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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rivalité et marchés : une éthique adversative pour les agents économiques

Martin, Dominic Carl 01 1900 (has links)
Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université catholique de Louvain. / L’argument de cette thèse est le suivant : dans la rivalité, un agent peut tenter de satisfaire ses préférences aux dépens de celles des autres si cela permet de produire des bénéfices sociaux impossibles à produire autrement (et si ces comportements ne causent pas des torts trop grands). Développer cet argument équivaut à développer une éthique adversative, c’est-à-dire une formulation de la moralité dans des contextes comme une compétition sportive ou un procès. Cette éthique sera développée et appliquée aux comportements des agents économiques dans les marchés économiques. On répondra à deux questions. La première question porte sur le design de nos institutions sociales. On peut façonner une institution en ayant recours à un schème adversatif, c’est-à-dire un pattern d’interactions sociales remplissant sa fonction par une dynamique de rivalité. Quand est-il désirable d’avoir recours à ce type de schème? Il est désirable si le rapport entre sa fonctionnalité et ses torts est 1) acceptable et 2) comparativement préférable aux autres schèmes. Ces deux conditions forment un test (développé dans le premier chapitre). Le marché réussit ce test (deuxième chapitre). Dans un schème adversatif, on doit avoir la permission de se comporter de manière adversative. Mais cette permission ne s’applique pas à l’extérieur du schème ou à l’intérieur de schèmes non adversatifs incorporés (comme une entreprise dans un marché ou une équipe dans une compétition sportive). Superposées l’une à l’autre, ces deux limites créent une division tripartite ou une tripartition de la moralité applicable à un agent économique. Cette tripartition permet d’éviter certains problèmes du modèle de la primauté des actionnaires et de la théorie des parties prenantes (troisième chapitre). La deuxième question porte sur la moralité à l’échelle individuelle. Comment doit-on se comporter dans un schème adversatif? Il faut incarner l’idéal de la rivalité bénéfique, ce qui implique 1) de contenir ses comportements adversatifs à l’intérieur du schème, 2) d’en respecter les règles et 3) d’adopter des comportements permettant au schème de réussir le test (quatrième chapitre). Cet idéal évite certains problèmes avec l’idéal de la saine concurrence de Joseph Heath et l’idéal de la concurrence positive de Lynn Sharp Paine (cinquième chapitre). / The argument of my thesis can be summarised as follows: in the context of rivalry, an agent may attempt to satisfy his or her preferences at the expense of other agents’ preferences if this generates social benefits that could not be generated otherwise (without producing too much harm). This argument leads to an adversarial ethics, that is, a description of our moral obligations in contexts like a sport competition or a trial. This ethics will be developed and applied to the behavior of economic agents in the market. I will address two main questions. The first question focuses on the design of our social institutions. An adversarial scheme is a pattern of social interactions that fulfills its function through a dynamic of rivalry. Parts of our institutions can be modeled as adversarial schemes. When is it desirable to use these schemes? It is desirable if the balance between the scheme’s functionality and harms is 1) acceptable and 2) preferable by comparison with other schemes. These two conditions yield a test. The test is developed in the first chapter. The second chapter argues that the market passes this test. An agent must be allowed to adopt adversarial behaviors in an adversarial scheme. But this permission does not apply to his or her behavior outside the scheme or inside non-adversarial incorporated schemes (like a firm in the market or a team in sport competitions). These two criteria, once combined, yield a threefold distinction or a tripartition of the moral obligation of economic agents, which solves some of the problems with the shareholder primacy view and the stakeholder theory. The tripartition and its implications are presented in the third chapter. The second question focuses on our moral obligations at the personal level. How ought we to behave in an adversarial scheme? In the fourth chapter, I argue that we ought to adopt the ideal of beneficial rivalry, which implies that we ought to: 1) contain our adversarial behaviors inside the scheme, 2) respect the scheme’s rules and 3) adopt a behavior that will allow the scheme to pass the desirability test (developed in the first chapter). The fifth chapter argues that this ideal avoids some of the problems with Joseph Heath’s ideal of healthy competition and Lynn Sharp Paine’s ideal of positive competition.

Etude de la diffraction dans l'experience ATLAS au LHC / Studies of diffraction with the ATLAS detector

