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Thermoset biopolymer reinforced with carbon-nanotubes / Härdbioplast förstärkt med kol nano-rörEsmaeili, Morteza January 2019 (has links)
Compared to conventional fibers, carbon nanotubes possess several significant properties, which make them as an excellent alternative reinforcement in multi-functional material industry. In this study, the possibility of dispersion of the multi-wall carbon nanotube (MWCNTs) in a thermoset bio-based resin (synthesized based on end-functionalized glycerol-lactic acid oligomers, GLA, at university of Borås) was investigated. Furthermore, the addition of the MWCNTs as reinforcement to improve the mechanical and thermal properties of was investigated. The nanocomposites were prepared in three different concentrations of MWCNTs, 0.3 wt.%, 1.0 wt.%, and 2.0 wt.%, and each sample was prepared using three different dispersion methods such as the high speed mixer(HSM), the ultra-sonication (US), and a combined method of HSM & US. The mechanical and thermal properties were analyzed by flexural test, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). The results confirm that the nanotubes can be dispersed in GLA but the cured nanocomposite didn’t exhibit any considerable improvement in their thermal properties. Considering to the mechanical properties, the addition of 0.3 wt. % MWCNTs to the GLA increased the flexural strength a little but increasing the nanotubes to 1.0 wt. % decreases the flexural strength to almost 50%. This is mainly due to increase in the brittleness of the produced nanocomposites. Both the distribution methods dispersed the nanomaterials in the matrix initially but they are not efficient enough to stop the re-agglomeration which leads to undesired curing dynamics and low efficiency. Thus, these dispersion methods need to be optimized for improvement of nanocomposites’ properties.
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Solubility Ratios, Encapsulation Efficiency, and Size of Beta-sitosterol Loaded Poly(Lactide)-Block-Poly(Ethylene glycol) Polymeric MicellesAlqarni, Ali 31 July 2019 (has links)
β-sitosterol/poly(ethylene glycol)-block-poly(lactic acid) (PLA-b-PEG) complexes were prepared by solution blending in purified water and ethanol. The mixture of water and ethanol is a suitable solvent system for the two components. The complex was studied by using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC). β-sitosterol is a drug that may reduce the swelling of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and diminishing inflammation. However, it is hydrophobic and difficult to deliver in aqueous solution. Since PLA-b-PEG has amphiphilic properties, the complex described here may enhance delivery of this drug for treatment of BPH.
Proton NMR (1HNMR) of the complexes shows that the methylene (CH2) protons of the PEG, the (-O-CH-) of PLA, and (CH3) of PLA are slightly shifted because of its non-covalent interaction with β-sitosterol. The complex formation was supported by 2-D NMR (NOESY) spectroscopy. NOESY spectra show cross peaks, indicating the interaction between the two components.
DSC of the complexes shows thermal characteristics that are different from the individual components. In particular, the PEG in the complex shows a lower melting point and decreased crystallinity compared to the pure PEG. The melting point is lowered from 57°C to 55.3 °C for the PEG-b-PLA/β-sitosterol (5%) complex. Under the same condition, the melting point of PLA dropped from 170 °C to 130 °C.
Atomic force microscopy shows changes in the surface morphology of the copolymer from crystalline to amorphous when incorporated with the drug. NMR, DSC, AFM, and MTT assay studies suggest the formation of a relatively stable β-sitosterol/poly(lactic acid)-block-poly(ethylene glycol) complex. The cell proliferation assay (MTT assay) suggests significant inhibition of the stimulation of growth of prostate cancer cells upon addition the complex.
