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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Förklaringsfaktorer till variationer i effektiva skattesatser : En longitudinell studie av noterade företag i Sverige / Determinants of the Variability in Effective Tax Rates : A Longitudinal Study of Publicly Listed Firms in Sweden

Caveldin, Linnea, Orädd, Rebecca January 2020 (has links)
Syfte: Företags kassaflöden och vinster samt staters inkomster påverkas av hur mycket skatt som betalas av företag. Resultat i tidigare forskning om företagsstorlekens betydelse för effektiva skattesatser är motstridiga. Utelämnande av andra variabler som i vissa studier har visats ha signifikanta effekter på effektiva skattesatser kan vara en anledning till denna motstridighet. Sådan forskning har inte genomförts i Sverige enligt författarnas kännedom. Därför undersöks i denna studie effekterna av variabler som mäter storlek, skuldsättning, kapitalintensitet, forsknings- och utvecklingsintensitet samt lönsamhet på effektiva skattesatser hos företag med svensk företagsledning eller koncernledning. Syftet med detta är att ge en bild av vilka faktorer som kan förklara variationer mellan dessa företags skattebörda. Metod: Fem hypoteser om samband mellan variabler deduceras utifrån teorier och tidigare forskning. 3 593 kvantitativa observationer från 702 noterade företag och 6 år samlas in från databasen Retriever Business. Den longitudinella datan används i en regressionsanalys som testar de fem hypoteserna. Resultat: Denna studie bidrar med empiriskt bevis för ett positivt och signifikant samband mellan företagsstorlek och effektiva skattesatser. Däremot visas inte effekterna av skuldsättning, kapitalintensitet, FoU-intensitet och lönsamhet på effektiva skattesatser vara signifikanta. Slutsatser: Den slutsats som dras är att företagsstorlek är en indikation på storleken på effektiva skattesatser för företag med svensk företagsledning eller koncernledning. Teorin om politiska kostnader kan användas för att förklara sambandets riktning. / Aim: Cash flows and profits in firms as well as government revenue are affected by how much is paid in corporate taxes. Results in prior research concerning the effect of firm size on effective tax rates are inconsistent. Omitting other variables that have in some studies been proven to have significant effects on effective tax rates can be one cause of this inconsistency. Such research has not been conducted in Sweden to the extent of the authors’ knowledge. Therefore, this study examines the effects of variables that measure size, leverage, capital intensity, research and development intensity, and profitability on effective tax rates for firms with Swedish management or group management. The aim of this is describing which factors that can explain variations between these firms’ tax burdens. Method: Five hypotheses regarding associations between variables are deduced from theories and prior research. 3 593 quantitative observations from 702 publicly listed firms and 6 years are collected from the database Retriever Business. The longitudinal data is used in a regression analysis that tests the five hypotheses. Results: This study provides empirical evidence for a positive and significant association between firm size and effective tax rates. However, the effects of leverage, capital intensity, R&D intensity, and profitability on effective tax rates are not shown to be significant. Conclusions: It is concluded that firm size is an indicator of the size of effective tax rates for firms with Swedish management or group management. The political cost theory can be used in explaining the direction of the association.

Secondary Student Perspectives Of The Inclusive Classroom With Co-Teachers

Ruscheinski, Alexis 23 June 2022 (has links)
No description available.

High Yield – Tid Att Blomstra? : En studie av den svenska företagsobligationsmarknaden för små och medelstora fastighetsföretag / High Yield – A Late Bloomer’s Time To Shine? : A study on the Swedish corporate bond market for small and medium-sized real estate companies

Yosef, Sonia, Sommer, Julia January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

High Yield – A Late Bloomer’s Time To Shine? / High Yield – Tid Att Blomstra?

