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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do plasma rico em plaquetas no processo de reparação de feridas dérmicas padronizadas, em ratos / Effect of platelet-rich plasma on the standardized dermal wound healing in rats

Fábio Luís Moura Lima 17 August 2009 (has links)
O uso do plasma rico em plaquetas pode apresentar resultados favoráveis na reparação por se constituir em fonte natural de fatores de crescimento, que podem acelerar a reparação dos tecidos. A proposição desta pesquisa foi analisar os efeitos do plasma rico em plaquetas no processo de reparação tecidual. Foram realizadas feridas dérmicas padronizadas, com a utilização de punch, para excisão do fragmento de pele, com 5mm de diâmetro e 2mm de profundidade, no dorso de 48 ratos. Destes, 40 foram utilizados para análise microscópica e 8 ratos para análise macroscópica. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos, conforme o tratamento realizado: em um grupo (teste), as feridas foram tratadas com plasma rico em plaquetas e em outro (controle), foi utilizado soro fisiológico. Além disso, utilizamos 5 ratos para a determinação do número de plaquetas presentes no plasma rico em plaquetas. Estas análises foram realizadas no analisador automático de células sangüíneas ABC Vet (ABX DIAGNOSTICS). Dos 40 ratos utilizados para análise microscópica, 5 ratos (grupo teste) e 5 ratos (grupo controle) foram sacrificados nos períodos de 24 horas, 3 dias, 7 dias e 14 dias. Nos 8 ratos utilizados para análise macroscópica, sendo 4 ratos (grupo teste) e 4 ratos (grupo controle), as feridas foram fotografadas nos períodos baseline, 24 horas, 3 dias, 7 dias e 14 dias e as imagens foram analisadas por software de morfometria (ImageLab2000®). Os espécimes foram processados para análises macroscópica e microscópica. As análises histomorfológica e histomorfométrica mostraram que a reparação das feridas evolui de forma similar em ambos os grupos. Os resultados desta pesquisa sugeriram que embora não ofereçam efeitos tóxicos ou prejudicial sobre os tecidos moles, o PRP não favorece a reparação de feridas dérmicas, em ratos. / The employ of platelet-rich plasma can present favorable outcomes in healing to consist of natural source of growth factors for acceleration tissue healing. The purpose of this research was to analyze the effects of platelet-rich plasma on tissue healing. Standard dermical wounds were made with a punch to excise a skin fragment with 5 millimeters diameter and 2 milliners depth, in the back of 48 rats. Of these, 40 had been used for microscopical analysis and 8 rats for macroscopic analysis. The animals had been divided in two groups according to treatment: in a group (test), the wounds had been dealt with platelet-rich plasma and in another one (control), saline was used. Also, we use 5 rats for the determination of the number of platelets present in the platelet-rich plasma. These analyses had been carried through in the automatic analyzer of sanguine cells ABC Vet (ABX DIAGNOSTICS). Of the 40 rats used for microscopical analysis, 5 rats (group test) and 5 rats (group control) ware sacrificed in the 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days and 14 days. In the 8 rats used for macroscopic analysis, being 4 rats (group test) and 4 rats (group control), the wounds had been photographed in the baseline , 24 hours, 3 days, 7 days and 14days and the images had been analyzed by morphometry software (ImageLab2000®). The specimens had been processed for macroscopic and microscopic analysis. All the data had been submitted to a quantitative analysis and the date got by the software had been also submitted to statistic analysis. The results of this research had suggested that, even so do not produce toxic or harmful effect, the PRP does not act on the dermal wound healing in rats.