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Desenvolvimento de um método rápido de identificação, ao nível de espécie, de Lactobacillus e Saccharomyces em dornas de fermentação, por meio da técnica de MALDI-TOF MS: validação molecular e construção do banco de dados espectral / Development of a rapid identification method at the species level of Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces in fermentation process by MALDI-TOF MS: molecular validation and spectral database constructionFonseca, Juliana Guimarães 04 April 2019 (has links)
O gênero Lactobacillus é o principal grupo de bactérias contaminantes em dornas de fermentação para produção de etanol em larga escala. A alta proliferação destes microrganismos prejudica a viabilidade de cepas de Saccharomyces cerevisiae selecionadas, podendo diminuir a produção de etanol nas dornas de fermentação. Os métodos mais utilizados para identificação destes microrganismos são bioquímicos e moleculares baseados na sequência do DNA, que são muito demorados, onerosos e muitas vezes remetem a resultados ambíguos. MALDI-TOF MS é uma poderosa ferramenta de identificação microbiana e foi testada neste trabalho para identificação de diferentes isolados de Lactobacillus e S. cerevisiae presentes no processo de produção de etanol. Os métodos de preparo e aplicação da amostra para aquisição espectral foram estabelecidos, tanto para bactérias quanto para leveduras. Vinte e sete isolados de Lactobacillus foram identificados pela região 16S rDNA e dois genes housekeeping, pheS e groEL e, três cepas de leveduras selecionadas do processo foram identificadas pela região ITS e 28S nr-LSU. As identificações genômicas foram contrastadas com as identificações obtidas com o perfil proteico por MALDI-TOF MS e 97% dos Lactobacillus tiveram a mesma classificação molecular que o gene pheS, eleito como o mais discriminatório, e 100% das cepas de leveduras foram classificadas como S. cerevisiae por ambas as técnicas. A técnica MALDI- TOF MS se mostrou altamente eficiente para discriminação intraespecífica de leveduras e interespecífica de Lactobacillus, não havendo apenas discriminação para isolados classificados como L. casei pelos genes housekeeping. Além disso, quando comparado o poder discriminatório da técnica MALDI-TOF MS em relação ao banco de dados espectral disponível no Biotyper e, posteriormente, ao banco de dados complementar criado neste trabalho com os microrganismos próprios do processo de produção de etanol, houve um aumento de 57 a 100% das repetições que foram identificadas ao nível de espécie com alta confiabilidade. Desta forma, os resultados deste estudo mostraram que a técnica MALDI-TOF MS pode ser utilizada como uma alternativa rápida e eficaz para identificação de Lactobacillus e Saccharomyces do processo etanólico. / The genus Lactobacillus is the main group of contaminating bacteria in fermentation tanks for large-scale ethanol production. The high proliferation of these organisms affect the viability of selected strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which can reduce the production of ethanol in fermentation tanks. The most used methods for identifying these microorganisms are biochemical and molecular based on DNA sequence, which are very time-consuming, costly and often revert to ambiguous results. MALDI-TOF MS is a powerful microbial identification tool and it was tested in this work to identify different isolates of Lactobacillus and S. cerevisiae present in the ethanol production process. The sample preparation and application in the MALDI plate for spectral acquisition were established for both bacteria and yeasts. Twenty-seven isolates of Lactobacillus were identified by the 16S rDNA region and two housekeeping genes (pheS and groEL genes) and three yeast strains selected from the process were identified by the ITS and 28S nr-LSU regions. The genomic identifications were compared with the MALDI-TOF MS protein profiles and 97% of the Lactobacillus had the same molecular classification as the pheS gene, which was chosen as the most discriminatory gene, and 100% of the yeast strains were classified as S. cerevisiae by both techniques. The MALDI-TOF MS technique proved highly efficient for intraspecific yeast and interspecific discrimination of Lactobacillus, and there was no discrimination for isolates classified as L. casei by housekeeping genes. Furthermore, when compared to the discriminatory power of MALDI-TOF MS technique in relation to spectral database available on Biotyper and subsequently, the complementary database created in this work with the microorganisms themselves in the ethanol production process, there was an increase from 57 to 100% of the repetitions that were identified at the species level with high reliability. Thus, the results of this study showed that the MALDI-TOF MS technique can be used as a fast and efficient alternative for the identification of Lactobacillus and Saccharomyces of the ethanolic process.
