Spelling suggestions: "subject:"laborers"" "subject:"aborers""
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The perceptions and experience of male farm workers of the effects of a transpersonal social work intervention in addressing domestic violenceBrophy, Fiona C. 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M Social Work)--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT:
This study is an attempt to gain a deeper understanding, from the perspective
and experience of male farm workers, of the effects of a transpersonal social
work counselling intervention, on a wine farm in the Western Cape, in
promoting more socially functional behaviour and reducing violent behaviour,
particularly towards their intimate partners.
Domestic violence was found by Parenzee and Smythe (2003:47) of the
Institute of Criminality to be “pervasive within farming communities” and that
responses are less than adequate, no preventative services were being
offered and the only structured interventions that were in place, were aimed at
improving the livelihoods of women. There is a growing awareness that
addressing the high and increasing levels of violence against women in South
Africa needs to incorporate working directly with men as recommended, after
local studies, by Sonke Gender Justice Network (2009), Boonzaier (2005),
Londt (2004) and Abrahams, Jewkes and Laubsher (1999). A recent study concerning the legacy of dependency and powerlessness
experienced by farm workers on wine farms in the Western Cape by Falletisch
(2008:v) found there to be a need for “further research into accessible,
appropriate and sustainable intervention strategies on farms that empower
labourers and break the cycles of habitual excessive drinking, social violence
and hopelessness on farms.”
Transpersonal intervention enables human beings to attain a sense of Self and
the consequent accessing of their own inner power, and with that the
dissipation of the compulsion to hurt, control or abuse others and themselves
says Hollis (1994) and France (2008).
Circumstances that are oppressive, disempowering and poverty inducing, as
experienced by a large majority of farm labour in South Africa, may be
inhibiting to, but should not preclude, self realisation. The researcher, a social work practitioner in private practice on a wine farm in
the Western Cape, applied this approach in a counselling intervention with
male farm workers, to enable them to, not only reach their own self-defined
goals, but also to reduce abusive behaviour such as alcohol abuse and
domestic violence.
The effects of the intervention from the perspectives of the men as well as their
female partners, was explored in order to determine the effectiveness of the
intervention, particularly, in reducing intimate partner violence. The goal of the
study was thus to gain a deeper understanding, from the perspective and
experience of male farm workers, of the effects of a transpersonal social work
intervention in promoting more socially functional behaviour and reducing
violent behaviour, particularly towards their intimate partners.
There is a dearth of services, particularly addressing male workers on farms
says Shabodien (2005) and it is hoped that this study may evaluate the
effectiveness and potential for further application in practice amongst farm
worker communities in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING:
Hierdie studie poog om, vanuit die perspektief van manlike plaaswerkers op ‘n
Wes-Kaapse wynplaas, ‘n duideliker begrip te verkry van die invloed van ‘n
maatskaplike beradingsintervensie, ter bevordering van groter funksionele
sosiale gedrag en die vermindering van geweldadige gedrag, veral teenoor hul
intieme lewensmaats.
Parenzee en Smythe (2003:47) van die Instituut van Kriminaliteit het bevind
dat plaasgemeenskappe deurtrek is van huishoudelike geweld en dat proaktiewe
inisiatiewe onvoldoende was. Geen voorkomende dienste anders as
gestruktureerde intervensies gemik op die verbetering van die bestaansreg
van vroue is in plek. Daar is ‘n toenemende bewustheid om mans te betrek
ten einde die tendens van groeiende geweldsvlakke teen vroue in Suid-Afrika
aan te spreek, soos trouens ook bevind is deur plaaslike navorsing deur Sonke
Gender Justice Network (2009), Boonzaier (2005), Londt (2004) en Abrahams,
Jewkes en Laubsher (1999).
‘n Onlangse studie aangaande die nalatenskap van afhanklikheid en
magteloosheid ondervind deur plaaswerkers op wynplase in die Wes-Kaap
deur Falletisch (2008:v) het bevind dat daar ‘n behoefte is vir “verdere
navorsing na toeganklike, toepaslike en volhoubare intervensiestrategieë op
plase wat arbeiders bemagtig om die kringloop van gebruiklike oormatige
drinkery, maatskaplike geweld en moedeloosheid op plase te breek”.