Efeitos da CATUAMA sobre a função ventricular, a mecânica do músculo cardíaco e os parâmetros hemodinâmicos de ratos / Effects of herbal medicine CATUAMA on cardiac function and hemodynamic parameters in rats

Coutinho, Meriangela Pereira 08 April 2010 (has links)
O fitoterápico CATUAMA, utilizado no Brasil há mais de 20 anos, e seu extrato isolado T catigua apresentam efeito de reversão e prevenção da fibrilação ventricular (FV). FV, em pacientes com disfunção cardíaca, representa uma importante causa de morte súbita no mundo ocidental. Neste contexto, os efeitos de CATUAMA sobre a função cardíaca e os parâmetros hemodinâmicos foram investigados em ratos normais. Várias concentrações (10 a 800 ?g/mL) de CATUAMA (uma mistura dos extratos das plantas Trichilia Catigua, Paullinia Cupana, Ptychopetalum Olacoide e Zingiber Officinale) e de cada um de seus constituintes foram infundidas em preparações de músculos papilares isolados. A tensão desenvolvida (TD), tensão de relaxamento (TR) e as velocidades de aumento e redução da tensão (dT/dtmax e dT/dtmin) foram analisadas. Uma única dose de 200 ?g/mL foi injetada na veia jugular direita in situ. Os índices (dP/dtmax e dP/dtmin) de função ventricular esquerda (VE), as pressões sistólica (PSVE) e diastólica final (PDFVE), de perfusão coronariana (PPC), arteriais sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM) e a frequência cardíaca (FC) foram monitoradas por 10min via cateterização VE. CATUAMA afetou a contratilidade miocárdica na maior dose (dose tóxica), reduzindo 9% a TD e 16% a TR, aumentando 90% a dT/dtmin. CATUAMA também melhorou em até 16% as PAS, PAD, PAM e PPC. Seus extratos isolados apresentaram efeitos diferenciados. T catigua não interferiu nas variáveis. P cupana reduziu a contratilidade e a PDFVE e aumentou os parâmetros hemodinâmicos assim como CATUAMA. P olacoide reduziu a TD, a TR e a PDFVE. Z officinale também reduziu a TD e a TR. CATUAMA e T catigua não trazem prejuízo à função cardíaca. / The Brazilian herbal medicine CATUAMA and its extract T catigua have shown reversion and prevention action on ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF, in patients with cardiac dysfunction, is an important cause of sudden death in Western world. In this regard, CATUAMA effects on cardiac function and hemodynamic parameters in normal rats were investigated. Various concentrations (10 to 800?g/mL) of CATUAMA (a mixture of Trichilia Catigua, Paullinia Cupana, Ptychopetalum Olacoide and Zingiber Officinale) and each herbal extract were infused into isolated papillary muscle bath. Developed tension (DT), tension at rest (RT) and velocities of increase and decrease tension (dT/dtmax and dT/dtmin) were analyzed. A single 200?g/mL dose was injected into jugular vein in situ. Left ventricular (LV) function index (dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin), LV systolic and end-diastolic pressures (LVSP and LVEDP), coronary driving pressure (CDP), systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressures (SBP, DBP and MBP) and heart rate (HR) were monitored during 10min by LV catheterization. CATUAMA affected myocardium contractility in the higher and toxic dose, decreasing 9% DT and 16% TR and increasing 90% dT/dtmin. CATUAMA also improved 16% SBP, DBP, MBP and CDP. Its isolated extracts showed different actions. T catigua demonstrated no interference in the variables. P cupana decreased contractility and LVEDP. It improved hemodynamic parameters as CATUAMA. P olacoide decreased DT, TR and LVEDP. Z officinale also decreased DT and TR. CATUAMA and T catigua did not affect cardiac function. These are important results for development of a new drug to prevent and to reverse VF without heart function impairment.

Influence de la fréquence d'excitation sur les phénomènes de contraction et de filamentation dans les décharges micro-ondes entretenues à la pression atmosphérique

Castaños-Martínez, Eduardo January 2004 (has links)
No description available.