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Produção de hidrogênio e metabólitos com valor biotecnológico a partir do melaço da cana-de-açúcar utilizando reatores de leito granular expandido mesofílicos / Production of hydrogen and metabolites with biotechnological value from sugarcane molasses in mesophilic expanded granular sludge bedFreitas, Isabele Baima Ferreira 18 May 2018 (has links)
A combinação do substrato orgânico e do reator anaeróbio é determinante na produção fermentativa de hidrogênio e de ácidos orgânicos com valor agregado. A utilização do melaço da cana-de-açúcar como substrato orgânico em reatores de leito granular expandido (EGSB) ainda não foi uma alternativa explorada para produção de hidrogênio. Dessa forma, este estudo teve como objetivo analisar a produção biológica de hidrogênio e ácidos orgânicos em três reatores EGSB independentes com concentração de carboidratos de 5 g L-1 (EGSB-5), 10 g L-1 (EGSB-10) e 15 g L-1 (EGSB-15), utilizando melaço da cana-de-açúcar como substrato, sob condição mesofílica de temperatura (30 ºC) e variação do tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) de 24 h até 1 h. No EGSB-5, o processo fermentativo não gerou hidrogênio. No entanto, houve produção de metabólitos com valor agregado, principalmente ácido acético, butírico e propiônico. Neste reator, o ácido acético proveniente da reação de homoacetogênese (23 51%) justificou a ausência de hidrogênio. No EGSB-10 a produção de hidrogênio ocorreu na última fase de operação (TDH 1 h), com produção volumétrica de hidrogênio (PVH) máxima de 4,56 L d-1 L-1 e rendimento de hidrogênio (HY) máximo de 0,14 mol H2 mol hexose -1. No EGSB-15, houve PVH no TDH de 2 h e de 1 h , com valor máximo de 13,92 L d-1 L-1 no TDH de 1 h, e HY máximo de 0,25 mol H2 mol hexose-1, também no TDH de 1 h. No EGSB-10 e no EGSB-15, as vias metabólicas responsáveis pela produção de hidrogênio foram semelhantes, associadas à elevação da produção de ácido butírico e ácido lático. O ácido lático foi utilizado como fonte de carbono alternativa em condições de pouca disponibilidade de substrato e de pressão parcial de hidrogênio elevada, o que justifica os valores reduzidos de HY. Os resultados obtidos evidenciaram que o melaço pode ser utilizado para produção de H2 e de ácidos orgânicos em reatores EGSB por processos fermentativos. / The combination of the organic substrate and the anaerobic reactor is determinant in fermentative hydrogen and organic acids production. The use of sugarcane molasses as an organic substrate in expanded granular sludge bed (EGSB) has not yet been explored for H2 production. Thus the objective of this study was to analyze the biological H2 and organic acids production in three independent EGSB reactors with a carbohydrate concentration of 5 g L-1 (EGSB-5), 10 g L-1 (EGSB-10) and 15 g L-1 (EGSB-15), using sugarcane molasses as substrate, under mesophilic temperature (30 °C) and hydraulic retention time (HRT) variation of 24 h - 1 h. In EGSB-5, the fermentation process did not generate hydrogen. However, there was production of volatile fatty acids, mainly acetic, butyric and propionic acid. In this reactor, acetic acid from the homoacetogenesis reaction (23 - 51%) justified the absence of hydrogen. The EGSB-10 produced H2 in the last phase of operation (HTR 1 h), with maximum hydrogen production rate (HPR) of 4.56 L d-1 L-1 and maximum hydrogen yield (HY) of 0.14 mol H2 mol hexose-1. In the EGSB-15, there was HPR in the HPR of 2 h and 1 h, with a maximum value of 13.92 L d-1 L-1 in the HRT of 1 h, and HY maximum of 0.25 mol H2 mol hexose-1, also in the HRT of 1 h. In the EGSB-10 and EGSB-15, the metabolic pathways responsible for hydrogen production were similar, associated with increased production of butyric acid and lactic acid. Lactic acid was used as an alternative carbon source under conditions of low substrate availability and high hydrogen partial pressure, which justifies the reduced HY values. The results showed that molasses can be used to produce H2 and organic acids in EGSB reactors in anaerobic fermentation process.
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Papel da interação entre bactérias láticas isoladas de alimentos na produção de bacteriocinas / Role of interactions among lactic acid bacteria isolated from foods on production of bacteriocinsFerraz, Sarah 10 May 2019 (has links)
