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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A inserção da mulher no mercado de trabalho: uma força de trabalho secundária? / Women in the labor market: a secondary workforce?

Abramo, Lais Wendel 20 August 2007 (has links)
A questão central desta tese é a discussão de como se constroem as diversas representações sociais que contribuem à configuração das desigualdades entre homens e mulheres no mercado de trabalho. Isso será feito concentrando a análise no processo de constituição e reprodução da noção da mulher como uma força de trabalho secundária. Essa noção está presente no imaginário social, empresarial e sindical e das próprias mulheres (que participam ou não no mercado de trabalho), assim como nas concepções que embasam a formulação das políticas públicas. Marca a sua presença em diversas correntes do pensamento analítico e está na base da constituição de muitas instituições do mercado de trabalho. Resiste a muitas mudanças objetivas - e cada vez mais evidentes - no comportamento de atividade das mulheres e no seu desempenho laboral. O argumento central da tese é que essa noção é cada vez menos adequada para representar as distintas realidades da presença feminina no mercado de trabalho e que, além disso, é um dos elementos sobre os quais se estruturam e se reproduzem as hierarquias entre homens e mulheres e os padrões de discriminação e subordinação de gênero no mercado de trabalho. / The main question of this thesis is the construction of different social representations that contributes to the configuration of labor market inequalities between men and women. The analysis shall focus on the process of constitution and reproduction of the notion of women as a secondary workforce. This notion is part of the social imaginary of business and unions, women that are part (or not) of the labor market and also the theoretical ideas that inspire public policies. It is so pervasive that it marks different trends of analytical schools and social thought, impregnating the foundations of many institutions of the labor market. It is so resilient that it resists historical and current transformations - more and more evident - of women\'s economic activities patterns and their work behavior. The central argument of this work is that the notion of women as secondary workforce is less and less adequate for representing the different realities of the women\'s presence in the labor market, and moreover, it is one of the elements on which are structured and reproduced the hierarchies between men and women and the patterns of gender discrimination and subordination in the labor market.

Agências de tradução, seus profissionais e procedimentos: contribuições para uma melhor conscientização do tradutor em formação / Translation agencies, their professionals and procedures: contributions to a better awareness of the translator in training

Casson, Thaís Cristina 25 March 2014 (has links)
Este trabalho pretende contribuir para a diminuição de um vão que se observa entre a formação acadêmica dos graduandos dos cursos de Tradução e a realidade do profissional após ingressar no mercado, explorando como as agências de tradução, parte significativa do mercado de trabalho na área, são vistas pelos tradutores em formação da cidade de São Paulo. Para isso, foram aplicados questionários a alunos de diferentes semestres de algumas faculdades de Tradução de São Paulo; além disso, tradutores profissionais de agências foram também entrevistados. Acima de tudo, a grande questão que este trabalho procura investigar é se os alunos estão sendo bem preparados para o mercado de trabalho de tradução / This work aims at bridging a gap observed between the education of undergraduates in translation courses and the reality faced by the professional after graduating, exploring how translation agencies, a significant part of the translation industry, are considered by these students. With this purpose, questionnaires were applied to undergraduates in different stages of some translation schools in São Paulo City. Professional translators working for agencies were also interviewed. The main issue raised by this dissertation is whether students are being well prepared to face the market after graduation

Três abordagens sobre desemprego: teórica, empírica e de história das idéias / Three aproaches to unemployment: theoretical, empirical and history of ideas

