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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La nature fait renaître l'objet : Résultat d'une réflexion sur les matériaux souples et/ou réversibles et sur les nouvelles caractéristiques de leur espace / Nature breathes life : result of a research on reversible and/or flexible materials and the nex features of their space

Lee, Kumhee 30 November 2013 (has links)
La matière est la cellule fondamentale de la création. Elle est présente sous diverses formes et densités. Parfois souple, d'autres fois solides, elle est aussi réelle et irréelle. La dualité de son identité fait de sa nature un facteur propice à l'expression de l'art. Dans l'Interprétation de la Nature (Interprétation of Nature), l'élément visible mais aussi invisible subit le cycle de la vie qui dans un espace spatiotemporelle change, le fait naître de renaître. Dans ce contexte, mon étude porte sur l'être et le devenir. Le développement de la cellule primaire, sa croissance, sa formation, sa maturation, sa disparition et sa re-création. L'expérience de l'objet est variable selon l'espace. L'espace qui entoure le spectateur peut être la cause du changement, et modifier l'oeuvre. La situation n'est pas dépendante du créateur mais interactive avec le spectateur qui entretient un rapport ambigu. de possesseur-possédé. / Material is the fundamental cell of creation. It appears under different shapes and densities. Its dual identity turns its nature into an appropriate factor in the expression of art. In the Interpretation of Nature, visible as well as invisible elements undergo the existential cycle which, within a spatiotemporal framework, breathes endless life into it. In this context, my study revolves around being and becoming, that is, the development of primary cell, its growth, formation, maturation, demise and re-creation. The experience of the objects varies according to space. The space surrounding the viewer might be the cause of change and might even modify the artwork. The situation does not just rely on the creator but interacts with the viewer in an ambiguous relation where the possessor becomes possessed.

Les territoires des parcs nationaux (Canada, Ethiopie, France) : logiques identitaires, patrimoniales et nationales / National parks territory (Canada, Ethiopia, France) : identity, heritage and nation

Blanc, Guillaume 12 September 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une histoire environnementale comparée de parcs nationaux canadien, éthiopien et français. Elle s'appuie sur l'étude des lois, des rapports d'activité et de la documentation archivistique et touristique produits par les gestionnaires des parcs de Forillon, du Semën et des Cévennes, de la fin des années soixante au temps présent. Cette recherche interroge l'objet « parc national » en tant que territoire patrimonial et identitaire façonné pour promouvoir un sentiment d'appartenance à la nation. Avec le comparatisme pour mode d'étude de l'objet, ce travail démontre qu'au-delà des contextes observés, l'invention de la nature vise bien souvent à renforcer les contours matériels et idéels de la nation au nom de laquelle agissent les pouvoirs publics. En France, le parc national des Cévennes sert à la pérennisation d'une nation paysanne, nostalgique et traditionnelle. Au Canada, le parc ForiIlon participe à la naturalisation d'une nation qui se donne à voir vierge, atempororelle et apolitique afin de pallier son passé manquant de profondeur mais débordant de conflits. En Éthiopie, l'Etat s'approprie pour sa part les représentations eco-racistes des institutions internationales telles que l'UICN, le WWF et l'UNESCO afin d'être reconnu sur la scène internationale et de s'imposer, alors, sur un territoire qu'il veut national. Ainsi, dans les trois pays observés, le parc national se révèle un enjeu de lutte. Espace de vie quotidienne converti en un espace de visites temporaires, illégitime l'exercice, par la puissance publique, d'une violence à la fois concrète et symbolique sur les populations locales et environnantes. / This thesis offers a comparative environmental history of French, Ethiopian and Canadian national parks. It rests upon an analysis of laws, management plans, tourist documentation and archive produced by the managers of Cévennes, Semën and Forillon national parks. This research questions the "national park" object as a territory of heritage and identity manufactured by power to promote a national belonging feeling. Using comparison, this work shows that beyond the context, invention of nature is dedicated to the reinforcement of the material and ideal edges of the nation. In France, the Cévennes national park serves as a symbol of a rural, nostalgic and traditional nation. In Canada, Forillon participates to the naturalization of a nation that gives herself to see as a virgin, a-temporal and a-political nation in order to overcome a past lacking of depth but overflowed by conflicts. In Ethiopia, the State adopts the eco-racist representations of international institutions such as IUCN, UNESCO and WWF for being recognized on the international scene and established, therefore, on a territory namely "national". Thus, in these three countries, national park appears as a place of struggle. Space of daily life converted in a space of temporary visit, it legitimates the exertion of a concrete and symbolic violence on local and surrounding populations.

