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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Beatriz, musa de Dante Alighieri, com suas transfigurações na Vita Nova e incursões na Divina Comédia / Beatriz, Dante Alighieris muse, her transfigurations in The New Life and incursions in The Divine Comedy

Paula Monteleone Robin 01 April 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo o estudo da Vita Nova de Dante Alighieri, onde o Amor, as musas e outros personagens surgem da mitologia grega. Esse Amor pagão é cristianizado por Dante, que o transforma na figura de Deus. Beatriz passa a ser a Musa de Dante, que é chamada pelo poeta primeiro de gentilissima, depois donna angelo, santa, filósofa e teóloga. No Convívio, pode-se constatar a aproximação de sua deusa à sabedoria filosófica e teológica. Tudo isso se passa pela elaboração da poesia, bem como a Divina Comédia, que são, segundo o autor, alegorias. Foram feitas algumas incursões na Divina Comédia para confirmar tais configurações entrou-se em trechos do Purgatório e do Paraíso. / The purpose of this research was to study Dante Alighieri\'s Vita Nova, where Love, muses, and other characters emerge from the Greek mythology. This pagan love is christianized by Dante, who transforms it into the figure of God. Beatrice becomes Dante\'s muse, who is initially called by him as very gentle lady, then as donna angelo (woman-angel), saint, philosopher and theologian. In Convivio, an approach between his goddess and a philosophical and theological wisdom can be observed. Convivio, as well as The Divine Comedy, are written in poetry and are both, according to the author, allegories.

愛情的社會學意義: 當代香港文學的愛慾敘事. / Sociological meanings of love: narratives of eros in contemporary Hong Kong literature / Narratives of eros in contemporary Hong Kong literature / 當代香港文學的愛慾敘事 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Ai qing de she hui xue yi yi: dang dai Xianggang wen xue de ai yu xu shi. / Dang dai Xianggang wen xue de ai yu xu shi

January 2010 (has links)
劉小麗. / Submitted: March 2010. / Thesis (doctoral)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 244-253). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in Chinese and English. / Liu Xiaoli.

Early familial misogyny: Its impact on attachment security and later caregiving behaviors

Kirtland, Debra Dee 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to look at the impact of early misogynistic treatment of females on subsequent attachment security and the quality of the later caregiving of their own children. A Misogyny Scale was created for use in this study.

Développement d'architectures innovantes associant capteurs acoustiques et matériaux polymères à empreintes moléculaires pour la détection de biomarqueurs de cancer / Association of a Love wave sensor to molecularly imprinted polymer for real time detection of colorectal cancer biomarkers

Lebal, Naîma 14 December 2015 (has links)
Les chiffres des statistiques du cancer colorectal en France et dans le mondemontrent la nécessité de développement de plateformes technologiques plus rapides,sensibles et spécifiques pour assurer le diagnostic du cancer. Un diagnostic rapide va ainsiaider à améliorer l’état de santé et réduire le temps d’attente des résultats qui peut être ungrand facteur de stress pour les patients. L’analyse des biomarqueurs dans le sang, lesurines et autres fluides corporels est l’une des méthodes appliquées pour la détectionprécoce de la maladie. Dans le cadre de ce projet des nucléosides urinaires ont été identifiéscomme biomarqueurs pour le cancer colorectal. Financée par l’Agence Nationale de laRecherche (ANR), à travers le projet CancerSensor (programme TECSAN), cette thèse s’estdéroulée au sein de l’équipe MDA (Microsystèmes de Détection Acoustique) du laboratoireIMS. Dans le cadre de ce projet, nous avons proposé une solution technologique dedétection et de suivi de biomarqueurs du cancer colorectal. Notre choix de la stratégie dedétection s’est porté sur les polymères à empreintes moléculaires comme élément dereconnaissance des biomarqueurs. Celui-ci sera associé à un transducteur acoustique àondes de Love mis au point lors de travaux précédents au sein de l’équipe MDA. Lebiocapteur ainsi développé va cibler les nucléosides mis en évidence pour le cancercolorectal. / Colorectal cancer statistics in France and all over the world demonstrate theneed for fast, sensitive and specific technological platforms development for cancerdiagnosis. A rapid diagnosis will improve the patients’ health status and reduce the resultswaiting time which could be a great stress factor. Biomarkers analysis in blood, urine andother body fluids is recognized as one of the applied methods for early cancer detection. Inframe of this project, urinary nucleosides have been identified as colorectal cancerbiomarkers. Funded by the National Research Agency (ANR), through the cancer sensorproject (TECSAN program), this thesis was carried out in IMS laboratory. Hence, a colorectalcancer biomarkers detection and monitoring technological solution has been proposed. Inour detection strategy, Molecularly Imprinted Polymers (MIP) has been identified asbiomarker recognition element. The MIP layer has been associated to Love Wave acoustictransducer. This biosensor will sense the identified colorectal cancer nucleosides.