Bacteriocinas produzidas por bactérias láticas (BAL) apresentam um importante potencial de aplicação na bioconservação de alimentos, por sua ação antimicrobiana contra algumas espécies de microrganismos patogênicos de relevância, como Listeria monocytogenes. Este estudo analisou o efeito da interação entre cepas selecionadas de BAL produtoras de bacteriocinas com outras BAL viáveis ou não viáveis (bacteriocinogênicas ou não) na indução da produção de bacteriocinas. O efeito dos metabólitos produzidos por estas cepas na indução da bacteriocinogênese também foi avaliado. As cepas produtoras de bacteriocinas selecionadas para o estudo foram Lactobacillus sakei MBSa1, produtora de sakacina A e Pediococcus acidilactici ET34, produtora de pediocina, isoladas de salame e salmão defumado, respectivamente. A produção de pediocina por P. acidilactici ET34 foi avaliada também em leite em pó desnatado reconstituído, além de meio de cultura (caldo MRS). Os resultados indicaram que, quando em co-cultura com Enterococcus faecalis ATCC12755, Lactobacillus sakei ATCC15521 ou Listeria monocytogenes (cepas 104, 711 e 637), ou na presença do sobrenadante livre de células (SLC) dessas culturas, nenhuma das duas cepas testadas produziu maior quantidade de bacteriocina do que a produzida quando em monocultura ou na ausência do SLC. A bacteriocina produzida por P. acidilactici ET34 apresentou um efeito bacteriostático contra L. monocytogenes 104 no leite em pó desnatado reconstituído nas 12 h analisadas, com extensão da fase lag, de forma dose-dependente. Os resultados indicaram, também, que P. acidilactici ET34 não foi capaz de produzir pediocina no leite em pó desnatado reconstituído quando em monocultura ou em co-cultura, ao contrário do observado para o caldo MRS. Mais investigação é necessária para esclarecer os efeitos de possíveis interações entre as BAL presentes em um alimento, bem como o efeito dos componentes dos alimentos na produção das bacteriocinas pelas BAL bacteriocinogênicas. / Bacteriocins produced by lactic acid bacteria (LAB) present an important application potential in food biopreservation, by their antimicrobial activity against some species of pathogenic microorganisms of relevance, such as Listeria monocytogenes. This study analyzed the effect of the interaction between selected strains of bacteriocin-producing LAB with other viable or non-viable LAB (bacteriocinogenic or not) in the induction of bacteriocin production. The effect of the metabolites produced by these strains on the induction of bacteriocinogenesis was also evaluated. The bacteriocin-producing strains selected for the study were Lactobacillus sakei MBSa1, producer of sakacin A and Pediococcus acidilactici ET34, producer of pediocin, isolated from salami and smoked salmon, respectively. The production of pediocin by P. acidilactici ET34 was also evaluated in reconstituted skimmed milk powder as well as culture medium (MRS broth). The results indicated that when co-cultivated with Enterococcus faecalis ATCC12755, Lactobacillus sakei ATCC15521 or Listeria monocytogenes (strains 104, 711 and 637), or in the presence of the cell free supernatant (SLC) of these cultures, neither of the two strains tested produced greater amount of bacteriocin than that produced in monoculture or in the absence of SLC. The bacteriocin produced by P. acidilactici ET34 presented a bacteriostatic effect against L. monocytogenes 104 in skimmed milk powder reconstituted in 12h, with extension of lag phase, in a dose-dependent manner. The results also indicated that P. acidilactici ET34 was not able to produce pediocin in the reconstituted skimmed milk powder when in monoculture or in co-culture, unlike that observed for the MRS broth. More research is needed to clarify the effects of possible interactions between BAL present in a food and the effect of food components on bacteriocin production by bacteriocinogenic BAL.
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Avaliação comparativa de diferentes aditivos na prevenção da acidose láctica ruminal em bovinos de corte / Comparative evaluation of different additives in the prevention of rumen lactic acidosis in beef cattleOliveira, Francisco Leonardo Costa de 26 April 2018 (has links)
Objetivou-se compreender melhor o modelo de indução de acidose láctica ruminal (ALR) com sacarose destacando-se aspectos básicos da fermentação ruminal e suas consequências, assim como avaliação comparativa da eficácia de dois aditivos (Virginiamicina VM e Monensina MON), associados ou não, na prevenção desta enfermidade em bovinos adultos de corte. Para tal, foram utilizados 30 fêmeas da raça Nelore, providas de cânula ruminal, com cerca de 413 kg de peso corpóreo. Os animais foram mantidos em baias individuais e alimentados com dieta basal composta de 75% de feno de capim de coast-cross e de 25% de ração concentrada comercial, por 30 dias antes da indução de ALR. Durante esse período os bovinos foram distribuídos em cinco grupos iguais de seis animais cada, assim constituídos: controle (CON); MON 30 ppm; VM 25 ppm; VM 34 ppm e MON 30 ppm + VM 25 ppm. Os aditivos foram administrados numa mistura de 500 g fubá, antes do oferecimento do alimento. Em seguida, foi realizada indução individual de ALR com uso de sacarose de acordo com peso metabólico corrigido, administrada pela cânula ruminal. Foram obtidas amostras de conteúdo ruminal, sangue, urina e fezes, assim como realizado exame físico nos seguintes momentos: zero (basal) e após três, seis, 12 e 18 horas da indução. Foi realizada análise de variância (Teste F) dos dados que obedeceram à distribuição paramétrica, e utilizado o comando Proc mix para medidas repetidas no tempo de duas vias considerando os fatores tratamento, tempo e interação entre tratamento e tempo. Alguns dados foram submetidos ao teste T de Student. Os dados que não obedeceram a distribuição