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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Santa Catarina moda e cultura : parceria entre UDESC e empresas / Santa Catarina Fashion and Culture: partner between educational and company

Gonçalves, Eliana 02 July 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-12-08T16:55:45Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 123342.pdf: 1867606 bytes, checksum: 183fd23e72602cef81b5d7a2623072f8 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-07-02 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Faced with the problem from the market competitiveness and the knowledge economy, whose dominant feature is the constant learning, along with the field of technology and information, the present study aimed to verify the knowledge sharing dynamics resulting from the partnership between UDESC and partner companies of the issues of 2013/2014, project Santa Catarina Fashion and Culture-SCMC using the basics of theories of knowledge, Nonaka and Takeuchi and ba, Nonaka, Toyama and Konno. The theme that guided the drafting of the study is centered on two axes: the neoliberal socioeconomic process, the generator caused changes in the state s economy from the 1990s and the characteristics and key factors that allowed the evolution of knowledge. The targets were: to raise the historical context of the economic crisis of the 1990s and its relationship with textile companies and clothing of Santa Catarina clothing; describe the genesis of SCMC project; identify how knowledge was shared in the prescription of SCMC design and verify the apprehension of shared knowledge and contributions arising from lived experience. The survey classified as a case study with descriptive approach, understood, beyond the theoretical and thematic review in bibliographies, data and information gathering in the field, by virtual means and hypermedia which was submitted to the ordering process, classification and analysis, as well as other materials and, for validation, we used the data triangulation procedure. It was, after treatment of the evidence, that the organizations devoted to the production of fashion garments, the state of Santa Catarina, are also inserted in this context generating changes of the knowledge economy and turned their focus to the improvement of human capital, aimed at distinct value creation and the creation of competitive advantage; that knowledge sharing in the Shared Intelligence SCMC, both epistemological dimension as the ontological, is the culture of partner companies and Bachelor Course in Fashion: Fashion Design Qualification of UDESC; that tacit knowledge, socialized groups of individuals participating in the SCMC-2013/2014, is transformed into explicit in outsourcing and combined with explicit and tacit internalized in people, in the production of fashion products at the end of four modules, as evidenced ba in the four settings, the SECI conversion process. / Frente à problemática proveniente da competitividade do mercado e da economia do conhecimento, cuja característica predominante é o aprendizado constante, junto com o domínio da tecnologia e da informação, o presente estudo teve por objetivo verificar a dinâmica de compartilhamento de conhecimentos, resultante da parceria estabelecida entre a UDESC e as empresas parceiras das edições de 2013/2014, do projeto Santa Catarina Moda e Cultura-SCMC, utilizando os conceitos básicos das teorias do conhecimento, de Nonaka e Takeuchi e do ba, de Nonaka, Toyama e Konno. A temática que orientou a elaboração do estudo está centrada em dois eixos: no processo socioeconômico neoliberal, gerador das mudanças ocasionadas na economia catarinense, a partir da década de 1990 e nas características e fatores decisivos que permitiram a evolução do conhecimento. As metas estabelecidas foram: levantar o contexto histórico da crise econômica da década de 1990 e sua relação com as empresas têxteis e de confecções do vestuário catarinense; descrever a gênese do projeto SCMC; identificar como o conhecimento foi compartilhado na prescrição do projeto SCMC e averiguar a apreensão dos conhecimentos compartilhados e as contribuições decorrentes da experiência vivenciada. A pesquisa classificada como estudo de caso, com enfoque descritivo, compreendeu, além da revisão teórico-temática em bibliografias, o recolhimento de dados e informações, no campo, por meio virtual e hipermidiático que foi submetido aos processos de ordenação, classificação e análise, assim como os demais materiais e, para validação, foi empregado o procedimento de triangulação dos dados. Concluiu-se, após o tratamento das evidências, que as organizações voltadas à produção do vestuário de moda, do estado de Santa Catarina, também estão inseridas nesse contexto de mudanças geradoras da economia do conhecimento e voltaram seu foco para o aprimoramento do capital humano, visando à geração distinta de valor e a criação de vantagem competitiva; que o compartilhamento de conhecimentos, no Inteligência Compartilhada do SCMC, tanto na dimensão epistemológica quanto na ontológica, está na cultura das empresas parceiras e no Curso de Bacharelado em Moda: Habilitação Design de Moda da UDESC; que o conhecimento tácito, socializado dos grupos de indivíduos participantes do SCMC-2013/2014, é transformado em explícito na externalização e combinado com explicito e internalizado nas pessoas em tácito, na produção de produtos de moda, ao final de quatro módulos, conforme constatado nos quatro contextos ba, do processo de conversão SECI.

