente a função é a presença de uma forte estrutura normativa a qual norteia e permeia esse trabalho. A partir dos discursos dos entrevistados, constatou-se que o Curso de Formação de Pregoeiros demonstrou-se insuficiente para desenvolver as habilidades de negociação e conversação e os aspectos atitudinais da atenção, equilíbrio e retidão necessários à sua prática. Assim, a aprendizagem no cotidiano de trabalho dos pregoeiros ocorreu de forma situada através dos conhecimentos informais e tácitos, compartilhados por meio das interações sociais entre os servidores, facilitada pela estrutura em rede dos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFs) (instituições pesquisadas), fóruns e comunidades de praticantes, confirmando assim a perspectiva do knowing-in-practice. Afirma-se então que o desenvolvimento dos saberes do pregoeiro não está descolado de suas práticas de trabalho. A partir dos elementos identificados neste estudo, sugerem-se ações para melhoria das condições de trabalho, desenvolvimento e reconhecimento profissional do pregoeiro. Um olhar mais sensível da sociedade e dos representantes políticos é necessária, dada a importância estratégica do papel do pregoeiro na garantia da qualidade do gasto público. / Public Procurement Officers are the public servers responsible for conducting bidding processes of acquisition and hiring for public organs in Brazil. The main duty of the Public Procurement Officer, despite its complexity and importance to the efficient use of public resources, has been neglected by the state. Still, there is no specific career or equitable salary which represents the risks of this activity. The methods and analysis made by this study, considering Practice-Based Studies (PBS) and of knowing-into-practice, allowed a better visibility in the tacit elements that build the knowledge Public Procurement Officers have developed in their daily work. Starting with the identification and description of their practices at work, the Public Procurement Officer function is characterized by the accumulation and overlapping of activities, making it difficult to draw a proper profile to the function. Another intrinsic characteristic of the Public Procurement Officers' function, which directs and permeates this paper, is the presence of a normative structure. Through the speech of the interviewees it was possible to state that the Basic Training Course Public Procurement Officers take is not sufficient to develop the negotiation and reasoning skills and the attitude of attention, balance and rectitude needed to the practice of this function. Therefore, the Public Procurement Officers’ learning process happens throughout informal and tacit knowledge, shared through servers’ social interaction – facilitated by the structure in network from Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (FIs) (institutions where the research took place), online forums and communities, corroborating the knowing-in-practice perspective. It can be stated that the knowledge development of Public Procurement Officers is not disconnected to their practice. Based on the elements identified in this study, some actions are suggested to improve the working conditions, development and recognition of the Public Procurement Officers. A more sensitive consideration from society and from political representatives is necessary, given the strategic importance of Public Procurement Officers’ role in assuring the public money is being well spent.

Attitude externalism and the state of knowing : towards a disjunctive account of propositional knowledge

Kunke, Timothy Edward January 2018 (has links)
This thesis is broadly about the structure of propositional knowledge and the ways in which an individual knower can have such knowledge. More specifically, it is about the epistemology of factive psychological attitudes and the view that knowing is a purely mental state. I take such a view as being not so much a theory of knowledge, but rather an accounting of how we know, or the ways in which we know. In arguing for this view I offer a different interpretation of certain epistemic conditions, like seeing and remembering and try to show how understanding the metaphysics of mental states and events clarifies the relation between such conditions and the factive psychological attitudes implicit in them. Part one of the thesis is occupied with a discussion about a form of externalism popular in contemporary philosophy of mind, content externalism and a form of externalism popularized by Timothy Williamson which I refer to in the thesis as attitude externalism. I argue that content externalism in the style of Tyler Burge, arguably one of its most prominent advocates, faces a rather serious dilemma when it comes to the role that mental states and specific mental events are meant to play in psychological explanation. The view endorsed by Timothy Williamson, which says that some psychological attitudes, factive attitudes like ‘seeing that’, can be thought of as broad prime conditions is offered as a way in which the content externalist can avoid this dilemma and retain a causal-psychological explanatory thesis about mental states and events. The second part of the thesis is concerned with the epistemology of factive psychological attitudes and I focus carefully on two paradigmatic cases – seeing and remembering. I dedicate a chapter to each and offer a series of arguments to the effect that seeing and remembering though they may be thought of as ways of having propositional knowledge, it is not necessary that they entail knowing nor that they be stative to do so. In this sense, there is a strong and important divergence in the dialectic of the thesis from the view offered by Timothy Williamson, on which many points in this thesis there is agreement. I conclude the thesis with a discussion on what I take to be a fundamental epistemological principle, which I call the multiformity principle. The argument there is that when a subject knows that p, there is always a specific way in which that subject knows. I further take this principle to reveal the fact that propositional knowledge is an intrinsically disjunctive phenomenon.