Trzebinski, Maciej 20 August 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur l'étude de la diffraction avec le détecteur ATLAS au LHC. Après une brève introduction a la physique diffractive incluant la diffraction dure et molle, nous présenterons la production d'évènements "Jet-Gap-Jet" qui est particulirement intéressante pour tester les équations d'évolution de la Chromodynamique Quantique de Balitski Fadin Kuraev Lipatov. En utilisant des coupures permettant de sélectionner ce signal et une définition du "gap" basée sur la reconstruction des traces dans le détecteur interne d'ATLAS, nous observons un signal clair d'évènements "Jet-Gap-Jet" dans les données. A partir d'une taille de "demi-gap" de 0.8, les données ne peuvent pas être décrites de manière correcte en utilisant l'échantillon Monte Carlo des données de jets sans gap. Nous prouvons également que la production d'évènements "Jet-gap-Jet" avec les deux protons détectes dans AFP permet de réaliser un test propre de la théorie BFKL avec une luminosité de 300 pb-1. Dans la derniere partie de la these, nous presentons la production exclusive de jets et de pi+pi-. Apres la selection des donnes, le rapport signal sur bruit est de l'ordre de 5/9 (1/13) pour µ = 23 (46). Pour une luminosite integree respective de 40(300) fb-1 (pour un "pile-up" de 23(46)), cette mesure permettra d'etablir des contraintes sur les modeles theoriques dix fois plus precises qu'actuellement. La mesure de la production exclusive de pions en utilisant le detecteur ALFA permet de contraindre egalement les modeles exclusifs. Nous avons montre que les donnees accumulees par ALFA suffiront deja pour mesurer la section efficace de production et pour etudier differentes distributions comme la masse invariante du systeme pion-pion. / The thesis is devoted to the study of diffractive physics with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. After a short introduction to diffractive physics including soft and hard diffraction, we discuss Jet-Gap-Jet production at the LHC which is particularly interesting for testing the Balitski Fadin Kuraev Lipatov QCD evolution equation. Using the signal selection requirements and a gap definition based on tracks reconstructed in the ATLAS Inner Detector, we observe a clear signal of Jet-Gap-Jet events in the data. Starting from the half-gap size of 0.8 the data cannot be properly described using only the Jet Monte Carlo sample without gaps. Furthermore, we demonstrated that DPE JGJ production, with both protons tagged in the AFP stations, should provide a significant test of the BFKL theory, once the 300 pb−1 of integrated luminosity is collected. In the last part of the thesis, we discussed the processes of Central Exclusive Jet and Exclusive π+π− production. After the data selection, the signal to background ratio is found to be of about 5/9 (1/13) for < μ >= 23 (46). For a collected integrated luminosity of 40(300) fb−1 (for pile-up of 23(46)) this measurement will deliver ten times better constraints on the theoretical models than the most recent ones. The additional measurement of exclusive pion production, relying on the use of the ALFA stations, allows to constrain further the exclusive models. We demonstrated that a data sample collected by the ALFA detectors should be sufficient to measure the cross sectionand to study various distributions, especially the invariant mass of the pion-pion system.

Two-Photon Interactions in Proton-Proton Collisions with the ATLAS Experiment at the LHC / Interactions photon-photon en collisions proton-proton dans l'expérience ATLAS au LHC

Dyndal, Mateusz 21 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse présente la première mesure de la section efficace exclusive photon-photon-> di-leptons en collisions proton-proton à une énergie dans le centre de masse de 7 TeV dans l'expérience ATLAS au LHC. La mesure est réalisée avec toutes les données accumulées en 2011, pour une luminosité intégrée de 4.6/fb. La première partie de la thèse est dédiée à la description théorique de ce type d'interaction. Le calcul de l'amplitude de la réaction photon-photon-> di-leptons est bien connu dans le cadre du modèle standard de la physique des particules. Cependant, une complication apparaît au LHC avec la prise en compte des effets de taille finie du proton. Le calcul de cet effet est l'une de mes contributions personnelles. Il a donné lieu à une publication. La section efficace nominale est réduite d'environ 20% du fait de cet effet, ce qui n'est pas négligeable. La seconde partie de la thèse concerne la description des détecteurs de l'expérience ATLAS. J'y décris en particulier le travail que j'ai réalisé sur la simulation de certains de ces détecteurs, en particulier les détecteurs situés dans la ligne de vol des protons, qui permettent la mesure de la trajectoire de ces derniers. Enfin, la dernière partie de la thèse concerne la mesure expérimentale de la section efficace de la réaction photon-photon-> di-leptons en collisions proton-proton, comme mentionnée plus haut. Lorsque la paire de leptons est une paire de muons, on trouve que la section efficace exclusive est égale à 0.628 ± 0.032(stat) ± 0.021(syst) pb, pour le domaine cinématique suivant M(di-muons)>20 GeV, pT(muons)>10 GeV et |muons)<2.4. Lorsque la paire de leptons est une paire électron-positrons, nous avons obtenu une section efficace exclusive égale à 0.428 ± 0.035(stat) ± 0.018(syst) pb, pour M(ee)>24 GeV, pT(e)>12 GeV et |muons (e)|<2.4. De plus, ces mesures confirment que le facteur de réduction par rapport à la prédiction théorique nominale (sans prendre en compte les effets de taille finie du proton) est bien de 20% dans le domaine d'énergie de la mesure. Cette analyse a été publiée par la collaboration ATLAS. Une perspective pour cette mesure est de la réaliser à plus haute énergie avec les nouvelles données accumulées par l'expérience ATLAS à partir de 2015. De plus, une mesure directe de la trajectoire des protons pourrait aider à la sélection exclusive. / This thesis presents a first measurement of the exclusive cross section for the reaction photon-photon-> di-leptons in proton-proton collisions at center of mass energy of 7 TeV in the ATLAS experiment at the LHC. The measurement is realized with all data accumulated during the year 2011 with an integrated luminosity of 4.6/fb. The first part of the thesis is dedicated to the theoretical description of this kind of interactions. The calculus of the amplitude for the reaction photon-photon-> di-leptons is well known in the context of the standard model of particle physics. However, the situation at the LHC is more complex. It requires taking into account the finite size effects of the protons. The understanding of this effect and its evaluation is one of my personal contributions, which has been published. The nominal cross section is then reduced by about 20% following this effect, which is non negligible. The second part of the thesis concerns the description of the detectors of the ATLAS experiment. In particular, I describe the work I have realized on the simulation of some of these devices, mainly the detectors located in the direction of flight of the protons that allows a measurement of the trajectory of the scattered (intact) protons. Finally, the last part of the thesis is devoted to the experimental measurement of the cross section of the reaction photon-photon-> di-leptons in proton-proton collisions, as mentioned above. When the lepton pair is a pair of muons, we find an exclusive cross section of 0.628 ± 0.032(stat) ± 0.021(syst) pb, for the kinematical domain M(di-muons)>20 GeV, pT(muons)>10 GeV and |muons|<2.4. When the lepton pair is a pair of electrons (positrons), we have obtained an exclusive cross section of 0.428 ± 0.035(stat) ± 0.018(syst) pb, for M(ee)>24 GeV, pT(e)>12 GeV et |muons(e)|<2.4. Moreover, these measurements confirm that the reduction (suppression) factor with respect to the nominal theory prediction (without taking into account the finite size effect of the protons) is of the order of 20% in the energy domain of the measurement. A perspective for this work is to make the measurement at larger energy with the new data recorded by the ATLAS experiment since 2015. Moreover, a direct measurement of the trajectory of protons could help for the exclusive selection.