Bridging divisions in Loren Eiseley's writings on science and nature / Au-delà des divisions dans les écrits sur la science et la nature de Loren Eiseley

Cheng, QianQian 10 March 2017 (has links)
Loren Eiseley (1907-1977) a été connu tour à tour comme archéologue, anthropologue, éducateur, philosophe, poète ou bien encore auteur d’études en sciences naturelles. Il remet en cause les thèses sur la science, la nature et l’homme qui avaient cours à son époque. Il unit les sciences et les humanités au travers de sa prose et de ses poèmes, anticipant le concept actuel d’humanités environnmentales. En tant qu’archéologue, il utilise la science, l’imagination et l’observation tels des outils dans le but de reconstruire le passé. Il a mis au point de nouveaux angles de vue permettant d’appréhender l’univers et la place de l’homo sapiens en son sein. Il pense que l’homme moderne s’est dénaturé en devenant le destructeur de la planète et, de ce fait, anticipe le point de vue éco-centrique qui s’est imposé dans la période qui a fait suite à la révolution industrielle, période de plus en plus désignée comme l’anthropocène. Les écrits de Eiseley pressent l’humanité de renouer avec notre passé animal de façon à respecter l’ordre naturel dont nous sommes issus. Son œuvre force le lecteur à participer à son projet de rénovation de notre univers mental et culturel. / Loren Eiseley (1907-1977) has been variously described as archaeologist, anthropologist, educator, philosopher, poet, and natural science writer. He challenges the views of science, nature, and man that were current at the time he wrote. He brings science and the humanities together by expressing his ecological, philosophical and metaphysical ideas in both prose and poems, anticipating the concept of environmental humanities nowadays. He is an archeologist who uses the tools of science, imagination and observation to reconstruct the past. Eiseley finds new angles from which to view the universe and homo sapiens’ place within it. He argues that modern man has fallen out of nature and become a planet destroyer. He anticipates the eco-centric position that is becoming necessary in the era following the Industrial Revolution that is increasingly being recognized as the Anthropocene. Eiseley’s writings urge that humanity reconnect with our animal past in order to respect the natural world from which we came. In bridging the nature and culture divide, his work forces readers to participate in the project of re-examining our own mental and cultural world.

La sculpture et la terre : histoire artistique et sociale du jardin de sculpture en Europe (1901-1968) / Sculpture and earth : an artistic and social history of the sculpture garden in Europe (1901- 1968)

Gevart, Louis 20 January 2017 (has links)
Établir que la sculpture et le jardin suivent une longue histoire commune relève du lieucommun. Au XXe siècle pourtant, le jardin de sculpture est devenu un espace porteur dansl’évolution des arts plastiques. Lieu intermédiaire entre la ville et le paysage, le jardin est un champ d’expérimentation formelle pour les artistes en même temps qu’une propositionmuséale ouverte. La première partie de l’étude porte sur le temps des prototypes (1901-1945),marqué par la diversité des pratiques : le plein air attire autant les sculpteurs questionnant leur rapport à la tradition et à la nature que les collectionneurs qui par leurs choix d’exposition posèrent les jalons d’une histoire de la sculpture en marche. Dans tous les cas, l’ancrage à la terre est fort. La deuxième partie traite de l’affirmation institutionnelle du jardin de sculpture dans la reconstruction (1945-1958). Réel ou imaginaire, le musée de sculpture en plein air est un champ où s’expriment les forces de la sculpture contemporaine et où s’affirment au public les questions sculpturales de l’avant-garde et où s’opère une mutation de la dialectique nature/(s)cul(p)ture. La troisième partie concerne les déplacements du jardin de sculpture (1958-1968) : de la nature à la ville dans une volonté des artistes d’investir pleinement l’espace public et d’acteurs culturels trouvant dans l’architecture un autre « en-dehors », mais aussi de la ville à la nature avec un retour à la terre de collectionneurs et directeurs de musées visionnaires concevant des espaces paysagers spécifiques, posant les prémices d’un art in situ dans le cadre institutionnel. / It is generally accepted that sculpture and garden have shared a common history. Throughoutthe 20th century, however, the sculpture garden has become a strengthened space for theevolution of plastic arts. As an intermediate place between city and landscape, the garden isan experimental field both to the artists (in a formal sense) and to the museum (as an openspace). The first part of the dissertation deals with the time of prototypes (1901-1945) whenthe sculpture garden was characterized by its variety. Outdoors, sculptors have questionedtheir relation ton tradition and nature while collectors have put the first steps of a livinghistory of sculpture by their exhibition choices. By all means, their anchoring to the earthremained strong. The second part relates to the growing of the sculpture garden as culturalmodel during the Reconstruction (1945-1958). Whether real or ideal, the open-air sculpturemuseum then turns into a public theatre in which the forces of the contemporary sculpturefind their expression, particularly through the mutation of the nature/(s)cul(p)ture dialectic. At last, the third part deals with the sculpture garden shifts during the 60s (1958-1968). On the first hand, these shifts went from the landscape to the city: the artists would integrate moredirectly the urban space and the curators saw the architecture as another “outside”. On the second hand, they went from the city to the landscape: collectors and museum directors came back to the earth, conceiving specific landscapes for sculpture, laying the foundation of theexpression of an in situ art in the institutional framework.