La texture du monde : apprendre la céramique dans une université d’art de Kyōto / The world’s texture : learning ceramics in an art university in Kyōto

Doublier, Alice 29 September 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse est l’ethnographie d’un apprentissage. Elle décrit, par le texte et le dessin, le quotidien d’une promotion de vingt-cinq étudiants au cours des deux années charnières de leur cursus de quatre ans dans une université d’art privée de Kyōto. Ce processus est envisagé à partir de trois aspects principaux et par rapprochements progressifs : son lieu et les savoirs qui s’y fabriquent ; les fours et les collectifs qu’ils engendrent ; les matériaux et les perceptions qu’ils transforment.À rebours d’un modèle traditionnel de transmission d’un maître à ses disciples et au-delà de l’opposition classique entre imitation et création, le récit détaillé des séquences de cours – du tournage à l’émaillage –, de la préparation d’expositions, de l’organisation de la vie collective, des journées et des nuits passées sur le campus ou encore des cuissons ratées ou réussies, rend compte d’un enseignement qui ne vise pas à former des experts, ni à révéler des artistes. Faisant tous les jours l’expérience, souvent douloureuse, de la complexité des transformations de l’argile, se questionnant sans cesse sur la justesse de ce qui est ressenti et sur la possibilité de le partager à d’autres, les étudiants n’apprennent pas tant à savoir qu’à reconnaître leur ignorance, qu’à expérimenter à partir de ce qu’ils ne peuvent contrôler. L’apprentissage apparaît alors comme un travail de composition, une recherche permanente d’équilibre entre des entités instables et fragiles – humains, dispositifs technologiques et matériaux –, une manière de reconfigurer les relations dans une société inquiète d’elle-même. / This thesis is the ethnography of a learning process. It describes, through both text and drawings, the daily life of a twenty-five-student cohort in an art university in Kyōto, focusing on two pivotal years of their four-year long curriculum. This process is tackled from three main standpoints and following a progressive close-up movement, going from the description of the place and the knowledge that is crafted within it, to that of the kilns and the collectives they produce, and finally the materials and the perceptions they transform.The detailed account of learning sessions – from throwing to glazing –, of the preparation of exhibitions, of the organisation of collective life, of days and nights spent on site, of firing successful or failed, reveals the workings of a teaching process whose purpose is neither to produce experts nor to discover artists. As a result it enables us both to challenge traditional modes of transmission from master to disciple and to go beyond the classical opposition between imitation and creation.Experiencing on a daily basis, often painfully so, how complex it is to transform clay, questioning ceaselessly the accuracy of their sensations as well as the possibility to share them with others, students are not so much involved in a process of acquiring knowledge than in one of recognising their ignorance and experimenting on the basis of what they cannot control. Learning appears therefore as a work of composition, an open-ended search for balance between instable and fragile entities – humans, technological devices or materials. Learning thus emerges as a way of reconfiguring relations in a society preoccupied with itself.

