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Víra, naděje a láska v díle Vladimíra Boublíka / Faith, hope and love in the work of Vladimír BoublíkHEJDOVÁ, Eva January 2014 (has links)
The thesis deals with faith, hope and love in Vladimir Boublik's publications, as can be seen from its name. Based on analysis of publications, texts and critique future of mankind, even though Boublik has never worked up this topic. Boublik's life attitude towards Church, his longing for faultless Christianity which particularly by literature, the work tries to show findings concerning his attitude and thoughts in set area as comprehensively as possible. Cardinal virtues are included in his work as principles and signs of Church's and Christians' life, in which centre is Christ, the only virtue of love, still not obvious yet, offers the oportunity of dialoque between Church and world, is also mentioned in the thesis. Just for comparison the thesis brings view of contemporary theology through Benedikt XVI, who handle the subject of faith, hope and love in his encyclics and letters.
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Smoked Love: estudos sobre performance e dramaturgia do ator contemporâneoJacobs, Daiane Dordete Steckert 08 November 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-11-08 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This present research elaborates a reflection on contemporary actor s dramaturgy and performance, contextualizing the current treatrical production in the assumptions of the postdramatic theatre, - conceptualized by Hans-Thies Lehmann -, and taking as a pratical experiment the play Smoked Love. It examines the key changes from the dramatic theatre to the postdramatic theatre, taking into consideration some changes offered by the postmodernity in the society and arts. In this context, they are still listed some principles of contemporary acting perceived in the investigative process of this study. Smoked Love presents a love triangle irresolute, liquified, and virtualized in their relations, reviewed here principally from studies of the philosopher and sociologist Zygmunt Bauman, and others researchers in the field of communication. The process of creating the experiment Smoked Love, which allowed the reflection dialetic between theory and pratice, in this study, is also recorded and analyzed, focusing on the performance of the soloist and her relations with various media presents in the spectacle / Esta presente pesquisa elabora uma reflexão sobre dramaturgia do ator contemporâneo e performance, contextualizando a produção teatral atual nos pressupostos do teatro pós-dramático, - conceituado por Hans-Thies Lehmann -, e tendo como experimento prático o espetáculo Smoked Love. Analisam-se as alterações essenciais do teatro dramático para o teatro pós-dramático, levando em consideração algumas transformações proporcionadas pela pós-modernidade na sociedade e nas artes. Neste contexto, são indicados ainda alguns princípios de atuação contemporânea percebidos no processo investigativo deste estudo. Smoked Love apresenta um triângulo amoroso irressoluto, liquefeito, virtualizado em suas relações, analisado aqui principalmete a partir dos estudos do filósófo e sociólogo Zygmunt Bauman, além de outros estudiosos da área da comunicação. O processo de criação do experimento cênico Smoked Love, que possibilitou a reflexão dialética entre teoria e prática neste estudo, também é registrado e analisado, tendo como foco a atuação da solista e suas relações com as diversas mídias do espetáculo
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Biocapteur à base de bactéries pour le contrôle environnementalGammoudi, Ibtissem 18 June 2012 (has links)
Notre projet vise la conception d’un biocapteur ultra-sensible à base de bactéries pour la détection de métaux lourds (contrôle environnemental). Ces travaux concernent le développement de systèmes impédimétriques et à ondes acoustiques de Love, associés à une puce microfluidique et fonctionnalisés par des bactéries Escherichia coli immobilisées sur une multicouche de polyélectrolytes déposés par la méthode « Layer by Layer » . L’ étude fondamentale des interactions physiques-chimiques-biologiques mises en jeu lors des étapes de fonctionnalisation du capteur, et de son application à la détection de cadmium et de mercure, est également abordée, à travers le suivi en temps réel par le capteur acoustique, ainsi que par microscopie à force atomique en milieu sec ou liquide.Des seuils de détection inférieurs à 10-12M en quelques minutes ont été observés. / Our works aim the study of an ultra-sensitive bacteria-based biosensor for the detection of heavy metals (environmental control). They include the development of impedimetric and of Love acoustic wave devices, both associated with a microfluidic chip and functionalized with Escherichia coli immobilized on a polyelectrolyte multilayer deposited by the method "Layer by Layer." The theoretical study of physico-chemical interactions and biological phenomena involved during the steps of functionalization of the sensor surface, and during its application to the detection of cadmium and mercury, is also addressed through the real-time monitoring by the acoustic sensor and by atomic force microscopy in air or liquid medium. Detection threshold better than10-12M within only a few minutes have been observed.
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[pt] O presente estudo tem como objetivo a compreensão da
escolha amorosa a partir da teoria psicanalítica. Partimos
da hipótese de que as relações amorosas são, muitas vezes,
repetições de certos padrões de comportamento da infância.
