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Kanegelorato Ya SepediLebaka, Kgeledi Johanna 13 December 2006 (has links)
In this thesis, an attempt is made to divide the Sepedi love story as 'light' reading matter into different subgenres. In order to do this, a distinction has to be made between 'light' and 'serious' reading matter. In short, this distinction amounts to the following: -- The love story as 'light' reading matter deals with problems of love that are resolved and the story ends on a happy mate. The conflict is between 'good' and 'bad' and the characters are portrayed accordingly and are hence flat characters. There is more emphasis on action than on characterisation. Suspense is built up by a series of problems that prevent the lovers from meeting each other. The problems are gradually resolved and the story has a happy ending. -- The love story as 'serious' reading literature emphasises problems in life rather than problems of love. The characters are portrayed fully in their exposure to the storm and stress of life. The love affair being depicted is headed for disappointment, and the ending is often tragic. In Sepedi literature, the love story as 'light' reading matter (or entertainment literature) is divided into five subgenres, i.e. the love story as (a) a moral story, (b) a subdivision of the detective story, the romantic mystery of Ramsdell (1999), (c) the ethnic or multicultural romantic story, (d) the historical love story, and (e) the true love story. In the love story as a moral story, there is a strong focus on the loyalty of the lovers. Where there is infidelity, the good relationship can only be restored if the guilty one received his punishment. Example of this are Noto-ya-Masogana (Tsebe, 1954), Morweši (Motuku, 1969), Tshehlana ya ka (Bosoma, 1990) and Sesasedi sa katlego (Kekana, 1990). In the love story as a subdivision of the detective story, the intrigue (of love) is used to intensify the secret in the detective story. Kekana's Nonyana ya Tokologo (1985) and Nnete Fela (1989) are two suitable examples in which the attitude of the heroine prevents a quick unravelling of the problem. In the ethnic or multicultural love story, the happy ending is delayed by the fact that the lovers do not belong to the same ethnic or cultural group and because the love affair is under social and cultural pressure. Megokgo ya Lethabo (1992) is an example of such a story in which the lovers are a Mopedi and a Motsonga respectively, and the young man's family was not at all in favour of the relationship. In the historical love affair, the conflict in the story is intensified by the difference between the traditional and the present-day outlook on life. This subgenre differs from the previous one in that the conflict originates within the same ethnic or cultural group and in that it is the result of the changes that have, amongst other things, been brought about by urbanisation. An example of this subgenre is Rafapa' s Leratosello (1978). The true love story shares many of its characteristics with the love story as a moral story, as the conflict is also between 'good' and 'bad' characters. In this subgenre there is, however, no place for peace; the 'good' is not used to emphasise the moral. Examples of this are Leratorato (Motuku, 1977), Lerato (Ramokgopa, 1978) and Le Lerato (Moloisie, 1986). / Thesis (DLitt (African Languages))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / African Languages / unrestricted
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Women Troubadours in Southern FranceGaniere, Catherine Christine 14 December 2007 (has links) (PDF)
In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries women troubadours in southern France called trobairitz participated in dialogue or debate poems called tensons with male troubadours. Of the nine existing tensons that include a male and a female voice, we will only analyze five tensons with the known identities of both the trobairitz and the troubadour that debate the subject of love, and we will include the following trobairitz tensons in this paper: Alamanda, Isabella, Garsenda, Lombarda and Maria de Ventadorn. We will discuss the thematic elements these five tensons share. Scholars such as Pierre Bec, Peter Dronke and Katharina Wilson note trobairitz' themes vary from those of traditional male troubadours. Troubadours concentrate on the outward or social manifestations of the courtly love game and values, yet trobairitz focus on the intimate, private pleasures of love by deviating from generally accepted courtly love conventions and social behaviors. Since the subject of love is debated in these five tensons, the personal character in these tensons alludes to the trobairitz's life—circumstances and incidents. A trobairitz's personal character is also illustrated in the tenson by her willingness to show personal qualities about a love relationship and as Deborah Perkal-Balinsky calls it "a willingness to deviate from accepted social behavior or perhaps the rules of the game, in an effort to attain the intimate pleasures in a love relationship" (46). The tensons discussed provide valuable information about trobairitz and courtly love—the publicly displayed values of honor, valor and mercy. At times, trobairitz solicit love by revolting against the courtly love rules to win a man. In courtly love tensons, trobairitz use the literary style, courtly vocabulary and courtly values to express both their support and criticism for the system. Through the use of courtly vocabulary, trobairitz conform to the styles developed by troubadours, yet when trobairitz write as female lovers and poets, they also discard the conventions set forth by troubadours, since they are not male lovers and poets. In each tenson the literary mode is man-in-society, and the theme centers around love"”either the praise of it or the blame from lack thereof or both (Hagen 27). In each of the five tensons, there are three common threads in the trobairitz love relationships: (1) in each tenson we see the personal character of the trobairitz; (2) we see them deviate from the accepted social behavior or the rules of the game; and (3) we witness that the trobairitz are usually unhappy with their love relationships. We will examine each tenson individually regarding these three aspects.