Saberes do trabalho dos agentes aeroportuários à luz da noção de Knowing-in-practice

Bitencourt, Betina Magalhães January 2015 (has links)
Devido a meu interesse pelo setor de aeroportos, sobretudo pela atuação dos agentes aeroportuários e pelos saberes inerentes a seu trabalho, bem como através do contato com a abordagem dos estudos baseados em práticas (NICOLINI; GHERARDI; YANOW, 2003), foi delineada a seguinte questão de pesquisa: “Como se configura o trabalho e a articulação dos saberes dos agentes aeroportuários, à luz da noção de knowing-in-practice?”. O método foi construído com base em técnicas etnográficas, como observação participante, entrevistas informais e pesquisas em arquivo, juntamente com a etnonarrativa. Esta proposta é importante para transcender a hierarquização presente entre os diversos tipos de saberes envolvidos na concepção do trabalho, atribuindo ênfase a uma atividade profissional que tem papel fundamental, social e econômico, no setor brasileiro de aviação civil, a qual, porém, ainda é pouco explorada em pesquisas acadêmicas. Concluiu-se que as práticas de trabalho, embora fortemente regulamentadas e padronizadas, podem ser sucessivamente alteradas e, a partir daí, novos saberes e novas práticas se constituem com base em um julgamento ético, estético e emocional, inserido no contexto de trabalho situado. / From my interest in the airports sector, especially for the performance of airport staff and know-how inherent in their work, as well as through contact with the approach of practice-based studies (Nicolini, Gherardi & Yanow, 2003), the following was outlined research question: "How is configured the work and integration of knowing of airport agents in the light of the notion of knowing-in-practice?”. The method was built based on ethnographic techniques such as participant observation; interviews; searches on file, and the ethnonarrative approach. This proposal is important to transcend the hierarchical arrangement present between different types of knowledge involved at work giving emphasis to an occupation that has fundamental role, social and economic, in the Brazilian sector of civil aviation, which, however, is still little explored in academic research. It was concluded that working practices, though heavily regulated and standardized, can be successively altered and, from there, new knowledge and new practices are constituted based on an ethical, aesthetic and emotional trial, placed in the context of work located.

Os saberes do Pregoeiro : um estudo à luz da noção de Knowing-in-Practice

Pancotto, Adriana January 2017 (has links)
Os pregoeiros são os servidores responsáveis pela condução dos processos licitatórios de aquisições e contratações dos órgãos públicos no Brasil. A função de pregoeiro, apesar de sua complexidade e importância à eficiente utilização dos recursos públicos, vem sendo negligenciada pelo Estado. Até o momento não há uma carreira específica ou remuneração condizente ao risco dessa atividade. Os métodos e análises realizadas por este estudo, à luz dos Estudos Baseados em Prática (EBP) e do knowing-in-practice, permitiram melhor visibilidade aos elementos tácitos que compõem os saberes os pregoeiros desenvolvidos no seu cotidiano de trabalho. Partindo da identificação e descrição de suas práticas de trabalho, a função pregoeiro caracteriza-se pelo acúmulo e sobreposição de atividades, dificultando assim desenho de um perfil para a mesma. Outra característica inerente a função é a presença de uma forte estrutura normativa a qual norteia e permeia esse trabalho. A partir dos discursos dos entrevistados, constatou-se que o Curso de Formação de Pregoeiros demonstrou-se insuficiente para desenvolver as habilidades de negociação e conversação e os aspectos atitudinais da atenção, equilíbrio e retidão necessários à sua prática. Assim, a aprendizagem no cotidiano de trabalho dos pregoeiros ocorreu de forma situada através dos conhecimentos informais e tácitos, compartilhados por meio das interações sociais entre os servidores, facilitada pela estrutura em rede dos Institutos Federais de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia (IFs) (instituições pesquisadas), fóruns e comunidades de praticantes, confirmando assim a perspectiva do knowing-in-practice. Afirma-se então que o desenvolvimento dos saberes do pregoeiro não está descolado de suas práticas de trabalho. A partir dos elementos identificados neste estudo, sugerem-se ações para melhoria das condições de trabalho, desenvolvimento e reconhecimento profissional do pregoeiro. Um olhar mais sensível da sociedade e dos representantes políticos é necessária, dada a importância estratégica do papel do pregoeiro na garantia da qualidade do gasto público. / Public Procurement Officers are the public servers responsible for conducting bidding processes of acquisition and hiring for public organs in Brazil. The main duty of the Public Procurement Officer, despite its complexity and importance to the efficient use of public resources, has been neglected by the state. Still, there is no specific career or equitable salary which represents the risks of this activity. The methods and analysis made by this study, considering Practice-Based Studies (PBS) and of knowing-into-practice, allowed a better visibility in the tacit elements that build the knowledge Public Procurement Officers have developed in their daily work. Starting with the identification and description of their practices at work, the Public Procurement Officer function is characterized by the accumulation and overlapping of activities, making it difficult to draw a proper profile to the function. Another intrinsic characteristic of the Public Procurement Officers' function, which directs and permeates this paper, is the presence of a normative structure. Through the speech of the interviewees it was possible to state that the Basic Training Course Public Procurement Officers take is not sufficient to develop the negotiation and reasoning skills and the attitude of attention, balance and rectitude needed to the practice of this function. Therefore, the Public Procurement Officers’ learning process happens throughout informal and tacit knowledge, shared through servers’ social interaction – facilitated by the structure in network from Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology (FIs) (institutions where the research took place), online forums and communities, corroborating the knowing-in-practice perspective. It can be stated that the knowledge development of Public Procurement Officers is not disconnected to their practice. Based on the elements identified in this study, some actions are suggested to improve the working conditions, development and recognition of the Public Procurement Officers. A more sensitive consideration from society and from political representatives is necessary, given the strategic importance of Public Procurement Officers’ role in assuring the public money is being well spent.