Frequência das contrações uterinas em gestações gemelares assintomáticas em uso de progesterona natural: estudo randomizado, duplo cego, placebo controlado / Uterine contractions frequency in asymptomatic twin pregnancies under natural progesterone use: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study

Lilia Araujo Moura Lima de Oliveira 10 June 2015 (has links)
Objetivos: O presente estudo teve como objetivo comparar a frequência das contrações uterinas em gestações gemelares em uso da progesterona natural e de placebo. Método: Estudo randomizado, duplo-cego, placebo controlado, realizado no período de 01 de junho de 2007 a 31 de outubro de 2013. Participaram do estudo 341 gestantes, com 170 randomizadas no grupo progesterona e 171 no grupo placebo. Todas as gestantes realizaram exame de tocografia no período de 24 a 34 semanas e 6 dias, com duração de trinta minutos, a cada três semanas. A contração uterina foi definida como uma elevação da linha de base com amplitude acima de 5 mm e duração mínima de trinta segundos. Na comparação da frequência das contrações uterinas entre os grupos, nas diferentes idades gestacionais, utilizou-se o teste t de Student. O modelo de análise GEE - modelo generalizado de equações de estimação - foi utilizado na comparação, entre os grupos, da frequência das contrações uterinas em relação à idade gestacional no parto, e também na avaliação da interação da frequência das contrações uterinas com a medida do colo uterino e a corionicidade. Resultados: As características epidemiológicas e gerais das gestantes foram semelhantes nos dois grupos. A frequência média das contrações uterinas diferiu entre os grupos apenas na 34ª semana (P = 0,005), com frequência maior de contrações no grupo progesterona (4,81±3,24) em relação ao grupo placebo (2,73 ± 2,06). Não houve diferença significativa na comparação da frequência média das contrações uterinas e a idade gestacional no parto (< 28 sem, < 32 sem, < 34 sem e < 37 semanas) entre os grupos. Não foi observada interação da frequência das contrações uterinas com a medida do colo uterino ou com a corionicidade da gestação, em relação aos grupos progesterona ou placebo. Conclusão: O uso da progesterona natural não interfere na frequência das contrações uterinas nas gestações gemelares abaixo de 34 semanas gestacionais / Objectives: The aim of this study was to comparate uterine contraction frequency in twin pregnancies in use of natural progesterone and placebo. Methods: Randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study, conducted between June 1, 2007 to October 31, 2013. The study included 341 twin pregnancies, with 170 randomized in the progesterone group and 171 in the placebo group. All pregnancies had uterine contraction registration by tocodinamometry every three weeks, during 30 minutes between 24 to 34 weeks and 6 days. Uterine contraction was defined as an amplitude greater than 5 mm, from baseline registration, and a duration longer than 30 seconds. Comparison of contraction frequency between the groups at different gestational ages was examined using the parametric student t test. The model GEE - generalized estimating equation model - was used in the comparison, between the groups, the uterine contraction frequency according gestational age at delivery, and also for evaluating the interaction of the frequency contractions with cervical length and chorionicity. Results: Epidemiological and general characteristics of the pregnant woman were similar in both groups. At the 34 weeks, was only gestational age that presented difference (P = 0.005) in the mean uterine contraction frequency between progesterone (4.81 ± 3.24) and placebo (2.73 ± 2.06) groups. No difference in the mean uterine contraction frequency was observed between progesterone and placebo groups in relation to gestational age at delivery. Cervical length measurement and chorionicity did not influence the uterine contraction frequency according to progesterone or placebo. Conclusion: The use of natural progesterone in twin pregnancies does not affect the uterine contraction frequency before 34 weeks gestation

Efeitos da CATUAMA sobre a função ventricular, a mecânica do músculo cardíaco e os parâmetros hemodinâmicos de ratos / Effects of herbal medicine CATUAMA on cardiac function and hemodynamic parameters in rats