Redes de conhecimento em ciências e o compartilhamento do conhecimento

Teixeira, Maria do Rocio Fontoura January 2011 (has links)
Esta Tese de Doutorado tem com tema principal o estudo das redes de conhecimento no campo científico, também entendidas como redes sociais, em suas relações internas e no tocante ao uso de fontes de informação. A metodologia de pesquisa se caracterizou sob a perspectiva cognitivista, descritiva, exploratória e qualitativa, realizada por meio de uma pesquisa de campo, baseada na amostragem não probabilística por conveniência com três turmas de alunos. Foram utilizadas matrizes, sociogramas e gráficos de mensuração das propriedades de centralidade e densidade das turmas, além da descrição e compreensão das redes de conhecimento. A metodologia específica foi a de Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS), que possibilitou a análise e avaliação das redes de conhecimento e as fontes de informação. Inicialmente, apresenta um olhar histórico com a finalidade de mostrar a emergência do estudo das redes de conhecimentos nas diferentes áreas do conhecimento e, por conseqüência, no âmbito das ciências. Faz um levantamento teórico acerca do conceito de redes, das redes sociais, das redes de conhecimento, do campo científico na perspectiva de Bourdieu, das fontes de informação e da educação em ciências. A sociedade atual caracteriza-se por ser uma sociedade conectada, uma sociedade em rede, e neste cenário, as iniciativas de entender como essas redes funcionam, como seus fluxos atuam e como as pessoas podem delas se aproveitar para compartilhar e, mesmo construir conhecimento, são mais do que necessárias. Conclui que ainda há um longo caminho a ser trilhado na busca de conhecer melhor como se comportam as redes de conhecimento em ciências e como os processos educativos se inserem para melhor entendê-las e capitalizar seus recursos em prol de uma melhoria do ensino em ciências. / This PhD Thesis is the main theme in the study of knowledge networks in science, also understood as social networks, and in its internal relations regarding the use of information sources. The research methodology was characterized in the cognitive perspective, descriptive, exploratory and qualitative, through a field research based on non-probability convenience sample of three classes of students. Matrices were used, graphics and sociograms for measuring the properties of centrality and density classes, beyond description and understanding of knowledge networks. The specific methodology was the Social Network Analysis (ARS), which allowed the analysis and evaluation of knowledge networks and information sources. Initially, it presents a historical perspective in order to show the emergence of the study of knowledge networks in different areas of knowledge and, consequently, in the context of science.This study does a survey on the theoretical concept of networks, social networks, networks of knowledge, the scientific field in Bourdieu's perspective, the sources of information and science education. Contemporary society is characterized by being a connected society, a network society, and in this scene, the initiatives to understand how these networks work, how their work flows and how people can take advantage of them to share and even build knowledge, are more than necessary. Finally, it concludes that there is still a long way to go in search of better understanding how they behave knowledge networks in science and how educational processes are embedded to better understand them and capitalize on its resources towards a better education in science.

Redes complexas e ações para compartilhamento de conhecimento: uma análise de redes sociais em um ambiente web para apoio à aprendizagem / Complex networks and actions to knowledge sharing: a social network analysis in a support learning web environment