paramétrica foram avaliados pelos testes de Kruskal-Wallis e qui-quadrado. Para o estudo da relação entre duas variáveis foi determinado os índices de correlação e determinação. Ocorreu acidose ruminal intensa, por grande produção inicial de ácidos graxos de cadeia curta (AGCC), seguido de ácido láctico, com predomínio do isômero L sobre o D, os quais com a glicose gerada na fermentação provocaram aumento de osmolaridade nesse conteúdo. A acidose sistêmica foi de grau moderado em pequena parte dos bovinos, com presença de desidratação num expressivo número de animais. Boa parte dos bovinos tratados (n =15) apresentavam depressão nervosa e desidratação. Ocorreu pontualmente um quadro de hipertermia no auge da fermentação ruminal. Os melhores resultados preventivos da ALR foram obtidos com a associação VM + MON, a qual postergou a produção de ácido láctico, quer seja pela menor produção deste, como pela conversão de ácido láctico L em ácidos acético e propiônico. Ao término do experimento essa associação promoveu maior pH e menor acúmulo de ácido láctico L, assim como viabilizou que um menor número de animais necessitassem ser tratados, em relação ao grupo controle. As duas diferentes doses de VM tiveram resultados intermediários, seguidos da MON, a qual não se recomenda como único aditivo com fins de prevenção da ALR. / The objective was to better understand the induction model of rumen lactic acidosis (RLA) with sucrose, highlighting the basic aspects of ruminal fermentation and its consequences, as well as comparative evaluation of the efficacy of two additives (Virginiamycin VM and Monensin MON), associated or not, in the prevention of acidosis in adult beef cattle. For this purpose, 30 Nellore ruminally-cannulated females were used, with average body weight of about 413 kg. The animals were kept in individual stalls and fed a basal diet composed of 75% coast-cross grass hay and 25% commercial concentrated feed for 30 days prior to RLA induction. During this period the cattle were distributed into five equal groups of six animals each, as follows: control (CON); MON 30 ppm; VM 25 ppm; VM 34 ppm and MON 30 ppm + VM 25 ppm. The additives were provided in a 500 g corn meal before the feed was offered. Subsequently, individual RLA induction with sucrose was performed according to corrected metabolic weight, via ruminal cannula. Samples of rumen contents, blood, urine and feces were collected, and physical examination at: zero (baseline) and after three, six, 12 and 18 h after induction. Variance analysis (Test F) of the data that obeyed the parametric distribution was performed, and the Proc mix command was used for repeated measurements in two-way time considering the factors treatment, time and interaction between treatment and time. Some data were submitted to Student\'s t-test. The data that did not obey the parametric distribution were evaluated by the Kruskal-Wallis and chi-square tests. The correlation and determination indices were determined for the study of the relationship between two variables.. A severe ruminal acidosis occurred due to the large initial production of short chain fatty acids (SCFA), followed by lactic acid, with predominance of the L over D-isomer, which with the glucose generated in the fermentation caused an increase in osmolarity in this content. Systemic acidosis was moderate in a small number of cattle, with dehydration in an expressive number of animals. Most treated cattle (n =15) presented nervous depression and dehydration. A temporary hyperthermia occurred at the peak of ruminal fermentation. The best results of RLA prevention were obtained from VM + MON association, which postponed the lactic acid production, either by its lower production, or by the conversion of L-lactic acid in in acetic and propionic acids. At the end of the experiment, this association promoted greater pH and lower L-lactic acid accumulation, and a smaller number of animals needed to be treated, compared to the control group. The two different doses of VM had intermediate results, followed by MON, which is not recommended as a single additive for the RLA prevention.
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Perfil de metabólitos excretados por Lactobacillus isolados de processos industriais de produção de etanol, com ênfase nos isômeros óticos D(-) e L(+) do ácido lático / Metabolics profile excrected by Lactobacillus isolated from industrial ethanol production process concearning D(-) and L(+) Lactic Acid optical isomersCosta, Vanessa Moreira 04 October 2006 (has links)