Meriangela Pereira Coutinho 08 April 2010 (has links)
O fitoterápico CATUAMA, utilizado no Brasil há mais de 20 anos, e seu extrato isolado T catigua apresentam efeito de reversão e prevenção da fibrilação ventricular (FV). FV, em pacientes com disfunção cardíaca, representa uma importante causa de morte súbita no mundo ocidental. Neste contexto, os efeitos de CATUAMA sobre a função cardíaca e os parâmetros hemodinâmicos foram investigados em ratos normais. Várias concentrações (10 a 800 ?g/mL) de CATUAMA (uma mistura dos extratos das plantas Trichilia Catigua, Paullinia Cupana, Ptychopetalum Olacoide e Zingiber Officinale) e de cada um de seus constituintes foram infundidas em preparações de músculos papilares isolados. A tensão desenvolvida (TD), tensão de relaxamento (TR) e as velocidades de aumento e redução da tensão (dT/dtmax e dT/dtmin) foram analisadas. Uma única dose de 200 ?g/mL foi injetada na veia jugular direita in situ. Os índices (dP/dtmax e dP/dtmin) de função ventricular esquerda (VE), as pressões sistólica (PSVE) e diastólica final (PDFVE), de perfusão coronariana (PPC), arteriais sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD) e média (PAM) e a frequência cardíaca (FC) foram monitoradas por 10min via cateterização VE. CATUAMA afetou a contratilidade miocárdica na maior dose (dose tóxica), reduzindo 9% a TD e 16% a TR, aumentando 90% a dT/dtmin. CATUAMA também melhorou em até 16% as PAS, PAD, PAM e PPC. Seus extratos isolados apresentaram efeitos diferenciados. T catigua não interferiu nas variáveis. P cupana reduziu a contratilidade e a PDFVE e aumentou os parâmetros hemodinâmicos assim como CATUAMA. P olacoide reduziu a TD, a TR e a PDFVE. Z officinale também reduziu a TD e a TR. CATUAMA e T catigua não trazem prejuízo à função cardíaca. / The Brazilian herbal medicine CATUAMA and its extract T catigua have shown reversion and prevention action on ventricular fibrillation (VF). VF, in patients with cardiac dysfunction, is an important cause of sudden death in Western world. In this regard, CATUAMA effects on cardiac function and hemodynamic parameters in normal rats were investigated. Various concentrations (10 to 800?g/mL) of CATUAMA (a mixture of Trichilia Catigua, Paullinia Cupana, Ptychopetalum Olacoide and Zingiber Officinale) and each herbal extract were infused into isolated papillary muscle bath. Developed tension (DT), tension at rest (RT) and velocities of increase and decrease tension (dT/dtmax and dT/dtmin) were analyzed. A single 200?g/mL dose was injected into jugular vein in situ. Left ventricular (LV) function index (dP/dtmax and dP/dtmin), LV systolic and end-diastolic pressures (LVSP and LVEDP), coronary driving pressure (CDP), systolic, diastolic and mean blood pressures (SBP, DBP and MBP) and heart rate (HR) were monitored during 10min by LV catheterization. CATUAMA affected myocardium contractility in the higher and toxic dose, decreasing 9% DT and 16% TR and increasing 90% dT/dtmin. CATUAMA also improved 16% SBP, DBP, MBP and CDP. Its isolated extracts showed different actions. T catigua demonstrated no interference in the variables. P cupana decreased contractility and LVEDP. It improved hemodynamic parameters as CATUAMA. P olacoide decreased DT, TR and LVEDP. Z officinale also decreased DT and TR. CATUAMA and T catigua did not affect cardiac function. These are important results for development of a new drug to prevent and to reverse VF without heart function impairment.