As escolhas amorosas repetem essencialmente dois aspectos
da formação do sujeito: a relação mãe/bebê e o Édipo. No
entanto, isso ocorre de diversas formas a partir das
histórias familiares de cada cônjuge. Cada sujeito, na sua
singularidade, vai dar um destino para aquilo que lhe é
transmitido. Mas, muitas vezes, é difícil escapar de algo
que não foi representado nas gerações anteriores. O que não
pôde ser revelado vai aparecer de alguma forma, ainda que
disfarçado. / [en] The aim of this paper is to try to understand the love
choice from the psychoanalytical point of view. We assume
that loving relationships often repeat some patterns of
childhood behavior, mainly the Oedipus and the mother/child
relationship. Nevertheless, the choice occurs in different
ways according to each partner`s family history. Each
individual, with his own singularity, will give a
destination to his heritage. Sometimes, however, it becomes
difficult to run away from something that has not been
expressed at preceding generations. Things that could not
be revealed will somehow appear, even though disguised.
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Développement d'un système de détection en milieux gazeux d'espèces à risque pour le contrôle environnemental (application au monoxyde de carbone et à l'hydrogène) : Composants et systèmes micro-acoustiques / Development of a system for the detection of hazardous species in gases for environmental management (application to carbon monoxide and hydrogen) : Micro-acoustic components and systemsVanotti, Meddy 06 May 2015 (has links)
La détection de gaz potentiellement dangereux représente une problématique d’actualité pour la protectiondes personnes mais aussi un enjeu d’avenir pour le stockage des énergies renouvelables. Les outils desimulations développés au sein du Département Temps-Fréquence de l’Institut FEMTO-ST, associés aux outilstechnologiques proposés par la centrale MIMENTO ont permis la mise au point de capteurs SAW apportantdes réponses à ces problématiques. Ces derniers fondés sur les propriétés des ondes de Love ont ainsi permis ladétection du monoxyde de carbone dans la gamme du ppm. De même, la mesure de concentration d’hydrogènede l’ordre du pourcent a pu être réalisée par le biais de dispositifs s’appuyant sur les ondes Rayleigh. Les effortsfournis pour l’optimisation des dispositifs électro-acoustiques ont aboutis à la réalisation de lignes à retard surquartz affchant des pertes d’insertion de 16 dB. La limitation de ces pertes, généralement de l’ordre de 25 dB à30 dB sur quartz, augmente les potentialités de nos capteurs en terme d’autonomie et de fonctionnalisation desurface. La connaissance des phénomènes physiques gouvernant leur fonctionnement représente, à notre sens,la base de leur développement futur. De cette idée découle notre démarche d’identification et de compréhensionde ces derniers par le biais des différentes techniques de caractérisations et d’analyses disponible au sein denotre l’institut. Des pistes, telles que le recours à un alliage métallique pour la fonctionnalisation des surfacessensibles et la mise en œuvre d’une méthode de séparation des puces limitant les perturbations du signal directdes dispositifs électro-acoustiques, ont été explorées et ont permis d’améliorer la réponse des capteurs. Lepotentiel des composants à ondes élastiques guidée pour la détection de grandeurs chimiques en phase gazeusea pu être établi sur la base des résultats expérimentaux obtenus au cours de cette thèse. Dans la continuité decette dernière, deux projets de recherche (P-AIR et SMARTY) visant le contrôle de la qualité de l’air en milieuurbain ont d’ors et déjà été engagés. / The detection of hazardous gas is a topical issue for the protection of persons. Besides, it represents a challenge linked to the storage of renewable energy. Simulation tools developed within the Time and Frequency Department attached to the FEMTO-ST Institute together with technological facilities available at MIMENTO center have enabled the development of SAW sensors providing answers to these issues. These Love wave’sbased sensors properties have enabled the detection of carbon monoxide in the ppm range. Similarly, hydrogen concentrations of the percent order has been measured by mean of Rayleigh wave’s based sensors. The efforts to optimize electro-acoustic devices have led to achieve delay lines built on quartz with insertion losses of 16 dB.Usually around 25 dB to 30 dB, the reduction of the insertion losses improves the potential of these sensorsin terms of autonomy and surface functionalization. Knowledge of the physical phenomena governing theoperation of these sensors represent the basis of their future development. Thus, different characterization and analysis techniques available in our institute have been carried out to reveal these phenomena. From there, the functionalization of sensor’s sensitives surfaces with metallic alloys and implementation of a chip separation method limiting the disturbance of the direct signal of the electro-acoustic devices, have been explored to improve the performance of the sensors. Based on the experimental results obtained in this thesis, the potential of elastic guided wave’s sensors applied to the detection of chemical quantities in gas phase can be established.In continuation of this study, two projects (P-AIR and SMARTY) dedicated to the control of the urban air quality have already been engaged.