墨子與耶穌思想比較 / A Comparison of the Thought of Jesus and Motze

李克達, Rickert, Abigail Axford Unknown Date (has links)
筆者把墨子的兼愛思想與耶穌的博愛思想作比較,把墨子的非攻思想與耶穌對攻伐戰爭及其因素的看法作比較,並且把墨子的天志思想與耶穌對天的觀念作比較;此篇論文也討論當時猶太社會。猶太教派別對耶穌思想的影響和春秋戰國政治動盪對墨子思想的影響。 / Motze's philosohpy of Universal Love is compared to Jesus's philosophy of Brotherly love; Motze's thoughts concerning the will of Heaven are compared to Jesus's concept of God and Heaven. The influence of Jewish sects and Jewish society during the time of Roman rule on the philosophy of Jesus and the influence of the unstable political conditions during the Spring and Autumn/Warring States period on Motxe's thought are also discussed.

The Beautiful Boy, The Destroyer : Sexradikalers förhandlingar om tidskriften Destroyer – en intervjustudie om anständiga bögar, fula gubbar och sexualiserade barn

Kerstinsdotter, Reb January 2008 (has links)
<p>Through the collection and analysis of negotiations surrounding the gay magazine Destroyer, the intention of this paper is to identify norms of sexuality within a contemporary sex-radical discourse. These negotiations are collected from interviews with individuals whom, at the time of the inter-view, consider themselves or their politics sex-radical. In order to allow for a more general under-standing of the context in which these negotiations have come about, material about Swedish law is also included in this text, together with the interview material, and serves as a base for analysis through the application of Gayle Rubin’s theory on the hierarchical value system of sexuality.</p><p>Following, are the main themes throughout the paper: The meaning of the context; Sexualized children; The possibility to (not) participate: differences of power; The decision whether or not to sell the publication and The position of the pedophile and crossgenerational love/sexuality within the LGBTQ community.</p><p>Key words: sex radicalism, pornography, boy-love, kiddy porn, pedophilia, Destroyer, Gayle Rubin.</p>

Finite-Amplitude Waves in Deformed Elastic Materials / Ondes d'amplitude finie dans des matériaux élastiques déformés