Silva, Danilo Freitas Ramalho da 12 December 2011 (has links)
Esta tese tem como objetivo estudar a questão do desemprego a partir de três abordagens distintas: teórica, empírica e de história das idéias. Uma tese com essas características se faz relevante justamente por apresentar diferentes abordagens científicas sobre um tema tão caro à sociedade e à ciência econômica. Na abordagem de história das idéias, concluiu-se que foram os trabalhos de Lucas (1972a, 1972b) que, de fato, estabilizaram o conceito de \"taxa natural de desemprego\" na literatura econômica do pós-guerra, através da introdução da hipótese das expectativas racionais em um arcabouço de equilíbrio geral. É mostrado, através da análise de sua correspondência, no final dos anos 1960, que sua pesquisa sobre o tema estava, na verdade, intimamente ligada à pesquisa de Phleps, ao mesmo tempo em que não tinha conexão com a pesquisa de Friedman. No capítulo teórico, foi construído um modelo teórico de crescimento com restrição externa à la Thirlwall em que a taxa e crescimento da participação da força de trabalho emerge como a variável endógena que iguala a taxa de crescimento de longo prazo da oferta à taxa de crescimento de longo prazo da demanda. No capítulo empírico, foi mostrado através da evolução da razão saldo em transações correntes/PIB que a restrição de equilíbrio do balanço de pagamentos teve impacto no aumento de probabilidade do trabalhador formal transitar para o emprego informal, para o emprego por conta própria, para o desemprego e para fora da PEA, durante os anos 1980 e 1990, no Brasil. Sendo assim, esta tese espera ter cumprido seu papel de contribuir para com a literatura econômica sobre o desemprego através de análises originais em cada tipo de abordagem apresentada, sinalizando, assim, a riqueza da ciência econômica e valorizando esta tese, também, por explorar a pluralidade metodológica e a profundidade analítica. / The aim of this thesis is to study the unemployment issue from three different approaches: theoretical, empirical and history of ideas. A thesis with these features is relevant because it presents different scientific approaches to an important subject to society and to Economics. In the history of ideas\' approach, this thesis concluded that the works of Lucas (1972a, 1972b) stabilized the concept of \"natural rate of unemployment\" in the post-war economic literature through the introduction of rational expectations hypothesis into a general equilibrium framework. It is shown, through Lucas\'s correspondence in the end of the 1960\'s, that his research on the subject was, in fact, closely related to Phelps\'s research but not related to Friedman\'s research. In the theoretical approach, it was built a theoretical growth model with external constraint, à la Thirlwall, in which the rate o growth of labor force participation emerges as the endogenous variable that equalizes the long run rate of growth of supply with the long run rate of growth of demand. In the empirical approach, it was shown through the evolution of the current account/GDP ratio that balance of payments equilibrium constraint had impact in the raise of the probability of workers in formal jobs to move to informal Jobs, to self-employment jobs, to unemployment and to inactivity, during the 1980\'s and 1990\'s, in Brazil. Thus, this thesis hopes to have accomplished its role in contributing to economic literature on unemployment through original analysis in each kind of approach presented, showing the richness of Economics and, at the same time, increasing the value of this thesis for exploring the methodological plurality and the analytical deepness.

Diferenças de rendimento entre negros e brancos no Brasil: evolução e determinantes / The black-white income gap in Brazil: evolution and determinants

Jesus, Josimar Gonçalves de 19 January 2016 (has links)
Utilizando dados da Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios (PNAD), o trabalho investiga o comportamento e os determinantes dos diferenciais de rendimento do trabalho entre negros e brancos no Brasil, bem como as causas da mudança observada nesse diferencial, no período 1995-2013. Contatou-se que, embora a diferença remanescente seja substancial e inaceitável, houve nesse período uma redução do hiato de rendimento entre os dois grupos de cor. Os resultados da decomposição de Oaxaca-Blinder indicam que a diferença entre os níveis de escolaridade média e as desiguais distribuições geográfica e ocupacional dos dois grupos são os principais determinantes dos diferenciais de rendimento observados. No que diz respeito à mudança observada no hiato de rendimento entre 1995 e 2013, os resultados da decomposição de Smith-Welch apontam para a queda nas taxas de retorno à escolaridade e para as mudanças na distribuição regional da população negra ocupada como seus principais determinantes. / Using data from an annual household survey (PNAD), this study analyses the behavior and the determinants of black-white income gap in the Brazilian labor market, as well as the causes of the observed change in this gap, in the period 1995-2013. It was observed that, while the remaining income gap is substantial and unacceptable, during this period there was a reduction in this gap between the two groups of skin-color. By applying the Oaxaca-Blinder procedure it was identified that the difference between the average level of education and the unequal geographical and occupational distributions of the two groups are the main determinants of the observed income gap. The Smith-Welch procedure of dynamic decomposition shows that the main determinants of the reduction of the black-white income gap between 1995 and 2013 are the decline in the rates of return to education and the changes in the regional distribution of the black population.