Yosef, Sonia, Sommer, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Real estate companies are capital intense and bank loans represent the most common source of funding. However, the years following the latest financial crisis resulted in difficult terms and expensive bank loans, which cleared a path for alternative sources of funding. Small and me-dium-sized real estate companies displayed a particular interest in corporate bonds and ever since then the real estate sector have been overrepresented on the Swedish corporate bond mar-ket. Despite the growth during the past years, the Swedish market still appears to be underde-veloped compared to other countries. However, several trends are now indicating that High Yield is on the rise. New regulations that are currently being implemented will increase the costs for banks further and consequently make bank loans even more expensive. Simultane-ously, the current low interest-rate environment and volatile stock markets are increasing de-mand for High Yield alternatives among retail and institutional investors. This study investi-gates the High Yield market for small and medium-sized real estate companies and is built upon eleven interviews with professionals. It concludes that the market is underdeveloped because there has been no previous demand for it. Swedish banks and companies have traditionally had a synergetic relationship while investors relied on saving accounts and equities. The situation today is different; investors are demanding High Yield investments and the segment will most probably increase in the future. Real estate companies are positive to bonds and wish to increase the current ratio of their debt portfolio. There are however several barriers for continued growth, such as lack of knowledge, transparency, liquidity as well as fair pricing in the market. In the current state, corporate bond investments are suitable only for professional investors. The ex-emption is High Net Worth Individuals, who buy and hold, which are particularly suited for smaller corporate bonds. / Fastighetsföretag bedriver kapitalintensiv verksamhet och den vanligaste finansieringsformen för svenska fastighetsföretag är idag banklån. Efter den senaste finanskrisen har dock bankut-låningen blivit mer restriktiv vilket särskilt har drabbat mindre företag. Till följd av detta har alternativa finansieringsformer blivit allt vanligare där företagsobligationer blivit särskilt in-tressanta för små och medelstora fastighetsföretag. Sedan finanskrisen har specifikt fastighets-företagen varit överrepresenterade på den svenska företagsobligationsmarknaden. Faktum är ändock att företagsobligationsmarknaden i Sverige, trots tillväxt de senaste åren, framstår som underutvecklad i jämförelse med andra länder. Flertalet trender pekar emellertid på att den kom-mer att fortsätta blomma ut. För närvarande implementeras nya regelverk som ökar kostnaderna för bankerna och potentiellt kommer att leda till större restriktioner och dyrare banklån. Vidare bidrar dagens låga ränteläge i kombination med volatila aktiemarknader till att efterfrågan på företagsobligationer bland investerare, privata såväl som institutionella, ökar. Studien undersö-ker företagsobligationsmarknaden inom High Yield segmentet för små och medelstora fastig-hetsföretag och bygger på elva intervjuer med yrkesverksamma. Det konkluderas att marknaden är underutvecklad då den ej har efterfrågats tidigare. De svenska bankerna och fastighetsföre-tagen har sedan länge en symbiotisk relation samtidigt som investerare har förlitat sig på spar-konton och aktier. Idag är situationen annorlunda där fler investerare efterfrågar High Yield produkter. Fastighetsföretagen är positiva till obligationer och önskar öka nuvarande andel i sina skuldportföljer. Det finns dock barriärer för den fortsatta tillväxten på marknaden, där-ibland brist på kunskap, transparens och likviditet samt ifrågasatt prissättning. Direktinveste-ringar i företagsobligationer idag lämpar sig därför för professionella investerare. Undantaget är kapitalstarka privatpersoner som ämnar att hålla instrumentet till förfall vilka lämpar sig sär-skilt bra som investerare i mindre företagsobligationer.

Europeiska unionens styrmetoder i förhandlingsprocesser : En teorikonsumerande fallstudie på Europeiska unionens förhandlingsprocess för Kosovos EU-medlemskap / European Union's Governance Methods in Negotiation Processes : A Theory-consuming Case Study on European Union's Negotiation Process for Kosovo's EU Membership

Dudi, Drenica January 2022 (has links)
This study analyzes the European Union's governance methods in Kosovo during the negotiation process for EU membership, since the country's declaration of independence. To carry out an analysis, this study uses a theory-consuming case study as its method. The study uses Steven Levitsky and Lucan Way's theory of Western Linkage and Leverage as an analytical tool to analyze what governance methods the European Union has used in Kosovo. But also to find out if they have had an impact on Kosovo's EU integration since the country's independence. The results show that the levels of Western Linkage have been high but also have developed positively since 2008. In addition, the results show that the levels of Western Leverage have been high since 2008. Thus it appears that the EU has used different governance methods in order to lead Kosovo to an increased democratization. This study also concludes that the EU can be seen as an important, normative actor for Kosovo during the negotiation process according to the theory Normative Power Europe.