Rodrigues Ferreira, Elizabete 10 October 2008 (has links)
Le contexte de cette thèse est la théorie de l'élasticité non linéaire, appelée également "élasticité finie". On y présente des résultats concernant la propagation d'ondes d'amplitude finie dans des matériaux élastiques non linéaires soumis à une grande déformation statique homogène. Bien que les matériaux considérés soient isotropes, lors de la propagation d'ondes un comportement anisotrope dû à la déformation statique se manifeste. Après un rappel des équations de base de l'élasticité non linéaire (Chapitre 1), on considère tout d'abord la classe générale des matériaux incompressibles. Pour ces matériaux, on montre que la propagation d'ondes transversales polarisées linéairement est possible pour des choix appropriés des directions de polarisation et de propagation. De plus, on propose des généralisations des modèles classiques de "Mooney-Rivlin" et "néo-Hookéen" qui conduisent à de nouvelles solutions. Bien que le contexte soit tri-dimensionnel, il s'avère que toutes ces ondes sont régies par des équations d'ondes scalaires non linéaires uni-dimensionelles. Dans le cas de solutions du type ondes simples, on met en évidence une propriété remarquable du flux et de la densité d'énergie. Dans les Chapitres 3 et 4, on se limite à un modèle particulier de matériaux compressibles appelé "modèle restreint de Blatz-Ko", qui est une version compressible du modèle néo-Hookéen. En milieu infini (Chapitre 3), on montre que des ondes transversales polarisées linéairement, faisant intervenir deux variables spatiales, peuvent se propager. Bien que la théorie soit non linéaire, le champ de déplacement de ces ondes est régi par une version anisotrope de l'équation d'onde bi-dimensionnelle classique. En particulier, on présente des solutions à symétrie "cylindrique elliptique" analogues aux ondes cylindriques. Comme cas particulier, on obtient aussi des ondes planes inhomogènes atténuées à la fois dans l'espace et dans le temps. De plus, on montre que diverses superpositions appropriées de solutions sont possibles. Dans chaque cas, on étudie les propriétés du flux et de la densité d'énergie. En particulier, dans le cas de superpositions il s'avère que des termes d'interactions interviennent dans les expressions de la densité et du flux d'énergie. Finalement (Chapitre 4), on présente une solution exacte qui constitue une généralisation non linéaire de l'onde de Love classique. On considère ici un espace semi-infini, appelé "substrat" recouvert par une couche. Le substrat et la couche sont constitués de deux matériaux restreints de Blatz-Ko pré-déformés. L'onde non linéaire de Love est constituée d'un mouvement non atténué dans la couche et d'une onde plane inhomogène dans le substrat, choisies de manière à satisfaire aux conditions aux limites. La relation de dispersion qui en résulte est analysée en détail. On présente de plus des propriétés générales du flux et de la densité d'énergie dans le substrat et dans la couche. The context of this thesis is the non linear elasticity theory, also called "finite elasticity". Results are obtained for finite-amplitude waves in non linear elastic materials which are first subjected to a large homogeneous static deformation. Although the materials are assumed to be isotropic, anisotropic behaviour for wave propagation is induced by the static deformation. After recalling the basic equations of the non linear elasticity theory (Chapter 1), we first consider general incompressible materials. For such materials, linearly polarized transverse plane waves solutions are obtained for adequate choices of the polarization and propagation directions (Chapter 2). Also, extensions of the classical Mooney-Rivlin and neo-Hookean models are introduced, for which more solutions are obtained. Although we use the full three dimensional elasticity theory, it turns out that all these waves are governed by scalar one-dimensional non linear wave equations. In the case of simple wave solutions of these equations, a remarkable property of the energy flux and energy density is exhibited. In Chapter 3 and 4, a special model of compressible material is considered: the special Blatz-Ko model, which is a compressible counterpart of the incompressible neo-Hookean model. In unbounded media (Chapter 3), linearly polarized two-dimensional transverse waves are obtained. Although the theory is non linear, the displacement field of these waves is governed by a linear equation which may be seen as an anisotropic version of the classical two-dimensional wave equation. In particular, solutions analogous to cylindrical waves, but with an "elliptic cylindrical symmetry" are presented. Special solutions representing "damped inhomogeneous plane waves" are also derived: such waves are attenuated both in space and time. Moreover, various appropriate superpositions of solutions are shown to be possible. In each case, the properties of the energy density and the energy flux are investigated. In particular, in the case of superpositions, it is seen that interaction terms enter the expressions for the energy density and the energy flux. Finally (Chapter 4), an exact finite-amplitude Love wave solution is presented. Here, an half-space, called "substrate", is assumed to be covered by a layer, both made of different prestrained special Blatz-Ko materials. The Love surface wave solution consists of an unattenuated wave motion in the layer and an inhomogeneous plane wave in the substrate, which are combined to satisfy the exact boundary conditions. A dispersion relation is obtained and analysed. General properties of the energy flux and the energy density in the substrate and the layer are exhibited.