Interpersoonlike intervensies stel die mens in staat om ‘n beeld van die eie self
te verkry en die gevolglike bewuswording van hul eie innerlike krag, en met dit
die afname van die drang om ander en hulself seer te maak, te oorheers en te
mishandel volgens Hollis (1994) en France (2008).
Omstandighede wat onderdruk, ontmagtig en armoede tot gevolg het, soos
ondervind deur die groter meerderheid van plaasarbeid in Suid-Afrika, mag
selfverwesenliking inhibeer, maar nie uitsluit.
Die navorser, ‘n maatskaplike praktisyn in private praktyk op ‘n wynplaas in die
Wes-Kaap, het hierdie benadering toegepas in ‘n beradingsintervensie met
manlike plaaswerkers, om hulle in staat te stel om nie alleen hul eie doelwitte
te bereik nie, maar ook onaanvaarbare gedrag soos alkoholmisbruik en
huishoudelike geweld te verminder.
Die effek van die intervensie, vanuit die perspektief van die mans sowel as dié
van hul vroulike lewensmaats, is nagevors ten einde die effektiwiteit van die
intervensie te bepaal - veral die vermindering van geweld teenoor die
lewensmaats. Die doel van die studie was dus om ‘n dieper begrip te verkry,
vanuit die perspektief en ondervinding van manlike plaaswerkers, van die
positiewe uitwerking van ‘n interpersoonlike maatskaplike intervensie gemik op
die bevordering van meer sosiaal funksionele gedrag en die vermindering van
geweldadige gedrag, veral teenoor hul intieme lewensmaats.
Daar is ‘n gebrek aan dienste, veral wat manlike werkers op plase aanspreek
volgens Shabodien (2005), en word gehoop dat hierdie studie die effektiewiteit
en potensiaal vir verdere toepassing in die praktyk onder plaasgemeenskappe
in Suid-Afrika mag evalueer.
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The role of management in the in-service training of adult learners in agricultural institutionsSepheka, Amony Amanda 01 1900 (has links)
Agriculture is one of the most important economic activities, with significant contribution to food security, job creation and gross domestic product (GDP) in many countries. Due to the historical inequalities in the distribution of farming land, agriculture in South Africa has been divided into commercial agriculture and subsistence agriculture. The end result are inequalities in the distribution of land, skills and wealth, with the majority of South Africans living in poverty, being illiterate and with no skills.
The newly elected democratic Government has since 1994 attempted to address these inequalities. Among the programmes introduced to skill farmers was the launch of the Agricultural Education and Training (AET) Strategy. The aim of AET was to improve Agricultural production through quality agricultural education and training, and thereby addressing the needs of the country’s economy. Adult in-service training was introduced at agricultural institutions. It is now mandatory for the management of agricultural institutions providing in-service training to skill their workers. Yet there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training.
This lack of information has been of concern to the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders. Apart from frequent discussions, little has so far been written on the subject. In particular, there is little known about the role of management of the adult in-service training at the agricultural institutions. The aim of this research was to explore the role of the management of in-service training of adult learners at an agricultural institution with the objective of providing the needed information.
The qualitative research approach, using grounded theory, was employed because of its suitability to the study. Information was collected from the participants using both in-depth open-ended questions and focus groups interviews. The data analysis was achieved by using the ATLAS ti. The aim was to provide an in-depth understanding of people’s experiences in the agricultural industry, especially at the two sampled agricultural institutions, both situated in Gauteng.