No presente trabalho procurou-se avaliar os tipos de metabolismo existentes em espécies e linhagens de Latobacillus isoladas de ambiente de fermentação alcoólica industrial. Para tal, 17, linhagens foram crescidas por 24 horas a 32 ºC, em meio de glicose e frutose (1% de cada açúcar) suplementado com extrato de levedura, minerais e tampão. O crescimento bacteriano foi estimado por plaqueamento e abosrbância a 600 nm, enquanto que no meio de crescimento foram estimados, mediante cromatografia de alta eficiência, os teores de ácido lático, ácido acético e etanol. Os isômeros óticos D(-)- e L(+)-lactato foram dosados enzimaticamente mediante espectrofotometria a 340nm, empregando-se desidrogenases estereoespcíficas. Os resultados mostraram que entre as 17 linhagens de Latobacillus avaliadas foram observados os três tipos de metabolismo : homofermentativo obrigatório (8 linhagens), heterofermentativo facultativo (1 linhagem) e heterofermentativo obrigatório (8 linhagens). Observou-se também uma relação estequiométrica dos produtos formados (lactato, acetato e etanol), condizente com os passos metabólicos característicos de cada grupo. Os resultados também permitem deduzir que quanto à formação dos isômeros óticos, houve predominância das linhagens tipo DL (produção simultânea dos dois isômeros), sobre as linhagens D e L. No entanto foram encontradas linhagens produzindo 100% de um dado isômero (D e L), descortinando a possibilidade de que linhagens isoladas de processo industrial de produção de etanol, possam atender demandas biotecnológicas que requeiram proporções definidas dos isômeros. Foi possível deduzir que a utilização dos teores de ácido lático na avaliação da contaminação bacteriana deve ser considerada com ressalvas, especialmente no caso do emprego do ácido L(+)-lático, e notadamente no caso de comunidades bacterianas complexas. / The aim of the present work was to evaluate the metabolism type of 17 Lactobacilli strains isolated from industrial ethanol fermentation plants. The strains were grown, at 32°C for 24 hours, on a mixture of equal amounts of glucose and fructose as the carbon source, and supplemented with yeast extract, mineral nutrients and buffer. Bacterial growth was estimated either by absorbance at 600nm and by plating. The main end products of bacterial metabolism (lactate, acetate and ethanol) were measured by high performance liquid chromatography, while the stereoisomers, D(-)- and L(+)-lactate were assayed by an enzymatic methodology using stereospecific lactatedehydrogenases. According to the results, all the three types of metabolism were found among the bacteria investigated: obligately homofermentative (8 strains), facultative heterofermentative (1 strain) and obligately heterofermentative (8 strains). Additionally, it was observed a stoichiometric relationship between the major end products (lactate, acetate and ethanol) in agreement with the metabolic pathway proposed for the different bacterial types (homo- and heterofermentative strains). The results have showed a predominance of strains of DL type, regarding the stereoisomers production. However, it was found strains producing a single type of the isomeric form. These findings suggest the possibility to explore the Lactobacilli biodiversity in fuel ethanol fermentation plants for lactate production of chemically pure optical isomers. It was also observed that the use of lactate content for a chemical evaluation of bacterial contamination may be considered with some restrictions, mainly in the case of L(+)-lactate, and particularly in the case of complex bacterial communities.
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Leite humano como fonte de bactérias lácticas produtoras de bacteriocinas e com potencial probiótico / Human milk as a source of lactic acid bacteria producing bacteriocins and probiotic potentialTrento, Fabiana Katia Helena de Souza 14 September 2012 (has links)
Além do aspecto nutricional de suma importância, é notória a contribuição do leite humano para o processo de desenvolvimento da microbiota intestinal do recémnascido, um importante mecanismo de defesa do organismo contra doenças infecciosas. O papel do leite humano como fonte de bactérias probióticas, principais constituintes da microbiota intestinal, tem sido tópico de pesquisas recentes. Este trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de determinar e comparar a composição da microbiota de oito amostras de leite humano e verificar o potencial de utilização desse produto como fonte de bactérias probióticas. Para tanto, utilizaram-se cinco meios de cultivos seletivos para contagem presuntiva de gêneros normalmente encontrados em leite humano: lactococos, enterococos, bifidobactérias e propionibactérias. A análise quantitativa da microbiota demonstrou tendência de diminuição da contagem em função do aumento do tempo de lactação. A análise qualitativa confirmou a presença de distintos gêneros de bactérias lácticas potencialmente probióticas com algumas variações entre as amostras de leite humano. Na segunda etapa 800 colônias isoladas a partir dos cinco meios de cultivos e caracterizadas como bactérias lácticas foram selecionadas quanto às suas propriedades probióticas (produção de bacteriocina, tolerância à acidez e a sais biliares, resistência à antibióticos, capacidade de adesão a chapas de aço inoxidável) e tecnológicas (capacidade de crescimento e sobrevivência em leite). Verificou-se que apenas 15 (1,9%) linhagens produziram bacteriocinas com atividade contra Listeria innocua L11 e Micrococcus luteus ATCC®4698, linhagens utilizadas como indicadoras, por meio do método de antagonismo simultâneo em poços, usando ágar MRS. Treze dessas