A aprendizagem baseada na prática e a educação sustentável de alunos de Administração da UFRGS

Wittmann, Kelly Fabiane Spier January 2018 (has links)
Este trabalho buscou compreender como se configuram os saberes acerca da sustentabilidade de alunos de Graduação em Administração da UFRGS. As relações sociais, contextuais e materiais foram exploradas durante as atividades da disciplina de Gestão Socioambiental nas Empresas, a partir da perspectiva da aprendizagem baseada em práticas, do conceito de knowing-practice e de uma descrição detalhada das cenas de ação. O conceito de knowing-practice transmite a ideia de construção social do conhecimento e estabelece uma relação de equivalência entre saber e praticar. Para analisar os processos de ensino-aprendizagem e a constituição dos saberes acerca da sustentabilidade foi conduzido um estudo etnográfico onde foram identificadas e descritas as práticas de duas turmas de Graduação em Administração da UFRGS, durante os meses de março e dezembro de 2017. As descrições revelam que a aprendizagem e o saber são construídos e reconstruídos constantemente pelas práticas do coletivo. Os processos de aprender e organizar estão interconectados e são mediados pelas práticas. O saber é processual, relacional e emerge das ações situadas. Os achados em campo revelaram um entrelaçamento dinâmico e heterogêneo dos elementos (pessoas, tecnologia, ideias, discurso e ações) presentes no contexto das ações situadas na sala de aula O saber e o fazer enactados foram percebidos no discurso quando os estudantes relataram a substituição de práticas insustentáveis por outras sustentáveis a partir das experiências vivenciadas na disciplina de Gestão Socioambiental nas Empresas. A Educação Sustentável precisa recuperar o saber sensível para a construção do conhecimento. A prioridade dada ao saber técnico e normativo desumaniza e deixa de lado o saber pré-verbal, emocional e afetivo. O constante artesanar das experiências precisa envolver os estudantes e engajá-los em projetos e ações situadas que façam sentido. A construção coletiva da realidade a partir de processos reflexivos, colaborativos e com resultado tangível, seria uma possibilidade de aprendizagem e construção de saberes acerca da sustentabilidade. Um caminho para a compreensão da aprendizagem social acerca da sustentabilidade é a reflexividade. Novas posições discursivas e político-pedagógicas, menos normativas, especializadas e individuais poderiam colaborar com a construção de conhecimento no campo da educação e da sustentabilidade. / This scientific research intended to comprehend what constitutes the knowledge about sustainability from undergraduate students taking the Business Administration course at UFRGS. The social, contextual, and material relations were explored throughout the activities from the Socio-environmental Business Management subject, based on the practice-based perspective, the knowing-practice concept, and the detailed description of the action taken. The concept of knowing-practice brings the idea of the social construction of knowledge, establishing that the practice and the theoretical knowledge have equal relevance. In order to analyse the teaching-learning processes and the development of knowledge in the area of sustainability, an ethnographic study was conducted in wich the practices from two of UFRGS's Business Administration classes were identified and described, from March to December of 2017. The descriptions which this research yielded reveal that knowledge and learning are built and rebuilt continuously by collective practices. The learning and organizational processes are interconnected and mediated by the practice. Knowledge is processual, intertwined, and emerges from situational actions. The findings in the field revealed a dynamic and heterogeneous interweaving of the elements (people, technology, ideas, discourse and actions) present in the context of the actions located in the classroom Knowing-in-practice were perceived in the discourse, when the students reported the substitution of unsustainable practices for other sustainable ones starting from the experiences lived in the Socio-environmental Business Management subject. Sustainable Education needs to recover sensitive to the construction of knowledge. The priority given to technical and normative knowledge dehumanizes and leaves aside the pre-verbal, emotional and affective knowledge. The constant craftsmanship of experiences needs to involve students and engage them in projects and actions that make sense. The collective construction of reality from reflective and collaborative processes with tangible results, would be a possibility to learn and build knowledge about sustainability. One way to understand social learning about sustainability is reflexivity. New discursive and political-pedagogical positions, less normative, specialized and individuals could collaborate with the construction of knowledge in the field of education and sustainability.