Pobídky jako cesta k míru? Vyjednávání a zapojení třetích stran / Using Carrots to Bring Peace? Negotiation and Third Party Involvement

Klimešová, Martina January 2011 (has links)
Title: Using Carrots to Bring Peace? Negotiation and Third Party Involvement Author: Martina Klimesova 284 p. (+references and appendices) March 2011 How to make peace? This dissertation answers what impact third party incentives have on peace negotiation, more specifically on negotiation strategies in internal armed conflicts based on self-determination grievances. This study further assesses when the ripest time for the employment of incentives is, and in what way external incentives have an impact on possible negotiation asymmetries. Incentives in the following negotiation processes were analyzed: GoSL-LTTE in Sri Lanka (Eelam, 2002-03; 2006), GoI-GAM in Indonesia (Aceh, 2000-03; 2005), and the GRP-MILF in the Philippines (Mindanao, 2001-08). The findings indicate that those third party incentives which are linked to the core conflict issues are most likely to have some impact on the negotiation, but that committed pro-process leadership by the conflicting parties is also a necessity. The research also indicated that third parties have only limited options in employing incentives that can have an impact on the core conflict issues; and that, in any case, they are rarely willing to pursue such options. Committed strong leadership, presence of ripeness (far more frequently stipulated by an MHS than MEO),...

Dividend policy and share price volatility: evidence from the Johannesburg Stock Exchange

Wehncke, Francois Cornelius 10 1900 (has links)
For many financial analysts the relationship between dividend policy and share price volatility remains inconclusive. The purpose of this study was to ascertain whether the relationship between dividend policy and share price volatility for JSE-listed firms in South Africa differs from previous, similar research done on different markets. The research study answered the research question and determined what the relationship is between dividend policy and share price volatility for a representative sample of JSE-listed firms. In addition, it met the objective of finding and evaluating the relationship between dividend policy and share price volatility for a selection of JSElisted firms, under various economic conditions. The research study spanned a 12- year period with more than 1 065 observations noted. Quantitative, secondary data was collected and descriptive statistics were used during the analysis phase. Two standard multiple regression models were used to regress dividend policy and share price volatility, with the first regression model only providing a crude test between the variables. The second regression model accounted for factors that affect both variables and was included to provide a more accurate test estimation. The relationship between the dividend payout ratio and share price volatility and the relationship between dividend yield and share price volatility were evaluated and reported on, under various different economic conditions (pre, during and post the 2008 financial crisis). The study concluded that there is a negative correlation between a firm’s dividend policy and share price volatility. It further found that a firm’s dividend payout ratio, and not the dividend yield ratio, remains the single biggest contributor in explaining the variance in share price volatility throughout the different economic phases presented by pre, during and post the 2008 global financial crisis. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Financial Management)

Special Education Teacher Educators’ Perceptions of High-Leverage Practices inUndergraduate Coursework

Pigman, Ryan 23 September 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Transmisión de la política monetaria a la inversión de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima en función su apalancamiento: El Broad Credit Channel / Transmission of the monetary policy to the investment of the companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange based on their leverage: The Broad Credit Channel