Estudo eletromiográfico do padrão de contração muscular da face de adultos / Electromyographic study of muscular contraction patterns in adults

Stefani, Fabiane Miron 09 September 2008 (has links)
A motricidade orofacial é a especialidade da Fonoaudiologia, que tem como objetivo a prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento das alterações miofuncionais do sistema estomatognático. Atualmente, muitos pesquisadores desta área, nacional e internacionalmente, têm buscado metodologias mais objetivas de avaliação e conduta. Dentre tais aparatos está a eletromiografia de superfície (EMG). A EMG é a medida da atividade elétrica de um músculo. Os objetivos deste trabalho foram o de identificar, por meio da EMG, a atividade elétrica dos músculos faciais de adultos saudáveis durante movimentos faciais normalmente utilizados terapeuticamente na clínica fonoaudiológica, para identificar o papel de cada músculo durante os movimentos e para diferenciar a atividade elétrica destes músculos nestes mesmos movimentos, bem como avaliar a validade da EMG na clínica fonoaudiológica. Foram avaliadas 31 pessoas (18 mulheres) com média de idade de 29,48 anos e sem queixas fonoaudiológicas ou odontológicas. Os eletrodos de superfície bipolares foram aderidos aos músculos masseteres, bucinadores e supra-hióides bilateralmente e aos músculos orbicular da boca superior e inferior. Os eletrodos foram conectados a um eletromiógrafo EMG 1000 da Lynx Tecnologia Eletrônica de oito canais, e foi pedido que cada participante realizasse os seguintes movimentos: Protrusão Labial (PL), Protrusão Lingual (L), Inflar Bochechas (IB), Sorriso Aberto (SA), Sorriso Fechado (SF), Lateralização Labial Direita (LD) e Esquerda (LE) e Pressão de um lábio contra o outro (AL). Os dados eletromiográficos foram registrados em microvolts (RMS) e foi considerada a média dos movimentos para a realização da análise dos dados, que foram normalizados utilizando como base o registro da EMG no repouso e os resultados demonstram que os músculos orbiculares da boca inferior e superior apresentam maior atividade elétrica que os outros músculos na maior parte dos movimentos, com exceção dos movimentos de L e SF, Nos movimentos de LD e LE, os orbiculares da boca também estavam mais ativos, mas os músculos bucinadores demonstraram participação importante, especialmente o bucinador direito em LD A Protrusão Lingual não demonstrou diferenças significativas entre os músculos estudados. O SA teve maior participação do orbicular da boca Inferior que o superior, e demonstrou ser o movimento que mais movimenta os músculos da face como um todo e o músculo com maior atividade durante o SF foi o bucinador. Concluímos que o aparato da EMG é eficiente não só para a avaliação dos músculos mastigatórios, mas também dos da mímica, a não ser no movimento de Protrusão lingual, onde o EMG de superfície não foi eficiente. Os músculos orbiculares foram mais ativos durante os movimentos testados, portanto, são também os mais exercitados durante os exercícios de motricidade oral. O movimento que envolve a maior atividade dos músculos da face como um todo foi o Sorriso Aberto / Speech Therapy has been considered subjective during many years due to its manual and visual methods. Many researchers have been searching for more objective methodology of evaluation, based on electronics devises. One of them is the EMG- Surface Electromyography, which is the electric unit measure of a muscle. Literature presents many works in TMJ and Orthodontics areas, special attention to the chewing muscles- temporal and masseter- for been bigger muscles, presenting more evident results in EMG. Less attention is paid for mimic muscles. The objective of our work is to identify, by means of EMG, the electrical activity of facial muscles of healthy adults during facial movements normally used in speech therapy clinic, to identify the role of each muscle during movements and to differentiate the electrical activity of these muscles during this movements. 31 volunteers have been evaluated (18 women) with mean age of 29,84 years, no speech therapy or odontological complains. Bipolar surface electrodes have been adhered to masseter, buccinator and suprahyoid muscles bilaterally and to superior and inferior orbicular oris muscles. Electrodes were connected to a EMG 1000 from Lynx Tecnologia Eletrônica of 8 channels, and it was asked each participant to carry out the following movements: Labial Protrusion (PL), Lingual Protrusion (L), Cheek Inflating (CI), Opened Smile (OS), Closed Smile (CS), Labial Lateralization (LL) and pressure of one lip against the other (LP). EMG data was registered in microvolts (RMS) and the movement media was considered for data analyses, which were normalized using as bases the rest EMG and results show that orbicular oris are more electric activity than other muscles in PL, CI, OS, LL and LP. In LL movements, orbicularis oris also showed greater activity, but buccinator muscles showed effective participation in movement, especially in right LL. L didnt show any differences between evaluated muscles. Buccinator was the most active muscle during CS. We concluded that Orbicularis Ores were the most active muscles during the tasks, exception made to L and CS. In L no muscle was significantly higher and in CS Buccinators were the most active. Opened Smile is the movement where the muscles are more activated in a role. This results shows that EMG is of great use for mimic muscles evaluation, but should be used carefully in specific tongue assessment