Nezaměstnanost absolventů na trhu práce v ČR / Unemployment of graduates in the labor market in the Czech Republic

KATRUŠINOVÁ, Adriana January 2019 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is the analysis of unemployment of graduates of higher education institutions in the Czech Republic. This work compares the unemployment of graduates of lower level of university education with the unemployment of graduates of higher education. The graphs show three situations. The first group of graphs refers to the total unemployment of graduates in the monitored period by individual fields. The second group of graphs is the result of monito-ring the unemployment of university graduates in terms of long-term unemployment. The last set of graphs always shows the practical experience of unemployed graduates by individual study fields. At the end of this thesis are proposed changes to reduce the unemployment of graduates.

Lokalizovaná ekonomie jako jeden z nástrojů řešení sociálních dopadů nezaměstnanosti v Jihočeském kraji / Localized economics as one of the tools to address the social impact of unemployment in the South Bohemia region

HOFHANZLOVÁ, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
I focused on the solving of the unemployment social impacts in the South Bohemian region via located economy in my thesis. According to the latest surveys unemployment is on the lowest level from the year 1996 both in the South Bohemian region and the Czech Republic. Nevertheless, there are certain groups of people who are threatened by unemployment. Moreover, current positive development of the unemployment cannot be considered as a permanent status. My thesis is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part I focused on the term of local economy, its tools, principles and furthermore I concentrate myself on the possibilities of incorporation people into the working process. Following part deals with global economy issues that have a negative impact on the local economy. Then I concentrate myself on the enterprise entities in the Czech Republic, their ownership structure, legal forms of enterprise and a development of business environment when a support of small and middle businesses can play an important role in the process of creating new job positions. The aim of my thesis is to map tools of local economy and a description of their usage, while emphasizing the business unit´s division, the possibilities of their development and creation of new job positions in the defined South Bohemian companies. With respect to the aim and specific characteristics of the defined group I chose a method of survey done via semi-structured interviews. Defined group is formed by chosen companies with Czech ownership in the South Bohemian region. For completing the employment data, I executed semi-structured interviews with two officers of České Budějovice Labor Office chosen with simple intentional choice. The results of my survey show that the defined companies with Czech ownership in the South Bohemian region are not enough motivated to create new job positions because (as the survey shows) the more employees they have the higher financial budget they need. Unfortunately, this extra budget is not available. Therefore, local companies cannot serve as a pillar against increase of unemployment in the context of current forms of enterprise support. The thesis may serve as a study material for students of Health and Social Faculty in the town České Budějovice or as an informational material for Labor Office CZ and representatives of South Bohemian region.

Stres matek na rodičovské dovolené z návratu do zaměstnání / Stress of mothers on parental leave from returning to work.