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"Feelin' Good As Hell" : En fallstudie av diskurserna runt artisten Lizzo / ”Feelin’ Good as Hell” : A Case Study of the Discourses Surrounding the Artist LizzoPattberg Miller, Ottilia January 2020 (has links)
I detta arbete görs en undersökande fallstudie av artisten Lizzo, med fokus på attvisa hur den allmänna samhälleliga diskursen rörande större kroppar påverkar enartist som kroppsligt står utanför rådande kroppsliga ideal. Med utgångspunkt i skrivna intervjuer har ett grundresonemang etablerats, och vidare har detta följt med genom analys av konserter, en musikvideo, en musikanalys och en låttextanalys. Materialet analyseras med hjälp av Faircloughs diskursbegrepp som metod där viss fokus även lagts på Boréus tillägg om subjektspositioner, och med intersektionalitet, body positivity och Ekmans (2012) begrepp viktordningen som teoretiskt ramverk.Analysen visar på att Lizzo som enskilt fall arbetar mot den allmänt vedertagna samhällsdiskursen runt kroppsideal och den större kroppen genom både fysisk handling på olika sätt och språkligt agerande med motdiskurs diskurs där inslag från bland annat body positivity-rörelsen syns med. Resultatet visar att Lizzo reagerar mot samhällsdiskursen, med sitt artisteri och med sin persona, med en motdiskurs som går emot de rådande skönhetsideal både språkligt och fysiskt, och kan argumenteras har skapat en ny form av kroppsaktivism.
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Pojetí, význam a vývoj role lásky na první pohled ve vybrané literatuře / Concept, meaning and development in the role of love at first sight in select literary piecesUmlaufová, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Vem är Kellogg's-kvinnan? : En fallstudie om hur Kellogg’s väljer att framställa kvinnan i reklam ur ett retoriskt perspektiv / Who is the Kellogg’s- woman? : A case study about how Kellogg’s chooses to portray women in commercials from a rhetorical perspectiveBereket, Makda, Rangstedt, Elise January 2020 (has links)
Studien har utgått från fyra olika reklamfilmer från företaget Kellogg’s. Uppsatsen är en fallstudie som syftar till att undersöka hur företaget Kellogg's använder retoriska strategier i samband med hur kvinnan i reklamfilmerna framställs. Undersökningen kommer att utföras genom att analysera fyra utvalda reklamfilmer med hjälp av olika teorier, begrepp och tidigare forskning. Det utvalda materialet studeras med hjälp av retoriska övertalningsstrategier som ethos, pathos, logos, argumentation, metonymi och doxa. I syfte att studera hur Kellogg’s framställer kvinnan i de utvalda reklamfilmerna kommer reklamfilmerna att analyseras utifrån begreppet stereotyp samt utifrån studiens utvalda diskurs Love your body-diskursen. För att presentera studiens analys är avsnittet uppdelat i gemensamma teman utifrån de fyra utvalda reklamfilmerna, samt ett avsnitt om hur Kellogg’s framställer kvinnan. Analysen visar vidare på att Kellogg’s väljer att presentera kvinnorna utifrån ett stereotypiskt perspektiv och ett icke-stereotypiskt perspektiv beroende på vilket årtal reklamfilmen är producerad, i förhållande till samhällets värderingar. / This study contains four chosen commercials from the company Kellogg’s. The thesis is a case that will aim to study how Kellogg’s use rhetorical strategies and to analyze how women is presented in their commercials. The case study will analyze the four chosen commercials from Special K, by applying chosen theories, concept and previous research. The case study will use rhetorical persuasion strategies as ethos, pathos, logos, argumentation, metonymy and doxa. The study has used persuasion strategies that showed criterias on how women often represents in commercials, to be able to understand if Kellogg’s is presenting the women as stereotypical or not. The study will also use a discourse called the “love your body”-discourse, to be able to watch the commercials from a different perspective than how women are presented stereotypical. The study analyze is divided into different mutual themes from the four chosen commercials. Further, the analyze shows that Kellogg’s has chosen to present women as stereotypical and non-stereotypical, depending on what year the commercial is produced in relation to the values of society.
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Love Without A Name: Celibates and FriendshipGomba, Eucharia P. January 2010 (has links)
No description available.
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The Relationship Between Romantic Self-Concept and Satisfaction in Love LifeShakibi, Veyda 01 January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
This study aimed to examine the relationship between romantic self-concept (self-concept in the realm of love) and satisfaction in one’s love life. Drawing from a population of mainly college students, overall self-concept was measured using the “Six-Factor Self-Concept Scale for Adults” (Stake, 1994). Additionally, the assessment was augmented by incorporating several more curated questions specifically designed to measure one’s romantic self-concept. Moreover, their satisfaction in love life was measured using Neto’s (2005) “Satisfaction with Love Life Scale”. Lastly “The Relationship Assessment Scale” (Hendrick, 1988) was used to measure couple satisfaction for those who were not single. The guiding hypothesis proposed that those with a higher (more positive) romantic self-concept will experience greater satisfaction levels within their love lives. This research highlights the intricate dynamics and influences shaping the link between individuals' self-perceptions and their experiences in romance.
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