Rivalité et marchés : une éthique adversative pour les agents économiques

Martin, Dominic Carl 01 1900 (has links)
L’argument de cette thèse est le suivant : dans la rivalité, un agent peut tenter de satisfaire ses préférences aux dépens de celles des autres si cela permet de produire des bénéfices sociaux impossibles à produire autrement (et si ces comportements ne causent pas des torts trop grands). Développer cet argument équivaut à développer une éthique adversative, c’est-à-dire une formulation de la moralité dans des contextes comme une compétition sportive ou un procès. Cette éthique sera développée et appliquée aux comportements des agents économiques dans les marchés économiques. On répondra à deux questions. La première question porte sur le design de nos institutions sociales. On peut façonner une institution en ayant recours à un schème adversatif, c’est-à-dire un pattern d’interactions sociales remplissant sa fonction par une dynamique de rivalité. Quand est-il désirable d’avoir recours à ce type de schème? Il est désirable si le rapport entre sa fonctionnalité et ses torts est 1) acceptable et 2) comparativement préférable aux autres schèmes. Ces deux conditions forment un test (développé dans le premier chapitre). Le marché réussit ce test (deuxième chapitre). Dans un schème adversatif, on doit avoir la permission de se comporter de manière adversative. Mais cette permission ne s’applique pas à l’extérieur du schème ou à l’intérieur de schèmes non adversatifs incorporés (comme une entreprise dans un marché ou une équipe dans une compétition sportive). Superposées l’une à l’autre, ces deux limites créent une division tripartite ou une tripartition de la moralité applicable à un agent économique. Cette tripartition permet d’éviter certains problèmes du modèle de la primauté des actionnaires et de la théorie des parties prenantes (troisième chapitre). La deuxième question porte sur la moralité à l’échelle individuelle. Comment doit-on se comporter dans un schème adversatif? Il faut incarner l’idéal de la rivalité bénéfique, ce qui implique 1) de contenir ses comportements adversatifs à l’intérieur du schème, 2) d’en respecter les règles et 3) d’adopter des comportements permettant au schème de réussir le test (quatrième chapitre). Cet idéal évite certains problèmes avec l’idéal de la saine concurrence de Joseph Heath et l’idéal de la concurrence positive de Lynn Sharp Paine (cinquième chapitre). / The argument of my thesis can be summarised as follows: in the context of rivalry, an agent may attempt to satisfy his or her preferences at the expense of other agents’ preferences if this generates social benefits that could not be generated otherwise (without producing too much harm). This argument leads to an adversarial ethics, that is, a description of our moral obligations in contexts like a sport competition or a trial. This ethics will be developed and applied to the behavior of economic agents in the market. I will address two main questions. The first question focuses on the design of our social institutions. An adversarial scheme is a pattern of social interactions that fulfills its function through a dynamic of rivalry. Parts of our institutions can be modeled as adversarial schemes. When is it desirable to use these schemes? It is desirable if the balance between the scheme’s functionality and harms is 1) acceptable and 2) preferable by comparison with other schemes. These two conditions yield a test. The test is developed in the first chapter. The second chapter argues that the market passes this test. An agent must be allowed to adopt adversarial behaviors in an adversarial scheme. But this permission does not apply to his or her behavior outside the scheme or inside non-adversarial incorporated schemes (like a firm in the market or a team in sport competitions). These two criteria, once combined, yield a threefold distinction or a tripartition of the moral obligation of economic agents, which solves some of the problems with the shareholder primacy view and the stakeholder theory. The tripartition and its implications are presented in the third chapter. The second question focuses on our moral obligations at the personal level. How ought we to behave in an adversarial scheme? In the fourth chapter, I argue that we ought to adopt the ideal of beneficial rivalry, which implies that we ought to: 1) contain our adversarial behaviors inside the scheme, 2) respect the scheme’s rules and 3) adopt a behavior that will allow the scheme to pass the desirability test (developed in the first chapter). The fifth chapter argues that this ideal avoids some of the problems with Joseph Heath’s ideal of healthy competition and Lynn Sharp Paine’s ideal of positive competition. / Thèse réalisée en cotutelle avec l'Institut supérieur de philosophie, Université catholique de Louvain.