PODROUŽKOVÁ, Nikola January 2019 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to describe factors influencing the stress of mothers on parental leave from returning to work. According to the aim of the thesis, the research question was set: What socio-demographic factors affect the stress of mothers on parental leave from returning to work? The following hypotheses were established based on the research question: H1: Mothers with lower educational attainment are more stressed than mothers with higher educational attainment. H2: Mothers living in the village are more stressed than mothers living in the city or town. H3: Younger mothers on parental leave are more stressed by returning to work than older mothers on parental leave. A quantitative research strategy was chosen to achieve the aim of the thesis. The research was carried out by means of a survey method using a standardized questionnaire consisting of questions created by the researcher and a Czech version of the Perceived Stress Scale. The questionnaire was published only in electronic form on a website where women on parental leave associate. The research group consisted of 714 mothers on parental leave living in Vlašim and surroundings. Data analysis was evaluated using descriptive statistics in MS Excel program. Subsequent hypothesis testing was performed in the SPSS Statistics program. The research shows that the first hypothesis results in low correlation. The hypothesis is therefore supported. Mothers with lower educational attainment are more stressed than mothers with higher educational attainment. In the second hypothesis, a t-test was used for the evaluation of two independent research groups. The results show no statistically significant relationship. In the last - third hypothesis, two variables were tested, and the result shows no significant relationship in statistics. The research outcomes could contribute to a greater understanding of mothers on parental leave, which are stressed by returning to work. Women should be more aware of the opportunities that employers can adapt their working conditions and allow mothers to work part-time while on parental leave so their return into employment after parental leave is easier. The research could also serve as a feedback for Labor Offices, which register these mothers, or for the respondents themselves or for other entities dealing with the Act on State Social Support and the Labor Code.

Setor informal: uma categoria imprecisa / Informal sector: an unclear category

Santos, Márcia dos 15 April 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:48:54Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Marcia dos Santos.pdf: 497006 bytes, checksum: 57aa459987bd988cfb01a4548d49b1ac (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-04-15 / Due to the hegemony of capitalism system that globalization has set, regional and global markets have suffered many deep changes and some categories and businesses have vanished while others have been created. Among the new ones, the informal sector has arisen strongly and this study is exactly about this issue based on the following title: informal sector an unclear category . This study aims to codify the different concepts of informality and its subsystems in order to have a better understanding of this relevant and meaningful economic sector for Brazilian market, consistently aiming to subsidize initiatives in the subsystems supported by the public sector. Methodologically, this study brings for discussion the dynamics and standards of Brazilian labor market since the 90 s by thoroughly and critically describing the customs opening and its consequences to national productive sectors, denationalization, informal sector, informal activities, regionalisms, informal work characteristics and its categories. It discusses the concept of informality, residual concept and informality consequences, cost and the informal concept segmentation / Com a hegemonia do sistema capitalista configurado pela globalização, os mercados regionais e mundial sofreram várias e profundas modificações extinguindo categorias e setores e gerando outras. Dentre esses setores, surgiu de forma impactante o setor informal e é sobre ele que esta pesquisa discute tomando como base o seguinte título: setor informal: uma categoria imprecisa. Tem como objetivo sistematizar os diferentes conceitos de informalidade e de seus respectivos subsistemas a fim de entender de forma mais consistente esse setor econômico de expressiva significação no mercado brasileiro com o propósito de subsidiar iniciativas localizadas nos subsistemas de forma mais consistente com respaldo do setor público. Metodologicamente, traz à discussão as dinâmicas e configurações do mercado de trabalho brasileiro desde os anos 1990 descrevendo pormenorizado e criticamente a abertura alfandegária e suas respectivas conseqüências para os setores produtivos nacionais, a desestatização, o setor informal, as atividades informais, as regionalidades, as características do trabalho informal e suas categorias. Discute o conceito de informalidade, conceito residual, e as conseqüências da informalidade, o custo da informalidade e as segmentações do conceito informal

O processo de inserção profissional dos egressos da Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul