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Uppskattning av betalningsviljan för Peace & Love 2011Dahlqvist, Hampus, Laham, Tarek January 2016 (has links)
I denna uppsats skattas betalningsviljan hos besökarna på Peace & Love-festivalen år 2011. Med hjälp av enkätdata baserad på avslöjade och uttalade preferenser presenteras en regressionsanalys med olika oberoende variabler som karaktäriserar en festivalbesökare. Total budget är den beroende variabeln i regressionsanalysen och tolkas i uppsatsen som ekvivalent med besökarnas betalningsvilja. Analysen visar att män i genomsnitt spenderar 301 kronor mer än kvinnor, att turister i genomsnitt spenderar 1 124 kronor mer än en icke-turist samt att den genomsnittliga besökaren har en betalningsvilja på 4 183 kronor. Ett skattat konsumentöverskott har också värderats, vilket uppgick till 743 kronor per person och cirka 37 miljoner kronor totalt för de 50 000 festivalbesökarna. Uppsatsen tar inte hänsyn till de ekonomiska effekter som festivalen har på Borlänge som stad. / In this thesis the willingness to pay among the visitors of peace & love-festival year 2011 is valued. With survey data based on revealed and stated preferences a regression analysis is presented with different independent variables that characterizes a festival visitor. Total budget is the dependent variable in the regression analysis and is, in this thesis, to be regarded as equivalent to visitors’ willingness to pay. The analysis shows that men in general spend 301 SEK more than women, tourists in general spend 1 124 SEK more than non-tourists and that the average visitor has a willingness to pay valued to 4 183 SEK. A consumer surplus has also been valued, which amounted to 743 SEK per visitor and around 37 million SEK in total for all 50,000 visitors. This thesis does not take into account the economic effects the festival holds on the city of Borlänge.
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Synthèse et caractérisation de nouveaux polymères comportant un nombre contrôlé de sites basiques : application à la détection du dioxyde de soufre par des microcapteurs à onde acoustique de surface / Synthesis and characterization of new polymers containing a controlled number of basic sites : application to the detection of sulfur dioxide by surface acoustic wave microsensorsBen Youssef, Ismaïl 06 October 2010 (has links)
Ce travail a pour objectif de développer de nouveaux microcapteurs à onde acoustique de surface (SAW) capables de détecter le dioxyde de souffre (SO₂) à l’échelle de traces par l’intermédiaire d’une couche sensible à base d’un polymère fonctionnel. Une famille originale de cinq polyuréthaneimides (PUIs) à blocs contenant un nombre contrôlé de sites amines tertiaires de structures différentes a été synthétisée et caractérisée. Ces matériaux présentent des propriétés originales, en solution et à l’état solide, qui sont dues essentiellement à la présence des sites basiques et à la structure à blocs associant des blocs souples polyéthers et des blocs rigides en partie fluorés. Leur excellent caractère filmogène a permis leur application en tant que couche sensible au SO₂ sur des microcapteurs SAW. Deux structures de microcapteurs à onde de Love, bicouche et tri-couche, ont été développées en respectant les conditions de génération de l’onde. La structure bicouche comporte le Quartz-ST 90° comme substrat et l’un des PUIs joue le double rôle de couche guidante et sensible. Cette structure génère bien l’onde de Love mais elle présente une forte sensibilité à la température, inconvénient majeur pour les capteurs de gaz. L’ajout d’une couche guidante à base de ZnO, dans une structure tri-couche, a permis de rendre le dispositif peu sensible à la température et donc compatible avec l’application visée. Les résultats des tests de détection du SO₂ montrent que tous les PUIs étudiés contribuent à une amélioration de la sensibilité comparativement au dispositif sans couche polymère. La présence des sites amines tertiaires conduit à une amélioration importante de la sensibilité qui n’est pas seulement gouvernée par leur basicité mais également par leur encombrement stérique dont le rôle apparaît déterminant / This work aimed at developing new surface acoustic wave (SAW) microsensors capable of detecting traces of sulfur dioxide (SO₂) through a sensitive layer based on a functional polymer. An original family of five polyurethaneimide (PUI) block copolymers containing a controlled number of tertiary amine sites with different chemical structures was synthesized and characterized. These materials exhibited original properties in solution and solid state, which were mainly due to the presence of the basic sites and the block structure combining polyether soft blocks and partially fluorinated hard