Ronaldo Ribeiro de Campos 30 April 2014 (has links)
A Gestão do Conhecimento pode ser definida como um conjunto de processos para coletar, armazenar, compartilhar e utilizar o conhecimento. No contexto deste trabalho, o processo de compartilhamento do conhecimento é aceito como um elemento fundamental para a realização da Gestão do Conhecimento, pois representa a interação entre os indivíduos que compõem uma rede de relacionamentos da qual o conhecimento emerge. A Análise de Redes Sociais (ARS) apresenta métricas que permitem identicar os relacionamentos da rede e analisálos, porém ainda existem necessidades de identificar ações que possam refletir em uma estrutura de rede que permita maiores possibilidades de compartilhamento do conhecimento. Neste trabalho, as técnicas da ARS foram aplicadas para analisar as características da estrutura de uma rede de estudantes formada a partir de um ambiente web representado pelo uso do Facebook©. A metodologia utilizada foi baseada em um estudo qualiquantitativo, classificado como uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória. Foram analisados dezoito períodos semanais de comportamento da rede. As análises permitiram entender melhor a representatividade das métricas da ARS no contexto do compartilhamento do conhecimento e uma nova métrica foi proposta (degree-weight). Também foram propostas ações relacionadas às métricas. Um conjunto diferente de ações foi aplicado em duas outras redes. Os resultados indicaram diferentes comportamentos da rede para cada um dos conjuntos de ações. Foi possível ainda identificar maiores possibilidades de compartilhamento de conhecimento para uma das estruturas de rede. / Knowledge Management can be defined as a set of processes to capture, store, share and use knowledge. In the context of this work, the knowledge sharing process is accepted as a basic element to Knowledge Management because it represents the interaction among the individuals that compound a network of relationships from where knowledge emerges. The Social Network Analysis (SNA) offers metrics that make possible identify the network relationships and analyze them, but there still needs to identify actions that may reflect on a network structure that allows opportunities for knowledge sharing. The SNA techiniques were applied to anlyze the characteristics of a network compounded by students and created in a web environment which was represented by Facebook© . The methodology applied was based on a quantitative and qualitative study which was classified as a descriptive and exploratory research. Eigthteen periods of network behavior were analysed. The analyses allow us to understand better the representativeness of SNA metrics in the environment of knowledge sharing. A new metric called degree-weight was proposed. Also it was proposed a set of actions related to SNA metrics. A different set of actions was applied to two distinct networks. The results show us different network behaviors for each one of the set of actions. Also it was possible identify better conditions to the knowledge sharing process for one of the network structures.

Motivations for knowledge sharing in virtual social networks: a comparative study between Brazil and France