Poletto, Daniela Basso January 2018 (has links)
Nas duas últimas décadas, a sociedade vivenciou importantes transformações econômicas e sociais. A expansão e diversificação do ensino superior trouxeram ganhos para a população e também, como qualquer outro fenômeno, consequências não esperadas. Associado a isso, tem-se um mercado de trabalho cada vez mais dinâmico e que passou por momentos de pleno emprego e crise. Diante deste contexto, objetivou-se analisar os elementos que interferem na inserção profissional dos egressos da Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul. Para subsidiar a discussão teórica foram abordados três grandes temas: ensino superior, mercado de trabalho e inserção profissional, além de dados históricos e estatísticos. Considerando o problema e o objetivo deste estudo, optou-se por uma pesquisa dividida em duas etapas: uma exploratória e outra descritiva quantitativa. A etapa exploratória teve como objetivo conhecer o histórico da Uergs e sistematizar dados dos ingressantes, matriculados e egressos, desde o início de suas atividades, em 2002 até 2017. Os resultados mostraram que a Uergs foi diversas vezes afetada por elementos sócio-históricos e institucionais que influenciaram o ingresso e permanência dos alunos. Na segunda etapa, a amostra foi composta por 456 egressos com o cuidado para que representassem as três modalidades de curso (bacharelado, licenciatura e superior de tecnologia), as três áreas (humanas, exatas e engenharias e vida e meio ambiente) e as cinco mesorregiões do Rio Grande do Sul onde a Uergs está inserida. Em linhas gerais, a inserção dos egressos é qualificante (CORDEIRO, 2002) e existe uma mobilidade intergeracional educacional e ocupacional ascendente entre pais e filhos. Porém, fica claro neste trabalho que o tipo de diploma (modalidade, área e mesorregião) influência no retorno financeiro e social no mercado de trabalho. Os egressos da modalidade bacharelado, da área das exatas e engenharias e da mesorregião metropolitana de Porto Alegre são os que se concentram nas maiores faixas salariais. A modalidade que mais percebe o rebaixamento social e econômico é dos tecnólogos. O ensino superior se torna cada vez mais necessário, mas ter o diploma não dá garantias. Os indivíduos são influenciados o tempo todo, mesmo que não percebam, por elementos como origem familiar, sexo, contexto econômico, desigualdades regionais, etc. e sobre os quais não tem nenhum controle. A meritocracia é apenas uma variável no meio deste grande contexto permeado por elementos muitas vezes invisíveis. / In the last two decades, society has undergone important economic and social transformations. The expansion and diversification of higher education brought gains for the population and, like any other phenomenon, had unintended consequences. Associated with this, the labor market is increasingly dynamic and had moments of full employment and crisis. In this context, the objective was to analyze the elements that interfere in the professional insertion of college graduate students of the State University of Rio Grande do Sul. In order to subsidize the theoretical discussion, three major themes were approached: higher education, labor market and professional insertion, as well as historical and statistical data. Considering the problem and the objective of this study, the research was divided into two stages: one exploratory and the other one quantitative descriptive. The exploratory phase aimed at Uergs' history and systematizing data on enrollment of new students, registered ones and leavers, from the beginning of their activities, from 2002 to 2017. The results showed that Uergs was affected several times by socio-historical and institutional elements that influenced the students' enrollment and staying at University. In the second stage, the sample consisted of 456 college graduate students representing the three modalities of courses (bachelor, licentiate and higher technology), the three main areas of knowledge (Humanities, Math and Engineering and Life and Environment) and the five mesoregions of Rio Grande do Sul where Uergs is inserted. In general terms, the insertion of the college graduate students is qualified (CORDEIRO, 2002) and there is an intergenerational educational and occupational mobility ascending between parents and children. However, it is clear in this paper that the kind of diploma (modality, area of knowledge and mesoregion) influences the financial and social return in the labor market. The college graduate students of bachelor´s modality of the area of Math and Engineering from the metropolitan mesoregion of Porto Alegre are the ones concentrated in the higher salary ranges. The modality that most perceives social and economic downgrading is the technologists. Higher education becomes more and more necessary, but having a diploma does not guarantee anything. Individuals are influenced all the time, even if they do not realize it, by elements such as family origin, gender, economic context, regional inequalities, etc. and over which they have no control. Meritocracy is only one variable in the midst of this great context permeated by often invisible elements.