blocks. Their excellent film-forming character allowed their application as SO₂ sensitive layers on SAW microsensors. Two bi-layer and three-layer structures of Love wave microsensors were developed by respecting the conditions of the Love wave generation. The bi-layer structure included the Quartz ST-90° as the piezoelectric substrate and one of the PUIs acting as both guiding and sensitive layer. This structure generated the Love wave but its high sensitivity to temperature was a major drawback for gas sensors. The addition of a ZnO guiding layer in a three-layer structure led to a microsensor almost insensitive to temperature and thus compatible with the targeted application. The experimental results for SO₂ detection showed that all the PUIs contributed to improve the sensitivity compared to the device without polymer layer. The presence of tertiary amine sites led to a significant improvement in gas sensitivity which was not only governed by their basicity but also by their steric hindrance which played a determining role
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The London Novels of Colin MacInnesGreene, Sarah Lee 05 1900 (has links)
The novels that compose Colin MacInnes's London trilogy, City_ of Spades, Absolute Beginners, and Mr. Love and Justice, are concerned with British society as it has evolved since World War II. By depicting certain "outsiders," MacInnes illustrates a basic cause of social unrest: the average Britisher is blind to societal changes resulting from the war. Most citizens mistreat the African immigrants, allow their children to be exploited by the few adults who realize the buying power of the postwar youth, and remain oblivious to crime, even among their own police force.
Though the novels are social documentaries, they are also valuable as literature. MacInnes's exceptional powers of description, together with his facility with language in general, contribute to the trilogy's merit as a compelling exploration of the human condition.
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Konceptualizace lásky v textech české populární hudby (Jazykový obraz lásky v textech skupiny Lucie) / Conceptualization of Love in the Czech Popular Lyrics (Linguistic Picture of Love in the Lyrics of the Group "Lucie")Kratochvílová, Veronika January 2013 (has links)
This master's thesis researches the linguistic image of love in lyrics found in Czech popular music based on the theoretical and methodological principles of cognitive linguistics. The theoretical section first characterizes the song lyrics of the band Lucie and then explores the context of cognitive linguistics. More specifically, this thesis characterizes the cognitivist concept and the application of metaphorical structures in both common language and creative texts. In the interpretational section, the concept of love is characterized by using a number of key lexemes which are used to express love in the Czech language. This section also describes the metaphorical and metonymical conceptualization of love in terms of the Czech image of the world. The conclusion deals with the profiles of the Czech concept of (erotic) love. This thesis mainly relies on theoretical and methodological tools included in the works of G. Lakoff, M. Johnson, J. Grady and M. Głąbska.
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Téma lásky v poezii generace 27 / The theme of love in the poetry of the Generation of '27Doležalová, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis "The theme of love in the poetry of the Generation of '27" provides an interpretation of the motif of love in the work of three poets of this formation: Vincente Aleixandre, Pedro Salinas, and Luis Cernuda. It focuses on the collections of poems from the period of the "rehumanization" of Spanish poetry where "to rehumanize" is to return to the subject of love. The authors highlight the correlation of love and poetry as a means to overcome solitude of an individual and to relate to another or to the world. The influence of surrealism on the work of Vincente Aleixandre and Luis Cernuda has been outlined. Moreover, a thesis claiming that the "rehumanization" happened only under the influence of the surrealist movement has been refuted, which is illustrated on the lyric love poems of Pedro Salinas. The work attempts to show that even in this period the elements of pure, "dehumanized" poetry were not completely eliminated. In the work of Vicente Aleixandre, love is characterized as a cosmic force, which rules the whole world - it destroys, reforms and interlinks all. An emphasis is given on the corporeal nature of such love and the interconnection between erotism and the artistic process. In the work of Pedro Salinas, the motif of love is interpreted as a story of two people realized...