The lack of evaluation of the Adult in-service training project was found to be the main reason why there is still no clear understanding of how the farmers, managers and supervisors benefit or do not benefit from their employees’ in-service training. The problem of lack of evaluation was related to the level of literacy of the adult in-service learners, who preferred practical training to theoretical training. At the same time, the farm managers, training providers, sponsors and other stakeholders are anxious to know the training progress results. The knowledge of training progress is also needed for the implementation of improvements or financial sponsorship. This research therefore recommends, among others, that evaluations be carried out among the adult in-service learners in such a manner that both the adult learners and the other stakeholders are satisfied. It is, therefore, essential that the role of management of the Adult in-service training agricultural institutions be well defined, so as to fulfil the purpose of these in-service institutions of skilling the trainees to be productive agricultural farmers for the benefit of agricultural production in South Africa. / Temothuo ke nngwe ya ditirwana tsa botlhokwa tota tsa ikonomi, tse di nang le seabe se segolo mo netefatsong ya lotseno lwa dijo, go tlhola ditiro mmogo le go Palogotlhe ya Dikumo tsa Naga (GDP), mo dinageng di le dintsi. Ka ntlha ya hisitori ya go sa lekalekane mo kabong ya lefatshe la temo, temothuo mono Aforikaborwa e ne ya aroganngwa ka mapahata a le mabedi, e bong temothuo e e totileng kgwebo le e e totileng go iphedisa fela. Kwa bofelong re feleditse ka go sa lekalekaneng ga kabo ya lefatshe, bokgoni le khumo, fao bontsi jwa Maaforikaborwa ba tshelelang mo khumanegong, ba sa rutega e bile ba se na bokgoni.
Puso ya demokerasi e e tlhophilweng sešwa, e sa le e leka go mekamekana le go sa lekalekaneng go, go simolola ka 1994. Gareng ga mananeo a a itsisitsweng go neela balemi bokgoni, ke kgakolo ya Leano la Thuto le Thupelelo malebana le Temothuo (AET). Maikaelelo ka AET e ne e le go tokafatsa kumo ya Temothuo ka mosele wa thuto le thupelelo ya boleng, ka jalo go mekamekanwe le ditlhokwa tsa ikonomi ya naga. Go itsisitswe thupelelotirong ya bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo. Gajaana, bolaodi jwa ditheo tsa temothuo bo gapelediwa go neela thupelelotirong gore badiri ba ditheo tse, ba nne le bokgoni. Le gale, ga go ise go tlhaloganyege sentle gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa go le kae, kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang, malebana le thupelelotirong ya bathapiwa ba bona.
Tlhokego e ya tshedimosetso, e tshwentse balaodi ba dipolase, bakatisi, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe. Ga go a kwala go le gontsi malebana le setlhogo se, go fitlha gajaana. Go feta fa, ga go itsiwe seabe sa bolaodi malebana le thupelelotirong ya bagolo mo ditheong tsa temothuo. Maikaelelo a tlhotlhomisi e e ne e le go leba seabe sa bolaodi mo thupelelotirong ya baithuti ba bagolo kwa ditheong tsa temothuo, ka maikaelelo a go neela thsedimosetso e e tlhokegang.
Molebo wa patlisiso wa diteng o dirisitswe ka ntlha ya bomaleba jwa ona mo tlhotlhomising e. Go kokoantswe tshedimosetso go tswa go batsaakarolo, go dirisiwa dipotso tse di tseneletseng mmogo le tse di sa tsenelelang jalo, le dipotsolotso tsa ditlhopha tse di totilweng. Kanaanelo ya datha e fitlheletswe ka go dirisa ATLAS ti.