Ação sindical no contexto de avanço e consolidação da terceirização: um estudo sobre o SINDEEPRES / Union action in the context of advancement and consolidation of outsourcing: a study on SINDEEPRES.

Danilo Lucena Mendes 08 November 2018 (has links)
A regulamentação da terceirização pela lei 13.429 de 2017 consolidou o forte avanço desse tipo de vínculo empregatício no mercado de trabalho brasileiro. Demandada desde os anos 1960 por setores da administração pública, a subcontratação de mão de obra por empresa interposta cresceu lentamente nas décadas seguintes em algumas atividades dos setores de comércio e serviços, chegando de modo avassalador, nos anos 1990, ao setor industrial. Desse modo, a terceirização passou a abranger uma importante parcela do mercado de trabalho formal, pois, no final dos anos 2000, já representava cerca de 30% dele. Essa transformação do mercado de trabalho impactou o contexto da ação sindical, de modo geral. O surgimento de uma massa de trabalhadores terceirizados cobrou representatividade pelo sindicalismo nacional. Nesta dissertação, refletimos acerca de alguns impactos da terceirização no sindicalismo brasileiro por meio da consideração sobre a trajetória de um sindicato de trabalhadores terceirizados, o SINDEEPRES (Sindicato dos Empregados em Empresas de Prestação de Serviços a Terceiros, Colocação e Administração de Mão de Obra, Trabalho Temporário, Leitura de Medidores e Entrega de Avisos do Estado de São Paulo.) a maior organização de interesses dos trabalhadores desse segmento no Estado de São Paulo. Como esse sindicato apresentava uma taxa de sindicalização incomum (30%), desafiando a bibliografia sobre o tema, estabelecemos como objetivo principal compreender sua ação sindical, uma vez que essa engloba o fenômeno da filiação. No decorrer da pesquisa, o SINDEEPRES revelou-se como uma entidade poderosa. Mostrou-se articulada com os interesses políticos e econômicos que estiveram engajados para legalizar a terceirização. No contorno da ação desse sindicato ganha destaque o auxílio prestado aos trabalhadores filiados por meio da oferta de serviços e de proteção jurídica. Contudo, a pronunciada estratégia cooperativa que mantém com o sindicato patronal é o que melhor qualifica o perfil da atuação do SINDEEPRES. Essa relação constitui-se em fonte de poder decisiva para a realização dos interesses desse sindicato de trabalhadores terceirizados. / The outsourcing regulation by law 13.429 of 2017 bolstered the growth of that sort of employment relationship in Brazilian labor market. Since 1960s, public administration has been demanding subcontracting, which slowly expanded in the following decades over certain activities in commerce and services sector, disastrously reaching industrial sector. Nevertheless, outsourcing begun to include a meaningful share of formal labor market, representing around 30% of that by the end of 2000s. Overall, such adjustment had further impact over the work of trade unions for the emergence of massive outsource employees sought for national representability. Therefore, in this master thesis deals with consequences of outsourcing over Brazilian trade unions by analyzing the path of a trade union for outsource employees named SINDEEPRES (Trade union for representing employees of outsourcing, labor placement, temporary job, meter reading and delivery of notifications companies in São Paulo state.) the largest organization to support that labor segment in São Paulo state. As SINDEEPRES unionization rate was uncommon (of 30%), challenging the bibliography on the theme, our main goal was to understand its syndical action, since that embraces the phenomenon of affiliation. Our investigation has shown that SINDEEPRES is a powerful organization, which is interconnected with political and economic interests engaged in legalizing subcontracting. Regarding its syndical action, we highlighted the assistance offered to affiliated workers through services and legal protection. Nevertheless, the cooperative strategy between SINDEEPRES and the employer union is the most striking feature of SINDEEPRES action profile, consisting of the major power source for achieving its interests.

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