L'évolution des rapports entre le juge et l'arbitre au regard des récentes réformes en droit de l'arbitrage québécois : les compétences exclusives et non exclusives du juge étatique

Koffi, Ange Marina N'gbo 04 1900 (has links)
L'arbitre représente le juge dans la procédure d’arbitrage: il tranche, juge et détient la balance de la justice dans cette procédure. Bien que ses décisions soient des sentences arbitrales, elles n’ont pas la force exécutoire d’un jugement judiciaire qui impliquerait une sanction en cas de non-exécution de celle-ci par la partie contre laquelle elle a été rendue. Ainsi, les thèses selon lesquelles les rapports du juge et de l’arbitre sont conflictuels, selon lesquelles les pouvoirs attribués à l’arbitre pour mener sa mission à terme et le principe d’incompétence du juge étatique dans le déroulement d’un arbitrage interne ou international, deviennent réfutables. Soumises pour contrôle et à l’appui du juge étatique, l’instance arbitrale et la sentence arbitrale s'intègrent dans l'ordre juridictionnel. Elles doivent cohabiter ensemble dans une même atmosphère juridique. Le juge dans cette optique a l’obligation de protéger et de respecter la volonté des parties, tout en veillant au bon déroulement de la procédure arbitrale. Ainsi, au regard, des nouvelles réformes en arbitrage en vigueur au Québec, en France et dans plusieurs autres États, les rapports entre les tribunaux judiciaires et l’arbitrage ont évolué vers l’entente, la collaboration et la complémentarité. De plus, les textes légaux et les règles qui gouvernent la procédure arbitrale sont d’une grande importance dans notre exposé, car elles contribuent à la démonstration de ces nouveaux rapports. Ce sont, en effet le respect des règles et la possibilité pour les parties de les manipuler qui rendent l’arbitrage attrayant. Le présent mémoire vise à démontrer l’évolution des rapports entre le juge et l’arbitre au regard de récentes réformes dans le droit de l’arbitrage québécois parallèlement au droit de l’arbitrage français. Notre stratégie consistera à identifier les pouvoirs attribués au juge étatique et à analyser la place de choix réservée au juge étatique dans cette procédure. Puisqu’il s’avère être un appui précieux à l'arbitrage, il conviendrait de redéfinir sa place dans cette procédure, afin de dissiper toutes les incompréhensions qui ont pu exister. / The arbitrator represents the judge in the arbitration proceedings: he decides, judges and holds the balance of justice in the arbitration proceedings. Although its decisions are arbitral awards, they do not have the enforceable force of a judicial judgment that would involve a penalty in the event of non-performance by the party against whom it was issued. Thus, the arguments according to which the reports of the judge and the arbitrator are conflicting, according to which the powers assigned to the arbitrator to complete his mission and the principle of incompetence of the state judge in the conduct of an internal or international arbitration, become refutable. Submitted for review and in support of the State judge, the arbitral body and the arbitral award shall be incorporated into the judicial order. They must live together in the same legal atmosphere. The judge in this regard has the obligation to protect and respect the will of the parties, while ensuring the smooth conduct of the arbitral proceedings. In light of the new arbitration reforms in force in Quebec, France and several other states, the relationship between the courts and arbitration has evolved towards understanding, collaboration and complementarity. In addition, the legal texts and rules governing arbitral proceedings are of great importance in our presentation, as they contribute to the demonstration of these new reports. It is, in fact, the respect of the rules and the possibility for the parties to manipulate them that make the arbitration attractive. The purpose of this brief is to demonstrate the evolution of the relationship between the judge and the arbitrator in light of recent reforms in the law of Quebec arbitration in parallel with the law of French arbitration. Our strategy will be to identify the powers assigned to the state judge and to analyse the place reserved for the state judge in this procedure. Since it proves to be a valuable support for arbitration, it would be appropriate to redefine its place in this procedure, in order to dispel any misunderstandings that may have existed.