The Beautiful Boy, The Destroyer : Sexradikalers förhandlingar om tidskriften Destroyer – en intervjustudie om anständiga bögar, fula gubbar och sexualiserade barn

Kerstinsdotter, Reb January 2008 (has links)
Through the collection and analysis of negotiations surrounding the gay magazine Destroyer, the intention of this paper is to identify norms of sexuality within a contemporary sex-radical discourse. These negotiations are collected from interviews with individuals whom, at the time of the inter-view, consider themselves or their politics sex-radical. In order to allow for a more general under-standing of the context in which these negotiations have come about, material about Swedish law is also included in this text, together with the interview material, and serves as a base for analysis through the application of Gayle Rubin’s theory on the hierarchical value system of sexuality. Following, are the main themes throughout the paper: The meaning of the context; Sexualized children; The possibility to (not) participate: differences of power; The decision whether or not to sell the publication and The position of the pedophile and crossgenerational love/sexuality within the LGBTQ community. Key words: sex radicalism, pornography, boy-love, kiddy porn, pedophilia, Destroyer, Gayle Rubin.

Carnal transcendence as difference the poetics of Luce Irigaray /

Bosanquet, Agnes Mary. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Media, Music, and Cultural Studies, 2009. / Bibliography: p. 303-332.

暢銷的愛戀 / The Best Selling of Love

林峻弘, Lin, Jiun Hung Unknown Date (has links)
暢銷書是人們學習愛情資訊的重要管道,其內含有小說、散文與劇本等文類。它們不僅提供多樣的愛情論述,更是讀者吸收、學習愛情經驗的重要摹本。能夠出版暢銷書的作家們具備強烈的社會影響力與能見度,因此暢銷書反映了社會大眾的愛情觀念,同時也提供人們在愛情生活中該如何自處與面對愛情的生活倫理與準則。本研究亟欲透過暢銷書的研究來理解社會的主流愛情觀念,並從中分析出各種愛情困境的行動導引,最後將之統整並與社會理論家對話。為了研究愛情類的暢銷書,本研究以TPI暢銷排行榜(2004/1~2013/8)的資料作為取樣對象,並以暢銷度為首要考量後挑選適合書籍進行研究。根據研究發現,暢銷作家在許多方面與社會理論家看法一致。然而,暢銷作家比理論家專注於個人於愛情中所遭遇的困境,以及愛情困境所能實行的解決方案。愛情類暢銷書的論述呈現高度理性化、自我反思、自我實現等正向積極的現代性特徵,其中「愛自己」的論述更是它們對現代愛情的主要看法。對暢銷書而言,「愛自己」顯然是避免「浪漫愛陷阱」的最佳方式。暢銷書透過「愛自己」的論述將愛情理性化,並且從自我出發,重新建構正向積極的愛情心態。正是這種積極向上的論述重新建立起讀者對愛情的希望,並且成為讀者持續相信、進入愛情的重要原因。 / Bestselling books serve as the very way of getting love information. It contains novel, essay and drama kinds of literatures. They supply various love discourse to help readers to absorb and learn love experiences as such. Those who can publish best seller books are authors with strong social influence and visibility, therefore, books of these authors have the capacity of reflecting love ideas of general public and giving instructions for readers to deal love matters with ethical principles. The goal of the study is to use the best seller books to understand main stream ideas of love, summarizing instructions of hurdles in love and, finally, compile them into a compact form to discuss with theorists. In order to research best seller books of love, we choose the ranking list of best seller books in TPI (Taiwan Publisher Information) website as a target population to sample from, and using the degree of selling as the main sampling factor to select proper samples to research on. Based on our research findings, bestselling authors share same opinions with theorists in many aspects, however, bestselling authors are more focusing on personal struggles in love and the solutions that one can take to deal with. The discourse of best seller books present positive and active modernity portrait, for examples: highly rationalization, self-reflexivity and self-realization. Among these features, “Love Thyself”is the main concept of their way to perceive modern love. For best seller books, “Love Thyself”seems to be the best way to avoid “Traps of Romance” as such. Through the ideas of self-loving, best seller books is able to rationalize love with discourse and start from the point of self to re-construct positive and active mentality. It is from this positive and active discourse that readers can re-establish their hope to love and convince themselves to continually believe or enter into the sphere of love. Keywords: Best Selling Books, Sociology of Love, Reflexivity, Self-Love, Hope.

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