The effect of theophylline on the respiratory and quadriceps femoris muscles in man / Conor Jane Biophy.

Brophy, Conor Jane. January 1992 (has links)
Bibliography: leaves 315-366. / 368 leaves : / Title page, contents and abstract only. The complete thesis in print form is available from the University Library. / Assesses the action of dimethylxanthines on the contractility of respriatory and quadriceps femoris muscle in normal subjects and in patients at risk of respiratory muscle fatigue, using accepted techniques. / Thesis (M.D.)--University of Adelaide, Faculty of Medicine, 1992

Effects of dietary fish oil and fibre on contractility of gut smooth muscle.

Patten, Glen Stephen January 2008 (has links)
From animal experimentation, and studies using in vitro models, there was evidence in the literature to suggest that dietary fibre may influence contractility and motility of the gastrointestinal tract and long chain (LC) n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from marine sources may influence contractility of smooth muscle cells in blood vessels. The hypothesis of this thesis was that dietary fish oil and/or fibre influence the contractility of isolated intact sections of gut smooth muscle tissue from small animal models. Methodology was established to measure in vitro contractility of intact pieces of guinea pig ileum with the serosal side isolated from the lumen. It was demonstrated that four amino acid peptides from κ-casein (casoxins) applied to the lumen overcame morphine-induced inhibition of contraction. Using this established technology, the guinea pig was used to investigate the effects of dietary fibre and fish oil supplementation on gut in vitro contractility. In separate experiments, changes in sensitivity to electrically-driven and 8-iso-prostanglandin (PG)E₂-induced contractility were demonstrated for dietary fibre and fish oil. A modified, isolated gut super-perfusion system was then established for the rat to validate these findings. It was subsequently shown that LC n-3 PUFA from dietary fish oil significantly increased maximal contraction in response to the G-protein coupled receptor modulators, acetylcholine and the eicosanoids PGE₂, PGF₂α, 8-iso-PGE₂ and U-46619 in ileum but not colon, without changes in sensitivity (EC₅₀), when n-3 PUFA as eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) had been incorporated to a similar degree into the gut total phospholipid membrane pool. It was further established that the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) had a depressed prostanoid (PGE₂and PGF₂α) response in the gut that could be restored by dietary fish oil supplementation (5% w/w of total diet) in the ileum but not the colon. Importantly, the muscarinic response in the colon of the SHR was increased by fish oil supplementation with DHA likely to be the active agent. Dietary fish oil dose experiments deduced differential increases in response occurred at fish oil concentrations of 1% for muscarinic and 2.5% (w/w) for prostanoid stimulators of the ileum with no difference in receptor-independent KCl-induced depolarization-driven contractility. Studies combining high amylose resistant starch (HAMS, 10% w/w) and fish oil (10% w/w) fed to young rats demonstrated a low prostanoid response that was enhanced by dietary fish oil but not resistant starch. There was however, an interactive effect of the HAMS and fish oil noted for the muscarinic-mimetic, carbachol. Generally, resistant starch increased the large bowel short chain fatty acid pool with a subsequent lower pH. Binding studies determined that while the total muscarinic receptor binding properties of an isolated ileal membrane fraction were not affected in mature rats by dietary fish oil, young rats had a different order of muscarinic receptor subtype response with a rank order potency of M₃ > M₁ > M₂ compared to mature animals of M₃ > M₂ > M₁ with fish oil altering the sensitivity of the M₁ receptor subtype in isolated carbachol-precontracted ileal tissue. In conclusion, experiments using the guinea pig and rat gut models demonstrated that dietary fish oil supplementation, and to a lesser degree fibre, increased receptor-driven contractility in normal and compromised SHR ileum and colon. Further, changes in responsiveness were demonstrated in the developing rat gut prostanoid and muscarinic receptor populations that could be altered by dietary fish oil. Preliminary evidence suggested that fish oil as DHA may alter receptor-driven gut contractility by mechanisms involving smooth muscle calcium modulation. Defining the role that dietary fibre and fish oil, and other nutrients, play in normal and diseased states of bowel health such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), where contractility is compromised, are among the ongoing challenges. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1316907 / Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Molecular and Biomedical Science, 2008