The experience of HIV infected mothers regarding exclusive breasfeeding in the first six months of the infant's life

Phakisi, Selloane 19 August 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to explore, describe and interpret the experiences of Immunodeficiency Human Virus (HIV) infected mothers regarding exclusive breastfeeding in the first six months of the infant’s life. This was a qualitative study with phenomenology as a design as the study was about lived experiences. The sample consisted of HIV infected mothers aged 18 years and above who opted for exclusive breastfeeding for the first six months of their infant’s lives. Purposive sampling was used. Data was collected through one to one semi structured interviews of fifteen mothers of babies aged six to twelve months. The study revealed that mothers had both positive and negative experiences which were influenced by among others; the level of support the mothers received, disclosure of HIV status and health education received at the health facility. The findings of the study revealed a low level of understanding of the Infant and Young Child Feeding Policy by health professionals / Health Studies / M.A. (Health Studies)

Exercício de atividades de polícia administrativa por entidades privadas / Exercise of administrative police activities by private entities

Klein, Aline Lícia 20 May 2014 (has links)
O presente estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de identificar os limites e possibilidades do exercício de atividades de polícia administrativa por entidades privadas. Primeiro, analisou-se a atividade de polícia administrativa, procurando-se definir o seu conceito e abrangência no modelo atual do Estado. Em seguida, examinaram-se as diversas configurações utilizadas pelo Estado para o desempenho das suas atividades. Foram identificadas mais detidamente as características do exercício de atividades estatais por meio de entidades da Administração indireta com personalidade jurídica privada e dos contratos de delegação e de colaboração. Após essa análise, demonstrou-se que o dogma da indelegabilidade da atividade de polícia não pode ser tomado como absoluto, de modo a vedar toda e qualquer participação privada no exercício dessa atividade. Delinearam-se os limites e possibilidades do exercício privado de atividades de polícia administrativa. Nesse ponto, constatou-se que a atividade normativa originária e o exercício de coerção não comportam a delegação do seu exercício a particulares. As demais atividades que integram o denominado ciclo das atividades de polícia são passíveis de delegação, observando-se determinados critérios e limites. Uma vez identificados os requisitos a serem observados para a delegação, aplicaram-se esses conceitos a atividades específicas de polícia administrativa. A seguir, examinou-se o regime jurídico a ser observado no exercício de atividades de polícia administrativa por entidades privadas. Demonstrou-se que a observância de determinados aspectos desse regime jurídico consiste em condição para a legitimidade da atribuição do exercício dessas atividades a entidades privadas. Ao final, foram arroladas as conclusões obtidas ao longo do trabalho. / This study aimed at identifying the limits and possibilities of the exercise of administrative police activities by private entities. Firstly, the activity of the administrative police was analyzed in order to define its concept and scope in the current model of State. Then, the various settings used by the State for the performance of State activities were examined. The characteristics of the exercise of State activities by means of indirect Government Agencies of private law personality and delegation and collaboration agreements were identified in more detail. After this analysis, it was demonstrated that the dogma of the impossibility to delegate police activity cannot be considered as absolute, as to prohibit any private participation in the exercise of this activity. The limits and possibilities of the private exercise of administrative police activities were outlined. At that point, it was noted that primary normative activity and the exercise of coercion do not accept delegation to individuals. The other activities that integrate the so-called cycle of police activities can be subject to delegation, considering certain criteria and limits. Once the requirements for delegation were identified, these concepts were applied to specific activities of administrative police. Then, the legal regime applicable in the exercise of administrative police activities by private entities was examined. It was demonstrated that compliance with certain aspects of this legal regime is condition for the legitimacy of assigning the exercise of these activities to private entities. At last, the conclusions obtained throughout the study were presented.

Estimativas dos efeitos dos determinantes do aleitamento materno em inquéritos na América Latina e Caribe / Estimates of the effects of determinants of breastfeeding on surveys in Latin America and the Caribbean