Maikaelelo e ne e le go neela tlhaloganyo e e tseneletseng ya maitemogelo a batho mo industering ya temothuo, bogolosegolo ditheo tse di supilweng tsa temothuo, bobedi jwa tsona bo le mo Gauteng. Lebakalegolo la gore go bo go se na tlhaloganyo e e edileng ya gore balemerui, balaodi le batlhokomedi ba ungwa jang kgotsa ga ba ungwe jang malebana le thupelelotirong ya badiredi, ga le ise le tlhake. Matsapa a go tlhoka tekanyetso a tsalana le maemo a borutegi a baithuti ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong, ba ba neng ba eletsa thupelelotirong ya tiragatso e seng ya tiro. Ka nako yona e balaodi ba dipolasa, batlamedi ba thupelelo, baetleetsi mmogo le banaleseabe, ba fela pelo go itse dipholo tsa thupelelo. Kitso ya tsamao ya thupelelo e bile e tlhokega malebana le tiragatso ya tlhabololo mmogo le ketletso ya tsa matlhole. Tlhotlhomisi e, ka jalo, gareng gat se dingwe e tshikhinya gore, gareng gat se dingwe, tlhotlhwafatso e dirwe mo baithuting ba bagolo ba thupelelotirong ka tsela e e tlaa kgotsofatsang baithuti ba bagolo mmogo le ba na le seabe. Ka jalo go botlhokwa gore seabe sa ditheo tsa bolaodi jwa katiso ya bodiredi jwa temothuo jwa Bagolo, se lebiwe sentle, gore se kgotsofatse maikaelelo a ditheo tse tsa katisotirong ya ditheo tse, e maikaelelo a yona e leng go nonotsha bakatisiwa go nna balemirui ba ba tlhololo go ungwa temothuo mo Aforikaborwa. / Ezolimo zingomunye wemisebenzi yezomnotho ebaluleke kakhulu, kanti zibambe iqhaza elisemqoka ekutholakaleni kokudla, ukudala amathuba omsebenzi nakusambamkiqizo wezwe (GDP) emazweni amaningi. Ngenxa yomlando wokungalingani ekwabeni umhlaba wezolimo, ezolimo lezi eNingizimu Afrika sezehlukaniswe zaba ngezolimo zokuhwebelana, nezolimo zokungadliwa ekhaya. Umphumela walokhu kube ukungalingani ekwabiweni komhlaba, amakhono, nomnotho, nokuba iningi lezakhamizi zaseNingozimu Afrika liphile ngobumpofu, ukungakwazi ukufunda nokubhala nokungabi namakhono.
Uhulumeni omusha wentando yeningi, kusukela ku-1994 ubuzama ukubhekana nalokhu kungalingani. Kwezinye zezinhlelo ezisunguliwe ukuhlomisa abalimi ngamakhono kube ukwethula iNdlela Yokufundisa Nokuqeqesha kwezolimo (Agricultural Education and Training [AET] Strategy). Injongo ye-AET ukwenza ngcono imikhiqizo yeZolimo ngokufundisa nokuqeqesha kwezolimo okusezingeni eliphakeme, ngalokho kubhekanwe nezidingo zezomnotho ezweni. Kwaqalwa ukuba kube nokuqeqeshwa kwabadala okwenzelwa ezikhungweni zezolimo. Sebephoqelekile manje abaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo eziqeqeshela emsebenzini ukuba bahlomise abasebenzi babo ngamakhono adingekayo. Noma kunjalo akukho ukuqonda kahle ukuthi abalimi, izimenenja nababhekile bazuza noma abazuzi kanjani ngokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabasebenzi babo.
Ukungatholakali kolwazi lwalokhu kuyazikhathaza izimenenja zamapulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza. Ngaphandle kwezingxoxo ezihlale ziba khona, kuze kube manje kuncane osekubhaliwe ngalesi sihloko. Ikakhulu kuncane okwaziwayo ngeqhaza labaphathi (izimenenja) bokuqeqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabafundi abadala ezikhungweni zezolimo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo-ke bekungucubungula ngeqhaza labaphathi bezikhungo zokuqeqeshela abafundi abadala emsebenzini ezikhungweni zezolimo, inhloso kungukuba kuhlinzekwe ngolwazi oludingekayo.
Lapha bekusetshenziswa indlela yocwaningo egxile emsocweni (qualitative) kusetshenziswa ithiyori ezinzile (grounded) ngoba lokhu kuyezwana nalolu cwaningo. Ulwazi oludingekayo beluqoqwa kwababambe iqhaza kusetshenziswa imibuzo ejulayo
kodwa evulekile, nokuba kubuzanwe namaqembu ebekugxilwe kuwo. Imininingwane etholakele ibihlaziywa ngokusebenzisa i-ATLADS TI. Injongo bekungukuba kutholakale ukuqonda okujulile ngalokho abedlula kukho abantu embonini yezolimo, ikakhulu ezikhungweni zezolimo ezimbili eziqokiwe, zombili eziseGauteng.