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Élaboration des capteurs chimiques à base d'algues microscopiques / Elaboration of chemical sensors based on microscopic algaeTekaya, Nadèje 23 October 2013 (has links)
Notre thèse vise la conception d'un biocapteur ultra-sensible à base d'Arthrospira platensis pour la détection des substances toxiques (métaux lourds et pesticides) pour un contrôle environnemental. Cette étude concerne, dans un premier lieu, le développement de systèmes impédimétriques et à ondes acoustiques de Love, associés à des puces en Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) et fonctionnalisés par des cellules d'Arthrospira platensis immobilisées sur une multicouche de polyélectrolytes déposés par la méthode « Layer by Layer ». L'étude fondamentale des interactions physiques-chimiques-biologiques mises en jeu lors des étapes de fonctionnalisation du capteur, et son application à la détection de cadmium et de mercure, est également abordée, à travers une étude acoustique (suivi en temps réel), électrochimique et microscopique (microscopie à force atomique (AFM) en milieu sec ou liquide et microscopique électronique à balayage (MEB)). Dans un deuxième lieu, cette étude présente les systèmes conductimétriques basés sur l'inhibition des activités enzymatiques de la cyanobactérie par les polluants. Différents modes d'immobilisation sur des microcapteurs interdigités (IDF) en or, ont été étudiés : immobilisation via les monocouches auto-assemblées « Self Assembled Monolayers », immobilisation via les nanoparticules d'or revêtues par du PAH et co-réticulées à l'albumine à l'albumine de sérum bovin sous vapeur saturée de glutaraldéhyde. Ce principe de détection consiste à inhiber l'Activité Phophatase Alcaline (APA) par les métaux lourds et l'Activité Estérase (AChE) par les pesticides. Des limites de détection excellente (10-20 M) ont été obtenues. Un biocapteur bi-enzymatique a été élaboré avec le même biorécepteur (Arthrospira platensis) pour une multi-détection des polluants. Ce capteur a été testé sur des échantillons d'eaux prélevés sur des effluents hospitaliers et urbains (eaux brutes et traitées) / This thesis focuses on the design of an ultra-sensitive biosensor based on Arthrospira platensis for the detection of toxic substances (heavy metals and pesticides) for environmental monitoring. This study deals with, first, the development of impedimetric and Love acoustic wave systems, associated with Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) chips and functionalized with Arthrospira platensis cells immobilized on polyelectrolyte multilayers deposited by the “Layer and Layer” method. Electrochemical, acoustic and microscopic interactions with cadmium and mercury (atomic force microscopy (AFM) in dry or liquid medium and studies of scanning electron microscopy (SEM)) have been performed. This work focuses also on conductometric system based on the inhibition of enzymatic activities of cyanobacteria by pollutants. Different modes of immobilization on gold interdigitated microsensors (IDTs) were studied: immobilization via self-assembled monolayers, immobilization with gold nanoparticles coated with PAH and co-reticulated with bovine serum albumin under saturated vapor of glutaraldehyde. They were based on the inhibition of Alkaline Phosphatase activity (APA) by heavy metals Esterase Activity (AChE) by pesticides. Excellent detection limits (10-20 M) were obtained. A bi-enzymatic biosensor was developed with the same bioreceptor (Arthrospira platensis) for polluants multi-detection. This sensor has been tested on water samples of urban and hospitals effluents (before and after treatment)
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Beatriz, musa de Dante Alighieri, com suas transfigurações na Vita Nova e incursões na Divina Comédia / Beatriz, Dante Alighieris muse, her transfigurations in The New Life and incursions in The Divine ComedyRobin, Paula Monteleone 01 April 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo da Vita Nova de Dante Alighieri, onde o Amor, as musas e outros personagens surgem da mitologia grega. Esse Amor pagão é cristianizado por Dante, que o transforma na figura de Deus. Beatriz passa a ser a Musa de Dante, que é chamada pelo poeta primeiro de gentilissima, depois donna angelo, santa, filósofa e teóloga. No Convívio, pode-se constatar a aproximação de sua deusa à sabedoria filosófica e teológica. Tudo isso se passa pela elaboração da poesia, bem como a Divina Comédia, que são, segundo o autor, alegorias. Foram feitas algumas incursões na Divina Comédia para confirmar tais configurações entrou-se em trechos do Purgatório e do Paraíso. / The purpose of this research was to study Dante Alighieri\'s Vita Nova, where Love, muses, and other characters emerge from the Greek mythology. This pagan love is christianized by Dante, who transforms it into the figure of God. Beatrice becomes Dante\'s muse, who is initially called by him as very gentle lady, then as donna angelo (woman-angel), saint, philosopher and theologian. In Convivio, an approach between his goddess and a philosophical and theological wisdom can be observed. Convivio, as well as The Divine Comedy, are written in poetry and are both, according to the author, allegories.