linhagens também apresentaram atividade contra Bacillus cereus CTC 011, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC®7644, Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis CTC 204 e Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC®15009. As duas linhagens remanescentes demonstraram atividade principalmente contra Listeria monocytogenes ATCC®7644. Nenhuma das quinze culturas produtoras de bacteriocinas apresentou atividade contra as bactérias Gram-negativas Escherichia coli ATCC® 2074 e Salmonella thyphimuirim ATCC® 2364. Por outro lado, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC® 1602 foi resistente as quinze bacteriocinas selecionadas neste trabalho. Seis linhagens de bactérias lácticas (BALs) foram selecionadas para avaliação das demais propriedades probióticas. Observou-se que uma dessas linhagens diferenciou-se por apresentar sobrevivência a pH 2,0 e a pH 3,0, enquanto as demais mostraram tolerância apenas a pH 3,0. Todas as linhagens selecionadas apresentaram a capacidade de tolerância a 0,3% de sais biliares, de se aderir à superfície de aço inoxidável e de resistência à clindamicina, eritromicina e gentamicina. Quanto às propriedades tecnológicas, todas as seis linhagens apresentaram capacidade de crescimento em leite e não produziram odor desagradável ou pós-acidificação do leite fermentado durante a estocagem a 4ºC por 28 dias. Notou-se, entretanto, diminuição, de, aproximadamente, 2,0 Log UFC.mL-1, na contagem de células viáveis ao final do período de estocagem. Finalmente, por meio da avaliação dos perfis de fermentação de carboidratos e de outras reações bioquímicas, duas das linhagens isoladas de leite humano foram identificadas como Enterococcus durans e quatro como Enterococcus avium. Os 12 resultados permitem concluir que o leite humano é fonte potencial de bactérias com potencial probiótico para aplicação industrial. / In addition to the nutritional aspect of paramount importance, it is clear the contribution of human milk for the development process of the intestinal tract of the newborn, an important mechanism of defense against infectious diseases. The role of human milk as a source of probiotic bacteria, major constituents of the intestinal microbiota, has been the topic of recent research. This work was carried out to determine and compare the composition of the microbiota of eight human milk samples and verify the potential use of this product as a source of probiotic bacteria. For this purpose, we used five selective culture media for counts of presumptive genera commonly found in human milk: lactococcal, enterococci, bifidobacteria and propionibactérias. The quantitative analysis of microbes showed a trend of decreasing counts as a function of time increased lactation. The qualitative analysis confirmed the presence of different kinds of potentially probiotic lactic acid bacteria with some variations between samples of human milk. In the second stage 800 colonies isolated from the five culture media and characterized as lactic acid bacteria were selected for their probiotic properties (bacteriocin production, tolerance to acid and bile salts, antibiotic resistance, adhesion to stainless steel plates) and technology (ability to grow and survive in milk). It was found that only 15 (1.9%) produced bacteriocin strains with activity against Listeria innocua L11 and Micrococcus luteus ATCC 4698®, strains used as an indicator, by the method of antagonism wells simultaneously, using MRS agar. Thirteen of these strains also showed activity against Bacillus cereus CTC 011, Listeria monocytogenes ATCC® 7644, Lactococcus lactis subsp. CTC 204 lactis and Lactobacillus helveticus ATCC 15009®. The two remaining strains showed activity mainly against Listeria monocytogenes ATCC 7644®. None of the fifteen cultures producing bacteriocins active against Gram-negative Escherichia coli ATCC 2074® and Salmonella thyphimuirim ATCC 2364®. Moreover, Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 1602® was resistant the fifteen bacteriocins selected in this work. Six strains of lactic acid bacteria (BALs) were selected for analysis of other probiotic properties. It was observed that one of these strains distinguished by presenting survival at pH 2.0 and pH 3.0 while the other showed only tolerance to pH 3.0. All strains were selected for the ability tolerance of 0.3% bile salts, of adhering to stainless steel surface and resistance to clindamycin, erythromycin and gentamycin. The technological properties, all six strains were capable of growth in milk and produced no unpleasant odor or post-acidification of the fermented milk during storage at 4°C for 28 days. It was noted, however, decreased from approximately 2,0 Log UFC.mL-1 in the viable cell count at the end of storage period. Finally, by evaluating the profiles of fermentation of carbohydrates and other biochemical reactions, two of the strains isolated from human milk have been identified as Enterococcus durans and Enterococcus avium as four. The results indicate that human milk is a potential source of probiotic bacteria with potential for industrial application.