Ukungenzeki kokuba kuhlolwe izinga lephrojekthi yokuqeshelwa emsebenzini kwabadala kwatholakala kuyikhona okuyisizathu esiphambili sokuba kuze kube manje kungacacile ukuqonda ukuthi ngabe abalimi nezimenenja bayazuza yini noma abazuzi lutho ngalokhu kuqeqeshelwa emsebenzi kwabasebenzi. Inkinga yokungabi bikho kwalokhu kuhlolwa kwezinga kuhambisana nezinga lokwazi ukufunda okubhaliwe nokubhala kwabafundi abadala abaqeqeshelwa emsebenzini, ababethanda kakhulu ukuqeqeshwa kokwenziwayo kunalokho okuyithiyori. Kanti ngaso leso sikhathi izimenenja zepulazi, abaqeqeshi, abaxhasi nabanye ababambe iqhaza kulo msebenzi banexhala ngokwazi imiphumela yokuqhubekela phambili kwalokhu kuqeqesha. Ukwazi ngokuqhubeka kokuqeqesha kuyadingeka futhi ukuze zenziwe ngcono ezinye izinto, noma kuhleleke nokutholakala kwabaxhasa ngezimali. Ngakho-ke lolu cwaningo, ngaphezu kwezinye izincomo, luncoma ukuthi kuhlolwe izinga kubafundi abadala abaqeqeshwayo ngendlela yokuba bagculiseke abafundi abadala nabanye ababambe iqhaza kule phrojekthi. Kubalulekile-ke ukuba uchazwe kucace kahle umsebenzi wabaphathi bezikhungo zezolimo zokuqeqeshela abadala emsebenzini, ukuze kufezeke izinhloso zalezi zikhungo zokuqeqeshela emsebenzini mayelana nokuhlomisa abaqeqeshwayo ngamakhono ukuze bagcine sebengabalimi abakhiqiza okomkhakha wezolimo okuzosiza iNingizimu Afrika yonkana. / Science and Technology Education / D. Phil. (Education)
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中國農民工子女義務教育政策分析 : 以廣州市實行義務教育政策為個案研究 / Analysis of migrant workers' offsprings compulsory education policy in China : case study on Guangzhou's implementing of compulsory education policy;"以廣州市實行義務教育政策為個案研究"籍峰濤 January 2012 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Education
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The role of culture and gender in the spread of HIV and AIDS and strategies for the reduction of HIV and AIDS among farm workers in South AfricaKlaas, Ntombifikile Elizabeth 02 1900 (has links)
Worldwide, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) pandemic has proven to be a health care challenge from the perspective of testing and treatment, including how to create sustainable positive prevention, prevention after becoming HIV positive, that is culturally relevant and gender sensitive. South Africa has been severely affected by the HIV and AIDS epidemic and the agricultural sector is no exception. This statement is supported by the findings of the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) study.
According to an IOM study, the HIV prevalence rate among farm workers in the country is about 40%, the highest ever recorded in Southern Africa. A study conducted in Limpopo and Mpumalanga farms revealed that the prevalence of the twenty-three farms was 39, 5% which is twice the UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS) national prevalence percentage of 18, 1% in South Africa. The researchers of this study could not pin-point a single factor causing this high rate of HIV infection on these farms. A multitude of factors, such as multiple and concurrent partnerships, transactional sex, irregular condom use, presence of sexually transmitted infections and sexual violence. The research also showed that almost half of the women working on farms around these provinces are HIV positive, compared to only a third of the male workforce.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore and describe the role of culture and gender in the spread of HIV and AIDS among farm workers in South Africa; with the view of developing culture and gender sensitive HIV and AIDS prevention strategies. descriptive and explorative qualitative approach was adopted. In depth individual semi-structured interviews were used to explore and describe the role of culture and gender in the spread of HIV and AIDS among farm workers. Purposive and convenient sampling methods were used to select participants who met the inclusion criteria in the Tshitwani and Barota farming community in the Vhembe District, Limpopo Province, South Africa.
Religious and cultural beliefs were believed to be fuelling the spread of HIV among farm workers. Multiple sexual partners and inconsistent condom usage was common among participants. It was evident that stigma and social isolation leading to non- disclosure had adverse repercussions as some participants stated that they would spread HIV intentionally. Powerlessness and lack of decision-making by female farm workers was common as they were dependent on their male partners to make decisions regarding sexual matters in their relationship.