Martins, Daniel Finamore 24 September 2012 (has links)
Submitted by Daniel Finamore Martins (dfm_fgv@yahoo.com.br) on 2012-09-24T19:12:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MOTIVATIONS FOR KNOWLEDGE SHARING IN VIRTUAL SOCIAL NETWORKS FINAL.pdf: 7431835 bytes, checksum: b3548f32cfba69cf08dd2e445fcfb3bf (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Eliene Soares da Silva (eliene.silva@fgv.br) on 2012-09-24T19:28:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MOTIVATIONS FOR KNOWLEDGE SHARING IN VIRTUAL SOCIAL NETWORKS FINAL.pdf: 7431835 bytes, checksum: b3548f32cfba69cf08dd2e445fcfb3bf (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2012-09-25T11:55:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MOTIVATIONS FOR KNOWLEDGE SHARING IN VIRTUAL SOCIAL NETWORKS FINAL.pdf: 7431835 bytes, checksum: b3548f32cfba69cf08dd2e445fcfb3bf (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-09-24 / Post-modern societies are characterized by the transition from material to knowledgebased economies, where the humanity is facing a growing connectivity but, at the same time, the weakening of social structures that creates an increasing need for cognitive and affective bases for life (Rheingold, 1992; Wasko & Farah, 2005; Arvidsson, 2008) In this scenario is the phenomenon of virtual social networks that is putting together millions of individuals exchanging text-based messages, images, and videos everyday (Nielsen, 2012), and organizations investing more and more to engage in those new trends (McWilliam, 2000; Reichheld & Schefter, 2000; Yoo, Suh & Lee, 2002; Arvidsson, 2008). Consequently, one of the most important questions that arises and gains importance for academics and practitioners is: why people share? (Monge, Fulk, Kalman, Flanigan, Parnassa & Rumsey, 1998; Lin, 2001) Based on a multi case methodology approach developed in Brazil and France, this study aims to produce a significant theoretical review, bring relevant insights from different contexts, and propose a model for assessing the main motivations for knowledge sharing in virtual social networks. They were systematized in five main dimensions: structural, cognitive, and relational capital reasons, personal motivations, and monetary reasons (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998; Wasko & Faraj, 2005; Chiu et al, 2006). The findings suggest that the process of knowledge sharing in virtual networks seems to be consequence of a combination of community and self-oriented motivations that vary slightly according to different goals and contexts of these online communities, where monetary reasons seem to be secondary. / Sociedades pós-modernas caracterizam-se pela transição de economias baseadas em ativos tangíveis para economias de conhecimento, onde indivíduos vivenciam uma imprescindível conectividade, mas ao mesmo tempo, experimentam um enfraquecimento das estruturas sociais, que tem generado uma crescente necessidade de se criar bases cognitivas e afetivas para a vida (Rheingold, 1992; Wasko & Farah, 2005; Arvidsson, 2008). Nesse cenário se desenvolve o fenômeno das redes sociais virtuais, agregando milhões de pessoas que compartilham mensagens de texto, imagens e vídeos todos os dias (Nielsen, 2012) fazendo com que organizações privadas foquem cada vez mais seus investimentos para acompanhar as novas tendências (McWilliam, 2000; Reichheld & Schefter, 2000; Yoo, Suh & Lee, 2002; Arvidsson, 2008). Consequentemente, uma das mais importantes questões que vem ganhando importância no meio academico e entre profissionais da área é justamente: por que as pessoas compartilham conhecimento online? (Monge, Fulk, Kalman, Flanigan, Parnassa & Rumsey, 1998; Lin, 2001) Por meio de uma metodologia de estudo de caso conduzida no Brasil e na França, este estudo objetiva produzir uma relevante revisão teórica acerca do tema, trazendo novas idéias de diferentes contextos, e propondo um modelo para avaliar as principais motivações que conduzem indivíduos a compartilhar conhecimento em redes sociais virtuais. Essas razões foram estruturadas em cinco dimensões: capital estrutural, cognitivo e relacional, motivações pessoais e razões monetárias (Nahapiet & Ghoshal, 1998; Wasko & Faraj, 2005; Chiu et al, 2006). As evidências sugerem que o processo de participar e compartilhar conhecimento em redes sociais virtuais é resultado de uma complexa combinação de motivações de orientação pessoal e coletiva, que parecem variar pouco de acordo com os diferentes objetivos e contextos dessas comunidades, onde as razões financeiras parecem ser secundárias.

Innovating with information technology in a globalized world:being proactive about culture