L'historicité du monde chez Hegel et Heidegger / The historicity of the world in Hegel and Heidegger

Yilmaz, Erdal 25 April 2017 (has links)
Bien que de nos jours nous parlons aisément du monde lui-même en le différenciant de la nature, nous sommes tentés de croire que le «monde» où nous nous engageons est la nature immédiate, celle des objets inanimés. Cependant, nous sommes également tentés de défendre l'idée selon laquelle le monde est historico-culturel. Dans notre étude, nous analysons les conceptions hégéliennes et heideggériennes de l'historicité du monde. Deux questions principales dirigent notre étude : 1. Comment doit-on aborder la différence entre ce qui est toujours déjà là (la nature) et le monde ? 2. Et dans quelle mesure faut-il imputer au sujet (ou à l'esprit ou au Dasein) le pouvoir de donner forme au monde ou le pouvoir de constituer le monde? A partir de ces deux questions notre étude cherche à mettre en évidence ce qu'est l'historicité du monde chez Hegel et Heidegger. Enfin nous comparons leur conception de l'historicité du monde. / Though, in our time, we readily speak of the world as distinct from nature, we are nevertheless tempted to believe that the "world" in which we engage is the immediate nature consisting of inanimate objects. However, we are also tempted to defend the idea that the world is historical. In our study, we analyze the Hegelian and Heideggerian conceptions of the historicity of the world. Two main questions will guide our study: 1. How should we approach the difference between what is always already there (nature) and the world ? 2. And to what extent does the subject (or spirit or Dasein) have the power to shape and constitute the world? From these questions, our study tries to expIain what the historicity of the world is in Hegel and Heidegger and then to compare their conception of the historicity of the world.

As concepções dos estudantes acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico : confronto com a experimentação

Folmer, Vanderlei January 2007 (has links)
A educação em Ciências pode auxiliar a população a entender a natureza e a utilidade da Ciência, e contribuir para a formação de cidadãos esclarecidos e atuantes. A partir de tais pressupostos, a proposta deste estudo foi ver se cursos experimentais baseados no aprendizado através da resolução de problemas (RP), com ênfase em fundamentações histórica e epistemológica, podem melhorar o entendimento dos estudantes acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico. Nosso estudo demonstrou que, depois de uma resistência inicial, os estudantes encararam de forma positiva a oportunidade que tiveram para planejar e executar experimentos de seu próprio interesse, ao invés de seguir receitas prontas como ocorre usualmente nas atividades desenvolvidas nos laboratórios escolares. Alémhouve um aumento significativo nos escores totais, e também nos escores das subescalas criativo, experimental e unificado, conforme a escala “Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale” (NSKS), depois que os estudantes participaram dos cursos; indicando uma melhora no entendimento acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico. De particular interesse, a execução de atividades práticas baseadas na RP com problemas mal-estruturados levou uma grande parte dos estudantes a sentirem que estavam trabalhando criativamente e fazendo Ciência. Deste modo, as atividades propostas neste trabalho poderiam ser expandidas como uma forma de melhorar a educação em Ciências e estimular a formação de uma nova geração de cientistas criativos no Brasil. / Science education can help people to understand the nature and utility of science, and contribute to developing informed and active citizen. Hence, the purpose of this study was to see if problem-based learning (PBL) in experimental vacation’ courses, with emphasis on the historical and epistemological foundations, can increase students’ understanding regarding nature of scientific knowledge. After initial strangeness, our study has shown that students usually rated high the opportunities that they had to plan and execute experiments of their own, instead of following cookbook recipes as usually happens in laboratory classes at school. In addition, post-test scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores on the total Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale (NSKS), and on creative, testable, and unified NSKS subscales, indicating an improved understanding of nature of scientific knowledge among school students. Of particular interest, the execution of practical activities in PBL form with ill-structured problems led a significant part of students to feel that they were creating and doing science. Therefore, the activities here proposed could be expanded as a form of to improve the science education and to stimulate the formation of a new generation of creative scientists in Brazil.