Complexite de l'evaluation parallele des circuits arithmetiques

Revol, Nathalie 31 August 1994 (has links) (PDF)
Les algorithmes d'evaluation parallele des expressions et des circuits arithmetiques peuvent etre vus comme des extracteurs du parallelisme intrinseque contenu dans les programmes sequentiels, parallelisme qui depasse celui qui peut etre lu sur le graphe de precedence et qui tient a la semantique des operateurs utilises. La connaissance des proprietes algebriques, comme l'associativite ou la distributivite, permet une reorganisation des calculs qui n'affecte pas les resultats. Plus la structure algebrique utilisee sera riche en proprietes, plus il sera possible d'en tirer parti pour ameliorer les algorithmes d'evaluation. Generalisant les algorithmes concus pour les semi-anneaux, nous proposons un algorithme qui ameliore les majorations precedemment connues pour la contraction de circuits arithmetiques dans un treillis. Des simulations de cet algorithme ont permis de mettre en evidence ses qualites de << predicteur automatique de complexite >>. Reorganiser explicitement les calculs a l'aide de ces algorithmes, c'est-a-dire realiser un compilateur complet, permet de comparer la realite des algorithmes paralleles sur machines a memoire distribuee et la puissance des algorithmes theoriques. Un prototype a ete realise, base sur une simplification/extension du langage C. Enfin, l'interet de ces techniques dans le domaine de la parallelisation des nids de boucles, pour guider la recherche de reductions cachees dans ces nids, semble prometteuse, parce qu'elle est peu couteuse a mettre en oeuvre et fournit des informations de qualite. En cela, les recherches en algorithmique parallele theorique rejoignent les preoccupations de la parallelisation effective.

The Importance of Fast Skeletal Regulatory Light Chain in Muscle Contraction

de Freitas, Fatima Pestana 01 January 2008 (has links)
The aim of this project was to produce and study a murine homozygous knock-in model containing a fast skeletal regulatory light chain (RLC) containing a Asp49toAla point mutation. The D49A mutation is in the functional calcium binding loop of RLC, which is believed to modulate muscle contraction in striated muscle. To introduce the mutation, a reversible knock-out/knock-in system was employed. The Cre/Lox-P strategy was used to conditionally knock-in the RLC D49A mutation. The generation of the knock-in mouse was attempted with two different breeding strategies consisting of two Cre mouse lines with differential expression patterns during development. The proposed animal was never produced because the RLC knock-out recombination event introduced a splicing error resulting in a stop codon in intron 2. Extensive DNA, RNA and protein analysis as well as histological, gross morphology and muscle physiology studies obtained from the animals of the two breeding strategies lead to the identification of the splicing error. Evidence for this outcome is presented. A recommendation for a different strategy in future studies is included.

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