Pereira, Fernanda Alves 14 September 2018 (has links)
Introdução-O aleitamento materno promove vantagens para a criança, mulher e sociedade. Entretanto as taxas de amamentação, principalmente o aleitamento materno exclusivo estão abaixo dos níveis desejados em diversos países. A identificação dos determinantes da interrupção precoce e a quantificação da interação destes fatores é crucial para estabelecer, avaliar e promover políticas públicas em prol das práticas de amamentação. Objetivo-Estimar os efeitos dos fatores associados à prevalência do aleitamento materno exclusivo, predominante e continuado no primeiro e segundo anos de vida em países da América Latina e Caribe no período de 2000 a 2016. Métodos-Foram utilizados microdados coletados no projeto Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use Results Demographic and Health Survey. Para complementar as informações foram recolhidos dados agregados do World Bank. Os indicadores analisados foram aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME), aleitamento materno predominante (AMP) e aleitamento materno continuado (AMC) no primeiro e segundo anos de vida; os valores foram expressos em prevalência e estratificados por quintos de riqueza. Selecionou-se o último inquérito disponível de cada país da América Latina e Caribe com dados entre os anos de 2000 e 2016. As variáveis foram selecionadas segundo disponibilidade e enquadramento no modelo conceitual proposto por ROLLINS et al. (2016). O modelo utilizado no estudo foi elegido após análise com Regressão de Poisson e, posteriormente, foi realizada análise logística multinível de efeitos mistos para quantificar o efeito de cada determinante do efeito fixo ajustado pelo efeito randômico. Resultados-A variação das prevalências dos indicadores foi de 7,4% a 60,3% no AME, 13,9% a 71% no AMP, 35,0% a 86,6%no AMC no primeiro ano e 18,9% a 55,0% no AMC no segundo ano de vida. Bolívia e Guatemala se destacam por apresentar as maiores taxas de AME, 60,3% e 54,2%, respectivamente. Os países apresentaram maior prevalência dos indicadores nos quintos inferiores de renda, destacando-se as associações do padrão de aumento da magnitude do efeito negativo à medida que o quinto de renda aumenta. O AME e AMP se associaram diretamente à \"amamentação na primeira hora\", \"estado conjugal\" e \"queria o último filho; \"idade materna\" e \"status de trabalho\" se associaram inversamente aos indicadores AMC no 1º e 2º anos de vida. Na análise de efeitos mistos, os indicadores AME e AMP se associaram diretamente a \"amamentação na primeira hora\" e \"estado conjugal\" e inversamente às variáveis \"local do parto\" e \"status de trabalho\". A escolaridade materna apresentou associação inversa com os indicadores AMP, AMC no 1º e 2º anos de vida e o quinto de riqueza apresentou associação inversa com todos os indicadores estudados. O AME apresenta maior variância explicada pelo nível individual, enquanto o AMC no 2º ano de vida sofre grande influência pelo nível contextual (8,99e-15% e 69,7%, respectivamente). Conclusão-As variáveis relacionadas ao indivíduo foram as que melhor explicaram a variância do modelo para o AME, AMP e AMC no 1º ano de vida. As variáveis relacionadas ao contexto explicam maior variabilidade da prevalência do AMC no 2º ano de vida, exibindo a maior interferência do PIB e de influências de âmbito nacional. / Introduction-Breastfeeding promotes benefits for the child, woman and society. However, breastfeeding rates, especially exclusive breastfeeding, are below desired levels in many countries. The identification of the determinants of the interruption precociated and the quantification of interaction factors are crucial to establish, evaluate and promote public policies in breastfeeding practices. Objective-Estimate the effects of factors associated with the prevalence of exclusive, predominant and continued breastfeeding in the first and second years of life in Latin American and Caribbean countries from 2000 to 2016.Methods- We used microdata collected in the project Monitoring and Evaluation to Assess and Use Results Demographic and Health Survey. In addition to the information, aggregated World Bank data was collected. The indicators analyzed were exclusive breastfeeding (EB), predominant breastfeeding (PB) and continuous breastfeeding (CB) in the first and second years of life; the values were expressed in prevalence and stratified by quintiles of wealth. The last available survey of each Latin American and Caribbean country with data between the years 2000 and 2016 was selected. The variables were selected according to availability and framing in the conceptual model proposed by ROLLINS et. al. (2016). The model used in the study was chosen after analysis with Poisson Regression and later, multi-level mixed-effects logistic analysis was performed to quantify the effect of each determinant of the fixed effect adjusted by the random effect. Results- The prevalence of indicators ranged from 7.4% to 60.3% EB, 13.9% to 71% in PB, 35.0% to 86.6% in CB in the first year, and 18.9% to 55.0% in CB in the second year of life. Bolivia and Guatemala stand out for having the highest rates of EB, 60.3% and 54.2%, respectively. The countries presented a higher prevalence of indicators in the lower quintiles of income, especially the associations of the pattern of increase of the magnitude of the negative effect as the fifth of income increases. EB and PB were directly associated with \"first-time breastfeeding\", \"marital status\" and \"wanted the last child; \"maternal age\" and \"work status\" were inversely associated with the CB indicators in the 1st and 2nd years of life. In the mixed effects analysis, the EB and PB indicators were directly associated with \"first-hour breastfeeding\" and \"marital status\" and inversely to the variables \"place of birth\" and \"work status\".The maternal schooling presented an inverse association with the PB, CB indicators in the 1st and 2nd years of life, and the fifth of the wealth had an inverse association with all the indicators studied. The EB shows greater variance explained by the individual level, while the CB in the second year of life suffers great influence at the contextual level (8.99e-15% and 69.7%, respectively). Conclusion- The variables related to the individual were the ones that best explained the variance of the model for EB, PB and CB in the 1st year of life. The variables related to the context explain a greater variability of the prevalence of CB in the second year of life, showing the greater interference of GDP and national influences.