Návrh naučné stezky na území obce Chlumín s využitím ve výuce botaniky na základní škole / A Proposal to Build a Nature Trail in the Village of Chlumín with Use in the Teaching of Botany at Elementary School

Uherová, Klára January 2018 (has links)
In the theoretical part of this thesis, I have reviewed the available literature focused on the problems around creating nature trails. I have evaluated the area around the municipality in terms of geomorphological structure, climate, soil and greenery. I have performed field research in order to find the most suitable route. The thesis describes a nature trail leading through the village of Chlumín. I have created graphical proposals as to what the information tables should look like. Another material piece of output is a promotional flyer. The proposed trail is a short round-trip educational trail focused especially on the topic of nature. Eight stops with have been drafted with a total trail length of 2.8 kilometres (1.74 miles) and all stops of the nature trail have been placed on a map. Afterwards, a questionnaire-style survey has been performed and its results analysed in the practical part of this thesis. The materials created during the creation of the thesis have been prepared for realisation by the Chlumín municipality. One chapter concerns itself with the usage methods for this nature trail and in it, I have pointed out the specific needs of this generation. Key words: nature trail, information table, conservation of nature, environmental education

A natureza e a relação sociedade-natureza na memória de velhas professoras /

Mercadante, Marilu. January 2009 (has links)
Orientador: Rosa Maria Feiteiro Cavalari / Banca: Álvaro Tenca / Banca: Maria Inês Rauter Mancuso / Resumo: Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo identificar, a partir da memória de velhas professoras, as concepções de natureza e de relação sociedade-natureza presentes nos depoimentos de velhas professoras da rede pública estadual de uma cidade do interior do estado de São Paulo, nas décadas de 1960 e 1970. Acreditamos que entender como determinada sociedade "torna a natureza presente" Bornheim (1985), é fundamental para a superação dos impasses gerados pela problemática ambiental. Para a realização deste trabalho, optou-se pela metodologia da história oral e constatou-se, por meio das leituras das narrativas, que as professoras entrevistadas "tornam a natureza presente" por meio de diferentes concepções. A natureza como "tudo o que existe", como "vida", uma concepção "religiosa" de natureza, a natureza como a "grande provedora de recursos naturais", a natureza como "universo", "como mãe de todas as coisas" e a natureza como aquela que "tudo recicla" são as concepções de natureza presentes nos depoimentos coletados. Várias professoras consideraram, ainda, a natureza como aquela que pode "dar respostas" e "reagir" às ações desmedidas do homem. Além disso, a natureza apareceu como aquela que deve ser preservada, pois disso depende a manutenção da nossa própria vida. No que diz respeito à relação sociedade-natureza, evidencia-se a relação conflituosa que se estabelece entre o homem e a natureza. Pode-se afirmar que, no geral, o homem foi apresentado como sendo o grande vilão, como aquele que destrói a natureza, sendo caracterizado pelas professoras, entre outras coisas, de ruim, malvado, ganancioso e ignorante. Tentar compreender como a natureza e a relação sociedade-natureza se fazem presentes na memória dessas velhas professoras permite repensar como essa relação tem sido tratada atualmente no âmbito escolar. / Abstract: This research has the objective to identify from the remembrance of old teachers the nature conceptions and nature society relation presented into the old teachers attests from the state public schools from a city in the country of São Paulo in 60's and 70's. We believe that understanding as a certain society becomes a present nature Bornheim (1985) is essential to the overcoming from the conflicts generated by the environmental problematic. To the realization of this work, it was chosen the methodology of the oral history and it was found that for the reading from the narratives that the interviewed teachers make the nature presented by different conceptions. The nature as "all that exists", as "life", a "religious" conception of nature, the nature as the "big provider of natural resources", the nature as "universe", "as the mother of all things", and the nature as one "that recycles all" are the conceptions of nature present in the collected attests. Several teachers considered, yet, the nature as one that can give answers and reacts to the men's undue actions. Besides, the nature came on as one that must be preserved, because the maintenance of our own life depends on this. According to the nature society relation, it is noticeable the conflicted relation that is established between the man and the nature. It can be affirmed, in general, that man was presented as being the big guilty, as the one who destroys the nature, being characterized by the teachers among other things, as bad, mean, greedy and ignorant. Trying to understand how the nature and the nature society relation are present in the remembrance of these old masters, allow us to think again how this relation has been currently dealt in the scholar environment. / Mestre