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O conceito de amor em Emmanuel LévinasLima, Vicente Beur Miranda 31 October 2007 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2007-10-31 / The ethic discussion in the last time has roused a great interest in many thinkers
such as Ernest Thungendart, Jurgen Habbermas, Jacques Derrida, Rosmini,
Bonhoefer, Guardini, Mancini. They try to put out this discussion at the present day,
beside the new philisophic tendencies as: Language Philosophy, Knowledge Theory
and Politic Philosophy. Among these thinkers, it has specifically in Emmanuel
Levinás , a new proposal for ethic. The present paper intends to present this new
proposal clearly, that in its own way break up with those others, at the same time that
it goes to another point of reference to think about the real ethic, that comes from
another one. According to Levinás, the reference point of ethic is not in a
transcendentalism of I must , but it is in the relationship of face to face that happens
when the other person is next to. This is the way how Lévinas excels the other types
of ethic, because they are still in an ontologic horizon. At the same time, with this
finality, it has as a main point in research, investigate the concept of Love in this new
ethic scenery that Lévinas proposes. Check up about: the context, through Lévinas
itinerary existential-philosophic, where it can be noted in a strong way the influence
of Judaism in his intellectual formation; the dialogue with names that belong to
philosophy and that influenced his thought directly. Finally, it is going to investigate
what he brought of genuine in his Philosophy, the place of Love, as a member of his
Ethic of Alterity, proposing a change in the philosophy view, that is, love for
knowledge, to a Knowledge of Love / O debate ético nos últimos tempos tem despertado um grande interesse em muitos
pensadores, tais como Ernest Thungendart, Jürgen Habbermas, Jacques Derrida, os
quais procuram recolocá-lo na ordem do dia, ao lado de novas tendências filosóficas
como Filosofia da Linguagem, Lógica, Teoria do Conhecimento e Filosofia Política.
Dentre estes, tem-se especificamente em Emmanuel Lévinas, uma nova proposta
ética. O presente trabalho tem por finalidade, apresentar de forma sucinta, esta nova
proposta ética, que a seu modo rompe com as anteriores, na medida em que parte
de um outro ponto de referência para pensar a própria ética, isto é, o outro. Para
Lévinas, o ponto referencial da ética não reside num transcendentalismo do eu
devo , mas na relação do face-a-face que se estabelece com a proximidade do
outro. É desta forma que Lévinas supera as outras modalidades éticas, por aquelas
permanecerem ainda num horizonte ontológico. Concomitantemente a esta primeira
finalidade, tem-se como ponto principal da pesquisa, averiguar o conceito do Amor
neste novo cenário ético proposto por Lévinas. Para tal, investigar-se-á: seu
contexto vivencial, através de seu itinerário-existencial-filosófico, em que se percebe
fortemente a influência do judaísmo em sua formação intelectual; a interlocução com
nomes próprios da filosofia que influenciaram diretamente seu pensamento; para
num último momento, averiguar, naquilo que traz de genuíno em sua filosofia, o
lugar do Amor, como constituinte de sua Ética da Alteridade; propondo assim uma
mudança de horizonte da própria filosofia, isto é, de uma amor à sabedoria, para
uma Sabedoria do amor
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