A pr?tica do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores associados a sua interrup??o

Marques, Mayra da Silva 31 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Natalie Mendes (nataliermendes@gmail.com) on 2015-07-23T01:15:43Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Mayra da Silva Marques.pdf: 2679058 bytes, checksum: 0dd7829b60b919d6cf857fe899d69ee2 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-23T01:15:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??o - Mayra da Silva Marques.pdf: 2679058 bytes, checksum: 0dd7829b60b919d6cf857fe899d69ee2 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-31 / Funda??o de Amparo ? Pesquisa do Estado da Bahia - FAPEB / Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended by the World Health Organization from birth until six months of age since breast milk is the most complete food for nutrition at this stage in life and effectively contributes to reducing illnesses and deaths in children. However, expanding the membership of the practice of exclusive breastfeeding is still a major challenge for public health in Brazil today. Consequently, knowledge of the factors associated with the discontinuation of exclusive breastfeeding is critical to the development of actions to promote and protect children?s health. Objective: To investigate the frequency of exclusive breastfeeding and associated factors its interruption among mothers of infants 0?6 months old in Santo Ant?nio de Jesus, Bahia. Methods: This thesis is presented in the form of an article entitled ?The practice of exclusive breastfeeding and its associated factors its interruption?. This article employed the cross-sectional study design type involving 278 mothers of children under six months of age, all from the village of Santo Ant?nio de Jesus. Data were collected through a questionnaire administered through interviews. Results: It was found that the prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 39.6% in the sample studied. The interruption of associated exclusive breastfeeding was with the following variables: parity [RP=0,59; IC95% (0,44 ? 0,78)], race/color maternal [RP= 1,84; IC95% (1,03 ? 3,60)], an institution not supportive of breastfeeding [RP= 0,58; IC95%(0,43 ? 0,77)], lack of support for breastfeeding [RP= 0,57; IC95%(0,34 ? 0,95)], satisfaction with the act of breastfeeding [RP = 2,79; IC95%(1,12 ? 4,03)], birth weight of the child [(RP=0,57; IC95%(0,33 ? 0,98)], non-nutritive sucking habits [RP=0,55; IC95%(0,34 ? 0,95)] and medical care or nursing [RP=1,68; IC95% (1,03? 3,19)]. Conclusion: The findings point to an association between the interruption of exclusive breastfeeding and factors related to sociodemographic characteristics, maternal characteristics, and the child. / O aleitamento materno exclusivo (AME) ? recomendado, desde o nascimento at? os seis meses de idade, pela Organiza??o Mundial de Sa?de, vez que o leite materno ? o alimento mais completo para a nutri??o, nessa fase da vida, contribuindo efetivamente para redu??o da morbimortalidade infantil. Por?m, ampliar a ades?o ? pr?tica de AME representa, ainda hoje, um grande desafio para a sa?de p?blica brasileira. Consequentemente, conhecer os fatores associados ? interrup??o do AME ? fundamental para desenvolver a??es de promo??o e prote??o da sa?de infantil. Objetivo: Investigar a frequ?ncia de AME e os fatores associados a sua interrup??o entre m?es de crian?as de 0 a 6 meses de idade, no munic?pio de Santo Ant?nio de Jesus-BA. M?todos: A presente disserta??o apresentada em forma de artigo intitulado ?A pr?tica do aleitamento materno exclusivo e fatores associados a sua interrup??o? empregou o desenho de estudo do tipo corte transversal que envolveu 278 m?es de crian?as menores de seis meses de idade, todas da zona urbana do munic?pio de Santo Ant?nio de Jesus. Os dados foram coletados atrav?s da aplica??o de um question?rio, realizada mediante entrevista. Resultados: Verificou-se que a preval?ncia do AME foi de 39,6% na amostra estudada. Houve associa??o entre interrup??o do AME e os seguintes fatores: primiparidade [RP=1,45; IC95% (1,16 ?1,82)], ra?a/cor materna [RP= 0,75; IC95% (0,60 ? 0,93)], institui??o n?o incentivadora do aleitamento materno [RP=1,8 (1,12- 2,88);], aus?ncia de acompanhamento da crian?a por m?dico ou enfermeiro [RP=1,29; IC95% (1,04 ? 1,59)], falta de apoio familiar para amamenta??o [RP= 1,31; IC95% (1,08-1,60)], insatisfa??o quanto ao ato de amamentar [RP = 1,45; IC95% (1,17-1,79)], baixo peso ao nascer da crian?a [(RP=1,31; IC95% (1,07 - 1,60)] e h?bito de suc??o n?o nutritiva [RP=1,78; IC95% (1,19?2,67)]. Conclus?o: Os achados apontam para associa??o entre a interrup??o do AME e fatores relacionados a caracter?sticas sociodemogr?ficas, caracter?sticas maternas, bem como fatores relacionados ? crian?a. Estes dados refor?am a necessidade de realiza??o de diagn?sticos locais e pol?ticas p?blicas direcionadas ? prote??o e apoio ? amamenta??o exclusiva.