Conclusion: More HIV prevention programmes tailored to dispel fears about stigma and correct myths about HIV-transmission should reach ordinary men and women in order to curb the spread of HIV among farm workers. The researcher believes that the strategies that emanate from this study would be applied in other settings other than the farming community. / Health Studies / D. Litt. et Phil. (Health Studies)
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The effects of migrant labour on the family systemMazibuko, Ronald Patrick 11 1900 (has links)
The migrant labour practice in South Africa played an important role in the country's development and economy. Although it has benefited many native migrant workers by creating job opportunities, it has had adverse effects on the families of migrant workers. The focus of this study is the phenomenon of migrant labouring and its effects on the family. A literature study has shown that migrant labourers, living in overcrowded city
hostels, were subjected to exploitation, malnutrition and crime. The empirical study brought to light the many problems experienced by the families back home: Wives were overburdened by dual roles and responsibilities, lack of support and money, children's development was impeded and academic motivations and performance were low.
The ultimate aim of this study was to design practical guidelines to help families cope with the effects of an absent father due to the migrant labour practice. / Psychology of Education / M. Ed.(Guidance and Counselling)
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Processos participativos na produção audiovisual: o caso do vídeo mulheres mangabeiras, de SergipeSilva, Ana Lúcia Assunção da 21 February 2014 (has links)
The research aims at investigate the production process of the video |Mulheres Mangabeiras| (mangaba pickers women) in order to verify whether and how there was use of participatory methods. This is a qualitative and descriptive research, based on methodological procedures such as literature review and data collection through open interviews. Data analysis layed upon extracts from women speeches, which contains indicators about their involvement in ex tractive production, as well as their perceptions about public visibility and empowerment offered by the video production. The results show that mangabeiras were protagonists in a kind of participatory communication, pointing to the potential of participatory processes in audiovisual production as a reaffirmation of individual and collective identities, which also brings out critical mind, dialogue promotion and a conflict management tool. / A pesquisa tem como objeto a investigação do processo produção do vídeo "Mulheres Mangabeiras", visando verificar se e como houve emprego de métodos participativos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza descritiva, tendo como procedimentos metodológicos a revisão bibliográfica e a pesquisa de campo através de entrevistas abertas. A análise dos dados, realizada a partir de extratos de indicadores nas falas, buscou verificar o tipo de participação dessas extrativistas na produção, bem como suas percepções acerca da visibilidade pública e das ações de empoderamento proporcionadas pelo vídeo. Os resultados demonstram que as mangabeiras foram protagonistas de um tipo de comunicação participativa, apontando para as potencialidades dos processos participativos na produção audiovisual enquanto ferramenta de reafirmação de identidades individuais e coletivas, reflexão crítica, promoção de diálogo e administração de conflitos.
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Processos participativos na produção audiovisual: o caso do vídeo mulheres mangabeiras, de SergipeSilva, Ana Lúcia Assunção da 21 February 2014 (has links)
The research aims at investigate the production process of the video |Mulheres Mangabeiras| (mangaba pickers women) in order to verify whether and how there was use of participatory methods. This is a qualitative and descriptive research, based on methodological procedures such as literature review and data collection through open interviews. Data analysis layed upon extracts from women speeches, which contains indicators about their involvement in ex tractive production, as well as their perceptions about public visibility and empowerment offered by the video production. The results show that mangabeiras were protagonists in a kind of participatory communication, pointing to the potential of participatory processes in audiovisual production as a reaffirmation of individual and collective identities, which also brings out critical mind, dialogue promotion and a conflict management tool. / A pesquisa tem como objeto a investigação do processo produção do vídeo "Mulheres Mangabeiras", visando verificar se e como houve emprego de métodos participativos. Trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza descritiva, tendo como procedimentos metodológicos a revisão bibliográfica e a pesquisa de campo através de entrevistas abertas. A análise dos dados, realizada a partir de extratos de indicadores nas falas, buscou verificar o tipo de participação dessas extrativistas na produção, bem como suas percepções acerca da visibilidade pública e das ações de empoderamento proporcionadas pelo vídeo. Os resultados demonstram que as mangabeiras foram protagonistas de um tipo de comunicação participativa, apontando para as potencialidades dos processos participativos na produção audiovisual enquanto ferramenta de reafirmação de identidades individuais e coletivas, reflexão crítica, promoção de diálogo e administração de conflitos.