Lawrence, C. (Carl) 14 June 2013 (has links)
Abstract The diffusion of information technologies (ITs) throughout the globe provides both opportunities and challenges for information systems (IS) researchers and practitioners. New perspectives on culture that reflect our global society has prompted significant research of the role of culture in IS innovation. Research in this area has contributed knowledge and understanding of how culture mediates organizational innovation with IT. While IT adoption and implementation dominate the research stream, emerging studies have drawn our attention to the frequently ignored pre-adoption phase of IS innovation –“comprehension”. Organizations interested in adopting IT must first understand its context of use. To accomplish this, they must acquire knowledge and make sense of IT through various modes of interaction and across diverse cultural contexts. Theoretical and empirical research on the comprehension of IS innovation with a cultural perspective are lacking in the research stream. The goal of this thesis is to contribution theoretical and empirical knowledge to this area and to IS innovation research in general. Theoretically, this thesis contributes, (1) a contemporary conceptualization of culture, (2) an explanation of the cultural challenges facing innovators with IT, and (3) a deeper understanding of culture’s mediating effects on IS innovation. Guided by the theoretical contributions, the empirical investigations focused on the comprehension phase with a cultural perspective. The results contribute knowledge through the study of three contemporary contexts of comprehension– active, passive and virtual. The findings revealed that in an active mode of comprehension, locally driven collaboration across cultures aided innovators overcome IT knowledge deficits. In a passive mode of comprehension, normative culture values were identified that were instrumental in shaping IT discourse. In a virtual mode of comprehension, unique taken-for-granted methods of interaction were shown to facilitate effective cross-cultural knowledge sharing that improved comprehension of IT innovations. Collectively the findings provide knowledge that can aid organizational innovators with IT act proactively by improving their understanding of the mediating effect of culture on IS innovation. / Tiivistelmä Informaatioteknologian (IT) globaali levittäytyminen luo mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita tietojärjestelmäalan tutkijoille ja ammattilaisille. Uudet globalisaatiolle perustuvat kulttuuriset näkökulmat ovat mahdollistaneet uusia merkittäviä tutkimuksia kulttuurin roolista tietojärjestelmäinnovaatioissa. Aiemmat tutkimukset ovat paljastaneet kulttuurin merkityksen organisaatioiden tietojärjestelmäinnovaatioissa. Tietojärjestelmien hankinta ja toteutus -teemat dominoivat alan tutkimusta, tosin uusimmat tutkimukset käsittelevät hankintaa edeltäviä vaiheita tietojärjestelmäinnovaatioissa. Jos organisaatio aikoo hankkia IT:tä, ensin IT:n käytön konteksti on ymmärrettävä. Jotta tämä saavutettaisiin, yritysten täytyy hankkia tietoa ja ymmärrystä IT:n suhteesta kulttuurilliseen kontekstiin. Tämän tutkimuksen teoreettiset ja empiiriset tulokset lisäävät tieteellistä tietoa tällä tutkimussuunnalla. Tämän tutkimuksen kirjallisuuskatsaus lisää ymmärrystä (1) kulttuurin käsitteellistämisestä, (2) IT innovaatioiden kehittäjien kohtaamista kulttuurisista haasteista, (3) kulttuurin välittävästä roolista tietojärjestelmäinnovaatioissa. Kirjallisuuskatsauksen perusteella työn empiirinen osuus keskittyi käsittelemään IT innovaatioita kulttuurin näkökulmasta. Tulokset lisäävät ymmärrystä kolmesta IT innovaatioiden käsitystyylistä, aktiivinen, passiivinen ja virtuaalinen tyyli: Aktiivisen tyylin mukaan yhteistyö, jossa on mukana paikallisia ja globaaleja toimijoita, auttaa saavuttamaan yhteisymmärryksen IT:n käytöstä. Passiivisen tyylin mukaan normatiivisten kulttuuristen elementtien paljastaminen IT-diskurssista voi johtaa kehittyneempään ymmärrykseen IT:n arvoista. Virtuaalisen tyylin mukaan itsestään selviltä vaikuttavien vuorovaikutusmenetelmien käyttäminen mahdollistaa tehokkaan tietämyksen jaon. Kokonaisuutena tulokset tarjoavat tietoa, jonka avulla organisaatioiden innovaatioiden kehittäjät voivat proaktiivisesti tunnistaa kulttuuriin liittyviä näkökulmia.

Strategizing and Managing coopetition : Sharing, protecting and/or capturing knowledge / Les stratégies de coopétition et leur management : partager, protéger et/ou capturer des connaissances