O estado de exceção em Giorgio Agamben: contribuições ao estudo da relação direito e poder / Giorgio Agambens state of exception: contributions to the analysis of the law and power relationship.

Abdalla, Guilherme de Andrade Campos 15 June 2010 (has links)
A complexa filosofia de Giorgio Agamben convoca-nos a compreender a crise dos atuais modelos político-governamentais e a hodierna lógica da segurança que, sob a doutrina do medo orquestrado, visa à eliminação dos não-integráveis, como igualmente nos convida a abarcar na defesa de uma nova ontologia política além da tradição da soberania e do direito. Do confronto entre as conceituações semânticas do termo vida e da relação desta com o poder soberano, inclusive numa sociedade biopolítica de normalização, emerge o protagonista da obra agambeniana, a vida nua. Uma vida que não é inauguração moderna, mas atividade originária do poder soberano, quer dizer, uma vida que pode ser detectada tanto na pólis e na civitas - na figura do homo sacer -, assim como no totalitarismo moderno e, rasteiramente, na democracia em que vivemos. Trata-se de uma vida absolutamente matável e exposta à morte que, fundada numa relação de exclusão inclusiva, isto é, de abandono, revela o verdadeiro vínculo social. O que une vida e lei, violência e norma, é o estado de exceção. A norma se aplica à exceção desaplicando-se: a força-de-lei exercida no estado de exceção não põe, nem conserva, o direito, mas o conserva suspendendo-o e o põe excetuando-se. Uma figura em que factum e ius tornam-se indiscerníveis e homines sacri são produzidos a esmo; um espaço onde distinções políticas tradicionais como direita e esquerda, público e privado, perdem sua clareza e inteligibilidade. Uma indiscernibilidade que pode ser materializada no campo, seja de refugiados, seja de concentração, seja o hoje vigente e ainda inominado, de modo que o campo reflete o próprio paradigma da atualidade. Esta é a era da exceção em permanência. O caminho para a desativação dessa relação é a profanação, figura em que se busca uma nova forma-de-vida que não seja inaugurada pela lembrança teológica da política soberana e do direito, mas que reflita uma comunidade que vem capaz de desativar a máquina biopolítica produtora da vida nua e torne inoperante o atual conceito de político-jurídico: uma nova comunidade que pense além da soberania, do bando soberano e do próprio direito. Trata-se de uma comunidade de singularidades, sem identidade, sem propriedades e destinos, mas que seja pura potencialidade, que seja em si como ela é, quer dizer, que não possua qualquer tarefa enquanto fim, mas tão somente meios sem fins. / The complex philosophy of Giorgio Agamben summons us to review the crisis of the existing political-juridical models and the on-going governmental security rationale, which, based on a pre-oriented administration of fear, aims at eliminating those somehow non-adapted, as well as to join a defence towards a new political ontology beyond the tradition of sovereignty and law. Through the confront of semantically distinct definitions of life and its relation with the sovereign power, including under a biopolitical normalizing society, emerges the protagonist of Agamben`s work, the bare life. A life that is not a modern phenomena but the original activity of the sovereign power, that is, a life exposed to death that can be found either in the pólis or the civitas - in the form of homo sacer or in the modern totalitarianism as well as the democracy that we live in. A life that is permanently subject to death and, founded on an inclusive exclusion relation, that is, a relation of abandonment, exposes the real social bound. The state of exception links life and law, violence and norm. The law is applied through its own withdrawal: the force-oflaw exercised in the state of exception does not posit nor conserve the law, but conserves it through its suspension and posits it through the exception. A place where factum and ius are brought into conjunction and homines sacri are freely produced, a space where traditional political categories such as right and left, public and private, loses clearness and intelligibility. A zone of indistinction materialized in the camp, either of refugees or concentration camps or those in full force and effect and yet unnamed. The camp is the contemporary political paradigm and this is the era in which the exception becomes the rule. The way out to deactivate such relation is to profane, a political task in search for a new form-of-life that abolishes any remembrance of theological sovereign politics and law and that reflects a coming community able to turn inoperative the biopolitical machine producer of bare life: a new community that thinks beyond sovereignty, the sovereign band and the law itself. A community composed of singularities, with no identity nor properties or destinies, but pure potentiality. A community free of means in search for an end, but solely a community of pure means without ends.

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