As concepções dos estudantes acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico : confronto com a experimentação

Folmer, Vanderlei January 2007 (has links)
A educação em Ciências pode auxiliar a população a entender a natureza e a utilidade da Ciência, e contribuir para a formação de cidadãos esclarecidos e atuantes. A partir de tais pressupostos, a proposta deste estudo foi ver se cursos experimentais baseados no aprendizado através da resolução de problemas (RP), com ênfase em fundamentações histórica e epistemológica, podem melhorar o entendimento dos estudantes acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico. Nosso estudo demonstrou que, depois de uma resistência inicial, os estudantes encararam de forma positiva a oportunidade que tiveram para planejar e executar experimentos de seu próprio interesse, ao invés de seguir receitas prontas como ocorre usualmente nas atividades desenvolvidas nos laboratórios escolares. Alémhouve um aumento significativo nos escores totais, e também nos escores das subescalas criativo, experimental e unificado, conforme a escala “Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale” (NSKS), depois que os estudantes participaram dos cursos; indicando uma melhora no entendimento acerca da natureza do conhecimento científico. De particular interesse, a execução de atividades práticas baseadas na RP com problemas mal-estruturados levou uma grande parte dos estudantes a sentirem que estavam trabalhando criativamente e fazendo Ciência. Deste modo, as atividades propostas neste trabalho poderiam ser expandidas como uma forma de melhorar a educação em Ciências e estimular a formação de uma nova geração de cientistas criativos no Brasil. / Science education can help people to understand the nature and utility of science, and contribute to developing informed and active citizen. Hence, the purpose of this study was to see if problem-based learning (PBL) in experimental vacation’ courses, with emphasis on the historical and epistemological foundations, can increase students’ understanding regarding nature of scientific knowledge. After initial strangeness, our study has shown that students usually rated high the opportunities that they had to plan and execute experiments of their own, instead of following cookbook recipes as usually happens in laboratory classes at school. In addition, post-test scores were significantly higher than pre-test scores on the total Nature of Scientific Knowledge Scale (NSKS), and on creative, testable, and unified NSKS subscales, indicating an improved understanding of nature of scientific knowledge among school students. Of particular interest, the execution of practical activities in PBL form with ill-structured problems led a significant part of students to feel that they were creating and doing science. Therefore, the activities here proposed could be expanded as a form of to improve the science education and to stimulate the formation of a new generation of creative scientists in Brazil.

L'évolution des rapports ville nature dans la pensée et la pratique aménagistes : la consultation internationale du Grand Paris / Evolutions in urban-nature relationships in urban planning foresight in Europe : contributions from the Concours International du Grand Paris

Gey, Adrien 25 October 2013 (has links)
Le concours international pour l'agglomération parisienne qui a eu lieu fin 2008, début 2009 a rassemblé une part importante du champ de l'architecture et de l'urbanisme sur la question de la ville territoire durable. Ce moment spécifique nous offre la possibilité d'étudier les cadres de la pensée aménagiste sur la question des rapports ville-nature et de les mettre en perspective avec les formes urbaines passées ainsi qu'avec les grands courants de pensée en aménagement. Nous commençons par le descriptif de ces rapports tels qu'ils se sont incarnés dans les formes historiques de la ville européenne ainsi que dans les textes théoriques ayant accordé une place spécifique à l'une des déclinaisons possibles de la « nature ». Nous comparons ensuite ces rapports et les représentations de la nature qui les ont motivés avec les utilisations des éléments naturels qui ont été faites dans les projets du Grand Paris. Grâce à un commentaire herméneutique des dossiers de rendu du concours, analysant non seulement les usages des éléments naturels mais aussi les valeurs associées à ceux-ci, comme la matérialité du discours sur la nature, nous identifions les échos et écarts en termes de représentations. / This work is trying to describe the current evolution of sustainable planning throughout the study of the Grand Paris international competition for a post Kyoto metropolis that took place in 2009. The answers that have been proposed by all teams for the competition, composed by a large and representative panel of international experts, architects, research center and universities are showing a real change in terms of representation concerning nature and the city. The thesis describes the poetic, therapeutic and structuring use of natural elements that has been done by the different teams in their proposal for the metropolis of tomorrow, making “nature” a real tool for sustainable planning.

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