Bez, Sea Matilda 22 November 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la question suivante : comment les entreprises gèrent-elles la coopétition par le prisme du partage de connaissances ? et à quelles intentions stratégiques répondent ces choix managériaux ? Notre principal résultat consiste en l’identification de trois stratégies de coopétition, chacune reposant sur un management particulier du partage de connaissances. Les deux premières s’inscrivent dans la continuité des travaux existants sur la coopétition. Elles adoptent une approche Hamelienne de course à l’apprentissage, dans laquelle la gestion du partage consiste à trouver des techniques pour partager la connaissance critique pour le succès du projet commun, sans permettre au partenaire d’internaliser la connaissance. Ces techniques consistent à « protéger » ou « partager & protéger ». En revanche, la troisième stratégie identifiée, à l’inverse des prédictions de la littérature sur la coopétition, encourage un partage plus ouvert et intensif qui peut même aller jusqu’à renforcer le coopétiteur avec sa connaissance. Mais si l’entreprise s’engage dans cette stratégie ce n’est pas par altruisme ou par volonté d’aider l’autre, mais parce qu’elle perçoit une opportunité pour capturer de nouvelles connaissances. Ainsi, les entreprises ont conscience de la dynamique positive de création de connaissances qui va être générée en partageant de manière transparente au lieu de réduire la transparence (i.e., processus de capture de valeur constructif). Cette troisième stratégie permet d’aller plus loin dans notre compréhension des stratégies de coopétition et de leur management. Elle ouvre la voie à de nouvelles recherches se basant sur des fondements intégrant Deutsch et Nonaka. Notre contribution n’est pas uniquement académique, elle est aussi managériale. Elle ouvre les champs des possibilités d’actions des dirigeants, en identifiant une stratégie contre-intuitive, pour maximiser les opportunités liées à une relation de coopétition. De plus, notre modèle intégrateur peut être réutilisé pour former les individus à la coopétition en leur permettant d’identifier trois stratégies et leurs implications organisationnelles. / We investigate how does a focal firm strategize and manage coopetition through the specific lens of knowledge sharing. Based on two case studies of two firms considered as masters in the management of coopetition, we identify three ways to create and pursue the focal firm’s current and future advantage in coopetitive project. The two first ways confirm the dominant research approach of coopetition which argues that a focal firm should obstruct or reduce to its strict minimum the coopetitor’s potential for internalizing the knowledge shared for the project success (i.e. reduce or restrict the focal firm’s knowledge transparency). Indeed, the value creation of a coopetitive project success can be jeopardized by the fear of knowledge sharing between competitors. The reduction or restriction of its knowledge transparency is a key organizational solution to overcome this fear of knowledge sharing and thus this fear of collaborating with a competitor. Alternatively, we identified a third way of strategizing and managing coopetition which goes one step further in coopetition. Indeed, by building on our empirical results, Deutsch’s theory of conflict resolution and Nonaka’s organizational knowledge creation theory, we argue that the creation and pursuit of current and future advantage for a focal firm in coopetitive project can also consist in implementing a strategy and management based on greater and freer transparency. In that case, the dominant coopetitive knowledge sharing adages of “protecting” or even “sharing and protecting” shift into “sharing and enabling for constructive capturing.” This third way opens academic research opportunities based our boarder theoretical roots than Hamel’s approach of inter-firm relationships in which the strategic intent is a learning race and one of the key organizational element is a minimized transparency. It also has managerial contributions. Indeed, it increases top management analytical capability by generating a new counter-intuitive insight: enabling a competitor in a coopetitive project can be strategic tool to create and pursue current and future advantage for themselves. Moreover, our integrated framework can be reused to train the analytical coopetitive capabilities of top managers by making them aware about three ways of strategizing and managing coopetition.

Virtual knowledge sharing in Chinese context : Review of influencing factors

Persson, Marcus January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to look for influencing factors on virtual knowledge sharing in Chinese context. To achieve this, a literature review was conducted using the systematic approach described by Webster & Watson (2002). There has been made quite a lot of research about knowledge sharing and virtual communities in Chinese context, but I have not found any literature review that synthesizes it. 14 factors, modeled as concepts, were found in 35 articles, and then synthesized like a concept model. The factors are: face; collectivism; guanxi; in-group/out-group distinction; modesty; hierarchy; competitiveness; informal communication; instant messaging; Confucian dynamism; incentives; language; time spent/time saved, and trust. Research gaps, trends, and implications for developers and managers are discussed. The value of this literature review is that it will make it easier for future scholars and researchers that are doing research in knowledge sharing. This paper also provides useful knowledge for developers and managers of knowledge sharing systems in Chinese contexts.