Salazar Ramírez, Oscar Rodolfo 20 January 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio pretende analizar si los cambios en la tasa de interés de referencia del Banco Central de Reserva del Perú pueden afectan de manera diferenciada a las decisiones de inversión de las empresas corporativas que cotizan en la Bolsa de Valores de Lima. Para tales efectos utilizaremos un modelo econométrico de datos de panel, a través del cual evaluaremos si el grado de endeudamiento de cada firma es un factor que condiciona el impacto de cambios en la tasa de interés de referencia sobre las inversiones que ésta realiza. En relación a este mecanismo, conocido como Broad Credit Channel, nuestros resultados brindan evidencia a favor de que este canal podría encontrarse operativo en el Perú, siendo un elemento que condiciona el impacto de un aumento de la tasa de interés sobre la inversión. / The present study intends to analyze if the changes in the reference interest rate of the Central Reserve Bank of Peru can differently affect the investment decisions of corporate companies listed on the Lima Stock Exchange. For this purpose, we will use an econometric panel data model, through which we will assess whether the degree of indebtedness of each firm is a key factor that determines the impact of changes in the reference interest rate on the investments it makes. In relation to this mechanism, known as the Broad Credit Channel, our results provide evidence in favor of this channel being operational in Peru, being an element that limits the impact of an increase in the interest rate on investment. / Tesis

Kapitalstruktur i svenska noterade bolag : En jämförelse mellan familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag / Capital structure of swedish listed companies : A comparison between family firms and nonfamilyfirms

Josefsson, Erik, Pettersson, Matilda January 2014 (has links)
Familjeföretag utgör 65-80 procent av alla världens företag och har spelat en nyckelroll i moderniseringen av ekonomin i världens länder. Kapitalstruktur är ett väl utforskat område, men trots detta är det svårt att exakt avgöra vad som driver företag i sina beslut gällande kapitalstruktur. Få studier har genomförts som specifikt fokuserar på kapitalstrukturen i familjeföretag, vilket ligger till grund för den här studien. Denna studie undersöker huruvida det finns några skillnader avseende kapitalstruktur mellan familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag på den svenska börsen. Även huruvida skuldsättningsgraden påverkas av andra faktorer undersöks. Genom att använda en handplockad datamängd bestående av 205 noterade svenska företag under år 2012 har vi kommit fram till följande resultat: Svenska noterade familjeföretag skuldsätter sig mindre än svenska icke-familjeföretag. Angående huruvida det finns faktorer som påverkar skuldsättningsgraden kan vi visa att det finns ett positivt beroende mellan skuldsättningsgrad och följande två variabler: lönsamhet och andel materiella anläggningstillgångar. Att ett positivt beroende råder mellan skuldsättningsgrad och dessa två variabler visar att ju lönsammare eller ju mer materiella anläggningstillgångar ett företag har, desto högre tenderar skuldsättningsgraden att vara. Dock hittades inget beroende mellan skuldsättningsgrad och företagets storlek. Utifrån den teoretiska referensramen ges möjliga förklaringar till det erhållna resultatet och i vissa fall agerar inte alltid företagen i likhet med vad kapitalstruktursteorierna förespråkar. Sammantaget visar vår studie att det finns en signifikant skillnad mellan svenska börsnoterade familjeföretag och icke-familjeföretag avseende deras val av kapitalstruktur samt att det finns faktorer som påverkar skuldsättningsgraden. / Family firms represent 65-80 percent of the entire world’s business and they have played a key role in modernizing the economy of the world’s countries. Capital structure is a well-explored area, but despite this, it ́s difficult to determine exactly what drives companies in their decisions regarding capital structure. Few studies have been conducted that specifically focuses on the capital structure in family firms, which is the basis of this study. This study examines whether there are any differences regarding capital structure between family firms and non- family firms on the Swedish stock exchange. Even whether the leverage ratio is influenced by other factors examined. Using a hand-collected dataset of 205 listed Swedish companies in 2012, we come up with the following results: Swedish listed family firms have lower leverage ratios than non-family firms. Regarding whether there are factors that affect the leverage ratio, we can show that there is a positive relationship between leverage and the following two variables: profitability and tangible assets. That a positive relationship exists between leverage and these two variables shows that the more profitable or the more tangible assets a company has, the higher the leverage ratio tends to be. However, no relationship between leverage and firm size where found. Based on the theoretical framework possible explanations for the obtained result is provided, and in some cases the companies does not always act similar to what the capital structure theories advocates. Overall, our study shows that there is a significant difference between the Swedish listed family firms and non-family firms regarding their choice of capital structure and that there are factors that affect the level of leverage.

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