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No eito da cana, a quadra é fechada = estratégias de dominação e resistência entre patrões e cortador de cana em Cosmópolis/SP / At the sugar cane field, the court is closed : domination and resistence strategies among sugarcane cutters and bosses in Cosmópolis/SPGuanais, Juliana Biondi 1985- 17 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Fernando Antonio Lourenço / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Intituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-17T04:07:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Guanais_JulianaBiondi1985-_M.pdf: 1924997 bytes, checksum: 1e82d201be630117858ee74e6bd332fe (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2010 / Resumo: Partindo de um estudo de caso, focalizado na Usina Açucareira Ester S.A. (localizada em Cosmópolis, interior de São Paulo), a presente pesquisa tem como objetivo central a análise do Quadra fechada, um sistema alternativo de aferição da quantidade de cana cortada, que foi implantado somente na referida usina, em 1998, após um processo de negociação entre a mesma e o Sindicato dos Empregados Rurais de Cosmópolis. Assim, ao longo da dissertação, são abordadas temáticas relacionadas ao Quadra fechada, tais como: a histórica reivindicação dos trabalhadores assalariados rurais para controlarem sua produção, demanda essa de extrema importância e que está intimamente associada ao pagamento por produção, forma de remuneração que atrela o salário dos trabalhadores rurais à quantidade de cana cortada por eles. A pesquisa teve como base a perspectiva relacional, e buscou analisar as estratégias dos diferentes agentes sociais envolvidos com o Quadra fechada, quais sejam: os representantes da Usina Ester, seus cortadores de cana, e os dirigentes do Sindicato dos Empregados Rurais de Cosmópolis. Juntamente com as entrevistas realizadas, buscou-se observar as práticas e as condutas dos agentes sociais, observações essas que serviram como aporte para todo o trabalho de contextualização dos relatos colhidos / Abstract: Based on a fieldwork case developed at the Ester S.A. sugar cane mills (at Cosmópolis, countryside of São Paulo State, Brazil) the research presented here has as a central goal the analyses of Quadra Fechada (closed court), that is an alternative system to measure the total quantity of cane cut. This measurement system is working solely at Ester S.A. and is the result of a negotiation between the industry and the Rural Workers Union of Cosmópolis in 1998. Therefore, will be part of this thesis subject some kind of discussion and debates related to Quadra Fechada as for example: The historical cane cutters claim for controlling their production, that is an extremely important demand because deals directly with the system that associates the payment amount with production quantity; and also the debate of the system itself that directly relate payment amount with the quantity of cane cut. Besides that the research was built at a relational perspective made clear by the analyses of the different social agents involved with Quadra Fechada strategies as: Ester Mills representatives, its sugar cane cutters, and the Rural Workers Union leaders. The main interest was to observe the practices and conducts/manners of the social agents at the fieldwork. Those observations were of tremendous importance as they served as contribuition to the hole contextualization of the reports collected as interviews or orally / Mestrado / Sociologia Rural / Mestre em Sociologia
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Dos ciclos e das crises do capital às formas de travestimento da barbárie no trabalho canavieiroShimada, Shiziele de Oliveira 01 April 2014 (has links)
This doctorate thesis aims to analyze the spatial reconfigurations established in the capital territory under the domain of the sugarcane harvest business on the basis of the new work and production relationships in the agrarian market through the sugarcane harvesters in the Brazilian state of Sergipe. With the thesis is that society is not actually facing the loss of work centrality, but the intensification of the extraction of the highest capital value based on the logic of structural unemployment which fails to comply with alterations on the official work legislation and workers. rights, allowing the worker to be subjected to degrading working conditions, analogous to slavery, with no work insurance. This work analysis is based on the historic materialistic method which allows a procedural reading of the internality and externality movements dynamic in the multifaceted connection network among the State, capital and work in local-, national-, world-scale interconnections, changing the content of the capital and work relationships