Le rôle des fondations pour le développement économique dans une économie fondée sur la connaissance / The role of the foundations for development in a knowledge-based economy

Ndong, Jean-Mangane 25 April 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse s’articule autour de la question suivante : comment la fondation, organisation à but non lucratif, peut contribuer à une perspective de développement dans une économie fondée sur la connaissance ? Premièrement, nous analysons les missions philanthropiques de renforcement des capacités qui nous permettent de distinguer deux trajectoires de renforcement créatrices de connaissances : la valorisation des connaissances autochtones (tacites) et le transfert de connaissances explicites. Deuxièmement, nous établissons une typologie des fondations créatives qui oeuvrent pour le développement à travers leur capacité de transfert et de coproduction de connaissance. Grâce à une étude empirique qualitative menée auprès de trente trois fondations de sept nationalités, nos résultats statistiques et économétriques montrent que les activités lucratives de la fondation ont un impact favorable à l’amélioration des capacités de transfert de connaissances. Par ailleurs, la fondation de statut privé, n’est pas la plus dynamique en matière de transfert de savoirs. L’identification de ces facteurs essentiels au renforcement des capacités permet une meilleure coordination entre les acteurs renforçateurs et renforcés issus de cultures différentes. Les communautés de pratique et épistémiques qui émergent de ces relations de renforcement placent les fondations créatives au centre des perspectives de développement pour les pays du sud. Notre analyse du développement met en exergue la contribution des initiatives philanthropiques créatrices de connaissances comme le renforcement des capacités. / This thesis deals with the question of how a foundation, non profit organization, can contribute to the development in knowledge based economy? Firstly, we analyze the philanthropic mission of capacity building that enables us to discern two trajectories of creative knowledge building: the development of indigenous knowledge (tacit) and explicit knowledge transfer. Secondly, we establish a typology of creative foundations which work at the development through their capacity of transfer and coproduction of knowledge.Through a qualitative empirical study conducted among thirty three foundations of seven nationalities, our statistical and econometric results show that “profit-making activities” of the foundation have a positive impact on improving knowledge transfer capabilities. Besides, the private foundation is not the most dynamic in the transfer of knowledge. The identification of these critical factors in capacity building allows for better coordination between actors “reinforcers” and reinforced from different cultures. Communities of practice and epistemic Communities emerging from this relationship place the foundations at the center of creative development prospects for the South. Our analysis of the development highlights the contribution of knowledge-creating philanthropic initiatives such as capacity building.

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