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Evaluation of bambara groundnuts (Vigna subterrenea (L.) Verdc.) milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria as a probiotic beverageMurevanhema, Yvonne, Yeukai January 2012 (has links)
Thesis presented in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree
Master of Technology (Food Technology)
Department of Food Technology
Faculty of Applied Sciences
Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2012 / The aim of this study was to evaluate bambara groundnut milk (BGNM) subjected to fermentation with lactic acid bacteria (LAB) as a probiotic beverage with a view to developing value-added product. Central Composite Rotatable Design (CCRD) was used to optimise the hydration time and temperature of BGN flour for optimum BGN milk (BGNM) production. The optimum time and temperature was 2 h at 25oC. The effect of variety was assessed on the quality and consumer acceptability of BGNM prepared from five varieties of BGN (black, red, brown, brown-eye, and black-eye) which were representatives of the BGN available in South Africa. BGNM from the five varieties differed significantly (p<0.05) in, lightness, chroma, redness, yellowness, hue and antioxidative activity, while the pH were not significantly different. The four BGNM samples were significantly different (p < 0.05) in appearance, colour, mouthfeel and overall acceptability but not in aroma and taste. A three factor design (4 x 3 x 3) consisting of probiotics (Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, L. casei and L. plantarum), temperature and fermentation time, were used to estimate the optimal conditions for the production of BGN probiotic beverage (BGNPB). The optimal condition for the production of BGNPB was estimated to be 35oC for 24 h with a desirability of 0.854 for L. bulgaricus. The next promising probiotic was L. plantarum that could be fermented at 35oC for 24 h with 0.843 desirability. BGNM from the red variety were fermented with L. bulgaricus and L. plantarum and L bulgaricus (in combination), making plain and sweetened BGNPB which were evaluated for their quality and consumer acceptability. The four BGNPB samples were significantly different (p < 0.05) in aroma, taste, mouthfeel and overall acceptability but not in appearance and colour. The plain BGNPB were assessed for their proximate composition, antioxidant activity, in vitro probiotic tolerance to simulated gastric juices and bile and a 28 days shelf life study at 5, 15 and 25oC. The protein, total dietary fibre (TDF), ash and antioxidative activity of the BGNPB were significantly different while the fat and carbohydrates were not significantly different. Time and concentration of the gastric juice and bile had significant effects on the percentage bacterial survival of probiotics in the BGNPB. However, the probiotics did survive, in low numbers, in the simulated gastric juice and bile after 180 and 240 minutes of incubation. Titratable acidity, pH, microbial load and colour of the BGNPB were
significantly affected by the storage time and temperature during the shelf life study. At the 5oC storage temperature the BGNPB had a right censored shelf life on day 28. At 15oC the shelf life was 18 and 10 days for L bulgaricus and L. plantarum and L. bulgaricus respectively. The outcome of this research showed that a novel BGNPB product can be made from fermenting BGNM with LAB.
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Lactic acid bacteria as bio-preservatives in bakery : role of sourdough systems in the quality, safety and shelf life of breadKoy, Rebaz January 2017 (has links)
Microbial contamination and survival during storage of bread are a cause of both health concerns and economic losses. Traditional fermentation systems were studied as sources of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) with antagonistic potential against foodborne pathogens and spoilage organisms, with the aim to improve the safety and shelf life of bakery products. The antagonistic activity of four types of buttermilk (BM) products fermented with Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis was evaluated against a number of pathogenic bacteria to select the best fermented-BM for application as bio-preservatives in bread crumpets, showing up to 9 µg/ml of nisin equivalent antimicrobial activity. These food ingredients could be suitable to be used in crumpet formulations, BM fermented with Lc. lactis subsp. lactis and nisin influenced the quality and shelf life of crumpets; the pH value and firmness of products with fermented BM was lower and the acidity and springiness was higher than for unfermented BM treatment and control withouth additive. The nisin and fermented BM treatment had beneficial effects on the pore size and colour in comparison with the control, and improved microbial shelf life by 2 days. Commercial and traditional sourdough and bread samples (n=18) were collected to assess the diversity of LAB strains and potential properties when applied to dough and bread. DGGE followed by sequencing showed that Lactobacillus was the predominant genus in the studied sourdoughs. Lb. plantarum and Lb. brevis strains accounted for 69% of the 32 isolates, out of which 10 were amylolytic and 12 had proteolytic activity. Most were also good acid producers after 24 h at 30°C. Some LAB strains presented a strong in vitro inhibitory activity against five indicator strains, showing potential as starter cultures to ferment sourdough. In subsequent experiments, the properties of 24 sourdoughs were evaluated, and one of them, fermented with Lb. plantarum (SIN3) yielded low pH value, high lactic acid production, and suitable microbial growth, and was selected for further bread making performance trials. The bread with fast fermentation and high sourdough concentration (FFHSD) had a lower pH, higher acidity and increased the quality attributes with significantly better shelf life comparing to the other treatments during the storage period. Sensory evaluation demonstrated that fast-fermented breads were more acceptable than the slow-fermented counterparts. Bread prepared with high level (18%) of sourdough fast-fermented with the selected culture (SIN3) had a good eating quality and shelf life. The approach of this study is likely to yield feasible improvements of the current methods of preparation of baking goods.
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