to the oppression and over exploration in the extraction of work time not paid to the sugarcane cutting workers. This reality is faced by sugarcane cutting workers who live in precarious life and work conditions, being susceptible to capital, guarantying the agrarian business to keep its high value extraction rates. The forms of disguising were detached from the migration of workers for the realization of the sugarcane activity in other counties and / or other states, they need to stay in the accommodation companies in the harvest period. Conditions of ethnicity, gender and age present in the cane sugar activity, with marks of a work in which the principal is in ensuring the productivity and profitability of companies. The capital expansion (subjected to the Law of Value), always seeking higher profits, creates, as a result of its contradictory nature, a tendency to a decrease in profit, therefore it tends to a crisis. It.s understood that the liberal policies enable higher profit rates, but on the other hand it has caused a structural crisis. Nowadays, society has been experiencing a structural crisis of universal proportions and consequently the structural unemployment. / O objetivo desta tese de doutorado é analisar as reconfigurações espaciais estabelecidas nos territórios do capital sob o jugo do modelo do agronegócio da cana-de-açúcar a partir das novas relações de trabalho e da produção no espaço agrário sergipano através dos trabalhadores canavieiros. Com a tese que se vivencia não a perda da centralidade do trabalho, mas a intensificação da extração de mais-valor pelo capital a partir da lógica do desemprego estrutural que favorece o não cumprimento e a alteração oficial da legislação e dos direitos trabalhistas, permitindo cada vez mais que o trabalhador seja submetido a trabalho degradante, análogo à escravidão, sem nenhuma seguridade trabalhista. A análise está sustentada no método do materialismo histórico-dialético, que permite a leitura processual da dinâmica dos movimentos da internalidade e externalidade da rede de conexões da relação multifacetada entre Estado, capital e trabalho nas interconexões escalares local/nacional/mundial, alterando o conteúdo das relações capital e trabalho para a opressão e superexploração na extração do tempo de trabalho não pago dos cortadores de cana-de-açúcar. Esta realidade está presente nos trabalhadores do corte da cana que vivem em condições precárias de vida e de trabalho, tornando-se móvel para o capital garantindo ao agronegócio altíssimas taxas de extração de mais valor. As formas de travestimento foram destacadas a partir dos movimentos migratórios dos trabalhadores para a realização da atividade canavieira em outros municípios e/ou outros estados, que necessitam ficar nos alojamentos das empresas no período da safra. Das condições de etnia, de gênero e de idade presentes na atividade da cana-de-açúcar, sendo marcas de um trabalho em que o principal está na garantia da produtividade e lucratividade das empresas. A expansão do capital (submetida à lei do valor), sempre em busca de lucros crescentes, gera, por sua natureza contraditória, uma tendência à queda da taxa de lucro, logo uma tendência à crise. As políticas liberalizantes possibilitaram elevadas taxas de lucratividade, mas, contraditoriamente, provocaram uma crise estrutural. Atualmente vivencia-se uma crise estrutural de caráter universal e, consequentemente, o desemprego estrutural.
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Migrant women labourers and “leaving children behind” : community women’s perceptionsNdala, Ephie Lebohang 16 July 2020 (has links)
Migration has always been part of South African history, both in the collective and as individuals. Under apartheid, children were separated from their fathers and sometimes mothers for long periods of time, and as a coping strategy, foster care was introduced. This trend is still noticeable as we continue to find both men and women moving from rural households in pursuit of employment. In countries where gender roles are still very inflexible and the mother’s main role is perceived as that of raising children and the father’s as providing for the family, migration of mothers is perceived as a much larger disruption in a child’s life than is the father’s absence. Drawing from critical feminist theory, which pays particular attention to issues of discrimination and oppression against women, my study aimed at exploring the perceptions Madelakufa community women have about migrant women labourers who leave their children. A qualitative approach was employed, and data were collected through conducting three focus groups. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology: Research Consultation)
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