Exploring Barriers to Knowledge Sharing : A Case Study of a Virtual Community of Practice in a Swedish Multinational Corporation

Yip, Kitty January 2011 (has links)
This thesis reports on the results of a quantitative study of various barriers to knowledge sharing in a virtual community of practice within Sigma Kudos, a Swedish multinational organization. The study was undertaken to investigate the under-utilization of a virtual "teamroom". Members' views showed that the biggest barrier involved the way in which people chose to share their knowledge; the respondents preferred sharing knowledge in their existing face-to-face networks. Face-to-face sharing mainly seemed to occur between individuals who had a common ground and shared experiences, and between individuals who were in convenient proximity to each other. Time constraints in combination with perceived lack of intranet site structure implied a redundancy of the teamroom as yet another internal site. Another prominent set of barriers that emerged from the findings was related to aspects of uncertainty and unfamiliarity with the teamroom. Additionally, survey comments revealed the use of teamroom features to be a barrier. To enable co-evolved knowledge structures to occur via the community, it is necessary for management to understand face-to-face sharing behavior in terms of implicit and tacit knowledge. It is vital to change the perception of teamroom sharing as an extra task requiring more time. Moreover, the teamroom needs to be distinguished in context of the greater intranet structure, as well as when it comes to the different sections of the community itself. To foster knowledge sharing in the teamroom, it is also important to define and communicate the strategic meaning of it.

Enterprise 2.0 : Knowledge-sharing and collaboration through emergent social software platforms (ESSP) - The case of IBM

Nchotindoh, Lewis, Zaffar, Fahd January 2011 (has links)
Intellectual capital is the single most important asset owned by any organization. Business continuity and the long term sustainability of every business organization depends partly on how well accumulated organizational knowledge is passed on from generation to generation. Knowledge is hard to capture due to its implicit nature and even harder to manage, thus the deployment of numerous knowledge management systems by organizations in recent times. Knowledge sharing among employees within organizations can sometimes be very problem-atic. These problems stem from issues pertaining to power, secrecy, individualism, time, ignorance and technological issues among others. This paper seeks to investigate how web 2.0 technologies are being used to overcome these problems and facilitate knowledge sharing as well as collaboration. Web 2.0 has been described as the new web which focuses on the use of platforms. Platforms are digital environments in which contributions and interactions are globally visible. The new web technologies which are based on platforms are referred to as emergent social software platforms (ESSP‘s). The use of these web 2.0 technologies (ESSP‘s) within a business enterprise for the achievement of business goals is known as enterprise 2.0 (E2.0). Central to this research is the knowledge sharing cycle model, which has three main stages; internalization, externalization, and objectification. Internalization occurs when individuals acquire or learn from the organization. Externalization is achieved when individual implicit knowledge is made explicit. Objectification is making new knowledge globally accepted. This cycle has been adapted to illustrate the role played by ESSP‘s in facilitating knowledge sharing. A case study of IBM Corporation is used to arrive at the findings which are used to adapt the model. IBM Corporations extensively deploys E2.0. The company uses one central Social networking platform called IBM connections, which incorporates several ESSP‘s. There are seven services on IBM connections which include profiles, Activities, wikis, blogs, bookmarks, Files, and communities. Employing the interview technique, observations and the use of secondary data, the research questions are answered. The findings indicate that ESSP‘s can be used to support knowledge sharing practices and also helps to convert knowledge into its different forms (explicit and implicit). Blogs, wikis, and communities support internaliza-tion and externalization. The process of objectification is supported by wikis. Findings also indicate that the services within IBM connections platform support mass collaboration and foster strong ties among employees. In an objective manner, the paper points out some of the negative consequences of E2.0. Major issues uncovered through the case study include, sensi-tive data, undefined way of working with ESSP‘s, privacy, abuse of use, and lack of interest.


Naenfeldt, Christine January 2016 (has links)
Understanding the goal and behaviour of end users is difficult. Moreover, silo thinking is common in large corporations. Needed are methods that support an understanding of the users’ needs as well as improve communication among development departments that require different needs and information. A Persona is a fictional person based on interviews or other data collecting methods, that describes the users’ needs, goals and issues with the product. This thesis describes a Persona method specifically designed for development processes in large corporations. Twenty-nine interviews were made with a standard Persona method in several countries in Europe with end users for a large forklift truck company. Subsequent analysis with a focus to make a method more affective was performed. The resulting method, Quick Persona Method (QPM) presents an affective process involving knowledge sharing among departments. Furthermore, the method is expected to break a silo thinking culture, to be time efficient, usable, understandable and improve communication among departments.

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