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以淨現值法分析BenQ LCD TV 進入新市場的經營風險與機會 - 以土耳其市場為例 / The Risk and opportunity of BenQ LCD TV business to enter new market by NPV analysis- A case study of Turkish market董于震 Unknown Date (has links)
根據DisplaySearch最新報告統計,2009年全球電視市場出貨成長2%,達到2.11億台,而液晶電視在2009年的出貨成長率高達37%,更勝於2008年的34%。2009年電視市場表現最佳的第四季,在第四季中,全球電視市場出貨相對於2008年第四季成長17%,而LCD TV出貨更較前一年同期大幅增加50%,而為2007年以來最佳的單季成長率。
對於台灣廠商而言,掌握LCD TV的關鍵零組件如面板,卻無法提昇LCD TV產品的品牌知名度及全球的銷售數量,大部分廠商依然停留在賺取零組件的製造費用或微薄的代工利潤,反觀韓國,不但壟斷零組件市場,更在LCD TV品牌全球市場攻城掠地。本研究以BenQ這家品牌公司為例,在擁有同集團友達的面板供應下,以LCD TV產品進入土耳其市場所應採取的進入策略、時間及行銷佈局的分析,最後以淨現值觀點來做決策的評估。
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薄型電視機代工與自有品牌策略研究-以台資LCD TV 產業為例 / Research on contract manufacturing & obm strategy - a case of taiwanese-owned lcd tv industry劉世昌, Liu, Shih Chang Unknown Date (has links)
面對經營疆界( Business Boundary)越趨模糊的新世代,高科技電子消費性終端產業不斷展現誘人商機;隨著傳統映像管電視機式微,取而代之的薄型電視機進入市場,關鍵組件及軟體等科技研發競賽不斷推陳出新,刺激需求;原家電品牌(製造服務)業者主宰整個電視機產業,如今卻面臨強烈挑戰;覬覦液晶電視機(LCD TV)快速引爆市場需求,成長力道強勁並快速整合產業加值鏈,各業者競爭激烈,積極進場,甚至Electronic Manufacturing Service(EMS)大廠、資通訊業者等皆企圖搶奪液晶電視機市場。
從2009年德國柏林IFA、2010年美國CES Show、Computex等展覽中觀察到世界大廠不斷在技術研發向前推進;科技浪頭的百家爭鳴,似乎引領電視機產業來到一個不連續又不斷變動的競爭氛圍。在面臨產品生命週期短促、面板價格波動劇烈、多重廣播標準與門檻及終端市場需求變化巨大的經營挑戰下,產業加值鏈持續透過整合或外包策略因應;本研究個案廠商,考量資源分享極大化以提高競爭力,大多在此階段同時選擇代工(OEM/ODM)與自有品牌經營(OBM)。
至於,選擇代工與品牌並重之個案公司,則陷入較為不利之經營局面;然而,若能調整以自有品牌經營為主,與代工做切割,在創新能力、整體(含音質與畫質)設計能力等做到最具精緻特色,此亦極有機會先穩固區域品牌經營,再伺機擴張。最後對個案廠商未來發展做出策略建議,以及後續研究之方向,期為業界在強化競爭力與提高營業利益等經營議題,提供參考。 / The rapid penetration of Slim-Type TV with the price decline which is raised by the great progress of LCD related technology and increasing huge investment on new generation Fab. Taiwanese firms play significant roles in this worldwide prosperity and firmly integration at all-stream for a strong supply chain.
As supply chain players keep implementing integration strategy to catch up with the cross-boundary opportunities, various business models have emerged. To address this phenomenon, a novel two-phase analytic framework was conducted to study the driving force and balance condition of Taiwan LCD TV vendors’ contract manufacturing (OEM)/OBM Model Choice.
Through case-study and secondary data collection, we found that while facing tough business environment, Most of Taiwan LCD TV firms with different resource-bases , have choose both OEM/ODM and OBM to achieve economic scale for revenue increasing. Also, it’s a way to do cost reduction by sharing the resources.
However, this study yielded different results when four-case companies implementing both OEM/ODM and OBM strategy, we found that if no appropriate resource allocation and right people/mechanism, increase another business model to existing model will bring the reverse effect.
This paper finally concluded that different resource bases companies should consider various driving force and transform to the most suited business model through continue leveraging their own competences to catch the transient market opportunities.
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台灣液晶電視代工廠商的發展策略-以4C架構分析 / The competitive strategies of the LCD TV OEM/ODM companies in Taiwan - analysis by 4C structure陳正昌 Unknown Date (has links)
在發展液晶電視代工的廠商中,本研究針對廠商的特性將發展液晶電視的代工廠商歸類傳統家電廠、面板廠、筆記型電腦代工廠、監視器專業製造廠商四大類。本研究以邱志聖教授的策略行銷4C架構來分析這四類製造廠商的發展演進,並對這四類製造廠商未來發展提出看法,以做為液晶電視代工業者未來擬定策略的參考方向。 / With the advantages of less energy consumption and radiation, higher resolution, good looking in design, the trend that LCD TV replaces traditional CRT TV is very obvious. In the mean time, the outsourcing percentage for brand name customer is also getting higher and higher. Therefore, many manufacturing companies in Taiwan are aggressive to put their resources in this competition in order to get more outsourcing LCD TV order.
The companies involving the LCD TV OEM/ODM can be divided by Home Appliance companies、panel makers、notebook OEM manufacturers and monitor OEM manufacturers. In this research, systematic analysis is done based on “Strategic Marketing Analysis” for the four kinds of companies. Hope it can provide some good information and reference to those companies when developing their LCD TV OEM/ODM strategy in the future.
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大陸電視對台灣液晶電視產業影響分析 / The Impactions of Mainland China TV on the Taiwan LCD TV Industry李志鎬 Unknown Date (has links)
就長期而言,要培養具國際視野和最新技術的國際頂尖學者,也要針對產業和新技術的政策擬定針對性市場技術開發策略,以利後續產業國際化和國際品牌的配合與銜接。 / This research applies Industrial and Scenario Analyses to figure out the factors that are affected from the history and current states to generate the future developments of Taiwan’s LCD TV industry. It also acts as a reference to companies who concern about the developments of this industry. Besides, after the Scenario Analysis of Taiwan’s LCD TV industry, this research will take the company, CHIMEI Nexgen, as an example to analyze its possible responding strategies to this industry.
The research starts with the analysis of 「Structure-Conduct-Performance, SCP」 and the related financial information. Moreover, it uses five forces as the factors of Scenario Analysis. Afterwards, it corresponds with the industrial analysis to use the result and competitive advantage, related industrial strategies and White Space Strategy. According to the results of scenario analysis, what CHIMEI Nexgen should do is to uplift its competitiveness in Taiwan’s LCD TV industry through vertical and horizontal integrations of the value chain.
As a long run, it is important to develop international top scholars with the global vision and state-of–art technologies for Taiwan’s LCD TV industry. Moreover, for industrial and high-technology policies, Taiwan’s LCD TV industry should map out the expending technical developing strategies that focus on international market in order to correspond to its follow-up products and international brand.
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